The Polar Vortex: A Physical Manifestation of the “Chilling Effect” of NSA Surveillance? David Wilcock

The Polar Vortex: A Physical Manifestation of the “Chilling Effect” of NSA Surveillance?

David Wilcock


“The truth will set us free. Denial is an addiction that prevents us from seeing the truth. Once we accept it, true planetary healing can begin.”


“The cornerstone of our scientific research here at Divine Cosmos is the idea that the universe is alive and conscious. Is the Earth responding to the mass “chilling effect” of NSA surveillance with the “polar vortex” that has settled over America these last three weeks?

And if so — is this a good thing or a bad thing? Find out in our first in-depth investigation of 2014 — which we have already predicted will be the “Year of Disclosure.”