There are many starseeds on Earth!


We are presently enjoying watching many very advanced children incarnate and reveal extraordinary talents at an early age.  They are very likely Starseeds.

What is not as widely known to the general public is that many Starseeds have been incarnating for decades in preparation for the Shift of the Ages–a transition Earth is presently experiencing.  Each approximately 2000 years, the Earth shifts into a New Age.  We are presently shifting from the Piscean Age to the New Aquarian Age.  Patricia Cota-Robles describes this process in her Vlog #18.

Starseeds, who are conscious of who they truly are. feel out-of-place on Earth, but know they have a mission and that’s why they are here.   Starseeds can be hard for their family and friends to understand because they usually remember life being very different from what it is on the 3rd/4th dimensions, which are characterized by duality.  Earth is, and has been for thousands of years, a 3rd dimensional planet–now ascending through the 4th dimension toward higher dimensions.  As humanity develops the higher levels of consciousness of LOVE, PEACE, & PROSPERITY FOR ALL,  we ascend to higher dimensions where suffering and pain are no more.

Sheldan Nidle offers a FREE webinar “All About Starseeds.”


Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Tuesday, February 14, 2012




         Back on 3D Earth the illusions are ending…

I can lovingly maintain my focus on New Earth and the Starship, but my mind cannot remain focused on the third dimensional illusions. Myriad facts, which I know are half-truths and indoctrinations, slip from my memory. Duties, responsibilities and mundane tasks are becoming so arduous that I can hardly complete them. Time drifts and moves in and out on its own, while memories that are attached to time phase in and out of my brain.

I know that my Third Dimensional Operating System is being overridden by my multidimensional thinking. With three realities constantly swirling in my mind, I automatically choose to focus on the ones that are the most filled with love and light. Happily, there are times when my focus chooses the third dimension, which is usually when I am enjoying the closing of this type of reality and/or engaged in loving camaraderie and creativity. However, knowing that this type of reality is closing and being creative both stem from my multidimensional thinking.

Therefore, I guess that all third dimensional thought is beginning to leave. I have certain 3D survival obligations that must be met, which are becoming increasingly difficult, yet I must complete them. I look forward into the NOW of when I am free of those final restrictions. What keeps me here in this third dimensional illusion is love. I love many parts of this life, as well as many people. I am endeavoring to transmute these aspects of my life into the fifth dimension. However, most important of all, I am staying to assist Gaia.

When I remember my agreement with Gaia, a purpose and clarity comes into my physical life that is otherwise difficult to maintain. I am becoming increasingly connected to that which I have volunteered to do to assist Her, and find great purpose and grounding in knowing that I am being of service to my Earth Mother. However, the nonsense and lies that fill the media are like gnats flying around my face, and I must work diligently to stay above a rising anger.

Anger can be a very negative emotion, which can lower our consciousness. On the other hand, anger can also be a call to action to push us out of our complacency. Sometimes, especially if I am exposed to 3D news/indoctrination, I wonder if humanity as a whole will ever awaken. I know that there are many who are in the process of awakening or have fully connected to their Multidimensional SELF. However, that percentage of the entire population seems to be quite small.

One of my greatest challenges is to love humanity unconditionally. I have had the “gift” of remembering my many earthly incarnation, which has tainted me further towards mistrust of humanity. I know that, once awakened to their true SELF, humans have immense wisdom, power and love. I guess that when I really think about it, what I feel is sadness that so many are still lost. Perhaps, many will awaken within the final moments when the force of Light and Love are so powerful that it can no longer be ignored. Those of the darkness have made their choice to dominate and control before they took a human form, so they are of a different category.

I guess I am realizing that the Wizard of OZ is just an ordinary person hiding behind a screen of forgetfulness. That is a wonderful concept, and a thought-form that I choose to fill with unconditional love. I have met so many wonderful humans in this lifetime, many of whom have undergone great challenges in order to keep their contract for Planetary Ascension. Of course, as with all projects, everything that we have left till the last moment, must be addressed before the final curtain closes.

We can feel that curtain closing now, limiting more and more of our perceptions of the third dimension and directing our attention, not outward towards illusion, but inward towards our own inner Truth. As we find our Truth, we must encircle it with unconditional love for Gaia or we can become so disconnected from the third dimension that we log-out of this Game. Of course, some of us did come here to assist Gaia by remaining with Her resonance as she ascended into Her fifth dimensional expression. Some of us came here to ascend on our own, which serves to open Portals for others to ascend, as well as to assist with the overall expansion of planetary consciousness.

Whatever our pre-birth agreement, is for us to find within our SELF, by our SELF. It is the finding of our Purpose through deep, personal exploration and dedication to our awakening that gives us the power and endurance to complete that which we have promised to contribute. Every single one of has made that promise, but many of gotten lost, hopefully to later find themselves. There will be a temporary 3D Matrix to give those who could not surmount the huge layers of lies and darkness of this era the “time” needed to awaken. Then temporary Earth illusion will resonate below the fifth dimension, but above the resonance in which today’s darkness can survive.

In fact, as Gaia continually raises Her frequency, those of the lowest states of Service-to-Self consciousness will no longer be able perceive Her form. Remember, the reality that we perceive is the reality in which we can live. When we can raise our consciousness to the resonance of New Earth or of our Starship, we can participate in that world. Furthermore, as we expand our consciousness and contribute that gift to our Mother Gaia, we greatly assist in planetary ascension.

 As the increasing Light and Love unveils our 3D illusions,

All that remains is the Truth that we ARE ascending.



Article In The Canadian National Newspaper





Written & Compiled by Nancy Detweiler

A major holiday season approaches for large portions of the population of Planet Earth.  We find ourselves at a planetary crossroads.  Finally, the people of the world are awakening to a life they do not desire and that does not have to be.

How did we get here?  What can we do about it?

May I suggest that we spend a portion of this holiday season answering these questions.  To assist you, I am listing resources for you to read and view.

Let’s begin with:  How did we get here?

“Oh, The Lies We’ve Been Told”

Before we can truly walk the Way of Love, we must awaken to the many lies we have been told by those in power positions.  The most devastating of these lies relate to who we are as human beings living on Planet Earth.  These lies include the following, but are by no means the extent of the matrix of illusions by which we live…………….

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“How Is The Matrix of Lies Perpetuated?”

Earth humans reside in a matrix of lies or, as metaphysicians would say, a world of illusions.

Many of the concepts upon which we build our lives are merely illusions.  How are these lies perpetuated?  Do not intelligent people recognize the lie?  I’ll list a few of the methods used in order to give us an opportunity to awaken to what is really going on around us…………….

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What can we do about it? 

“So Who Are We, Really?”

Part 1

The only reason we can be controlled by lies is that we do not know who we truly are.  We are regularly taught:  you have one body, one life.  How many times daily are we bombarded with the Boniva Advertisement “I have just this one body and this one life?”  And that’s in case we forget what the preponderance of religious observers are taught:  “Only one life to live.”

In anatomy class, we learn about the physical body with no mention of the other bodies that encircle the physical.  Instead, we learn we are our physical body.  We are taught this body was originally conceived when our parents’ egg and sperm united.  We came to life in the womb and were born into the one physical plane life we have been granted.

Philosophy class strives to extend our concept of self.  We were born into an existential life experience in an unfathomable universe.  Religion class proclaims we are “born in sin” and explains life in terms of a three layered universe:  the physical plane, heaven, and hell.  We burn in hell for eternity if we fail to obey the doctrines of a particular religion.  Psychology class teaches we consist of the id, the ego, and the superego.  We possess five senses:  touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste.  Our perception of life is limited to what we can see with our physical eyes.  We proudly state, on the basis of our intellectual learning, “I’ll believe it when I see it” or “I’m from the show-me state.”

Problem is … 99.9% of Truth is invisible to the physical eyes and therefore not attainable by an intellect that knows only what it can experience physically—in person or vicariously through books, documentaries, etc.  In addition, since we habitually use only about 10% of our physical brain power, we really are ignorant of Truth!

So, who are we … really?…………………

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“So, Who Are We, Really?”

