July 30, 2012





This show can be very helpful to teachers and parents because Earth’s educational systems will be changing to a galactic one as we ascend to the 5th dimension.  We are all from the Stars.  We’ve simply forgotten after many lifetimes on Earth.  The children incarnating on Earth since around 1980, in particular, are Star Children, with many retaining soul memories of having been educated in a galactic society.    As we listen to this show, we can better understand why our children have so often displayed what we term Attention Deficit Disorder.

Linda channels two educational specialists who are living and assisting in learning on the Mothership Neptune.  They stress the fact that they do not “teach” the child.  They “assist the child in learning.”  A fascinating show for anyone interested in education.




Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

       At the moment, our planet appears to hover on the edge of a steep cliff from which we are about to plunge into the dark, rocky unknown.  The cry for jobs is heartfelt … the threat of socialism, communism, fascism frightening.

What do these terms actually mean?  A job is something we regularly perform in exchange for wages and in accordance with someone else’s guidelines as to how we perform that job.  We may or may not enjoy our job, but hang onto it because our 3rd dimensional reality tells us “jobs are scarce.”  We view ourselves as dependent upon others to provide us a job.  Although we may yearn to follow another occupation, we most often grit our teeth and work on our job until we can retire.   We put in our time, as we often explain with a sense of resignation to life as it appears to be.

Socialism is a word Americans throw around a lot—a dirty, dirty word.  Socialism is defined by Merriam-Webster as collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.  The characteristics of the collective or government will determine the quality of socialism.  We participate in many collectives and governmental forms of socialism and think nothing of it because we call them co-ops, churches/synagogues/mosques, national parks, Social Security, Veterans’ benefits, Medicare, Medicaid.

Communism is a term that sends shivers down our spine.  Merriam-Webster defines communism as a system that advocates the elimination of private property and in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed.  We live with all types of communism and think nothing of it:  religious convents and monasteries, the Jewish kibbutz in Israel, communes, even the ancient Essene Community at Qumran, Israel in which Jesus was a very familiar figure.

Fascism reminds us of Hitler and we quake in fear.  Merriam-Webster defines fascism as exalting the state—and often race—above the individual, a centralized government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.  After 9/11, Americans lived with fascist-like attitudes.  Patriotism and no criticism of our leaders were dominant qualities.  Affirmation that: I am a patriot took precedence over objectively searching for the truth regarding 9/11.  The public’s vehement opposition to anyone presenting a story differing from our government’s official statement held silent those who dared search for explanations and a more positive means by which to deal with conflict.  Many declare themselves to be patriots in compliance with the mob psychology into which democracies are so prone to descend.  Many have targeted Muslims as the objects of hate and fear.  Americans have created for themselves many characteristics of fascism and continue to live by them.

Thus, in one form or another, Earth humans have personally experienced each of the above:  a job, socialism, communism, and fascism.

The eternal part of ourselves, the Soul, remembers a time when life was idyllic.  That’s why we strive to create better lives for ourselves.  Accepting jobs as the only option available and the formation of these ideologies have been attempts to reclaim that idyllic life.  All have missed the mark because they were created on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality, by individuals who—within themselves—were a mixture of varying degrees of good and evil.


       2011-2012 proclaims a new Way of Life.  Into this mixture of political ideologies experienced in countries around our planet, the converging of cycles of time into one huge leap forward for Earth humans requires us to leave behind all our preconceived ideas and to create a 5th dimensional, galactic society on Earth.  Our galactic family will join us … teach us the characteristics of a galactic society … share their technology … assist us in healing ourselves and the planet in preparation for ascension to the 5th dimension of consciousness.

New concepts will increasingly be introduced to an Earth society that has existed for thousands of years while utilizing only about 10% of our brain power.  We have believed ourselves to be the only intelligent beings in Creator God’s vast cosmos.  Competitionsurvival of the fittest … the haves and have-notsGod as a distant entity, separate from us and on whom we blame our personal and environmental suffering—all of these beliefs and folkways must be left behind.

To leave behind life as we have known it and be open to creating a new and better society demands a total revamping of all that is familiar to us.  The recent debt crisis in Washington, D.C. provided a vivid several weeks portrayal of the futility of continuing to do things the old way.  A peaceful, loving society cannot be built upon a foundation of winners and losers, haves and have nots.  Life on the 5th dimension is not an eternal football game in which we root for one team and celebrate the loss of another.  We must give up all that has caused us pain, deprivation, and loss of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We must awaken to the ways by which we have been manipulated, used, and shackled—awaken to our true state as sovereign beings.

Heretofore, the various modes of government and organizations have been given names:  democracy, republic, socialism, communism, fascism according to the particular characteristics assigned to them.  Within our minds, we encase each category behind impenetrable walls that will not allow leakage of qualities from one classification to another.  We think, “Leakage is bad.”  We forget that all these forms have been attempts to create a well-functioning society on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality that houses good and evil.

Jobs were created to assist the employer in accomplishing his goal.  Little thought is given to workers and the resulting ability for them to pursue happiness.  Jobs are a means of control, to render the workers dependent upon the whims of the employer.  In the majority of cases, personal creativity is stifled unless it directly improves the state of the employer.  The ever-present threat of losing my job keeps workers in line and numb to possibilities of self-fulfillment.  When workers do lose their jobs, they feel cast aside, helpless.  It can be devastating to self-esteem because we are judged by the jobs we hold.


       A 5th dimensional galactic society will be very different.  Negativity no longer exists.  Suffering of any kind ceases.  However, we must first create this society, using the new concepts being revealed to us.  These concepts will resemble many that we have heretofore categorized as socialism, communism, or fascism.  The difference will be that we are creating a 5th dimensional society in which they cannot be tainted by egos, manipulation, or power struggles.

The first of these concepts is, We are One.  We achieve this community of Oneness by moving beyond all discrimination, regardless of the reason, and recognizing the equal value of every individual.  At present, discrimination still plays a huge role in our planetary society.  It must cease.

The second concept is, We are every one a sovereign being.  All are granted—by our Creator God—the same inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  At present, this may translate into the basic rights of all to health care, to have meaningful input into the work setting, and to be recognized as the integral parts of society all are.

The third concept is, Every human being has a role to play in unfolding the Divine Plan for Earth.  No one else can play the divinely given role of another individual.  A 5th dimensional galactic society honors the Divine Plan by allowing every one to follow the vocation to which he/she feels led.  Individual Astrological Soul Maps mirror the Divine Plan and act as the determining factor in guiding each child into the vocation that best fulfills the talents and yearnings of the individual and the Divine Plan.  Jobs will no longer exist.

The fourth concept is, There is no lack.  Within each of us resides the power to manifest abundance.  At present, we experience lack because we believe in it as one of the illusions that characterizes the 3rd dimension.  We may begin the process of creating an abundant society for all by allowing the old financial system, on which the world economies are presently based, to collapse and instituting a new financial system that is fair to every human being.  Within a few years, money as we know it will become obsolete.  As we work with our galactic family in healing the earth, there will once more be an abundance of healthy foods and clean water.  There will be no more extremes of weather, no more need for fossil fuels.

The fifth concept is, There is no private property.  As we learn to manifest whatever we desire, there is no need for private property as we understand it today.  As sovereign beings, we will possess the capacity to manifest a beautiful home wherever we are for as long as we choose.  All is energy and can be returned to the creative ethers anytime.

The sixth concept is Cooperation, not competition, in accordance with the Divine Plan.  No more political parties to compete with each other; no more power struggles, no more selfish ego manipulations.  Our leaders are to be chosen solely on the basis of their willingness and capacity to lead by following the Divine Plan for Earth.  Spiritual maturity determines their readiness.  We are to evolve out of religions as we presently know them.  Because our leaders will be divinely qualified to lead according to God’s Plan for Earth, citizens can accept them as fulfilling their role in the Divine Design and freely cooperate with them.

The seventh concept is Worldwide Peace.  Wars and their systemic causes will cease to exist.  There can be no violence—psychological or physical—on the 5th dimension.  Peacekeeping forces may be needed for a few years as we create our galactic society, but not permanently.

