Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Today, as I read John Smallman’s channeled message from Saul, I was struck by the contrast between what Saul was saying and what Christianity teaches.  Saul’s message may be read at:

I single out Christianity simply because it is the religion with which I am familiar.  I am, in no way, saying that the other religions depict a God of absolute, unconditional love.  Religions have been the basis for wars, hate crimes, discrimination, and racism for thousands of years.  This is because religions have been used by the power elite for controlling the people through fear.  But, first, the people must conceive of a God they fear.

Christianity mixes love with violence in its depiction of God.  In other words, God loves us, so he devises a violent plan to save us from yet another of His/Her violent creations–hell.  Thus we have a God who is love and a God who is violent.  We naturally fear a schizophrenic God.

No wonder we have such a violent world!!!

Christianity is basically the teaching found in the scriptural verse John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.” 

There are four basic teachings in this one verse—a verse that churches have children memorize at an early age.  However, when read or recited, this one verse is filled with subliminal messages heard beneath the spoken words by our subconscious minds.

“God so loved the world….”   This opening statement prepares us subliminally to hear what God did to demonstrate His/Her love for the world.  It also sends the subliminal message that God demonstrates Her/His love for us in a particular (conditional love) way.

“…that He sent His only begotten Son….”  This phrase sends the subliminal message that only one of God’s creation is His Son.  This renders the rest of us different and not a natural part of God’s family—thus separate from Father/Mother God.  As a result, humanity can be taught to worship Jesus as different and far above us, which is contrary to Jesus’ teachings.

Jesus taught us, quoting a Psalm he wrote during his lifetime as Asaph, Psalm 82:6 – “ye are gods.”  (John 10:34)  In John 14:12, Jesus tells his disciples:  “you shall do greater things than these….”  Jesus, in no way, set himself apart from us.  Instead, he taught “ye are gods.”

“…that whosoever believes in Him….”  Subliminally, we hear “this is the only way.”

“…shall have eternal life.”  Our subconscious minds hear:  “not everyone will have eternal life.”  We also hear eternal life begins only after we die.  The fact that “eternal” means no beginning and no ending loses its true significance.  This mis-use of the word “eternal” has enabled Christianity to omit the fact of reincarnation in its teaching, with the horrendous result that we have lost conscious connection with our soul and its plan for incarnation and been turned into a physical body that is dust you are and to dust shall you return.”  (Genesis 3:19)  Thus, fear of death becomes an inherent characteristic by which we can be controlled by those who choose to do so.

This verse—containing so much subliminal disinformation—is known by many Christians as “God’s plan of salvation from an eternity of burning in hell.”  It naturally conjures up two very vivid violent pictures depicting Mother/Father God’s action in our world.



Many Christians, including many who gave up on religion, live with these violent pictures hovering in their subconscious minds.

Now that Earth humans reside on the 4th dimension, where our sole lesson is LOVE, we  need to give up the God of violence we have been taught to believe in.

Saul’s message briefly describes the world of unconditional love that is reality.  When we ascended from the 3rd dimension of duality—a world that was total illusion—in December 2012, we moved to the 4th dimension until we learn how to live in Love … until we get to know our Mother/Father God of absolute, unconditional Love … and learn to relax in that world of Love … to be who we truly are—gods of Love … and to treat all others with the unconditional Love in which we are forever enfolded.

Then, we can ascend to the 5th dimension of Love & Light where suffering will be no more!


LOVE, not violence, is the Divine Plan of Salvation from all that would render us less that who we truly are!

We can learn to abide by Jesus’ teachings and LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  These lessons will be helpful:




Nancy B. Detweiler

       There is much confusion regarding this Planet we call Earth.  The majority of us have grown up thinking in terms of Earth simply being the planet on which we live.  That Earth is a living, breathing, changing entity seldom, if ever, crosses our mind.  We are too busy taking from Earth, mistreating Earth, and demonstrating total disregard for Earth’s well-being.

At the same time, we expect Earth to provide for us—when we plant a seed, we expect it to grow and blossom into its characteristic fruit.  We expect Earth to provide plenty of fresh water for us to drink … plenty of fuels to keep us warm and allow us to travel.  When there are earthquakes, storms, or volcanic eruptions, we blame “Mother Nature.”  We jokingly say, “Mother Nature is showing us who is boss.”

Earth humans have it all wrong.  Instead, Planet Earth is a magnificent being named Gaia.  According to numerology, Gaia’s Destiny Number is 9—the humanitarian, whose goal is perfection.  Gaia cannot be limited to a small group of friends.  Her philosophy is to inspire many.  Gaia is willing to sacrifice self for her cause, is extremely idealistic, and enjoys people from all walks of life.  Gaia is compassionate, wanting only to advance the human race.  Her nature is to serve.  As a Destiny Number 9, Gaia has evolved to the point of choosing to ascend during this lifetime (or cycle).

Like all of us, Gaia came from the heart of Source, First Cause, the overarching Creator of All Things.  She came forth as an individualized Being.  With our limited eyesight, we view her as a planet.  She is, instead, a tremendous being—one of multitudes in our Milky Way Galaxy.

At some stage in Gaia’s lifestream, she volunteered to become a Prison Planet, where lifestreams that needed a place to awaken to their true identity as sparks of Source could live and grow.  Gaia, as a Destiny Number 9, sacrificed her own well-being in order to grant Earth humans the opportunity to mature spiritually.  Her compassionate nature continues to give us food and drink while we rampage her being, rip her apart with our violence, throw trash in her face, and repeatedly inflict all types of abuse upon her with no sense of remorse.

Now, the time has come for Gaia to take advantage of her opportunity to ascend.  In order to do so, Gaia must restore her being to her original perfection.  Gaia has called for assistance from the Realms of Spirit in charge of those incarnating as planets.  She has gained Divine Permission to ascend at the end of this cycle and to proceed with whatever it takes for her to prepare for her ascension.

For decades, Gaia and her spokespersons have urged humanity to awaken and choose to ascend with her.  She has patiently waited, while we run to and fro mindless of her service to us.  Our disregard for Gaia is gross, in every sense of the word.  She gifts us with the fragrance of flowers … sturdy trees to shade us … cooling streams in which to wade.  We trash her … stifle her with miles upon miles of cement … draw her blood (oil) and create wars to possess it.

Now, the deadline approaches.  Gaia will ascend on or around December 21, 2012.  In order to do so, she must complete her own purification process.  She wants to do this with love and in fact, much purification has taken place through the service of Lightworkers.  Just as a boil on the skin of Earth humans can heal only after the puss has been removed, so Gaia must be healed of her boils.  Earth humans vomit when sick—a mini-explosion brings forth that which sickens us.  So Gaia must vomit through her earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  Earth humans cleanse the body with water; storms cleanse Gaia’s atmosphere and body.  We use fire to purify gold; Gaia is forced to use physical fire to purify her surface.  I say forced because the Violet Transmuting Flame consumes the negative and changes it into positive without the need to be destructive at the same time.  But so few Earth humans have awakened to the need to assist Gaia in her purification process by using the Transmuting Flame that she is forced to rely on physical fire.

Earth humans look at the natural events and call them Mother Nature.  Little do we know that our own negative actions and thoughts, our utter disregard for Gaia’s well being have created the storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.  Scientists think they can present scientific reasons, but all they know are explanations of how Gaia’s physical being reacts to Earth humans’ behavior.   Ascended planets are not troubled by earthquakes, storms, or eruptions because there is no negativity present.  Below is Lord Maha Chohan’s description of the Divine Being named Uranus, an ascended planet.

        “Their atmosphere is perfect.  The moisture does not come in rainfall, but by a coarse substance that comes through what is similar to your earth.  The body structure itself of Uranus is a beautiful green instead of brown.  The moisture comes through the porous substance, fills their lakes, rivers, and cisterns, and fills the atmosphere with the necessary moisture.  The water is aquamarine; the landed surface is a darker green; the verdure and growth variegated in color.  That is determined mostly by the Aura of the individuals who represent the unit of people residing in certain localities.  The continental Devas affect the entire contour and over-all color of the various continents.  The great planetary Silent Watcher governs and controls the entire Uranium Aura in the atmosphere.”  —A.D.K. Luk, editor, Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings

To contrast, let’s see how Gaia is suffering.

All quotes from Ascended Masters listed in bold print are excerpts from Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings.

Ascended Master St. Germain – 1952

        “The end of the Cosmic Cycle for the Earth to emit enough Light to be sustained as a planet in this solar system was to be in 1926.  Since the Earth, known as the Dark Star, was not emitting Light, therefore would have been destroyed by the dark forces engulfing it.  However, Cosmic Beings secured a dispensation which enabled Them to withhold the dark forces sufficiently to give the Ascended Master St. Germain an opportunity to try out His new presentation and application of the Law….  The I AM Activity was the beginning of the Teaching for the New Age as the old or occult law was set aside.  Tremendous service was rendered through it for mankind, the Earth and all who were able to accept and apply the Law as given in the Teaching.

[Sadly, the leader of this movement asked for his ascension because of the viciousness with which he was attacked by those who sought to discredit him] ….

[Since much that was required had not yet been done, in the early 1950’s, the Master Morya and St. Germain were able to secure a dispensation to extend the time for another 20-year period. —the Editor of Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings]”

Ascended Master Kuthumi – 1954

“When Lord Maitreya began to design the world religion with the Ascended Master St. Germain for His Seventh Ray cycle, They had to take into consideration, first, the amount of eternal Light the planet Earth and its people were required to give forth by Cosmic Law or be dissolved; second, the capacity of the ten billion souls to receive and understand the deeper instruction given.  This was no easy task because the climax of the 14,000 year cycle should have been reached and every lifestream already developed to the status of a Christ under the Sixth Ray, the mastery as expressed through the Master Jesus.

Then as the Seventh Ray comes in and the ceremonial activity is developed, the entire evolution should have been ready to participate in the glorious cooperation between the visible Angelic Host, the Divine Men and Women, and the shining Elemental kingdom.”

Gaia requested to put an end to her service to Earth humans and to ascend.  Her request was granted and she is scheduled for ascension in December 2012.  She deeply desires to take Earth humans with her into the ascended state, but should we choose to continue in our present violent, thoughtless, negative behavior, Gaia will have to leave us behind.  She is scheduled to move forward in the Milky Way Galaxy and in our own Solar System to the position now occupied by Venus, the Divine Being of Love.  No negativity can exist in Venus’ location.

