

The changes in consciousness is the important message—seeing Gaia as a living being … We are all One … We are responsible for maintaining our living home!

 Breathtaking video, even if the lip movements do not appear to fit the words.



THE FOURTH DAY- Gaia and The Arcturians

Suzanne Lie, Ph.D.





Dear Beings of my Earth, I am Gaia.

I wish to speak with you this day. As you know, in all ascension stories the ascending ones must go into the underworld for three days and three nights before they can fully accept their new state of expression. I, and many of my inhabitants, have been within the underworld since our merging with the energies of 12-21-12.

As most of you know, the first thing that happens when the light increases is that the hidden darkness is revealed. Within the twilight and dawning day, in which we have been living, many aspects of fear could hide in the shadows. As the Sun comes into its apex the shadows are removed and that which has been hidden is revealed. It is the revelation of hidden darkness that creates the need of our journey into the underworld.

Once that which we wish to release is revealed, we must go deep within our SELF to find the cause and core of our attachment to that which we no longer want to experience. I, your Earth Mother Gaia, am just arising from my three days and nights in the underworld. It is not an accident that the Soul message of the birth of Christ Consciousness on December 25 was created, as it was the fourth day after December 21.

The fourth day after our journey into the underworld is the day of our rebirth. However, we are born as infants who need to be constantly loved and cared for. Hence all my inhabitants and I, including my humans, are newly born to our expanded state of consciousness. We are like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty who have been put to sleep by the evil deeds of our dark antagonist.

Hence as I, Gaia, begin my new life, I experience life much the same as I have always experienced it. However, I know that much of my perceptions are due to my habit of being third dimensional. Even though the dark cloak of my astral body has been cleared and the Prince of Light has awakened me from my long sleep with his kiss of unconditional love, I appear much as I have always appeared.

The deep scars on my body created by greed and selfishness are still there. My skies are still filled with smog and chemtrails and my waters tainted with pollution. Many of my animals and humans still suffer, and darkness still hides in deep shadows. However, those shadows only exist because our consciousness is still calibrated to the third/fourth dimension.

I, Gaia, could use my greater power to instantly shake off all these expressions of darkness. However, if I were to do so, most of my beloved life forms would cease to exist on my form. I have grown very attached to the myriad plants, animals and humans who have accepted the greater light into their bodies in order to help their Mother Earth.

I have seen how it has been difficult for my creatures to adjust to this higher light while still living within the darkness of fear and greed. Therefore, how could I abandon them? How could I leave behind the humans who have fought for me and the animals who have bravely faced such difficult times? I have felt the unconditional love sent to me from them, and I lovingly return it.

For a planet to ascend while maintaining a safe environment for its inhabitants has not been done before in this Galaxy. I know that I am attempting a very difficult task. I am aware that I am asking my children to bear more assault from those who fear the light and wish to defeat it. However, I also know that all of you have been willing to enter into your underworld and are newly arisen into the light.

Therefore, you may still be functioning through the habitual patterns of third dimensional limitations. I remind you that if one were blind for most of your life and you suddenly regained your vision, you would not understand what you were seeing. In other words, the higher version of your/our SELF has come online, but we may not yet remember how to access it.

My inhabitants have functioned under the third dimensional paradigm since the fall of Atlantis. Therefore, your perceptions are calibrated to the physical plane. Furthermore, any fears and/or disappointments that you harbor in your consciousness will limit your ability to release the known in order to recalibrate to the unknown.

I, Gaia, am still finding the point to which I can calibrate my shift without harming my beloved children. This process of finding the rate of escalation that will allow planetary ascension without damaging my children will take that which we once called time. Fortunately, the erratic progress of time will assist you during this period of active waiting.

I say active waiting, as I must call upon your assistance. Your Unity Consciousness is a vital component of our safe transition into a higher frequency of resonance. If you, my humans, can slowly and steadily expand your perceptual field to include the higher frequencies of my planet, you can adhere your essence to that higher frequency of reality with your High Heart.

I ask you to perceive the vision that you are climbing out of a deep well. See the ladder that travels up the inside of the well and be aware that the well is collapsing beneath you. The well is collapsing from its depths because I, Gaia, need to allow the lower dimensional frequencies to collapse into oblivion. However, I want everyone to move beyond that resonance before I close that frequency of the matrix.

Therefore, as you climb each rung of the ladder, you feel the collapse below you. However, I will wait as long as I can to collapse that lower frequency of Matrix. In this manner, those who wish to join our new frequency can still be adhered to my Earth body/reality. I realize that many of you have been “climbing this ladder” for many years, and taking as many with you as you can. To all of you I say, Thank You!

I am also aware that many have died in their attempt to reveal the lies that have kept many humans attached to a dying reality. However, my old expression of intense polarity is closing from the lowest frequencies up. Hence, those who chose not to expand their perceptions to the higher rungs will be left inside of the collapsing matrix.

To transmute into a higher frequency matrix without closing the lower frequencies is extremely difficult.  Without the assistance of my inhabitants who have been releasing their wars of polarity to live in unity and unconditional love, it would be an impossible task. Again, I must thank my ascending humans and transmuting animals.

The challenge of unity and unconditional love has been simpler for my animals because they have remained in unity with my Earth. On the other hand, humanity has had a more difficult time. Third dimensional thinking has often trapped them in illusion, and fear has created separation and limitation. However, again, I must thank the many humans who have assisted others to expand their consciousness beyond the grasp of fear.