The eighth concept is, All is Love.  Love for all human beings is the foundation for government and its policies.  Children are reared in an atmosphere of love and appreciation for who they are as individuals.  To engage in the Arts—music, art, drama—will be an integral part of life.  Opportunities to learn will be endless and freely given.  Government and parenting are centered upon developing each human being to their fullest capacity.

The ninth concept is Service freely given to all.  Selfless service is recognized as a means to evolve spiritually and is freely given.  Service is also the way in which we participate in the unfolding of the Divine Plan.

The tenth concept is, Divine Spirit permeates all things.  Every facet of nature, every human being is known to be Divine Spirit in manifestation.  No longer will we treat the Earth or anything on it as not worthy of honor and appreciation.


       As you can see in the summary of characteristics of the 5th dimension, they contain facets of the prior, multiple efforts Earth humans have made to govern.  It is important to remember that all 3rd dimensional activities are created within a mixture of good and evil and therefore reap adverse effects, as well as some good.

Earth humans are also manipulated by the use of slogans, names, and tightly contained categories.  For example, “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” was the slogan many politicians used in the 2010 elections.  They got elected because Americans naively believed them.   It is incumbent upon all citizens to see through the political slogans and seek the truth about each politician’s intentions once in office.

The next months may be filled with confusion, chaos, and the need for discernment.  We can best deal with the multiple changes taking place by learning to think and discern truth for ourselves … by understanding that our present political environment was created by imperfect beings … and by being open to learn and adopt the new concepts characterizing the 5th dimension.

Together, creating cooperatively, Earth humans will manifest a new 5th dimensional galactic society on Earth!  Together, in love and peace, we will rejoice!


NOTE BY NANCY:  Little did we know in 2011 just how long it would take to achieve the critical level of mass awakening that would enable us to make the required evolutionary leap in our ascension process.  Finally, in Fall 2014, we are beginning to awaken in great numbers.  I am reposting this article as it seems even more relevant to today’s life within the very intense energies of Light and Love now flooding our planet.


Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

       Life is eternal for the Soul—no beginning, no ending.  Many Souls choose to explore the various dimensions of life, rather than remain in the heavenly realms.  Those of us presently residing on Earth made that choice.  During our explorations, we made mistakes that require correction—karma that necessitates transmuting into positive energy.  In order for us to achieve ascension into the higher dimensions, these mistakes must be resolved on Earth plane.

As a result, when preparing for another physical incarnation, we and our spiritual mentors construct a Road Map to guide our Soul along its chosen path.  This Road Map also involves contracting with additional Souls to play particular roles in the forthcoming incarnation.  These Soul contracts are created to ensure that we accomplish the goals upon which we are basing our future physical plane life.

The first step in creating this Road Map is determining our goals regarding the lessons we want to learn, how we desire to transmute old mistakes/karma, and our ultimate mission.  Every Road Map is created for success—if we allow that success to unfold within our lives.  We are not permitted to take on more challenges than we can successfully overcome—if we choose to do so.  However, once we incarnate and find the challenges we chose for ourselves too difficult, we are always free to wait until the next incarnation or the next.  Life is eternal and we are free to take as long as we choose incarnating on the plane of duality.

The second step is selecting our future parents based on:  their willingness to play that parental role and their capacity to provide the type of early childhood experiences our Soul requires in order to learn our lessons, transmute our karma, and prepare for our Soul’s mission.  Many of us choose difficult childhoods as one means of accomplishing our ultimate Soul goal.  We contract with those future parents to play the needed roles.  Most often the roles the parents agree to play are also connected to their own Road Maps and to the goals they plan to achieve.  Life is an intimately woven tapestry of many colors.

The third step is choosing and contracting with the meaningful others with whom we will share some stage of our incarnation.  These persons will play the role of grandparent,   sibling, spouse, teacher/mentor, close friend, professional partner, and our own children.  The selected persons are located at the most beneficial points on our Road Map.  For example:  the spouse with whom we have contracted will appear in our lives at the appropriate time for us to gain the most benefit from the reunion.  (Remember our Soul knew he/she was coming.)

Here, we must recognize that the most benefit does not necessarily feel good.  Instead, that spouse is appearing at the appropriate time in order to fulfill the contract we created before incarnation.  At the point of meeting in the physical, we have the opportunity to decide whether or not our Souls continue to need the previously contracted experiences … we may have already matured past requiring the circumstances involved … we always have the freewill choice to break the contract.

This freewill choice to break the contract is available regarding all facets of our Road Map to Ascension.  For example:  Our Soul may incarnate via the selected parents only to realize that the desired environment does not exist.  The Soul has approximately two years from birth onto the physical plane to determine whether to stay or to leave.  The decision to leave is the basis for many early childhood so-called deaths.  That Soul may choose the same parents at a later stage and find the environment ripe for Soul growth.

The important factor to remember is that our Soul chooses physical incarnation for specific Soul growth purposes.  We did not incarnate on a whim … we are not accidents … we are not robots that require the same treatment for all.  Instead, this incarnation is filled with Soul meaning … our Soul rejoices when we successfully overcome a challenge … our Soul celebrates when we meet and recognize a major destination point on our Road Map.  On the other hand, our Soul cares little about the amount of money we earn or how high on the social ladder we climb.  Success is achieving Soul growth.

Most Souls utilize, often subconsciously, the first 28-30 years of incarnation to resolve many of the challenges on their Road Map.  Then, around this 1st Saturn Return stage of life, our Road Map indicates a time to pause and reflect upon how we choose to live out the remainder of this incarnation.  This pause is usually highlighted on our Road Map by sudden changes, such as the desire to move, to change vocations, or the death of a loved one.  It can be a time of restlessness … a time of wanting to sweep the decks clean and start over.  For this reason, many who marry young divorce around the ages of 28 to 30 yrs.  Many decide the friends with whom they have heretofore associated are not compatible with the next stage on their Road Map.  It is a growth stage intended to result in significant change …a stage for personal evaluation in light of our Soul’s ultimate goal.

After the 1st Saturn Return years, many follow their Road Map in a much more conscious manner.  We recognize that we desire our lives to count as making a difference in the world … that we are to be the Pilot of our lives, rather than allowing our selves to be tossed to and fro by those around us and by the world of events.  We seek self-empowerment, self-love, self-fulfillment.


Our planet is now quickly changing … we as a planet of people have the unprecedented opportunity to ascend—while in our physical bodies—to a higher dimension of consciousness.  This opportunity comes as Planet Earth prepares to ascend—to shed its former title of Prison Planet and become an Ascended Planet.  We, who are incarnated on Planet Earth may move forward with our Mother Earth if we so choose.  We, who have been imprisoned within the illusion of the plane of duality, may now ascend into the full consciousness that exists on the 5th dimension.  Whereas now, we Earth humans use roughly 10% of our brain power, we may then ascend into usage of our full consciousness.

Evolving into full consciousness entails many new experiences.  The old, familiar world no longer works; it is collapsing and will be forgotten.  The challenges that have heretofore appeared to some as insurmountable will simply melt away.  In their place, a new Earth will emerge.  A new way of life will surprise us!

At the moment, we walk between two worlds.  Following our Road Map requires increased attentive focus on our intuitive insights.  If we listen to our Soul’s guidance, rather than to the ways of the collapsing world, we find walking our Road Map surprising, exciting, and constantly enlarging our conscious awareness.  We are becoming aware of other dimensions and how our Road Map interfaces with those higher planes of consciousness.  This newly emerging world requires some adjustment.

Whereas, heretofore, the majority of our relationships have involved varying degrees of karma, we are now meeting persons who belong to our Soul family.  These relationships feel pure, easy, and compatible.  Deep unconditional love characterizes Soul family.  The 5th dimension is not hung up on love = sex of one form or another, as we Earth humans are.  All is unconditional love on the 5th dimension.  As we meet our Soul family, we have to adjust to the love that is present regardless of the age or gender of that Soul family member.

