Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


Gaia has ascended to the 5th  dimension and all Earth humans who so choose are gradually following in Mother Earth’s footsteps.  The old is passing away and our next task is to create a glorious NEW EARTH of Unconditional Love, Peace, and Abundance for all.

 But first, our spiritual evolution requires that we understand our past … what have we allowed to take place by not thinking independently, researching on our own, seeking TRUTH outside the boundaries of orthodox demands, by accepting what “authorities” and the “news media” tell us without discerning truth for ourselves? 

 In essence, we gave away our God-given sovereignty and became “sheeple” [i] in fulfillment of the descriptive term by which the power elite refer to us.

 Unknown to the sheeple, but in plain view of all, Earth humans have been 99.9% enslaved so subtly that we accepted enslavement as “this is life.” 

 To begin to comprehend just how dangerous it is to give up our “made in the image of Mother/Father God innate power,” the following resources are excellent. 

 For your own sake and that of your loved ones, please take the time to watch and listen to the following.







[i]   Sheeple = a term of disparagement in which people are likened to sheep, a herd animal. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research. They undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheeple







Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

  Jesus - crowd

 “When a large number of people had gathered together so that they trod on one another, Jesus began to say to his disciples first of all, ‘Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.  For there is nothing that is covered that will not be uncovered; and hidden that will not be known.’” [i] 


The “Greek from Hebrew” word translated Pharisee means separatists, literalist.  Pharisees were one of Jewish sects during the time of Jesus that were opposed to him.  Metaphysically, Pharisee represents the individual consciousness that binds humanity to external forms of religion.  The Pharisee does not “know that Truth comes into expression in the consciousness through understanding; [he] seeks a sign in the external realm.  No sign of the presence of Christ can be given to the pharisaical state of mind, for the things of Spirit are spiritually discerned. (Mark 8:11,12)” [ii]

The Pharisees represent the religions of the world.  Although most religions possess a mystical branch,[iii] the bulk of humanity participates in religion by performing external rituals that have little or no in-depth meaning for them.  Obeying external religious rules does not lead to enhanced understanding of our spiritual nature.  In fact, it prevents people from recognizing their true nature as made in the image of Father/Mother God.  This lack of knowledge of who we really are has opened the door for the powerful to manipulate and enslave us.  We readily accept the biblical/religious teachings that we are “dust and to dust you shall return.”  [iv]


Metaphysically, Jesus represents God’s idea of a perfect man/woman—the Real Self of all humanity.[v]  Metaphysicians refer to this Real Self as the Christ Self, the Higher Self.  Jesus demonstrated through the major events of his life the pathway to ascension.[vi]   Each individual must travel this path for him/herself.  There is no magical way to suddenly possess the mind that was in Christ Jesus.  This mind requires the type of self-discipline described in my article entitled “Ascension.” [vii]

******Jesus, as the Divine Idea of the perfect man/woman, is not limited to the Christian religion. [viii]  Instead, this Divine Idea is the goal toward which all of humanity is to aim.  Every human being is divine and will eventually ascend to the higher realms. 

 SEE [ix]

Religions have enslaved humanity by not allowing this knowledge of our true identities to be taught. 

 Jesus taught:  “The one who believes in me [in your own indwelling God or I AM PRESENCE] will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.”  [x]  Jesus recognized all of humanity as his brothers and sisters.



All sacred books were written by individuals incarnated in a physical body and living on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality (represented by the Genesis story of the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil).  These sacred texts were written for a variety of reasons, yet each religion appears to accept its sacred texts as the infallible word of God.  The Bible, especially, has undergone many translations from Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin into the language of specific nations.  The exact equivalent of a word in one language may not exist in another language.  Therefore the translation can easily change the meaning of the text.

The Bible consists of a compilation of many books written by various, often unknown authors.  The books chosen to be included in the Bible were selected by a group of human beings who were far from spiritually advanced.[xi]  Instead, they were Pharisaical in nature.  The Bible is full of contradictions, some of which represent differences in theological perspective.  Still, with all of its human flaws, much hidden wisdom can be found therein.