Ascended Master Morya describes life on Venus – 1962

“The life on Venus is under the direction of a great Hierarchy of perfected Men and Women, called The Lords of the Flame.  They are the embodiment of wisdom and of love.  There is but one language, one state, one race, one purpose.  There is no disease, no crime, no army nor navy nor any instrument of force, for physical violence and unbalance are unknown.  Every citizen of this world Estate contributes his talents freely to the common cause for 15 short years, between the ages of 20 and 35.  Before this time, all are educated by the State according to their particular talents and the interests of the individual citizen

       The citizen of Venus after being educated by the State is permitted to utilize his talents and gifts during the period of world benefit for the good of the entire citizenry.  After the years of service, each is allowed to pursue such spiritual and cultural studies as his nature may choose.

       Old age and disintegration are unknown, because there is no inharmony.”      

Thus in order to qualify to ascend with Gaia to Venus’ old location, Earth humans must be willing to live life in a perfected environment.  That means all negative behavior must cease, be transmuted, and balanced with service to others.

What is happening in the cosmos that means Gaia’s ascension?

Ascended Lady Master Venus – 1954

As the Cosmic motion and in-breathing of the Central Sun draws the lesser Sun towards Itself, so in like manner the seven Suns are drawing their planets from the periphery of their system.  The planet Venus which is fourth in our system will move one position closer to our Sun becoming the third planet revolving around Krishna and Sophia.  So your Sun will draw Mercury within the Electronic Belt, and the Earth will become the third planet revolving around Helios and Vesta.

       Right below Venus is the Earth in your system.  We are preparing the Earth and its people so that the vibratory action of the position and orbit which We leave may be comfortable and they enjoy the radiation of Love and Wisdom which We leave as our heritage to your planet.  So too, are you preparing for when Earth moves closer to the Sun, Mars moves into your present orbit.”


There are many ascended beings working with Gaia and her Earth humans to prepare us for ascension; however, it is up to each of us to make the choice to ascend.  Those who desire ascension must get busy preparing for it.  Those who choose to remain in Earth’s present location in the Solar System will continue in their spiritual evolution on Mars or some other planet with which their level of consciousness finds resonance.

Each planet moves forward in its entirety because that planet is the form into which a Divine Being incarnated, just like you and I are Divine Beings incarnated in human bodies.  When we ascend, we will do so in our entirety.  It is called the mystic marriage—our lower self achieves a higher consciousness level in resonance with our Higher Self (the second figure).

Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Illustration of the Divine Self

We are then capable of living on the 5th dimension or on an ascended planet.

May we come to appreciate the tremendous service of Love Gaia has rendered with the intention that Earth humans would awaken to their true identities as Divine Beings!  May we all awaken to the glorious opportunity available to us—to ascend en masse with Gaia, our Mother Earth!


Matthew’s message is instructive for all … especially those who are ministers.  As more truth pours forth, your congregations will be turning to you for guidance in understanding and to relate unveiled truths to what they have been taught in churches, synagogues, and mosques.

The next weeks will see much hidden truth being unveiled to the public.

You may read Matthew’s message at:



Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

NOTE: I originally wrote this article in 1984.  Today I realize it is the most important article I have ever written.  Why?  Because it reveals how we—in good faith—end up praying for what we do NOT want, instead of praying for what we truly desire.


“Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.” We happily sing these words, yet how many of us stop to ponder the request we are making—”Let it begin with me?” And if we do stop to consider: How may an individual assist in manifesting world peace?

Understanding the universal laws of energy is a major prerequisite. Being a peacemaker involves our most intimate thoughts and feelings, as well as the focal point of our attention while we are actively demonstrating for world peace.

This is the case because we live in a world of energy. With our thoughts and feelings, we are continually qualifying this universal energy (the creative ethers). The tools of creation are our thoughts, feelings, and spoken words. We become what we think, feel, and say. The more we concentrate our attention either on peace or on war—the more energy we send that particular concept. As we focus increasingly on one or the other, we create a thought-form, which becomes a definitive field of electromagnetic energy. “Like attracts like.” Therefore, each time we reflect on peace or on war, we energize the matching thought-form, causing it to increase in size, strength, and definition.

Take the example of anger. Think back to the last time an angry or hateful thought came to mind…… Did this thought not immediately bring forth the feelings of anger? Was not this thought nourished and enlarged by the emotions it elicited, until the energy you expended far exceeded the original memory? We often express this fact verbally: “The more I thought about it, the madder I got.”

Within the creative ethers, anger is anger; love is love; peace is peace. Whether we are angry with our spouse or angry at the world super-powers, the universal energy is qualified as “anger.” Likewise, working for peace involves naming the universal energy “peace,” whether at home, at work, or in our thoughts and actions toward world peace.

Because “like attracts like,” individual thoughts, feelings, and actions have a ripple effect. Like radio waves, individual qualifications of energy speed toward that with which they resonant, thus creating massive thought-forms. Energy fields characterized by thinking of war attract those same thoughts from people all over the planet. Our atmosphere becomes saturated with the energy of violence and war.

Think back to the time you entered a room and met a very angry or depressed person ….. Did you not quickly become disgruntled? Recall an acquaintance who seems always to be in good spirits, meets you with a happy smile, and speaks cheerfully to you…….. Do you not instantaneously feel a surge of joy? Hereby, we—as individuals—may permeate our world with the energy of peace. We can BE peace.

Most often our thoughts, feelings, and actions work for war instead of for peace because we wrongly qualify the universal energy. Anytime we become angry over or hate war, we increase the thought-form of anger and hate—the very factors that instigate violence.

We must make the shift in our thought and emotional energy from hating war to loving peace. As we increasingly focus our thoughts, feelings, and actions toward peace and familial love, we steadily magnify the corresponding thought-forms of an Earth bathed by the iridescent, healing waters of life.

This energy qualification shift can be extremely subtle. As we work for peace, we must constantly ask: How does this particular activity characterize the universal energy? For example: the more we fight against military build-up, the more energy we focus on weapons and war. Just listen to the words used: fight … against … military. All words of violence energized by our activity. The shift involves participating in constructive efforts for peace. Again, note the words: constructive … peace. Positive words energized by our activity. The more energy we expend in beneficial pursuits for peace, the larger its thought-form will become. But remember, it must be “constructive activity for peace,” not “speaking or demonstrating against war or military build-up.” By our thought projection, we qualify the energy and build one or the other thought-form. We defeat our goal if we organize a group entitled “Movement for Peace,” then proceed to orient the group activity around weapons … war … fighting … or using words on our banners like “against” or “anti-war.” In so doing, we convert our efforts for peace into demonstrations against war. As a result, a subtle, but extremely powerful, electromagnetic shift takes place.

Praying for “an end to all bloodshed” resonates with the energy for war, not the energy for peace. Immediately, a scene of bloodshed appears before our eyes and our emotions energize it. Think of the tremendous amount of emotional energy “against war” this prayer will engender within a large group. Clairvoyant persons can perceive the meeting room filled with chaotic waves of energy. On the other hand, praying for peace and familial love for all of humanity conjures up a tranquil scene of peace and love. Our emotions are soothed; we feel quietude. We can envision the entire planet encircled with hands clasped in love. The energy in the room is calm.

The true worker for peace learns control of his thoughts and feelings. He learns to focus on and build the positive regardless of the overwhelming negatively qualified energy within his environment. The true worker for peace loves peace instead of hating war.

By giving the thought-forms of war no thought, feeling, or activity energy, we diminish its electromagnetic energy field. As a result, it will shrink and eventually disappear from sheer starvation. However, “nature abhors a vacuum.” We must fill that vacuum by working for world peace—individually and collectively—through concentrating our thoughts, feelings, and actions upon building the electromagnetic energy field of peace and familial love. The ways to do so are limited only by our ability to creatively think, feel, and construct in the positive.

May we direct our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions toward generating glorious rainbow-colored thought-forms encircling our planet and saturating it with serenity.

Then, we may all sing knowingly, “Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me!”



One Entrance to the Temple Mound in Jerusalem


Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed, M.Div.

For eons, the spiritual journey of humanity has involved alternating spans of time between life in a physical body and life on the plane of spirit. Living within a physical body entails limitations that do not exist during the intervening periods on the spiritual plane.

When we enter a physical body, we leave behind most memories of prior lifetimes on Earth. By age 4 or 5, most of us have forgotten our experiences on the plane of spirit. The reasons for our soul’s choice to enter another physical body are buried within our subconscious minds. We begin to view the present incarnation as the only time we have, or will, experience life on Earth. Sadly, our societal institutions allow us—even encourage us—to remain in this amnesic state of consciousness. The inevitable result is that we feel separated from God and cut off from the root of our being. Not knowing where our roots extend, we view every part of creation as separate from ourselves. We stand alone on an empty island.

We embark on the process of ascension when we open our conscious awareness to comprehending the truth about ourselves and all of creation. We can never learn all there is to know; however, with each new awareness we ascend into fuller consciousness.

Most persons presently incarnated on Earth have thus far—consciously or unconsciously—chosen to follow “the broad path,” meaning to meander their way into an expanded consciousness. To walk the broad path is permissible and will eventually achieve the same desired goal. On the other hand, many are choosing to tread the “narrow path” that requires a dedicated and conscious intention to pursue a continuing unfolding of higher consciousness—an awareness that extends into the higher realms of spirit and allows for the existence of an unending cosmos of living beings. The narrow path takes us straight up the mountain. The difference in the disciplinary effort involved is easily understood by comparing two approaches to the summit. One, we can choose to slowly walk around and around the mountain, gradually reaching the top, or two, we can climb the strenuous, rocky path straight up the mountain. Either way, all will eventually attain the goal of ascension.

The major events in the life of Jesus reveal the narrow path to ascension. The narrow path is the Way of Initiation and Service to others. Jesus incarnated at the beginning of the Piscean Age to show us the Way on the Path of Initiation. It has taken humanity an entire age (2000+ years) to reach the stage of consciously desiring to ascend into a higher realization of Truth. We now stand on the brink of a tremendous shift in perception. This shift will lift planet Earth and its inhabitants from the 3rd dimensional, physical plane of awareness to the 5th dimensional realization of a New Heaven and a New Earth.

