NOTE BY NANCY:  I post video because the message being presented has been stated by others whom I respect.  I do not know this man; but his message is the message that many are sharing in one form or another.  ManOfChanges, I suspect, will resonate with some groups who may pay little attention to others.  Bottomline:  Our planet must be cleaned up before humanity is free to create the Golden Age.


63,223 Sealed Indictments, No State Excluded

NOTE BY NANCY:  A VERY CLEVER WAY TO TELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.  Go to URL below and scroll down to the video–it will begin with two guys playing music, then it gets very informative.


63,223 Sealed Indictments, No State Excluded

The world is about to learn about Khazarian mafia crimes horrific beyond imagination By Benjamin Fulford – October 8, 2018

The world is about to learn about Khazarian mafia crimes horrific beyond imagination.

By Benjamin Fulford  – October 8, 2018

The Khazarian mafia have been torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children on a horrific scale, and the world is about to find out as military tribunals begin.  Some very disturbing images and testimony sent by the New York Police Department and the CIA show just how evil the Khazarian mafia really is.  These people are beyond truth and reconciliation and do not deserve even a quick death.

Let us start with FBI statistics on missing children in the U.S., so that skeptics can prevent the sheer evil of these deeds from shutting their minds.  In 2015, 442,032 juveniles went missing;  of these, 42,032 were not found.

By comparison, in the same year in Japan 17,971 children (the equivalent of 44,927 in the U.S. when adjusted for population difference) went missing, and close to 99% of these children were found.


I am omitting pictures depicting the truth that make me, and most likely you, want to vomit.   You may see them at:



The prosecution of these criminals is set to finally start now that the U.S. military government backing President Donald Trump has secured a majority on the Supreme Court with the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Pentagon sources say.  “Attorney General Jeff Sessions has already met with the real special prosecutor, U.S. Attorney John Huber in Utah, so that the 57,000 indictments may be unsealed,” the sources explain.

“The seating of Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court should unleash declassification of FISA and other documents as well as military tribunals,” the sources say.  Furthermore, they add, “The Senate unanimously approved a resolution calling for declassification of 9/11 documents, so the stage is set to take down the Zionists and the deep state.”

Another aspect to starting the prosecution of these criminals is the ongoing U.S./Russian military action against the rogue state of Israel, the sources say.  In particular, “Russian electronic warfare is aimed ….”


The rest of Benjamin’s Report will be posted on Thursday, 9/11/18.  Only members receive the entire report on Monday.  Out of respect for Benjamin’s dedicated work (which has involved numerous death threats) in compiling these weekly reports, posting of his entire report is postponed to Thursdays.  Paid subscriptions provide a financial means for him to continue his work.  Benjamin is the former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine.  His website is:

We, who are presently incarnated on Earth, are here for a reason!  Our souls wanted to incarnate and be present during this “never before in human history” transformation of our world from one of Darkness into Light!  WE ARE HERE TO HELP IN THIS TRANSFORMATION!

Dr. Kay Johnson-Gentile originally wrote this song for children suffering the ravages of cancer.  It’s message is also an essential one for ALL OF US as we assist in transforming our world from one of darkness into Light!




NOTE BY NANCY:  Folks, these 2 videos will help you understand what you will need during the temporary Martial Law, some of those who will be arrested by the military and tried by Military Tribunals, and some of the reasons why.

In case you would like to order Survival Food, David Zublick recommends MY PATRIOT SUPPLY: 

I ordered a two week supply, just so I know I have it on hand.  The food lasts 25 yrs.  David mentions that the food is delicious.

This is the NEXT step in preparing our world for the GOOD that is coming and that we the people will Co-Create!



David Zublick

David Zublick, host of America Talks, broadcasting live Saturdays at 9 am eastern time at



NOTE BY NANCY:  This video explains a lot … What is martial law?  Why might it be necessary?  How long will it last?  How do we prepare?  What does martial law require of citizens?  Does this mean the military is taking over the government? 




Trump Planning Mass Arrests Of VIP ‘Deep State’ Traitors


Everyone needs to listen to this

video so you will know what is

happening.  The military will

make arrests and there may

violent reactions by the people.

Trump Planning Mass Arrests Of

VIP ‘Deep State Traitors


Important Update: Military Arrests? Followed by Financial Reset

NOTE BY NANCY:  I have felt since the beginning of news about Hurricane Florence that it was another HAARP weather controlled/created by the cabal event to prevent the mass arrests.  As of last night (9/10), the hurricane was headed straight to Washington, D.C.  This would postponed the arrests.  As of this afternoon (9/11), the hurricane’s direction has shifted and is now predicted to go no further North than North Carolina.  My Intuitive hunch is that shift in direction holds more significance than we might think.  I wondered aloud yesterday on facebook:  “If the cabal can use HAARP to create a hurricane, why can not our military use HAARP to lessen the impact of Florence?”  (WHAT IS HAARP?