Another adjustment required is learning to pay attention to synchronic symbols, persons, messages, gifts—however the message is relayed to us by Spirit.  Earth humans listen to what we can hear with our ears and see with our physical eyes.  We tend to ignore messages from our Soul … messages that are directing us according to our Road Map.  For example:  As a teenager, I knew intuitively that I was to attend college.  I heard with my physical ears when my father told me there was no money for college.  I saw with my physical eyes that the way to attend college was to be accepted and pay the tuition.  I heard my Soul instructing me to go to college.  Had I listened to the sounds and sights of the physical plane, I would not have attended college.  But, I chose to listen to the intuitive messages from my Soul.  I wrote the college of my choice and explained that I had no money, but wanted to attend college on faith.  I was accepted.  Now for the money.

My minister knew of my desire.  When a friend of his told him he wanted to send a student to college—all expenses paid—my minister gave him my name.  This dear man paid for my freshman year.  He not only paid my expenses, but would periodically send me extra money with a note that I might like to buy a gift for a friend.  His generosity illustrates well how Divine Order unfolds in our lives when we listen to our Soul, rather than to the world.  His sudden death also reminds us that our Road Map may not be dependent upon a single source to assist us in  achieving our Soul’s goals.  We must be flexible and not easily discouraged.

Another adjustment involves learning to stand alone, as an empowered individual.  Our 3rd dimensional world teaches us to think and act in accordance with tribal folkways, beliefs, and acceptable behavior:  this is the way I am suppose to believe; this is the way I am suppose to act.  Failure to follow tribal beliefs and laws can mean excommunication.  Tribal can mean any group with which we choose to associate.

When we begin to walk between two worlds, we can feel incongruent within the familiar 3rd dimensional world.  We begin to feel energies that the tribe does not feel or, at least, will not admit feeling.  We may be tagged as “losing it,” “touched,” or as “no longer credible professionally.”  The chains holding us within the status quo are heavy … many dare not attempt to step outside the tribal box.  Yet, the more the cosmic energies propel us toward ascension, the harder it is to pretend to be content in the tribal box.  As one friend recently phrased it:  We have been touched by Mother Father God Consciousness.  Ascension requires that we leave behind all that would hold us back.  Our Road Map was planned with this in mind.

Following our Road Map will alert us to the alternatives.  In 2011, it is probable that we have never dreamed of some of our alternatives because they do not presently exist in our visible world.  We tend to forget that our Soul, in conjunction with our spiritual mentors, planned for an entire incarnation.  This can mean that following our Road Map entails making one or more abrupt 90 degree turns … it can mean that we take action with one goal in mind and end up pursuing a very different one.

Life in 2011 is filled to overflowing with change.  We are evolving into an ascended being … we are creating a new Earth and moving forward within our Milky Way Galaxy.  The one facet of life on which we can absolutely depend is that our willingness to follow our individual Road Map to ascension will attract all that we need in order to do so.  Our task is to be alert … follow our intuitive guidance regardless of how incongruent it appears with physical plane reality … and to remember that we are evolving into the All Good.  Our Road Map does not mislead us … we simply must trust as we make our way around the curves.

Our Souls planned our individual Road Map to ensure our freewill opportunity to achieve ascension!  Godspeed to all!


The Interfacing of Dimensions As We Proceed Toward Ascension

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

       The majority of Earth humans approach the 2011-2012 ascension process with a concept of life and relationships that characterizes our daily lives on the 3rd dimension.  We orient our lives around societal laws and religions created by fallible human beings.  Although Earth humans have received teachings from Ascended Masters, we very quickly misconstrued them to a point of non-recognition. We most often understand life through the 3rd dimensional physical senses—we believe what we can see, touch, hear, smell, taste, or intellectually perceive.  This severely restricts our comprehension of life, life’s meaning, and our true selves.

The 3rd dimension is the plane of duality—the plane on which we learn life’s lessons by experiencing both good and evil, light and darkness.  It is the plane of illusions … a temporary plane on which we live through the karma of our own making.

Heretofore, Planet Earth’s 3rd dimension has served as our schoolhouse; it has granted us the opportunity to balance the negative karma we have incurred during our numerous lives of residing on this plane of duality.

While living on the 3rd dimension, we have forgotten who we truly are and that the only way to comprehend Truth is through the Higher or Intuitive Mind.  The Intuitive Mind is our gateway to the higher dimensions.


Through the years, many Earth residents have awakened to the 4th dimension—the emotional plane.  Metaphysicians call the 4th dimension the astral plane; the Catholic Church refers to this 4th dimension as purgatory.  At this point in Earth time, most souls depart the physical body and return to the astral plane level with which their degree of spiritual maturity finds resonance.

Astral plane levels range from the very negative hellish regions to the very beautiful.  The one characteristic that relates to all levels of the astral plane is that purification is the goal.  Souls reside on the astral plane until there is no negativity remaining in their auric field.  This means that Earth humans can contact and be contacted by souls living on the astral plane.  In fact, this soul contact is the means by which we have gained knowledge of the astral plane.

We have only to search the internet to find examples of Earth humans’ communication with souls on the astral plane through near death experiences, channeling, séances, and a variety of divination techniques.  Many of our loved ones and spirit guides reside on the upper levels of the astral plane, where negativity has been largely transmuted.  A part of the purification process while on the astral plane is service to others.

For example:  A group of former physical plane doctors may choose to serve from the astral plane by assisting members of a meditative healing group residing on the 3rd dimension.  This joint effort is an interfacing of the 3rd and 4th dimensions.  Communication is telepathic.  Healing techniques vary from psychic surgery – to – members holding the light while the astral plane doctors work on the patient’s etheric body – to energetic healing that often involves a physical plane modality in combination with the guidance of the doctors.

Another type of interfacing with the 4th dimension can involve assisting earthbound souls to move toward the light.  The TV show “Ghost Whisperer” illustrates this well.

A very comforting, but often ignored or ridiculed, means of interfacing with the 4th dimension is the capacity to telepathically communicate with our loved ones who have recently shed the physical body.  Especially while in grieving, we are vulnerable and open.  This openness can result in feeling the presence of our loved ones, receiving telepathic messages, and clairvoyant sightings.

Young children may have what our 3rd dimensional world calls an imaginary playmate.  In Truth, this is simply another example of dimensional interfacing—one child is in physical incarnation, the other remains on the astral plane, but within close proximity.  Deep love/friendship for each other would be the connecting force.  Soul contracts may also involve the reunion of these playmates at some point in the present incarnation.

For the most part, our 3rd dimensional society treats the above examples with a mixture of disbelief, laughter, bullying, and outright accusations of insanity.  Peer pressure holds us in line with a culture that functions on the basis of humanity not knowing its true identity, inner power, or innate skills.

As a result of our lack of knowledge, the interfacing of 3rd and 4th dimensions may involve negative, even frightening contact between souls that are lost in a maze of negativity and ignorance of their true identities.  The 3rd dimension entertainment media thrives on presenting this lower type contact with the 4th dimension.  For whatever reason, many persons enjoy being frightened via horror movies.  They seem to convince themselves that the stories are not real and cannot be real.  At the very least, having this negative, often extremely violent, energy penetrate our auric fields is of no benefit and can be harmful.  The only reason anyone would choose to deliberately allow this lower energy entrance into the auric field would be lack of knowledge that we are individual temples of God, far greater than we know.


Another facet of this interfacing with the 4th dimension is the attunement to spiritual guides residing on the upper levels of the astral plane.  Many who meditate to achieve this attunement tend to do so through the solar plexus chakra, located near the navel.  It is easy to make contact with the astral plane when meditating through the solar plexus.  Much good exists on the upper levels of the astral plane and many souls residing there desire to serve humanity.  Although this contact with service-to-others souls can be very helpful, it is not the ultimate toward which we need to aim.

The astral plane can also be a plane of illusions; various degrees of negativity are present.  Thus the degree of helpfulness found there will depend upon the spiritual maturity of each soul.  Earth humans need to demand that only those who work in the Light make contact with them.  Otherwise, many may be fooled into thinking a “spirit guide” is spiritually capable of serving in that capacity, when the reverse may be true.

