Twin Flames

The Golden Age is Returning to Earth

A Message from Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 15, 2013

NOTE BY NANCY:  In order to accommodate those who resist reading long articles, I have put together Mother Sekhmet’s answers to queries regarding Twin Flames and omitted the questions.  The answers speak for themselves and offer very timely, valuable information.  I have also underlined a few sentences that I find most important in clearing the confusion that exists regarding Twin Flames.  You may see the entire channeled message at:

sekhmetpicMother Sekhmet

sekhmet5 Mother Sekhmet as depicted in Egyptian sculpture

Ancient Egyptians knew members of our galactic family.

Mother Sekhmet’s Mother Ship is Nibiru.

Zecharia Sitchin’s book, THE 12TH PLANET, documents this interaction with our celestial ancestors.


Each Soul must Ascend on their own. There are no shortcuts. The misunderstanding about mass ascension hold us in the dark and keeps our individual ascension process in stuckness. This is a grievous mistake. In order to Ascend in this Lifetime then each Soul on Earth must walk themselves back to the Enlightened State. This is done by a spiritual process whereby a Soul’s karma is reduced to zero and the ego mind is completely dissolved. As we move along the spiritual Path by integrating spiritual practices into our lives (good moral conduct, purifying the body, yoga asanas, breathing exercises, withdrawal of the senses, doing our duty, meditation and the superconscious experience of Oneness) our Highest Self, our Monad or Atma reveals to us as we go along the next steps to achieving Enlightenment in this Lifetime. Everyone is capable of that now. As the changes come we will have much more help achieving that then is availed to us now.

To attract Ones Twin Flame, one is to work on themselves. Dissolve ego mind and all brushes with anger, jealousy, pain, suffering, lack, selfishness, judgment and all those programs. Let it go.  This process brings Inner Peace and Joy and the alignment with Wholeness attracts the Twin Flame to you through magnetic light and love. Developing telepathy is easy with your Twin Flame as they already hear all of your thoughts and are aware of you and what you are doing. Each time you engage in conversation in your mind, with your Twin Flame, you call on their energy. As you do this all throughout the day, each day, it becomes inevitable that they will reply and you WILL HEAR the reply. So all throughout your day speak with your Twin Flame inside your mind about anything and everything and you will see it develop over time into a two way conversation.

Often there is a perception that One is our Twin Flame and it is not the case. Very, very few have their TwinFlame on Earth now. Often these are Soul Mate relationships with those that are very familiar since they have reincarnated within the same Soul Group again and again. Nonetheless, the Twin Flame will not make themselves known on Earth to those who are encumbered in relationships. It is required that each Twin Flame only approach their TF for a relationship after their TF has prepared themselves by becoming Whole and prepared themselves by being single at the time of the meeting. No Twin Flame would EVER present any anxiety to their TF by causing conflict or harm to their current relationships.

Each Twin Flame will choose a Body which will compliment who we are now and to make the Reunions easy. This is about being together on Earth, as a Whole Complete couple in the physical in order to activate your joint Mission to healing Earth. These Reunions are solely to Serve on Earth in Wholeness facilitating all of the rebuilding and healing which needs to take place. We Will Do It With Love and We Will Do It Together.

Our Twin Flame is the other half of ourselves, created at the same moment and identical in every way except One is Female and One is Male while in embodiment and always working together as One in the Lighted Realms as Twin Rays.

Very few on Earth have their Twin Flame on Earth now. Very, very few, but some do. Only when one is single will their Twin Flame invite them into a relationship. Earth will no longer support the making of karma. As long as we remain in relationships NOT our Twin Flame, our TF will not present themselves to us.

Each one of us has incarnated in both male and female “suits” because we wanted to experience it. Underneath our human suit, unzipped we are one or the other. We know which one because of how we identify with our Inner nature. Men who are gay are very secure with the concept and they know if they are vibrating with the sexual identity of the Feminine energy or the Masculine energy predominantly – even though they are wearing a man suit. Think of Chelsea Manning. One of the Planets fiercest warriors and he identifies with the Feminine vibration underneath his Army fatigues. Your TF will be the twin of you, the same in every way – except the vibration will be your opposite.   As the Reunions happen some may wish to have opposite sex bodies and others may want to experience same sex bodies together. It doesn’t matter at all. Both are just fine. This is a decision which is left up to the couple alone. Oneness does not acknowledge the individual as how they show up in their human suit, man or woman, but sees them as they are on the Light Realms.