Does the Hurricane’s shift in direction tell the cabal who is in charge?  I think it is a possibility.

Important Update: Military Arrests?
Followed by Financial Reset

Sent to me by a trusted friend, who may be calling herself “Z.” 

“Last week I wrote about the prospects for a financial reset. This week it looks like we have an even bigger situation developing. It now appears we’re about to see military arrests of potentially thousands of people this month. This could create a very chaotic situation and the reports I have read suggest that everyone should have at least two weeks of supplies on hand.

For the past two years I’ve been preparing you for what appears to be the American Revolution 2.0. This has been shown by the cycles, as well as the obvious battles we see in the fake news. This seems to be a battle between the Deep State (cabal, illuminati, elite, globalists) and Trump. However, it’s actually a battle between the Deep State and the Constitution. I’m providing an overview of this serious situation in this update. However, I encourage you to read this report from David Wilcock, which put together more of the puzzle pieces than I have. It’s lengthy, so I’m giving you a short summary of some of it.(The link is to Part three, which is the current news. Parts one and two have historical information.)

Here’s my summary of the pieces:

1. I mentioned recently that Trump declared September to be National Preparedness Month. While September has been named National Preparedness Month before, it’s the ONLY time that this occurred when the country is in the midst of a National Emergency. Trump declared a National Emergency on December 21, 2018. You can read this for yourself in the third paragraph of this Executive Order. Why is this important? It means that the entire military, and all law enforcement can be utilized to resolve this emergency,including arresting civilians. As far as I can tell, the arrests will center around human abuse, human trafficking, sex slavery, satanic rituals where people and children are killed, plus financial corruption that could bring down the financial system, and any other corruptions that are treasonous against the United States (Uranium One is an example).

2. There are now 51,701 sealed indictments in all the federal districts of the United States. This number of sealed indictments occurred since late last October. A normal amount is around 1000 or so per year. The PACER system (Public Access Court Electronic Reports) shows this information, but most of us don’t have access to that. A good web site that shows this information is here. Of course we don’t know who was indicted and whether they will all be arrested at once.

3. Military tribunals are expected to process a lot of this. There was another White House document, 2018 Amendments to Manual on Courts- Martial on March 1, 2018, which apparently doesn’t show the addendums to it. Dave Janda reads a portion of this, which must be in one of the addendums to it, in this USA Watchdog video on September 9: . Look at 32:58 where he starts reading about these amendments! It definitely sounds like they are preparing for military tribunals.

Also note that Brett Kavanaugh was questioned about military law by Lindsey Graham during the hearings, something that’s never been done for a potential Supreme Court judge before. You can watch it here in the Second Day of the Kavanaugh Hearings video between 3:02:30 and 3:04. This was a definite heads up to anyone involved in these activities that the military could arrest them. In the first ten minutes of the video above it, Simon Parkes (in the UK with plenty of intelligence information) gives his perspective about this situation.

4.  In previous emails, I mentioned Q, which is a public information dissemination service that’s desperately being dismissed as conspiracy theorists by the fake news. However, Q has proven to be very accurate and very well connected to Trump. Q provides information and clues about coming events that prove to be true. There have been numerousconfirmations that Q is legit, and every debunking of Q has been debunked itself. You can read Q postings at If you have not read Q posts, I encourage you to watch this video first, What is Qanon and the Great Awakening?

5. On August 30th, Q posted a series of posts about the CIA “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” computer systems being taken offline. Q also posted about several Corona satellites being taken offline. A “Big Bird” satellite was also taken offline. Apparently these were spy and communication satellites. In addition, another posting suggested that the British Intelligence connections to the NSA were terminated (GCHQ Bude). A copy of these posts are in David Wilcock’s report. Or you can read them on the above Q link (August 30th). Basically this means the CIA and NSA cannot track whatever is going down now. At least that’s how I understand it, which may not be completely accurate. According to sources, the CIA and NSA are terrified. There’s more about this in Wilcock’s report.

6. David Wilcock verified this same story (CIA computers offline and satellites not functioning) via other sources. David’s sources say they are still not functioning. He also says his sources stated that the satellites were not shot down or destroyed. Instead they were made invisible and non-functioning with an advanced technology. Hmm, a cloaking device perhaps? In any case, this suggests something BIG is about to occur.

7.  An early posting of Q said that the National Emergency Broadcasting System would be activated at the time of the arrests to avoid using any of the fake news. A recent posting on Q said that the National Emergency Broadcasting System is scheduled for a test (or maybe a “real test”?) on September 20th. The posting shows “Presidential Alert”. Soarrests are expected to commence on September 20th. Of course this date may not be accurate, but it could be a good tip that it will occur this month. If you have not signed up for emergency alerts on your cell phone, this would be a good time to do that.

8. September 20th is only two days after the final Mars square Uranus peak, a cycle associated with volatile and explosive energies. Those energies are in play the entire month of September and the early part of October. They are particularly intense the entire week of September 17th. If we are going to have arrests this year, this is the time when it would most likely occur.