Patience is normal for a planet but difficult for a human. Many humans feel that they have waited a lifetime for this change. However, please remember that I am waiting too. I am waiting for you! If I were to suddenly transmute into the fifth dimension, my third dimension would no longer be habitable. Therefore, I will be patient.

I have the option to move slowly because many of my humans have directly confronted their own darkness and dis-allowed it to rule their lives. Therefore, they can hold the light to guide those still finding their way up from the bottom of the well. Also, I can transmute at a safe pace for my inhabitants because my Galactic Family has contained those who would damage my form in order that they might have more things and more power over others.

Thus, we will move into our New Age of New Earth slowly and patiently. In this manner, some can rush ahead to clear the way for others. Some can stay behind to assist the lost ones, some can continue their work of sharing the truth that shall set humanity free, and some can initiate the worldwide social and governmental changes.

I, your Mother Earth, appreciate that the few have to do the work of the many who have not yet remembered their Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, the dark ones will find it increasingly difficulty to adhere to my ever-raising frequency. Thus, the energies they have spent on domination will be spent on survival. Thus, their dark power over others will diminish, freeing the awaking ones to more easily remember their SELF.

Also, the expanding frequencies of light integrating into my planet and into your consciousness will activate everyone’s multidimensional consciousness. Then you will easily find solutions to that which once stifled you, and truth will shine beyond the lies. As my humans say, “Rome was not built in a day.” Neither will New Earth be revealed in one day. However, you will not build New Earth; you will perceive and merge with the New Earth that has always resonated just beyond your perceptions.

I leave you now with a closing message from my beloved Arcturian Family:

Our dear Ascending Ones,

Congratulations on your long journey through the darkness. Your eyes have not fully calibrated to the Light, nor have your ears fully calibrated to the Truth. You may not have fully embraced Multidimensional Thinking and unconditional love may still be beyond your understanding.

However, the very earth vessel that you have maligned for trapping you in third dimensional Earth is the first to feel the changes in your reality. You find that the intensity of your transformation keeps you at some level of exhaustion, food has taken on a new meaning, you are ravenous for more water, and long to BE ONE with the land, sea and sky. You are feeling a great transition and following your instincts and expanded perceptions.

These expanded senses often confuse you, as there appears to be multiple realities occurring at once. You hear your SELF calling you and see the world that resonates just beyond your physical vision. You feel like an animal that needs to go into hibernation, which is true. Therefore, we advise that you begin to restructure your life. It is important that you create “time” to go inside to understand and master the new Expression of SELF that is slowly emerging from the ashes of your myriad physical incarnations.

You, our Ascending Ones, are the Phoenix Bird. Your Unity Consciousness has flown directly into the flame of transmutation. However, you did not crash, and you did not burn. But, you did go into the underworld of your myriad physical incarnations. Now, your beak is rising up from the ashes. As you take wing, you initiate a New Era of peace and love.

But first, the ashes of fear and greed must be cleared. You must unite to forge your way into your new life, as the age of separation is ended. Those who choose to maintain 3D consciousness will remain in the separation consciousness of the past and become lost in the lower rungs of the ladder with the collapsing matrix nipping at their heels. Therefore, keep expanding into the higher expressions of your SELF.

Those who can seize the day can return later to guide those who have ultimately chosen to change. Remember, some of those who appear to be the darkest have volunteered to play the dark roles in order to maintain polarity. These beings of light are holding the 3D Matrix open to give others the chance to awaken. When the 3D Matrix can no longer survive, they will fly into the higher dimensions like arrows ejected from taut bows.

Remember to release all judgment, as judgment is the spawn of separation and polarity. There are many “double agents” among the dark forces who are working from within, just as you must work from within to clear your darkness. Remember that the third dimension is fraught with lies and illusions, so do not attach your attention to that frequency.

Instead, heal the remnants of third dimensional reality with the power of your unconditional love. Your unconditional love will transmute that which is trapped in the darkness and will attach your emanation of SELF onto the highest frequency of New Earth to which you can adhere.

Remember, if you are riding in a car that is climbing a high mountain the inside of the car remains the same no matter how far up the mountain you travel. In the same manner, as long as you perceive yourself as being inside the Oness of Gaia, you will remain in entrainment with the planet, and your changes will occur in synchronicity with Earth. Hence, as Gaia moves into higher frequencies your experience of Earth may appear the same because you are changing at the same pace of as the planet.

When you and Gaia are increasing your frequencies in the same manner, you will be changing at the same rate, and there will not be sudden difference between you and the planet. Furthermore, because your point of perception will rise at the same pace as Gaia’s frequency, you will remain constantly calibrated with Her rate of transmutation.

At great sacrifice to Her Earth body, Gaia has lovingly chosen to dramatically slow Her pace of change so that more of her Ascending Ones can remain alive on Her body. It is for this reason that we tell you to keep up your pace rather than fall behind Gaia’s pace. Those of you who can match your consciousness with the escalating pace of Gaia’s transition are serving as the foundation of New Earth.

We know that the ever-rising frequency of your physical form will cause you more than a little discomfort. However, because you know how important you are to the creation of New Earth, and because you are united with your Multidimensional SELF, you can and will persevere and eventually flourish.

Dear Ones, you are on the cusp of your greatest adventure. Therefore, your choice of lifestyles will shift, yet again. Before 12-21-12 you sought a pace of transformation that had a deadline. Hence, many of you overtaxed your earth vessels. We thank you for your sacrifice. However, we suggest that you take a moment of your NOW to relax and renew your energies for the next leg of your journey.

