Compiled by Nancy, with Twin Flame, Uriel

ascension2Ascension of Human Beings

EARTH, and its inhabitants, are on the threshold of a major evolutionary leap int0 higher levels of consciousness.  Earth’s ascension involves movement within our solar system to the position VENUS, an ascended planet,now  holds in proximity to our SUN.

planets-in-solar-systemEARTH’s Ascension

A major reason for attuning to the Ascended Masters presently helping Earth in this process is that they teach us , preparing us to live in a higher  vibratory dimension, leaving behind our old belief systems and opening to a world of which we can barely dream.

Ascended Lady Master Venus explains:  “The radiation and Light of the Sun to the planets, causes each one to rotate on its axis and to move in orderly procession around the Sun.  So does the Sun move rhythmically around the Central Sun, and which is part of a glorious train of Light made up of millions of galaxies that move by Cosmic Intelligence, whose consciousness is beyond description, all move in procession around a Central Focus continually proceeding toward greater perfection or the ultimate.

       As the Cosmic motion and in-breathing of the Central Sun draws the lesser Sun towards Itself, so in like manner the seven Suns are drawing their planets from the periphery of their system.  The planet Venus which is fourth in our system will move one position closer to our Sun becoming the third planet revolving around Krishna and Sophia.  So your Sun will draw Mercury within the Electronic Belt, and the Earth will become the third planet revolving around Helios and Vesta.

       Right below Venus is the Earth in your system.  We are preparing the Earth and its people so that the vibratory action of the position and orbit which We leave may be comfortable and they enjoy the radiation of Love and Wisdom which We leave as our heritage to your planet.  So too, are you preparing for when Earth moves closer to the Sun, Mars moves into your present orbit.” (Excerpts from THE LAW OF LIFE & TEACHINGS BY DIVINE BEINGS, Book 1, A.D.K. Luk)

I am listing an additional source of information on the Ascended Masters.  Keep in mind that you are not studying “Fantasy;” instead, you are actually studying a map to your next destination.

Ascended Masters’ Teachings






March 18, 2013



Sanat Kumara, or Raj, as he prefers, is known in the Bible as “the Ancient of days.”  He is Earth’s Planetary Logos. 

 Steve begins the interview by asking Raj about Pope Francis.  Raj explains the Pope Francis is overlighted by St. Francis of Assisi.  St. Francis has not taken over the Pope’s body as a walk-in.  An example that I give is that while Jesus conducted his ministry on Earth, he was overlighted by the Universal Christ Spirit. 

Pope Francis, overlighted by St. Francis, has agreed at the Soul level to take on the responsibility of cleaning up the Church.  Though Pope Francis is very humble, Raj says he has a spine of steel. 


The selection of Pope Francis is a major change signifying the Ascension Process.  Catholic or not, we all need to watch as Pope Francis works with St. Francis of Assisi in cleaning up the scandals that have plagued the Church for centuries.

Raj continues the interview by discussing the process of ascension.  A very thought provoking hour!




The two parts series below were copied from


A.D.K. Luk

Regarding Sanat Kumara’s Contribution to Planet Earth.

Earth had descended so low that the Council of Heaven debated allowing it to disintegrate.  Sanat volunteered to leave his home planet of Venus and his twin flame, Lady Master Venus, and come to Earth to save it.  The story follows.










Nancy B . Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.



 Many, especially among Christians, may fear considering their own personal ascension.  To do so, may appear sanctimonious or to distract from the role of Jesus’ incarnation on Gaia.

Did Jesus incarnate to be a unique expression of God?  No, he came to show us the Way to Ascension!

Although the early church fathers and ecumenical councils sought to project an image of Jesus that made him unique, Jesus himself did not confirm this view.  See:  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2012/09/19/jesus-did-not-mean-he-is-the-way-the-truth-the-life/

Jesus demonstrated the Way to Ascension through the major events in his life.  See:  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/02/15/ascension/

What is Ascension?

Study the 1st Divine Self Chart above.  Note that 3 figures are present:  1. The human being residing on the physical or 3rd dimensional plane.  This individual naturally focuses his/her attention on the physical plane, most often depends upon his/her intellect (or lower mind) to determine answers about life, and depends upon those answers that can be verified via one of the five lower senses.  He/she will often make the statement:  I’ll believe it when I see some proof.  2. The middle figure or Higher, Intuitive Mind, the Christ Self, the Higher Self.  As the physical plane individual begins to focus on the Higher, Intuitive Mind, the Ascension process begins.  Instead of living life in accordance with the Lower, Intellectual Mind, she/he ascends or lifts his/her consciousness to the level of the Higher Self or Soul Level of Consciousness.  At this level, we begin the development of what the Apostle Paul called the mind that was in Christ Jesus.[i]   3.  The top figure, the I AM PRESENCE, God within you, the Kingdom of God within you.

The mind that was in Christ Jesus was in attunement with God’s Mind.  Jesus taught:  My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.[ii]  So, when you and I ascend, it means that we not only know how to be in attunement with our Higher, Intuitive Mind; but will also ascend in consciousness to become One with the I AM PRESENCE indwelling us.

Study the 2nd Divine Self Chart above.  Note that the middle figure is no longer present and that the stream of consciousness extends from the physical human being directly to the I AM PRESENCE.  This is Ascension.  We are learning to maintain the consciousness that is within the Mind of Jesus, the Mind of God.   As the Apostle Paul taught:  Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.[iii]

Will Ascension be complete on 12/21/12?  No, there are numerous dimensions of consciousness.  The Ascension, or evolutionary leap, that we are to experience approximately December 21, 2012 will be a leap to first rung of the Ascension ladder.  We will lift our consciousness above the dimensions where negativity of any kind can exist.  We will enter the realm of God-consciousness, but still have much to learn and integrate.

