Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Eternal self 2

NOW is a time in which many are awakening to who they truly are—an Eternal Child-god! As we do so, we are having many mind-boggling experiences revealing LIFE as it truly unfolds.

NOW is a time in which we need to withhold judgment and watch as life unfolds. Synchronicities are leading us into discoveries about which we have not dreamed. One of my life mottos has been “With God all things are possible.” However, the more I awaken to my Eternal Self and watch as others do the same, I realize that my motto has been an affirmation of far greater truths than I could possibly have accepted as a young adult.

We have no inkling of the magnitude of life until we begin awakening to the ever-expanding story of our individual lives. Living on the 3rd Dimension has been like walking through life wearing a blindfold!

Walking blindly has largely been the result of not recognizing the truth of our Eternal Self. We have suffered needlessly because we have maintained a view of life that lasts for only a few days, months, or years.

I include below a few excerpts from a chapter entitled “Have I Lived Before?” in my 1st book, A New Age Christian: My Spiritual Journey.


“The belief in reincarnation is like removing the lid from a pot of boiling water—it lets the steam out. No longer is the steam screaming to be released from the small confines of one lifetime. Knowing that we have lived before and will live again releases a tremendous amount of bottled up emotional energy.

The belief in only one physical life does more to distort our perceptions concerning life, God, and each other than any other concept. Failure in a career means failure for life: “There will be no other opportunity.” Failure to meet a suitable mate cuts deeply into the self-esteem of the individual: “No one has loved me enough to marry me.” The loss of a mate through divorce or death can be devastating: “I’ll never be happy again.” The brilliant young person killed in an automobile accident: “His only chance at life is cut short.” The person born with a debilitating physical condition has no other alternative than to believe, “God made me like this.” Homosexual and transvestite persons are faced with the same conclusion. Consider what this says about God to the afflicted one. God is a God who loves some people and hates others. Think about what this says to the individual about herself. “God has to hate me; otherwise, why would God create me this way?”

These tragic conclusions are the result of believing in only one physical lifetime. We are forced to blame God. No other choice exists. We may try to come up with options, but buried in the depths of our being is an ugly demon who continually whispers, “God hates you; God created you different, requiring you to suffer.” God as Creator is the bottom line for the majority of humanity. Thus, God is to blame.”


We see this tendency to blame God in the biblical book of Job. Reading Job from the inner layer of hidden wisdom, we have the opportunity to walk with one individual through his dark night of the Soul and behold him as he emerges and can give thanks for his life experiences as he speaks to God: “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now, my eye (3rd eye) sees thee.”

God responds to Job by telling him: Behold, Job, you now are set free from your afflictions. So your God will also remove your bitterness.”

Job is now a 5th degree Initiate. He looks back at his old way of life and recognizes the error thinking that predominated. As a result of his erroneous thought patterns and ignorance of Truth, Job was brought to his knees in anguish. God did not inflict the pain. Instead, Job’s suffering was the external manifestation of his own inner dis-ease.

Once we awaken to Truth, we look back and bemoan our mistakes and ignorance. Job is no exception. “Then Job answered the Lord, and said, ‘I know that thou canst do all these things, and that no purpose can be hid from thee. Who am I to think that I can give counsel without knowledge? Therefore thou hast declared to me that I have uttered that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me which I did not know.” 301 Does this mean that we are to sit back and wait for enlightenment before we speak the portion of Truth we know? No. As Job states: “No purpose can be hid from thee.” As long as our motives in doing so are pure, God perceives as beneficial any effort we make to share the Good News of our true identities as child- gods. Job realizes that his motives had not always been pure. Instead, he had responded in ways that befitted his highly respected status within the community.

“Hear me, I pray thee, and I will speak; I will ask thee, and declare thou to me; I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees thee.” 302 Heretofore, Job had been like the majority of us: he had simply allowed the religious leaders to speak of God and followed their instructions. He had not sought Truth on his own; he was asleep spiritually. Job felt no compulsion to seek a deeper personal relationship with God. God was simply a Being about whom Job could debate intellectually with his friends and the elders in the city gate.

Then, Job’s two dark nights of the soul 303 compelled him into a search for life’s true meaning. The biblical narrative appears to say that a few weeks of meditation will lead to cosmic consciousness. The forty-two (42) chapters of the Book of Job signify a journey that can cover the span of numerous lifetimes. Job did not take an intentional spiritual journey through the initiatory process. Instead, it required severe suffering and shock in order to awaken Job enough to compel him to ask questions about life and to seek his own Truth.

Once we awaken enough to take an intentional initiatory journey, we do tend to move along at a more rapid pace. But this takes concentrated effort. The normal human growth process consists of one step forward and two steps backward, until our auric field is purified and we reach the stage of cosmic consciousness. Then, we behold God, face to face. Job has achieved the capacity to see God with his eye, meaning through his 3rd eye chakra. Job can now know God because his conscious awareness has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and he beholds his magnificent I AM PRESENCE. Within this glorious Light, Job proclaims: “now my eye sees thee. Therefore, I will keep silent, and repent in dust and ashes.” 304 Immersed in the Light of his I AM PRESENCE, Job is silenced. No longer is he uttering one sentence after another of intellectual jargon. Instead, he repents of his former mistaken life patterns.