Then, you will set a slower pace to which you can adapt to each incremental shift. This journey has no deadline and no finish line. However, you will be called upon to constantly align and realign your pace of transformation with the pace of Gaia. In this manner, you can remain in entrainment with Her transmutation to best calibrate and recalibrate your perceptions, thoughts emotions and creative force with that of the planetary resonance.

Rest whenever you get a chance, for you shall be busy. However, your task is one that occurs within your ever-expanding consciousness and will be invisible to those who do not share your journey. Any remaining third dimensional needs for reward or recognition will be unveiled, giving you to opportunity to release any remnants of ego.

While you still hold attachments to time and physical reality, your mission will be more difficult. However, with your ego completely released you will feel the glory of Planetary, Unity Consciousness. Consequently old, third dimensional concepts and habits will fall away like autumn leaves.

Whereas, before you had a deadline and a finish line, now you are moving into the infinity of the timeless NOW. As this NOW flows into your perception, the ONE will embrace you with unconditional love.

We KNOW that you are ready for WE are YOU! Besides, we are always with you.

The Arcturians




Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.



December 21, 2012 marks the end of an approximate 26,000 years cycle called the Precession of the Equinox.  This is just one of several cycles ending at this time, so the energies involved will be extremely intense and transformative.[ii]

Because Earth humans possess such short life spans, we are consciously unaware that life continues in ever-expanding cycles of time.  We remember only the cycles of days, weeks, months, years, and centuries because we have experienced them.

We are about to experience the ending of several much longer cycles and the beginning of new cycles.  The illustration of fractal planetary life cycles below will assist us in grasping the magnitude of what is about to occur.  With Earth in the center, imagine the cycles farther and farther from our planet ending one complete cycle and beginning another.  Consider the relatively minor changes that we experience with the ending of a year’s cycle and beginning of a new year … now magnify these changes to include the longest cycle—a 225 million yrs. cycle ending and a new 225 million yrs. cycle beginning.



The New Earth will be transformed in ways we cannot imagine.  For the first time in cosmic history, Mother Earth—Gaia is her Soul name—has invited all of her inhabitants to ascend with her while still in our physical bodies.  No other planet in this vast cosmos has ever issued such an invitation.  For this reason, no one knows how this transformation will unfold … whether it will be sudden or gradual … whether we will receive full consciousness immediately or open to full consciousness in stages.

Another indicator of the importance of 12/21/12 is Project Looking Glass.  The movie CONTACT with Jody Foster is a realistic depiction of the Looking Glass.  David Wilcox explains the Looking Glass in this video.  According to the Looking Glass technology, all time lines merge into one on 12/21/12 … Earth bumps … and bursts into Light—from darkness into Light.


Maureen Moss offers insight regarding reaching zero point.

Archangel Michael talks about 12/21 on tonight’s final show AN HOUR WITH AN ANGEL.

[ii]   The cycles ending in December 2012 are a 2,000 yrs. cycle, a 26,000 yrs. cycle, a 78,000 yrs. cycle, a 26 million yrs. cycle, and a 225 million yrs. cycle.











Suzanne Lie, Ph.D.

A most beautiful meditation video and original song!





Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

          For the past couple of months, I have frequently driven to a nearby location where I can view the sunset.  Awe-inspiring … breathtaking … beautiful beyond words … are feeble attempts at describing the loveliness displayed.  Looking up, the sky becomes God’s cathedral enfolding our planet … the indigo, white, rose pink, and gray clouds are transformed into heavenly stained glass windows, shimmering in the light of the Sun.  Looking up, I am aware of our planet nestled within a universe of planets, stars, and Suns.  Looking up, I pray the Lord’s Prayer for our planet.

On the other hand, I observe drivers speeding past a lovely sunset … people walking along the roadside … church members parking their cars nearby and going inside … few, if any, look up long enough to behold the heavenly vision surrounding them.  All are engrossed in the tasks at hand … tasks that seem, to us, to be vital to our earth plane lives.  Yet, these very tasks tend to separate us from the much more comprehensive drama of God’s unfolding plan for our planet.  They cause us to look down … to forget that our lives are taking place on a planet … within a solar system … within a galaxy … within a cosmos.

I find that praying the Lord’s Prayer … while conscious of standing on planet Earth … looking up to the Sun of our solar system … magnifies the prayer into one for the planet.  I invite all of you to do likewise.   Praying thus lifts our perspective from one focused on our individual lives and immediate surroundings to remembrance of our entire human family.  We can, then, seek to live out this prayer by extending our life’s orientation to one that includes our brothers and sisters throughout this planet.  We shift to a new life paradigm … one that seeks to share with all who inhabit our planet.

Our Father becomes the Source of life for all that is … the Sun … stars … planets … and the inhabitants thereon.  Our Father is the life force manifesting through the myriad forms of creation as they express on many dimensions of consciousness.  We are increasingly hearing of encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials.  Most of us readily accept the existence of angels and the Ascended Masters.  Our Father is their father as well.  Many visitors from throughout the cosmos are present with us … they are members of our galactic family and have come to assist and to observe Planet Earth’s shift into the New Golden Age.  As we stand before our Sun, praying the Lord’s Prayer, let us include our cosmic brothers and sisters.  Let us begin to live with the realization that we are not alone on this planet … that many loving beings are present with us.  They yearn to assist us in creating a home planet characterized by world peace and unconditional love.