To ascend will mean we think like God thinks.  Since GOD IS ABSOLUTE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, God can think only in terms of unconditional love for every individual within all of creation.  God favors no one; God forgets no one.  A God of Love cannot perceive negativity of any kind.  As we begin to think as God thinks, we will perceive only in terms of “this is my sister … this is my brother … and I love them unconditionally.  As we create an ascended society—a galactic society—we think only in terms of what is best for every single human being on this planet.  We leave no one out on the 3rd dimensional basis of “being lazy … demanding entitlements … not worthy … let him get a job and work for his food … no government hand-outs … no work – no healthcare.”

Jesus revealed the way God thinks:  Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?  And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?  And why do you worry about clothing?  Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more cloth you? [iv]

 This is how God thinks … Are we ready to think likewise?  This is ascended thinking … 5th dimensional thinking!  Even though 5th dimension contains no negativity, no deprivation, no jobs (working to fulfill someone else’s aspirations rather than our own), no pain, no illness, ascended individuals still think in terms of good for every part of creation—no exceptions!


 There may be some individuals who are not ready to ascend.  They may choose to remain within a 3rd dimensional society or need to learn additional lessons that can be learned only on the 3rd dimension.  They may not be ready to give up their hatred, need for revenge, prejudice, greed, power issues, and still need to feel superior to others less fortunate.  Some may simply be happy with their 3rd dimensional lifestyles and not be ready to give it up.

For these, the choice to remain on 3rd dimension entails a move to another planet—very likely a totally unconscious move of which they will have no awareness that anything has changed.  Loving spiritual guides will continue to be with them … they will continue to live and move and have their being [v] within the energy of God’s love, just as we all are at this very moment.  Since GOD IS ALL THAT IS, there is nowhere where God is not.  The difference between 3rd dimension and 5th dimension is that on the 3rd, we continue to learn via suffering and believe ourselves to be separate from God.  On the 5th dimension, there is no suffering and we have ascended into the higher consciousness of knowing we are One with God … we are consciously aware of living with only Love, only Joy, only Abundance, only Peace.

But, what if this is not true and we end up in Hell?

Even though many churches no longer speak of hell, many Christians—even those who have left the church—retain pockets of fear generated years ago by hell fire and brimstone preaching heard during childhood.


See:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/hellasdump.html


What about those who say they have nothing to worry over … that are born again?

Love is the key to Ascension.  Love and the release of all negativity, such as the need for revenge or to be superior—to lord it over another human being.

THE RELEASE OF ALL NEGATIVITY IS IMPORTANT because Universal Law is “Like Attracts Like.  Therefore, if the individual’s energy field contains pockets of negativity, they will be attracted to a 3rd or 4th dimension, which still contain the positive and negative vibrations.

The Universal Law of Like attracts Like is one reason believing we are born again can be insufficient.  No one can release our own need to hate or seek revenge but us … no one can do it for us.


 Ascension is to attain the mind that was in Christ Jesus and therefore, there is no reason for fear.

On the other hand, we are now living within the last two months of 2012 and we are faced with two major decisions.

1.  Do I want to ascend?

2.  Am I ready to VOTE in accordance with the way God thinks?   Can I discern which candidate has the capacity to help us create an ascended society?

Both candidates are having to use campaign talking points that can be understood on our present 3rd dimensional plane of residence.  So, in order to vote in accordance with the way God thinks, we must ascend in our thinking to a level enabling us to discern which of the candidates will best assist us in creating a 5th dimensional culture.

[i]   Philippians 2:5.

[ii]   John 7:16.

[iii]   I Corinthians 13:12.

[iv]   Matthew 6:25-30.

[v]   Acts 17:28.


Something of enormous significance is shortly to come into view

August 1, 2012 by John Smallman



Excitement mounts as the most pivotal moment in all of human history draws ever closer.  Examples of previous pivotal moments in your more recent history have been: the telephone; the establishment of an electricity grid; the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria leading to the first world war; radio broadcasting; the nuclear bomb; worldwide travel for all; computers; the Internet. And all of these are as nothing compared to what is about to occur.

Many of you are spending a lot of time attempting to imagine what will happen to humanity and the planet as you all awaken from the illusion.  If it excites and encourages your optimism about your future, then that is very appropriate because optimism is an essential frame of mind with which to embrace and move forwards towards awakening.  Your most creative imaginings of what is about to come into being are but the palest shadows of what is actually to occur.

Optimism is a very powerful energy that includes enthusiasm, cooperation, and harmony, and which brings with it happiness as an added benefit.  You all have every reason to be extremely optimistic as the changes and developments leading to awakening unfold all across the planet.  Make a point of focusing on the marvelous events that are bringing people together in friendship and love on a scale never before been seen on Earth.  It is most definitely going to be a defining moment in humanity’s ongoing evolution as you awaken into the boundless Reality that is your eternal Home.

As you get ever closer to this exhilarating event, your momentum is increasing. No longer is there the least chance of you arresting your progress, let alone of turning back.  Your arrival is inevitable, as divinely promised ever since the separation from God apparently occurred.  Your intent to awaken continues to intensify as more and more of the human inhabitants of Planet Earth start getting intuitive feelings, telling them that something of enormous importance and significance is shortly to come into view, beyond the horizon that presently encloses the world that you see and in which all your activities currently take place.

Many are feeling on edge, unsettled, unsure, as the energies that are carrying you forwards strengthen and intensify even further in order to whisk you firmly and directly on your way.  There will be no more deviations or detours as you follow the divine super-highway to your heavenly destination – your tanks are full and will remain so – and there is no need to stop en route for provisions of any kind. It is as though you had been catapulted into space with your ship fully victualed for the journey, and your course precisely calculated to ensure that you capture the added impetus to your trajectory that is available as you pass through the orbits of various other planets to speed you securely on your way.

