HILARIAN, October 30-November 5, 2016

HILARION, October 30-November 5, 2016


Beloved Ones,

As you endeavour to stay in equilibrium and balance during these days with all that is occurring within your sphere of resonance, you are finding that the intensified energies are having their effect, not only within your own system but in all those who are in your sphere of influence. The duality energies are rampant and it is important to remember your purpose for holding the Light during these times. It is very easy for you who are sensitive to the energies around you to understand that the feelings that you have been experiencing are mainly those that are being experienced at the collective consciousness level. There is much fear and doubt that is rampant at these times – remember this – and re-center and refocus on that which you are and that which you stand for….”

READ MORE:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2016.htm



hilarion2from Marlene Swetlishoff ~~ October 23-30, 2016

“Beloved Ones,

The changes to the systems that have been operating upon this planet are taking place. There is no choice for those who have created them but to make changes that will reflect the highest good of all. The energies that are now permeating the planet will not allow for anything else than that. Be at peace – hold your equilibrium and balance – hold your Light as these changes take place.

READ MORE:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2016.htm

HILARION – September 20-27, 2015



September 20-27, 2015

Beloved Ones,

There are portents everywhere that are informing the people of the world that a great change is taking place upon their planet and that it is time for them to awaken to the knowledge that all are connected to each other. Those who have tried to separate humanity from each other and from their connection to the divine are now being faced with the realities of their decisions and choices. It is becoming increasingly difficult to hide the growing numbers of the world’s peoples who are seeking a peaceful existence.

READ MORE:   http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2014.htm

HILARION – February 22-29, 2015



See yourselves as the powerful and wise beings that you truly are and step into those shoes! Become those powerful beings who wield their power for good to manifest into their world.

 February 22-29, 2015

Beloved Ones,

As you sit at the crossroads wondering which way humanity will choose to go, know that you are not helpless ones – you have ability to effect changes to the morphogenetic fields (fields which influence the pattern or form of things) that surround all situations. These are fields of habitual patterns that link all people, fields which influence and are influenced by, the habits of all people, whether of knowledge, perception or behaviour. It is a field that exists where each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and one which also contributes to the collective memory which affects other members of the species in the future. (See links below.) This is why we tell you that you are more powerful than you know and why mindfulness in your thoughts, words and deeds is so very important. It is through your focused intention, your love, your intuitive clarity and your light that changes to the current patterns in these fields take place. You are the ones that affect them!

It is all a matter of perspective as you work through these fields. Making an assessment of each situation encountered and learning everything about it that you can, looking at all the advantages and disadvantages to decide which road to take that is offered to you, you then choose the best option for you. Trust yourself, make that decision and believe that you are choosing the best option at the current point in time. Perhaps the passage of time will show you that it was not the best way to go, if that is the case, be prepared to face the consequences and make adjustments as necessary and learn from the experience. Life is all about living it instead of remaining a bystander or a passive observer to your own life. Too many people have been conditioned to wait for another person to do what needs to be done. This conditioning must now be changed. It requires your determination and awareness for this to occur. You can do it.

As the energies upon the planet increase, there is more fluidity in all things and so your ability to affect the morphogenetic field is greatly amplified. Caution is required in your daily thoughts and activities. Begin your day by aligning with your divine essence and stay true to this alignment through all activities throughout your day. Repeat powerful affirmations that reinforce your highest vision and highest outcome, not only for yourselves and those you love but for everyone upon your planet. See yourselves as the powerful and wise beings that you truly are and step into those shoes! Become those powerful beings who wield their power for good to manifest into their world. You have come this far because of your strong will and determination to be here during these times and it is not the time to allow all that hard work and effort to fall by the wayside.

Continue in your efforts and in your allowance to release and clear the energies that are still coming to the surface and remember that they are not always because of anything that you have personally endured and experienced and are personally responsible for. Many times, it is a clearing that is occurring for the entire collective morphogenetic field that greatly influences and affects all life. You are playing a part that was agreed to be played before your current incarnation. It is a time of major release for everyone and everything that has previously been conditioned and affected by the old paradigm systems and as you do this work, keep yourselves as energetically clear as possible. You are one of many major lightworkers for your planet and everything you are currently experiencing is for the greater good of all, even though it may not feel like it in the moment.