No negativity can enter the 5th dimension. It is for this reason that each of us must walk either the broad path or the narrow path into 5th dimensional consciousness. Ascension takes place as we become beings of Light and Love, attuned to the divinity within, and cognizant that we are One with all that is. Jesus showed us the Way to accomplish this transformation of self by undergoing the 5 Initiations within public view.

Alice Bailey’s book FROM BETHLEHEM TO CALVARY offers an excellent description of the 5 initiations. I highly recommend it.

In ancient times, initiation took place in the temples of the mystery religions. It was a supervised, orderly, highly secretive process. With the incarnation of Jesus, this initiatory process was unveiled to the public in preparation for the arrival of the Aquarian Age now emerging. For the past 2000+ years, humanity has undergone—to greater or lesser extent—the 1st of the initiations and embarked on the 2nd. Because this process is now taking place in the world, as opposed to inside a cloistered environment, it is continuous and not necessarily accomplished consciously.


Although Christian terminology is used, this description of the Initiations is not meant to exclude other religions. All of the world religions teach a form of the ascension process within their mystical groups.


The 1st INITIATION is depicted by the Birth of Jesus, signifying the birth of the Christ (or Love) energy within us. Integrating this Love energy into our lifestyles requires more than simply attending regularly a church, mosque, or synagogue. Each of us was created to develop as an individual. Our 1st initiation begins as we make the conscious decision to integrate Love into our thoughts, words, and actions. Jesus taught us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31)

The ascension process is radical. We cannot adopt the Greatest Commandment as the rule of our lives then support actions on our planet that injure another human being. There are no exceptions in the command to Love. To undergo the 1st Initiation is to become a Disciple of Love. As we integrate Love into every fiber of our being, we are preparing for the 2nd Initiation.

The 2nd INITIATION is illustrated by the Baptism of Jesus. Water symbolizes our emotional nature. To be baptized with water is to be purified. It is a renunciation of our lower emotional nature with its materialism, greed, jealousies, resentments, hatreds, egotism, and negativity. Preparing for the 2nd Initiation can be most difficult because it involves purifying our negative emotions. Purification involves transmuting with Love. This is one reason forgiveness is a major lesson. All negative emotions must be purified, even anger against the person who deeply injured a loved one or us.

Knowing the truth of reincarnation is vital to completing the 2nd Initiation. Understanding reincarnation grants insights that help us learn forgiveness and gives a sense of purpose to our lives and relationships. We come to know that all persons present within our life-streams are there for a spiritual growth reason. For examples: The purpose may be to teach, or to accompany, or to support, even to inflict the pain that awakens us to a higher consciousness through learning to forgive and to love unconditionally. The commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” includes all those who harm us. Once we truly understand how we progress spiritually by way of repeated incarnations, we realize there is absolutely nothing to forgive. Every individual who has impacted our lives did so as a means of assisting us to awaken to our own greatness, to stretch us into expressing a higher degree of Love.

The baptism of immersion, at an age of accountability, is a more graphic symbol than sprinkling a baby because it involves being submerged into the water (our negative emotions) and being lifted up out of the water (those negative emotions that formerly imprisoned us). Once lifted up, Jesus stood before his Father in Heaven (I AM PRESENCE) and heard the words, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) Once we purify our emotional body, we hear this same confirmation from our indwelling God (I AM PRESENCE). Our channel of communication with God is expanded. No longer do we have to depend upon another human being to teach us; we have achieved the spiritual maturity to communicate directly with spiritual realms. At the same time, the temptations to go astray become extremely difficult to recognize.

Immediately following his 2nd Initiation, “Jesus was carried away by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil.” (Matthew 4:1) To be tempted by the Devil signifies the very subtle temptations our personality ego presents. Even with the best of intentions, many become trapped in egotism. Because these ego enticements are exceedingly clever, let’s look more closely at the temptations Jesus experienced. Analyzing them can assist us in learning to discern between the personality ego’s voice and the “still, small voice” of the God within speaking to us. (I Kings 19:11-15 is instructive in learning to discern the difference.)

Jesus is about to embark on his teaching ministry. During his sojourn in the wilderness, he wrestles with his personality ego while debating how to go about conducting his ministry. How can he gain the attention of the people?

First, Jesus’ ego considers the rocky soil present throughout much of Galilee. Multitudes of poor, hungry people live there. He could turn the rocks into bread and feed the poor. That would surely convince the people to follow him. Then, Jesus remembers words he read in his sacred text, “It is not by bread alone that man can live, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God.” (In Matthew 4:4, Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 8:3.) Converting rocks into bread would surely capture the people’s attention, but the resulting satisfaction would be short lived. His ministry must share the words that proceed from the mouth of God and provide lasting nourishment for the soul.

Second, Jesus’ ego ponders jumping off the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem, while calling for the angels to catch him. This time, Jesus can quote a portion of his sacred text that appears supportive of his idea: “For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” (Psalm 91:11-12.) Wow! Sounds like Jesus has permission to begin his ministry by jumping into the arms of the angels. What a spectacular performance to make known the power of God’s angels! But wait. Jesus recalls his sacred text, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 6:16) The laws of gravity operate automatically throughout the physical plane. To jump from the pinnacle would be to intentionally defy these laws, while expecting God’s angels to rescue him from his foolish action. Even though his ego can use the appearance of scriptural consent, Jesus knows his ministry must conform to the natural laws of physical plane.

Third, Jesus is tempted to sell his soul to the Devil in exchange for worldly power and fame. Surely, if Jesus held a position of powerful leadership in his own kingdom, the people would listen to him. That’s what people do—follow the one who has achieved wealth and fame. Once more Jesus’ ego loses its battle as he remembers another portion of his sacred text: “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.” (Deuteronomy 5:6-7) The battle is over. Jesus makes his decision. His ministry is to exemplify a life lived as an expression of “God on Earth.” As a 2nd degree Initiate, he chooses to become a Son of God, a Son of Light and Love.

The 3rd INITIATION is symbolized by Jesus’ Transfiguration on the mountain top. “Mountain top” denotes higher consciousness. This initiation follows years of loving service to humanity. Jesus has succeeded in overcoming any remnants of egotism within self. He consistently gave all credit for his work to God. Jesus made sure his disciples understood that the words he spoke were not his own. “For I did not speak of myself; but the Father who sent me, he commanded me what to say and what to speak…. Just as my Father told me, so I speak.” (John 12:49-50) He made sure those healed in his presence knew the true source of their healing. “Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Then Jesus said to him, ‘See that you say nothing to anyone; but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.” (Matthew 8:4) When a man drew near him and said, “O good Teacher, what is the best thing that I should do to have life eternal? [Jesus] said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? There is no one who is good except the one God; but if you want to enter into life, obey the commandments.’” (Matthew 19:16-17) Struggles with his personality ego were over.

“Jesus took Peter and James and John, and brought them up to a high mountain alone; and he was transfigured before their eyes. His clothes shone and became white like snow in such a manner that men on earth cannot make white. And there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.” (Mark 9:2-4) Jesus has proven himself capable of the self-discipline required in order to forego personality ego needs. He has been tested time and time again to make certain the inner strength he needs—to move forward in his initiatory process—is firmly developed. His conscious awareness is now such that he could communicate with Ascended Masters Moses and Elijah. Together, they plan for Jesus’ final soul mission—to demonstrate to the world that there is no death. Jesus is now a 3rd degree Initiate.

Once we achieve the spiritual maturity required to transmute all of our personality ego needs, we are transfigured into Light in our 3rd Initiation. Our conscious awareness is lifted to the realms of the Ascended Masters. Together with them, we plan our final soul mission for this incarnation. We become Lightworkers, who serve humanity in accordance with our talents and lifetimes of preparation. Lightworker service is far more strenuous than simply fulfilling the requirements of a particular vocation. Fulfilling the final soul mission is the 4th Initiation, depicted by Jesus’ crucifixion. We now work hand in hand with the Ascended Masters as we assist in manifesting the Divine Plan on Earth.


Before going into the 4th Initiation, let’s recall that the ancient initiatory process took place within the temples under the close supervision of hierophants, or priests. Today, our initiatory process takes place within full view of others and in a world that is antagonistic towards our efforts. Like Jesus, we are ridiculed, judged to be insane, and ignored by many. We may take one step forward and two steps backward simply because the external pressure to fit into the status quo world is intensely powerful. Our initiatory process cannot follow the systematic steps used in the ancient temples. Our progress is hit and miss … fall down and get up again … until we fully understand the message and meaning of Love. For this reason, we may pass through an initiation while retaining vestiges of unlearned lessons. We move forward as we continually strive to perfect what we have learned. It is, therefore, unwise to attempt to guess which degree of initiation any one individual has achieved. If we guess one level, we may then perceive gaps in spiritual maturity that will disappoint us. The extent of spiritual maturity possessed by any one person is between that person and God. We can much better spend our time evaluating ourselves and discerning our own weaknesses. As an individual, each Earth human must pass through the initiatory process created for this planet. We cannot cling to the coat tails of someone we admire or who appears to know more than we do. To do so slows down our own soul’s progress.


The 4th INITIATION corresponds with Jesus’ Crucifixion. The cross symbolizes the spiritualizing of physical plane matter into everlasting life. At this particular time in our planetary history, many are embarking on their 4th Initiation by working to transform our planet from one of darkness into one of Light. We incarnated to participate—as fulfillment of our major soul mission—in the ascension of our planet Earth. We are working in conjunction with the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation of Light. For thousands of people throughout this planet, this transformation has meant laying down their lives, making tremendous financial sacrifices, and keeping on when keeping on has become exhausting. Like Jesus was ridiculed on the cross, many of us have been ridiculed, defamed, and excluded. Many continue on under threats made on their lives and those of their family. Others refuse to allow one arrest after another—even incarceration—to stop them. Most importantly, we strive to remain the epitome of Light and Love in action. We focus on and point to better ways: the Way of Love, the Way of Light.


Jesus taught us, “He who wishes to follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matthew 16:24-25) He is describing the 4th Initiation. Jesus was the first one to achieve Initiate status within full view of the public. He showed us the Way.