You have been doing extremely well in your efforts to let go of attitudes and behaviors that restrain or restrict you from being open and honest in your dealings and communications with others.  Now is the time for you to engage fully with the divine energies that are enveloping the planet, and to release whatever else is holding you back from doing so – any beliefs that are in any way unloving, and the grievances, resentments, lack of ability to forgive, or judgments that are entangled with them.

You are being offered limitless assistance with your closing tasks so that your Light may burn ever more brightly, demonstrating to all that Love is the answer to every issue, problem, disagreement, or conflict that is engaging the minds and hearts of humanity.  The upswell in Love enveloping the planet is quite astounding as the meditative intents of enormous numbers of you combine together to further assist you all in releasing the remaining chains of chaos and confusion that are still binding you to the illusion.  You are most definitely firmly established on your way, and nothing can prevent your arrival at your heavenly destination.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Channeled by John Smallman


Your awakening will allow you to interact fully with all of creation

08/01/2012 by John Smallman


We are all one – there is no separation.  Your human perception of individuality is caused by the severely limited state of consciousness that you experience, and this makes it extremely difficult for you to perceive very much at all.  As individuals, you engage in apparently separate disciplines, areas of interest, of study, of entertainment, of activity, etc. which further emphasize your sense of separation and hide from you the all-encompassing oneness that is your original and eternal state of existence.  Your awakening will remove those severe limitations, allowing you to interact fully with all of creation and to offer all your diverse skills and talents to enhance God’s ongoing creative enterprise, in which all participate gloriously and harmoniously.

Because of your presently limited state of consciousness, you have only a very slight awareness of your skills and talents as you use them to earn your living or to entertain yourselves, but you are all extremely talented and creative beings, and this will become apparent and will delight you when the illusion dissolves and you are once more able to access the infinite knowledge of the divine realms.  To fully partner with God in your creative endeavors is, and always has been, your destiny, and you are shortly to engage with it.

Your destiny is your natural state, the state in which God created you as eternal beings always at one with Him.  You have never left it; it just seems that you have, and your present ongoing life experience is a distraction – an extremely powerful and enticing one – with which you engage continuously through your bodies and all their senses.  Yes, your bodies are powerful, distracting attention-grabbers, and that includes your thought processes and emotions; and it is very difficult for you to withdraw your focus from them for very long because they always seem to have needs requiring your attention – food, drink, exercise, sleep, entertainment, worry, competing, winning, etc.

Meditation, quiet relaxation, feeling the earth, the trees, enjoying the beauty of a view or the sunset can help you reach a “non-ordinary” state of consciousness, where the pressures of living in a body can be greatly reduced to the extent that you can become momentarily unaware of it.  When that happens, you experience a sense of sublime peace.  Most of you have at some time had an experience like this, and you never forget it.  For some it is very intense, for others just an extremely peaceful release from the stress of daily living, but it is unforgettable. It is a veiled glimpse of Reality that you would love to experience more frequently and easily, and yet it seems to elude you no matter how hard you try to re-experience it.  And of course the trick is not to try, and that too is very difficult.  Once experienced, you cannot help yearning for it and looking for it whenever you think that you are close to that inner place in which it occurred.

But of course a non-ordinary state of consciousness is really an extremely ordinary state!  It is just that because of the distractions of the illusion it is very rarely experienced.  The illusion is an all-encompassing environment that demands your constant attention.  The thing is that you do not have to respond to those demands.  It is incumbent on you to be aware of them, but then you must decide whether or not to comply with them.  That is what free will is all about.

Far too frequently your ego succeeds in convincing you that as you live in this world it would be foolish, even insane, not to cooperate with it fully – you need to earn your living, sort out your relationships, attend to your children, keep your body in good shape, take out health insurance, not make yourself look a total idiot by trying to be honest in a dishonest world – and its reasoning seems so reasonable.  But, deep within yourselves you sense that something about this reasoning is seriously amiss — and you are correct.

Everyone experiences dissatisfaction with human existence, and yet you often reason that that is the human condition.  But that does not ease your dissatisfaction. You may bury it as you actively work very hard at playing out the hand that you have been dealt.  Nevertheless, deep within you there is a sense of anxiety, a sense that you are missing out on something, that there must “please God!” be more to life than this endless struggle to survive.  Others do not seem to suffer from this angst, so you dare not discuss it with anyone, and you just soldier on.

That inner yearning is your divine wake-up call.  It is not a psychotic threat to your sanity.  But because you all experience life as separated, individual, you cannot see how others feel, and you worry that you are horribly different from all those basically normal people you see all around you.  And when you see someone trapped in some sort of addiction, or homeless on the streets, it confirms for you that the world is a very dangerous place and that you must conform or sink.  So you keep your angst to yourselves, as a closely guarded secret.

Yes, some of you may enter psychotherapy in the hope of achieving some kind of relief, but you are also aware of people who have spent years in therapy with no obviously beneficial results – they just keep changing therapists – unless they are lucky enough to find someone who is open to deeper discussions of their issues and who will look at them from a spiritual standpoint.

So that angst, that dissatisfaction, is your intuition attempting to make contact with you by distracting you from the distractions of the illusion.  It feels like an inner conflict between “shoulds,” as part of you feels honor bound to do them and part of you wants freedom from doing them.  It is very confusing for you.

Keep reminding yourselves that these feelings are to encourage you to spend time quietly, alone, without distractions (phone, TV, children, spouses), when you make a point of not focusing on the anxieties and worries of daily life (it can help to play some soothing music quietly in the background), and just let go!  Maybe you will weep, maybe you will laugh, or maybe nothing will apparently occur, but by allowing yourself that time, and by thus honoring yourself, even if only for five minutes during the day, you will strengthen your self-esteem, your God-given right to be yourself (after all, who else can you be?), and in those minutes your heart will open to accept the constantly offered gift of God’s Love for you – and you will feel it as a moment of peace or of self-validation.