Our Father, who art in heaven is the river of life through which flows our capacity to create world peace and familial love between all of Earth’s inhabitants.  Our Father, who art in heaven individualizes as our I AM PRESENCE.  From this dimension of heaven within us, we catch a glimpse of the prosperity and individual soul wellness/fulfillment that are available to all.  Through contact with our I AM PRESENCE, or the God indwelling each of us, we can live in constant communication with the heavenly realms.  Herein is the fountain for all our Good.  Extraterrestrials, angels, and Ascended Masters drink from this same Fountain of Good.  Through our Father, who art in heaven, all are members of one cosmic family.  We live the Lord’s Prayer for planet Earth as we remember our interconnectedness.

Hallowed be thy name!  Harper’s Bible Dictionary states that to hallow something is to set it apart, with great reverence, for a sacred purpose.  Every name possesses a numerical vibration indicating the qualities through which all function.  To pray, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name is to recognize, with deep reverence, the qualities of God … omnipresence within us as the I AM PRESENCE … the Source of all wisdom, love, and prosperity.  Standing before a sunset provides the perfect setting for hallowing God’s name … the majestic loveliness, painted across the skies, easily fills us with awe.  Then, our sacred purpose—stemming from this awe—is to assist in bringing forth God’s love and wisdom upon the Earth.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven so on earth.  With these words, we affirm:  It is possible to establish a Golden Age on planet Earth.  God’s Kingdom is one in which all live in peace with one another … all—extraterrestrials, angels, ascended masters, and the inhabitants of Earth—work together and share the bounties of living in harmonious relationship.  Thy kingdom come means that all are free to pursue their talents … to spend their time in tasks that are fulfilling and that enhance the overall Good.  All are free to live out the numerical vibration within their name.  Thy will be done, as in heaven so on earth is a call to God for divine intervention into our lives … intervention that allows divine order to unfold on Earth as it does on the higher dimensions of consciousness.

The cosmic divine plan is that Earth is to ascend into the 5th dimension.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, as in heaven so on earth affirms this truth.  At this very moment, we stand at the threshold of the new heaven and the new Earth.  Tremendous transformative events are taking place on the inner planes and will soon manifest on the physical.  Then we will know—beyond doubt—that we are not alone … that we are loved beyond words … that God’s divine plan for each of us, and for planet Earth, is flowing forth in ways that are presently beyond our capacity to comprehend.  Thy will be done is our surrender to the arrival of heaven on earth—the Golden Age of Aquarius!

Give us this day our daily breadOur Father, give us all that we need to allow your divine plan to unfold in our lives and that of our planet.  Grant to us an open mind with the capacity to receive abundance, intuitive guidance, and the acceptance that with God all things are possible.  When God chooses to intervene in our lives … in the life of America … in the life of our planet … all things are possible.  We have arrived at such a portal of divine intervention.  Our daily bread becomes more than the food, shelter, and work we need in order to live on the 3rd dimensional, physical plane.  Now, the daily bread we need is an open mind … a mind that allows for all possibilities … a mind that recognizes our intellect cannot lead us to truth.  Our daily bread becomes attunement to our intuitive minds … the willingness to listen to the inner Self … to be an open channel for God’s love and wisdom to manifest in our lives.  Insisting on physical proof slams shut the inner door.  Our daily bread becomes the courage and persistence to live out our intuitive feelings, even though what we feel makes no common sense.  We cannot move forward in God’s plan if we insist upon things remaining the same.  Our planet is ready to move forward into a world of peace and love.  Give us this day our daily bread is our affirmation that we surrender to the changes involved in Earth’s transformation.

And forgive us our offenses, as we have forgiven those who offend us.  For the past few years, many have felt compelled to make right their relationships with others … to seek to forgive others … to ask for forgiveness … to forgive ourselves … and to release the unhappy memories.  We have felt the need to clean out our lives … our homes … the way we relate to others.  This urge toward cleaning out, forgiving, and releasing signifies the unfolding of divine order … in preparation for the magnificent Light that is coming into our world.

Light shatters darkness.  We may experience this shattering as trauma and the destruction of a belief system that, heretofore, has been the foundation for our lives.  We are increasingly reading and hearing on the news about cover-ups in our government.  Light brings forth all that is not truth … in every structure of our planetary society.  Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our offenses as we have forgiven those who offend us.  The Lord’s Prayer can become the foundation on which we base our responses to the coming days.  Forgiveness will play a major role.  Our daily bread is to be our willingness to forgive … to discern truth … and to be open to loving all persons while rejecting their negative behaviors.  God has nothing to forgive because we are already perfect in the eyes of Our FatherForgive us our offenses is a prayer to our own I AM PRESENCE:  “Give me the wisdom to forgive myself for falling short in my discernment of truth.”

And do not let us enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  As the Light tears asunder the curtain of darkness and illusions that characterize the 3rd dimension, we are likely to experience anger that so much has been hidden from us by those in power positions within every structure of our planetary society.  We have been taught in our schools, churches, and governmental structures to think inside the box of traditional beliefs.  Those who have refused this robotic mode of thinking have been persecuted, often severely.  As the Light exposes the non-truths to which we have adhered, we may be tempted to react with anger and frustration.  Do not let us enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil holds the secret to responding with forgiveness and love.  Know that Light dispels the darkness.  Light delivers us from evil.  Evil—defined as living with our backs to God—can assume all sorts of horrific forms.  Praying:  Do not let us enter into temptation is our affirmation that we will strive to forgive and extend unconditional love to those who have lived with their backs to God.  As the Light delivers us from evil, we are surrounded by a multitude of beings from the higher spiritual dimensions.  These beings enfold us with love; they gladly instruct and help us in creating a new Earth.  It is up to us to enter not into the temptation of continuing to think within the box of the former status quo.  Much that preceded this time in our planetary history has been laced with darkness or non-truth.  The Golden Age of Truth and Light lies before us.  We are in the transition period … from darkness into the Light of a New Age.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever.  The kingdom of God on Earth, for which we have prayed for thousands of years, stretches before us.  The Golden Age is an Age in which we live in God’s kingdom … in full knowledge of God’s power … and stand in the glory of God forever.  The Golden Age is an Age in which we come to know and to experience daily the truth about ourselves:  We are One with God and all of creation.  In this kingdom, we stand in the Light of our own I AM PRESENCE, demonstrating the power that is ours to transform our world … We stand in the glory that is ours as child gods and we will do so for ever and ever.  Once we know Truth, it cannot be taken from us.

