Earth-Keeper –

On the tenth anniversary of the 9-11 , May we remember that :

 ” War will never be  ended by hating war …. rather will war be ended by loving peace. That which is your focus is that which you will create. “

Our United Nations Experience

It was an auspicious day when we arrived in New York City  to bring the message & wisdom of Archangel Metatron to the United Nations group. In little over a week, we would be in Britain, and New York would be shaken by a rare earthquake and washed in the winds of a hurricane. But August 19th was a magnificent summer day, resplendent with blue skies and a golden beaming sun.

The UN Staff had de-briefed us on security detail and entry protocol. We were ready.

This was not our standard fashion of presenting Metatron, and the unique energy of the honor and event filled us with anticipation.

We had been given permission to bring a few guests, and were joined by Linda Roebuck, Angie Carter, Lilia Phelps, Vikki Lazaro, Mary Adele, Barbara Longue, Rebecca Sellers, Sue Anne Armstrong  and Sibtain Rahim.

We were met outside the UN complex and greeted graciously by UN SEAT staff, and  presented with a stunning arrangement of flowers. We then were escorted through  the security facilities where we needed to pass through metal detectors, under the thorough gaze of uniformed United Nations security officers.

Anne and I were excited and humbled with the honor of this invitation, and amazed at how Archangel Metatron had somehow orchestrated such a marvelous opportunity as this. Anne and I paused for a moment and understood that we were representing Earth-Keepers  around the globe in perhaps the only venue that would ever enable & allow governments to speak together of such things as spiritual enlightenment and the quantum physics of multi-dimensionality. And Metatron is about the science of Spirit, the physics of metaphysics.

The moment was very significant to us both. It had been a long journey, and not always an easy one.  Although I had recently retired in 2009  from 33 years as a professional geological-Engineer, metaphysics has always been my passion, and I had studied intensely for  35 years.  I began channeling Metatron in 2007, and he had foretold of this day, and it’s manifestation had an enormous effect on both of us.

We passed the Security Council chambers and the large popular General Assembly meeting room.

Scheduled to begin at precisely 1:15 , we were to end within 90 minutes. It was a rigid agenda, with much to cover in a short span of time. The Metatronic teachings were presented, and as time approached for our ending channel,  our allotment was extended. We remained 3 hours and finished with a channel. We were told this was the longest session the S.E.A.T had ever allowed. As ‘chance’ would have it, the meeting scheduled to take place in our conference room after our 90 minutes, had been rescheduled, but then again there are no accidents…only Cosmic Winks!

Both Anne and I were feeling the powerful & beautiful presence of the Metatronic entourage, of Spirit in a way that we had not previously experienced. Something very profound was happening, and it felt right.

This was in many ways the “confirmation” that Metatron  had told us about so many times.  Somehow this day at the UN helped me gain greater understanding in the global acceptance of what we do, and I am humbled and deeply thankful for that.

As we ended the meeting, several people from Russia and the Ukraine approached and ask me to sign their books. I was surprised to see for the first time copies of one of Metatron’s books in Russian. It had been published in the Ukraine the year prior, and was apparently responsible for igniting the interest, and triggering the invitation of Earth-Keeper and  Metatron to the UN, as the story was told to us. We were invited to Russia to offer live teachings in Moscow.

With Humility, Gratitude & Love,

James Tyberonn


 The below live channelling was presented at the United Nations facility in New York City to the UN Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (S.E.A.T) on August 19th , 2011 

 To assist the reader, this channel has been re-channeled [by Tyberonn and Archangel Metatron] and expanded, in order to provide an even clearer understanding. Often what takes place ‘ live ‘ has implied energy within it, which carries deep communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given recently in New York City at the United Nations.


Metatron Address to the United Nations – The Nation of Humanity

 Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn

Greetings ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I embrace you

with love, unconditional love.


And so this wonderful day we gather at the United Nations. We pause to

fill the room with the Cosmic Light of Unconditional Love. And we tell

you it is only Unconditional Love that will unite nations of your beloved



We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with

the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your

path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity,

but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and

sovereign BEING, discern this and any such ‘channeled’ messages.


And so it is 2011, the cusp of your heralded Ascension. And so we gently

ask all of you to look at the world around you for just a moment.  What do you see?


Your media outlooks are reporting war, famine, disasters and economic collapse. . And what is broadcast is what is seen in 3d.  It is oft full of gloom and doom, is it not?


But we tell you there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of

change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth.  And Dear Ones,

we do mean magnificent.


And yes, we know that some of you are thinking, “The Angels are viewing

the world in rose colored glasses. Their perspective is a Polly-Anna wash.”


There have always been the nay-sayers on the planet, those who predict

gloom and doom and warnings of fear. And these serve a purpose in

duality, and certainly a quick glance around the globe would seem to

justify their stance.  But we tell you it is old energy. And it is not the role

of Spirit to ever tell you to give up hope, or to let go of your free will.  Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact,

as a point of truth that the planet and indeed humanity will Ascend….and

are absolutely on tract for that to happen. Period.




Now, we will speak this day at the United Nations in the same vernacular

that we speak to all seekers, to all aware audiences. We recognize those of

you within the Society for Enlightenment & Transformation as members

of the ‘Transformational Team’. We know you very well, and we honor you

for the roles you are playing in this organization.


The Beginning… Not the End


So many are asking what really will happen in 2012. The doomsday

profits are especially in high gear on this topic, are they not? Some of your speculators are on particularly fertile ground in this arena, generating fear

followings around collisions of comets, asteroids, cataclysmic polar

reversals and economic collapse.


Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension will occur, and humanity have

made it so. It is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. And those of you in

this room today must be leaders by example in this process.


Masters, planetary changes will occur, but they are appropriate, and the

global cataclysm that some seers have predicted will NOT happen. The

planet will Ascend, and humanity will be in tow. In your higher

consciousness, that level above fear, not only are you aware of this…you

scripted it. And so we say, ‘Well Done!”


Now, be aware, there will indeed be the cleansing of the planet, the up

shifting of frequency, but it will be on a regional level, and it is for the

up-shift, for the higher good. We assure you that were it not for the

regional quakes, shakes, winds and waves, devastating as they are, the

larger one would inevitably have to take place.  And that will not occur

precisely because of the gradual shifting. It makes sense, does it not?


Letting Go Of Old Energy


Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension will occur, and humanity have

made it so. It is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR.

The fear is deeply programmed, but it is a repeating recording. So many of

your religions are rife with embedding of fear-control dogma, warnings

and restrictions. They program you with erroneous concepts of ‘original

sin’, poverty vows and focus on what not to do. Their fear based controls

have underpinnings of punishment for violators, creating group thought

forms to cage you in. This encourages fanaticism and zealotry. It spawns

self-righteousness and threats of retribution: our way or else. Its old

energy, its fear. Masters, you can never return to states of lesser

awareness, life is expansion.

With the New Earth comes the greater role in co-creation of the reality

around you. But that is a responsibility that will enfold through love, not




While you are indeed accountable for your actions, that accountability is

to SELF. You are a sovereign spark of the Divine.


Greater Access to  Creatorship


So what will happen in 2012? The short answer is that greater access to

your divine creativity will occur . The Earth will amplify into 12

dimensions, and by having access to those crystalline fields, you employ

greater ability to responsibly create.



As you enter the Ascension, the Crystalline Grid replaces the magnetic

grid that has dominated Earth’s ebb & flow for eons. As a result 3rd

dimensional polarity is optimally constricted within a more stabilized




What does that mean Metatron, you ask? It means that the arc-swing of

duality will gradually lessen. And it is a gradual process, it will happen on



And we tell you that it has already begun. That is precisely why the old energy hold-outs are kicking hard. They are drawn out of the shadow,

into the crucible for all to see. As the light grows brighter, the bugs will be attracted to it. But events can do longer be skewed to hide the truth. Look

at what is happening in North Africa. Positive change is happening, and

much more is to come. That we assure you.