Those who would enslave the people easily do so by teaching them that the surface, or literal, meaning of the translated  words is the correct meaning.  This results in myriad misinterpretations, which can be used to create fear within the people.   Some examples are:

I.  HellHumans can easily be enslaved by teaching them a God who created a place of eternal punishment, called Hell.  Actually, the Aramaic words translated as “hell” in English—gehenna dnoora—refers to the “Valley of Hinnom.”  During the 1st century C.E., Gehenna dnoora, was the garbage dump for Jerusalem.  Located outside the city, people brought their garbage to Genenna dnoora and burned it.  The Valley of Hinnom was also the place where the Judean king, Ahaz (735-715 B.C.E.) offered sacrifices to idols.  King Ahaz also sent his son to the flames as a human sacrifice to the gods.  As a result of these sacrifices, the valley Gui Hinnom became a Semitic term for hell. [xii]

A.  Enslavement via instilling a fear of death and possibly a penalty of eternity in hell =obedience to the church rules and doctrines/creeds.

B.  Fear of death allows people to be manipulated into all types of behavior, including wars.   The concept of Enemy becomes acceptable, resulting in racism, discrimination, hatred, and violence.

II.  Reincarnation – The word reincarnation is not found in the Bible.  Still, the concept is present and vividly evident for those who read with open minds and who refuse to allow the doctrines of the church to dictate what they can perceive in their reading.[xiii]

A.  Enslavement by withholding knowledge of reincarnation is another way to create fear of death. 

B.  Denied the truth of reincarnation, enslavement = Only one life to live.  With only one life to live, every facet of our lives on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality takes on far more significance than it deserves—only one chance to experience marriage, only one chance to have children, only one chance to fulfill our dreams, on and on………

C.  Denied the truth of reincarnation, enslavement = the opportunity for the power elite to use the false concept of abortion kills babies to occupy the energies of millions while behind the scenes nefarious activities can take place undetected.[xiv]  An excellent example is how the outcome of important political elections can be manipulated by encouraging those who call themselves pro-life to vote for the candidate professing agreement with the pro-lifers.  This candidate may or may not be the best individual to lead a nation.

D.  Denied the truth of reincarnation, enslavement = homo phobia = a means to encourage hatred, discrimination, and violence.  The eternal life of a Soul—who eons ago made the freewill choice to incarnate on Earth’s 3rd dimensional plane of duality—is characterized by incarnating in both male and female bodies, rich and poor, in a variety of races, and in healthy and physically challenged bodies.  A variety of lifestyles is assumed in order to learn from each experience.  Incarnating in both male and female bodies = the opportunity to evolve into an androgynous being—meaning the Soul has achieved the balance of masculine and feminine energies required to evolve into the likeness and image of our Mother/Father God.  As the Soul works to achieve this balance of energies, it incarnates into male and female bodies in a number of incarnations.  Although Souls live in an atmosphere of Unconditional Love on the inner planes, they develop special affinities to particular Souls.  When these Souls incarnate into physical bodies, they may choose male or female bodies.  The gender of the physical body does not impact the Souls’ love for each other.

As we have seen from past life regressions, our physical bodies carry memories from previous incarnations.  My intuitive sense is that a Soul who has incarnated in the same gender for several lifetimes in a row and then, switches to the opposite gender in the present incarnation may manifest as what we call homosexual for the simple reason his/her cells still carry strong memories of the previous lives.  Cellular memory may also account for the individual feeling she/he is in the wrong body.  Bisexuality can actually indicate a step toward attaining androgyne.

Immeasurable enslavement and suffering have resulted from religions’ refusal to teach the truth of reincarnation.  Past life regressions and the miracles of healing that often occur have proven the extent of the suffering incurred.

From the Soul-level perspective, the gender of the body makes no difference.   There is no judgment!

III.  Born againa misinterpretation of this extremely popular religious term is used to enslave millions.  Christians are taught that in order to avoid spending eternity in hell, they must be born again.  This represents an example of translators interpreting the Bible in accordance with their religious doctrines.