AMEN!  As we close the Lord’s Prayer and every prayer with the word Amen, we are affirming certainty that our prayer is present reality.  Prayer is a means of co-creating with God; Amen commands, “So be it!”  Amen affirms our knowledge that the Golden Age … the new heaven and new Earth … are our rightful inheritance as Sons and Daughters of God.  Amen affirms our intention to henceforth live within the kingdom, the power, and the glory of God and our own I AM PRESENCE for ever and ever.

In doing so, we live the Lord’s Prayer for Planet Earth.



Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

       The occupation of Wall Street in the USA and the demonstrations taking place all over Planet Earth are indications that people are awakening and demanding change.  We, the people of the world, are declaring our independence.  This time, our independence is not simply to enable us to build peaceful, prospering nations, but the foundation upon which we are to build our galactic culture and to be re-united with our galactic brothers and sisters.

Planet Earth is declaring her independence; she is preparing for membership within the Galactic Federation of Light.  No longer will Earth be a prison planet.  No longer will a few have the capacity to imprison the many via manipulation—subtle and blatant—, lies, and cover-ups.  People around the planet can now behold the beginnings of the New Way slowly emerging.

The American Declaration of Independence holds value as one source of guidance in building a galactic culture.  Let’s take a look.


       “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these rights , Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.  Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed.  But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.” —The Declaration of Independence


       “We hold these Truths to be self-evident” – to be self-evident means to need no proof, to be beyond question.  Truths that are self-evident are in accordance with Cosmic (or Creator God’s) Law.  In other words, we are declaring our independence in accordance with the Cosmic Laws of Creator God.  These Cosmic Laws supersede all man-made laws.  Even when—for a period of time—these Laws are circumvented, the natural, cyclic movement of the cosmos will return to resonance with Creator God’s Law.  All movement within the cosmos is toward healing.  A galactic society is based upon these same self-evident Truths.

“That all Men are created equal” – written in the vernacular of the 1700s, these words could now be changed to:  That all Human Beings are created equal.  This affirmation is radical and pregnant with esoteric meaning.  When living in accordance with Creator God’s Cosmos Law, there is no separation into economic and social classes … no discrimination for any reason.  There is One Truth—Cosmic Truth.  All people come from the Divine Source as equal Parts of the Whole.  No human being originates from sexual intercourse or the union of sperm and egg.  No human being is an accident.  We are mistaken when we view a child as an accident, illegitimate, born of incest or rape.  As an integral Part of the Whole, the Soul—granting life to a physical body—incarnated in accordance with that Soul’s Plan.  Every human being is present on Earth for a sacred purpose.  No human being is dispensable.  All [human beings] are created equal.

“That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Unalienable or inalienable rights means the rights granted by Creator God, rights that cannot be permanently taken away.  Unalienable rights are intrinsic; they are part of who every human being is.  Many on Earth presently suffer from the deprivation of their unalienable rights, but those rights are still an essential part of who they are.  That’s why we are now seeing people around our planet rise up in rebellion.  Who we are—as Parts of the Whole—is giving us a cosmic push to re-unite with our true being.  We are awakening to Ourselves.

“That among these are Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness.”  Since these unalienable rights are granted by Creator God, we must ask:  What type of Life would our Creator give?  What type of Liberty would our Creator grant?  What did Creator God have in mind when gifting all human beings with the unalienable right to Pursuit of Happiness?

The unalienable right to Life is not simply the right to breathe, to exist on this planet.  Life, in God’s Eyes, means the unalienable right to thrive, to become all that every human being can be within an environment of unconditional Love and appreciation for individual uniqueness.

The unalienable right to Liberty does not mean the mere right to move around freely.  Liberty, in God’s Eyes, entails the unalienable right to be exactly who each human being is.  If one individual desires to become an engineer, the unalienable right to Liberty is the freedom to be educated in accordance with that desire.  All Parts of the Whole—incarnated in human bodies—possess the unalienable right to fulfill their individual Soul Plan, without being obstructed by lack of money, discrimination, or for any other reason.  Liberty is an unalienable right to be used for fulfilling a Divine Purpose—that of living out the Soul’s Mission for entering physical incarnation.

The unalienable right to Pursuit of Happiness is not simply the right to live it up, to have a ball with no thought of tomorrow.  The Pursuit of Happiness, in God’s Eyes, is the unalienable right to pursue the activities that make our hearts sing for joy … the endeavors that are a genuine expression of who we are as an individual manifestation of God—as one Part of the Whole.

We, as a society, have largely ignored this unalienable right, believing it to be pie in the sky.  Instead, we have oriented our lives around clichés that are actually lies propagated as a subtle means of control by those who would have Earth remain a prison planet.  “Such is life” … “God gave us common sense to use” … “I must do what I must do to survive.”  These statements become obstacles to our innate capacity to dream, to be inspired, to follow the path of our Soul, to allow our true identity to unfold.