United Nations


And so we say to all of you gathered here, that the S.E.A.T. carries an

important role, perhaps more important that even those of you here



For you are the voice of those that cannot speak, and you have ears of

those that will listen. And many within the delegation will listen to you. So

do not be discouraged, for we recognize your importance, even if others

do not.


We tell you that at any given time half the world is in light and half the

world is in night; it is a world of polarity. We say to you that far more than

half of humanity are in consciousness shadow, yet to awaken to the light

of wisdom. We tell you that enlightenment occurs one heart at a time.


Therefore the light bearers among you must never lose faith, must ever

shine  brightly, for  even a small photon wave makes a transitional

illumination. So it is, so it must be with you here today.


1st World Nations


Now, there are some that will say that the prominent nations of what you

term the 1st world, the financially dominant and powerful, are more like corporations than countries. Corporations based on profits whose

residents are treated more as employees rather than citizens, especially

within the United States.


The gap between the ‘haves & have-nots’ is growing increasingly wider.

There are some that would say that the overall masses of the United States

are controlled and manipulated by media, intoxicated by quantity and

enslaved by debt. That sovereignty of the individual has been lost. Yet a

light still shines, and it is growing brighter.  A new generation across the

planet is coming into power, and they will quicken the change.


We tell you the time is nearing in which people will awaken to the

knowledge that it is not their encumbering debt that ties them to their

beliefs, rather their beliefs that shackle them to the burden of  debt.


The global economic system will change, but it will not free-fall & crash irreparably in planetary chaos.  To do so in utter chaos would not serve

what is to come. Rather it will be forced into change, drastic change, and positive elements will come forward to enable a better way.


The New Earth, the New Humans,  cannot and will not create its better

future by simply discarding its past. The change will come by learning

from the past and adjusting in the present, one step at a time. The new

Humans in the generation that is coming into power in the next decade

will choose a new pattern as a work in progress, and that economic shift

will occur.


The Power of Love


Masters, we have said before and we say again, that when the love of

power is replaced by the power of love, humanity will make a quantum

leap, but know that love without strength is incomplete. Love without

strength is not integral LOVE.


The changes the next 15 generations of humanity will make will create the flowering of the Ascension.



Change is occurring all around you, and it is not hard to see. Look at what has happened and is happening even now in North Africa and the Middle

East.  And look at how this shift began. It took strength; it took will; it

took courage.. . This is what we mean when we say integral LOVE requires strength, and that strength was an accomplishment of great will and



The Strength of Love

One courageous young man in Algeria decided enough was enough, and

he wasn’t going to take the injustice of tyrannical corruption anymore.  He extinguished his life with a flame and that fire burnt into the face of

tyranny. …and it is still burning.  A purifying crucible.  Look at what the

actions of one pure soul created, it spawned a revolution that is still

turning wheels and changing the world.


The energy of the planet is changing, and the ‘old guard’ of political power

over love simply cannot stand in the new paradigm.  Nations that rule by

brute force are falling, one tyrant, one corrupt government at a time.

And so we say to all governing bodies that unless change is brought from

the top, it will be summoned from the bottom, and mightily so.


A New Accounting 

Governments must be of the people and by the people. Governments must

care for the least of their populace, and not be templates of power play for

greed and cunning.  Heart and love is the new energy, this is the new way, this is the new accounting.


Governments cannot sit on thrones, and watch carelessly as their citizens struggle to survive. Nations of the first world are required to lift the third.

But not by military means, not by corporate manipulation. Through

sharing. Through understanding that a human life cannot be measured in

gold or derogated into ineffectuality by lack of it.


And what of the economy.  Look at what has happened in the past 5 years.

Dear Ones, Spirit is not short of cash. There is a means for all to have abundance.  There is requisite for each soul to have the opportunity of life.

And truth cannot be hidden, the shadow is being removed. Manipulation

is manipulation, and corruption is corruption even if it is for the short

term hidden in shadowed legalities and sham. The current economic

system will morph into a different one in time .


The Middle Path

The middle road between that termed capitalism and that termed

socialism will in time be realized, and in time prove the more tenable way.

Life is about gain, but gain is not always about monetary profit.


Yet learning to create is part of your puzzle on the Earth plane in duality,

and you have and will  in time experience every path along the road to the solution of sharing the planetary resources.


War & Conflict

As 2012 approaches, mankind is weary of war, but not enough are yet empowered to force their leaders to stop it.

In days past wars were formed in royal courts and political temples. In

current times wars are created  in executive military-corporate board



The victims are but a brief mention in the evening news alongside stock

reports. Rarely do countries decide in free majority to go to war but they

blindly accept their leaders who declare them.  If you were to open the

curtains of your hidden history, you would know that most of your

planet’s conflicts of war do not occur in happenstance, rather were

strategically chosen. There are no enemies to defend against, rather

strategies designed to fill bank accounts and increase power reach.


War is an aspect of polarity that will only end as the earth and humanity

rise above it. Hating war will never end war. Loving peace will end war by creating peace.


Dear Ones, so much is changing, can you not see that a great shift is

taking place. Could this be what is called the Ascension?


And so what is this 2012 Ascension?  What will happen in 2012?


The Planetary Ascension


Dear Ones, for most of the planet, Dec 21st will come and go, and the

world will say nothing has changed.


If you are hearing these words in hopes that the final phrases of this

discussion will weave a conclusion to your liking, you will not be



But we tell you while the template of expansion occurs in 2012, the mass enlightenment of mankind will not follow for several centuries.  2012

simply gives you more tools to work with.


We of the Angelic realm are not here to solve your problems, rather to

encourage you on your path to solution.  And although  mankind will not

reach a critical mass of enlightenment on the EarthPlane for several more centuries, it is important to remain present and positive, because it will

occur, one day at a time, one heart at a time.


Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario

in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with

integrity, is the day you encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey.

Likewise the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize

another person’s truth, you encompass integrity. This truth then applies

to nations as well, it applies in macro and micro.


Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on

your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is

requisite of you to decide what is true and what is not, based on heart and

NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty to one grouping.


Dear Ones choose to live free, choose to release worry and fear, and create

your well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE.

It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way that the Nation of

Humanity will UNITE.


I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS. You are Beloved. 


 And so it is.  


 The above Archangel Metatron channel is copyrighted to . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines, U-Tube, or public print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested from

Earth-Keeper Admin by emailing Anne at:   


 As a native of Arkansas , James Tyberonn grew up amidst the minerological wonders of his home state. He has hiked and canoed the entire area, as an avid outdoorsman. A graduate of the University of Arkansas he has worked over 30 years as a Professional Geological Engineer, and studied Gemology while living 7 years in Brazil. 


Arkansas is both stunningly beautiful, and an extremely rare geological wonder. Containing the only source of true diamonds in the USA, the largest singular deposit of magical quartz crystal in the world,  natural magnetite, a network of natural caverns and radium bearing thermal springs in living waters. And Ancient Pyramids (Toltec Mounds State Park) .  


Something extraordinarily unique occurs when radium water, natural lodestone strata of magnetics and piezoelectric crystals combine…and they rarely do…occurring only in Arkansas. Did the Atlanteans know this? What does this mean?  Join us at the 11-11-11 in the Crystal Vortex to see for yourself why Kryon channeled in 2002 that evidence of Atlantis was in Arkansas.


James Tyberonn has intensely studied metaphysics & spirituality of all genre for over 35 years. He lived & worked outside the USA for 30 years, speaks 4 languages, and began channeling Archangel Metatron and teaching in 2007. 



David Wilcock’s article is a MUST READ if you desire to know what is really going on in our world.  Major changes are imminent!