As he allowed his body to hang on the Roman cross, he realized he had accomplished his soul’s mission. He once said to his disciples, “This is why my Father loves me, because I lay down my life so that I may take it up again. No man takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own will. Therefore I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” (John 10:17-18) From a “son of man,” Jesus progressed through the initiations to “Son of God.” He walked the Path of a Son of God. Then, while he hung on the cross of matter, the windows of heaven opened within his consciousness and he spoke to his Father, “It is finished.” (John 19:30)

The 5th INITIATION is illustrated by Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension. With the crucifixion of our 3rd and 4th dimensional consciousness and needs on the cross of matter, we stand ready to be resurrected into newness of life—to ascend into 5th dimensional consciousness. Ascension of planet Earth and many of its inhabitants into the 5th dimension marks the beginning of the Aquarian Age—the emergence of a New Heaven and a New Earth. In 2011, we stand on the threshold of this magnificent unfolding.

Weary though we may be, we must continue on! Not only are we to BE Light and Love, we are to DO acts of Light and Love. Then, as we allow our physical plane lives to hang on the cross of matter—of our own accord—we will gaze into the windows of our enlightened consciousness and say to our Father/Mother God, “It is finished.”

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth has passed away; and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with [Earth humans], and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and the very God shall be with them and be their God. And he shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor wailing, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things have passed away.’” (Revelations 21:1-4)



Note from Nancy:  This is an excellent article summarizing all that is happening in our world today.  Steve is a former adjudicator who lives in Canada.  He presently spends fulltime researching and writing about the changes taking place on our planet.  Steve is aware and appreciative of the fact that our galactic family is present with us, thus you will find that he frequently quotes SaLuSa, Matthew, Hatonn, and others.  I find Steve very credible partly because he is a native of Canada and can therefore view the political arena in the US with an objective eye that sees the overall picture.  His website is:


So Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?

2011 January 29

Steve Beckow

Let’s look at the situation we’re in at the moment – from our vantage point, from that of the Obama Administration, and from that of the protesters on the ground in Egypt, Yemen, and elsewhere, etc.

From our vantage point, we know that the energies being beamed to Earth are raising our sense of well-being and our desire to right situations of injustice and exploitation that have existed on Earth since time out of mind. Of the increasing light and people’s reactions to it, SaLuSa said in November of 2010:

“You are ever moving onwards, and your goal is well in sight as the Light lifts you up. This month is one that promises a surge of energy that will yet again power the Light Grids upon Earth. Gradually it is affecting each soul upon Earth and raising their level of consciousness. Even those that have hardly awakened to their true selves are feeling a stirring inside. They know not what is happening, but feel the air of expectancy and sense that changes are occurring. …

“No longer will people be able to gamble with the lives and property of others, and responsibility and caring will be foremost. The Light is now so powerful it is bringing people together, with a new resolution to live in love and peace. That aim will be fulfilled before Ascension, and expanded to bring harmony and balance into each person’s life. It is almost impossible to describe the feeling that will abound in the New Age, and to be a free soul totally released from all cares and worries.” (1)

SaLuSa confirms that the growing unrest in the world is a result of this increase of light:

“In most countries you are learning of unrest, and it is because of the awakening consciousness of the people. You no longer desire to be at the mercy of those who dictate how your lives are led.” (2)

“The mood of the people is moving towards achieving true democracy, and you will find there is some degree of unrest in many countries.

“The energy that is being created is having the desired effect, and changes for the better will come into being. Apart from this the plan for radical and far-reaching changes proceeds at a pace, as time continues to speed up. Together they will deliver your release from the clutches of the dark forces.” (3)

The people of Earth are awakening to their right to something different, something better, and demonstrations and riots are the result, SaLuSa says:

“Demonstrations and riots are becoming more frequent, as people reject a return to the past. They are awakening to the potential that exists to make a clean start, and have no desire to accept any form of compromise. Before matters can get out of hand, certain events that are near to happening will help calm matters.” (4)

The greatest likelihood is that disclosure is at least one of the events that SaLuSa is referring to.

We know – but few others do – that millions of galactic warriors, engineers, diplomats, healers, teachers, etc., are here to prepare and  guide us to the experience of Ascension which we expect in less than two years time. As SaluSa told us in 2008:

“Do not worry about the size of the problems, as we have more than adequate resources to handle them. Bear in mind we have millions of ships and personnel just waiting to move into action. Each know their function and responsibilities in restoring the Earth, and taking Mankind into the New Age with all of its advanced technology, and marvelous benefits for everyone.” (5)

We expect these visitors to reveal themselves in under two months from now – that is, by the end of the first quarter of this year, as SaLuSa acknowledged on Dec. 29, 2010: “In one way or another we will expect disclosure to become worldwide within the first quarter of this coming year.” (6)

We know that the rising light energies are enervating the dark forces who have controlled this planet and that the Light forces, according to SaLuSa, have recently been given the authorization to remove some of the leaders of the dark and to interfere with their operations.

“As our authority has been extended beyond our original remit, we now take more direct action to stop the black operations aimed at you or other countries. We echo your sentiments that “enough is enough” and it is now the turn of the Light to direct the path of the people on Earth. Such a lot of work has already gone into paving the way to the final years of this cycle, to ensure it is a smooth and successful journey. You of course have played a major part in achieving such an accomplishment, and you have helped create the grid of Light that now encircles the Earth.” (7)

We know from Hatonn other new steps the galactics are taking, but others don’t know them.

“We have been given leave by God to use stronger methods wherever necessary to dismantle the Illuminati’s remaining power bases. This does NOT mean killing anyone – God never sanctions killing, nor would we ever want to do that! For quite some time we have been permitted to override the dark ones’ free will by blocking their powerful weaponry when they attempt more events like “9/11,” and we have done that on numerous occasions.

“Now we also can foil their efforts to create major disruptions by blocking their communication systems and transportation modes and by diverting their intelligence couriers. We also have God’s permission to temporarily relocate a few key individuals to areas where they can do no mischief whatsoever. This is done somewhat like the cloaking of our ships in an invisible force field, which makes the disappearance baffling to those individuals’ co-workers too. So, even though you won’t see evidence of our new allowances, you know that now we’re taking even longer strides to help you rid your world of dark deeds.” (8)

More recently Hatonn has shared more on the subject:

“Some of our colleagues on the planet have made their presence known undeniably because they appeared in their real forms. They are meeting with powerful individuals, including some who operate out of public view, to inform them about our on- and off-planet network, and rats are starting to abandon the ship around the world. You won’t hear about that or the mopping up that’s underway.

“Don’t interpret this as our taking control! Our colleagues among you are working with Obama and others with influence to dislodge the Illuminati’s remaining strongholds and establish groundwork for wide-scale reforms.” (9)

Furthermore, we know that the Light forces will be victorious, which few other people on the planet know. According to SaLuSa:

“Be assured the Light and its supporters will be victorious, and the dark Ones will be defeated not by force or military power, but by the power of Love and Light. It may sound unlikely when you look back at history but you are now in a totally different era, when outside forces with the backing of the Brotherhood of Light are directing the outcome of activities on Earth. Mother Earth also plays a part and is desirous of working with us as her own cleansing takes place.

“So, Dear Ones, whatever happens that is not in accord with the Ascension process, have no fears, as it will not affect the outcome one iota. As you sometimes learn, many countries now are going through self-analysis as they realize the old paradigm no longer works. Those who wish to keep the status quo are fast becoming a minority and their influence will not interfere with the program of changes about to commence.” (10)

At the same time, Hatonn has told us that the next few months will be chaotic and we can see that they are.

“It’s a matter of all that must be accomplished within a comparatively short time and the dark resistance has to be dismantled before that can happen.  We’ve been telling you that for some time to prepare you for the massive changes coming. The next several months will be quite a ride — stay in the light and you’ll navigate the rough waters in good stead.” (11)

Turning from what we know, let’s look at what the Obama Administration knows. According to Hatonn, President Obama knows about the galactics and is a strong supporter of disclosure but is surrounded by squeamish colleagues and opponents.

“It’s just as well that no decisions are being made without Obama’s involvement. He strongly favors extensive and speedy disclosure and most of your other principal participants are being squeamish about both. We can suggest and recommend but not impose our judgment upon your representatives, much less take any action because it can be considered arbitrary at best or unilateral at worst. So we are being patient. That’s the only thing we can do until either your representatives reach agreement on all the important issues pertaining to the TV program or God in His wisdom decides what shall be done and when.” (12)

Hatonn tells us that the President was recently made aware that the galactics guarantee his own safety and that of his family and that he now knows of the plan for Ascension and its schedule. Hatonn also tells us that the President is in contact with “the Orient,” which must mean at least the Chinese and possibly Japan as well, coordinating efforts to take down the dark.

“Obama now knows we have him covered and he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.” (13)

We have a sense that the Chinese leadership must also be in contact with the galactics because the leadership has made a radical turn in its policies and appears friendly to disclosure, solicitous of its own population’s well-being and cooperative toward the West. (14) It has dropped its aggressive stance towards Taiwan and has done nothing in response to various aggressive moves towards containment by the West.

We also believe that for at least three, perhaps four years, the Chinese have had the power to render the American war machine useless. All motherboards supplied to American military hardware (and most motherboards in that hardware have been supplied by the Chinese) have trojans in them that can be used to render the equipment inoperative. (15)

Moreover, the Chinese have shown that they have the ability to take over American planes, like that which flew Vice-President Cheney home from Australia, and cause them to land. They also have the ability to take over American military computers like those at the Cheyenne command and control facility. It is suspected that they caused the B-52 carrying nuclear weapons to the Middle East to land. It may also be that the galactics have helped them in all these efforts; we don’t know about that.

We know that the Chinese have carrier-busting Russian missiles and need no longer be afraid of American carrier groups. And yet the Chinese have not acted on their demonstrated military superiority and recently SaLuSa congratulated and praised them:

“Notice how the Chinese leaders are making concessions to the West, and that they are using their power to prevent the Illuminati from making further footholds in the East. They are a part of a growing movement to stabilise the world, and root out the influences that have tried to lead you into another war scenario.” (16)

The recent visit of Hu Jintao to Washington was a stunning display of cooperation between Presidents Obama and Hu and went beyond mere diplomacy. Hu admitted that China had more work to do on human rights and allowed President Obama to invite him to dialogue with the Dalai Lama without storming out of the room. (17) In a setting in which saving face is usually a large consideration, these are great steps forward and cannot be explained without assuming that China is effectively working with the galactics.