Ego plays a huge role here.  Our ego thrives on receiving attention, respect, even honor for being one who is capable of attuning to other dimensions of reality.  The ego will trip us every time.  It sets us up for being used by lower entities who will lie to us and to the ones we may very sincerely desire to help.

Holistic growth—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—is required in order to raise our consciousness to the 5th dimension and above.  We cannot skip stages in spiritual growth.  We have to do the self-disciplined work … we have to purify … we have to stand up and walk as one who is healed by Spirit … we have to learn who we truly are.  Holistic growth allows us to communicate telepathically with the 5th dimension and to channel through the crown chakra into our heart’s sanctuary.  We then speak from the heart with love.


Interfacing 3rd with 4th dimension has become fairly commonplace within the last century.  Many have adjusted to the truth of life after death, reincarnation as a means to balance our negative karma, and the possibility of telepathic communication with those residing on the astral plane.

It is as the 5th dimension begins to interface with our present stance as spirit beings, preparing to ascend en masse with Mother Earth, that the unanswered questions appear.  2011 – 2012 and beyond present us with a growth process for which we have no precedent.

All of us residing on Earth, and planets throughout the cosmos, descended from the heart of Creator God into individualized form.  We all have experienced the realms of unspeakable love and beauty—that realm is our true home.  Throughout eons of time, some of us chose involution into slower vibrations.  We wanted to experiment … to experience life in a variety of settings and on numerous planets.  Many continued the involutionary process until we reached the density of the 3rd dimension.  It is important to keep in mind that our souls descended to this level by freewill choice.  We did not originate here.  However, we did create negative karma that must be balanced on either the 3rd or 4th dimensions in order to ascend to the higher realms.

Humanity is now engaged in the process of evolving upward … in climbing Jacob’s ladder to the higher dimensions from which we descended.  As we climb the ladder upward, we gradually become attuned to the 4th dimension, then the 5th dimension.  As we do so, we encounter the necessity to live within two worlds.

This living within two worlds (or two dimensions) is the part for which we have no precedence.  Heretofore, those souls who chose to involute into the 3rd dimension have lived on that plane until they left the physical body for the 4th dimension through a process we call death.  There was very little simultaneous conscious awareness of the two dimensions.  For those aware of both dimensions, it was not that hard to adjust to the differences because both contain the very loving and the very lost souls.

As we gain attunement to the 5th dimension while residing physically on the 3rd, the differences are staggering and the adjustment much more challenging.  No negativity can exist on the 5th dimension, while negativity is rampant on the 3rd.  What we consider love on the 3rd dimension is tainted with distortions:  selfish love, possessive love, needy love, sexual love, co-dependent love … on and on.  What we call unconditional love on the 3rd dimension is better defined as acceptance of the loved one and his/her foibles, with no attempt to change.

On the 5th dimension and above, love is unconditional.  5th dimension re-introduces us to life characterized by pure love.  Who we are as unique expressions of God energy is totally accepted, appreciated, and encouraged.  Competition is non-existent; there are no losers.

A recent meditative vision opened my awareness to life on the 5th dimension with a depth that I am still attempting to fathom.  As you can read in my article entitled “A Twin Flame Story,” my Twin Flame and I have worked together during my present incarnation for the past fifteen years.  As I explain in the article, he chose to incarnate on Earth very few times, while I have done so numerous times.  Our home base for this stage of our evolution is the planet Venus, a 5th dimensional planet.   I was somewhat consciously familiar with life on Venus just by being associated with my Twin Flame.  Nevertheless, this meditative vision left me without words to adequately describe it.

In this vision, I was standing on a hill amidst indescribably beautiful iridescent colors that seem to float in the air.  I looked down to see a little girl … I was holding her hand.  We both saw a male figure appear at the bottom of the hill and recognized him.  Hand in hand, we gleefully ran down the hill and into the arms of Uriel (my Twin Flame, not the Archangel Uriel).  In that moment I knew that we were a family unit.  The love energy enfolding us was that of ecstasy with no prickly buts about it.  There was absolutely no fear of this love ever fading or disappearing.  This love was eternal and we knew it.  Uriel and I gazed upon our little girl and rejoiced.  Father, mother, and child … a cosmic triangle.

A cosmic triangle … all three sides of a triangle are equal.  On the 5th dimension, children are honored and given every opportunity to unfold into a lovely, unique flower without scars.

One way in which we are presently witnessing the interfacing of 3rd dimension with 5th dimension is through the extraordinary children coming to us.  We call them star children, indigo children, crystal children … they are coming to assist Earth humans to ascend to the 5th dimension.  They arrive with the knowledge of how to live in two worlds.  For us, the task can be more challenging.

Once we have tasted the pure, unconditional love of the 5th dimension, life on the 3rd dimension appears colorless.  Nothing here can compare.  Still, we must carry on with our 3rd dimensional responsibilities.

While residing on 3rd dimension, the majority of our relationships are determined by karma and the soul’s contract.  We are playing roles for each other that enable us to balance karma and to provide a learning environment.  For this reason, most relationships are challenging in one way or another.  Attuned only to the 3rd dimension, we accept these challenges as facts of life and hopefully learn to work positively with them.

In 2011, it is especially important to heal all types of relationships to the best of our ability.  We cannot move forward carrying residual karma with us.  Of course, we cannot force others to seek healing.  We must do our part and release the situation.  In this way, we cleanse our own energy field.  As we do so, we will attract members of our soul family with whom we can joyfully move forward to the 5th dimension.

As soul families attract each other, a major question arises regarding the meeting of our Twin Flame while we are married.  I speak to this briefly in my article “A Twin Flame Story.”  Since writing that article, a married friend met her Twin Flame in a dream.  He resides on the 5th dimension.  She reports the experience of such intense unconditional love and total acceptance of who she is has transformed her 3rd dimensional marriage.  Now she lives within the energy of her Twin Flame’s total, loving acceptance.  She has released the energetic chains she had wrapped around her husband and he is free.  He is a different person—much happier and more thoughtful of her.  She, too, is happier.  Their marriage continues.

Twin Flames are two parts of the same soul.  Even though we may spend few physical incarnations together, there is a subconscious yearning for our other half.  This subconscious yearning is often converted into energetic chains which we tie around our partner.  We expect our partner to fulfill a yearning that can only be filled by our Twin Flame.  The result is a love with all types of strings attached.

How will we cope with the interfacing of 5th dimension with our 3rd dimensional lives and relationships?  I know intuitively that I was given the vision of Uriel, our child, and me so that I would raise this question in my writings.  This child is the soul of a close friend of mine.  So now I not only know the joy of working with my Twin Flame, but also having a friend with whom I have shared a 5th dimensional family unit.  This is the type of friends we will increasingly meet as we move into 2012 and ascension to the 5th dimension.

We are moving beyond karmic relationships.  If you are married or in a committed partnership, both you and your partner have a Twin Flame.  As we meet our soul family, it is important to remember that the goal is not to create additional karma by the manner in which we handle the interfacing of karmic 3rd dimensional relationships with our 5th dimensional ones.  All persons possess a soul family.  It will be up to each of us to lovingly move forward into reunion with our Twin Flame and soul family.

The reward is an indescribable love that stimulates us to be all that we can be.  As one Twin Flame grows in spiritual maturity, the other Twin Flame is positively impacted.  I cannot imagine willfully choosing any action that would adversely affect my Twin Flame.

Reunion with Twin Flames is a part of the ascension process.  At this point, the majority of Twin Flames reside on different dimensions and planets.  The full consciousness that will be ours in the very near future will bring Twin Flames and soul families together in ways that are loving and create pain for no one.  Full consciousness and the 5th dimension are beyond pain.

Our future is very bright as we climb Jacob’s ladder from 3rd … to 4th … then 5th dimension!



Nancy B. Detweiler

The following information is not limited to citizens of the United States. All nations are to be transformed. I speak of the U.S., in particular, because I reside there. In Truth, Lightworkers are Citizens of Planet Earth. We work for the planet by serving at home and aboard. Citizens of nations, other than the U.S., can tailor the ideas presented here to the needs of their particular country.