The Declaration of Independence includes a long list of grievances that prevented the colonists from fulfilling their unalienable right to the Pursuit of Happiness.  Today, the people of planet Earth are declaring their independence from the wrongs inflicted upon us by the power elite.  We are awakening to our heritage as Parts of the Divine Whole.

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.”  Just as there is Cosmic Law, there is also a Spiritual Hierarchy that constitutes a divine government responsible for Earth and other planets.  We, as Parts of the Whole, have the unalienable right to petition the Spiritual Hierarchy and request a dispensation regarding a particular concern.  As we become increasingly aware of our galactic family’s presence with us, fulfilling the role of our elder brothers and sisters, we can witness the manifestation of one dispensation made by the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Quoting the Maha Chohan, an office within the Spiritual Hierarchy, a dispensation was given to Lord Sanat Kumara of Venus regarding Earth.

       “A Sun Council was called when the Earth had reached its lowest ebb, when there seemed no possibility for it to contribute to the Light of the solar system. At this Conference among the Suns of this galaxy, it was decided that the planet Earth would be returned to primal essence because it was contributing no Light, no music, no constructive radiation to the universe of which it was a part. It was thought best to dissolve this planet, conserving life and returning the substance of the planet itself for re-polarization into the heart of Helios and Vesta. As conservation of life is an essential part of the Cosmic Law.

Lord Sanat Kumara was One among other great and Divine Beings from other stars, Suns and universes Who attended the Council. He went home to His planet determined in His heart to help the Earth. He did not sit in His courtyard surrounded by the magnificent Beings, the Kumaras, the Angels, Devas and His own people, in proximity to His beloved Divine Complement, Venus and just think it was too bad to see the Earth and all that belonged to it being discarded. Sanat Kumara, even One of the greatest of the mystics, had learned the Law of balance as well as Love and He pondered within Himself what He might do to sustain the Earth’s place in this system. He asked for the opportunity to give to the Earth His radiation and Light and to act through His developed capacities of thought, feeling and action, as Lord of the World for the Earth. This request was granted.”  The Law of Life & Teachings of Divine Beings, A.D.K. Luk

As a result of this Dispensation, granted to a citizen of our Solar System, Earth and its inhabitants are now preparing to ascend to a higher level of consciousness.  It is within this higher level of consciousness that we will create a new government and re-unite with our galactic (or cosmic) family.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundations on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

America was Ascended Master St. Germain’s child of my heart. 

St. Germain – Avatar & Hierarch of the New Aquarian Age

       Although he ascended in 1684, St. Germain sought permission from the Spiritual Hierarchy’s Lords of Karma Board to continue to work on the 3rd dimension and to appear as a physical being.  He retained his Ascended Master’s ability to appear and disappear in any number of bodies.

He appeared and disappeared throughout the courts of Europe as le comte de St. Germain – the Wonderman of Europe.  Voltaire described him to Frederick II of Prussia as a man who never dies and who knows everything.

St. Germain inspired the colonists to sign the Declaration of Independence.  He was present with George Washington during the winter at Valley Forge.  He worked closely with America’s Founding Fathers to create a nation in which all people were to be free in accordance with their unalienable rights.  When he was visible, he appeared as a mysterious old professor.

The early Americans created a Republic with high ideals.  However, we live on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality; we were unable to live in resonance with humanity’s unalienable rights.  Greed and power struggles became the behind-the-scenes rulers.  Soon, Americans were inflicting upon themselves the same grievances against which they had rebelled.  True revolution comes as a result of inner personal transformation, not exterior change.

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed.”

For 235 years, Americans have lived with the Evils to which we are accustomed.  The people of the world have lived for thousands of years with the Evils to which they have become accustomed.

“But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.”

The time has come for the inhabitants of Earth to move forward … to create a new society based upon the unalienable rights of all human beings.  To do so is our Right … it is our Duty.

This new form of government is to become a 5th dimensional Galactic One that will qualify us to join the Galactic Federation of Light.  This government will strive to carry out the Divine Plan for Earth and its inhabitants.  Greed, competition, power struggles, deprivation, discrimination, and mere existence will disappear, for the New Government will be established by people who have undergone inner transformations—they will work for the good of all in accordance with the Divine plan.

The old world is passing away.  Earth is ascending to the present location of Venus within our Solar System.  Earth humans are in the midst of creating a New World based on Unconditional Love for All.  We are fulfilling our Declaration of Independence.

It is our Right … it is our Duty!


Articles that may enhance understanding of this one are:



Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed.,  M.Div.


I write to you with the prayer that you will listen to this video in which a Catholic bishop reveals the truth about 9/11 in his sermon.  He has taken a very courageous stand and one that will spread rapidly throughout the internet as many who find this video will be certain to share it.  Presently, it is making the rounds on Facebook.

Many lost loved ones on 9/11; many more have suffered as the result of the Iraqi and Afghanistan Wars.  The entire Muslim community has suffered.  I cannot fathom the anger that will explode when truth is known.  Ministers need to be prepared to counsel with your parishioners.

The truth about 9/11 is all over the internet; however, I am aware that ministers seldom have the luxury of browsing the internet.

This video provides what I consider to be one of the most credible explanations because it comes from a bishop minister.  I am sending it to numerous ministers.