You have great ability to transmute the denser energies that are keeping humanity from greater awareness of the true nature of their lives upon this planet. Allow your light to shine like a blazing sun and radiate this light from your heart chakra to everyone and everything that surrounds you. As ambassadors of light and love for the Creator, your actual presence does and will continue to make a difference. You are assisting in bringing ancient knowledge and wisdom into the modern world in a way that is appropriate for the current civilization to absorb and ponder upon and learn from, linking the past with the future. You are the anchors and the conduits, the beautiful rainbow bridges of love and full spectrum light, that diamond light, truly making its presence felt upon your planet.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious – Part I -Society, Spirit & Ritual: http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic1_paper.pdf

Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious – Part II -Extended Mind, Power, & Prayer: http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic2_paper.pdf

Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious – Part III http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic3_paper.pdf

©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way, no fees are charged to read it, and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. 



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HILARION – January 18-25, 2015



January 18-25, 2015

 Beloved Ones,

You have all struggled to maintain equilibrium as the new energies brought out thoughts, feelings and emotions that you had no idea you harboured within and you are now ready for a greater refinement of your four lower bodies. It will become much easier to navigate in the days ahead as most of you have almost completed the cleansing, clearing and purging of all that is not love from your deepest and innermost self. Now the way before you becomes filled with a greater spectrum of light that presents a greater perspective than you previously embraced. A greater understanding of self is at hand which in turn enables a greater understanding of your sisters and brothers with whom you share space in this world. Life takes on a new momentum filled with unlimited possibilities. Your greater clarity and focus now brings your thoughts and creative ideas into quicker manifestation than ever before.

That which used to take years to bring what you desired to you into your experience now comes about in an effortless and harmonious manner. All the good you have desired to experience in your individual lives is being created and brought to you by the universe and the Creator. You now begin to understand what life lived in harmony with the universe and the Creator was meant to be, an ever flowing river of joy, delight, light, color and creativity. The gifts that you developed and practiced throughout your sojourns in physical form now begin to come to the surface. You have the great opportunity to allow these to come into expression through you now. Talents that you had only wished you had begin to arise within you and to surprise you with their emergence in your daily expressions. Each of you have unique and marvellous talents and skills that have lain hidden beneath the surface of perceived personal limitations and these are now dissolving into oblivion.

There will be surprises and unexpected events that occur that will bring each of you pivotal flashes of insight that causes everything to change in a moment. All that occurs brings a total paradigm shift and you must endeavour to not resist what comes forth. Stay open and willing to contemplate and embrace the new directions that can propel you to new heights. Success will come to you from the fruits of your heartfelt intentions and your greatest good begins to manifest for you. Remember to give back to the world in gratitude and humility as you receive your good. Things will come together as if by magic to create the reality you have been seeking. Stay enthusiastic about the new possibilities and potentials and be optimistic in your belief in others so they too, will prosper, grow and expand. Everyone around you will see the positive and beautiful aspects of your true being and will mirror these back to you.

Allow yourselves to reach out into unexplored areas of self expression and look at your projects with a new and more creative approach. Take more risks and open up to new and different ideas. Release any remaining old fears and limitations you may still be holding and open more fully to creative inspiration. To broaden your perspective, choose to be peaceful, quiet your mind and allow the universe to bring to you more options that you may not have been aware of. Let the universe support you and allow its influence to bring to you possible solutions to help direct your outcomes. Be openly receptive, patient and flexible and stay willing to receive in surprising and imaginative ways. Keep moving forward and keep an open eye for new and unexpected opportunities. You could be delightfully surprised where they lead you.

Know that all is well and that only love surrounds you. Embody a new way of looking at life and the world around you. You are a radiant, luminous beacon of light to all around you and you empower others with your love, wisdom and presence. It is time for you to shine even brighter and show the world your true essence.

Until next week …

I AM Hilarion

©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way no fees are charged to read it, and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. 