SaLuSa  14-March-2011

Sirius – Hobble Space Telescope

Dear Ones we must mention the massive earthquake in Japan that followed an earlier one in New Zealand. When you have countries that are in earthquake zones and actually on the Ring of Fire you are sitting on a powder keg, and there is always a chance that the big one takes place whether through natural or man-made means. At a time when Mother Earth is re-shaping the surface, you can therefore expect some more serious convulsions. In the case of Japan the potential exists for the tectonic plates to pass under each other, and as a result it could disappear into the waves. So we are grateful that the worst scenario did not occur, and have every sympathy and compassion for those dear souls who were affected. It is not our place to interfere, but we are allowed where possible to lessen the effects. Sometimes we are dealing with the needs of Mother Earth, and the cleansing must be completed before Ascension is possible, and as you will have noted the preparations are speeding up. Out of such disasters comes a wonderful opportunity for Mankind to help each other, and a coming together will cement friendly relationships important to the immediate future. It has been mentioned previously that all souls that pass over as a result of trauma, are carefully looked after and treated with much love. They do recover quite quickly and it is helped by them being re-united with their families and friends.


In general what you are seeing all around the world is the final cleansing that must take place very soon, and you will see the objective in what is happening. At some stage in the not too distant future we will be joining you, and then you can receive every help we can give along with details of what is needed to carry you speedily forward. Until we can all get started, things will appear disjointed and at times chaotic, but we can assure you in spite of that a clear and precise plan is in operation. It is just that for the time being we cannot disclose the details of our actions. The governmental changes are clearly most essential to our ability to work with you, and the last cabal must be and will be removed to prevent any further interference with our plans to release you from their control. In fact they have already been seriously weakened, and do not carry the influence or command over events as they did previously. Our allies have infiltrated their set up and successfully prevented an expansion of their activities. As long as they are contained, we can make progress with you and anyone who is aware and alert will notice the direction that we are going in.


Again we must mention the fear aspect that arises in such times as you are experiencing. We ask you to remain calm and know that it is not true that the end of the world is taking place. In no circumstances will it be destroyed or even seriously impacted by natural or man-made circumstances. Matters of that nature are within our control, and we are here to ensure that the cycle is completed as divinely decreed. Often what is referred to as support for outlandish predictions are old writings that were made in a totally different era to what you are in now. In other words most are no longer relevant to the time you are in now. Since the Millennium you have moved onto another path that, in spite of the current or recent calamities, is one that is less volatile. We would add that as always we are very active in ways not apparent to you, and we do whatever is allowed to ensure matters do not get out of hand. Karma is a factor that we cannot interfere with, but we can respond to your calls for help that are received by us in Love and Light.


Our desire is to get past the last hurdles that are holding up Disclosure, and that is a vital event that affects so many others. Be assured as slow as the progress is we are getting there, and it is close to happening. Keep your thoughts and prayers coming to us for open contact with you, and in your own way you will be helping speed up that event. We are very pleased with the way your consciousness levels have grown, and your acceptance of us and desire to meet with us is more powerful now than it ever was previously. That tells us that our approach has been exactly right, and over many years we have been able to dispel fears that have been deliberately created to keep us apart. Even now your media plays the fear card, but you are much wiser than before and see through their plans to keep us from meeting. It is time for such a coming together, and you will definitely meet with us your Space family and your ancestors from the Inner Earth. Oh yes, you have a lot to learn about your true history that has been kept from you or distorted, to convey only what the dark Ones see as necessary to keep you in their control.


You are to throw off your shackles very soon, and taste real freedom as a right that has been previously denied you. Your very way of living will move to a higher level with all of the advantages that modern technology can give you. With it will emerge the real you free from the dictates and oppressive controls that have kept you in slavery to the Illuminati. Their influence will by then have no more power to interfere with your lives, which will become most happy and wonderfully exciting. Keep looking ahead, and do not let the changes put you in fear of the future. All that is happening now is going to be short lived, and out of it you will see the purpose that will set you firmly upon the path to Ascension. Of course many of you have made excellent progress towards it, and are recognizing the changes in your levels of consciousness. That will become more evident this year, as there are key points when the energies are going to be uplift you even further.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that if you can look upon what is happening as a means to an end that is for your benefit, you will quickly overcome any problems that affect you in a personal way. You obviously all have a life plan that is meant to fit in with them, and if you sit quietly and ponder what they are you will almost certainly gain an understanding. After hundreds of lives in so many countries and cultures you can be sure that you are so much wiser than when this cycle first commenced. Now it comes down to clearing whatever karma is still uncleared, and at a time when you are at your strongest to deal with it. Take it as it comes and do not fight it, but approach it with love in your heart for yourself. You are a great soul that has yet to understand your full potential, but very soon you will know without a doubt. Remember that we are with you at all times, in Love and Light.


Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.



SaLuSa  11-March-2011

Sirius – Hobble Space Telescope


The Universe awaits your presence as Galactic Beings, for which you are being prepared. As long as you have the desire to advance from Earth to the higher dimensions, you will reach them without any real difficulty. Everything that you need is in the process of taking place, and that is the great interplay of energies that come from as far away as the Central Sun. You make the effort to attract the higher energies and they will most certainly reach you. Proof already exists, as some souls are now aware that just recently their consciousness levels have risen quite substantially. This year will be one that opens up many opportunities for those of you who desire to contribute to moves to bring peace to the Earth, or partake in the restoration of Mother Earth to her pristine condition. We know there are many of you who are eager to help in some way, and be assured your offer will be noted.


What is very heartening is your appreciation of the situation that you are now in. It is the storm before the calm, and requires as many of you as possible to see it through without taking your eye off the ultimate goal. The distractions are many, and the dark Ones will not withdraw until they are given an ultimatum. Either they resign as requested or they will be placed in an untenable situation where they have no alternative. Every soul will at some stage have to face the music where their deeds are concerned, but we are not out to punish anyone and will allow the greater powers to deal with crimes against the Human Race. Everything about you is known and you cannot fool anyone, or lie your way out of what you have done. Even your intentions are known down to every thought that you have ever had.


You will obviously know if you have some dark deed on your consciousness, forgiveness starts with yourself. You have been in duality to learn from your experiences, and it is only human to make mistakes. These are not held against you, but at some time you will be called upon to make them good. The concept of “an eye for an eye” is not in fact how karma works, and you help decide what further experience you need to overcome your weakness. Ultimately you will become much stronger as a result of it, and never have to go through the exact same experience again. Lightworkers have normally reached a level of understanding where they can be expected to create very little karma in their present lifetime. There is an inner knowing of what is right or wrong that carries them through the challenges of duality. There is a stronger voice within that cautions them when they are likely to move away from their life plan. Freewill is your god given right, but once you agree to a life plan every opportunity is taken by your Guides to keep you on it.


When you have ascended you will have little or no problems with the lower energies, as they cannot exist in the higher vibrations. However, it is for example possible to incur karma, even when your motives have been pure and honest. In doing good there is a need to ensure that you do not also “interfere” with a soul’s life plan. However, you will be aware of what is required of you, and unlikely to inadvertently step out of line. You will in any event likely be part of a group that works from a shared consciousness. If you do, it will be because you are drawn together in a common purpose. Some of you incarnate together for that very reason, and where Earth families are concerned they can be very powerful. As you might say, “for better or worse” you will always find the ones you are meant to be with, so look at the lessons that arise from such associations. It does not matter who instigates the experiences that you have together, as whomsoever they touch is meant to be part of it.


Keep calm as the events on Earth progress, as at times it will appear rather unsettling but know that nothing will last for very long. There is a lot of clearing to take place, but very soon you will understand the purpose and take it in your stride. Better still disclosure will open the door to first contact with you, and in next to no time we will establish a world-wide communications system. You will know of our plans because we wish you to be part of what is going to take place. Certainly there will be increasing activity as time progresses, and meanwhile we monitor what is happening to keep a tight rein on the dark Ones. We carry out far more actions than you have been aware of, and of necessity we keep the details to ourselves. However, you have for example heard of our operations, to show that we meant our orders to your governments that nuclear weapons will not allowed to be used. We proved that we could at will disable the warheads on your missile sites.