There are additional websites listed on the video.  Another I would like to recommend is:   On this website, you will find an abundance of information compiled by former U.S. State Department Language Interpreter for Presidents Clinton & Bush – Fred Burks.  I encourage you to not only read about 9/11 on this site, but too also read about the extraterrestrial presence cover up at:

Ministers are about to be faced with counseling many concerning these two major cover-ups.  Being prepared will empower you.

I have also prepared a website and blog on which people can learn truth while maintaining a basic faith in a God of Love.  They are:    and

My prayer is that this information is helpful to you in your ministry.

The Reverend Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.



Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M. Div.

  Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

        The Hebrew words in this verse can be translated in a variety of ways, all of which enhance its meaning.

                Cease from labor, and experience God.

                Sit still, and perceive God.

                Rest, and gain knowledge of God.

                Rest from labor, and find out about God.

Lamsa translates the Aramaic of the Peshitta to read:  Repent, and know that I am God.”

Meditative prayer is different from the traditional concept of prayer, which is usually considered “talking to God.”  Meditative prayer is attuning to God in order to view life through God’s eyes.  During this meditative prayer, we can affirm perfect health, the perfect vocation or relationship, and the perfect unfolding of whatever situation concerns us.  These affirmations (or positive statements) are made with the request that all be done in accordance with Divine Will and the highest good for everyone concerned.  Meditative prayer recognizes the essential ingredient that Jesus taught in Mark 11:24:  Anything you pray for and ask, believe that you will receive it, and it will be done for you.”  I would like to add another perspective to prayer.

Elizabeth Claire Prophet’s Divine Self Chart

       We see depicted in the Divine Self Chart multiple bodies combining to create our multi-dimensional being.  Our lower self consists of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies.  A measure of spiritual maturity is required in order to be consciously aware of our higher bodies, which include the Christ Self and the I AM PRESENCE.  The Christ Self is also referred to as the Higher (or Intuitive) Mind and the Higher Self.  The soul resides at the Christ Self level and our indwelling God is the part of our being called the I AM PRESENCE.  Thus, in our entirety, we exist on seven ascending vibratory or dimensional levels.  As we awaken spiritually, we attune gradually to the higher vibrations of our being.

During prayer, most of us envision some type of entity to whom we are praying:  God, Spirit, or a Higher Being.  Though we may know better than to personify God as the “man upstairs,” we still tend to think of this Being as separate from us, even while we intellectually affirm “I am one with God.”  We pray to “something larger than ourselves.”  A new perspective would be to recognize that we are praying to parts of ourselves:  our Christ Self and our I AM PRESENCE—the part of us that is God.

The Christ Self acts as the mediator between the lower self and the I AM PRESENCE.  Through our I AM PRESENCE, we are connected to all that is … we are one with God … we have access to the fulfillment of all our needs.  God is a part of us; we are a part of God.  For example:  When we say,  “there is no pain” … “there is no evil” … “there is no lack,” we are referring to the conditions on the I AM PRESENCE dimensional level.  These statements of Truth reveal the potential for perfection that is ours as we attune to our Christ Self and I AM PRESENCE.  They are not meant to lead us into denying the conditions experienced on the vibratory level of our physical, emotional, and lower mental (intellectual) bodies.  The lower mental body signifies our Intellect, which seeks tangible, visible proof on the physical plane.  The Higher Mental body is our Intuition, which knows Truth because it is attuned to the 5th or higher dimensions of perfection and enters our knowing through one of the higher chakras:  heart, third eye, or crown chakra.

WARNING:  Intuition is not to be confused with a psychic capacity.  Many psychic experiences can come from the astral plane through the solar plexus chakra.  The astral plane is not a plane of perfection and many misguided messages can come from this plane.

The physical, emotional, and lower mental states of humanity are our instruments for spiritual evolvement.  They allow us to learn the arts of forgiveness, self-discipline, using our freewill to choose the Good, compassion, and selflessness.  It would be a much slower process to learn these skills in a paradise world.  That’s why Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden.  They, as representatives of Earth’s humanity, chose to know both good and evil—to reside on the plane of duality.  Humanity would now evolve into gods and goddesses by learning to live in the world with all its temptations, while choosing only the Good.  In this manner, we become gods and goddesses via our own freewill choice and self-discipline.  We develop our capacity for wisdom, power, and love through the process of trial and error.  We undergo the initiations of Jesus, a Wayshower, as revealed in the article entitled Ascension at:  Otherwise, the human kingdom would be like the angelic kingdom.

Angels know only perfection.  Wherever they belong in the angelic hierarchy, they do the bidding of those with authority over them.  They do not individualize to the extent human beings do.  (As I write these words, I am told by Spirit that this statement is as close to the Truth about angels as we can comprehend; however, it is not the complete Truth.  Hopefully, all of us know that we perceive Truth at the level at which our human minds are capable.  Comparatively speaking, humanity’s knowledge and understanding is miniscule.)

Charles Fillmore describes this process of becoming gods and goddesses in his chapter on “Reincarnation” in The Essential Charles FillmoreLife is continuous and in harmony with the wholeness of Being only when it is expressed in a perfect body; hence man must have a body in order to gain an abiding consciousness of life.  Through repeated trials at living, man is finding out that he must learn to control the issues of life in his body …. The personal man with all his limitations, all his relations, must give way to the universal, the Christ man.”  Thus, to attune to and affirm perfection does not mean that we deny physical plane limitations; but that we strive to lift our consciousness to the level of perfection and learn to manifest that perfection in our physical plane lives as Jesus did.

