John Denver

In thinking of Americans’ relationship to the other 195 nations on our planet, I feel Lada Ray gives excellent advice.  I know that growing up in America, I often heard that people of the Middle East were mean.  In preparing to visit the Middle East, our tour guide cautioned the women about speaking to the Arab men.  I actually felt uneasy.

Thankfully, my rebellious nature kicked in!  I dared to look at and speak to the so-called mean Arabs.  I found them very gracious and willing  to assist in any way they could.

One morning I wanted an orange with breakfast.  I asked  the waiter in our Palestinian hotel dining room for one.  There were no oranges in the kitchen, so he walked to a nearby fruit stand and purchased an orange and brought it back to me, refusing to allow me to pay him for it.

Another time, a group of us got lost in Damascus.  It was raining.  We stopped to ask a man, waiting for his bus, for directions to our destination.  Instead of telling us, he volunteered  to walk with us–in  the rain and taking a chance of missing his bus.  We offered to pay him, but he declined.  Just two examples of “how mean the people of the Middle East are.”

Having the opportunity to meet one-on-one people I had been told were mean totally disproved this American propaganda.  Although I speak only English, I have learned a very important lesson via my travels abroad to 4 continents–there are many people to meet and love on our beautiful planet!

Following WWII, Americans considered the Japanese our enemies.  While attending seminary in the 1960s, I met and became best friends with a Japanese student.  She spent time in my home, even though some of the neighbors were upset because I invited a Jap into my home.  The Americans who met and got to know her loved her.  A few years later, she died from cancer, as a result of being exposed to the fallout from the atomic bombs Americans dropped on Japan–the only time nuclear bombs have been used in warfare against another country.  She, a Japanese who would die of cancer due to American bombs, came to visit Americans, stayed in our homes, cooked us fabulous Japanese meals, gave us gifts from Japan, taught us about her culture, and became a well loved adopted member of several American families.

Excerpts from an article by Lada Ray–a linguist born in Russia who has traveled and lived in nearly 30 nations on our planet, including the United States, where she worked as a financial consultant for AIG and Smith Barney/Citigroup–add to my discoveries of the Way to Peace through getting to know people from nations around our planet.

Let me first say that in the global scheme of things, the language separation is how they are able to keep us all divided and distrustful of each other. If we don’t understand each other’s language, we cannot know the truth. It’s so much easier to pull the wool over people’s eyes and get them to listen to your own propaganda. Perhaps because of that I initially became a linguist. It will be so important for humans to eventually develop a global language that would become the means of close communication among all.

In this respect, English-speakers are in by far the worst situation. Usually, people from other countries have learned some foreign languages, including English. European citizens tend to speak several languages fluently. Many Russian citizens would often know a regional language or two and a bit of a foreign language (alas, not well enough), in addition to Russian. But the US citizens tend to speak only English since it is assumed that everyone anywhere would understand you. This seeming victory of the English language, coupled with absolutely horrendous school instruction and lack of travel experience, harbors a seed of terrible defeat and future isolation. And this is in the country that prides itself on being the melting pot of immigrants!

All I can say is that the world is changing. It is my advice to my American and other English-speaking readers to begin learning foreign languages – FAST!”




The Falsified History of Ukraine and Its Lessons, Lada Ray of Futurist Trend

NOTE BY NANCY:  History, as many of us have known it, was about the most boring course to which we were subjected in the public schools … all about memorizing dates and the causes of various wars. Although history was a part of my Social Studies Major, I never related to it with the deep interest I have today. What changed? I researched the genealogy of Mother’s side of the family and I read Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States–which read like a novel. An entire new world opened before my eyes … I realized history is the story of our ancestors and ourselves … it tells us who we are and often, why we think and view the world as we do. It gives us roots and exciting stories about her ancestors and our Eternal Self. Now that many know and accept that life is eternal and our soul has lived many lives, in many countries on this planet, we realize there truly is no separation … We are One!

Finding Lada Ray’s blog was like opening a treasure chest. For over a year now, I have been strongly attracted to Russia and know that I have lived there in previous lives. Lada’s blog is fascinating with all its information about Russia and the surrounding area. As a Russian linguist, she has a unique way to trace the history of her people and of the world. Sadly, the majority of what all of us have been taught about our history is disinformation. However, during these intense times, Truth is emerging in many different forms and one of these forms is the true history of Earth humans.

Gaining a true understanding of Ukraine and Russia is a very relevant lesson for this point in time! As we “walk in the shoes” of people from the various nations on our planet, we come to understand and love them–the pathway to world peace!


FREE Earth Shift Report 2: The Falsified History of Ukraine and Its Lessons

Lada Ray


 Posted November 5, 2014

I call Ukraine today the Geopolitical Ground Zero. For better or for worse, it has become the fault line between the old and the new, the West and the East. Much is being decided today in Ukraine. This is why the story of Ukraine and its lessons, constitute an important read for everyone who wants to understand where we came from, where we are, and where we are going!