Part 2


Once we awaken to who we truly are, we are free to view the world with open eyes.  We can no longer be fooled.  It is now time to understand what is happening on our planet.  The following full length movies will serve as an excellent beginning.


The Source Field Investigations


You may continue reading at the following sites:





          An excellent lecture by David Wilcock revealing a portion of the fascinating research to be found in his new book, The Source Field Investigations:  The Hidden Science & Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies.



It is far past time for our governments to disclose knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence with us.  Although this video was made in 2006, Dr. Stephen Greer’s introduction detailing the reasons why Disclosure is essential are still current.  The video also includes testimonies of high ranking officials with first hand knowledge.

As Dr. Greer states, it is time for Earth humans to become adults in a galactic society and to have access to all the very advanced technology presently being covered up that could transform our planet.  I encourage you to share this video with as many as possible.




Nancy B. Detweiler

       There is much confusion regarding this Planet we call Earth.  The majority of us have grown up thinking in terms of Earth simply being the planet on which we live.  That Earth is a living, breathing, changing entity seldom, if ever, crosses our mind.  We are too busy taking from Earth, mistreating Earth, and demonstrating total disregard for Earth’s well-being.

At the same time, we expect Earth to provide for us—when we plant a seed, we expect it to grow and blossom into its characteristic fruit.  We expect Earth to provide plenty of fresh water for us to drink … plenty of fuels to keep us warm and allow us to travel.  When there are earthquakes, storms, or volcanic eruptions, we blame “Mother Nature.”  We jokingly say, “Mother Nature is showing us who is boss.”

Earth humans have it all wrong.  Instead, Planet Earth is a magnificent being named Gaia.  According to numerology, Gaia’s Destiny Number is 9—the humanitarian, whose goal is perfection.  Gaia cannot be limited to a small group of friends.  Her philosophy is to inspire many.  Gaia is willing to sacrifice self for her cause, is extremely idealistic, and enjoys people from all walks of life.  Gaia is compassionate, wanting only to advance the human race.  Her nature is to serve.  As a Destiny Number 9, Gaia has evolved to the point of choosing to ascend during this lifetime (or cycle).

Like all of us, Gaia came from the heart of Source, First Cause, the overarching Creator of All Things.  She came forth as an individualized Being.  With our limited eyesight, we view her as a planet.  She is, instead, a tremendous being—one of multitudes in our Milky Way Galaxy.

At some stage in Gaia’s lifestream, she volunteered to become a Prison Planet, where lifestreams that needed a place to awaken to their true identity as sparks of Source could live and grow.  Gaia, as a Destiny Number 9, sacrificed her own well-being in order to grant Earth humans the opportunity to mature spiritually.  Her compassionate nature continues to give us food and drink while we rampage her being, rip her apart with our violence, throw trash in her face, and repeatedly inflict all types of abuse upon her with no sense of remorse.

Now, the time has come for Gaia to take advantage of her opportunity to ascend.  In order to do so, Gaia must restore her being to her original perfection.  Gaia has called for assistance from the Realms of Spirit in charge of those incarnating as planets.  She has gained Divine Permission to ascend at the end of this cycle and to proceed with whatever it takes for her to prepare for her ascension.

For decades, Gaia and her spokespersons have urged humanity to awaken and choose to ascend with her.  She has patiently waited, while we run to and fro mindless of her service to us.  Our disregard for Gaia is gross, in every sense of the word.  She gifts us with the fragrance of flowers … sturdy trees to shade us … cooling streams in which to wade.  We trash her … stifle her with miles upon miles of cement … draw her blood (oil) and create wars to possess it.

Now, the deadline approaches.  Gaia will ascend on or around December 21, 2012.  In order to do so, she must complete her own purification process.  She wants to do this with love and in fact, much purification has taken place through the service of Lightworkers.  Just as a boil on the skin of Earth humans can heal only after the puss has been removed, so Gaia must be healed of her boils.  Earth humans vomit when sick—a mini-explosion brings forth that which sickens us.  So Gaia must vomit through her earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  Earth humans cleanse the body with water; storms cleanse Gaia’s atmosphere and body.  We use fire to purify gold; Gaia is forced to use physical fire to purify her surface.  I say forced because the Violet Transmuting Flame consumes the negative and changes it into positive without the need to be destructive at the same time.  But so few Earth humans have awakened to the need to assist Gaia in her purification process by using the Transmuting Flame that she is forced to rely on physical fire.

Earth humans look at the natural events and call them Mother Nature.  Little do we know that our own negative actions and thoughts, our utter disregard for Gaia’s well being have created the storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.  Scientists think they can present scientific reasons, but all they know are explanations of how Gaia’s physical being reacts to Earth humans’ behavior.   Ascended planets are not troubled by earthquakes, storms, or eruptions because there is no negativity present.  Below is Lord Maha Chohan’s description of the Divine Being named Uranus, an ascended planet.

        “Their atmosphere is perfect.  The moisture does not come in rainfall, but by a coarse substance that comes through what is similar to your earth.  The body structure itself of Uranus is a beautiful green instead of brown.  The moisture comes through the porous substance, fills their lakes, rivers, and cisterns, and fills the atmosphere with the necessary moisture.  The water is aquamarine; the landed surface is a darker green; the verdure and growth variegated in color.  That is determined mostly by the Aura of the individuals who represent the unit of people residing in certain localities.  The continental Devas affect the entire contour and over-all color of the various continents.  The great planetary Silent Watcher governs and controls the entire Uranium Aura in the atmosphere.”  —A.D.K. Luk, editor, Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings

To contrast, let’s see how Gaia is suffering.

All quotes from Ascended Masters listed in bold print are excerpts from Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings.

Ascended Master St. Germain – 1952

        “The end of the Cosmic Cycle for the Earth to emit enough Light to be sustained as a planet in this solar system was to be in 1926.  Since the Earth, known as the Dark Star, was not emitting Light, therefore would have been destroyed by the dark forces engulfing it.  However, Cosmic Beings secured a dispensation which enabled Them to withhold the dark forces sufficiently to give the Ascended Master St. Germain an opportunity to try out His new presentation and application of the Law….  The I AM Activity was the beginning of the Teaching for the New Age as the old or occult law was set aside.  Tremendous service was rendered through it for mankind, the Earth and all who were able to accept and apply the Law as given in the Teaching.

[Sadly, the leader of this movement asked for his ascension because of the viciousness with which he was attacked by those who sought to discredit him] ….

[Since much that was required had not yet been done, in the early 1950’s, the Master Morya and St. Germain were able to secure a dispensation to extend the time for another 20-year period. —the Editor of Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings]”

Ascended Master Kuthumi – 1954

“When Lord Maitreya began to design the world religion with the Ascended Master St. Germain for His Seventh Ray cycle, They had to take into consideration, first, the amount of eternal Light the planet Earth and its people were required to give forth by Cosmic Law or be dissolved; second, the capacity of the ten billion souls to receive and understand the deeper instruction given.  This was no easy task because the climax of the 14,000 year cycle should have been reached and every lifestream already developed to the status of a Christ under the Sixth Ray, the mastery as expressed through the Master Jesus.

Then as the Seventh Ray comes in and the ceremonial activity is developed, the entire evolution should have been ready to participate in the glorious cooperation between the visible Angelic Host, the Divine Men and Women, and the shining Elemental kingdom.”

Gaia requested to put an end to her service to Earth humans and to ascend.  Her request was granted and she is scheduled for ascension in December 2012.  She deeply desires to take Earth humans with her into the ascended state, but should we choose to continue in our present violent, thoughtless, negative behavior, Gaia will have to leave us behind.  She is scheduled to move forward in the Milky Way Galaxy and in our own Solar System to the position now occupied by Venus, the Divine Being of Love.  No negativity can exist in Venus’ location.