Let’s look at the story of Nicodemus in John 3.  As a Pharisee, Nicodemus accepted reincarnation for the good souls.[xv]  He had been observing Jesus and was impressed:  “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God.”  Jesus intuitively knows that Nicodemus’ statement is really a question.  He answers the question he perceives.  “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he is not able to see the kingdom of God.

The Greek word used here is gennethe in the passive voice, indicating the subject is acted upon by someone else.  In the passive voice, gennethe means to be born of woman.  The Greek word translated here as again is anothen.  It means both again and from above.  I choose to translate anothen as again based of the passive voice of gennethe.  Thus Jesus’ statement actually reads:  “unless one is born again of woman, he is not able to see the kingdom of God.”  In other words, Nicodemus must reincarnate until he is spiritually mature enough to perform the signs Jesus performed.

Reincarnation is the means by which we evolve in spiritual maturity to the point of ascension to a higher dimension of consciousness.  By religions failing to teach reincarnation, humanity is enslaved to a level of consciousness that does not recognize our innate individual sovereignty.  Instead, Christians are taught that salvation from eternity in hell comes through “Jesus’ blood shed on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.”  Christians are taught to worship Jesus as Redeemer and Savior.  Many sing popular hymns like “Jesus Paid It All.”

To say Jesus paid it all enslaves Christians by preventing individual spiritual evolvement.  Just as a young child must learn to walk on his own, humanity must seek truth and integrate it into our personal lives on our own.  Jesus shows us the Way; he does not do it for us.[xvi]

IV.  Religions enslave by their failure to encourage holistic self-growth, which is the Soul purpose in reincarnating.  Jesus taught that those who believe in him (meaning who believe in their own indwelling God) would do greater works than he did.  Yet the Bible does not teach humanity how to achieve a level of spiritual consciousness that would allow us to do these works.  Religions do not encourage humanity to think in terms of individual growth.  Instead, they teach humanity to be dependent upon the religious authorities to tell them what to believe, what to do, the rituals they are to perform or in which to participate, and to walk in Jesus’ footsteps.  They do not teach individual self worth and being an integral unique part of the overall Divine Plan.  

 Humanity is led into believing it is separate from God and all other parts of Creation.  Humanity is alone with no real purpose in life.  This is the worst type of enslavement—enslavement to meaninglessness!


 During the last five weeks before 12/21/12, I encourage everyone—especially those who are deeply involved in the external religions of Pharisees—to look again at Jesus, the Divine Idea of humanity in perfection.  Then look within yourselves to determine how closely you resemble this Divine Idea.  Are you a sovereign being of Love & Light – OR – are you simply saying, “I have nothing to worry over … I’m saved, I’m a born again Christian.  Jesus did it all for me.”

In truth, no one has anything over which to worry.  All will ascend when they are ready.  On the other hand, Earth has invited every member of the human family to ascend with her in 2012!  The choice is yours.

[i]   Luke 12:1-2, Lamsa’s Translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta.

[ii]   Unity’s Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, page521.

[iii]   Although each religion’s mystical groups offer an opportunity for deeper spirituality, they are still required to       adhere to the tenets of the particular religion.

[iv]   Genesis 3:19.

[v]   Unity’s Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, page 345.

[viii]   I speak within the framework of Christianity because that is the only religion I know.

[ix]   Explanation of your Divine Self may be found at:  http://tsl.org/2009/10/chart-of-your-divine-self/

[xi]   A reading of few of the Church Fathers’ writings will reveal just how egoic and invested in being the one who        was right were those who compiled the Christian (including the Catholic) Bible.

[xii]   Rocco Errico, “Why Hell Is A Rubbish Heap,”  SCIENCE OF MIND MAGAZINE, February 1996, page 103.  See:                  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2012/10/26/hell-jerusalems-garbage-dump/

[xv]   Josephus, The Wars of the Jews, Book 3, Chapter 8, No.14, trans. William Whiston (Grand Rapids, Michigan:           Kregel Publications, 1960) 478.

[xvi]   You may read what Jesus showed us at:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/bible.html.