“And it came to pass, after the Lord had spoken these words to Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, ‘My wrath is kindled against you, and against your two friends; for you have not spoken in my presence that which is right, as my servant Job has. Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bullocks and seven rams, and go to my servant Job and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you; for him will I accept, lest I deal contemptuously with you, for you have not spoken in my presence the thing which is right, as my servant Job has done.” 305

At this point in the story, it is essential to remember that Job’s friends symbolize parts of himself: Eliphaz, his material consciousness; Bildad, his intellectual thought; and Zophar, his darkened, limited thought that flits from one idea to another and therefore, fails to achieve any depth of understanding. As long as we remain stuck in these physical plane patterns of thought, we cannot know Truth. Note that Elihu, who enters the story in chapter 32, is not included in God’s displeasure. Elihu, signifying the Holy Spirit, led Job to the threshold of Truth. But Elihu had to wait on the sidelines until the parts of Job that could perceive only the material and intellectual worlds had exhausted their attempts to explain Job’s suffering.

It is the same with us. As long as we insist upon believing only what we see written in the surface words of a sacred text, only what we can prove in the laboratories of science, and only what we can see, touch, taste, feel, or smell, we cannot find Truth. The Lord would say of us, along with Job’s friends, “You have not spoken in my presence that which is right.”

“So Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite went, and did according as the Lord had told them; and the Lord favored Job. And the Lord restored to Job all that he had lost, when he prayed for his friends; also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.” 306 Job’s achievement of cosmic consciousness included the overcoming of his lower nature, as represented by his three friends. Job did not simply distance himself from his lower nature; he transmuted and transformed it. The initiatory process requires wholistic growth. We cannot ignore our shadow side and expect to move permanently into a higher level of consciousness. We, like Zophar, may catch glimpses of a higher Truth; but these can be only fleeting moments of enlightened vision until we have successfully transmuted and transformed our lower natures. As Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar “did according as the Lord had told them . the Lord favored Job.”

Why does the narrative not affirm that the Lord favored Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar? Because they are the parts of Job that have been transmuted, transformed, and integrated into the higher consciousness he now possesses. The bridge to the past has been burned in the transmuting flame. Job stands, in his newly achieved wholeness of being, in the presence of his Christed Self and I AM PRESENCE. Job is re-united with his eternal Self. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar were temporary parts of Job; they no longer play a role in his life. God favors the eternal Job, the 5th degree Initiate.

“Then came there to him all his brothers and all his sisters and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house; for they had been in distress over him, and they comforted him for all the hardships that the Lord had brought upon him; and every man also gave him a ewe, and every one an earring of gold.” 307 This passage can be interpreted on at least two levels.

First, while we go through our dark nights of the soul, many of our physical plane friends and family cannot understand what is happening. After all, our Soul is striving to achieve a level of consciousness that takes its departure from that of the tribe, or society as a whole. We are bucking the system, which is unsettling to many. We cannot change without impacting those close to us. This can be frightening to those who are still keyed into the Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar parts of themselves. Many tend to pull away because the changes within us bring up feelings of discomfort within them. Then, when we emerge from our dark nights of the soul, still intact, our family and friends are relieved. They may gather around us. They may be more supportive of our efforts. Certainly, they have continued to love and care about us, even when they had no way to demonstrate that love.

The second interpretation takes us to the soul-centered level of consciousness. Once Job, as the 5th degree Initiate, emerges from the “darkness-that-is-God-approaching,”308 his soul family and friends gather around him. The 5th degree Initiate’s consciousness is no longer limited to the physical plane. Thus, the soul family and friends gathering around Job can be living on the physical plane or on a higher plane of existence. A major clue is found in the statement “did eat bread with him.”

Bread is highly symbolic. In the ancient Middle East, enemies do not share bread. To be invited to share a loaf of bread is indicative of trust and loyalty. One does not share bread, then knowingly betray the host.309 Bread is used throughout the Bible to indicate a highly significant event. Melchizedek, King of Salem, celebrated a military victory with Abram by offering him bread and wine.310 God fed the Israelites manna (or bread-like substance) from heaven during their time in the wilderness.311 Bread was associated with religious celebrations, such as the Feast of Unleavened Bread.312 The “Bread of the Presence” sat in the Ark of the Tabernacle313 and continues to sit in the synagogues of today, just as the Bread that has become Jesus sits in the Roman Catholic churches. Jesus continued this use of bread in a highly symbolic manner. One of his most memorable so-called miracles was the feeding of five thousand men (not counting women and children) with bread and fish.314 The Father, who spoke through Jesus, taught: I AM the bread of life; he who comes to me shall never hunger; and he who believes in me shall never thirst.” 315 Jesus closed his earthly ministry by sharing with the twelve disciples a symbolic meal of bread and wine.316 Throughout the Bible, bread proclaims the story of God’s relationship to humanity. Job’s brothers, sisters, and acquaintances share bread with him to indicate the merging of his physical plane life with that of Spirit-they are now One.