Ascended Master Morya describes life on Venus – 1962

“The life on Venus is under the direction of a great Hierarchy of perfected Men and Women, called The Lords of the Flame.  They are the embodiment of wisdom and of love.  There is but one language, one state, one race, one purpose.  There is no disease, no crime, no army nor navy nor any instrument of force, for physical violence and unbalance are unknown.  Every citizen of this world Estate contributes his talents freely to the common cause for 15 short years, between the ages of 20 and 35.  Before this time, all are educated by the State according to their particular talents and the interests of the individual citizen

       The citizen of Venus after being educated by the State is permitted to utilize his talents and gifts during the period of world benefit for the good of the entire citizenry.  After the years of service, each is allowed to pursue such spiritual and cultural studies as his nature may choose.

       Old age and disintegration are unknown, because there is no inharmony.”      

Thus in order to qualify to ascend with Gaia to Venus’ old location, Earth humans must be willing to live life in a perfected environment.  That means all negative behavior must cease, be transmuted, and balanced with service to others.

What is happening in the cosmos that means Gaia’s ascension?

Ascended Lady Master Venus – 1954

As the Cosmic motion and in-breathing of the Central Sun draws the lesser Sun towards Itself, so in like manner the seven Suns are drawing their planets from the periphery of their system.  The planet Venus which is fourth in our system will move one position closer to our Sun becoming the third planet revolving around Krishna and Sophia.  So your Sun will draw Mercury within the Electronic Belt, and the Earth will become the third planet revolving around Helios and Vesta.

       Right below Venus is the Earth in your system.  We are preparing the Earth and its people so that the vibratory action of the position and orbit which We leave may be comfortable and they enjoy the radiation of Love and Wisdom which We leave as our heritage to your planet.  So too, are you preparing for when Earth moves closer to the Sun, Mars moves into your present orbit.”


There are many ascended beings working with Gaia and her Earth humans to prepare us for ascension; however, it is up to each of us to make the choice to ascend.  Those who desire ascension must get busy preparing for it.  Those who choose to remain in Earth’s present location in the Solar System will continue in their spiritual evolution on Mars or some other planet with which their level of consciousness finds resonance.

Each planet moves forward in its entirety because that planet is the form into which a Divine Being incarnated, just like you and I are Divine Beings incarnated in human bodies.  When we ascend, we will do so in our entirety.  It is called the mystic marriage—our lower self achieves a higher consciousness level in resonance with our Higher Self (the second figure).

Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Illustration of the Divine Self

We are then capable of living on the 5th dimension or on an ascended planet.

May we come to appreciate the tremendous service of Love Gaia has rendered with the intention that Earth humans would awaken to their true identities as Divine Beings!  May we all awaken to the glorious opportunity available to us—to ascend en masse with Gaia, our Mother Earth!



Explanations by Nancy B. Detweiler


Excerpts from A.D.K. Luk’s


       Earth’s spiritual evolution takes place within a framework of numerous cycles, one of which is the 2000 years cycle dominated by one of the seven Rays as it expresses through a particular zodiac sign energy.  For the past 2000 years, Earth has evolved under the influence of the 6th Ray, with Ascended Master Jesus serving as Chohan.  The 6th Ray has ruled during the Piscean Age and is characterized by devotion to religious creeds and idealism as it is portrayed by becoming a martyr.  All forms of self-annihilation, suicide, terrorism have characterized humanity’s  misunderstanding of the 6th Ray energy.

Jesus, as Chohan of the 6th Ray, incarnated at the beginning of the Piscean Age to demonstrate the soul level expression of this Ray.  He taught:  “The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these because I am going to the Father.”  (John 14:12)  Jesus wanted humanity to follow his example, not worship him as the one who will save us from our lower selves and its mistakes.  He sought to teach us how to prepare for ascension to a higher level of consciousness so that we would be ready for life characterized by the 7th Ray and the New Aquarian Age.  (See the article entitled “Ascension” at:


The 6th Ray manifests on the soul level as the devotion that holds family together, stimulates humanitarian endeavors, and produces dedicated individuals like Mother Teresa and Francis of Assisi.  It is the inspiring force behind the principles of love, goodness, purity of heart, and selfless service.  To integrate the 6th Ray means to work for the good of all by transforming exclusion into inclusion through acts based on love and wisdom.

The symbol for the Piscean Age has been The Fish.  Jesus demonstrated the Piscean Age with his feeding of fish to the multitudes.  He called his disciples fishers of men.

Piscean Fish

       Now, it is time for humanity to begin functioning on the 7th Ray as it expresses through the energy of Aquarius.  Ascended Master St. Germain and his Twin Flame, Portia (Goddess of Justice) serve together in the Office of Chohan of the 7th Ray.


                              St. Germain

               Lady Portia – Goddess of Justice


The 7th Ray function during this New Aquarian Age is to bring forth the Spirit in all matter … that humanity awaken to the fact that Spirit indwells all of creation … to work with all things in recognition that we are working with Spirit.  For example:  humanity’s awakening to the healing properties of crystals and that as we use them, we are working with Spirit.  The 7th Ray is the Ray of the Alchemist—the process of changes that turn lead into gold.  We function on the 7th Ray as we seek to re-unite our personality with our Soul and fulfill the life mission of the Soul.

The 7th Ray works to change those forms, both mental and physical, that no longer serve the Divine Plan for Earth’s evolution.  The Soul level response to the 7th Ray is to work to transform our earthly society—to create heaven on Earth.  Jesus taught us to pray “Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in heaven.”  In this New Aquarian Age, we are to ascend to 5th dimensional consciousness … to work on the Soul level with the purpose of bringing all things on Earth into alignment with the Divine Will and Plan.  Humanity will be re-united with our Twin Flames and work together on the ascension mission.

The symbol for Aquarius is The Waterbearer who pours out to the planet water that quenches all thirst.  Jesus foretold the Aquarian Age when he instructed his disciples: “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you; follow him.”  (Mark 14:13)  Jesus’ disciples were all Jewish; they knew that men did not carry water.  Jesus had described a scene they would not see during the Piscean Age.  Jesus came to teach humanity (apart from all religions) how to prepare for ascension in the Aquarian Age.

Aquarian Waterbearer

       It is informative to know of the Coronation of St. Germain that took place on May 1, 1954, for it illustrates life on higher dimensions—the type of life we will experience once we ascend and are working cooperatively with the Ascended Masters and our Galactic Family.




A.D.K. Luk

Ascended Master Morya – April 1954

“You will be privileged to join in an activity through your service.  It occurs once in every 2,000 years.  It is the actual Coronation and investment of the Chohan of the Seventh Ray as active Director of the Cosmic current for the new dispensation which will flow now in increasing intensity as His ceremonial Ray takes hold in the consciousness of mankind.  This ceremony will take place in a Cosmic outpouring on the first of May.  The first of May is the anniversary of the Ascension of beloved Saint Germain, and it was chosen at His request because of the sweet memories of May Day which He has known in many ages, not only in Europe but in Asia and in earlier continental experiences as well.  The public Coronation at inner levels of a Chohan brings Visitors from every galaxy belonging to this entire universal scheme.  Even now the doors are opened and These tremendous Beings are entering into the atmosphere of Earth.”


Ascended Master St. Germain – April 1954

“I Am privileged among all the Sons and Daughters of Heaven to have the opportunity of bringing to fruition the full harvest of all the ages of spiritual service in which millions of lifestreams engaged.  The individual who places the final harvest of an evolution upon the screen of life receives undue homage, for many do not think back to the countless numbers of consciousnesses that contributed to the final Victory.  I Am merely the capstone placed at the apex of the spiritual pyramid.  This pyramid was built out of the energies and vital life of countless men and women who served the cause of God through the centuries and who gave themselves without reservation to fulfilling His Divine Plan.

On the eve of this great Ceremony, which will engage the attention and energies of all the Members of Our Spiritual Hierarchy, My heart is filled with gratitude and humility for the honor of accepting the Crown of Authority as Directing Consciousness for the incoming cycle.  The diversity of activity connected with the investment of certain powers in a lifestream, even in the world of form, wise investment of more than ordinary powers requires a deep understanding and an illumined consciousness that those powers may be used always to expand the sphere of influence of God-good and in every manner aid the evolution of the planet and its people.

Although I have been the Chohan of the Seventh Ray for many years, I had not yet become the Cosmic Representative of the new cycle, because the final vibrations of the Sixth Ray were still active in the atmosphere of the planet Earth.