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HILARION – December 7-14, 2014



December 7-14, 2014

Beloved Ones,

It is important that you make time each day to be still so that you can go within. During this time of the year, one’s schedule can become full of activities that you feel must be done, with family, friends and your community and this is wonderful as long as you do not over extend yourselves. Too often there is a tendency to place too much importance on the pleasing of others rather than on one’s own needs. As in all things, there must be a balance so that your equilibrium is maintained and sustained. It might require a rethinking of priorities or of lowering your own expectations and looking at alternative options. Many times, it is one’s own expectations of how things should be that create stress in one’s life. Your loved ones are willing to help and are willing to adjust to new ways of doing things and to experiencing new ways to celebrate the season.

If one is relaxed and feeling peace within themselves, they do not leak impatient energies to those around them. Each person must realize that they are part of a greater whole and that their energies affect those around them, so it is important to look at themselves as having more power than previously contemplated. Many are feeling stressed, rushed and angry during these times and those who are extremely sensitive pick up this energy automatically and then wonder why they are feeling such feelings when they were feeling happy and peaceful before. Some of you are like sponges, absorbing the emotive fiery energies from all the people in your sphere of influence. When this happens, one needs to realize what has occurred and then counteract by finding a quiet space, finding time to soak in a tub of very warm and soothing water, perhaps perfumed with an essential oil of your choice and with some sea salt added to purify your auric field and clear all that is not conducive to who you really are. Listening to relaxing music is also very helpful.

When one’s emotions include the feeling of gratitude, the universe rushes in to provide its counterpart in your life. At this time of the year, it is important to cultivate the feelings of the heart that open your heart centre to its radiant golden glow so that it has the opportunity to expand into greater Christ consciousness. This consciousness is freely available to everyone and requires an openness and willingness to receive. This loving energy is non-denominational and is to be received and integrated by everyone. It is especially more potent as the world moves into the solstice in each hemisphere on your planet. Working with these potent energies helps to move you forward to the greater expansion of your inherent potentials. As you move through each day, use that extra power to bless everyone and everything around you. Bless every person you meet, bless the trees, the birds, the flowers, bless all the beauty that you see. Give thanks to God for everything. When you do this consistently, the angels, your guides, the ascended masters and your higher self will work in spirit so that it is accomplished.

When you bless everything, it is by cosmic law that what goes out from you will come back to you so be prepared for many blessings in your life. Better yet, become all blessings of God by making this a daily practice and this will automatically spread all blessings to the world around you. As you daily raise your consciousness and your vibrational frequency, you are also raising your higher self to a higher level. The higher your higher self rises, the higher you are lifted up. As people raise their consciousness, their light spreads out for many miles like a blanket of pink light which assists others to open their heart and consciousness and their awareness starts to expand. This pink light expands out to encompass all who are within its field. This is why it is most important to purify one’ thoughts as you expand in your power to manifest your reality by your thoughts. It is important to train your mind and watch all your thoughts to see if they reflect the God that you are.

Each and every one of you is learning to wield greater power in the world around you and this requires self discipline and self control. There are many examples of the misuse of power in the world and that is not what you are here to do. You are here to create positive and benevolent changes in the collective consciousness of the planet. You must continue to be the love and the light that you innately are. And with each passing day, we see more of you shine your brilliant light and we rejoice!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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HILARION – November 1-7, 2014

NOTE BY NANCY:  The necessity of observing and controlling our thoughts has been a predominant theme recently.  As we approach November 5 and the worldwide effort to bring about a Congressional Hearing for Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial Presence with us, controlling our thoughts becomes imperative.  Thoughts are energy, just as our emotions are energy and are attracted to the etheric energy field with which they resonate.

If we take 1 step forward while anticipating a Congressional Hearing, then take 2 steps backward as we allow doubts to arise or hesitate to get our hopes up, we have added more energy to the doubts etheric field.  We have split our thought energy output and defeated ourselves.   Our emotions must match our thoughts!  Sananda recently explained that humanity can literally fall back a timeline by this 1 step forward and 2 steps backward lack of thought control.  From outside the veil under which Earth humans presently live, the Ascended Masters and our Galactic Family can watch Earth light up, then turn dark once more as we give way to doubt and not wanting to be disappointed.

Let us all dedicate ourselves to envisioning a Congressional Hearing and holding that thought within our mind.  Avoid making comments to anyone that express doubt, remembering that in doing so, we weaken or cancel our initial vision.   Instead, give thanks for a Congressional Hearing and receive that event into our reality.  As Jesus taught:  Whatsoever you ask in my name, BELIEVE that you have ALREADY RECEIVED IT AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU.