Creating a 5th dimensional society will require that all Lightworkers be involved as citizens of a nation. Our task is to build a galactic type planetary society that resonates with the 5th dimensional plane of consciousness. We will accomplish this goal with the support and guidance of our galactic family. Participating in the transformation of all Earth nations is a major means by which we perform the loving service to others that qualifies us, as individuals, to achieve our own ascension.

Knowledge of the basic characteristics of a galactic society provides us guidelines for the renovation and lifting up of planet Earth. A few of the basic characteristics are listed below.

1. All persons are members of a loving community called a “podlet.” A podlet is made up of approximately 64 people usually built around a common life purpose.

2. Parents share the responsibility of raising children. “The goal of child rearing is to foster high self-esteem, personal sovereignty, and mutually shared love and joy in all individuals.”

3. Within the galactic community, Spirit is held in awe. Early childhood education recognizes the presence of Spirit within every child.

4. The individual is nurtured and empowered by society; thereby enhancing the overall social order.

5. “Government is perceived as the fulfillment of divine service. Since every member of the society is sovereign, government’s purpose is simply to mirror the divine will of the Spiritual Hierarchy and to assist each clan [containing many podlets] in successfully completing its most sacred goals.”

6. “The highest form of the observance of God’s Will is divine service. Consequently, galactic society is focused on service, freely offered.”

7. “Each lifetime is perceived to contain a divine purpose.”

8. “The sovereignty of the individual … transcends any perceived rights and refers instead to the individual’s liberty to grow in Spirit according to God’s wishes.”

“Galactic society is constantly reinventing itself.”

(The above information on the galactic society is taken from Sheldan Nidle’s book entitled Your First Contact.)

The Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters are presently with us. We may communicate with them telepathically at any time. Even if we feel we are not yet telepathic, we can ask for their guidance and assistance. They hear us and respond. We may experience their response as an idea that pops into our minds … a sudden urge to perform a specific action … a book falling off the shelf in front of us. There are myriad ways for them to answer our requests. Just be alert, open, and willing to follow through with the idea presented.

Earth humans have a lot of work to perform—in conjunction with the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters—in order to create a galactic culture on this planet. We chose to incarnate, during this transitional period, in order to assist in this momentous endeavor. We are the privileged ones! We are here to witness events that have never—in this solar system’s history—taken place on Earth. We are present because we were awarded this unheard of opportunity to move forward in our spiritual evolution. Let us give thanks … roll up our sleeves … and get busy!

We cannot create a galactic society by using 3rd dimensional techniques that are based on greed, competition, separation, or categories of various kinds created to pit us against each other rather than bring us together in cooperative efforts. We must lay down our prejudices, cease clinging to our old belief systems, and overcome our propensity to resist change. In other words, we must affirm: “I choose to walk on the pathway to ascension. I release all known obstacles to my successfully treading this path and henceforth intend to work within the energies of love for all persons.”

We cannot create a galactic society with our present level of education regarding every facet of our lives. Living on 3rd dimension means we have lived within illusion. Life is not what we think it is. Our planet is not what we think it is. The cosmos in which we live is not what we think it is. Human beings are not what most think they are. In order to create a galactic society, we must be willing to admit our lack of education, our lack of knowledge, and most of all, our lack of wisdom is how to create a culture that allows every individual to blossom into all that we are.

Thus, the prerequisite for creating a galactic society is that we lift our consciousness from 3rd to 5th dimension. As Einstein said, “No problem can be solved at the level at which it exists.” Instead, we must tap into our Higher Mind, intuitive powers, and creative capacity.

We must covenant with one another, the Galactic Federation of Light, and the Ascended Masters, to be willing, diligent students of the wisdom that has been hidden from Earth humans for eons of time. We must re-write many books; re-organize our governmental systems; crack open our frozen religious doctrines and enable them to be permeated with Universal Truth; re-create our educational systems to include a focus on the mind, body, and spirit of every child; and develop peaceful, loving ways to live together as a planetary family committed to fulfilling God’s divine plan on Earth.

America has a unique destiny that is vastly different from the country we know today. As the 3rd dimensional America crumbles, the divine plan for this nation is simultaneously unfolding.

WHERE ARE YOU, GOD? A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book of Job


A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book of Job

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


For thousands of years the biblical Book of Job has fascinated and puzzled scholars and laypersons. The Book itself offers no clues as to its original source and language, its age, or to its authorship. It could easily be said that the Book of Job has received more praise than any other book ever written. Its message is universal and timeless.

The Book of Job’s appearance within the lives of humanity is as mysterious as its probable author, Melchizedek.1 The unknown author of the New Testament book of Hebrews describes Melchizedek: “Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.”2 Equally mysterious are the layers of symbolism embedded in the Book of Job. Its depths reveal knowledge of the cosmos, esoteric astrology, gematria,3 and ancient mystery religions that is far beyond humanity’s capacity to comprehend at this point in our evolutionary process.

“Job is written in an extremely sophisticated learned Hebrew, with a higher proportion of words unique to itself than any other book of the Hebrew Bible.”4 The Kabbalah teaches that the Hebrew alphabet is alive with mystical meaning and numeric vibrations.5 Ancient Hebrew tradition reveals Melchizedek, King of Salem, taught the Kabbalist Sefer Yetzirah (or Book of Creation) to Abraham.6 If Job was indeed written in Hebrew, its mystical language only adds to the mystery and depths of this ancient classic. If Melchizedek was the author of the Book of Job, we can rest assured that much metaphysical knowledge is embedded therein. Earth humans have not scratched the surface of the hidden wisdom to be found in the Book of Job.


Our planet’s emergence into the New Aquarian Age will necessitate the recognition that there is far more to life than our five physical senses reveal. We must begin to view life as it truly is-multi-dimensional. Earth humans represent only one of many species of living, intelligent beings within the cosmos. All of creation is interconnected and influences all contained therein. Life on our planet Earth is a microcosm of the cosmic macrocosm, albeit a much less enlightened version.

As Earth humans awaken to the multi-dimensions in which we live, we find that we can communicate with those residing in various realms of existence. We begin to comprehend our interconnectedness and the vibrant life we all share in common. As we look into the night skies, we behold the stars and planets as the Light Beings that they are. They are among the heavenly hosts mentioned so frequently in the Bible. Know that Earth humans are surrounded by numerous species of beings who long to assist us in building an enlightened civilization upon our planet. Awaken to the fact that Earth humans are aware of only the most miniscule amount of knowledge concerning God’s creation.

The New Aquarian Age and the spiritual awakening that is occurring will require the re-creation of our planetary institutions, the re-writing of our books of knowledge, and the re-thinking of our concepts of life. In the distant past, golden civilizations have existed on our planet. With the Sun’s arrival in the constellation of Aquarius, the next 2,166 years are to be characterized by the re-building of a golden civilization on Planet Earth. The chaos we are presently witnessing is but the destruction that precedes the creation of something better.


The sacred texts of our world religions are far more than we suspect. Since I am familiar with the Bible, I will limit my references to it. For thousands of years, we have referred to the Bible as the inspired Word of God. However, our concept of the Bible has been limited by our own spiritual deadness. We study its surface and think we know the Word of God. We have yet to awaken to the tremendous depths within this sacred text. Layer after layer of symbolism is hidden beneath the surface words. The Bible is a living entity that holds, within its depths, knowledge far beyond our present capacity to comprehend.

I experience a slight hint of its immeasurable depths as I attempt to interpret the Book of Job. Job has held lifelong fascination for me. Yet, I am filled with reverence as I realize that I have only scratched at the surface of its true meaning. I am sure others, like Charles Fillmore, Corrine Heline, and Geoffry Hodson-all of whom sought to interpret the Bible metaphysically-experienced the same awe at such depths of meaning. Surface words have led many astray because we lack the wisdom of the Eye of God to see and the attunement to Spirit to hear the inner messages being conveyed to us through this living Word of God.