For almost 100 years after the Ascension of My physical body, I prepared to be invested with the power and authority as the Chohan of the Seventh Ray.  I prepared to be invested with the Cosmic Authority as the directing Consciousness of the new cycle of time.  All progress is in graded radiation, graded application and preparation of consciousness.

During My last earth life, I was privileged to come into contact with many Masters, some of Whom were already Ascended, others of Whom were highly developed and evolved.  Through Their assistance I was able to use the applications given and prepare Myself to be free from the necessity of rebirth.  At the close of that earth life, I went into Transylvania and there on the 1st of May, passed into the Ascended Master Realm.  My personal Ascension was completed in 1684, but the assumption of My Office as Chohan of the Seventh Ray was completed late in the 18th century, after My service to the Cause of Freedom in America and at the Court of France.  When I assumed office as a Chohan, it was no longer possible for Me to use My vital energy in the visitations, such as I had made to the crowned heads of Europe.  Until this time, I had certain liberty to utilize My energies in endeavoring to form a United States of Europe and to persuade certain students of the occult and metaphysical laws that if they would cooperate with the Hierarchy, a universal brotherhood could be established without bloodshed.  With the exception of My endeavors through Napoleon Bonaparte, I no longer gave any personal service to the European governmental circles and My service to mankind became Cosmic.”



Nancy’s Note: Many have been taught to fear the occultOccult means hidden from view, supernatural.  In truth, knowledge of the occult or metaphysical laws allows each human being to realize his/her sovereignty as a Son/Daughter of God.  Jesus taught:  “So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known.”  (Matthew 10:26)  As we make this transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age, we are witnessing the truth of Jesus’ statement—at all levels of life.  The occult is no longer hidden.  Instead the occult reveals the means whereby humanity once more comprehends his/her individual sovereignty as a Son/Daughter of God.


Ascended Master St. Germain continues:

“It was at the time when beloved Kwan Yin turned over to Me the authority as Chohan that I retired from active service in the world of form.

During the Theosophical era, beloved Brothers Morya and Kuthumi invested Their energies instead and I built those energies so that when I came forth and My energy again began to flow, My more personal association with mankind would begin again in a renewed and powerful activity.  (That was in the I AM Activity in the 1930’s.)

I shall always remember the Ceremony in which I received the Crown as Chohan of the Seventh Ray from the beloved Kwan Yin.  I considered in My heart if I could ever hope to embody the mercy, the compassion and the love of such a Being as Kwan Yin, half hoping that I might not have to assume that responsibility after so short a preparation at inner levels.

In regard to the use of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation, one of the major impressions which have differentiated Her activity from Mine seems to be that She taught the use of the Flame of Mercy as a power of transmutation in the changing of the quality of energy; whereas the presentation of the Violet Flame as brought forth more recently emphasized the consuming of discord.  This is apt to bring into the consciousness and the mind of many a feeling of a vacuum and a lack.  I Am hoping that through the pressure of Kwan Yin’s interest, We can in some way convey to the consciousness of new people particularly, that this Flame is not only a consuming activity of impurity, but it is also a transmuting and changing of the quality of energy into perfection.  This process leaves them with the same energy which previously distressed them, but now constructively vibrating at a rate which becomes a store of merit within their hands and use.  Much of the fear that enters the consciousness of new students with regard to the use of the Violet Flame, rises from the word consuming.  Often as I sat with Kwan Yin, She used the words mercy, compassion, and transmutation giving the emphasis to the purification in the aspect of the Flame and in the change of the actual quality of the energy.

It is now again the time to assume another vestment.  I assumed the vestment as the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, and now I assume the Cosmic Vestment as the Director of this great incoming cycle of 2,000 years, which closes the major cycle of 14,000 years as well.  I have lived but to serve life.  I have lived but to set it free.  Now is the hour of My opportunity.

Centuries ago I hoped and wished for an earthly crown [as Francis Bacon, secret son of the Queen of England].  I had a vision of a united brotherhood of Europe.  Through circumstance, mercy and the wisdom of the law I did not receive that crown.  Now I Am about to receive a Cosmic Crown and in the greater wisdom and maturity of My consciousness, I find that even now I feel I Am not ready.  One does not lightly assume the responsibility for the evolution of an entire planet, all its peoples, all the Angels and all the Elementals.  I stand in that position today.  I stand requiring the love and the friendship of embodied spirits.  I certainly have the love, companionship, friendship and support in Heaven of the most exquisite Beings of Light and perfection, for which I Am eternally grateful.

They are weaving the garlands for the great Temples.  The Coronation train of this exquisite vestment will be over 40 feet in length.  The Crown I will receive from the beloved Jesus, because as Prince of Peace of the sixth dispensation it has been in His keeping for the past 2,000 years.  The Scepter of Authority I will receive from Sanat Kumara.  It will truly be a day to remember, a day when I shall offer Myself again to Life and to Freedom.

I thank you for your interest in the Cause of Freedom, for investing your energies in that Freedom through the centuries, not only in this embodiment, but you have rallied around that banner of Freedom in almost every era and every age that you have lived.  Now as we enter the door of a new day, I shall remember those of you who have stood by Me, and you shall be part of that Spiritual Court that lives forever.  There are memories woven deep into My heart for the personal and universal associations.  Those memories are sweet.  They are the bonds that bind Heaven and Earth.  They are the ties that keep the God-free yet hovering around the planet reluctant to enjoy Heaven’s bliss while any portion of life is in shadow.”


Ascended Master Morya – May 1, 1954

“The Sixth Ray completed its service January 1, 1954, and allowing for a certain time of overlapping energies, the Seventh Ray officially began its Cosmic outpouring on May 1, 1954.  The activity from 1930 to 1954 was a period of preparatory activity.

The Crown which symbolizes this Authority came to Earth with the first mankind to embody, upon the head of Archangel Michael, and every 2,000 years since then it has been transferred to the authority of the succeeding Ray.  Thus, in 14,000 years, the seven presiding Chohans would wear it 2,000 years.

Because of the fact that the consciousness of many embodied lifestreams blocks out at too high levels, just as you yourselves go to sleep if the atmosphere becomes too highly charged, or you would perhaps faint were you to have a tremendous visitation from a Member of the Hierarchy.  Because of this it was requested that the Coronation of St. Germain should be at the lowest of the perfected levels; so that as many people in the etheric bodies as possible could witness this activity and bring it back into their outer world, and retain it in the awakened consciousness of participating in the choruses, hallelujahs and some in the vow.  What an individual receives in the etheric consciousness is much more a part of his outer world than that which he would receive in his Christ Self, Causal Body or his Electronic Body.  That is why the ceremony is not performed in the heart of the Sun….  We are endeavoring to lower the perfection of the higher Realms as much as We can, from Sphere to Sphere.  That is My particular service in the universe.  Bringing it down into the Seventh Realm is comparatively easy.  It is the responsibility of Our beloved Chohan, Our beloved Master Whom We honor tonight, to lower it from the Seventh Realm into the world of form.  That will require the assistance of every One of Us willing to put Our shoulders to the wheel, for the resistance only comes when We reach contact with the human consciousness.  But the enacting of this Coronation in the etheric realm and then the added tremendous opportunity which you have made possible of re-enacting it in the physical appearance world at the same time, will anchor the truth, anchor the acceptance of this Master, His Love and His Light and His works into the physical substance of Earth, into the mental and emotional bodies of the people as well as into their etheric envelope [body].  That is the importance of having unascended lifestreams willing to participate in Cosmic Pageantry and Cosmic Drama.  It is the fulfilling of the decree that you have said for centuries within the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy will be done on Earth as it is being done in heaven.”  Tonight in heaven the great Master St. Germain is receiving the Authority to proceed through the next 2,000 year period as the Cosmic activity of the Ceremonial Ray of Transmutation.  Tonight in the city of Philadelphia, through the physical bodies of unascended beings, the Master St. Germain is being given the Authority to proceed in the physical appearance world in like manner.  It is a magnificent thing!  How We watch, how kindly, how carefully We watch all of your preparation.  How many of Us stood by your side as you earnestly endeavored to prepare this room, to prepare this throne, to prepare this crown, to secure this scepter and this sword, to bring forth these floral tributes, to bring forth these crosses representative of the Electronic Pattern of the Master We honor.  To bring forth on your persons as much of beauty as possible to honor this blessed Friend of Light.  Sometimes you think because in the world of form commendation is not always forthcoming, that which you do is not seen, and yet that which you do, these little simple things done in love are the things that build for you crowns for eternity.