So at least the leaders of the two superpowers – China and the United States – can be assumed to be working with the space fleet. Matthew Ward told us back in 2008 that Vladimir Putin has been falsely portrayed in the western press and is also in fact working to free Russia from the Illuminati’s grip:

“Be aware that mainstream ‘news’ in the United States is falsely portraying some leaders as posing a danger to democracy or destabilizing their nations, whereas they are light beings distancing their countries from the Illuminati’s empire-building, which in large part has grown through two centuries or more of the US government’s covert intrusion into other countries’ affairs. Foremost among these leaders vilified by the Bush administration is Vladimir Putin.” (18)

We are aware as well that the Russians have had numerous opportunities to take advantage of the West and have not. These include their successful repulsion of America from Georgia and the opportunity their support for Iran has provided to arm and encourage Iran to make more mischief than it already has. American speculators even caused the rouble to collapse, but, through all of this, Russia has shown restraint in its dealings with the West, leading me to believe that they too are cooperating with the galactics.

We need to realize that, since perhaps 1962, Russia has had the means to totally defeat the West militarily and has not used it. At least since that year, according to Tom Bearden, Russia has had scalar weaponry that would allow them to overcome the United States militarily. At one point Russia was pushing nuclear disarmament, which would have meant that America would give up nuclear arms, leaving Russia alone with devastating scalar weapons with which to defeat the West. (19)

It is known that the Russians have tested these weapons on British airplanes and shown their devastating effect and it is suspected that they have used them on occasion to control the weather. But again their use has been nowhere near the devastation caused by the American cabal in many places in the world through the use of HAARP and scalar weapons. Compared to the record of the American shadow state, the Russians have shown restraint.

But none of this is known to the crowds on the ground in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen and little or none of it is known to the vast majority of Americans, British, or other nations. The crowds in North Africa and the Middle East who are rousing themselves from their slumber and resisting their undemocratic governments are responding to the rising energies but without knowing it.

If they are responding, I consider it reasonable to expect that others will as well. And it becomes a guessing game to predict who those others may be. SaLuSa tells us that we can expect dissent to spread like dominoes:

“Like you we wait and hold our breath, knowing that the old system is creaking at the joints and cannot hold together much longer. We can see the domino effect taking place once the first part falls.  Once it commences we can see quite clearly that there will be no shortage of people coming forward to support the Light.

“You are spread across the globe, and your persistence in pushing for change is about to pay off. Clearly it cannot all happen at once, and some will by the nature of what is involved take many months to complete. The important thing is that you the people see the beginning of real action, and know that it cannot be interfered with. For our part we are involved because you have so often pleaded for help, and we have been given the necessary authority to do so.” (20)

We heard a Tanzanian newspaper say that their suffering was not much different from a Tunisian’s and that dissent could arise there too:

“The suffering of an ordinary Tanzanian is not very different from that of a Tunisian. Maybe they are only different from us because they are white and we are black, and maybe their ‘boiling point’ is different from ours, but the reality on the ground is that we are all boiling in the same pot. (21)

I think we can expect that a lot of people in our world are having the same thoughts.

We know from Kryon that the fall of one dictator will not be followed by the rise of another – not any longer:

“History will not repeat itself. You have moved off of the groove where those things take place in that fashion. Dictators will not [beget] new dictators. Hunger and famine will not [beget] new hunger and famine. There is a change at hand, and history will stop repeating itself. It’s a new energy, if you’ve noticed.” (22)

So here we are in a world that’s awakening and arising from its slumber, but not knowing that it was asleep or what’s causing it to awaken or what it’s awakening to. We know what these factors are and yet there’s no one we can turn to who probably would believe us yet and so we watch the process without knowing what to do to assist or declare it.

The only way we can contribute seems to be by encouraging that process to continue and expand, being a voice for peaceful change, and remaining calm ourselves.


(1) SaLuSa, Nov. 10, 2010, at

(2) SaLuSa, April 15, 2009.

(3) SaLuSa, May 21, 2010.

(4) SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010.

(5) SaLuSa, Dec. 19, 2008.

(6) SaLuSa, Dec. 29, 2010.

(7) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.

(8) “Jean Hudon and Suzy Ward on President Obama,” at

(9) ”Hatonn: Galactics Neutralized the Missiles, Obama Knows About Protection and Ascension, at )

(10) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.

(11) ”Hatonn: Galactics Neutralized the Missiles, Obama Knows About Protection and Ascension, at

(12) Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, at

(13) Hatonn in Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Nov. 15, 2010.

(14) See “What in the World is Happening with China?” at and “One Small Step for Man…” at

(15) For articles on motherboards, the commandeering of American planes, and the other matters referred to here, see the various articles on China’s military supremacy under “The Myth of Invincibility Exposed.”

(16) SaLuSa, Jan. 21, 2011.

(17) See footnote 10.

(18) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.

(19) Tom Bearden, “Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons,” 1990, at

(20) SaLuSa, Jan. 5, 2011.

(21) “Popular Revolt Spreads Across North Africa,” at

(22) Kryon, “The Shift is Here,” Oct. 20, 2008, at



by Nancy Brooks Detweiler on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 1:36pm

My granddaughter, Abigail, and I use to spend hours writing and illustrating stories.  When she was in the 5th grade, I got permission to allow her to contribute to a 2-3 minute radio talk show segment on parenting from a child’s point of view.  Below is the written version we presented over the radio.  It was Abigail’s radio debut.



Series Copyright  1999

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


Abigail Poblete


Q: What can parents do in order to be more effective with our youth?


A: In order to answer this question, my granddaughter Abigail and I spoke with several of her classmates.  We present this SOUL TALK in a conversational format, relating the observations of fifth graders.  Listen, parents!

Nancy: Tell me, Abigail, the most important thing a parent can do?


Abigail: The most important thing is to tell you that they love you so you do not feel lonely and that you are just there for no purpose.  If your parents don’t tell you that they love you, you start to believe that something is wrong with you and that no one else will like you either.


Nancy: So it is important for parents to say, “I love you” in such a way that makes you like who you are.  Give me another example of what parents can do.


Abigail: They can listen to what you have to tell.  It is good to ask, “What did you do today?” so they know what’s happening with you.


Nancy: And that gives parents the opportunity to know who you are as an individual person.  Give me another reason it is important for parents to listen to their children.


Abigail: When they are too busy to listen, you feel you have no one to talk to.  It feels like no one cares what’s happening with you.  This makes you feel alone and that you have to do something big to get attention.  Most of the time, that’s something bad.


Nancy: That’s true and it’s so much better for parents to want to “be present with” the child.


Abigail: Yeh, like playing games together or helping you practice for something.


Nancy: How does parents “being present with” the child make you feel?


Abigail: Wanted … as if you are somebody!


Abigail: What do you think is good for parents to do with their children?


Nancy: From the point of view of SOUL TALK, parenting is a major avenue of soul growth.  It offers the perfect opportunity to learn the lessons of selflessness, unconditional love, and cultivating an environment in which each child is encouraged to develop according to his/her unique talents and interests.  Children and parents contracted, before taking on a physical body, to assist each other in enhancing soul growth.  The learning process is reciprocal.  For example:  a powerful, assertive Mom has a gentle, artistically talented daughter.  In learning not to be overly dominant with her daughter, the Mom can enhance her ability to be gentle.  The daughter’s soul very likely chose her Mom in order to learn how to be more assertive.  As the two learn from each other, their souls acquire a state of balance between assertiveness and receptivity that is indicative of spiritual maturity.  The examples of mutual soul growth between parent and child are innumerable.


In summary, parents, your children would have you view them as equal, yet unique, members of the family with whom you talk in depth, with whom you spend quality time, and to whom you frequently say, “I love you” by your words as well as the respect you show them as individuals.  Each parent and each child has an integral role to play in the overall divine plan for humanity.  Wise parenting allows the child to unfold in ways that are expressive of that soul’s desires and purposes for physical incarnation.


Thank you, Abigail, for your assistance with SOUL TALK.  I love you.


Abigail: I love you too, Grandma Nancy.



How Reincarnation Plays Out In Life

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Several years ago, I had a regular 2-3 minute segment on a radio talk show called SOUL TALK, based on questions submitted by our listeners. SOUL TALK is based on a recognition of reincarnation as a means of advancing on the spiritual path. Questions relating to personal experiences are an excellent avenue for revealing how reincarnation plays out in our earth plane lives. With this understanding, we can make more enlightened decisions about how we want to live our lives and how to go about assisting others.

I am supplying some of the actual questions with SOUL TALK’s answers.



Q: Please explain the concept of “karma.”

A: Karma is the basis for reincarnation on the physical plane. It represents the positive and negative energy we create by the way in which we live our lives. In biblical terms, “we reap what we sow.”

In very simplistic terms, humanity has forgotten that, in actuality, we live and move and have our being within the energy of God. Instead, we believe ourselves to be separate from God. We have also forgotten all the powers that are ours as god beings.

Reincarnation offers us repeated opportunities to recall all that we have forgotten. However, until we fully recall our true identities, we make mistakes. We create negative energy fields within our being that must be transmuted and transformed into the positive. We create this negative energy in a vast number of ways, such as through hating, abusing, or harming another member of the human family. The higher we climb on the spiritual evolutionary spiral, the more subtle the ways become of creating negativity within our energy fields. For example: the commandment “do not kill” can operate on multiple levels. One level can be the physical act of killing an individual; another level can create the same amount or more negative karma through the psychological killing of another person by repeatedly thinking, not even verbalizing, negative thoughts about the other. The more spiritually awakened we are, the more responsibility we have for our negative thoughts and actions. Why? Because we know better.

During our cycle of physical incarnations, we also create positive karma in myriad ways, such as: through the use of our talents and skills in service to others and the planet, our efforts to grow spiritually, the unconditional love we give to others, listening to and empathizing with others, and through living out the Truth that we are all members of the family of God.