The New Aquarian Age marks a time in which the Bible is to be interpreted at increasingly deeper levels. Because this living book contains all Truth, we must interpret it by using the broadest spectrum of Truth available to us at this point in time. Its words stretch into infinity. We must approach it with the humility of one who knows how little Earth humans comprehend the vastness of Truth. No longer can we read the surface and believe we have read the Bible. It is time to move beyond the parameters of any one world religion and to integrate the whole of Truth, as we presently know it, into our interpretation of the Bible. We must recognize the presence of a universe of beings who communicate with us in myriad ways. No longer can we dismiss the ancients as those who were less evolved in their knowledge of the universe and the Truth of Being. Viewing Earth humans as the only living beings in the universe is to achieve the heights of ignorance and spiritual blindness. Rejecting the heavenly hosts as figments of the ancients’ imagination is tantamount to putting God in a 6 ft. box and declaring that it contains all there is to know about the Creator of the cosmos.


As you read my interpretation of the Book of Job, I affirm your discovery of the many facets of Truth to be found within the Bible. I have included an Appendix in which you may find a portion of esoteric astrology that may be applied to you, the individual reader. I do so in an effort to personalize Job’s story; for in Truth, Job is Everyone. Both my interpretation and the esoteric astrology reflect reincarnation as the path on which each of our souls awaken to and re-integrate into our daily lives the knowledge of our true identity as a Son or Daughter of God.


I have written Where Are You, God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job to be a biblical studies book. The reader will glean much more out of the study by reading the scriptural text along with my interpretation. As you read the Scripture, you are likely to receive insights of your own into the riches of the Book of Job.

Even though the metaphysics included in my interpretation may be unknown to the reader, I encourage you to read with an open mind and the willingness to consider alternative views of life and the spiritual Path.

To read the entire book, go to:


Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

Show me thy ways, O Lord;
teach me thy paths.
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me;
for thou art my God and my Saviour;
on thee do I wait all the day.7


1 Edgar Cayce, the most scientifically verified intuitive in Western history, unveiled Melchizedek as the author of the Book of Job in Reading #262-55.

2 Hebrews 7:3.

3 Gematria = a complex form of numerology.

4 Edwin M. Good, “Job,”  Harper’s Bible Commentary.  G. Ed. James L. Mays.  San Francisco:  Harper & Row, 1988.  407.

5 John Bonner, Qabalah  A Primer (London:  Skoob Books Publishing, 1995)  xv, xviii.

6 Elizabeth Clare Prophet quoting Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, Kabbalah:  The Tradition of Hidden Knowledge (New York:  Thames and Hudson, 1980), 32 in her book entitled Kabbalah:  Key to Your Inner Power, 24.

7 Psalm 25:1, 4-5.



Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

NOTE: I originally wrote this article in 1984.  Today I realize it is the most important article I have ever written.  Why?  Because it reveals how we—in good faith—end up praying for what we do NOT want, instead of praying for what we truly desire.


“Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.” We happily sing these words, yet how many of us stop to ponder the request we are making—”Let it begin with me?” And if we do stop to consider: How may an individual assist in manifesting world peace?

Understanding the universal laws of energy is a major prerequisite. Being a peacemaker involves our most intimate thoughts and feelings, as well as the focal point of our attention while we are actively demonstrating for world peace.

This is the case because we live in a world of energy. With our thoughts and feelings, we are continually qualifying this universal energy (the creative ethers). The tools of creation are our thoughts, feelings, and spoken words. We become what we think, feel, and say. The more we concentrate our attention either on peace or on war—the more energy we send that particular concept. As we focus increasingly on one or the other, we create a thought-form, which becomes a definitive field of electromagnetic energy. “Like attracts like.” Therefore, each time we reflect on peace or on war, we energize the matching thought-form, causing it to increase in size, strength, and definition.

Take the example of anger. Think back to the last time an angry or hateful thought came to mind…… Did this thought not immediately bring forth the feelings of anger? Was not this thought nourished and enlarged by the emotions it elicited, until the energy you expended far exceeded the original memory? We often express this fact verbally: “The more I thought about it, the madder I got.”

Within the creative ethers, anger is anger; love is love; peace is peace. Whether we are angry with our spouse or angry at the world super-powers, the universal energy is qualified as “anger.” Likewise, working for peace involves naming the universal energy “peace,” whether at home, at work, or in our thoughts and actions toward world peace.

Because “like attracts like,” individual thoughts, feelings, and actions have a ripple effect. Like radio waves, individual qualifications of energy speed toward that with which they resonant, thus creating massive thought-forms. Energy fields characterized by thinking of war attract those same thoughts from people all over the planet. Our atmosphere becomes saturated with the energy of violence and war.

Think back to the time you entered a room and met a very angry or depressed person ….. Did you not quickly become disgruntled? Recall an acquaintance who seems always to be in good spirits, meets you with a happy smile, and speaks cheerfully to you…….. Do you not instantaneously feel a surge of joy? Hereby, we—as individuals—may permeate our world with the energy of peace. We can BE peace.

Most often our thoughts, feelings, and actions work for war instead of for peace because we wrongly qualify the universal energy. Anytime we become angry over or hate war, we increase the thought-form of anger and hate—the very factors that instigate violence.

We must make the shift in our thought and emotional energy from hating war to loving peace. As we increasingly focus our thoughts, feelings, and actions toward peace and familial love, we steadily magnify the corresponding thought-forms of an Earth bathed by the iridescent, healing waters of life.

This energy qualification shift can be extremely subtle. As we work for peace, we must constantly ask: How does this particular activity characterize the universal energy? For example: the more we fight against military build-up, the more energy we focus on weapons and war. Just listen to the words used: fight … against … military. All words of violence energized by our activity. The shift involves participating in constructive efforts for peace. Again, note the words: constructive … peace. Positive words energized by our activity. The more energy we expend in beneficial pursuits for peace, the larger its thought-form will become. But remember, it must be “constructive activity for peace,” not “speaking or demonstrating against war or military build-up.” By our thought projection, we qualify the energy and build one or the other thought-form. We defeat our goal if we organize a group entitled “Movement for Peace,” then proceed to orient the group activity around weapons … war … fighting … or using words on our banners like “against” or “anti-war.” In so doing, we convert our efforts for peace into demonstrations against war. As a result, a subtle, but extremely powerful, electromagnetic shift takes place.

Praying for “an end to all bloodshed” resonates with the energy for war, not the energy for peace. Immediately, a scene of bloodshed appears before our eyes and our emotions energize it. Think of the tremendous amount of emotional energy “against war” this prayer will engender within a large group. Clairvoyant persons can perceive the meeting room filled with chaotic waves of energy. On the other hand, praying for peace and familial love for all of humanity conjures up a tranquil scene of peace and love. Our emotions are soothed; we feel quietude. We can envision the entire planet encircled with hands clasped in love. The energy in the room is calm.

The true worker for peace learns control of his thoughts and feelings. He learns to focus on and build the positive regardless of the overwhelming negatively qualified energy within his environment. The true worker for peace loves peace instead of hating war.

By giving the thought-forms of war no thought, feeling, or activity energy, we diminish its electromagnetic energy field. As a result, it will shrink and eventually disappear from sheer starvation. However, “nature abhors a vacuum.” We must fill that vacuum by working for world peace—individually and collectively—through concentrating our thoughts, feelings, and actions upon building the electromagnetic energy field of peace and familial love. The ways to do so are limited only by our ability to creatively think, feel, and construct in the positive.

May we direct our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions toward generating glorious rainbow-colored thought-forms encircling our planet and saturating it with serenity.

Then, we may all sing knowingly, “Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me!”



One Entrance to the Temple Mound in Jerusalem


Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed, M.Div.

For eons, the spiritual journey of humanity has involved alternating spans of time between life in a physical body and life on the plane of spirit. Living within a physical body entails limitations that do not exist during the intervening periods on the spiritual plane.

When we enter a physical body, we leave behind most memories of prior lifetimes on Earth. By age 4 or 5, most of us have forgotten our experiences on the plane of spirit. The reasons for our soul’s choice to enter another physical body are buried within our subconscious minds. We begin to view the present incarnation as the only time we have, or will, experience life on Earth. Sadly, our societal institutions allow us—even encourage us—to remain in this amnesic state of consciousness. The inevitable result is that we feel separated from God and cut off from the root of our being. Not knowing where our roots extend, we view every part of creation as separate from ourselves. We stand alone on an empty island.