You owe yourself that personal, private space every day, because it is where you can find the peace and the stillness you need to strengthen your ability to hold the Light and allow it to burn ever more brightly within you.  You are all bright jewels, piercing through the gloom and despondency of the illusion, and showing the way towards awakening.  This is your duty and your joy as the divine way-showers that you are, and by making time for yourselves daily, you will experience that joy and know you are on your path doing precisely what you incarnated to do.

Others may well try to dissuade you from offering love, compassion, and honesty indiscriminately in every situation.   But you know, deep within yourselves, that this is your path, and that just by living it and demonstrating it you are changing the whole world!

With so very much love, Saul.

Channeled by John Smallman


The illusion is your own collective invention and it is not of God

07/29/2012 by John Smallman


Humanity has been most successfully impregnated with God’s divine Love.  The seed was always there, and now the nourishing rain of the divine energy field encircling the Earth is bringing it enthusiastically to life.  It has lain dormant for a long time – although it has occasionally been tempted to respond to God’s constant outpouring of Love – because humanity was not ready for the enormous shift in perspective necessary for it to flourish.  That has all changed, and the constant nourishment it is receiving from that divine energy field, to which is added humanity’s own intense desire to awaken, has sparked an irreversible chain of events that will culminate in your awakening.

From our vantage point in the spiritual realms the view is amazingly beautiful. The brightness of the field of Love enveloping you all is stunning!  So much progress has been made in such a short time, compared to the eons during which the illusion held you fast in its thrall, when Reality was hidden from you by the fog of chaos and confusion, prompting your sense of separation which soon enveloped you completely, and cutting off all memories of who you were and where you came from.

That fog is dissolving, and already glimpses of Reality are appearing, as integrity, honesty, and transparency start to replace the dissemblance and corruption with which your worldly affairs have been conducted for so long.  The old order is crumbling all around you, despite the frantic efforts of those it supports to prevent this from happening, and its demise cannot much longer be prevented. Clement conditions, in which you will live and thrive, will soon be upon you, and you will find that the time during which you have been waiting and hoping for this has been exceptionally well-spent.

An environment in which you can thrive and flourish has long been prepared for you; all that remained was for you to embrace it whole-heartedly.  And that is what you are now in the process of doing, as you work to release all the unforgiving attitudes and behaviors that have kept you very firmly anchored in the illusion.

Reality — the environment towards which you are heading — is Love: a place of peace, harmony, creativity, acceptance, inclusiveness, and cooperation, in which nothing unloving could ever exist, because there is nothing else.  Anything unloving is illusory and serves only to hide from your view the wonder of God’s divine and all-encompassing Reality.  Because it is illusory, all you have to do is release it, by refusing to play any of the games it attempts to entice you into – fear, anger, judgment, blame, righteousness, victimhood, hate, envy – which are all illusory but nevertheless very damaging concepts that only confuse and distract you from the joy and bliss of living.

The illusion is your own collective invention and it is not of God.  You built it to prove to yourselves that you had no need of God.  And look where it has landed you.  You did a great job!  It is so convincing, that to you it seems absolutely real — so real that enormous numbers of you believe that it is all that exists, and that is the spiritual realms that are illusory.

Your sciences – physics, engineering, mathematics, medicine (pharmacological, surgical, preventative, psychiatric), psychology, etc. – have, for the most part, wholly denied the possibility of anything existing that cannot be measured and sensed through your bodily senses, or through any extensions to those senses, such as microscopes, telescopes, and various other electronic and electrical devices that merely enhance the physical faculties of the human body.

Now, however, it is becoming increasingly apparent to those who are willing to be aware that this picture of reality is really quite inadequate, that there most definitely are realms other than the ones to which you have become accustomed to experiencing physically, and that cannot be measured by your scientific instruments.

This is a tremendous step forward for you.  It means that it is no longer frowned upon to investigate the spiritual realms, although mainstream science still has some problems with this.  Once, any scientist who publicly admitted to investigating the possibility of a reality beyond the physical one was promptly disowned and ostracized.  That is changing, and those who have the courage to expand their areas of study and investigation beyond the restrictive fields of which mainstream science approves are finally being heard.

This growing acceptance by mainstream science of the reality of the spiritual realms is part of humanity’s awakening process.  Many people require science to endorse new concepts and beliefs by declaring them scientifically proven before they will accept them.  This new and successful scholarly research into spirituality is assisting them to make the necessary changes in their personal beliefs, so that they can embrace spirituality and accept into their hearts the energy of the divine Love field that constantly surrounds you all.

This is truly a wonderful time to be experiencing life on the Earth plane because all the planning that has been leading up to this moment is coming to fruition, and you will all be present to take part in this extraordinary and momentous event.

With so very much love, Saul.

Channeled by John Smallman


Lay aside any desires to condemn and punish

July 29, 2012 by John Smallman


Life is tricky for some of you, as the moment for humanity’s grand awakening approaches.  All the personal issues that you have neglected or denied are breaking into your conscious awareness, quite forcibly if necessary, and it can be very unsettling.  All you have to do is allow them to present themselves to you. You do not have to do anything with them or about them; they hold an energy that needs to be released because it is causing blockages in your energy fields. Just observe them, experience the feelings they bring up for you — and just observe.  They may sit with you for quite a while, possibly being rather painful, but if you allow them, they will pass, leaving you feeling somewhat renewed or freed.

This is a time of enormous change in the way humans deal with one another — change that is essential for you to embrace as you prepare to awaken from the nightmare of violence, conflict, suffering, and betrayal that has been endemic on Earth for millennia.  Your true nature is Love, because it was from Love that you were created, but your earthly experience has been far removed from that because of the distrust that separation has encouraged and nurtured.

The change that is required is for you to see, acknowledge, and then release those attitudes that have served you so ill.  Wherever you choose to cast your gaze you can see the enormous damage that these attitudes have been, and still are, causing all over the world, and you can also see how totally ineffective have been your attempts to alter those situations and bring in peace, whether it be in your own families or between nations, when you “declare war on” the issues that you believe need to be addressed.  Declaring war on a situation, issue, or problem is to make a decision that others are wrong, you (or “your side”) is right, and that “they” need to be taught a lesson, which will force them into line. And how many lessons has humanity attempted to teach itself over the eons, and with what success?