 November 1-7, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Many of you have been dedicating yourselves to the greater purification of your mind patterns and thought patterns. Now that the emotional patterns are almost balanced and made neutral, the thoughts become the next area of observation and recalibration. This work is something that only you can do, there is no one else that is in charge of your thoughts or how you choose to think within your mind. There is more than one way to perceive and look at things within the situations that come up in your lives. There is more than one way to respond in your mastery of them, however, through lifetime conditioning people most times tend to respond and react in the same old patterns that never brought them success before. This, in all likelihood is why the same type of situation keeps cropping up in their daily living.

Each of you has been trying to discover more of your own higher aspects and bring these into your experience. You have been seeking to raise the energies within each step along your path to the understanding of yourself and the reality that is unfolding along the way. You seek to be in the right mind frame so that you can open the treasure chest of experience in your journey through this lifetime. You know that you are a spark of the divine flame and that you are a co-creator with the universe, that you have the potential for wondrous creation. You know that your soul is the sacred vehicle for divine inspiration and for the awakened awareness of your own godliness. You aspire to greatness of spirit within which you have the passion and inspiration of unfolding possibilities. The transformative fire within you and your light moves you toward your dreams, to shine as a beacon for others in order to raise the consciousness of all living beings as you endeavour to raise your own.

This role requires reflection, discernment and the understanding of how focused intent brings spirit into manifestation. When you are open to spirit you begin to perceive the unlimited potential and abundance that has always been available to you. You recognize the beauty in all of life and you drink this beauty into your daily experience. You know that this abundance can be tapped into by aligning with the flow of the Earth’s rhythms and allowing the magnificence if what that truly means for everyone. Honor your own highest good in your spiritual potential and within everyone around you. Give sustenance and nourishment to those activities that further the unfolding of this potential and let all else fall away.

It is only by uniting forces with others and working together that the vision of the new world can be expanded. Examine the ways that you can help others to bring out their higher potential and creative expression. In this way you also add to the experiences of the collective of humanity.  Be aware of how you use your own energy and remember to honor those around you who surround and support you. Be noble and humble in your quest for mastery, for each of you has your own path to follow that leads to the ultimate goal of the mastery of self. No one has all the answers. Mastery and leadership requires the compassion, discernment, selfless service and pure vision to ignite the passion that burns within the hearts of others around you. 

You must continue to cleanse your auric field and individual chakras on a daily basis. Align with your higher self and your God sanctioned spiritual guides and angels in order to maintain your high connections. Daily practice of meditation, contemplation and attunement to the higher realms is a necessity to maintain clarity and sense of purpose. As the Earth moves into higher frequencies this becomes of paramount importance. You are each God’s loving grace manifesting here on Earth. These practices will keep you connected to this purpose.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for this information and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. 



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HILARION – October 12-19, 2014



October 12-19, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Going with the flow of energy as it comes through is most helpful in the coming days. Whatever comes to the surface of your consciousness should be met with love, compassion and understanding, patience and tolerance. Your loved ones are also in the process of awakening to their higher light and they need your patient and loving support as they begin to see the world with more clarity than before. You might have to take several deep breaths before responding to the unique ways this awakening within them will unfold. Remember that each person upon the planet is being stretched to the limit of their consciousness and endurance at this time and there is no end in sight for a respite from the increasing intensity of cosmic light coming in waves upon the planet. Everyone must go through the process of assimilation, integration and balancing within the human operating system.

Those of you who read this have already passed through the majority of this process and are in a role of holding the higher vision for the rest of humanity. Many of you have already passed through the fires of initiation and have emerged on the other side, forever changed in a defining way, an empowering way. You now walk the Earth with humble heart, remembering well the testing times and how difficult it was to rise above the chaos to create a higher vision and to hold it high. Those who come after are having an easier time of it than did you and this was by divine intent and design. By your courageous example, you have set the bar on high and those who are in the throes of transformation have a safer path to follow, with many guideposts along the way. You have been diligently pursuing your divine calling and most of you are now or will be soon, in the position to be of great assistance to the seeking ones.