Over millennia of time we have protected you and your Earth, and often that has been some natural calamity. Wars are your affair and it is karmic because of your previous desires to war with your neighbors. The big cry for peace has now brought you help, and we were allowed to respond to it. You have clearly stated that you have had enough of wars, and the plans to put a stop to them once and for all now exist. We will not have any difficulty in ensuring world peace. Again it comes down to our superior technology, and if attempts are made to break the peace agreement we will intervene with the blessing of the Creator. We therefore ask you once again to keep calm, and send out your Light to where or whom you feel needs it the most. Love is a powerful weapon that can melt the hardest heart, and as you come together to send it out so it carries much more power.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and speaking for my group wish we could make a few landings to inspire you. However, we have to pay our respects to your protocol and it will all be done with proper planning and permission. Eventually we will be known all over the world, and you will find it fun trying to identify the civilization connected with the vast numbers of craft that will be seen. The smaller scout craft will be regularly seen in your skies, as these are specifically used for travelling in your atmosphere. In this connection, let us say that the one George Adamski did have a meeting with Venusians. They landed with their bell shaped scout craft, which type was sighted on a number of other occasions. In fact there have been numerous contacts of this nature, going back hundreds of years. We look forward to the exciting times ahead, and celebrations will be in order when we show up.


Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


WHERE ARE YOU, GOD? A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book of Job


A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book of Job

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


For thousands of years the biblical Book of Job has fascinated and puzzled scholars and laypersons. The Book itself offers no clues as to its original source and language, its age, or to its authorship. It could easily be said that the Book of Job has received more praise than any other book ever written. Its message is universal and timeless.

The Book of Job’s appearance within the lives of humanity is as mysterious as its probable author, Melchizedek.1 The unknown author of the New Testament book of Hebrews describes Melchizedek: “Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.”2 Equally mysterious are the layers of symbolism embedded in the Book of Job. Its depths reveal knowledge of the cosmos, esoteric astrology, gematria,3 and ancient mystery religions that is far beyond humanity’s capacity to comprehend at this point in our evolutionary process.

“Job is written in an extremely sophisticated learned Hebrew, with a higher proportion of words unique to itself than any other book of the Hebrew Bible.”4 The Kabbalah teaches that the Hebrew alphabet is alive with mystical meaning and numeric vibrations.5 Ancient Hebrew tradition reveals Melchizedek, King of Salem, taught the Kabbalist Sefer Yetzirah (or Book of Creation) to Abraham.6 If Job was indeed written in Hebrew, its mystical language only adds to the mystery and depths of this ancient classic. If Melchizedek was the author of the Book of Job, we can rest assured that much metaphysical knowledge is embedded therein. Earth humans have not scratched the surface of the hidden wisdom to be found in the Book of Job.


Our planet’s emergence into the New Aquarian Age will necessitate the recognition that there is far more to life than our five physical senses reveal. We must begin to view life as it truly is-multi-dimensional. Earth humans represent only one of many species of living, intelligent beings within the cosmos. All of creation is interconnected and influences all contained therein. Life on our planet Earth is a microcosm of the cosmic macrocosm, albeit a much less enlightened version.

As Earth humans awaken to the multi-dimensions in which we live, we find that we can communicate with those residing in various realms of existence. We begin to comprehend our interconnectedness and the vibrant life we all share in common. As we look into the night skies, we behold the stars and planets as the Light Beings that they are. They are among the heavenly hosts mentioned so frequently in the Bible. Know that Earth humans are surrounded by numerous species of beings who long to assist us in building an enlightened civilization upon our planet. Awaken to the fact that Earth humans are aware of only the most miniscule amount of knowledge concerning God’s creation.

The New Aquarian Age and the spiritual awakening that is occurring will require the re-creation of our planetary institutions, the re-writing of our books of knowledge, and the re-thinking of our concepts of life. In the distant past, golden civilizations have existed on our planet. With the Sun’s arrival in the constellation of Aquarius, the next 2,166 years are to be characterized by the re-building of a golden civilization on Planet Earth. The chaos we are presently witnessing is but the destruction that precedes the creation of something better.


The sacred texts of our world religions are far more than we suspect. Since I am familiar with the Bible, I will limit my references to it. For thousands of years, we have referred to the Bible as the inspired Word of God. However, our concept of the Bible has been limited by our own spiritual deadness. We study its surface and think we know the Word of God. We have yet to awaken to the tremendous depths within this sacred text. Layer after layer of symbolism is hidden beneath the surface words. The Bible is a living entity that holds, within its depths, knowledge far beyond our present capacity to comprehend.

I experience a slight hint of its immeasurable depths as I attempt to interpret the Book of Job. Job has held lifelong fascination for me. Yet, I am filled with reverence as I realize that I have only scratched at the surface of its true meaning. I am sure others, like Charles Fillmore, Corrine Heline, and Geoffry Hodson-all of whom sought to interpret the Bible metaphysically-experienced the same awe at such depths of meaning. Surface words have led many astray because we lack the wisdom of the Eye of God to see and the attunement to Spirit to hear the inner messages being conveyed to us through this living Word of God.

The New Aquarian Age marks a time in which the Bible is to be interpreted at increasingly deeper levels. Because this living book contains all Truth, we must interpret it by using the broadest spectrum of Truth available to us at this point in time. Its words stretch into infinity. We must approach it with the humility of one who knows how little Earth humans comprehend the vastness of Truth. No longer can we read the surface and believe we have read the Bible. It is time to move beyond the parameters of any one world religion and to integrate the whole of Truth, as we presently know it, into our interpretation of the Bible. We must recognize the presence of a universe of beings who communicate with us in myriad ways. No longer can we dismiss the ancients as those who were less evolved in their knowledge of the universe and the Truth of Being. Viewing Earth humans as the only living beings in the universe is to achieve the heights of ignorance and spiritual blindness. Rejecting the heavenly hosts as figments of the ancients’ imagination is tantamount to putting God in a 6 ft. box and declaring that it contains all there is to know about the Creator of the cosmos.


As you read my interpretation of the Book of Job, I affirm your discovery of the many facets of Truth to be found within the Bible. I have included an Appendix in which you may find a portion of esoteric astrology that may be applied to you, the individual reader. I do so in an effort to personalize Job’s story; for in Truth, Job is Everyone. Both my interpretation and the esoteric astrology reflect reincarnation as the path on which each of our souls awaken to and re-integrate into our daily lives the knowledge of our true identity as a Son or Daughter of God.


I have written Where Are You, God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job to be a biblical studies book. The reader will glean much more out of the study by reading the scriptural text along with my interpretation. As you read the Scripture, you are likely to receive insights of your own into the riches of the Book of Job.

Even though the metaphysics included in my interpretation may be unknown to the reader, I encourage you to read with an open mind and the willingness to consider alternative views of life and the spiritual Path.

To read the entire book, go to:


Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

Show me thy ways, O Lord;
teach me thy paths.
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me;
for thou art my God and my Saviour;
on thee do I wait all the day.7


1 Edgar Cayce, the most scientifically verified intuitive in Western history, unveiled Melchizedek as the author of the Book of Job in Reading #262-55.

2 Hebrews 7:3.

3 Gematria = a complex form of numerology.

4 Edwin M. Good, “Job,”  Harper’s Bible Commentary.  G. Ed. James L. Mays.  San Francisco:  Harper & Row, 1988.  407.

5 John Bonner, Qabalah  A Primer (London:  Skoob Books Publishing, 1995)  xv, xviii.

6 Elizabeth Clare Prophet quoting Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, Kabbalah:  The Tradition of Hidden Knowledge (New York:  Thames and Hudson, 1980), 32 in her book entitled Kabbalah:  Key to Your Inner Power, 24.

7 Psalm 25:1, 4-5.



Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

NOTE: I originally wrote this article in 1984.  Today I realize it is the most important article I have ever written.  Why?  Because it reveals how we—in good faith—end up praying for what we do NOT want, instead of praying for what we truly desire.


“Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.” We happily sing these words, yet how many of us stop to ponder the request we are making—”Let it begin with me?” And if we do stop to consider: How may an individual assist in manifesting world peace?

Understanding the universal laws of energy is a major prerequisite. Being a peacemaker involves our most intimate thoughts and feelings, as well as the focal point of our attention while we are actively demonstrating for world peace.