We embark on the process of ascension when we open our conscious awareness to comprehending the truth about ourselves and all of creation. We can never learn all there is to know; however, with each new awareness we ascend into fuller consciousness.

Most persons presently incarnated on Earth have thus far—consciously or unconsciously—chosen to follow “the broad path,” meaning to meander their way into an expanded consciousness. To walk the broad path is permissible and will eventually achieve the same desired goal. On the other hand, many are choosing to tread the “narrow path” that requires a dedicated and conscious intention to pursue a continuing unfolding of higher consciousness—an awareness that extends into the higher realms of spirit and allows for the existence of an unending cosmos of living beings. The narrow path takes us straight up the mountain. The difference in the disciplinary effort involved is easily understood by comparing two approaches to the summit. One, we can choose to slowly walk around and around the mountain, gradually reaching the top, or two, we can climb the strenuous, rocky path straight up the mountain. Either way, all will eventually attain the goal of ascension.

The major events in the life of Jesus reveal the narrow path to ascension. The narrow path is the Way of Initiation and Service to others. Jesus incarnated at the beginning of the Piscean Age to show us the Way on the Path of Initiation. It has taken humanity an entire age (2000+ years) to reach the stage of consciously desiring to ascend into a higher realization of Truth. We now stand on the brink of a tremendous shift in perception. This shift will lift planet Earth and its inhabitants from the 3rd dimensional, physical plane of awareness to the 5th dimensional realization of a New Heaven and a New Earth.

No negativity can enter the 5th dimension. It is for this reason that each of us must walk either the broad path or the narrow path into 5th dimensional consciousness. Ascension takes place as we become beings of Light and Love, attuned to the divinity within, and cognizant that we are One with all that is. Jesus showed us the Way to accomplish this transformation of self by undergoing the 5 Initiations within public view.

Alice Bailey’s book FROM BETHLEHEM TO CALVARY offers an excellent description of the 5 initiations. I highly recommend it.

In ancient times, initiation took place in the temples of the mystery religions. It was a supervised, orderly, highly secretive process. With the incarnation of Jesus, this initiatory process was unveiled to the public in preparation for the arrival of the Aquarian Age now emerging. For the past 2000+ years, humanity has undergone—to greater or lesser extent—the 1st of the initiations and embarked on the 2nd. Because this process is now taking place in the world, as opposed to inside a cloistered environment, it is continuous and not necessarily accomplished consciously.


Although Christian terminology is used, this description of the Initiations is not meant to exclude other religions. All of the world religions teach a form of the ascension process within their mystical groups.


The 1st INITIATION is depicted by the Birth of Jesus, signifying the birth of the Christ (or Love) energy within us. Integrating this Love energy into our lifestyles requires more than simply attending regularly a church, mosque, or synagogue. Each of us was created to develop as an individual. Our 1st initiation begins as we make the conscious decision to integrate Love into our thoughts, words, and actions. Jesus taught us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31)

The ascension process is radical. We cannot adopt the Greatest Commandment as the rule of our lives then support actions on our planet that injure another human being. There are no exceptions in the command to Love. To undergo the 1st Initiation is to become a Disciple of Love. As we integrate Love into every fiber of our being, we are preparing for the 2nd Initiation.

The 2nd INITIATION is illustrated by the Baptism of Jesus. Water symbolizes our emotional nature. To be baptized with water is to be purified. It is a renunciation of our lower emotional nature with its materialism, greed, jealousies, resentments, hatreds, egotism, and negativity. Preparing for the 2nd Initiation can be most difficult because it involves purifying our negative emotions. Purification involves transmuting with Love. This is one reason forgiveness is a major lesson. All negative emotions must be purified, even anger against the person who deeply injured a loved one or us.

Knowing the truth of reincarnation is vital to completing the 2nd Initiation. Understanding reincarnation grants insights that help us learn forgiveness and gives a sense of purpose to our lives and relationships. We come to know that all persons present within our life-streams are there for a spiritual growth reason. For examples: The purpose may be to teach, or to accompany, or to support, even to inflict the pain that awakens us to a higher consciousness through learning to forgive and to love unconditionally. The commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” includes all those who harm us. Once we truly understand how we progress spiritually by way of repeated incarnations, we realize there is absolutely nothing to forgive. Every individual who has impacted our lives did so as a means of assisting us to awaken to our own greatness, to stretch us into expressing a higher degree of Love.

The baptism of immersion, at an age of accountability, is a more graphic symbol than sprinkling a baby because it involves being submerged into the water (our negative emotions) and being lifted up out of the water (those negative emotions that formerly imprisoned us). Once lifted up, Jesus stood before his Father in Heaven (I AM PRESENCE) and heard the words, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) Once we purify our emotional body, we hear this same confirmation from our indwelling God (I AM PRESENCE). Our channel of communication with God is expanded. No longer do we have to depend upon another human being to teach us; we have achieved the spiritual maturity to communicate directly with spiritual realms. At the same time, the temptations to go astray become extremely difficult to recognize.

Immediately following his 2nd Initiation, “Jesus was carried away by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil.” (Matthew 4:1) To be tempted by the Devil signifies the very subtle temptations our personality ego presents. Even with the best of intentions, many become trapped in egotism. Because these ego enticements are exceedingly clever, let’s look more closely at the temptations Jesus experienced. Analyzing them can assist us in learning to discern between the personality ego’s voice and the “still, small voice” of the God within speaking to us. (I Kings 19:11-15 is instructive in learning to discern the difference.)

Jesus is about to embark on his teaching ministry. During his sojourn in the wilderness, he wrestles with his personality ego while debating how to go about conducting his ministry. How can he gain the attention of the people?

First, Jesus’ ego considers the rocky soil present throughout much of Galilee. Multitudes of poor, hungry people live there. He could turn the rocks into bread and feed the poor. That would surely convince the people to follow him. Then, Jesus remembers words he read in his sacred text, “It is not by bread alone that man can live, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God.” (In Matthew 4:4, Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 8:3.) Converting rocks into bread would surely capture the people’s attention, but the resulting satisfaction would be short lived. His ministry must share the words that proceed from the mouth of God and provide lasting nourishment for the soul.

Second, Jesus’ ego ponders jumping off the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem, while calling for the angels to catch him. This time, Jesus can quote a portion of his sacred text that appears supportive of his idea: “For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” (Psalm 91:11-12.) Wow! Sounds like Jesus has permission to begin his ministry by jumping into the arms of the angels. What a spectacular performance to make known the power of God’s angels! But wait. Jesus recalls his sacred text, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 6:16) The laws of gravity operate automatically throughout the physical plane. To jump from the pinnacle would be to intentionally defy these laws, while expecting God’s angels to rescue him from his foolish action. Even though his ego can use the appearance of scriptural consent, Jesus knows his ministry must conform to the natural laws of physical plane.

Third, Jesus is tempted to sell his soul to the Devil in exchange for worldly power and fame. Surely, if Jesus held a position of powerful leadership in his own kingdom, the people would listen to him. That’s what people do—follow the one who has achieved wealth and fame. Once more Jesus’ ego loses its battle as he remembers another portion of his sacred text: “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.” (Deuteronomy 5:6-7) The battle is over. Jesus makes his decision. His ministry is to exemplify a life lived as an expression of “God on Earth.” As a 2nd degree Initiate, he chooses to become a Son of God, a Son of Light and Love.

The 3rd INITIATION is symbolized by Jesus’ Transfiguration on the mountain top. “Mountain top” denotes higher consciousness. This initiation follows years of loving service to humanity. Jesus has succeeded in overcoming any remnants of egotism within self. He consistently gave all credit for his work to God. Jesus made sure his disciples understood that the words he spoke were not his own. “For I did not speak of myself; but the Father who sent me, he commanded me what to say and what to speak…. Just as my Father told me, so I speak.” (John 12:49-50) He made sure those healed in his presence knew the true source of their healing. “Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Then Jesus said to him, ‘See that you say nothing to anyone; but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.” (Matthew 8:4) When a man drew near him and said, “O good Teacher, what is the best thing that I should do to have life eternal? [Jesus] said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? There is no one who is good except the one God; but if you want to enter into life, obey the commandments.’” (Matthew 19:16-17) Struggles with his personality ego were over.