The goal of reincarnation is to transmute the negative karma to such a degree that we can ascend in our knowledge of union with God and step off the wheel of rebirth. We, thereby, become Christed beings.


Q: How does SOUL TALK respond to the level of violence we are seeing among our youth?

A: The basis for violence among youth lies in humanity’s misunderstanding of self and our spiritual blindness to who we truly are: spirit beings temporarily inhabiting a physical body for the purpose of education and spiritual evolution. As a result of this spiritual blindness, our view of life is distorted by our misconceptions.

Physical incarnation, as viewed from the soul level, is to be characterized by the recognition that each of us is a unique human being, possessing talents and abilities that our souls have chosen to develop. We did not take on a physical body so we could be cast into a standard mold and be like everyone else. Parents and teachers need to realize this fact and strive to assist every child to develop his/her own special identity. It is when the child feels inhibited from expressing this uniqueness and ignored for who he is that we find him responding with violence. The child is expressing frustration, feelings of powerlessness, and an inability to get anyone to relate to him as a unique human being. He is screaming to be seen as who he—alone—is.

In addition to providing the basic necessities of life, parenting needs to focus upon getting to know the child as different from all other human beings. This individual uniqueness needs to be appreciated and developed. Parenting and teaching must be based upon the belief that every individual has a unique role to play in the unfolding of the Divine Plan for humanity. There are no superfluous human beings. All have a role to play. All are individual threads to be used in weaving the tapestry of God’s plan for our planet Earth. The child growing up in this type of environment will have an understanding of individual differences and recognize the value of them. He will have a positive self-esteem with no need for violent behavior in order to be noticed, admired, and empowered to make his contribution to our world.

We set the stage for violence by placing the emphasis upon uniformity rather than uniqueness. We can overcome violence by respecting every child’s unique combination of talents and needs and, by striving to assist him in achieving his soul’s purpose for incarnating on the physical plane. In this New Aquarian Age, education will become just that: assisting each child to develop along the lines of his soul’s design for this sojourn on Earth. Then, we will see children blossom, like fragrant roses, into all they incarnated to be!


Q: We are seeing so much devastation on our planet. What soul purpose is served by the destruction of property and the loss of lives?

A: First, recall our true identities: spirit beings temporarily inhabiting physical bodies. Our souls have chosen to incarnate on earth plane in order to evolve through experiencing the life situations to be found here. The goal of all spiritual evolution is to remember who we are, where we came from, and what mighty powers we possess.

Second, there are no accidents. Prior to physical incarnation, our souls chose the family-of-origin, geographical locale, and the ethnic and religious groups into which we were born. Our choices are influenced by the lessons we desire to learn while living on earth plane. For example: a soul desiring to learn that God is sufficient for all our needs may choose to incarnate into a geographical locale where devastation via earthquakes is known to occur. We choose to incarnate into a group of people who also plan to use the earthquakes as a learning tool. Within the group, some souls will use the earthquake to learn how to care for others, some to experience being rescued from a life-threatening situation by an individual toward whom they are intolerant, and others to be torn away from all material concerns in order to realize that family and friends are their most precious possessions. Still others have chosen to use the earthquakes as their means of leaving the physical body and returning to spirit. Those whose souls plan to exit earth plane will find themselves located where the opportunity to leave will be presented. Those whose souls plan to survive will do so, even if it means being thrown into the safety of a tree: an example that actually happened to a toddler during a tornado in the Midwest. The toddler was unharmed.

For those who remain on earth plane, the so-called death of loved ones is painful, yet offers even more learning opportunities; such as, developing the ability to function independently. Each person experiences the earthquake according to the soul’s intentions.

No event is without soul meaning; no circumstance is without purpose. And through it all, a God of love allows us to learn at our own pace and in our own way.


Q: What can we do to assist in bringing order out of the chaotic conditions on our planet?

A: Chaos has a constructive purpose; it can be a force for healing and transformation. As we seek to re-create order out of this chaos, we have the opportunity to establish a better world.

The most valuable contribution any of us can make is to remember who we are and where we came from. We are spirit beings temporarily inhabiting a physical body. Eons ago, we came from the heart of God as individualized parts of the Whole. In the truest sense, we are beings of Light and Love. As more and more of us remember who we are and live our lives as Light and Love, we contribute to what is called the “critical mass.” When a “critical mass” of Light and Love is achieved, the consciousness of our entire planet will be lifted. We will overcome fear with love. We will replace violence with the realization that we are one human family.

It is essential that we learn to supervise our feelings and thoughts because they are the energy of creation. We are what we think and feel. Now that the intensity of Earth’s magnetic field is decreasing, our feelings and thoughts are manifested more rapidly; thus, the increased number of synchronicities we are experiencing in our lives. As we develop the self-discipline to monitor our feelings and thoughts and to consciously convert them from fear to love, we are literally creating order out of chaos.

Jesus taught, “You are the light of the world.” As the light of the world, we are also the means through which peace and harmony can be established on our planet. As we focus our minds and hearts on peace and love, our energy field radiates that peace and love out to the world. All of us possess the capacity to help in healing our planet; we all have our role to play. Some of us will be the leaders and the workers. Others will support those who lead and work by concentrating our thoughts and feelings on love, light, and peace. Together all of us, young or elderly, rich or poor, healthy or sick, can transform our chaotic world into one of peace with justice for all. Together, we can create a new and much better world!


Q: If a recognition of reincarnation is so valuable for the soul’s growth, why do we witness such abject poverty in countries that have embraced this concept for centuries?

A: The large scale planetary problems, such as poverty and starvation, are indicative of the degree of spiritual blindness still present within the whole of humanity. We, as a whole, have not perceived the Truth that we are One Family—God’s Family. We refuse to recognize that planet Earth is capable of supporting all of its inhabitants, IF we share its resources. We, in the West, have been taught to believe in the “survival of the fittest,” and can, therefore, very easily look into the eyes of one in poverty and convince ourselves it is natural and okay.

Reincarnation’s companion concept is that “we reap what we sow.” It is all too easy to look upon the poor and say, “They are reaping what they sowed.” This may be true; however, it does not relieve us of the responsibility to help overcome the fact of poverty on our planet. When we look the other way, we are sowing the seeds of unconcern that we will reap from others in the future. One of the chief ways by which we incur karmic debt is the refusal to assist those less fortunate than we are. Conversely, service to others is a major means by which we pay off karmic debt.

There can be many reasons why souls choose to incarnate into poverty. Some reasons may surprise us. For example: All souls play a vital role in the unfolding of divine order on a planetary basis. In order for the human family to learn ways to share the planet’s resources with all its members, large numbers of souls must volunteer to incarnate into poverty, thereby presenting to others the motivation to create a means of sharing. As these volunteers live in poverty, they not only assist their planetary family, but also pay off karmic debt through their service.

An individual soul may incarnate into poverty in order to develop empathy and the skills to manifest a better life for self and, in turn, for others. All life situations have within them an upward spiral of possibilities and positive spiritual evolution. It is up to the individual soul to use every condition of life as a means of constructive growth, both for self and for others.


Q: Fear is rampant on the planet. How can we ease this fear?

A: The root cause of fear is that we humans have forgotten who we are—spirit beings temporarily inhabiting a physical body. As long as we believe that we are solely the physical body, we are vulnerable to fears of deprivation, ill health, violence, old age, and death. We fear because we believe ourselves to be powerless and separated from God. Many of us have been taught that God is to be feared, that God is vengeful and might punish us with an eternity in hell. When we cannot be absolutely sure what God will do—send us to heaven or hell—the foundation on which we build our lives is based on fear. If we do not trust our Creator to love us unconditionally, who can we trust?

It is time to wake up to our true identities. For thousands of years, the mystics in all major world religions have recognized that God dwells within all human beings. God is the center of our being. It is impossible to be separated from God. Consider how different our planet would be if all persons perceived this spark of divinity within themselves and others.

Instead of pursuing external ways to express power over others, we could be secure as we allow the God within to manifest through us in powerful ways and, to do so in accordance with our soul’s goals for this incarnation. Instead of submitting to what we have been taught is the inevitability of ill health and aging, we could rest assured that God expresses through us as perfection. God does not get sick; God does not grow old. Instead of seeking ways to prolong our physical plane lives, we could find peace in the knowledge that our souls will simply leave the physical body at one of two times: when its allotted amount of physical energy has been expended – or – when the soul’s mission has been completed and it chooses to return to spirit.

In actuality, the only thing to fear is allowing fear to creep into our lives. The negative energy of fear attracts fearful situations. On the other hand, the positive energy of trust and surrender to the God within attracts positive circumstances.

To learn more about our true identities, go to my web site: and click on the “Your Divine Self” in the left hand column of the home page. I highly recommend ordering a wallet size copy of Elizabeth Claire Prophet’s Divine Self chart and the booklet entitled Accessing the Power of Your Higher Self. These two meditation tools hold the potential to change your life forever.


Q: I like to think of myself as a “good person”; however, there have been times in my life when I behaved, especially within relationships, in ways that now make me feel guilty. How can I learn to forgive myself?

A: Forgiving self is one of our most difficult challenges. Jesus taught us to pray: “Our Father, who art in heaven …. forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” This prayer appears, on the surface, to teach us to seek forgiveness from God for our own trespasses and to forgive those who trespass against us. But what about forgiving self?

In order to forgive self, we must remember our true identity. We are beloved Sons & Daughters of our Father/Mother God. Eons ago, we made the freewill choice to experience life on the plane of duality. Thus, our spiritual evolutionary path entails a knowledge of life in which we are aware of both good and evil. Good is living life in attunement to God; evil is living with our backs to God. We evolve spiritually when we make the conscious choice to attune with Good. We make mistakes and suffer the consequences when we choose to experience—even a portion of our lives—with our backs turned to God. Thus life, for us, is an experiment in learning to choose consistently the Good. Along the way, we do make mistakes, just as we make mistakes on a class examination. It isn’t that we intend to make the mistake; we do so out of ignorance or error thinking. We do the best we can with our limited amount of conscious knowledge.

The secret in the Lord’s Prayer is that “Our Father, who art in heaven” is the Divine Part of ourselves, the I AM Presence. Like Jesus, our elder brother, we are both human and divine. The divine part of ourselves is our guiding Light, as we seek to evolve through our human experiences on the plane of duality. When we pray—for forgiveness of our trespasses—to our Father (or I AM Presence), it is the human part of us admitting a mistake to the divine part of us.