What humans keep on doing would be amusing if it were not causing so much unjustifiable and unnecessary suffering to so many.  How many times do people attempt to alter the behavior of others by disapproval or by force, find that it does not work, and then when another issue arises, use the same tactics?  And the arrogance of the belief that “my team / my side / I am right” is truly quite stunning.  Finally, this is becoming apparent to even those who are keenest to continue “shooting themselves in the foot.”

Humanity has collectively decided to change its attitudes and behaviors, and as a result the divine energies pouring down on the planet are intensifying so that you have the strength to “walk your talk” despite the ridicule and contempt that those who hold the reins, and who claim to be wiser and more intelligent, shower on your efforts.  They cannot succeed, for it is they who lack wisdom and intelligence and who continue to believe that their righteous and inflexible outlook will win the day.  They are riding for a fall, and it will not be long in coming.

You, the enlightened ones, insofar as you have finally realized to what a sorry state your old ways have brought you, must accept that the people who have designed, planned, and perpetrated these corrupt and heartless practices are themselves, just like you, beloved children of God.  It is therefore incumbent upon you to lay aside any desires to condemn and punish them, and to ensure that any attempt at reprisals against them is contained.  Everyone who has ever inhabited the earth plane has at some point behaved atrociously – no one is without stain of sin.

Now, with God’s Love flooding the planet, the way forward is through Love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness.  Anything else just hurls you back into the morass from which you are so successfully climbing out.  It may well be difficult for you to engage completely with these new enlightened ways, but is essential for the awakening process.  Knowing this, be the calm, the peace, the compassion, and the Love that your Father has instilled in you.  Break the patterns of the old order, and joyfully usher in the new Golden Age for which you have all been longing.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Channeled by John Smallman



Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

NOTE:  Although I posted this message earlier this year, I am re-posting it with a different slant.  To truly know Creator God and ourselves as “made in God’s image” is essential as we prepare for 2012.  Because December 21, 2012 marks the end of an approximate 26,000 years cycle, called the Precession of Equinoxes, Earth humans have the opportunity to ascend en masse from the 3rd dimensional plane of duality to the 5th dimensional plane of Love & Light.  Most of us will do so while in our physical bodies, which are presently being transformed into crystalline bodies by the intense influx of spiritual energies onto our planet.  We prepare for ascension by setting aside the old belief system of separation from God and allowing the New Truth of made in the image of God to saturate our conscious awareness and activities.


           Our ability, to assist in bringing forth the Kingdom of God within ourselves and on our planet, depends first and foremost on understanding who God is (to the best of our present ability to do so).  The Apostle Paul explained his concept of God to the people of Athens.  Metaphysically, Athens signifies the intellectual center within humankind.  The people in Athens had erected an altar inscribed:  “This is the altar of the unknown God.”  Paul recognized that even though the Athenians did not know God, they felt the urge to worship something greater than they could conceive with their intellectual minds.  Paul explains in Acts 17:24-28:

“For the God who made the world and all things therein, and who is the Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; neither is he ministered to by human hands, nor is he in need of anything, for it is he who gave life and breath to all humankind.  And he has made of one blood all nations of human beings to dwell on all the face of the earth, and he has appointed seasons by his command, and has set limits to the age of men and women; for in him we live and move and have our being, as some of your wise men have said, ‘For we are his kindred.’”

God is above and beyond all else and present everywhere.  As omnipresent Spirit, God created all that is, in its original manifestation; God is First Cause and original Source.  The allegorical story of the Garden of Eden is an example of the Goodness and Love with which God creates.  God provided for all of Adam and Eve’s needs; they lived in the luxury and beauty of paradise.  God walked with and talked with them.  The channels of vision and direct hearing were open to Adam and Eve.  God was their companion and friend.  Negativity and pain were unknown.  They had no doubt as to their origin: they came forth from the heart and mind of God.  They wore the clothes of spirit; they were spirit.

In this Garden of Eden, all things were created from the divine substance.  God beheld all of creation and declared, “It is Good.”  God creates because God is Creator.  All that God creates become co-creators.  Creation is an on-going process and the energy of creation is within all things.  Look at nature:  seeds create plants … plants create leaves, flowers, and fruit … stars create new stars … stars create light … rivers create beds through which to flow … birds create nests … animals create offspring according to their kind … human beings create children … the process of creation stretches throughout  eternity.  All things are interconnected; all of creation impacts upon all other facets of creation.  The life-giving energy within all things is God energy … divine energy … love energy.  GOD IS ALL THAT IS.  SEPARATION DOES NOT EXIST.  BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE, ALL THINGS ARE LOVED.

God needs nothing.  In the words of Paul:  “Neither is he ministered to by human hands, nor is he in need of anything.”  God’s life-giving breath dwells within all creation.  God is life; without God, there is no life.  God needs nothing from humankind.  God is not dependent upon humanity or any portion of creation.  God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, whether or not human beings worship him, obey his commandments, or allow him to manifest through them.  God simply Is.

“God … appointed seasons by his command.”  God created universal laws by which all of creation is bound.  The Sun rises every morning.  The stars are visible at night.  The Moon reflects the Sun’s light.  Spring always follows winter.  All of life moves through cycles, or seasons.  Creation is an orderly process.  Corn seeds produce corn, not tomatoes.  Oak trees produce acorns, not fragrant roses.  Universal laws do not change.  We can count on them to manifest in our lives according to the way we use them.  It is by these universal laws that human beings create, whether consciously or unconsciously.

