Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Lifted from Shift of the Age.com

2012 is a momentous year for a variety of reasons.  Contrary to our present limited belief systems, Mother Earth is actually a Great Being named Gaia.

Gaia has allowed Earth humans to inhabit her physical body.  Ages ago, we chose to evolve spiritually by accepting the challenges to be found on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality.  This meant that some Earth humans would need to play roles of negativity in order to provide the challenging circumstances that make up the plane of duality.

Viewed from the higher dimensions, the plane of duality is simply an illusion—a stage on which Earth humans can learn to overcome adversity by rising above the challenges.  In doing so, many gain self-discipline, will power, and the capacity to love deeply even when that love is painful.  We may learn to walk on our own, to individualize into a strong being capable of becoming a co-creator for good.

Gaia became our schoolhouse for spiritual growth.  Evolving on the plane of duality can speed up our spiritual evolutionary process; however, we must live in accordance with the Universal Laws.  Sadly, we have made many mistakes where two Universal Laws, in particular, are concerned—The Law We Reap What We Sow and The Law Like Attracts Like.  These mistakes have necessitated that we reincarnate on Gaia time and time again because the negative karma we accumulate through our mistakes must be balanced on the 3rd dimension where we sowed the seeds.

Those who have participated in group counseling and the role play scenarios that can be extremely healing will understand the concept of our 3rd dimensional reality actually being an illusionary stage on which we all play previously agreed upon roles for the purposes of positive growth and healing.  When an epiphany removing a psychic block occurs, eternal gratitude is our response.

During the eons of incarnating on the wheel of karma, we all agree to play the role of negative beings as well as positive ones.  For, in fact, what we call a negative role can be the very role by which we assist others to progress positively on their spiritual path.  For example:  We consider the role of an abusive spouse to be a negative one.  However, if—as a result of the abuse—the mate learns to take responsibility for self, develops the will power to move out even though it is frightening to do so, to recognize that she/he is worthy of a life free of abuse, is that role truly negative?  How often have we looked back on our lives and decided a painful period ended up being the best thing that happened to us?  We grow on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality by overcoming the challenges others have agreed (during the soul contract planning before incarnation) to place before us.

Those we call the dark cabal are examples of beings who agreed to play a negative role in order to create illusionary plane-of-duality scenarios in which we could progress.  The problem occurs when those playing the negative roles lose their way and choose to cling to the power, prestige, and money.  They come to enjoy lording it over the people, whom they consider to be peasants or slaves.  This blue blood concept is most often  perpetuated within their families, whether or not every family member is in agreement.  The children are trained to be lords over others, to believe that they are truly above the common herd.  Because these souls originated within the omnipresent Source of unconditional love, to behave in ways that contradict that Source results in mental disorders, such as sociopathy.  Through the centuries, these cabal members have committed unspeakable crimes against humanity.


Now, the present year of 2012 will close the curtains on humanity’s 3rd dimensional stage.  Gaia requested and has been granted the opportunity to ascend to the 5th dimension, where suffering does not exist.  Gaia also gained divine permission to allow all of her inhabitants—who so choose—to ascend with her while still residing in our physical bodies.  Death does not exist beyond the 3rd dimension; it is, in fact, only an illusionary perception on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality.  Those who desire to continue living on the 3rd dimension will be attracted to other planets that still house a plane of duality.  To ascend is a personal, freewill choice.  To transfer to another planet is also a personal, freewill choice.  There is no divine judgment or punishment—only the Universal Law of Like attracts like.

If we choose to ascend with Gaia, we must lift our consciousness to include the qualities of 5th dimension.  In order to lift our consciousness, we must cleanse our energetic bodies of all negative emotions, such as hatred, fear, resentment, revenge, discrimination, anger, and the holding of grudges.  We cannot be loving one day and revengeful the next.  We must demonstrate the quality of forgiveness.  Because Like attracts like, if we cling to negative qualities, our energetic field will be attracted to another 3rd dimensional planet rather than to our ascending Earth.


2012 marks the end of an approximately 26,000 year cycle, called the Precession of the Equinox.  As our Sun moves into the zodiac sign of Aquarius, it signifies the end of an approximately 2,000 years cycle, called an Age.  These new cycles indicate a time of tremendous change.[i]  (Be sure to check Endnote.)

The major reason the dark cabal must be removed now is that their control has prevented the freedom needed to prepare Gaia and her inhabitants for both her ascension and ours.  Their removal will result in a level of magnificent change that is beyond our imagination to comprehend at this moment.

First, the removal of the cabal will literally impact whether or not you and I ascend in that the manner in which we respond to hearing of all the crimes that have been perpetrated upon us will be subject to the unfolding of the Universal Laws:  We reap what we sow and Like attracts like.  If we commit acts of violence, demand punishment to fill our need for revenge, and/or allow ourselves to be filled with anger and hatred, then we are sowing seeds of negativity that will have to be reaped on a 3rd dimensional planet—resulting in a delay of our ascension.