Think of “our Father” as being our professor in the physical plane classroom. The mistakes we make in our learning process may result in temporary painful consequences, but have no lasting impact as long as we strive to correct them. So forgiveness of self involves a conscious effort to score higher on our next human examination. Forgiveness of self means we use our mistakes to compel us forward on our spiritual journey. Forgiveness of self is learning from our mistakes. We take forgiveness of self a step farther when we intentionally contribute Good in honor of the person with whom we made the mistake. This act of service to others may transmute any negative karma (or energy) resulting from our mistakes. We help no one when we simply choose to wallow in regret. Positive action for Good allows our divinity to manifest within our human classroom. We forgive ourselves as we surrender to “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” in our human experience, as it is in the heaven of our I AM Presence.


Q: How can we distinguish between selfishness and self-love?

A: Selfishness indicates a lack of self-love. It is egocentric and stems from a gnawing inner sensation that whispers, “I am not okay.” The selfish person looks outside of self to satisfy feelings of lack: lack of power, lack of self-love, lack of self-esteem. The motivational basis for selfishness is a belief in separation that says, “If I don’t look out for myself, no one else will.”

Self-love is a recognition of one’s true identity as a worthwhile and beloved member of God’s family. The motivational basis for self-love is a knowledge of self as a valuable being, who resides on the planet in order to fulfill a specific role within the divine plan. Self-love stems from an awareness that you are a temple for the Divine Spirit dwelling within and seeking expression through you. Though, at times, you may feel alone, there is an inner knowing that you are not separated from the Source of all life.

Self-love means having a sense of personal identity and purpose that underlies all decisions. For example: When confronted with a decision as to whether or not to go along with your peer group, the person who loves self will have the courage to say “no” to self-destructive behavior. Self-love does not make choices based on the desire to convince someone else to like you. Instead, love of self grants an intuitive knowing as to which person and what environment is good for you. Self-love feels no need to rescue or to be a martyr; in fact, both patterns of behavior can stem from an unconscious and selfish focus on the psychological needs of self.

The person who loves self possesses the capacity to love others unconditionally. Self-love is not selfish; instead, it is the prerequisite for all other expressions of love.


SaLuSa  17-January-2011


The New Year is underway and there will be plenty to keep you occupied, as the climax to the present changes is coming to a head. Within all of the happenings it will become apparent, that you are experiencing the last of the dark Ones attempts to hang onto their power. They will not change your future or your destiny to ascend which is assured. What will happen is that the events orchestrated by them will show their disregard for human life and their rights. It will result in bringing more people together into the Light, and greater demands for action against them. Thus the continual increase in your levels of consciousness will ensure that there is a response, and you will understand what is taking place. You are advised to keep concentrating on a positive outcome and you will be doing your bit along with ours, to bring an end to all attempts to confuse you and stop your progress.

It is now the time for the Light to become more active around you, and many, many groups of people are banding together to take action. It will commence with small beginnings and gradually escalate into a major force for good. It will have a tendency to draw people together according to whether they have experienced an awakening. Until duality has been overcome, there will always be a degree of difference between groups holding opposing views and opinions, but that is a healthy situation. Without the challenges you would not necessarily evolve, albeit very slowly. With the end times it is therefore possible to go forward in leaps and bounds. Karma can also be cleared more quickly, and unresolved matters will have to be confronted before you ascend.

Time is ever speeding up, and it will seem no time at all before this year also passes by. You can be sure it will hold many surprises, and will have proceeded to lay down the path to Ascension. It will ensure that your journey is completed with ease and in an atmosphere of joyful acceptance. At present there is much apprehension around you, but it will not be long before our allies prove their ability to overcome the plans of the dark Ones. You will be the last piece that completes the picture, and then the whole Universe will be ready to ascend to a higher level. That will be the commencement of the Golden Age, which will bring to fruition all you have been promised that accompanies Ascension. A taste of what is to come will start to be manifested before the year is out, but you must make allowance for the amount of work involved to reach people on a worldwide scale.

Your needs will be totally catered for and we can provide for your whole population. We do not have your difficulties in producing mass quantities, and our source is unlimited. After all Dear Ones, we have had more than ample time to prepare for this stage in your Ascension. You will find that once they start, the changes will come very quickly. We want to deal with poverty and needs that will restore some dignity in your lives, and make you self-sufficient. We have many specialist groups experienced in various skills and expertise that can handle the most complicated requirements. General pollution will for example be cleared in weeks rather than months, and it is an area that we see as a priority. Health and prosperity will gradually return, and the lack now experienced will be eradicated never to return again.

Whatever progress we make regrettably there will always be some who have become fearsome, because of the gloom and doom predictions. For them it has become a part of their firm belief in a catastrophic ending to time, and events on Earth will seem to support it. However, they will not get worse as the months go by, and by no means reach apocalyptic proportions. Mother Earth must have her say in what takes place and also raise her vibrations, but her purpose is not to cause wanton destruction. The negative energies that have been grounded in the Earth over many centuries must be cleared, and completed before Ascension. Our presence means that we can help to alleviate the extent of any damage, and can offer protection to those who may be affected.

Your weather patterns continue to change and regardless of whether they are natural or man made, they will eventually settle down and become more balanced. The extremes you now experience will become less frequent, and temperatures will be comfortable in all respects. The Earth will be resettled where animals and other life forms are concerned, and beauty will return to areas destroyed by Man. Again these tasks are easily dealt with by us, and the Galactic Federation will place all of its technologies and know how before you. By then the dark Ones will no longer be able to interfere, and will have been taken to places where they have no authority or position of power. They are the architects of their own fate, and cannot escape the consequences.

We admire those of you who have diligently searched for the purpose of life and found your answers. As long as you recognize the hand of God in all that is around you, the truth will soon emerge you are All One. You may not yet fully understand the truth, but in time you will learn much from us and the Masters who will speak with you. You will find that it is you who have created the divisions that exist amongst you. Soon all obstacles that stand between you will be overcome, and you will recognize all souls as your brothers and sisters. The barriers will fall away and you will take each other to your hearts. It is of course necessary to create a climate of full cooperation, and race and color will not be an issue anymore.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and looking down at Earth from high above you see the Earth becoming a Planet of Light. The dazzling points of Light coalesce and the radiance is a beautiful sight. Sure there are many dark spots, but they are slowly being transmuted having little power to resist the Light. So it shall continue until the lower vibrations hardly exist, and then you will be near to the end time and Ascension. Every soul will move on according to their level of consciousness, yet all shall find themselves exactly at the level that will take them onto the next stage of their journey. You will have made your choices as to what your next undertaking shall be, and your spiritual advancement will continue. Know that all will be well and God will as ever accompany you wherever you are, and always be your mentor and companion. You are loved beyond your knowing at all times, and will be forever more.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.



January 15, 2011

Matthew – Matthew speaks from higher spiritual dimensions through his mother in his most recent incarnation on Earth, Suzy Ward

Tucson, AZ shooting; mass deaths of birds, fish; manmade weather; Wikileaks’ effect; Haiti; pole shift; human cloning; soul contracts, multiple lifetimes; 2012/Golden Age misconceptions, reality

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to speak about happenings in your world as observed from our vantage point. By far the most requests for our comments are two matters of great concern to many, thus we begin by addressing those.

2. The shooting in Tucson, Arizona, was as reported, a mentally unstable young man’s attempt to kill Congresswoman Giffords and as many of her supporters as he could, but it was not the “senseless act” as often described.  The shooter was acting under mind control and all who were killed or wounded either followed original soul contracts wherein they had chosen to participate in an event with “a higher purpose” or just prior to the shooting, they amended their contracts to include that incident for that same purpose.

3. While it was unquestionably traumatic on a conscious level for those who were wounded and their families, and a tragedy for all who loved the persons who were killed, at soul level the participants willingly served to force attention on the inevitable results of increasingly vitriolic rhetoric in a society that has become inured to that kind of speech as well as violence. This pervasive conditioning had to be brought to the forefront of national, international, awareness so the outcry for an end to incivility and violence can change the collective consciousness of your civilization, which in large part has accepted that kind of behavior as an innate aspect of human nature.

4. That behavior is NOT an innate aspect of human nature—it is taught! The makeup of souls is pure light, which is the same as love, and it is the most powerful force in the universe. Violence, divisiveness and hatred are deliberately introduced through the many influences that impact life on Earth.  And because whatever constitutes your collective consciousness is what creates your world, it is essential that those influences be brought to light so healing and unified spirit can be the legacy not only of the lives affected by the shooting in Tucson, but the lives of all souls who have helped to cleanse your world of darkness. Not punishment or revenge or retaliation will ever bring peace and harmony—only LOVE can end the illusion of separateness and let the innocence and purity of infants reenter hearts and minds.

5. Light beings throughout the universe honor the souls who agreed to be “victims” in Tucson. Those who died were lovingly, gratefully greeted in Nirvana, light is being intensely beamed to their grieving families and friends, and those who are recovering from wounds have angelic helpers assisting the medical teams. However, do not for a moment underestimate the relevancy and power of untold numbers of prayers and heartfelt sentiments in those respects!

6. US President Obama’s memorial address was transmitted to us from Earth’s monitors in Nirvana.  We know the soul of this man, thus better than he knows himself, yet without his conscious awareness that he willingly left his spiritually advanced civilization to serve in the vanguard of the Golden Age master plan, his words on that memorial occasion were from his heart and soul in concert with all the heavenly hosts.

7. As much as we wish we could tell you that that assassination attempt is the last incident of its kind, we cannot know that—with Creator’s exception of nuclear detonations in space, Its law of free will must be honored by God and all of His emissaries. What we do know is that the shooting’s effects, the shock, horror and prayerful sentiments in its aftermath, have given the energy of reconciliation an enormous thrust forward. Although in the weeks and months ahead, other acts of violence will occur and warring and stubborn political partisanship will continue as the duality in humankind runs out its course, the energy momentum toward peaceful coexistence is far too strong to be derailed and the stage is set for the emergence of long-hidden truths. Regardless of individuals’ choices to accept or reject these truths, the forthcoming revelations and ensuing changes will propel Earth into her era of love, peace and harmony.