“And he has made of one blood all nations of humankind to dwell on all the face of the earth….”  God created humanity as one family; we are all offspring of the One Mother/Father God.  We were created to live together on this planet in the Garden of Eden.  God created humanity as Daughters and Sons in her/his image and likeness.  That means we were created to love, to live in paradise, to live in obedience to universal laws, to express our divinity.

What happened?

Humanity was created in the image of God and given the gift of freewill.  That means we possess the freedom to choose.  The gift of freewill was granted so that we could grow up to be gods and goddesses, true offspring of God.  Needless to say, humanity has made some mistakes.

We have created a world in which we believe in separation.  All kinds of separation.  We have forgotten who we are and why we are in physical bodies on this planet.  We have created a relationship with God that is based on fear:  fear of not going to heaven, fear of being punished for eternity in hell, fear that God will zap us unexpectedly, fear that God will not hear and answer our prayers, and fear of surrendering to the unfolding of God’s divine will in our lives.  We attempt to camouflage this fear; but, as long as we can sincerely state,  “God can do anything God chooses to do,” we have not allowed Truth to erase our fear.  God cannot do anything God chooses.  God is a God of Love and therefore, can do nothing that is not loving.  God gave us the gift of freewill, therefore, God cannot take away that gift or punish us for our mistaken decisions. GOD CAN ONLY LOVE US.   In that love, God patiently awaits our awakening to the true nature of all that is.   When we finally call out for help, God’s grace flows forth unimpeded, except by our own resistance to change.  We are loved beyond our capacity to conceive.  The problem is:  we have created a concept of God in our own image or worse.  We blame God for our suffering, pain, and limitations.  We have it all wrong.

During my days as a traditional minister, I sometimes presented the Children’s Lesson.  Heretofore, the youngest children had seen only male ministers dressed in a black robe.  One Sunday, when the children came to the front of the church for the lesson, I, a female minister wearing a white robe, met them.  One little boy looked up at me and said, “Are you God?”  I smile at his innocence and shudder to realize that all too often, we consider God “the man upstairs.”

This “man upstairs” concept of God leaves humanity feeling separated, and sometimes, even estranged from God.  We know all too well the unpredictability of humankind.  The “man upstairs” can be absent from our lives; he can fail to hear our prayers.  He can be preoccupied with other things.  It is easier to get angry with the “man upstairs” than it is to love him.

On the other hand, many call God “First Cause” or the “Source.”  Even though the titles are true, many then proceed to view God as far away and unattached to what happens to human beings.  The sense of separation becomes a chasm too great to cross.  We hear people say, “God doesn’t need me” or “God is too vast (or great) to pay attention to little me.”  In other words, “Why would First Cause love me?”  “Why would the Source consider me worth listening to?”  Either way, God is seen as far away and unrelated to our daily lives.

In Truth, God is that energy of love that is everywhere present.  God is the divine substance from which all things are made.  There is nowhere where God is not.  In an effort to reveal our true relationship to God, Jesus taught us to address him as “Abba.”  Abba translates from the Aramaic as “father,” but possesses the connotation of the intimate relationship we share with “daddy or dad.”   To the western ear, “father” sounds more formal.  It is a term of respect, whereas “daddy or dad” is most often a term of affection and close relationship.  The term “mom” will work just as well.  The important issue is that we learn to communicate with God as a being of infinite love for us, his/her divine offspring.

Knowing God as our loving parent … as that being of love that is always present with us … who is all-powerful … and who wants only the Garden of Eden for us creates a tremendous shift in our view of life and of ourselves.  As God’s offspring, we realize we are never alone …  we are all-powerful … and that the Garden of Eden is already ours.  Our task becomes allowing that paradise to manifest in our daily lives.

God is the Mind of the Universe.  Just as our hearts are directly linked to the Heart of God through love, so our minds are directly linked to the Mind of God through our capacity to think and to intuit.  This link to the Mind of God is how we create; we create with our thoughts.  It is how we receive inspiration: we are inspired through our intuitive insights.  We often see evidence of our connectedness to the Mind of God or the One Mind, in the synchronicities that occur in our lives.  For example:  we think of a friend and she appears on our doorstep unannounced.  Or, we pray for a wheelchair ramp and a member of our church announces he has one for sale.  We are all connected to the Mind of God and thereby, to each other.  Wherever we are, there is no separation.  Death does not exist, so those in spirit are not separated from those of us presently residing on the physical plane.  We feel separated because we lost our original ability to see into the world of spirit as easily as we perceive the physical plane.  We can be separated only by belief in separation.

Within the One Mind and Heart of God, “we live and move and have our being.”

As offspring of God, we have the capacity to be all that our Mother/Father God is:  all loving and all powerful, possessing the ability to create all Good in our lives, and holding the potential to transform our world.  We, the offspring of Mother/Father God, can bring forth the Kingdom of God within ourselves and on Earth.

We, as offspring of God, are called to recognition of our true identities and to prepare ourselves and world for Mass Ascension into Higher Consciousness in 2012 and beyond!


A True Story for All Young Adults!

Written on 11/11/11 by Nancy Detweiler

On this most powerful energetic day–11/11/11–I honor Jamie, one of my granddaughters!

Many young adults are having such financial difficulties that it cripples them from expressing who they truly are.

I honor Jamie because she has allowed nothing to stop her.  We were able to have a short lunch together yesterday.  She told me that she has experienced her most successful year–successful to the point of not having to worry over paying her bills, which for someone self-employed is a tremendous accomplishment!  She added that she felt so loved and surrounded by angels … that ever since she began asking the angels for assistance, her business has soared!

I watched Jamie go through the tremendous emotional trauma of a divorce while still in her twenties.  I watched her carry the load of paying off bills relating to her marriage, with little or no help from her former husband.  I watched her quit a job in which she was unhappy, and with no savings or financial backing go out on her own.  She did this at a time when the economy made things very tough.  I’ve watched through the years as she never gave up, even when she was under tremendous emotional and financial stress.  She has done this knowing that if she could not pay her student college loan, she could not declare bankruptcy — there is NO forgiveness for failing to pay off a student loan.