This is the case because we live in a world of energy. With our thoughts and feelings, we are continually qualifying this universal energy (the creative ethers). The tools of creation are our thoughts, feelings, and spoken words. We become what we think, feel, and say. The more we concentrate our attention either on peace or on war—the more energy we send that particular concept. As we focus increasingly on one or the other, we create a thought-form, which becomes a definitive field of electromagnetic energy. “Like attracts like.” Therefore, each time we reflect on peace or on war, we energize the matching thought-form, causing it to increase in size, strength, and definition.

Take the example of anger. Think back to the last time an angry or hateful thought came to mind…… Did this thought not immediately bring forth the feelings of anger? Was not this thought nourished and enlarged by the emotions it elicited, until the energy you expended far exceeded the original memory? We often express this fact verbally: “The more I thought about it, the madder I got.”

Within the creative ethers, anger is anger; love is love; peace is peace. Whether we are angry with our spouse or angry at the world super-powers, the universal energy is qualified as “anger.” Likewise, working for peace involves naming the universal energy “peace,” whether at home, at work, or in our thoughts and actions toward world peace.

Because “like attracts like,” individual thoughts, feelings, and actions have a ripple effect. Like radio waves, individual qualifications of energy speed toward that with which they resonant, thus creating massive thought-forms. Energy fields characterized by thinking of war attract those same thoughts from people all over the planet. Our atmosphere becomes saturated with the energy of violence and war.

Think back to the time you entered a room and met a very angry or depressed person ….. Did you not quickly become disgruntled? Recall an acquaintance who seems always to be in good spirits, meets you with a happy smile, and speaks cheerfully to you…….. Do you not instantaneously feel a surge of joy? Hereby, we—as individuals—may permeate our world with the energy of peace. We can BE peace.

Most often our thoughts, feelings, and actions work for war instead of for peace because we wrongly qualify the universal energy. Anytime we become angry over or hate war, we increase the thought-form of anger and hate—the very factors that instigate violence.

We must make the shift in our thought and emotional energy from hating war to loving peace. As we increasingly focus our thoughts, feelings, and actions toward peace and familial love, we steadily magnify the corresponding thought-forms of an Earth bathed by the iridescent, healing waters of life.

This energy qualification shift can be extremely subtle. As we work for peace, we must constantly ask: How does this particular activity characterize the universal energy? For example: the more we fight against military build-up, the more energy we focus on weapons and war. Just listen to the words used: fight … against … military. All words of violence energized by our activity. The shift involves participating in constructive efforts for peace. Again, note the words: constructive … peace. Positive words energized by our activity. The more energy we expend in beneficial pursuits for peace, the larger its thought-form will become. But remember, it must be “constructive activity for peace,” not “speaking or demonstrating against war or military build-up.” By our thought projection, we qualify the energy and build one or the other thought-form. We defeat our goal if we organize a group entitled “Movement for Peace,” then proceed to orient the group activity around weapons … war … fighting … or using words on our banners like “against” or “anti-war.” In so doing, we convert our efforts for peace into demonstrations against war. As a result, a subtle, but extremely powerful, electromagnetic shift takes place.

Praying for “an end to all bloodshed” resonates with the energy for war, not the energy for peace. Immediately, a scene of bloodshed appears before our eyes and our emotions energize it. Think of the tremendous amount of emotional energy “against war” this prayer will engender within a large group. Clairvoyant persons can perceive the meeting room filled with chaotic waves of energy. On the other hand, praying for peace and familial love for all of humanity conjures up a tranquil scene of peace and love. Our emotions are soothed; we feel quietude. We can envision the entire planet encircled with hands clasped in love. The energy in the room is calm.

The true worker for peace learns control of his thoughts and feelings. He learns to focus on and build the positive regardless of the overwhelming negatively qualified energy within his environment. The true worker for peace loves peace instead of hating war.

By giving the thought-forms of war no thought, feeling, or activity energy, we diminish its electromagnetic energy field. As a result, it will shrink and eventually disappear from sheer starvation. However, “nature abhors a vacuum.” We must fill that vacuum by working for world peace—individually and collectively—through concentrating our thoughts, feelings, and actions upon building the electromagnetic energy field of peace and familial love. The ways to do so are limited only by our ability to creatively think, feel, and construct in the positive.

May we direct our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions toward generating glorious rainbow-colored thought-forms encircling our planet and saturating it with serenity.

Then, we may all sing knowingly, “Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me!”



One Entrance to the Temple Mound in Jerusalem


Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed, M.Div.

For eons, the spiritual journey of humanity has involved alternating spans of time between life in a physical body and life on the plane of spirit. Living within a physical body entails limitations that do not exist during the intervening periods on the spiritual plane.

When we enter a physical body, we leave behind most memories of prior lifetimes on Earth. By age 4 or 5, most of us have forgotten our experiences on the plane of spirit. The reasons for our soul’s choice to enter another physical body are buried within our subconscious minds. We begin to view the present incarnation as the only time we have, or will, experience life on Earth. Sadly, our societal institutions allow us—even encourage us—to remain in this amnesic state of consciousness. The inevitable result is that we feel separated from God and cut off from the root of our being. Not knowing where our roots extend, we view every part of creation as separate from ourselves. We stand alone on an empty island.

We embark on the process of ascension when we open our conscious awareness to comprehending the truth about ourselves and all of creation. We can never learn all there is to know; however, with each new awareness we ascend into fuller consciousness.

Most persons presently incarnated on Earth have thus far—consciously or unconsciously—chosen to follow “the broad path,” meaning to meander their way into an expanded consciousness. To walk the broad path is permissible and will eventually achieve the same desired goal. On the other hand, many are choosing to tread the “narrow path” that requires a dedicated and conscious intention to pursue a continuing unfolding of higher consciousness—an awareness that extends into the higher realms of spirit and allows for the existence of an unending cosmos of living beings. The narrow path takes us straight up the mountain. The difference in the disciplinary effort involved is easily understood by comparing two approaches to the summit. One, we can choose to slowly walk around and around the mountain, gradually reaching the top, or two, we can climb the strenuous, rocky path straight up the mountain. Either way, all will eventually attain the goal of ascension.

The major events in the life of Jesus reveal the narrow path to ascension. The narrow path is the Way of Initiation and Service to others. Jesus incarnated at the beginning of the Piscean Age to show us the Way on the Path of Initiation. It has taken humanity an entire age (2000+ years) to reach the stage of consciously desiring to ascend into a higher realization of Truth. We now stand on the brink of a tremendous shift in perception. This shift will lift planet Earth and its inhabitants from the 3rd dimensional, physical plane of awareness to the 5th dimensional realization of a New Heaven and a New Earth.

No negativity can enter the 5th dimension. It is for this reason that each of us must walk either the broad path or the narrow path into 5th dimensional consciousness. Ascension takes place as we become beings of Light and Love, attuned to the divinity within, and cognizant that we are One with all that is. Jesus showed us the Way to accomplish this transformation of self by undergoing the 5 Initiations within public view.

Alice Bailey’s book FROM BETHLEHEM TO CALVARY offers an excellent description of the 5 initiations. I highly recommend it.

In ancient times, initiation took place in the temples of the mystery religions. It was a supervised, orderly, highly secretive process. With the incarnation of Jesus, this initiatory process was unveiled to the public in preparation for the arrival of the Aquarian Age now emerging. For the past 2000+ years, humanity has undergone—to greater or lesser extent—the 1st of the initiations and embarked on the 2nd. Because this process is now taking place in the world, as opposed to inside a cloistered environment, it is continuous and not necessarily accomplished consciously.


Although Christian terminology is used, this description of the Initiations is not meant to exclude other religions. All of the world religions teach a form of the ascension process within their mystical groups.


The 1st INITIATION is depicted by the Birth of Jesus, signifying the birth of the Christ (or Love) energy within us. Integrating this Love energy into our lifestyles requires more than simply attending regularly a church, mosque, or synagogue. Each of us was created to develop as an individual. Our 1st initiation begins as we make the conscious decision to integrate Love into our thoughts, words, and actions. Jesus taught us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31)

The ascension process is radical. We cannot adopt the Greatest Commandment as the rule of our lives then support actions on our planet that injure another human being. There are no exceptions in the command to Love. To undergo the 1st Initiation is to become a Disciple of Love. As we integrate Love into every fiber of our being, we are preparing for the 2nd Initiation.