Job is comforted. When we achieve cosmic consciousness, the trials and sufferings of physical plane become as nothing. In the words of the Apostle Paul: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known.” 317

When we realize the true significance behind the situations and lessons in our daily lives, about as much reaction as we can muster is, “Oh!” What appeared traumatic when we “thought like a child” evaporates when “we see face to face.”

Excerpts from my 2nd book, Where Are You, God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book of Job.

Reading this book, which is free at the above URL, reveals to us many of the experiences we all have as we embark on the spiritual Path to Ascension into the Christed Consciousness. We behold reunions with our Soul Family members regardless of where they reside: in the world of spirit, on space ships, within other planets, or anywhere within the multiverse!

These reunions are taking place at this very moment!














Nancy, with Twin Flame, Uriel

right choice

 As I skimmed the article by Veterans Today’s Dr. Preston James, an encounter I had with a young male policeman in 2011 popped into my mind. I tell the story near the end of this article, “A Twin Flame Story” – However, I did not report the entire conversation I had with the policeman.

This young policeman had me pull over because it appeared I had not gotten my 2011 car registration sticker. The Dept. of Motor Vehicles sent out bills for the 2011 registration in September 2010.  I paid the bill and forgot about it.

When the policeman told me I had not registered my car for 2011, I was shocked. Without thinking—and because I knew no better—I opened the car door and got out to check for myself. Turns out my automatic response could have been mis-interpreted by the policeman as a potential attack on him.

I knew from working with the NESARA TAKE ACTION groups that American police had been trained to react in a manner more like military offensive behavior and that the elderly were not exempted from this action. Had the policeman responded as he had been trained, I could have been thrown to the ground for getting out of my car without being commanded to do so. Instead, he simply stepped backward.

He threatened me with a ticket that would require me to go to court and settle. He listened to my explanation—that I had paid the bill, but obviously had not received the registration sticker. However, before allowing me to drive straight to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles and get a sticker, he told me: “You are lucky I am the one who stopped you because most policemen would be much tougher on you than I am being. I will be checking on you via my computer to be sure you get that sticker immediately.” As it turned out, I learned at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles that he could have simply go to his car computer and ascertained by explanation.

The rest of the story is in my article. I report the above in order to say that during this present transitional period (and it has lasted for years), knowledge is actually a means of protection and a means of Amercan citizens supporting only those political leaders who are working for the people. We frequently receive e-mails requesting we sign a petition. A late 2014 example is a petition to refund Homeland Security. Without knowledge of the real nefarious purpose in establishing Homeland Security, American citizens very likely signed the petition thinking Homeland Security was established to protect America and its citizens.

We may make innocent mistakes because we lack knowledge, but those mistakes can serve to render life more difficult for Americans. It is for this reason that I post Dr. James’ article and encourage you to skim it and glean the knowledge we all need in order to make decisions that will truly benefit all Americans.

 It does more harm than good to respond with “I don’t get involved with politics; it is too corrupt.” To do so depletes the number of American citizens who would act for the good of the whole and accomplishes the exact scenario desired by those who are seeking to enslave us via our lack of knowledge.

It’s now 2015 and the difficult battle between the Light & the Dark is almost over. However, those of us who desire to see the Golden Age of World Peace, Love, and Abundance for All emerge must be aware of what is truly happening or we stand to unknowingly support those who serve only themselves.

As major changes become public, Americans need the knowledge of how our world got in the sad shape it is in … or, we may end up fighting against the very changes that will grant us true freedom.

An excellent example of this misguided support relates to Israel. Millions of Christians and Jews have been taught that the Bible is the absolute Word of God and not one word is to be changed. Because the majority have no knowledge of biblical history, many accept this teaching of biblical inerrancy. It is for this reason that many Americans hold firm to the biblical teaching that Israel is the Promised Land and the Jews are the Chosen People. To believe in this way sets up a scenario in which learning the truth as revealed in Dr. James’ article can create dismay for many—their belief system is directly threatened and many may feel that to support actions that are not in accordance with the belief that Israel is the Promised Land is to go against the teaching of the inerrant Word of God—the Bible. Lack of knowledge for these sincere people places them in a situation where they may feel they are disobeying God, with all the fearful repercussions that may hold for them.

With this in mind, I encourage all to SKIM this complete series of articles in order to begin to gain insights as to the truth unfolding in our world. I encourage all of us to accept this truth as just that—the truth regarding how our planet came to be so filled with darkness.

Universal Laws will see that justice is served. Meanwhile we, as American citizens, can respond by enfolding our planet and all on it with the healing energies of LOVE. We can also respond to the truth being revealed by supporting those leaders who are working in ways that benefit ALL.

 Why are American Police murdering so many unarmed Civilians and getting away with it?

Preston James, Ph.D.