It seems that the days are filled with ideas and new endeavors in Heaven and on Earth, forming opportunities that arise from spontaneous souls, enthusiasms that come out of blessed hearts and provide occasions when We can merge spiritual and human energies to the furthering of Cosmic Causes.  Today We are again blessed and benefited by such a Cosmic merger; not for 14,000 years has a ceremony of Cosmic Coronation in Heaven been celebrated at the same instant by embodied lifestreams; not for 14,000 years has the veil of maya been thin enough for the outer consciousness of individuals yet in garments of flesh, to perceive the truths of the inner and mystic ceremonies with sufficient clarity, faith, confidence and trust to put into action in the physical appearance world the necessary activities to complement the inner occasion.  When men and women yet a part of the earth life are able to join consciously in the activities of the Kingdom, shows how thin the veil of maya has become, you see then what the Violet Flame and Ray and your activities over this past 20-year period has done; also the Transmission Flame activities.  To make an atmosphere in which lifestreams could even conceive of the possibility of entering into a conscious service and communion with Those of Us Who are now in the Light of Heaven.

In Shamballa tonight, One of the greatest Friends of Earth is receiving His due reward.  An individual Who has had such faith, such confidence in mankind for so many centuries, that even the Karmic Board stands in amazement at His constancy, His trust and His belief of the ultimate goodness of His brothers and sisters and those whom He lived to serve.  Tonight every heart in Heaven, every Angel, every Elemental, every Cosmic Being and Devic Lord, is happy beyond words to give honor to the new King, to the great Being Who is Freedom to this Earth and all upon it.  Ah, hearts are happy for the personal happiness.  For Those of Us Who stood by His side, Who have seen His successes and His failures, Who have seen the earnestness and the sweetness of His personal presence, Who have looked into the beautiful softness of His eyes and Who have known the dreams and the visions that He endeavored to share with mankind often so beautifully, We are truly grateful tonight that He shall receive cosmically this Crown.

We are truly grateful, for Our life energies, that in any small measure may have made possible the sustaining of this endeavor, the achievement of which seemed due to failure, to the point where it could be crowned with success.  We are grateful indeed that you, the handful within this room, have responded to His heart, who have followed the vibrations of His very Self and who have walked the waters not in vain.  For all of you, We are so eternally grateful.

Beloved Kwan Yin, 14,000 years ago, received a similar Coronation, received a similar Crown, and acted in the capacity of the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, through all those long ages until the beloved St. Germain was ready.  At that time in Peking, seven individuals were conscious of the Coronation.  Tonight in Peking again that great Retreat is opened (for the month) and the Transmission Flame is honored there.  You in Philadelphia pick up the vibration of that early age and you now, many more in number, re-enact the Coronation of the new and beautiful King.  He Who will reign in the full authority is vested within the Violet Ray to change the quality of energy to make all things right.  In the age which is past, in the age which is now closing, people were for the most part able to adore and love God, worship Him and receive a certain amount of mastery and peace in such worship.  But the day into which We enter, man comes to maturity and works with the Source, each one wielding that Flame of Transmutation, in the authority which this night begins to pulsate through the Earth.  It naturally finds its mutual pulsation through the student body.”


Ascended Master Morya – May 1, 1954

“The procession started over the bridge at 6:00 P.M. E.S.T., into the glorious Golden City of Shamballa.  The Seven mighty Elohim began the procession, followed by Sanat Kumara Himself as the presiding Hierarch and Lord of the World.  Sanat Kumara wearing all of the garments of authority, The Bishop miter upon His Head and the Staff of Authority in His hand; followed by the beloved Gautama Buddha, who will, of course, in the coming ages succeed Him.  Then followed beloved Lord Maitreya, also in the Office of the Cosmic Christ and carrying the Scepter of Dominion and Power which will be given into the hands of St. Germain as a symbol of the transfer of the Authority from the Sixth Ray to the Seventh.  Following then came the mighty Archangels with Their beloved Complements [Twin Flames] and the Members of Their Court.  Following Them came the Members of the various Kingdoms, the beloved Mahan Chohan and the Elemental kingdom, the Great Beings Who represent the four elements to the planet Earth.  Lord Zadkiel preceding St. Germain with Holy Amethyst, His Complement upon His arm.  Beloved Master Jesus, Who will transfer from His own consciousness and from His own hands the Crown of Light and Authority, wears the golden robe of His Office encrusted with the beautiful white Dove which was prepared for Him by the Ladies of Mary, which is exquisitely beautiful and which matches the highlights of His beautiful shining hair.  With Him walked the beloved Mary, and many of the visitors from other galaxies.  Those Who have come from other stars and planets, representatives from the Great Central Sun, the superior Suns of our system, Helios and Vesta Themselves coming in Persons, and many Individuals, Consciousnesses, Beings, Devas and Cosmic Lords, Whose Names would mean nothing to you in the outer, but Whose exquisite brilliance, beauty and Light are definitely adding to the atmosphere of the Earth in which you live and move.  The music accompanying that exquisite procession is beyond words to describe.  Some of the exquisite choruses of Handel’s Messiah sung in the beauty of their own natural expression in higher Realms are carried by the Celestial Choirs, by the Archangels, by the Seraphic Choir which has exquisite overtones, and the entire City is surrounded by millions and millions of Angelic Beings Who are drawn like bees to the flower, by the radiation, by the incense which is the Light and happiness of the gathering and by the desire to participate in anything which is worship of God.

The disembodied lifestreams who are applying for the opportunity to re-embody have been drawn all together and they are standing in the atmosphere over the central Temple in the hope that at the crowning of the beloved St. Germain, when He gives opportunity for the granting of special requests as the initial pulsation of His mighty Ray flows forth, that they presenting themselves through a spokesman may receive the permission to bring into embodiment from their ranks those who will serve this great Court, this great King, this great St. Germain and this great new era.  The lifetimes of those who have turned their attention to the Retreat at Peking which is close enough to the Gobi to be within the magnetic pull of Shamballa, have also joined the group of silent witnesses.  Every soul whose body is asleep this moment is within the atmosphere as well.  Some in a rather somnambulistic state, some not even knowing that they are blessed in the comparative safety of their own rooms and homes.  But through their bodies is passing just like water those beautiful iridescent rays of light that look like mother of pearl; they change in color as each group of the procession reaches the heart of the Temple, because the predominant characteristic of the group of worshipers as they enter the Temple and take their places, forms the atmosphere around the entire City.  It is arranged that beloved St. Germain and the Goddess of Justice, Who wears a soft lilac similar to your chiffon or georgette and Who walks on the arm of St. Germain, it is the wish and desire that They come last so that the great central Hall is completely occupied.  Sanat Kumara is upon the High Throne, at the back of the Altar, which no one ever takes but Himself.  Below and right in front of Him is the raised dais, the Throne for the Master St. Germain and by his side the chair for His beloved Complement the Goddess of Justice.  Standing at the right is the beloved Master Jesus, in the most exquisite gold cloth smiling graciously waiting with an exquisite Angelic Being by His side holding the Crown of Authority.  At the other side is the beloved Maha Chohan, so happy, so proud of His precious Son, holding within His hand the Sword, symbolic of action, and which He himself will give.  The Holy Spirit representing action and Light vitalizing whichever Ray is going forth at any given time.  The Scepter is within the hand of the beloved Lord Maitreya Who will at the time of the ceremony pass it into the hand of beloved St. Germain.