The 2nd INITIATION is illustrated by the Baptism of Jesus. Water symbolizes our emotional nature. To be baptized with water is to be purified. It is a renunciation of our lower emotional nature with its materialism, greed, jealousies, resentments, hatreds, egotism, and negativity. Preparing for the 2nd Initiation can be most difficult because it involves purifying our negative emotions. Purification involves transmuting with Love. This is one reason forgiveness is a major lesson. All negative emotions must be purified, even anger against the person who deeply injured a loved one or us.

Knowing the truth of reincarnation is vital to completing the 2nd Initiation. Understanding reincarnation grants insights that help us learn forgiveness and gives a sense of purpose to our lives and relationships. We come to know that all persons present within our life-streams are there for a spiritual growth reason. For examples: The purpose may be to teach, or to accompany, or to support, even to inflict the pain that awakens us to a higher consciousness through learning to forgive and to love unconditionally. The commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” includes all those who harm us. Once we truly understand how we progress spiritually by way of repeated incarnations, we realize there is absolutely nothing to forgive. Every individual who has impacted our lives did so as a means of assisting us to awaken to our own greatness, to stretch us into expressing a higher degree of Love.

The baptism of immersion, at an age of accountability, is a more graphic symbol than sprinkling a baby because it involves being submerged into the water (our negative emotions) and being lifted up out of the water (those negative emotions that formerly imprisoned us). Once lifted up, Jesus stood before his Father in Heaven (I AM PRESENCE) and heard the words, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) Once we purify our emotional body, we hear this same confirmation from our indwelling God (I AM PRESENCE). Our channel of communication with God is expanded. No longer do we have to depend upon another human being to teach us; we have achieved the spiritual maturity to communicate directly with spiritual realms. At the same time, the temptations to go astray become extremely difficult to recognize.

Immediately following his 2nd Initiation, “Jesus was carried away by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil.” (Matthew 4:1) To be tempted by the Devil signifies the very subtle temptations our personality ego presents. Even with the best of intentions, many become trapped in egotism. Because these ego enticements are exceedingly clever, let’s look more closely at the temptations Jesus experienced. Analyzing them can assist us in learning to discern between the personality ego’s voice and the “still, small voice” of the God within speaking to us. (I Kings 19:11-15 is instructive in learning to discern the difference.)

Jesus is about to embark on his teaching ministry. During his sojourn in the wilderness, he wrestles with his personality ego while debating how to go about conducting his ministry. How can he gain the attention of the people?

First, Jesus’ ego considers the rocky soil present throughout much of Galilee. Multitudes of poor, hungry people live there. He could turn the rocks into bread and feed the poor. That would surely convince the people to follow him. Then, Jesus remembers words he read in his sacred text, “It is not by bread alone that man can live, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God.” (In Matthew 4:4, Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 8:3.) Converting rocks into bread would surely capture the people’s attention, but the resulting satisfaction would be short lived. His ministry must share the words that proceed from the mouth of God and provide lasting nourishment for the soul.

Second, Jesus’ ego ponders jumping off the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem, while calling for the angels to catch him. This time, Jesus can quote a portion of his sacred text that appears supportive of his idea: “For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” (Psalm 91:11-12.) Wow! Sounds like Jesus has permission to begin his ministry by jumping into the arms of the angels. What a spectacular performance to make known the power of God’s angels! But wait. Jesus recalls his sacred text, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 6:16) The laws of gravity operate automatically throughout the physical plane. To jump from the pinnacle would be to intentionally defy these laws, while expecting God’s angels to rescue him from his foolish action. Even though his ego can use the appearance of scriptural consent, Jesus knows his ministry must conform to the natural laws of physical plane.

Third, Jesus is tempted to sell his soul to the Devil in exchange for worldly power and fame. Surely, if Jesus held a position of powerful leadership in his own kingdom, the people would listen to him. That’s what people do—follow the one who has achieved wealth and fame. Once more Jesus’ ego loses its battle as he remembers another portion of his sacred text: “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.” (Deuteronomy 5:6-7) The battle is over. Jesus makes his decision. His ministry is to exemplify a life lived as an expression of “God on Earth.” As a 2nd degree Initiate, he chooses to become a Son of God, a Son of Light and Love.

The 3rd INITIATION is symbolized by Jesus’ Transfiguration on the mountain top. “Mountain top” denotes higher consciousness. This initiation follows years of loving service to humanity. Jesus has succeeded in overcoming any remnants of egotism within self. He consistently gave all credit for his work to God. Jesus made sure his disciples understood that the words he spoke were not his own. “For I did not speak of myself; but the Father who sent me, he commanded me what to say and what to speak…. Just as my Father told me, so I speak.” (John 12:49-50) He made sure those healed in his presence knew the true source of their healing. “Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Then Jesus said to him, ‘See that you say nothing to anyone; but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.” (Matthew 8:4) When a man drew near him and said, “O good Teacher, what is the best thing that I should do to have life eternal? [Jesus] said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? There is no one who is good except the one God; but if you want to enter into life, obey the commandments.’” (Matthew 19:16-17) Struggles with his personality ego were over.

“Jesus took Peter and James and John, and brought them up to a high mountain alone; and he was transfigured before their eyes. His clothes shone and became white like snow in such a manner that men on earth cannot make white. And there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.” (Mark 9:2-4) Jesus has proven himself capable of the self-discipline required in order to forego personality ego needs. He has been tested time and time again to make certain the inner strength he needs—to move forward in his initiatory process—is firmly developed. His conscious awareness is now such that he could communicate with Ascended Masters Moses and Elijah. Together, they plan for Jesus’ final soul mission—to demonstrate to the world that there is no death. Jesus is now a 3rd degree Initiate.

Once we achieve the spiritual maturity required to transmute all of our personality ego needs, we are transfigured into Light in our 3rd Initiation. Our conscious awareness is lifted to the realms of the Ascended Masters. Together with them, we plan our final soul mission for this incarnation. We become Lightworkers, who serve humanity in accordance with our talents and lifetimes of preparation. Lightworker service is far more strenuous than simply fulfilling the requirements of a particular vocation. Fulfilling the final soul mission is the 4th Initiation, depicted by Jesus’ crucifixion. We now work hand in hand with the Ascended Masters as we assist in manifesting the Divine Plan on Earth.


Before going into the 4th Initiation, let’s recall that the ancient initiatory process took place within the temples under the close supervision of hierophants, or priests. Today, our initiatory process takes place within full view of others and in a world that is antagonistic towards our efforts. Like Jesus, we are ridiculed, judged to be insane, and ignored by many. We may take one step forward and two steps backward simply because the external pressure to fit into the status quo world is intensely powerful. Our initiatory process cannot follow the systematic steps used in the ancient temples. Our progress is hit and miss … fall down and get up again … until we fully understand the message and meaning of Love. For this reason, we may pass through an initiation while retaining vestiges of unlearned lessons. We move forward as we continually strive to perfect what we have learned. It is, therefore, unwise to attempt to guess which degree of initiation any one individual has achieved. If we guess one level, we may then perceive gaps in spiritual maturity that will disappoint us. The extent of spiritual maturity possessed by any one person is between that person and God. We can much better spend our time evaluating ourselves and discerning our own weaknesses. As an individual, each Earth human must pass through the initiatory process created for this planet. We cannot cling to the coat tails of someone we admire or who appears to know more than we do. To do so slows down our own soul’s progress.


The 4th INITIATION corresponds with Jesus’ Crucifixion. The cross symbolizes the spiritualizing of physical plane matter into everlasting life. At this particular time in our planetary history, many are embarking on their 4th Initiation by working to transform our planet from one of darkness into one of Light. We incarnated to participate—as fulfillment of our major soul mission—in the ascension of our planet Earth. We are working in conjunction with the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation of Light. For thousands of people throughout this planet, this transformation has meant laying down their lives, making tremendous financial sacrifices, and keeping on when keeping on has become exhausting. Like Jesus was ridiculed on the cross, many of us have been ridiculed, defamed, and excluded. Many continue on under threats made on their lives and those of their family. Others refuse to allow one arrest after another—even incarceration—to stop them. Most importantly, we strive to remain the epitome of Light and Love in action. We focus on and point to better ways: the Way of Love, the Way of Light.