It is the light and the love in your heart that shines so brightly now that it resembles the light of the sun. From our higher perspective it is easily discerned and each of you is easy to locate upon your planet. By your light and by your brilliance your soul signature is known. As the old gives way to the new, trust that the universe is unfolding exactly as it should and that you are in the right place for these times. Sometimes, sacrificing your position on an issue and viewing it from another direction will bring enlightenment. You are all being reborn into a new spiritual consciousness and exploring the alchemical process of transmutation, creating new forms, new bodies that are less dense and more filled with light. You are becoming the embodiment of your enlightened soul.

As you yield to the changes taking place within you, within your life and in the world, you are realizing how liberating the whole process really is. You are finding yourselves leaping into the unknown, trusting that you will emerge renewed and invigorated as the old gives way to the new. You are ready to take your new place in your new world with zest, enthusiasm, passion and confidence. The path before you is cleared for the new to come into manifestation. Continue to shine your light as a beacon for others, that you may help to light their way home. Be in gratitude for the illumination that now resides within your being, that luminous being that is the true light and beauty of your soul.

Feel the joy in the realization that you are enough and that you always have enough – of love, abundance, prosperity, creativity, energy and miracles. You are rich in the gifts of the spirit and have learned how to manifest these into your life and how to share these with others around you. Take time to acknowledge and appreciate all that you have experienced and accomplished, knowing that it helped you move to a higher level of awareness, an awareness that is filled with a new spectrum of unlimited possibilities in your life. Celebrate the moment!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for reading it and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. 



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HILARION October 5-12, 2014



October 5-12, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Love abounds and permeates everything. Tune into this warm and gentle but powerful energy and drink your fill each day. Experiment with different tools and techniques that will help you to do this. An easy way for most people to do this is to imagine a time or situation in the past where you experienced this feeling that brought a smile, joy and warmth to your heart and then try to bring that feeling into your heart in the present moment. By this practice you are drawing down the love of the Infinite and bringing it into your own auric field. It is important to keep bringing in these higher energies on a daily basis in order to bring in the new human template and anchor it firmly on Earth within your own bodies which then expands your own light which in turn expands the light of those around you. As the living conduits for the cosmic energies, you perform an invaluable service for the highest good for all when you do this.

As Ambassadors of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to walk your talk, to BE that which you proclaim and intend in every thought, word and deed, to serve as living examples of the divine human here on Earth right here and right now. Perfection immediately is not an expectation, rather, the sincere intent and desire to be that which you in truth ARE, a radiant and powerful being of Light and a mighty force for good. You are each much too hard on yourselves in your expectations of achieving perfection or your perception of that which is perfection. We say that each of you must take time out to just BE and to enjoy the many precious moments of exquisite beauty and wonder that surround you within the elemental kingdom, the nature kingdom and the animal kingdom. These are the jewels that create an extraordinary life experience. It is the little things in life and your notice and observation of these that can help you to expand your own sense of self and the part that you play in the greater picture.

As each of you rides the waves of love that are currently inundating the planet, you help to magnify and expand this by first experiencing it within yourselves. In order to know your own divinity, you must have direct experience of it through the natural mirrors you have been provided and the world around you is filled and overflowing with the magnificence and divinity of all life which has been showing you your own magnificence. All that you have experienced in your life to this point has been enrichment and empowerment to give you the experiences that your soul needed, to enable you to open yourselves up to greater mastery in many different facets of your lives. You might say that each of you have become ‘well rounded souls’, able to understand others with love, empathy and compassion in a way that gives what is needed without depleting your own energies. As you tune into these current waves, you will find yourselves surpassing the former perceptions of limitations and life will be experienced in a more joyful and harmonious way.

Humanity in vast numbers is now awakening. The hearts of all people throughout the world are opening in a great desire to live in a world that is safe, where souls can experience the wonders around them in peace, harmony and prosperity. Humanity as a whole is so very tired of the old paradigm of fear, war and strife and they want to move forward. This heartfelt desire within each person is creating a vibration of Oneness with all living things upon your planet. This is becoming more and more evident if you but look and observe. The animal and bird kingdom has been emulating this new way of being for quite some time. The ‘law of the jungle’ has changed to the law of love and Oneness.