“I was born in Russia to a Russian father and Ukrainian mother, and grew up in Odessa, presently Ukraine. Growing up, I observed the collapse of the Soviet Union. I also lived and traveled to nearly 30 countries on most continents, including Cuba, where I interviewed Fidel Castro. By the ripe age of 38, I managed to have 3 successful careers on 3 different continents, first as a linguist and translator, and second as financial consultant with AIG and Smith Barney/Citigroup. I witnessed first hand behind the scenes manipulations at these major financial institutions; I observed how small clients were sacrificed to the interests of large institutional clients, and how derivatives became the buzz word. At some point, I couldn’t stand it any more and quit, and although I felt sorry to leave my clients, I needed to do things that were in line with my spiritual growth and soul development.”



 American Flag











This excerpt from an article by Lada Ray can act as a start to discovering the truth.

Let’s return to the US ‘success story:’ in the second half of the 20th century, USA succeeded in accumulating tremendous financial, political and psychological capital as a result of a certain sequence of events, its own clandestine efforts to topple the USSR, and the naiveté of the earth’s population. And what do they do with this unsurpassed capital? They squander it within 20 years, making USA the most hated and distrusted country in the world, even by the standards of the thoroughly brainwashed world’s population.

This brings us to the present moment. USA has lost its clout. It has lost trust. It has lost good will – completely. Perhaps a government/country that still had some honesty left would have admitted mistakes and would have done some soul searching? Perhaps it would strive to change its ways? What does US do? It plows on, insisting on its “exclusivity” and “special-ness.” It steamrolls across countries, leaving ruins and dead bodies in its wake, it spies on the whole world, it kidnaps, stages bloody coups and threatens everyone who is not entirely subservient. It spreads senseless chaos and destruction all over the world.

For those US cannot threaten or eliminate directly, it kills via its propaganda. Character assassination is one of the favorite weapons of the United States of America.

Since US cannot be seen as a positive force any more, the only thing that is left for its propaganda is to discredit the opponent. To do that, the US needs to twist the reality in such a way that the opponent is painted with the tainted brush.

In other words, US is not interested any more in proving that it’s a force for good in the world. Alas, it’s too late for that as everyone’s aware of the truth. USA isn’t trying to show it’s not the driving force behind NWO. It is abundantly clear that America has lost the fight for the hearts and minds.

Therefore, USA’s new strategy is to paint everyone else with a tainted brush, so everyone seems tainted as much as the USA, and this especially concerns Russia and Putin.



I was born in Russia to a Russian father and Ukrainian mother, and grew up in Odessa, presently Ukraine. Growing up, I observed the collapse of the Soviet Union. I also lived and traveled to nearly 30 countries on most continents, including Cuba, where I interviewed Fidel Castro. By the ripe age of 38, I managed to have 3 successful careers on 3 different continents, first as a linguist and translator, and second as financial consultant with AIG and Smith Barney/Citigroup. I witnessed first hand behind the scenes manipulations at these major financial institutions; I observed how small clients were sacrificed to the interests of large institutional clients, and how derivatives became the buzz word. At some point, I couldn’t stand it any more and quit, and although I felt sorry to leave my clients, I needed to do things that were in line with my spiritual growth and soul development.





Predictions: The Real Reasons for West’s Anti-Russian Sanctions Lada Ray, September 16, 2014 Lada speaks from a range of global experiences few human beings have ever achieved.

Predictions: The Real Reasons for West’s Anti-Russian Sanctions

Lada Ray, September 16, 2014

LADA RAYLada speaks from a range of global experiences few human beings have ever achieved.

Lada “was born in Russia to a Russian father and Ukrainian mother, and grew up in Odessa, presently Ukraine. Growing up, I observed the collapse of the Soviet Union. I also lived and traveled to nearly 30 countries on most continents, including Cuba, where I interviewed Fidel Castro. By the ripe age of 38, I managed to have 3 successful careers on 3 different continents, first as a linguist and translator, and second as financial consultant with AIG and Smith Barney/Citigroup. I witnessed first hand behind the scenes manipulations at these major financial institutions; I observed how small clients were sacrificed to the interests of large institutional clients, and how derivatives became the buzz word. At some point, I couldn’t stand it anymore and quit, and although I felt sorry to leave my clients, I needed to do things that were in line with my spiritual growth and soul development.”

NOTE BY NANCY: Little do Americans and the other Western imperialist nations realize that the rest of the world is joining hands to create a New Earth characterized by fairness, peace, Win-Win solutions, and Unity. As long as Americans are content to hide their heads in the sand and sleep, the rest of the world moves on without us.

Lada’s article details how the rest of the world unites for a better world, while Americans sleep.