Jesus taught us, “He who wishes to follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matthew 16:24-25) He is describing the 4th Initiation. Jesus was the first one to achieve Initiate status within full view of the public. He showed us the Way.

As he allowed his body to hang on the Roman cross, he realized he had accomplished his soul’s mission. He once said to his disciples, “This is why my Father loves me, because I lay down my life so that I may take it up again. No man takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own will. Therefore I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” (John 10:17-18) From a “son of man,” Jesus progressed through the initiations to “Son of God.” He walked the Path of a Son of God. Then, while he hung on the cross of matter, the windows of heaven opened within his consciousness and he spoke to his Father, “It is finished.” (John 19:30)

The 5th INITIATION is illustrated by Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension. With the crucifixion of our 3rd and 4th dimensional consciousness and needs on the cross of matter, we stand ready to be resurrected into newness of life—to ascend into 5th dimensional consciousness. Ascension of planet Earth and many of its inhabitants into the 5th dimension marks the beginning of the Aquarian Age—the emergence of a New Heaven and a New Earth. In 2011, we stand on the threshold of this magnificent unfolding.

Weary though we may be, we must continue on! Not only are we to BE Light and Love, we are to DO acts of Light and Love. Then, as we allow our physical plane lives to hang on the cross of matter—of our own accord—we will gaze into the windows of our enlightened consciousness and say to our Father/Mother God, “It is finished.”

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth has passed away; and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with [Earth humans], and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and the very God shall be with them and be their God. And he shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor wailing, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things have passed away.’” (Revelations 21:1-4)



Note from Nancy:  This is an excellent article summarizing all that is happening in our world today.  Steve is a former adjudicator who lives in Canada.  He presently spends fulltime researching and writing about the changes taking place on our planet.  Steve is aware and appreciative of the fact that our galactic family is present with us, thus you will find that he frequently quotes SaLuSa, Matthew, Hatonn, and others.  I find Steve very credible partly because he is a native of Canada and can therefore view the political arena in the US with an objective eye that sees the overall picture.  His website is:


So Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?

2011 January 29

Steve Beckow

Let’s look at the situation we’re in at the moment – from our vantage point, from that of the Obama Administration, and from that of the protesters on the ground in Egypt, Yemen, and elsewhere, etc.

From our vantage point, we know that the energies being beamed to Earth are raising our sense of well-being and our desire to right situations of injustice and exploitation that have existed on Earth since time out of mind. Of the increasing light and people’s reactions to it, SaLuSa said in November of 2010:

“You are ever moving onwards, and your goal is well in sight as the Light lifts you up. This month is one that promises a surge of energy that will yet again power the Light Grids upon Earth. Gradually it is affecting each soul upon Earth and raising their level of consciousness. Even those that have hardly awakened to their true selves are feeling a stirring inside. They know not what is happening, but feel the air of expectancy and sense that changes are occurring. …

“No longer will people be able to gamble with the lives and property of others, and responsibility and caring will be foremost. The Light is now so powerful it is bringing people together, with a new resolution to live in love and peace. That aim will be fulfilled before Ascension, and expanded to bring harmony and balance into each person’s life. It is almost impossible to describe the feeling that will abound in the New Age, and to be a free soul totally released from all cares and worries.” (1)

SaLuSa confirms that the growing unrest in the world is a result of this increase of light:

“In most countries you are learning of unrest, and it is because of the awakening consciousness of the people. You no longer desire to be at the mercy of those who dictate how your lives are led.” (2)

“The mood of the people is moving towards achieving true democracy, and you will find there is some degree of unrest in many countries.

“The energy that is being created is having the desired effect, and changes for the better will come into being. Apart from this the plan for radical and far-reaching changes proceeds at a pace, as time continues to speed up. Together they will deliver your release from the clutches of the dark forces.” (3)

The people of Earth are awakening to their right to something different, something better, and demonstrations and riots are the result, SaLuSa says:

“Demonstrations and riots are becoming more frequent, as people reject a return to the past. They are awakening to the potential that exists to make a clean start, and have no desire to accept any form of compromise. Before matters can get out of hand, certain events that are near to happening will help calm matters.” (4)

The greatest likelihood is that disclosure is at least one of the events that SaLuSa is referring to.

We know – but few others do – that millions of galactic warriors, engineers, diplomats, healers, teachers, etc., are here to prepare and  guide us to the experience of Ascension which we expect in less than two years time. As SaluSa told us in 2008:

“Do not worry about the size of the problems, as we have more than adequate resources to handle them. Bear in mind we have millions of ships and personnel just waiting to move into action. Each know their function and responsibilities in restoring the Earth, and taking Mankind into the New Age with all of its advanced technology, and marvelous benefits for everyone.” (5)

We expect these visitors to reveal themselves in under two months from now – that is, by the end of the first quarter of this year, as SaLuSa acknowledged on Dec. 29, 2010: “In one way or another we will expect disclosure to become worldwide within the first quarter of this coming year.” (6)

We know that the rising light energies are enervating the dark forces who have controlled this planet and that the Light forces, according to SaLuSa, have recently been given the authorization to remove some of the leaders of the dark and to interfere with their operations.

“As our authority has been extended beyond our original remit, we now take more direct action to stop the black operations aimed at you or other countries. We echo your sentiments that “enough is enough” and it is now the turn of the Light to direct the path of the people on Earth. Such a lot of work has already gone into paving the way to the final years of this cycle, to ensure it is a smooth and successful journey. You of course have played a major part in achieving such an accomplishment, and you have helped create the grid of Light that now encircles the Earth.” (7)

We know from Hatonn other new steps the galactics are taking, but others don’t know them.

“We have been given leave by God to use stronger methods wherever necessary to dismantle the Illuminati’s remaining power bases. This does NOT mean killing anyone – God never sanctions killing, nor would we ever want to do that! For quite some time we have been permitted to override the dark ones’ free will by blocking their powerful weaponry when they attempt more events like “9/11,” and we have done that on numerous occasions.

“Now we also can foil their efforts to create major disruptions by blocking their communication systems and transportation modes and by diverting their intelligence couriers. We also have God’s permission to temporarily relocate a few key individuals to areas where they can do no mischief whatsoever. This is done somewhat like the cloaking of our ships in an invisible force field, which makes the disappearance baffling to those individuals’ co-workers too. So, even though you won’t see evidence of our new allowances, you know that now we’re taking even longer strides to help you rid your world of dark deeds.” (8)

More recently Hatonn has shared more on the subject:

“Some of our colleagues on the planet have made their presence known undeniably because they appeared in their real forms. They are meeting with powerful individuals, including some who operate out of public view, to inform them about our on- and off-planet network, and rats are starting to abandon the ship around the world. You won’t hear about that or the mopping up that’s underway.

“Don’t interpret this as our taking control! Our colleagues among you are working with Obama and others with influence to dislodge the Illuminati’s remaining strongholds and establish groundwork for wide-scale reforms.” (9)

Furthermore, we know that the Light forces will be victorious, which few other people on the planet know. According to SaLuSa:

“Be assured the Light and its supporters will be victorious, and the dark Ones will be defeated not by force or military power, but by the power of Love and Light. It may sound unlikely when you look back at history but you are now in a totally different era, when outside forces with the backing of the Brotherhood of Light are directing the outcome of activities on Earth. Mother Earth also plays a part and is desirous of working with us as her own cleansing takes place.

“So, Dear Ones, whatever happens that is not in accord with the Ascension process, have no fears, as it will not affect the outcome one iota. As you sometimes learn, many countries now are going through self-analysis as they realize the old paradigm no longer works. Those who wish to keep the status quo are fast becoming a minority and their influence will not interfere with the program of changes about to commence.” (10)

At the same time, Hatonn has told us that the next few months will be chaotic and we can see that they are.