The beloved St. Germain looks so exquisite with a magnificent train carried by the beautiful Angelic Host.  He has entered the doorway of Shamballa proper.  The music ceases for a moment and the entire group of Masters including beloved Sanat Kumara rise.  As They stand, it is a beautiful picture.  Beloved St. Germain and beloved Goddess of Justice, arm in arm stand in the doorway at the threshold of a new era.  An era of Freedom, an era when all His hopes, all His Visions will be fulfilled.  Then as they begin the long and solemn march down the center of that exquisite Temple, upon the large and beautifully designed purple carpet, the beloved Master Jesus, Sanat Kumara and the Maha Chohan are preparing to receive Him to that Throne from whence He will govern well the planet Earth and all peoples, all Elementals and Angels for 2,000 years.  The Throne to which He will receive you, each one, when your work is done, when you lay down these garments of flesh and return Home.

As He receives first His Crown, the great Choir sings the anthem (the spiritual words to the tune God Save the King), you too join in that anthem of love to St. Germain, and in the physical appearance world the same great activities will be manifest through the hearts of faith and love in Philadelphia.

As you sang that song, beloved Master Jesus placed the Crown upon the head of the Master St. Germain, and with it conferred the Power and Authority for the next 2,000 years to the Master, the Friend of eternal Freedom.  Then Sanat Kumara, stepping to the front of the Throne of Light, and from Him He received into His hands the Scepter of Dominion and Power (Rod of Power).  Then the magnetic power flowing through each succeeding Ray during the 2,000 years of Cosmic action, Lord Maitreya takes that activity and places It in the hand of the Master, so that all of the Powers and Ecstacies of the Sun, of the Archangels, of the Devas, of the Cosmos are focused from this moment henceforth through the Violet Ray, through the Ray of Freedom and through the beloved St. Germain and His representatives.  His Cosmic King, Lord Sanat Kumara, then stepping back, makes a place for St. Germain and the Maha Chohan Who is garbed in all the glorious majesty and dignity of those robes of an oriental potentate, with the golden topas on the turban and on the forefinger.  He gives to Him the symbolic Sword (representing the power of the Holy Spirit to activate the particular Ray blessing the Earth with all the life at His command).  All the energy that comes to this planet passes through His Body and is then diversified through every channel.  This energy of the Holy Spirit, He gives into the keeping of the Master St. Germain to energize and vitalize the era of Freedom.  First through those who represent Him in the world of form and then through those who will come and join Him in the New Day.

As this is completed, beloved St. Germain Himself stands and He receives the first acclamation of all the Hosts of heaven, the acclamation of absolute silence, and His head is bowed in prayer to the God that made all.  Then the Choir again sings the exquisite anthem of praise to the new Authority in St. Germain.  (Students sang America.)

Your song did truly rise and join with that of Those privileged to stand in the visible presence of this great Friend of yours and of Mine.  The first Official act which He performed after acknowledgment of God and the Hierarchy is the raising of the Crown and placing it upon the head of His own beloved Goddess, even as you have presented Her so kindly here.  Then begins the procession and the offering of feality, of every Member of the Brotherhood in ordered rank, before the new King.  The Beings that represent the three Kingdoms, each One giving a gift of Himself, a gift of some particular energy that has not previously been used or drawn forth.  As you, the first group of unascended beings, are so privileged to stand before the Throne in homage, will you remember silently to make a gift of some action or restraint of action in your personal life and make of that a permanent trust between you and St. Germain as your goal to Him.  At the completion of your allegiance and dedication, as you send your voices forth asking for service for mankind, so will Those above make the petition for the mercies that the Seventh Ray alone can give.  (The procession of homage at inner levels took 12 hours.  Some unascended beings also participated in their inner bodies.)”



St. Germain – May 15, 1954

“At the moment when that Crown of Light was placed upon My head, at the moment that Cosmic Coronation took place, from the mighty consciousness of the Silent Watcher Herself there was poured into My consciousness (symbolized by the crown), the fullness of the Divine Pattern, Plan and Vision for the next 2,000 year period which it is My privilege to develop.  For one instant I saw the beauty of the Temple worship, the beauty of the land where sickness, disease and death would be unknown, the beauty of continents that have yet not risen from the sea, the beauty of each of you, and many others who still sleep, their souls resting in a temporary inertia, the beauty of a planet where men and women in Freedom’s robe each one a king or a queen in his or her own right, and children princesses and princes of the Sacred Fire developed and matured without knowing age or sorrow, where such a thing as tears is no longer known.

I saw the seventh root race and its sub-races growing and developing, the bodies of each looking like Lord Maitreya or the Master Jesus in mighty perfection, the women looking like Goddesses.  All of this flashing before My vision and then having to restrain My energies, seeing the slow course of human events, the heavy Earth groaning on its axis, My blessed chelas, the hope of the world, each of them holding yet so tightly within his feelings the karma and the chains of the ages, and having in patience to know one day this shall not be.  My heart would rush forward, I would like to say to the men and women of Earth:  “Courage!  Freedom come.  Courage for Freedom shall not leave you until you are the fullness of your God design.”  Instead I speak through the hearts of you (the students) and you in turn through feeling, through lips, through radiation shall be My message, through you in Freedom’s robes, for I have no others.  In all the world the new crowned King has yet no subjects but yourselves.  Yet rich I Am beyond all the reckoning that even one, even one on this sad star should lift the consciousness and sense the vision of Freedom and share it, share it while yet the shoulders carry the burden of personal karma.”






Part II


A.D.K. Luk

Compiled by Nancy B. Detweiler

Ascended Master Sanat Kumara

Ascended Master Morya – 1956

“For millions of years Sanat Kumara has remained as Lord of the World.  Through the powers of Divine Love, He began to stir the soul-light among those still belonging to Earth’s evolution.  These individuals were magnetized by His Presence and visited Shamballa often, first in their finer bodies at night and between embodiments and later in their physical vehicles.”


Archangel Michael – 1957

“When Sanat Kumara came to Earth the axis had already bent to about 45 degrees.  The nature kingdom gave notice that it would no longer produce for mankind so filled with discord and lack of appreciation of its services and harvests.  However, disaster was avoided by the tremendous release of Sanat Kumara’s Divine Love, and the three Kumaras Who came with Him, as well as the loving assistance from those 100 lifestreams who preceded Them and prepared Shamballa.”


Ascended Master Morya – 1953

“Sanat Kumara’s coming brought to the Earth a new hope for redemption, with an assurance from the Cosmic Law that, for an indeterminate time, the life and sustenance of the planet would be provided through His sacrifice and in the hope that Sanat Kumara and His Helpers might evolve a way and means of securing the interest of the souls of men in learning to draw and radiate the Light required to keep the planet in the solar system.

Out of His own life energy, Sanat Kumara pledged the Cosmic Law to radiate the amount of Light required to warrant the investment of the energies of both the Sun and the Directors of the Elemental kingdom in providing a sustained planetary home for the recalcitrant evolution.

A way and means had then to be devised whereby the natural children of Earth and their pledged guardian Spirits might be awakened to their own responsibility in creating an Aura of Light for their planet, which would satisfy the demands of the Cosmic Law and allow Sanat Kumara to return to His own Star Venus, where his beloved Twin Ray, Who had promised to sustain His service during his exile, awaits Him.”


Ascended Master Morya – 1954

“Sanat Kumara has to be released.  His work is well done.  His Love even the Masters Themselves can scarcely comprehend, and His patience!  When He has looked upon the sleeping race, all potential Light bearers choosing to slumber on while He gives of His maximum radiation to keep the Earth which is their home in the system, not for a century or two, but for millions of years.  This small, revolving orb is not more than a speck of dust in this galaxy, and its Light, if snuffed out, would scarcely make a flicker in the radiance of the solar system.  Yet it is the planetary home of ten billion of lifestreams who could only find mastery if the Earth were sustained as their cradle.

When you each one, have attained the Ascension and stand free in blazing Light, you will stand there only because Sanat Kumara believed enough in your Light and life to do for you what you should have done for yourself for millions of years.  If He had not given so selflessly of His Light, the evolution would have passed into the second death and as an individual consciousness you would have been no more.  Is not that a debt to be paid best by becoming wherever you are, a focus for the expansion of the Light through every soul you contact?