How did Jesus do so?  Read the four gospels:  Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  We find Jesus fulfilling the prerequisites detailed in the various translations of Be still, and know that I am God.”  He separated from the crowds and his disciples and spent time alone, attuning to the vibration of his I AM PRESENCE or, in his words, the Father within me.”  He spent entire nights in meditative prayer.  We, too, are to fulfill the prerequisites of prayer and meditation.

We are to cease our labors.  The western culture exalts the type A lifestyle with its frenzy of constant activity.  Society teaches us:  successful persons live a busy life.  How else can we be successful?   How else can we fulfill the myriad requirements placed upon us by the various roles we play?  Jesus did so by ceasing his labors, leaving the crowds of people clamoring for his attention, and spending time in meditative prayer.

We are to rest, to sit still.  Even though Brother Lawrence’s concept of “practicing the presence” is a marvelous tool for spiritual attunement, the Psalmist is indicating something different.  To rest or sit still means to set aside everything else and “be still.”  On the seventh day, God rested … God created the Sabbath for a day of rest.  This period of rest is an integral part of the cycle of creation and life.  It is the time that culminates in completion.  The number vibration of seven signifies completion.  In other words, when we omit the Sabbath—meaning regular periods of rest or being still and attuning to God—we fail to complete our purpose for incarnating on the physical plane of duality.  Our activity on the physical plane is to realize completion by sitting still and resting within the energy of our I AM PRESENCE.  We are replenished and healed as we attune to that level of ourselves that abides in perfection and love.  It is within this energy that we receive the answer to all prayers.  Herein, we assimilate perfection so that we can manifest it within our daily lives.

We are to repent, meaning to do an “about-face.”  We are to turn from involvement in the world and to look toward our I AM PRESENCE.  For it is only as we concentrate our attention on our I AM PRESENCE that we can accomplish the remaining imperatives put forth by the Psalmist.

In the quietude of resting and sitting still, we are to experience God.  Again, I find the diagram of our Divine Self helpful.  Although our seven bodies are actually interpenetrated rather than stacked one on top of the other, it is informative to visualize in meditation the cord of light extending downward from the I AM PRESENCE, thru the Christ Self, and into our lower bodies through the crown chakra.  In this manner, we begin to get a sense of our entire being.  We experience God as part of ourselves when we lift our consciousness to the I AM PRESENCE level, if only for a split second.

Be still, and know that I am God can be read metaphysically as:  Be still and know your I AM PRESENCE.  The Hebrew word translated to know can mean to know on an intimate level physically.  To know our I AM PRESENCE intimately is to merge consciously with our indwelling God.  As we merge our lower being with our Higher Being, we experience God.  We can begin to view life from God’s perspective.  Often, what we realize is that the very situations in our lives that we are resisting are the vehicles for our greatest growth.  With this insight, we can stop resisting the situations and see within them the perfect unfolding of Divine Order.  We realize that what appears to be imperfection on the physical plane can be the perfect vehicle for our spiritual growth.  For example:  Charles Fillmore appeared to lack a perfect physical body. One leg was shorter than the other.  However, this appearance of imperfection ended up being the perfect means for urging him to merge with his I AM PRESENCE and to bring the consciousness of a perfect limb into his physical plane awareness.  As a result, Fillmore increased the length of his leg by several inches.  This healing of self led him into the establishment of a healing prayer ministry that is now known throughout the planet as Silent Unity.  Thousands of persons have received healing.  What appeared as imperfection on the physical plane was, in actuality, the perfect vehicle for the creation of the Unity Movement.  The avenues for perfection may surprise us!

We are to gain knowledge of our I AM PRESENCE.  As we sit in meditative prayer and experience our I AM PRESENCE, we come to know that we are connected to all that is.  We can pray for others by merging our conscious awareness with our I AM PRESENCE, then allowing our attention to expand into the I AM PRESENCES of those for whom we are praying.  As we sit still at this level of perfection within ourselves and others, we can then affirm perfection manifesting within the physical and emotional bodies of all concerned.  We see and feel that perfection.  Our prayers are answered as we concentrate on the perfection that already exists within all of us.  The I AM PRESENCE can know only perfection.  Therefore, at this vibratory level of our being, perfection is all that is.

Rest from labor, and find out about God becomes an exciting adventure is self-discovery.  We are the Being to whom we pray.  We are the answers to our own prayers.


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Romans 15:13



Nancy Detweiler

Painting taken from cover of Genii Townsend’s book City of Light Sedona

My prayer for this week, during which the 10th anniversary of 9/11 will be on center stage in every mainstream media, is that Earth humans will choose to think on the marvels that can be.

Let us remember the words of John Lennon as an Iraqi youth sings Imagine

Let us learn about the Cities of Light that will soon appear in the sky—Healing Centers of Light & Love.

Listen as Genii Townsend describes the first City of Light to appear in the sky over Sedona, Arizona.!

Read about Genii on the Light Center website:

Order her new book City of Light Sedona from the Light Center website or at

Ponder this question:  Is the world as we presently see it the best Creator God can do?

Recognize that the world we presently see outpictures humanity’s creation—a humanity that does not know who they truly are.

Set out to learn Who You Really Are

Let’s leave behind the world of fear and experience the rapture of learning about the world Creator God did create … of learning that Love is the only power that exists … of learning that an All Loving God created an All Loving Universe and that we can ascend into this world if we so choose!

Let’s allow fear-mongering to fall on deaf ears.  Let’s take control of our thoughts and center them upon Love & Light.  Let’s create this world of Love & Light together … Let’s live life as One!