8. The other concern in many minds is the mysterious sudden deaths of millions of birds and fish in various locations around the globe. This was not from a single cause, but a “last straw.” The small bodies of those animals are more vulnerable than human bodies to the many forms of toxic pollutants in your air, water and soil, so their immune systems were seriously weakened before they were hit by a blast of low vibrations from manmade electromagnetic grids.

9. If you are wondering why our space family did not use their technology to prevent such a blast, it is because doing so exceeds their authority. They are, however, permitted to deflect or neutralize harmful radio waves aimed at the peoples, and they did so; without their intervention, there would have been many human bodies sickened or killed along with the mass exodus of birds and fish.

10. To address other inquiries, it is completely understandable that you would like to have “forecasts”: When the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations will be officially announced; when spacecrafts will land; when the economy will get straightened out and the new system running smoothly; when chemtrails and genetically altered foodstuffs will stop; when the truths about “9/11” and religions will be disclosed; when suppression of free energy sources and natural health therapies will end. Those are some of the primary questions in your thoughts, which we see as clearly as we see your light that sparkles as brilliantly as a field of diamonds in the sunlight.

11. If we could give estimated times for those and other developments of interest to many, we would do so joyfully. Earth’s energy field of potential is in such commotion, with the dark ones fighting bitterly in desperate last stands, that it would be folly to offer even “best guesses.” So we tell you what we DO know with absolute certainty—your patience and steadfastness in the light will be rewarded beyond your grandest imagining.

12. Yes, the unusually severe weather conditions in many parts of your world, including heavy snowfalls, flooding and temperature extremes, are man’s handiwork. It is not necessary for the scientists who are doing the Illuminati’s bidding to initiate each incident anew—once elements in the atmosphere have been strongly set in motion, the domino effect takes over. When conditions start to ease as the energy within them dissipates, weather control technologists set off another disruption, and the same is so with volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Your off-planet brotherhood reduces to the extent possible the intended harmful results of all the manipulated happenings while still enabling their full release of negativity. Why is the Illuminati controlling weather and creating ‘natural’ disasters? To produce the negativity that arises out of high death toll, grief, fear, chaos, widespread destruction, disease, economic disasters and hopelessness.

13. It is not within our province to assess as light-filled or dark the reason underlying the dissemination of secret documents via Wikileaks, but we can say that the overall effect is beneficial. Even though the previously suppressed information has been released only in minimal amount, it can lessen the shock of that country’s citizenry when evidence shows the extent to which their government has betrayed them through the workings of its members in the Illuminati and those who succumbed to that international group’s threats or payoffs.

14. With so much money donated for the reconstruction of Haiti after the earthquake a year ago, why is that country still a disaster zone? Because those funds were stolen by the Illuminati after their technology caused the quake—that stealth is why former US presidents Clinton and Bush rushed to Haiti so quickly after the quake.

15. Concerns about a shift in Earth’s magnetic pole and where this may be leading are needless. The shift underway is a corrective measure that began over 60 years ago, when Earth’s planetary body was so deeply entrenched in third density that it was on the brink of flying out of orbit into certain destruction. God authorized powerful distant sources to beam massive amounts of light to stabilize the planet’s orbit, and that stabilization process will continue until Earth is within fourth density.

16. When a clone commits a crime, how does that affect the real person’s karma and lifeprint review? It doesn’t affect karma at all, and in the lifeprint review, it is simply a factual happening during the physical lifetime. On Earth persons are cloned to keep their powerful positions intact in case of natural death or assassination, and since it usually is individuals high in the ranks of the Illuminati who are cloned, it is done voluntarily.

17. Since the cloning process “downloads” all the person’s character traits, behavior patterns and knowledge to that point, the clone continues the person’s own ruthlessness and deception that resulted in criminal activities prior to the clone’s production.  It is the same with successive clones; however, mental and physical deterioration occurs with each downloading into a replacement clone, and if a person is cloned after a chronic disease has set in or after years of ingesting drugs or alcohol, even the first clone’s condition is compromised and replacements are frequent. An example is former US President George W. Bush— that is why the cloned vice president, Cheney, actually was running the presidency.

18. Souls may choose to enter clones with the intention of changing negative character traits and behavior patterns into positive, but rarely is this successful. Most often souls enter clones of persons who resisted and were killed, such as Pope John Paul and former US President Jimmy Carter. The souls that entered their clones succeeded in their intention to not succumb to Illuminati demands and they became the respected individuals you know of.

19. No, Barack Obama has not been cloned, nor will he be.

20. Please do not be dismayed because attempts to manifest strong healthy bodies or high energy levels haven’t produced desired results. Third density powers of manifestation are not sufficiently developed so that a weak body can be transformed into glowing health or a low energy level raised to high in the twinkling of an eye. But by all means, continue to “see” yourselves in those prime states—positive thoughts about well being attract the energy of similar thought forms in the universal soup and enhance your chances of success. As Earth’s ascension journey continues, the higher vibrations will improve health conditions and strengthen your abilities to manifest along with your belief that you do indeed have that power.

21. We make soul contracts to evolve spiritually but we can’t remember what’s in them, and that doesn’t make any sense.  If we knew what our missions are, life would be a lot easier. No more making big mistakes and wasting lifetimes trying to get it right.

22. If you remembered all your contract provisions, what purpose would the physical lifetime serve?  What advancement could there be in spiritual clarity, application of universal laws and use of free will if you simply followed decisions you made before knowing what circumstances you would encounter during the lifetime?

23. Forgetfulness of soul contracts, which cover the foundation and major players that fit the soul’s chosen experiencing and let the personage fill in the details as life keeps unfolding, isn’t meant to drown anyone in a lifelong sea of confusion, and it doesn’t if folks pay attention to their soul level guidance that is as unmistakable as gigantic flashing arrows.  Following those bright blinkers that are conscience, inspiration, instinct and so forth, aligns conscious decisions with contract choices.

24. However, that does not negate your free will to deviate from the contract when other opportunities for growth arise. Contracts aren’t rigid, but rather allow for flexibility as different kinds of situations can offer the same measure of learning—actually, it isn’t learning, it is remembering what your soul knows. Spiritual growth is a series of self-discoveries that get passed on from lifetime to lifetime, and each contract is designed to provide opportunities for the soul to keep evolving.

25. Awareness of a “mission”—a term that denotes a soul’s primary purpose for embodying—doesn’t pop up as an Aha! moment, it comes as meaningful accomplishments that impart a sense of fulfillment. And no lifetime ever is wasted!  What you consider “mistakes” because they lead to situations that are very difficult to handle are not a waste if you learn from them. Furthermore, they may be part of your contract—not all lifetimes can be on Easy Street or there could be no advancement for the soul. Evolvement requires balance, and attaining balance requires dealing with stressful situations as well as enjoying ideal circumstances.  Incarnating offers myriad possibilities and probabilities, but no certainties that would preclude your making the many choices that let each lifetime become a unique learning adventure.

26. God explained this more succinctly in His reply to my mother when she asked why people can’t know everything that their souls know:

If all were absolutely known, if nothing required any independent thinking or decisions or activity, then why would there be any need for multiple experiencing?  What would there be to learn?  Why would life itself be necessary?  We could just fast forward to The End, which is The Beginning, and let all lives of all times reside at that initial point of Being.

27. Now that holiday observances are over and your thoughts are back into routine tasks, various misconceptions about the year 2012 also are back. Beliefs that the major reforms required to usher in Earth’s Golden Age cannot be accomplished in the two short years remaining are paralleling beliefs that darkness will continue right up until the end of 2012, then abruptly disappear. Beliefs that three days of darkness or some other dramatic occurrence will herald the beginning of the Golden Age. Beliefs that profound geographic changes will precede Earth’s entry into fourth density. Beliefs that two Earths will emerge out of the ascension process.  Beliefs that going along with Earth into the Golden Age is the pinnacle of spiritual growth. Beliefs that after 2012, your world will be unchanged henceforth.

28. Because your beliefs create your reality and collectively those beliefs create your world, you need to know the universal reality of what is happening and what is ahead.  To dispel beliefs born of misconceptions, we start by assuring you that all essential reforms to rid your world of darkness will be completed in good time and in stages, not in one fell swoop at the end of calendar year 2012.

29. Nothing profound will happen immediately prior to Earth’s entry into her Golden Age; the last days of 2012 will be similar to the first days of 2013.

30. While some seacoasts will gradually move a short ways inland and some low lying islands will slowly become submerged, there will be no drastic changes in land mass or seas.

31. Earth is a soul residing in a planetary body and she has no need for a second such body.

32. Souls will continue evolving until once again they are within the Cosmic Oneness of Creator, thus “the immortal soul” and “the eternal life of the soul.”

33. And nothing in this universe is static—changelessness is contrary to the scientific laws that govern all life in this universe.

34. Let us speak a bit more about what is ahead.  It is so that relatively little linear time remains prior to Earth’s total exit from third density—that is why the transitional phase you are entering will be tumultuous, with changes coming thick and fast. You will be in the midst of people who are fearful because all the systems familiar to them are in chaos and collapse.  You know that this is part of world transformation and you are there to assist in the process; by calmly dealing with forthcoming circumstances, you can ease the grave concerns of those who don’t understand that the turmoil is leading to the “better world” they want.

35. As for the onset of the Golden Age, not all of its glories are sitting on its doorstep, so to say. Yes, everything born of dark intent will have ceased with the advent of that Age—so no more warring or other violence, no more impoverishment or disease, no more polluting or mind control or corruption. All necessary truths will have been revealed and there will be reformed governments and economic, legal and judicial, energy, educational, communication and transportation systems. That is but a partial list of great changes underway, and at the end of 2012, none of them can be considered as perfected. Refinements will continue in all of those areas and other advancements too, and as you keep growing spiritually and intellectually, you will greet all forward strides with rejoicing. [To all who sent questions about specific aspects of life in the Golden Age, please read “Essay on 2012,” dated December 31, 2007, in Matthew’s Messages on

36. Now we say Farewell in this message only, as never are we away from you in spirit. We are with you every step along your journey into the Golden Age even as we see you already joyously living in that magnificent world.


Suzanne Ward