Nancy B. Detweiler

All of us greet each New Year with a sense of relief mixed with excitement over a clean slate for the coming year.   We anticipate a year that will be better … more personally fulfilling … a year filled with exciting new adventures.

Think about it … why do we celebrate? … why do we want to begin the New Year with those we love? … why is the ending of the old year and the dawning of a new one such a milestone?

Most, if not all, of us can relate to the above feelings; but, do we know why?  According to the Ascended Masters’ teachings, the beginning of a new year is a time of grace.   Archangel Michael presides over the Autumn Season, as evidenced by the deep blue of the skies.  Blue is the Father (or Source) Ray; it transmits power.  The inner color of Autumn is a soft, golden tone—the Christ (Love) Ray.  Both of these Rays are visible to our physical eyes during the Autumn Season.  Earth’s atmosphere is suffused with a shimmering blue-gold light.

Autumn is a time of cleansing … of transmuting … of purification.  Archangel Michael’s radiations are cleansing … they turn the spiritual seeker inward and urge him/her to cleanse the lower nature … to truthfully look at the unresolved issues that hold us to the present step on our spiritual path.  As hard as we may try, we cannot detour around our issues.  They will continue to trip us up until we place them on the table … look at them honestly … understand what they are attempting to teach us … and release them, giving thanks for the lessons learned.   Autumn is a time for deepening our commitment to the spiritual path.  It is a time of walking consciously in the Light of Divine Love.

The Winter Solstice begins on December 21 and reaches its climax of spiritual power at midnight of December 24.   This night is holy because it marks the birth of a new Sun … the birth of a new and higher degree of Divine Love within the spiritual seeker.   Christians call this season “Christmas;” however, it is a holy season for the entire planet—regardless of religion.   All of humanity is influenced by the change in seasons in ways that we have, heretofore, been largely unconscious.

At the stroke of midnight on December 24, a strange peace enfolds the planet … the Universal Christ Spirit (Divine Love) has entered the heart of the Earth.  Hosts of Angels & Archangels surround the Earth singing and sending forth their divine blessings upon all of humanity.  Every tree … every plant … all of creation blends with the ecstacy of music and Light.    Earth becomes a luminous ball of Light.  As year after year, this Divine Light and Angelic Music suffuse the Earth, humanity grows increasingly unable to hate, kill, or discriminate against another.

As we approach December 31, humanity enters a period of grace during which all “UN-intended” negative acts are erased from the Akashic Records.  The Universal Law “We reap what we sow” no longer applies to these “UN-intended” karmic acts.  This is an act of Divine Grace to assist humanity on its spiritual Path.   This lessening of our karmic load is exhilarating … our slate is truly lighter … we look forward to a New Beginning!

NOTE:  In writing the above, I referred to Corinne Heline’s book entited:  COLOR & MUSIC IN THE NEW AGE.

NOTE:  One of the most profitable methods for dealing with the issues we attempt to repress is to write your life story.  Beginning with the earliest year you can remember, list the following:

1.  For each year of your life, list the major events that occurred.

2.  Under each major event, list how you “immediately” reacted.  How did I feel?  How did I express or fail to express what I felt?

3.  Under each major event, list how you have continued through the years to respond to this event.

4.  Under each major event, answer this question:  “Have I been able to come to terms with the feelings I experienced?”  In other words, do I continue to attempt to repress those feelings – or – are these feelings now simply a part of my life story that no longer have the power to impact adversely my life?

5.  Under each major event, answer this question:  “What have I learned from this experience?”

REMEMBER:  The goal of all major events in our lives is soul growth.  ASK:  Have I used this event to help me become a better person?  Have I allowed the universal law “All things work together for good for those who love God” to manifest in my life?

6.  Consulting a professional counselor may be the climax to this exercise; however, if you are absolutely honest with yourself and take the time to think through your life story, you will most likely find that you are freed from the burden you have carried for years in the form of unresolved issues.

7.  Be sure to WRITE DOWN your life story.  The act of writing it down goes a long way toward cleansing your energy field.  Writing it down gets it outside of you, where you can look at it objectively and decide how to best deal with it.

8.  Don’t allow our busy world to make you think “I don’t have time to do this.”  In truth, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO NOT DO IT.

Planet Earth is moving into the 5th dimension in the very near future.  No unresolved issues can be carried with us.  It is imperative that we all cleanse our energy field of unresolved issues.  Using the remainder of this holiday week can be an excellent time to at least begin writing your life story.

Give yourself the gift of private time in which you can experience each major event and reconcile it in a way that adds positive energy to your life.

New Year’s weekend is the perfect time for personal reflection and transmutation!