Each of you are deserving of all the good in the world. Open yourselves to receive from the universe that which you have sent out in this and other lifetimes. It is time to become filled with this love and this light that now permeates the atmosphere. Become like a sponge, soaking up the goodness. Shine, shine your goodness! It is now safe for you to do so. Release the shields around your heart space, take a deep breath and allow the expansion of your divine authentic self to begin.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for this information and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. 



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ARCHANGEL GABRIEL – The quality of love known as justice



 September 18, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as justice which requires in each individual the ability to trust in the divine design of the universe, to ‘let go and let God’ because they know that all is in divine order. They do not waste their time labeling things as unfair or unjust, for they trust in an inherent ordering of energies that serve the highest good of all. As they trust and become more conscious of divine order in their lives and in the world, it becomes easier for them to let go of judgments about right and wrong. Instead they effortlessly surrender their preconceived notions about how they believe things are supposed to unfold. They keep out of other people’s business, focusing only on what feels appropriate for them in a given moment. They turn their focus instead on maintaining and increasing their level of light and love while continuing to believe in the goodness within each human soul, and in doing so, they experience increased fairness and justice at all levels of their own lives and in relation to the world at large. 

There is a universal law of justice that permeates and supports all of creation. The more that each individual can let go of egoist concerns about right and wrong, the more this law works in support with them to align energies in a way that is fair and just. Wrongs are instantly righted when they can maintain conscious union with the light and love of Source. Instead of worrying about whether or not they are being treated fairly or making comparisons with others around them, they instead contemplate on how they may live their truth and learn the lesson divinely orchestrated in each situation. They let go of perceptions of injustice and focus instead on trusting the divine order governing all people and all things. This response creates a space for love and light to flow in. The more light and love they carry within their being, the more they discover that wrongs are synchronously set right before injustice can even affect them. When they shift their focus in this way by strengthening and aligning physical, emotional, mental, behavioural, and spiritual energies to this law, they experience a sense of serenity, ease, and grace within their inner being and within their lives.

When every person acts in such a way that the free use of their will is compatible with the freedom of everyone else’s, they are working within the universal law of justice, for they know that justice consists of rules that are common to all humanity that emerge out of some sort of consensus. Justice is fairness. It is an understanding that pays due regard to the proper interests, property, and safety of one’s fellows. All individuals or groups of individuals concerned with fairness and justice strive to work out something that is comfortable for everyone and to adopt procedures that resemble rules of a game. They work to ensure that people receive their fair share of benefits and burdens and to adhere to a system of fair play. Justice requires that the rules be fair, and also that people play by the rules. These rules serve a function. They outline a basis of behaviour. They strive to maintain order and a sense of community and a society that is constructive and positive, that encourages growth and love. It requires that those who abide with the law of justice are those who will therefore be law abiding and fair.

The virtuous and just person who manifests this quality of love acts for what is expedient for someone else rather than for themselves. They listen to the voice of their conscience. They listen within, they take time to be still and to go within the temple of their heart where the voice of their soul can be heard in order to feel what is right and what is wrong, in order to feel what it is they should do, what they should say, so they can feel what rules should be abided by and what rules should be challenged, and so they can feel what they should work towards changing and reforming in their world. They must be true to themselves and they must listen to their truth, to their inner guidance. They must find their own way, their own sense of right action and be clear regarding its motivations, the ramifications and the end result.  They must live their life authentically standing within their power, exercising their truth in choosing right from wrong.

This world is a beautiful one with much joy, much beauty and much love in it. People must allow more of the essence of their own divinity to shine from within them. They must release their judgment and start to look upon the world with the eyes of the divine. They need to give each other inspiration as each travels life’s highways and byways, trying to figure it all out. There are so many opportunities to bless, serve and extend kindness to others if only each person would look for them and would never want to be anything less than kind and thoughtful to others. The feeling of giving someone else happiness is far more intense than doing something for oneself. Many times helping others will actually make one help themselves, for when a person feels good about themselves, that is when they start to believe how empowered they are and how strong they stand against all that happens. Through such acts in expressing this quality of love to those around them is when the universal law of justice is at work and prevails.

As I take my leave, I ask each person to ponder on the true meaning of justice.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. 