“It’s a matter of all that must be accomplished within a comparatively short time and the dark resistance has to be dismantled before that can happen.  We’ve been telling you that for some time to prepare you for the massive changes coming. The next several months will be quite a ride — stay in the light and you’ll navigate the rough waters in good stead.” (11)

Turning from what we know, let’s look at what the Obama Administration knows. According to Hatonn, President Obama knows about the galactics and is a strong supporter of disclosure but is surrounded by squeamish colleagues and opponents.

“It’s just as well that no decisions are being made without Obama’s involvement. He strongly favors extensive and speedy disclosure and most of your other principal participants are being squeamish about both. We can suggest and recommend but not impose our judgment upon your representatives, much less take any action because it can be considered arbitrary at best or unilateral at worst. So we are being patient. That’s the only thing we can do until either your representatives reach agreement on all the important issues pertaining to the TV program or God in His wisdom decides what shall be done and when.” (12)

Hatonn tells us that the President was recently made aware that the galactics guarantee his own safety and that of his family and that he now knows of the plan for Ascension and its schedule. Hatonn also tells us that the President is in contact with “the Orient,” which must mean at least the Chinese and possibly Japan as well, coordinating efforts to take down the dark.

“Obama now knows we have him covered and he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.” (13)

We have a sense that the Chinese leadership must also be in contact with the galactics because the leadership has made a radical turn in its policies and appears friendly to disclosure, solicitous of its own population’s well-being and cooperative toward the West. (14) It has dropped its aggressive stance towards Taiwan and has done nothing in response to various aggressive moves towards containment by the West.

We also believe that for at least three, perhaps four years, the Chinese have had the power to render the American war machine useless. All motherboards supplied to American military hardware (and most motherboards in that hardware have been supplied by the Chinese) have trojans in them that can be used to render the equipment inoperative. (15)

Moreover, the Chinese have shown that they have the ability to take over American planes, like that which flew Vice-President Cheney home from Australia, and cause them to land. They also have the ability to take over American military computers like those at the Cheyenne command and control facility. It is suspected that they caused the B-52 carrying nuclear weapons to the Middle East to land. It may also be that the galactics have helped them in all these efforts; we don’t know about that.

We know that the Chinese have carrier-busting Russian missiles and need no longer be afraid of American carrier groups. And yet the Chinese have not acted on their demonstrated military superiority and recently SaLuSa congratulated and praised them:

“Notice how the Chinese leaders are making concessions to the West, and that they are using their power to prevent the Illuminati from making further footholds in the East. They are a part of a growing movement to stabilise the world, and root out the influences that have tried to lead you into another war scenario.” (16)

The recent visit of Hu Jintao to Washington was a stunning display of cooperation between Presidents Obama and Hu and went beyond mere diplomacy. Hu admitted that China had more work to do on human rights and allowed President Obama to invite him to dialogue with the Dalai Lama without storming out of the room. (17) In a setting in which saving face is usually a large consideration, these are great steps forward and cannot be explained without assuming that China is effectively working with the galactics.

So at least the leaders of the two superpowers – China and the United States – can be assumed to be working with the space fleet. Matthew Ward told us back in 2008 that Vladimir Putin has been falsely portrayed in the western press and is also in fact working to free Russia from the Illuminati’s grip:

“Be aware that mainstream ‘news’ in the United States is falsely portraying some leaders as posing a danger to democracy or destabilizing their nations, whereas they are light beings distancing their countries from the Illuminati’s empire-building, which in large part has grown through two centuries or more of the US government’s covert intrusion into other countries’ affairs. Foremost among these leaders vilified by the Bush administration is Vladimir Putin.” (18)

We are aware as well that the Russians have had numerous opportunities to take advantage of the West and have not. These include their successful repulsion of America from Georgia and the opportunity their support for Iran has provided to arm and encourage Iran to make more mischief than it already has. American speculators even caused the rouble to collapse, but, through all of this, Russia has shown restraint in its dealings with the West, leading me to believe that they too are cooperating with the galactics.

We need to realize that, since perhaps 1962, Russia has had the means to totally defeat the West militarily and has not used it. At least since that year, according to Tom Bearden, Russia has had scalar weaponry that would allow them to overcome the United States militarily. At one point Russia was pushing nuclear disarmament, which would have meant that America would give up nuclear arms, leaving Russia alone with devastating scalar weapons with which to defeat the West. (19)

It is known that the Russians have tested these weapons on British airplanes and shown their devastating effect and it is suspected that they have used them on occasion to control the weather. But again their use has been nowhere near the devastation caused by the American cabal in many places in the world through the use of HAARP and scalar weapons. Compared to the record of the American shadow state, the Russians have shown restraint.

But none of this is known to the crowds on the ground in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen and little or none of it is known to the vast majority of Americans, British, or other nations. The crowds in North Africa and the Middle East who are rousing themselves from their slumber and resisting their undemocratic governments are responding to the rising energies but without knowing it.

If they are responding, I consider it reasonable to expect that others will as well. And it becomes a guessing game to predict who those others may be. SaLuSa tells us that we can expect dissent to spread like dominoes:

“Like you we wait and hold our breath, knowing that the old system is creaking at the joints and cannot hold together much longer. We can see the domino effect taking place once the first part falls.  Once it commences we can see quite clearly that there will be no shortage of people coming forward to support the Light.

“You are spread across the globe, and your persistence in pushing for change is about to pay off. Clearly it cannot all happen at once, and some will by the nature of what is involved take many months to complete. The important thing is that you the people see the beginning of real action, and know that it cannot be interfered with. For our part we are involved because you have so often pleaded for help, and we have been given the necessary authority to do so.” (20)

We heard a Tanzanian newspaper say that their suffering was not much different from a Tunisian’s and that dissent could arise there too:

“The suffering of an ordinary Tanzanian is not very different from that of a Tunisian. Maybe they are only different from us because they are white and we are black, and maybe their ‘boiling point’ is different from ours, but the reality on the ground is that we are all boiling in the same pot. (21)

I think we can expect that a lot of people in our world are having the same thoughts.

We know from Kryon that the fall of one dictator will not be followed by the rise of another – not any longer:

“History will not repeat itself. You have moved off of the groove where those things take place in that fashion. Dictators will not [beget] new dictators. Hunger and famine will not [beget] new hunger and famine. There is a change at hand, and history will stop repeating itself. It’s a new energy, if you’ve noticed.” (22)

So here we are in a world that’s awakening and arising from its slumber, but not knowing that it was asleep or what’s causing it to awaken or what it’s awakening to. We know what these factors are and yet there’s no one we can turn to who probably would believe us yet and so we watch the process without knowing what to do to assist or declare it.

The only way we can contribute seems to be by encouraging that process to continue and expand, being a voice for peaceful change, and remaining calm ourselves.


(1) SaLuSa, Nov. 10, 2010, at

(2) SaLuSa, April 15, 2009.

(3) SaLuSa, May 21, 2010.

(4) SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010.

(5) SaLuSa, Dec. 19, 2008.

(6) SaLuSa, Dec. 29, 2010.

(7) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.

(8) “Jean Hudon and Suzy Ward on President Obama,” at

(9) ”Hatonn: Galactics Neutralized the Missiles, Obama Knows About Protection and Ascension, at )

(10) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.

(11) ”Hatonn: Galactics Neutralized the Missiles, Obama Knows About Protection and Ascension, at

(12) Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, at

(13) Hatonn in Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Nov. 15, 2010.

(14) See “What in the World is Happening with China?” at and “One Small Step for Man…” at

(15) For articles on motherboards, the commandeering of American planes, and the other matters referred to here, see the various articles on China’s military supremacy under “The Myth of Invincibility Exposed.”

(16) SaLuSa, Jan. 21, 2011.

(17) See footnote 10.

(18) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.

(19) Tom Bearden, “Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons,” 1990, at

(20) SaLuSa, Jan. 5, 2011.

(21) “Popular Revolt Spreads Across North Africa,” at

(22) Kryon, “The Shift is Here,” Oct. 20, 2008, at