“Jesus took Peter and James and John, and brought them up to a high mountain alone; and he was transfigured before their eyes. His clothes shone and became white like snow in such a manner that men on earth cannot make white. And there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.” (Mark 9:2-4) Jesus has proven himself capable of the self-discipline required in order to forego personality ego needs. He has been tested time and time again to make certain the inner strength he needs—to move forward in his initiatory process—is firmly developed. His conscious awareness is now such that he could communicate with Ascended Masters Moses and Elijah. Together, they plan for Jesus’ final soul mission—to demonstrate to the world that there is no death. Jesus is now a 3rd degree Initiate.

Once we achieve the spiritual maturity required to transmute all of our personality ego needs, we are transfigured into Light in our 3rd Initiation. Our conscious awareness is lifted to the realms of the Ascended Masters. Together with them, we plan our final soul mission for this incarnation. We become Lightworkers, who serve humanity in accordance with our talents and lifetimes of preparation. Lightworker service is far more strenuous than simply fulfilling the requirements of a particular vocation. Fulfilling the final soul mission is the 4th Initiation, depicted by Jesus’ crucifixion. We now work hand in hand with the Ascended Masters as we assist in manifesting the Divine Plan on Earth.


Before going into the 4th Initiation, let’s recall that the ancient initiatory process took place within the temples under the close supervision of hierophants, or priests. Today, our initiatory process takes place within full view of others and in a world that is antagonistic towards our efforts. Like Jesus, we are ridiculed, judged to be insane, and ignored by many. We may take one step forward and two steps backward simply because the external pressure to fit into the status quo world is intensely powerful. Our initiatory process cannot follow the systematic steps used in the ancient temples. Our progress is hit and miss … fall down and get up again … until we fully understand the message and meaning of Love. For this reason, we may pass through an initiation while retaining vestiges of unlearned lessons. We move forward as we continually strive to perfect what we have learned. It is, therefore, unwise to attempt to guess which degree of initiation any one individual has achieved. If we guess one level, we may then perceive gaps in spiritual maturity that will disappoint us. The extent of spiritual maturity possessed by any one person is between that person and God. We can much better spend our time evaluating ourselves and discerning our own weaknesses. As an individual, each Earth human must pass through the initiatory process created for this planet. We cannot cling to the coat tails of someone we admire or who appears to know more than we do. To do so slows down our own soul’s progress.


The 4th INITIATION corresponds with Jesus’ Crucifixion. The cross symbolizes the spiritualizing of physical plane matter into everlasting life. At this particular time in our planetary history, many are embarking on their 4th Initiation by working to transform our planet from one of darkness into one of Light. We incarnated to participate—as fulfillment of our major soul mission—in the ascension of our planet Earth. We are working in conjunction with the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation of Light. For thousands of people throughout this planet, this transformation has meant laying down their lives, making tremendous financial sacrifices, and keeping on when keeping on has become exhausting. Like Jesus was ridiculed on the cross, many of us have been ridiculed, defamed, and excluded. Many continue on under threats made on their lives and those of their family. Others refuse to allow one arrest after another—even incarceration—to stop them. Most importantly, we strive to remain the epitome of Light and Love in action. We focus on and point to better ways: the Way of Love, the Way of Light.


Jesus taught us, “He who wishes to follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matthew 16:24-25) He is describing the 4th Initiation. Jesus was the first one to achieve Initiate status within full view of the public. He showed us the Way.

As he allowed his body to hang on the Roman cross, he realized he had accomplished his soul’s mission. He once said to his disciples, “This is why my Father loves me, because I lay down my life so that I may take it up again. No man takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own will. Therefore I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” (John 10:17-18) From a “son of man,” Jesus progressed through the initiations to “Son of God.” He walked the Path of a Son of God. Then, while he hung on the cross of matter, the windows of heaven opened within his consciousness and he spoke to his Father, “It is finished.” (John 19:30)

The 5th INITIATION is illustrated by Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension. With the crucifixion of our 3rd and 4th dimensional consciousness and needs on the cross of matter, we stand ready to be resurrected into newness of life—to ascend into 5th dimensional consciousness. Ascension of planet Earth and many of its inhabitants into the 5th dimension marks the beginning of the Aquarian Age—the emergence of a New Heaven and a New Earth. In 2011, we stand on the threshold of this magnificent unfolding.

Weary though we may be, we must continue on! Not only are we to BE Light and Love, we are to DO acts of Light and Love. Then, as we allow our physical plane lives to hang on the cross of matter—of our own accord—we will gaze into the windows of our enlightened consciousness and say to our Father/Mother God, “It is finished.”

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth has passed away; and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with [Earth humans], and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and the very God shall be with them and be their God. And he shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor wailing, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things have passed away.’” (Revelations 21:1-4)



by Nancy Brooks Detweiler on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 1:36pm

My granddaughter, Abigail, and I use to spend hours writing and illustrating stories.  When she was in the 5th grade, I got permission to allow her to contribute to a 2-3 minute radio talk show segment on parenting from a child’s point of view.  Below is the written version we presented over the radio.  It was Abigail’s radio debut.



Series Copyright  1999

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


Abigail Poblete


Q: What can parents do in order to be more effective with our youth?


A: In order to answer this question, my granddaughter Abigail and I spoke with several of her classmates.  We present this SOUL TALK in a conversational format, relating the observations of fifth graders.  Listen, parents!

Nancy: Tell me, Abigail, the most important thing a parent can do?


Abigail: The most important thing is to tell you that they love you so you do not feel lonely and that you are just there for no purpose.  If your parents don’t tell you that they love you, you start to believe that something is wrong with you and that no one else will like you either.


Nancy: So it is important for parents to say, “I love you” in such a way that makes you like who you are.  Give me another example of what parents can do.


Abigail: They can listen to what you have to tell.  It is good to ask, “What did you do today?” so they know what’s happening with you.


Nancy: And that gives parents the opportunity to know who you are as an individual person.  Give me another reason it is important for parents to listen to their children.


Abigail: When they are too busy to listen, you feel you have no one to talk to.  It feels like no one cares what’s happening with you.  This makes you feel alone and that you have to do something big to get attention.  Most of the time, that’s something bad.


Nancy: That’s true and it’s so much better for parents to want to “be present with” the child.


Abigail: Yeh, like playing games together or helping you practice for something.


Nancy: How does parents “being present with” the child make you feel?


Abigail: Wanted … as if you are somebody!


Abigail: What do you think is good for parents to do with their children?


Nancy: From the point of view of SOUL TALK, parenting is a major avenue of soul growth.  It offers the perfect opportunity to learn the lessons of selflessness, unconditional love, and cultivating an environment in which each child is encouraged to develop according to his/her unique talents and interests.  Children and parents contracted, before taking on a physical body, to assist each other in enhancing soul growth.  The learning process is reciprocal.  For example:  a powerful, assertive Mom has a gentle, artistically talented daughter.  In learning not to be overly dominant with her daughter, the Mom can enhance her ability to be gentle.  The daughter’s soul very likely chose her Mom in order to learn how to be more assertive.  As the two learn from each other, their souls acquire a state of balance between assertiveness and receptivity that is indicative of spiritual maturity.  The examples of mutual soul growth between parent and child are innumerable.


In summary, parents, your children would have you view them as equal, yet unique, members of the family with whom you talk in depth, with whom you spend quality time, and to whom you frequently say, “I love you” by your words as well as the respect you show them as individuals.  Each parent and each child has an integral role to play in the overall divine plan for humanity.  Wise parenting allows the child to unfold in ways that are expressive of that soul’s desires and purposes for physical incarnation.


Thank you, Abigail, for your assistance with SOUL TALK.  I love you.


Abigail: I love you too, Grandma Nancy.