Collapsing Time–The Arcturians Thru Dr. Suzanne Lie

Collapsing Time–The Arcturians

Thru Dr. Suzanne Lie


“As time continues to collapse, the concept of remembering is gradually replaced with the concept of KNOWING. At first “knowing” feels similar to remembering, but you increasingly realize that remembering had doubt, whereas knowing IS. In other words, when you KNOW, you are free of all doubt.

Being free of doubt is difficult as there is nowhere to hide, and you are completely vulnerable and in the daily process of full disclosure of all that has blocked your ascension so far.

This freedom from doubt is amazingly liberating. Most of you have had no idea how much doubt interfered in your life, as you had never lived without it. Freedom from doubt allows you to progress deeper and deeper into the NOW of ‘knowing.’”