I was deeply saddened a few days ago while watching the 200th Anniversary of the American national anthem extravaganza on PBS. Americans proudly and naively waved their American flags while repeatedly listening to the words “America—the home of the brave and the free.”

Little do we understand that the USA is the most hated nation in the world … considered to be the world’s bully and terrorist. Little do we know that instead of being free, we are slaves to the New World Order. Our lives are controlled—psychologically and physically—by the most detailed of covert ways. We are simply encouraged to think of ourselves as free.

The magnificence of the Anniversary extravaganza was in itself a psychological manipulation with its repeated praise of Americans as brave and free … with the repeated question within the anthem—is our flag still there? i.e., are we still winning the battle? The New World Order desires that Americans always think in terms of being a proud American because “America is the most powerful nation in the world” … in terms of winning battles … in terms of seeing the American flag waving victoriously over battle fields … in terms of having the most powerful military. The grandest fireworks show in the history of Baltimore Harbor filled American psyches with “See how grand our country is!”

We may be brave enough to go to war and kill and be killed, but we are not brave enough to open our minds and seek Truth. Brave people cannot be controlled by fear. .. are not afraid to seek Truth. Americans are afraid that Truth will mean changes in their lives and worldview. Even though at a subconscious level, we have to know that we are neither brave nor free, it feels good to stick our head in the sand … pretend all is well … and intone proud to be an American.

Meanwhile, the world unites and moves forward … without us……………



NOTE BY NANCY:  Americans, this article is of utmost importance to us because it portrays the Truth about the way in which the world perceives the United States.  You will gain much insight into our nation and into the overall events occurring on our planet.  Sadly President Obama is the scapegoat for the New World Order’s nefarious activities–the world tends to equate the United States, President Obama, and the New World Order as one and the same.   As Lada Ray states:  The US is the most hated nation on Earth.  We, as citizens, need to know why and stop blindly supporting many of the NWO’s covert actions.  “It’s in our interest” to do such and such does NOT mean in the people’s interest or in America’s interest!  It means in the interest of the NWO!





I’ll be honest; it has been difficult for me to write this piece. I started many times, added some notes here hand there, but had some reluctance to publish it. Despite my going pretty deep, it seemed to me that the issue was still deeper than that. Something still seemed unsaid that should have been said. There still seemed to be some forces, and some hidden, not very flattering features of the human psyche, that were so dark and unsavory that I was unwilling to delve in.

Being an empath and Intellect Shifter, I usually find that there are no mysteries in this world. Everything is usually laid out in front of me like an ever-changing tapestry, including events, their profound motivations, and the deepest human emotions, as well. It is a rather rare instance when I find myself in disbelief that even those I consider smart people can get so easily caught in the web of lies. What is it in human psyche that allows it to build walls so easily, and to believe lies so readily?

In short, I can tell you what it is: it is called fear, the built-in human emotion that is supposed to safeguard us from danger. It’s a very useful warning mechanism; yet, due to the misused human ego and mind games, fear most of the time becomes the reason for the humans’ self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s just that it’s so unbelievably obvious! How can people not see the traps laid out for them by forces with the darkest of the dark ulterior motives?

But this is another topic, which is very important, and I plan to discuss it in my future articles.

For now, I’ll repeat the advice I have given before. To get out of the matrix of fear, raise your vibration to the level of reason, and subsequently, to love. Important clue: love without reason will still lead you astray; you need both to effectively function in the middle realm, also described as the earthly human realm.

In this piece I am offering you a unique opportunity to firmly raise your vibration to the level of reason. I will touch upon certain facets of what I call the Putin Phenomenon. The phenomenon of Putin is much larger, of course. This, very detailed and meticulous article is just the beginning. The PUTIN ENIGMA is to follow. As promised, in 2-3 weeks I will present to you a special report, which will give you a complete understanding. When the special report is ready, the announcements and links will be posted on this blog.

The title of this article is controversial at best. We will discuss a lot of juicy stuff, including: different facets of the NWO issue in connection with the Russian President Vladimir Putin; what is the West really after; the real story of the Belgian US Treasury purchase scandal; the related issue of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, as the alleged future capital of NWO.



“I was born in Russia to a Russian father and Ukrainian mother, and grew up in Odessa, presently Ukraine. Growing up, I observed the collapse of the Soviet Union. I also lived and traveled to nearly 30 countries on most continents, including Cuba, where I interviewed Fidel Castro. By the ripe age of 38, I managed to have 3 successful careers on 3 different continents, first as a linguist and translator, and second as financial consultant with AIG and Smith Barney/Citigroup. I witnessed first hand behind the scenes manipulations at these major financial institutions; I observed how small clients were sacrificed to the interests of large institutional clients, and how derivatives became the buzz word. At some point, I couldn’t stand it any more and quit, and although I felt sorry to leave my clients, I needed to do things that were in line with my spiritual growth and soul development.”