You are paying for your own life in your service to Him.  You are paying for your immortality all down through the aeons of time that have not yet been unfurled when you will have being because of His Love.  Every sunrise, the perfume of flowers, the warmth of friends and loved ones, you enjoy because you have life which is the gift of His patience and His service in sustaining your obligations to life.

Lemuria was an age of tremendous illumination and perfection.  On Atlantis, thousands of lifestreams were able to emit Light, to precipitate, to levitate.  Angels and Masters walked visibly by the side of unascended beings.  Sanat Kumara, in hope seeing the close of His exile, thinking of Venus.  His heart burning with Love for His Home, the Sacred Fire visible upon the Altars, sickness, death and desolation wiped out; and Sanat Kumara folding His garments about Him ready to let the dust of the Earth fall from His presence – and then – back through the centuries fell the race; back into exile went Sanat Kumara.

What consciousness would stand, at the fall of every Golden Age, before the Karmic Board and say, “I renew My vow, I shall remain, they will yet arise, they will yet emit Light?”  The Karmic Board more than once counseled Him to linger no longer, that the mercy of the Law had exhausted itself, that Divine Justice would no longer accept a sacrifice of such tremendous proportions, of Love without parallel.  But quietly and firmly He said, “I shall remain.”

Then the Light of Venus dimmed in His eye and the thought of Home receded from His sweet consciousness lest the very pull of that Love would weaken His resolve.  I have stood on Venus, by the side of Sanat Kumara’s Beloved, I have seen Her filled with increasing hope as the hour of His exile neared completion.  Then, I have seen Her turn and walk back into the City of the Sun, with Her shoulders squared and Her eyes facing the heart of the Presence, another million years doing the work of others.  That is Love.  That is what fires Me with enthusiasm, with determination to find among the sons and daughters of men some who would love as Venus has.  That is the inspiration that brought Me to the side of Saint Germain when He stood among the lack of fulfillment of His last endeavor.  That is the fire that took Me into the very Presence of Helios and Vesta Themselves to ask for an opportunity to reach those chelas who had served with Me in many a tight corner through the ages.  That is the fire that beat within My heart as I stood before the great Maha Chohan and in the face of His question made Me say, “I believe I can find men and women to hold the bridge, to fan the dying embers of Truth, to stir the souls of men and to set this God Being free.

I am a man of determination and purpose.  It is the Will of God that the men and women of Earth give forth the Light to make this star shine.

Sanat Kumara came more than four million years ago, it was said.

The personal sacrifice of beloved Lady Master Venus in releasing Sanat Kumara and assuming the double service, is equally commendable as that of Sanat Kumara, Who came to Earth and remained in hopes of mankind developing to a point of emitting enough Light so that He might return.  Thus was Earth enabled to remain in the solar system through the ages.”


Lady Master Venus – 1954

To you who have promised beloved Sanat Kumara the glory and freedom to return to our system and our Star (Venus) I bring the gratitude of One Who has served alone and Who has endeavored to represent to our people the vibratory action of both My Beloved and Myself.  It is the request of our people that I bring to you on their behalf, our gratitude for your interest in Earth’s evolution and your service of weaving out of the energies of your own life that Light which pays the ransom for the Earth and allows Him the freedom to ascend upon your Love to His natural estate.”


Ascended Master Saint Germain – 1952

“When the planet Earth reached the point of such density that the Cosmic Law chose to vote it back into nothingness, it was the intercession of Sanat Kumara and the volunteers from Venus who secured the dispensation, allowing more time for the lifestreams belonging to the Earth to fulfill their individual and collective destinies by learning to emit, sustain and expand self-consciously Light, harmony and Love.

To this end, Sanat Kumara formed the nucleus of the Great White Brotherhood, the guardian Band of the human race, and its Members were composed of great Intelligences Who has volunteered to become radiating centers of Light until the Light Presence within each man was awakened and enabled to fulfill its own destiny in this regard.

This Great White Brotherhood held the first Council at Shamballa many hundreds of thousands of years ago.  They joined together around a glorious Golden Table, symbolic of the Sun, and each of Them represented a quality of the Godhead.  Sanat Kumara, Himself, was the presiding Master, and through Him was formulated the Plan by which mankind of Earth was to be spiritually stimulated, awakened, interested and ultimately enrolled in this Spiritual Order.  To each member, He gave certain responsibilities, according to the nature of the individual Being, and these delegated powers became the directing and motivating power of the life Intelligence so blessed.  Rhythmically, the Lord of the World called together this Council, and each reported on the expansion of the service in his particular channel.  All rejoiced in every development which brought the purpose of the Brotherhood to greater manifestation, but none interfered with the specific services of the other, and all were always under the loving directions of the Lord of the World, Who is the supreme authority for the work of the Brotherhood and all those who choose to abide within its Aura and serve its purpose.”


Archangel Michael

“It was necessary to devise a way and means of teaching and training the people of Earth how to expand their own sparks of Divinity and become Lords of the Flame, so they could illumine the planet without the assistance of Beings of other planets and stars.  By establishing the Spiritual Order of Divine Beings, the Great White Brotherhood, Sanat Kumara and His Council prepared for this.  The service of these Beings was to protect, guide, interest and teach the people of Earth, and eventually draw them into the Brotherhood so as to assume responsibilities and positions held by volunteer Beings from other planets and stars.”


Lord Maha Chohan

“The Great White Brotherhood, a united inner group, is made up of intelligent, living Beings Who have made the sacrifice of postponing Their own spiritual evolution to remain in the atmosphere of Earth ministering to a mankind that is not even interested in an endeavor whereby they might attain their own eternal Freedom.  These events and places are real.”


Ascended Master Morya – 1954

“The Spiritual Hierarchy, which is made up of Ascended Beings Who have consciously offered to renounce the joy of freedom of service at higher levels in order to help mankind to finish its evolutionary journey, are all specialists along some particular line of spiritual service and endeavor.  They are Divine Beings, Who under the training, direction, and guidance of Sanat Kumara chose to forswear Nirvana to help set the Earth and its evolutions free.

Without the Hierarchy the Earth would long since have passed into oblivion, the electrons which compose it returned to the universe, and the souls depending upon it for existence snuffed out like candles before the wind.”


Ascended Master Paul the Venetian – 1954

“Of the Great White Brotherhood the Lord of the World (at this time was Sanat Kumara) is the absolute authority for this Earth.  It is composed of God free Beings, Devas, Angels, and all the majestic Beings at inner levels, Who in voluntary relinquishment of God freedom on other planets, and individuals when they attained the Ascension stood before the Karmic Board and offered to remain in exile to serve mankind of Earth, until every consciousness was again awakened to Truth and restored to the God estate.”


Ascended Master Morya – 1956

        “The Great White Brotherhood’s purpose and service to the evolutionary scheme is to teach mankind how to create and sustain perfection.”


Maha Chohan – 1952

“The Cosmic Law required that, as soon as possible, a Spiritual Order be evolved from the Earth people, who would be the teachers and guardians of their own people, thus enabling the Cosmic exiles to return to the natural Sphere of their own activity and Light.  However, no lifestream who had its inception through the Earth planet seemed to pick up this vibration, but completing its round of evolution and gaining the Ascension without contributing in any manner to the succeeding races.

Sanat Kumara and the beloved Beings on Venus interceded on behalf of the Earth and its evolving mankind, and offered to enter into the orbit of the Earth, its atmosphere, and its people’s karma, with the sole purpose and intent of creating from among the human race itself a governing council and directive body composed of voluntary members of the race who would interest and increase its membership by the exertion of their own initiative.  Thus, Sanat Kumara’s first service to life, after His entrance into the Earth’s atmosphere, was to set up a skeleton of this Spiritual Order which is known in the world today as the Great White Brotherhood.  There were none of the human race among its members; it was composed entirely of these same guardian Beings, the Archangels and Devic Hosts.