The Twin Flames will be walking off the Ships as they have remained on as Ship Crew. They are coming to Earth now to fulfill their contract to help create New Earth by living here.

All will be able to choose a new body as they will. Many Twin Flames are twelve feet tall! Walking off the Ships, or here on Earth those potentials will become available. Stay tuned.

Your Twin Flame knows where you are as they have been with you, watching and hearing you all along, supporting your Mission on Earth. As each individual prepares themselves then the Twin Flame will find you. When you see your Twin Flame you will have no doubt in your mind. You will weep with happiness seeing your long lost mate.

Most if not all on Earth now were only granted passage to Earth by promising to stay after the changes to help build New Earth. That will be on the Physical with a Body which knows how to travel all Dimensions including the formless.

The Twin Flame Reunions will not happen when someone is inside a marriage.  In order to experience the Twin Flame Reunion One must take the necessary steps to dissolve the marriage. Understand as we become aware of our own Twin Flame our mate does too. These marriages end as friends without much conflict. Each One will know what to do for their own circumstances. There will be a moment One feels for the sake of honesty and evolvement and in the name of Love they are leaving what will no longer work in the New.

Prepare on the Inner. Become One with Oneness. That is what is meant by the Twin Flame Reunion.

Twin Flame Reunions will happen on Earth as a Divine Joint Mission to Build Heaven on Earth.

Twin Flame Reunions happening in the immediate will occur for millions on Earth.  There are billions now on Earth. After the changes each individual will be invited to have this experience as they see fit in their own right timing. There will be no disruptions to families, children or mates. Kids will recognize their own TF returning to Earth and will begin childhood friendships with their own TFs. Spouses may leave us for their own TF Reunion. Everybody will understand the invitation and act accordingly in a loving way.

If you are in a mutual relationship and not with your Twin Flame you will not immediately experience a Reunion.

This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 15, 2013 © All Rights Reserved.



A Channeling of Mother Sekhmet by Elizabeth Trutwin

December 15, 2013

NOTE BY NANCY:  Many of you, like me, may be unfamiliar with Mother Sekhmet.  One of the areas of Truth that Earth humans are to learn is that many planets are populated with very advanced beings.  Some will look very much like Earth humans; others will look very different.  We see this difference depicted in the ancient artifacts/drawings of Egypt.  Some of the children’s programs on TV and in the movies serve to acclimate us to the variety of forms intelligent beings from/on the various planets assume.   A good example is the extremely popular (with adults and children) movie, ET.  In this movie, we learned to love ET and many wept when he/she pointed to the sky and say longingly, “Home.”  We wept because we understood:  we want to go Home too, for deep inside we, also, remember that we are from the Stars.

Ancient religions are beyond my scope of knowledge, however I am inserting this picture of the Egyptian gods simply so the reader of this channeling can begin to adjust to seeing very advanced beings who communicate with us, but are different in their physical appearance.  The various religions call them by different names, but they are often referring to the same god.

godsThere is so much that we have to learn about this cosmos filled with loving beings.  Although, in John 10:34, Jesus taught:  “You are gods,” quoting Psalm 82:6 “You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you…,” Earth humans still have to awaken to the meaning of this teaching and how it relates to us, as individuals, in relationship to the ONE I AM.

 I encourage you to read this channeling with an open mind, remaining aware that we do not know what we do not know and that Earth humans have heretofore used only 10% of our brains and are conscious of only about 2% of the world around us.  We are expanding NOW and have so very much to learn!

sekhmetpicMother Sekhmet

 I post this channeling from Mother Sekhmet because I know it is valuable information for each of us.  Many Twin Flames will be reunited during the coming months and begin fulfilling their Soul Mission together in creating our New Earth.  For, in fact, we are Co-Creators with Creator God.



Greetings Children of Ra. This is Mother Sekhmet. We have been connected to One another since the beginning of Creation. The Golden Age is returning to Earth and we begin to remember the call of Nature and the call of the Cosmos and how we fit in to it all. In this SOLar System, the Great Central Sun called Alcyone radiates Cosmic Energy to our Sun Sol which then radiates Light Energy to our Etheric Bodies and then our Physical Bodies. Inside our Physical Bodies is contained the Cosmos. The DNA contained in each one of the trillions of cells which make up our bodies are the APP which connect EVERYTHING back to Source Energy. (We got an App for that) meaning an application which connects the plasma silica computer which is our Body to the hard drive in the mind and the bytes of information stored in the heart. Without the DNA none of it will run. This is the sentient computer within each one of us (audio recorded at the ears and video recorded at they eyes) which connects to the larger computer system at Shambhala and the connected grid of sentient computers at the Lords Most High Council where the Watchers record the Akasha from each of the infinite Planets in the Cosmos.