Our galactic brothers and sisters are assisting us with removal of the cabal in ways that are centered upon unconditional love and rehabilitation.[ii]  (See Endnote)  Although it will be natural to feel anger upon first hearing of the cabal’s crimes, we need to quickly remember that they got stuck playing a negative role on the illusionary stage of duality.  We have all played a negative role in one or more lifetimes, so that others might grow from overcoming the challenges presented.

Knowing the forthcoming glorious life for all who choose to ascend will greatly aid in allowing the dark cabal to be removed to a place where they can concentrate on their own rehabilitation, while we move toward ascension.

Second, the removal of the cabal will clear the way for a new economic system that will mean abundance for every human being residing on Gaia.  This abundance will result in the opportunity to focus on preparing for ascension, rather than having to work to survive.  No longer will we be forced to ignore our talents, our passions in order to get a job that pays enough to cover all of the bills.

Third, worldwide peace will be declared.  Our galactic family possesses the technologies needed to neutralize all weapons.  It has never been the people who wanted war.  Instead, wars have been created by the dark cabal for their own profit.

Fourth, with the creation of world peace, our galactic family will be free to openly land on Gaia and present us with technologies that will bring even more abundance into our lives.  Free energy, replicators, space cars are just a few of the examples.  6,000 patented technologies will be revealed that the cabal has hidden from humanity for decades.  In comparison to what life on the 5th dimensional level is, our present lives are barbaric.

Fifth, our galactic family will use their technology to assist us in restoring Gaia to her original Garden of Eden condition.

Sixth, majestic Cities of Light Healing will be lowered onto the physical plane.  All will have the opportunity for complete healing without pain.  Limbs will be restored.  Childbirth will be painless.  Those presently engaged in the healing profession will be taught healing with Light.  There will be no more physical surgery that severs the electrical system of the human body.  Illness will disappear in a very short time.

Seventh, although there will be interim governments to help humanity make the transition to 5th dimension, only those leaders who have the good of the people in heart will be allowed to govern.  As Gaia ascends to 5th dimension, she will take her position within the Galactic Federation.  Humanity will become members of a 5th dimensional galactic culture.

Eighth, we will be reunited with our real Star families.  All of humanity are Star Beings.  Our brothers and sisters have traveled the cosmos to hover around Gaia and await the day of our joyous reunion.

Ninth, we will regain full consciousness.  While attending school on Gaia, we have functioned with only 10% of our brain and been consciously aware of only 3% of the glorious cosmos around us.  Full consciousness will allow us to regain 100% of our capacity to know all things and to see all things.  We will become the magnificent beings of Light and Love that our Source created us to be!


With the removal of the dark cabal, Gaia and her inhabitants are ending a 13,000 years history of being a prison planet.  Because we have been so destructive, without regard to how the rest of the cosmos is impacted, we have been quarantined.

Within this year of 2012, we will experience a freedom far beyond our wildest dreams.  No longer will be unable to travel rapidly throughout the cosmos.  Our galactic family eagerly awaits the time we can join them on their space ships for a tour of our galaxy!

We have lived such restricted lives that all of this sounds beyond possibility.  May we approach these exciting times free of negative emotions and eager to move into our ascension to 5th dimension!


[i]   An excellent article regarding these two cycles may be found at:  http://www.shiftoftheage.com/2009/11/02/precession-of-the-equinox-from-darkness-into-light-2/

[ii]   My article found here is a summary of our galactic family’s assistance:  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2012/07/13/update-on-mass-arrests-shifting-from-3rd-to-5th-dimension/




Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Many of you work with various degrees of deprivation and hopelessness.  For this reason, I have compiled some hopeful news that is actually occurring on our planet, but which has not yet been announced publicly.

Gaia, or planet Earth, is scheduled within the Divine Plan to ascend into the 5th dimensional plane of higher consciousness by December 21, 2012.  There is a voluminous amount of information about Earth’s ascension to be found on the internet.  Also within the Divine Plan is the opportunity for Earth’s inhabitants to ascend with her, many of us in our physical bodies.  Gaia will no longer be a 3rd dimensional planet, represented by the plane of duality symbolically created when Adam and Eve chose to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden.  This plane of duality, of good and evil, is disappearing.

Because Earth’s humans must prepare for ascension, much will take place during the next six months.  All wars will cease … all deprivation will be eliminated … humanity will be freed to live in love, peace, and abundance.  Every individual who chooses to ascend with Gaia will be instructed as to how to do so.  Our galactic brothers and sisters from across the cosmos are already hovering in space around Gaia, waiting for the perfect divine moment to land and assist us with preparations for ascension.

Our galactic families are millions of years ahead of us.  They are very spiritually advanced and have technologies that are capable of relieving all of our environmental problems.  One example of the type of galactic technology we will receive is one that many of our engineers have already seen—a replicator.  This replicator can produce anything for which it is asked, free of charge.  Within only a few years, money will become obsolete.  God did not create money—humans who sought to control the planet invented money.  Our world is to be transformed rapidly with advanced technologies, such as the replicator.

I am writing you in order to give you hope, so you can share your anticipation with your congregations and others to whom you minister.  The immediate future is very bright for all who choose to ascend with Gaia!  And the excitement in knowing there is very realistic hope for everyone will greatly benefit Gaia by lifting the energies from depression to joy.

With this in mind, I am sending you a few resources to be found on the internet that further explain some of the events of the coming six months.  Ascension is to be worldwide; however, the initial process of removing leaders who seek to control and enslave the people (known as the dark cabal) may vary from country to country.  Since I live in the United States, I can only speak from a western point of view.

I created my website and blog as a means of reaching the world.  I do not travel to various countries in person because that restricts outreach to only what is physically possible.   During the next six months we will all receive training for ascension from our galactic brothers and sisters.  Meanwhile the best thing to do is to read the information available on the internet and practice being forgiving and loving in all that we do.

Ascension is beyond any one religion’s teachings as to how to get to heaven.  We will soon learn that religions were established as a means of controlling the people.  Not one of the Great Spiritual Teachers created a religion

 Before proceeding to the list of Resources, I suggest reading and listening to the following.  This will alert you to the event, or events, most likely to happen within days or weeks.




American Kabuki is one of many whistleblowers and inside informers who are helping to notify the public of what is really happening.  You may listen to American Kabuki be interviewed by Stephen Cook of In Light Radio on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 9 PM (EDT).  The name of Stephen’s show is “The Light Agenda.”

I call attention to the above “rumor” on American Kabuki’s site because there is enough money on this planet to totally eradicate poverty.  As the dark cabal is removed, we will see increasingly huge amounts of money being released to create a better world for everyone.

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio – on this site you will find listed the “upcoming show” and shows “on demand.”  Stephen Cook’s July 11 show will be listed as “upcoming” by Wednesday morning and can be found in the “on demand” listing by July 12.

In Light Radio is an excellent resource for a variety of personal interviews centered around ascension and our galactic family.


While reading on one site, you will find links to additional sites.  I find the following

most meaningful.


 My Pathway To Ascension website:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/

2012 Scenario:  http://the2012scenario.com/

Planetary Activation Organization:  http://www.paoweb.com/

Divine Cosmos:  http://divinecosmos.com/

THRIVE Movement:  http://www.thrivemovement.com/home


 My The Way of Love blog:  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/

Awakening With Suzanne Lie:  http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.com/

The Great Shift:  http://www.christinehoeflich.com/






          I apologize for posting anything that reflects on Project Camelot in a potentially negative manner, but this interview contains too much valuable information to not post.  Lisa is an excellent interviewer.  She and Bill focus on the spiritual implications of Project Looking Glass and offer valuable information relating to 2012.





Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

        As a child, I threw stones into a lake to watch the rippling water expand into ever larger circles.  Although puzzled, I accepted this sequence of events as a fact of life.  Regardless of how many times I tossed in a stone, the water never failed to surge forth in circles that steadily increased in size.

Although we seldom stop to think about it, time as we measure it does the same thing—it expands into ever increasing cycles of time.  We accept as a fact of life that our lives include a multiplicity of segments of time:  seconds … minutes … hours … days … weeks … months … years … decades … generations … and even centuries.

What we have not yet experienced is a cycle of time greater than a century.  That is what makes 2012 such a unique time in human history.  We are experiencing the end of much larger cycles of time:  a 2000 years cycle known as a Zodiac Age … a 5000 years cycle known as a World Age … a 26,000 years cycle known as the Precession of the Equinoxes (The number of years is rounded off for each cycle).  Time lines are merging into one as we pass from the old world into a new Earth.

Just as we cannot stop the passage of a year or a decade, we lack the ability to stop a new 2000 years cycle from emerging.  Whether we like it or not, we are leaving the Piscean Age and entering the New Aquarian Age.

The turmoil raging throughout our world signifies the awakening of people to the truth that life was created to be much more fulfilling than we have thus far known.  Humanity is awakening to the awareness that We Are One Family of God.  We desire to cease fighting one another … to eradicate hunger … to abolish poverty.

The end of the Piscean Age marks the end of life as we have experienced it.  As we move into the New Aquarian Age, we can already see signs of a much more loving world emerging.  If we stop and think about it, all of us can perceive ways in which our world is making very positive changes.  In the coming weeks and months, many more revelations of good will be unveiled.

We have learned to accept the changes that come with a new century.  Now we are faced with the necessity to be open to a vast transformation of our world as the New Aquarian Age emerges.  The fact that we are also experiencing a New World Age and a New Precession of the Equinoxes magnifies this forthcoming transformation.

An excellent article on the Precession of the Equinoxes may be found at:  http://www.shiftoftheage.com/2009/11/02/precession-of-the-equinox-from-darkness-into-light-2/