And now, at age 30, she has made it–at a time when numerous much more well-established businesses had to close!  And soon, we will have a new economic system that will provide far greater opportunities for our young adults to follow their Soul’s path and use their God-given talents.  Jamie has crossed the bridge to a bright future as a professional photographer!

Working on your own is an experience that only those who have done so can understand.  To work with the pressure of knowing that if you do not earn what you need today, the monthly bills won’t get paid tomorrow is something others can not comprehend.  Others have a set salary that comes whether or not they have worked diligently that week or spent it goofing off. Others have back up in a spouse’s salary—an environment I do not call “working on your own.”

Working on your own involves … no paid vacation … no paid sick leave … no co-paid health insurance … no co-payment on FICA … no taxes withheld.  The individual who truly works on her own has absolutely no back-up assistance.  She alone must do it all, with no let up of effort!

Why would anyone choose to work on her own?  To be true to who she is … to use her talents in the way she chooses … to be free to innovate without having to abide by someone else’s demands.  The pay-off is earning a living while not knowing whether you are playing or working!  I don’t know the self-employed person who has made it that would voluntarily return to a “job.”  Most often “a job” means stifling who you truly are in deference to another’s demands.

To the self-employed, “making it” does not mean a new home, new car, and lots of material possessions.  Instead, “making it” is the joy of fulfilling your Soul’s Plan … of using your talents to make a difference in the world … of allowing who you are as a unique spark of divinity to unfold in ways that grant you and others moments of ecstasy … of knowing that you live your life fulfilling your individual role in the overall Divine Plan for humanity!

Jamie has done this and I am extremely proud of her!  She has proven in a very tangible form that “With God, all things are possible!”

That affirmation goes for all young adults who are frustrated and struggling with student loans, no “job” or a job they do not enjoy, and a very difficult economy. The answer to your dilemma could very well be that you need to follow your dream, your passion, your talents.  Once we embark on our Soul’s Path, the Way opens for us!

“Seek first [your unique place in] the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  (Matthew 6:33)  To be “righteous” means to abide by the Universal Laws, not simply the man-made laws of a particular group or society.



“Know Thyself: The Pathway to Ascension into Multi-Dimensional Selfhood”

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

“I lift up mine eyes to the mountain from whence comes my help.  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”  (Psalm 121:1)

I lift up my eyes to the mountain of my I AM PRESENCE … and look out over our planet.  Hovering close to the surface, dark clouds of fear and violence appear to engulf our planet.  But wait!  Just above the dense clouds, ready to scatter the darkness, a matrix of shimmering, white light enfolds the entire planet.  It reminds me of riding in an airplane as it climbs upward through thick rain clouds.  For a few moments, I perceive my surroundings as dreary and gray.  Suddenly, the airplane emerges from darkness into brilliant sunlight.  I gasp.  My world is, instead, radiantly beautiful!  Dreary gray is transformed into sparkling, white clouds, opulent in their fullness and sprinkled with varying shades of rose pink.  Life is not as it appears to be.

From the physical plane, I behold a world that appears to grow more violent with every passing day.  Some of us try to ignore the potential repercussions of violence and go on with our lives.  Others openly pursue courses of action that will inevitably lead to violence.  Still others, out of fear for what might happen if we do not pursue the violent path, offer their support to those actions that sow the seeds of violence.  At this point in time, the heroic few take a stand for peace and for demonstrating compassion for all of humanity.  What would happen if we all sought to “Know Thyself”—to know the Truth about who we are?

The chaos so vividly evident on our planet is the result of humanity’s lack of comprehension of who we are.  We perceive ourselves to be a physical being that did not ask to be born … that will live this one lifetime … that will eventually die.  Those who believe in life after death tend to view it as taking place in either heaven or hell.  These misconceptions about who we are form the basis for all of life’s decisions from the personal level to the planetary level.  At present, our planetary culture is founded on non-truth.  To “Know Thyself” holds the capacity to transform our world.

Who are we?  “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness ….’  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  (Genesis 1:26-27)  To be created in the image of God means that we began our individual journeys as gods.  Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6  when he taught the crowds in Jerusalem, “Is it not written in your law, I said, you are gods?’”  (John 10:34)  According to the Cayce Readings, Jesus wrote Psalm 82 during his lifetime as Asaph, the Temple musician.  It is interesting to note that Jesus is responding to an angry crowd who believe problems are solved by violence.  They pick up stones in order to stone Jesus because he recognizes his true identity as a god.  Yet, Jesus responds to their anger by telling them that they, too, are gods.  Jesus reveals that the way to peace is to “Know Thyself” as god.

During the eons of living life as individual entities, we have forgotten who we truly are.  All sorts of non-truths dominate our belief systems.  We have taken the world’s sacred scriptures and interpreted them via the surface words only.  In most of these scriptures, the prevailing allegory for our life’s journey is that of a soldier entering battle under the protective arms of a Warrior God who fights against some warriors, while favoring others.  These misinterpretations have resulted in the non-truths upon which we are basing our present battle plans.

In order to “Know Thyself,” we must seek the Truth about ourselves and our entire human family.  Jesus taught, “You are gods.”  We must come to know ourselves as the gods that we are.

One of the most helpful meditative tools I know of is Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s “The Divine Self Chart.”

  Copies of this chart may be ordered from the Summit Lighthouse at:  http://tsl.org/2009/10/chart-of-your-divine-self/

I encourage you to order a copy and to meditate upon it daily.  Doing so will transform your life!