The DNA. Until recently our DNA was limited because our ancestors did experiments to alter the DNA. We refer to the demons or the asuras also known as the dark cabal as ‘dark’ because they limited themselves to only two strands of DNA instead of the original twelve strands of DNA. The Chakras or the energy centers are the micro chips where energy moves through thirteen locations in the Body through our Mother Boards which are made up of the nadis, meridians and other Energy Centers connecting the Nerve Cells to the Mind and the Heart. These truths are explained in our written history in the Hindu Epic The Ramayana. The DNA has a dual nature. It is a computer code. It is not binary code of 1s and 0s, it is made up of four proteins represented by the letters: A, T, G and C. As the cells are produced a file is saved. To copy that file there is a Transcription Factor and this is different for each individual. The Transcription Factor for making duplicate cells is rooted at the Moment of Creation. It is known as TF and that correlates to our Twin Flame. We are in constant communication with our Twin Flame through the Transcription Factor in each one of the trillions of cells making up our bodies. You are never separate from your Twin Flame and you are never separate from Source Energy which created you.

The DNA in our cells connects us from our physical form, to our light form contained around our physical form, to our Twin Flame, to our many Avatar forms all the way back to Source Energy. The human form contains the Divine Blueprint. We have, through nuclear destruction, in the past destroyed our DNA and it had to be reconstituted by Metatron more than once. The Divine Blueprint is the computer code for the Adam Kadmon Body in the dense physical realm. It is a humanoid form and there are many different kinds of humanoid forms. The lion people, the bird people and the reptilian people are examples as are what we call the Greys and also the Tall Whites, the Giants and the Dwarves. there are over 200,000 examples of different humanoid forms in our SOLar System. We will be lucky enough to meet some as visitors to Earth very soon. As we travel the Etheric Realms we carry our DNA code as Liquid Light and we travel in our Etheric Bodies freely around the Cosmos without the humanoid form, we leave it behind in our chair or bed, resting as it awaits our return. We animate our Bodies with the Liquid Light and refer to it as a Soul. SOuL. There is a You in Soul.

The Twin Flame is the other part of ourselves. We are created first as a Plasma Ball of Light. As we incarnate into the Physical we divide as a cell divides into Twins, exactly the same, except One is Female and One is Male. We are separated by the Physical Body alone. There is no other form of separation. Our DNA is tied together and in constant communication. Twin Flames always have the ability to communicate unhindered through the Aeons of Time as well as the Dimensions in Space. When Twin Flames come back together they delight in joining the physical forms as close as is possible. When they leave the Physical Realm and Pass On then they return to the original Liquid Light Form in the Light Realms, indivisible as a pearlescent white Plasma Ball of Light. We are only referred to as Twin Flames in the Physical Realm and in the Light Realms we are Twin Rays of Light. Twin Flames refer to the Flame in the Heart, the Trifold Flame, pink, blue and gold, is identical in Twin Flames and the conduit which the DNA App communicates ongoing.

The Divine Blueprint of the Adam Kadmon Body holds the Cosmos inside the Human Body. We can see the similarities in the shape and function of the vocal chords, heart valves and cervix as Source Energy runs down from our Crown and through these Portal ways for Creation from the OM in our Word as Form to New Life born out of us all radiating around the StarGate in our Heart which transmits and receives The Force of Love, within and without. It is quite a Gift to be incarnate in the Physical Realm on Earth Now. It is something for which we may Give Glory to Grace. We may see the same Divine Blueprint in the Stars and an X-Ray image of the Crab Nebula shows us this. The Adam Kadmon Body is capable of the Siddhi powers are supernatural abilities of strength, sight, hearing,  levitation, bi-location, instant manifestation and others as the minor siddhis and the major siddhis include shape-shifting, invisibility, remote viewing, control of the elements, full memory and other adept abilities. One of these special gifts is the ability to become small and to enter through the mouth or through the vagina into your own body and there you may discover the entire Cosmos inside and you will be able to explore any part of the distant Cosmos without leaving your room. Everything that is outside is also inside.

A QUESTION & ANSWER SEGMENT FOLLOWS THIS CHANNELING.  If you would like to continue reading, go to: