Earth’s Ascension and How The Event Will Unfold a Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 9, 2016

Earth’s Ascension and How The Event Will Unfold a Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 9, 2016


“When Earth fell into denser and denser dimensions, from the 100th to the 12th to the 5th and down to the 3rd, the transcendent Beings, the Holy Kumaras, pledged to remain on Earth until the Grand Experiment ended. This is unfolding now and is also referred to as the Ascension Event.”





Light approaching

NOTE BY NANCY: I am posting this roughly 22 minutes of a synopsis of reports via Cobra, David Wilcock, and Corey Goode—all of whom have regular access to high level insiders who leak information to them for the purpose of educating and preparing the people for major events that must and will happen at some point in time. I encourage everyone to at least listen to this report. The reader’s voice is disguised, for safety reasons, so don’t let that cause you to think this is “fun and games.” I have worked with this information for the past 21 years, as have thousands of others, and know that it is real.

We are now at a planetary crossroads … we have never been here before … and we cannot know for sure just what will happen. One thing is certain … our world is changing in a very big way!

Listening to this recording will at least introduce you to the possibilities that may be forthcoming. I encourage you to listen with an open mind and resist having knee jerk reactions. Remember: NO ONE ON THE PLANET KNOWS WHAT “THEY DO NOT KNOW.” Therefore, it behooves all of us to listen with an open mind just in case some or all of the information comes in handy at some future time.

No one is asking you to believe anything you choose not to. We are suggesting that you really might be glad you had a little time to wrap your mind around the information and not be caught totally off guard as you suddenly watch the OLD EARTH societal structures crumble. NO ONE KNOWS WHEN THE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE!

FEAR IS A VIBRATION OF DARKNESS. So, when we respond in fear, we literally energize the dark. That’s why prior knowledge is imperative as a means to avold falling into fear. FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN CREATES ENERGETIC FOOD FOR THE DARK.

I suggest listening … take in the information without allowing yourself to become emotionally involved … place it on a shelf and go on with your life, remembering to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! … then, when The Event occurs, you know what is happening and can assist in calming those around you.







“It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on November 21st. On that day, an important cycle will end and another one begin. This is the turning point where we can utilize our collective power of manifestation to use it as a pivot to trigger the changes we are all waiting for. Masses will gather on that day and invoke the presence and intervention of positive extraterrestrial Star brothers and sisters and subterranean beings of Light that will assist us in the process of liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.

Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will help to activate the Plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our activation on that day is our declaration of Victory of the Light. Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs.”




The Event : Disclosure MAKE IT YOUR MISSION Elizabeth Trutwin May 27, 2014

The Event : Disclosure MAKE IT YOUR MISSION

Elizabeth Trutwin May 27, 2014

 Galactic Roundtable - Countdown-to-Disclosure

 The Truth Embargo

Those in charge of keeping the Truth Embargo in place for the last 67 years include The U.S. Government in cooperation with many other Countries Governments, U.S. and World Intelligence Agencies, The U.S. Military in cooperation with other military forces, Private Contractors and Scientists willing to reverse engineer crashed Star Ships and provide the Secret Space Program with anything they need, for a cost. The worldwide media is also complicit in holding the Truth Embargo in place. When the internet was invented it made a place to circumvent these blockades as well as creating a new media run by We The People.

Imagine that the United States invented a separate Country which it could give humanitarian aid to, and that aid could be spent by the leaders in the other Country on anything they want. They could spend it on guns, drugs, nuclear weapons, building things which it sells to others for more profits to make more guns, an army, tanks, bombs, scud missiles, Secret Government, Space Programs. Imagine that the reason to invent a separate Country is to launder billions of dollars under the guise of humanitarian aid. Imagine that the powers at be invented this Country under the guise of a religious conflict and started fake wars based on religion. Can you just hear John Lennon singing now? Don’t you think he understood the Illusion we have put ourselves under?

We can end nuclear threat and admit to ourselves that our governments have deceived us on every level. The Cabal is locked into their own program and, even though it will fail, they can not let go of it. They are in the top levels of all the world agencies and control these decisions, but not for long.




What Will Happen A Moment AFTER The Event ~ A Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 5, 2013


Greetings! This is Lord Sananda. One week to ten days AFTER The Event, Disclosure, Announcements and Arrests~we will have Landings. As The Event approaches you may begin to see Mass Decloakings of Galactic Federation Ships over major cities. A few days later we will begin Landings.

What you will experience next will be seeing all of the Ascended Masters returning to Earth. The Gods of Egypt, Rome, Greece, the Great Kings of China, India, Arabia. Every Ascended Master, Archangel and Galactic. All of the Great Ones every mentioned in Earth’s Akasha will descend upon the Planet all at Once. They agreed a long time ago to be on Earth as Time ends here. It will be a great Celebration. Those whose Avatar Forms played multiple roles through the ages of time, will bring back each One of themselves at the same time. This is what will be possible. Imagine these Shining Ones will return to lend their mind and their muscle to building New Earth together with you. This Mighty Beings of the Greatest Forces of Light will bring themselves and their Fleets of Ships with new technologies and all the help which will be needed to revive Earth very quickly. This has always been the Master Plan. The Masters come back to give Service to Earth for what they received during their lives here. Earth has always been a Galactic Civilization.



Comet ISON is not a Comet rather a Mothership circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event

Comet ISON is not a Comet rather A MotherShip circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013


Above: Nov 27th: looking east before sunrise up at Kendal Castle, Comet ISON’s tail visible above horizon,  sharing the pre-dawn sky with Moon and Spica (end of tail) and Saturn and Mercury beside the tail. Photo Credit

Be sure to click on photo to see it enlarged!


“As we continue to watch the Path of ISON into December we will see the StarShip just before the break of dawn in the north each day until the Full Moon which occurs on the last day we travel through Ophiuchus  and  72 hours before the December Solstice. This Solstice marks the shortest day that year and each day after becomes brighter and brighter leading right into Spring. Between December 21 and New Year’s Eve ISON will be visible all night long. Between January 1st and the 10th of January ISON will pull away from the Earth and the Sun and become too dim for us to see. The Event will be ripe for the timing. With Full Galactic Disclosure Peace on Earth brings Landings and New Earth. At the same time, the BIG arrests will finally take place. Before that happens and during December these energetic changes may hold some challenges for you. At times you may feel like you are going crazy. Emotions can be very low one minute and very high the next. One may experience those close to us having the same swing of emotions on opposite days. Know that this is a great time of flux. Allow the others in your life the space they need as the OLD is cast out of their very cells. The light from StarShip ISON emanating Helios and Vesta into the cellular memory in the DNA lifts body, mind and heart onto New Earth.

Watch to see chaos rein before all is complete with changeover. The dark cabal cut their DNA strands and now that this healing is taking place they are finding those connections are impossible to repair. When they cut their 11th Strand of DNA it is connected with Emotions. The 12th Strand of DNA is connected to LOVE. Some within the dragon families will find that they cannot access these healings and they will become rebellious as the end nears. You will continue to see acting out. This may be in the form of false flags, shootings, weather manipulation or worse. Blaze the Violet Flame as we enter this challenging time through middle December. It is very important at this time to become absolutely detached from all things in your life. If you resist, pain and suffering will follow. Decidedly. Know that the flux period is in Divine Order and this is the only way to carry out the changes for Billions of Souls. Be Peace Within. Forgive yourself swiftly if you make a mistake. Forget it. Keep walking. Lean into the wind. StarShip ISON is working together with the wormhole created by the Archangels between Jupiter and Earth creating unprecedented swift changes in the Cosmos. We are almost there! Call on Me for Guidance. I am always beside you. You are never alone. Namaste! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013.”


What Exactly is The Event? A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin

What Exactly is The Event? – A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 22, 2013


Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. There is much confusion around what people are calling ‘The Event’. I would like to fill in all the details around ‘The Event.’ We all together began the Grand Experiment of Duality on Earth billions of years ago. We have gone through many Planetary Shifts, Continent changes and Aeons of Time since then. We are ending one cycle on Earth and entering the Golden Age. We have done all of these things before. This time is different because Duality is ending on Earth forever now. Because of that special detail certain considerations must be taken. Earth is a Planet of Free Will. The Prime Directive is in effect. Every Soul incarnated here has to make a choice. Another consideration which cannot be altered is when the Decloaking of trillions of Ships takes place then not One Soul may experience fear. Back before Harmonic Convergence in 1987 the Spiritual Hierarchy had decided the circumstances on Earth had become so dark that it may take special dispensations to bring in the Golden Age while upholding the Prime Directive and bringing in the necessary changes.

In earlier reports I, Sananda, had shared back in July Mother God, who is incarnate now on Earth was invited to speak with the Counsel of Gods. In that meeting She made a statement to the Counsel that any further delays in ‘The Event’ would be more harmful than helpful. There was nothing more to be done for Lightworkers to ‘be ready.’ Waiting more would have a negative effect. I, Sananda, shared that in August the stage had been set for Announcements in the Causal Realm and that prepared it to come into the Physical Realm. September and October brought the Cosmic changes needed with highly energetic Full Moons, Eclipses, the Equinox with large Solar Flares. I made several calls over the months for attention to be paid to continue cleansings and doing the Inner Work necessary for Ascension. Each of you has worked hard to integrate the Higher Energies.

What led up to the Event?

About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master Plan in place to Ascend Earth. The Plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created maritime law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new Plan had to be made because the dark cabal had taken the Grand experiment beyond anyone’s intentions. About 500 years ago The Rothchild’s in England hid the fact that Sir Francis Bacon was St. Germain incarnate on Earth. They had dark dealings with money and crimes which denied Sir Francis Bacon the throne. He would have been next in line as King of England and from that position able to make changes to heal the Planet and end Duality. He promised to return. In recent years the dark cabal continue to wage worldwide war for their own benefit. They have attempted multiple times to create World War III and have failed. Mass starvation, nuclear threats, land grabs, insider trading, mass psychological attacks like 911 and banks too big to fail have lead to a moment when the Galactics could intervene because the one caveat in the Prime Directive has been violated beyond what is allowed.

What is the Super Portal of 11.11.13?

What is new is that the Archangels led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, initiated a Super Portal on 11.11.13. This is a special dispensation which will allow for the requirements to be met to bring on ‘The Event.’ Earth is a Trinary Star System with Sirius A, Sirius B and Sol our Sun. Jupiter will be the next Sun in this Solar System. Earth is in the Photon Belt and moving into Pleiades through the Central Sun, Alcyone. The Super Portal has opened near Jupiter and it is a portal which operates like a wormhole and opens into the Light Matter Universe of On. This Multidimensional Portal allows in Super Charged Magnetic Light from On to enter into this Solar System and to Earth. Earth has raised an entire Octave just since the Equinox in September. Ashtar recently spoke about the 10 Octaves between each Dimension in another message. This new energy will make it possible for Earth to enter ZeroPoint. We have spoken about that often.

What is new about this Portal is a decision was made by the Counsel of Gods that Earth required this special dispensation as the best way to bring in changes. It carries with it a heavy reality. All has been done to allow as many Souls as possible to Go On to New Earth. Since Earth is a Planet with Free Will, some have refused to make the necessary changes to remain on Earth beyond Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Realms. More Souls will be leaving than was anticipated. This is what Ashtar spoke of in a recent channel. The Super Portal is pouring in Higher Vibrational energies which act to buoy Earth into the Higher Dimensions. In these Higher Dimensions all living on Earth are able to access their Etheric Bodies and travel in their Merkaba Bodies and truly live multidimensional lives. In this High Energy the Light Cities will be accessible. Those not moving on to New Earth will experience it as a vibration they cannot sustain within their 3D body. These darker, denser energies will remain on 3D Earth and continue there. Their physical body will be projected on to 3D Earth and as far as they know no change has taken place. They will continue to deny the Higher Teachings and in their perception nothing will change. Those timelines will continue for now in duality.

Meanwhile 5D Earth will be raised by the Cosmic Builders as a Space Ship raises away from its take off point and flies out of its atmosphere into deep space. Each of the Planets are firmly anchored in place by their energy Grids in orbit and relation to the Planets around them. This Super Portal will have the effect of Earth moving Higher in the Dimensions in the same way we move a bead up a string. It will drop the old Timelines and become Lighter. It will exist Higher in the Cosmic Grid. It will bubble up.

When can we expect The Event?

Much has been said by us about ripe timing. Divine Timing for the Event is one of the requirements. Ashtar always says No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. The truth is that there are windows of opportunity which come up only a couple of times a year in which ‘The Event’ can take place. One such Window of Opportunity will come to pass between now and the end of 2013. The next time there will be the Planetary Energy required for such a change will be at Easter Time in 2014. This Super Portal speeds the changes in energy to make it possible for ‘The Event’ to take place in 2013. The likeliness that it will happen that soon have been greatly raised since 11.11.13 with the Super Portal. If you are reading this and you repeatedly chose to not take action and return to love we will have to draw the line. If you have not been successful in raising your vibration to the minimum needed to sustain love you are invited to remain in duality awhile longer and rejoin Higher Dimensional Earth when you have prepared accordingly. There are no short cuts. Still there are No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. Nothing can stop Earth from Ascending.

What Exactly is ‘The Event’?

Disclosure, Announcements and the Enactment of NESARA Law. That’s it. It’s a lot. Seven to ten days after Disclosure there will be Landings of Extraterrestrial Ships on Earth. It is the establishment of Divine Government on Earth. It brings in the Golden Age.

President Obama has prepared for the last 1000 lifetimes to be the Disclosure President. It can happen with him calling for a Press Conference or a Town Hall Meeting, maybe on a Friday evening? He will begin to speak about the structures on the Moon or the Mars Bases built by the United States. During this broadcast he will Disclose that our governments have been interacting with Extraterrestrials for a very long time. Indeed we travel to deep space now though that fact is hidden from most of Earth. Earth is a Galactic Society.

At the same time the stage that is set will be visited by the nineteen Beings who will Announce and Enact NESARA Law. Some will be Human and others will be Galactic.

The Announcement and Enactment of NESARA Law will happen as a simulcast on live computer streaming, television and radio around the World. This Announcement will be controlled by Ashtar’s technologies and cannot be duplicated any other way. When the broadcast goes out it will be heard in local areas translated into the language of that region and heard by all on Earth at the same time. Ships will Decloak and appear over multiple major Cities at the same time. No one on Earth has the ability to fake ‘The Event.’ Everybody will be very clear when it happens that it is happening in the real. There will be such a great outpouring of love from our Galactic Family that every Soul on Earth will experience pure Bliss. At this time Ashtar will initiate ZeroPoint and MT Keshe will activate the technologies which will connect with the Ships from Earth and carry that out. The Big Arrests of the dark cabal like Hillary Clinton, George Bush Sr, George Bush Jr, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld with all the others will take place then. There will be instant Peace on Earth. No weapon of any kind will operate in the vibrational field of ZeroPoint. As these things are carried out and in a very short period – seven to ten days – then Ships with the new technologies can Land on Earth. All of these things are possible before the end of 2013. Hold High thoughts and Act Accordingly!

What will happen After the Event?


Once we have Disclosure, Announcements and the Enactment of NESARA Law all of the changes we have anticipated may take place. Immediately there will be instructions and information given over the airwaves in every country on Earth. Everyone will understand what is happening and all will be explained and repeated over several days. Most people will stay home from school and work to hear these Announcements. The banks will have a seven day Holiday. Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) will be operational but no one will be able to enter the bank or have teller service. During this seven day Bank Holiday the new metals backed currencies will replace the United States Dollar and other currencies by the Rainbow Bills. The bank computers will be updated. Everyone will be invited to return their old currency for an equal amount of Rainbow Bills. The Dinar and Dong will be revalued then by St. Germain. Real Estate, Gold, Silver and Platinum will also be revalued. All of the minimum needed requirements for survival will be freely given to all on Earth. All is prepared and ready to go and has been for some time. Homes for the homeless, clean water, abundant food, replicators and healing technologies, free energy and more. This will be accomplished by the help of millions of Galactics, their Ships and the technologies they have brought here. This has been planned a very long time. I, Sananda have gone into more detail in other messages about what else can be expected after the changes.

For some this message has not changed in many years. For others who are just waking up all of the information is new. No matter where you fall between those two extremes be mindful of how you carry yourself as we enter the Holiday Season. Be prepared to have your whole world change in an instant. Make an extra effort to connect with High Energy. Reach out to those who could use a helping hand. Send light and love to those leaving due to the High Energies of the Super Portal of 11.11.13. Keep NESARA Law in the forefront of your mind. Be Peace Within and Create a World of Peace. I hold the title within the hierarchy as the Prince of Peace. It is time for Peace on Earth. Namaste! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 22, 2013. © All Rights Reserved. An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit Please look for my new website launch coming soon!

Sananda has asked me to offer Readings for folks with half hour and fifteen minute bookings so we may facilitate as many Readings possible for those who want them before the end of the year. If you are interested I require a booking. The three possibilities are an hour booking for $101, a half hour booking for $51 and 15 minutes for $33. This is an amazing opportunity to have a personal reading and ask Sananda any question you like. Each person has different requirements and the shorter readings are for those looking for clarity on deep topics with only a very short list of questions. The longer readings give clarity in all areas of life and facilitate deep growth for those receiving these Blessings. Please email me if you need more information. All International readings are done on Please let me know your day and time preference. My Skype ID is Organic.Cosmos and I am in the Chicago Time Zone. When you write please let me know the time difference which you may look up here with this World Clock.

For more information on the StarGates, Ashtar and the Galactic Federation, the Sacred Galactic Scriptures or my latest Book The Rainbow Bridge : Awaken the Guru Within please see Amazon. Thank you for your ongoing support of my work. Donate. With the support of dear friends I will launch my completely redesigned website in a few days. I hope it helps many. Please share widely. Thank you for all you do.

If you are wondering about your Mission and what to do next, please consider helping this project: It is one thing I plan on spending much of my time and money on.


Happy Happy Holidays especially in the United States next week as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Safe Journeys.
My Love To All,