The Divine Self Chart reveals we are far more than we think.  It depicts the truth about humanity.  We are gods!  We have simply forgotten who we are.  Through the eons of incarnating on planet Earth, our conscious awareness has decreased to such an extent that we believe ourselves to be separated from God … to be solely the physical body we can see and touch … to be powerless.  We have come to believe in lack, deprivation, illness, evil, and death.  We are afraid because we believe ourselves to be helpless victims in the face of evil.  We are willing to resort to violence because we believe in death and therefore, that we must kill before we are killed.  We perceive our world as a dangerous place as a result of believing in death.  In truth, no one can hold the power of death over us.  We experience the loss of life only because we are so limited in our conscious awareness.

Study the Divine Self Chart—it depicts our multi-dimensional Selves.  The physical body stands on the physical plane.  For most of us, the physical body, emotions, and intellectual mind are the only parts of ourselves of which we are consciously aware.  This is why we feel so vulnerable to deprivation and harm.  The physical heart is depicted as a threefold flame, reminding us that we are gods.  The heart is the life center; it is this divine spark dwelling within the physical heart that grants us life.

The physical body stands surrounded by a purple flame.  This purple flame can be used to transmute negativity.  Because there is not space in this lesson to teach you to use the Flame, I encourage you to read my lesson on the “Transmuting Flame” at:  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2010/12/05/the-purple-transmuting-flame-a-means-of-grace-for-the-21st-century/

When we call to the Flame to remove all negativity from the energy field that surrounds our lower bodies (meaning physical, etheric, emotional, and lower mental or intellect), we shield ourselves from any harm coming to us.  Like attracts like.  When our energy field is freed of hate, prejudice, resentment, lack of forgiveness, and fear – and – instead filled with love, compassion, and the recognition that we are One Human Family, we attract love not hate … abundance not lack … peace not violence.  We, as gods, assume the responsibility for the type energies we attract to ourselves.  We, as gods, choose and create the qualities that are present within our environment.  In doing so, we attune to the tremendous power dwelling within us.  We use God-power, not human-power.

Recall the stream of light extending upward from the top of our heads to the 2nd figure–the Christed or Higher Self.  The Christed energy is Divine Love energy and relates to all human beings regardless of religion.  In fact, the Christed/Higher Self exists in a higher dimension where religion does not exist.  This bridge of Light is an open channel through which we can make contact with our Intuitive Self … with our Soul … with the part of ourselves that knows the Divine Plan for this physical incarnation.  This part of ourselves beholds the physical challenges we confront.  The more we attune to our Higher Self, the more intuitive guidance we will receive.  If we listen and obey, we will know when danger to the physical body is present and know how to avoid possible harm.  This is the part of ourselves that knows the Way.  It is the part of ourselves that recognizes soul brothers and sisters, meaning those with whom we have shared many physical incarnations and played a variety of roles.  It is the part of ourselves that will recognize our twin flames when the time for reuniting arrives.  The Higher Self grants access to knowledge that is not available through the intellect; it is the source of Truth, inspiration and invention.  Conscious attunement to the Higher Self/Soul allows us to experience life on multi-dimensions.  We come to know that we are not alone on this planet.  Many beings in spirit are present to assist us in transforming our planetary chaos into the Garden of Eden through which we, as gods, entered the physical dimension.  Through attuning to the Higher Self, we—as gods—can receive the inspiration and guidance to develop peaceful solutions to all planetary difficulties.  We—as gods—possess the capacity to solve all problems with compassion and justice for all.

Recall the stream of Light extending upward from the Higher Self to the dove.  This dove signifies the Holy Spirit.  The stream of Light continues to be an open channel through which we can receive instruction from the Holy Spirit.  The Greek word Christed means anointed by the Holy Spirit.  To be anointed by the Holy Spirit is to become enlightened.  We behold life on multi-dimensions … we work cooperatively with those beings inhabiting the higher dimensions.  We have an example of this in Jesus’ transfiguration initiation.  While meditating on a mountain-top (signifying his I AM PRESENCE), Jesus beheld and talked with the Ascended Masters Moses and Elijah.  His disciples (Peter, James, and John) could observe Moses and Elijah discussing Jesus’ forthcoming crucifixion initiation.

Once more, recall the stream of Light extending upward from the dove to our I AM PRESENCE (the 3rd figure).  The channel of Light remains open and awaits our attunement to the part of ourselves that is the I AM—God individualized as you and me.  Our I AM PRESENCE is the all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent part of ourselves.  Attunement to our I AM PRESENCE allows us to see through the Eye of God … to live our physical plane lives as God manifesting through us.

Attunement to our I AM PRESENCE offers the opportunity to behold our One Human Family from an elevated level of consciousness.  From the perspective of our I AM PRESENCE, Divine Order is unfolding.  We can perceive the matrix of light enfolding our planet.  As we watch, we can see the pockets of darkness dissipating.  Darkness can suddenly evaporate through a seemingly random event or decision.  The surprising destruction of the Berlin Wall is an example.

Looking at life through the Eye of God affords a depth of understanding that can not otherwise be acquired.  The external appearance of evil can be transformed into Good when viewed from higher dimensions.  From this level, we intuit the Overall Divine Plan, not just the physical plane appearances.  Thus, the events—regardless of how horrible they may seem on the physical plane—can be the very events that bring our human family together in compassion and peace.  From the level of our I AM PRESENCE, we can intuit how “all things work together for good.”  (Romans 8:28)  Attunement to our I AM PRESENCE allows us to so powerfully manifest the Light that all darkness disappears.  Then the One Human Family will “beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war any more; but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of [their I AM PRESENCE] has spoken.”  (Micah 4:3b-4)

World peace … no more fear … abundance for all … One Family of God … all are the fruits of attuning to our I AM PRESENCE and solving all challenges from this level of expanded consciousness.

“Know Thyself” becomes the pathway to Ascension—to peace, familial love for all, abundance and justice for all!

May “Know Thyself” become our top priority during this time of major change involving both destruction of the old and creation of the New Heaven and the New Earth.  To Know Thyself is the foundation of Ascension into conscious awareness of our multi-dimensional Selves … to awareness that we were created as gods!