The tremendous impetus of Sanat Kumara’s Love, and the magnetic pull of His Heart Flame were all that He had to work with in stirring the souls of men, and drawing, not by force or argument, but by the invisible and yet resistless power of His Love, the sleeping spiritual senses of some members of the race.  It was an entirely impersonal activity in which He engaged for many centuries, and neither He nor those who worked with Him allowed Themselves to designate any particular lifestream as a potential, giving the opportunity to respond, equally to each soul.

The first two souls to so respond were the Beings known as Lord Guatama Buddha and Lord Maitreya.  So from this small beginning, The Great White Brotherhood has grown in strength and numbers through the centuries until almost all of the Cosmic guardians and spiritual protectors have had their places taken by the dedicated men and women of the human race.

The Great White Brotherhood works on the same premise and with the same powers of magnetic Love and impersonal benediction, and the response of the spirit and the soul from within itself is the only passport into active membership.

Those who represent the Brotherhood in the world of men may take example from its Cosmic Founder and its Members, and becoming such a magnetic power of Love Divine, they will find drawn to them those whom the Father has called and who will remain, not because of personal allegiance, but because of the affinity of the soul Light with the spiritual essence which is the Brotherhood’s nature in the universe.”


Sanat Kumara’s Release From His Exile

Ascended Master Morya – 1955

“How shall I put into the words the Joyful News that is My pleasure, privilege and honor to impart to you?  Sanat Kumara has been released from His exile of the ages!

This decision by the Cosmic Law came as a complete surprise to all but a very few of the Celestial Hierarchy, and it was My sweet privilege and honor to be invited to present the Scroll announcing His Cosmic Freedom to Him as He stood rapt in deep meditation within the Flame upon the Altar.  After its reception, He remained for a long while gazing in profound contemplation at the gift of Freedom within His hands, while the expression of joy and gratitude on the faces of the entire multitude, as they were made aware of its contents through My words or presentation, was beautiful to behold.

The Lord (Buddha) Gautama, Who has been preparing Himself through long ages for this hour, now advanced slowly toward the Flame, and Sanat Kumara, from His position within It, removed the Crown from His head and placed it gently upon the head of Lord Gautama, Who knelt to receive it with hands reverently crossed upon His breast in an attitude of humility and grace.

Sanat Kumara then stepped forth from the Flame, and standing by the side of Lord Gautama blessed and thanked the multitude present and all life for His release, and expressed the desire to remain in Shamballa as Regent until the expiration of the time set by the Cosmic Law for His stay on Earth a few years ago.  The Lord Gautama will rule as Lord of the World from this night forth.

It was a tremendous and surprising climax to a most eventful evening, and I Am sure that every lifestream in that vast assembly was grateful to God for the privilege of witnessing a Cosmic Event unparalleled in all evolutional history.”


Sanat Kumara’s Return to Venus

Lord Michael – 1956

“After many ages, it is My honor and privilege to re-open My Retreat for the great purpose of forming the platform, forming the impetus and actual momentum of energy upon which the Lord of the World (Sanat Kumara) shall ascend to His Home – Venus.  However, Sanat Kumara will remain in the atmosphere of Earth as Regent until the time allotted Him by Cosmic Law expires, with the exceptions of visits to Venus.

At Shamballa are the beautiful Temples representing the seven Rays, the central pool in which play the magnificent Flame fountains, and the beautiful Temple of Sanat Kumara overlooking the whole.

From within this Temple, Sanat Kumara reigned since coming to Earth millions of years ago.  Over this Temple has always flown the Banner or Standard of Sanat Kumara, which is the planet Venus surrounded with the laurel wreath on a deep purple field.  Tonight, when the Standard is lowered for the first time since His coming, the Standard of Lord Gautama will be raised (it is the planet Earth surrounded with the colors of the Causal Body, on a gold field).

Every Hierarch and every Ascended Being, as well as every Retreat, has a Standard or Flag.

The Beings present at Shamballa are lined up on either side of the central pool almost a hundred deep, each with His flag.  Also the walk from the Temple to the end of the Bridge across the sapphire sea is massed with Beings.  As Sanat Kumara’s Standard is slowly lowered, all of the Standards are dipped in recognition, love and gratitude for the service it represents.  Then, almost with the same action, the gold Standard of Lord Gautama ascends.

Lord Sanat Kumara was in a pure, unadorned white robe with no vestments.  Lord Gautama wore the royal purple robe and the Crown and Scepter.  Lord Maitreya was at His side also in a royal purple robe of authority, with Miter and Staff.

Lords Sanat Kumara, Gautama, and Maitreya then walked over the Bridge and disappeared in a blaze of Light.  The next moment They were standing at the great doors of My Retreat at Banff in the Canadian Rockies.

The final ceremony of the transition of power from Sanat Kumara to Gautama, as well as Sanat Kumara’s departure for Venus takes place at My Retreat.  Sanat Kumara addressed the Spiritual Hierarchy and expressed His gratitude for answering His heart call and forming the Great White Brotherhood, in order to forward the Cause of God upon the planet Earth; also for the privilege of serving Earth and being permitted to share in its redemption and victory.

The two great Hierarchs approach each other from either side of the Altar, Their Causal Bodies blazing out like great fans (identical in size) in all the glorious colors of the Rays.  Then They approach each other until They meet within the Flame on the Altar where They become One, at which moment there is a tremendous flash of Light, followed by an expansion of the Flame which passes through the entire atmosphere of Earth.  At that precise moment, the Causal Body of Sanat Kumara is withdrawn from the body of Earth, while that of Lord Gautama enfolds it in Its embrace.  The Causal Body of Sanat Kumara becomes the aureole encompassing Him and His entourage on the journey to Venus.  So that it might be said that His return to Venus was accomplished on the energies of the Earth people, the students sang the song to Sanat Kumara.

The transition to His own beloved Star and Those who accompanied  Him was accomplished by Sanat Kumara in a beautiful chariot fashioned out of etheric substance by the visualizing process of chelas on the earth plane who were aware that this transition would take place within a specified period of time.  The actual journey was accomplished with the speed of light and almost immediately They had arrived within the orbit of Venus.  In the meantime, the Lady Venus, with Her retinue, had come out to meet Her Lord.  As the two companies approached each other, Sanat Kumara descended from His chariot and, in the simple white robe He had donned when He transferred the robes of State to Lord Gautama, He went forward alone to meet His Queen.  The Lady Venus also came forward unaccompanied and as those  two Great Beings greeted each other with outstretched hands, the Light of Their Causal Bodies encompassed Them and They were lost to the sight of the watching multitude for a moment.

Then the atmosphere was filled with the music and song of the Angelic Choir and the voices of the people of Venus were heard as they sang the Song of Welcome to their beloved King, the same song they sang as He departed from them so many aeons ago, but now rendered in the joyous tones of happiness.

Sanat Kumara and His beloved Venus now repair to the great Temple where, with all Their people, They give praise and thanks for His joyful and victorious return, and for the successful accomplishment of His mission of Love.

For the present, it has been arranged that the activity of Lord Gautama and Lord Maitreya will be combined, because the service of the Lord of the World is to generate enough Light to keep the planet in the solar system, and Lord Maitreya’s gift is to take the activity of the ceremony wherever possible because Lord Gautama is not inclined that way.  It will be a three-fold activity which will be magnificent , Gautama holding the Light, the Peace and the Illumination; Sanat Kumara as Counselor and Regent; and Lord Maitreya as the Head and Heart of the Brotherhood in practically all ceremonial service.  Tonight, Gautama has, for the occasion, adorned Himself with the Crown, Cape and Scepter.


Maha Chohan – 1956

“There has been tremendous increase in the vibratory action of the planet Venus since the return of Its Lord within Its Aura.  There is also a noticeable advance in the vibration of this planet also since the Lord Gautama’s assumption of the office of Lord of the World.  This may be explained by the fact that Lord Gautama’s evolutionary victory was accomplished entirely on this planet, whereas Sanat Kumara was a Lord of the Flame in Its entirety at the time He came to Shamballa to take up His residence there as Lord of the World.

It has not yet been revealed how long the Cosmic Law will accept the sacrifice of Lord Gautama’s willingness to carry the responsibility of holding the Light single-handedly, as it were, for a recalcitrant race of people, the majority of whom are not even award of His existence.”