9. Shortly after the arrests, the Financial Reset is expected to occur. Wilcock says his sources say that we’ll have a gold-backed dollar. That’s the best possible scenario. Anything else could mean we’d lose 25-30% of the purchasing power of our dollar. So hopefully this intel is accurate and the dollar will be saved! Wilcock says he was told that a person very high up in the Financial Reset liked his work, so David asked to speak with this person. The guy involved in the Financial Reset (for over 30 years) refused for several reasons, but sent Wilcock this message: Tell him the coming change defies all imagination. We are living through history.

10. MOST important: Wilcock’s sources say that everyone should have a MINIMUM OF TWO WEEKS of supplies on hand PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 20TH: food, water, medications, pet supplies, gas in your car, cash, whatever you use regularly (TP?). Apparently the arrests could create a lot of chaos. Q asks everyone to stay calm, alert, and pray. At least you know what’s happening. Help others who don’t know.

11. David Wilcock mentions near the end of this blog that UFO disclosure appears to be very soon after all of this occurs. My best guess, based on the cycles: early February 2019 when Mars conjuncts Uranus in the sign of Aries for the last time in at least 84 years. That will release a lot of technologies from the Secret Space Program, which will change our lives on Earth in very big ways.

While I’m sure that some of you are horrified by the prospects of this situation, what you are about to witness is a Rule of Law Reset, followed by the Financial Reset. A powerful group of people have been committing heinous crimes against humanity for many years. Imagine the US is a very sick patient with cancer (an accurate metaphor). Then imagine a group of very skilled doctors taking out the cancer and healing the patient. This is what’s going on with these arrests and the Financial Reset.

Could this happen later? Yes indeed. Notice that Hurricane Florence is headed right for DC and the area where many arrests are expected to take place. A delay tactic? Possibly. Weather modification has been done for many years. Whatever the source of that hurricane, it may delay the actual arrests. We’ll see! As I understand it, the arrests must occur before the Financial Reset can happen.

In the meantime, I encourage you to have at least two weeks of supplies on hand as soon as possible, and preferably before September 20th. Also maintain your situational awareness. Be calm, and notice what’s happening around you. Read David Wilcock’s blog at”


“….  Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.
Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.
On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out.
False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity.
Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full.
However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided, as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.
We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.
Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury.
Certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad)….
The primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides).
The spillover in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray….”

High Level Elite PEDOS On The RUN Right After Trump Signed Executive Order For Their Arrest

NOTE BY NANCY:  Just as you and I cannot get clean here on Earth without taking a bath/shower to get rid of the dirt we have accumulated, so our planet cannot be cleaned up without removing the Deep State Criminals from positions of power and ability to manipulate others.  Rather than look the other way and allowing unbelievable evil to continue, it it is the Way of Love to clear the Way for those who will lead with Love and Honest intentions to rebuild all institutional structures within our planetary society.

It is for this reason that  I am attempting to keep The Way of Love Blog readers up-to-date on how our planet is being cleaned up, making room for the New Aquarian Golden Age to emerge.  Isaiah 43:18-19

Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.”


“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.”  Revelations 21:5

High Level Elite PEDOS On The RUN Right After Trump Signed Executive Order For Their Arrest



Arrests are expected to start March 11th

Arrests are expected to start March 11th

Posted by Galactic Connection, March 6, 2018

NOTE BY NANCY:  I post this WARNING, having no way to verify it, because I know that many indictments have been issued as draining the swamp of the Deep State/cabal members/Illuminati / NEW WORLD ORDER proceeds.

This is not the first time, the White Hats (good guys) have attempted to clean up America.  The most memorable attempt occurred on 9/11/2001 when the NESARA LAW was scheduled to be officially announced and implemented.  Instead, Americans got 9/11—now strongly believed by researchers to have been an inside job.

A majority of the activity will likely occur in and around Washington, D.C.  We know that weather warfare technology is in the hands of the Dark Ones.  The CBS local(Richmond, VA) TV weather report, last night—3/6/18–for Northeastern America was for 1 to 2 feet of snow around the weekend of March 11,2018.  To me, this looks suspicious—as if the Dark ones are already preparing to interfere with the arrests.

I mention this because it is impossible in today’s world to know what to believe; however, we will all do well to prepare to be in our homes with plenty of food, water, and other essential supplies.  The Dark Ones are desperate and care not how many they kill in order to prevent their own arrests.

Please do not look at this warning as Fear Porn; but a chance to prepare for the safety of yourself and family.  The mainstream media is tightly controlled and has deliberately kept Americans in the dark as to the true events that have been happening, so love yourself and family enough to be prepared for whatever happens.

One thing we can know for sure is that as long as America remains in its deep state of corruption and warmongering, we cannot make America great again!


Arrests are expected to start March 11th

Q Clearance Patriot 
(Arrests are expected to start March 11th. You have one week to prepare.
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. 
On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.
On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.
We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.
Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).