Alien-Integration-and-VaticanDr. Michael Salla

“On August 10, the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) released a video showing an extraterrestrial child being integrated into a normal human classroom. The video shows the child initially being mocked, and then accepted after he uses advanced psychic abilities to levitate actors in a school play. The video was released in Chile, and has to date generated over seven million views. What earlier alternative media coverage of the video missed is the Vatican’s involvement through an organization founded by Pope Francis, which is sponsoring the UNICEF attempt to change the way children are educated. This suggests a direct link between the Vatican and a secret United Nations effort to integrate extraterrestrial life into human society….

…. It is very possible that a major Papal speech concerning extraterrestrial life is being coordinated at the highest levels between leaders at the United Nations and the United States. Regardless of what the Pope chooses to disclose during his upcoming U.S. tour, it is very significant that he is linked to a secret United Nations effort to educate humanity on the importance of welcoming and integrating extraterrestrial life into human society.”




APRIL 20, 2014


******Jesus made his opinion known to the religious elders when they asked why his disciples did not abide by the tradition of the elders. He answered by quoting the prophet Isaiah: “This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; In vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines. You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition.” (Mark 7:5-8 quoting Isaiah 29:13)******



(This Proclamation is issued and available in thirteen languages)

Invoking the Legal and Spiritual Disestablishment of the Church of Rome and its adjunct bodies, the Vatican and the “Holy See”


Issued as a Binding De Jure Annulment and Emancipation Order by The International Common Law Court of Justice and The Covenant of Free Congregational Christians on Easter Sunday the 20th Day of April in the year 2014




“Having violated and waged unrelenting war on God and humanity through its history of crime, murder, apostasy, child sacrifice and idolatry, and thereby repudiated its covenanted requirement of duty to uphold the honor of Heaven and Earth, and the life and dignity of mankind, the Church of Rome has nullified its basis for existence and brought upon itself the status of a renegade transnational criminal organization in the eyes of God and man, and under the laws of both heaven and earth.

The ultimate authority of God as expressed in De Jure common law courts of judgment and in congregations of just, truthful men and women does therefore nullify the existence of the Church of Rome, the alleged “Apostolic Succession”, and its so-called “Canon Law”.

Therefore, as of this day, all such law, statutes, and all church offices and officials are declared to be forever abolished and possessing no effect or binding authority in heaven or on earth.”

jesuswhip“And he made a whip of cord, drove them all out the temple, even the sheep and the oxen and the money changers; and he threw out their exchange money and upset their trays; and to those who sold doves he said, ‘Take these away from here; do not make my Father’s house a house of trading.'” (John 2:15-16)


























Montague Keen – March 3, 2013

Montague Keen       The Montague Keen Foundation

NOTE BY NANCY:   Monty communicates, from spirit, to and through his Earth wife, Veronica, but he is speaking to all of us.  In an earlier message, Monty stated that Ireland needed to declare its freedom … that the world awaited their declaration.  This Declaration comes shortly after the resignation of Pope Benedict and prior to the Vatican Concave.  On the same day the Pope resigned, lightning struck the Vatican.  According to David Wilcock, this was a powerful geo-synchroncity.  Reading Ireland’s Declaration will give you a summary of how the entire planet has been enslaved  The Truth being unveiled by numerous sources repeats the same summary.  Have you ever wondered why the United States Presidents always visit the Pope?


It has been a difficult yet interesting week for you, my dear. We shared your excitement as you read through the DECLARATION officially made by the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE OF THE ANCIENT LAND OF EIRE, who no longer give their consent to LEX ROMANA, the Tyrannical System imposed by Rome. The tears you shed as you read of this brave stand by the people of Ireland were tears for all those who suffered throughout the rule of Rome and not just in Ireland. The world suffered, mankind suffered, because of what was put in place nearly 2000 years ago. My dear, we inspired many to research what was hidden. Now, at last, people are beginning to see the big picture, and they refuse to be part of it. Bombs and guns are not needed, just the courage to stand for truth, to refuse to comply with all that is corrupt. When guided by the heart you cannot go wrong. The congratulations of all in spirit go to those who made this Declaration possible. Now let us see how many other countries will take courage and emulate what the Irish people have done.

The organic, natural essence of a human being is not hate, it is LOVE, and it is the eternal life force. If a human being consumes himself with hate, he will destroy his eternal nature. This choice is of critical importance during these evolutionary times as the illusions and deceptions are being exposed. Hate eventually destroys those who hate; it is destructive, it should have no place in your lives. I have reminded you, many times, that love is your weapon of choice. When you can look on your oppressors with love and pity, they will lose all power over you. It will make them and their evil plans feel exposed, naked, and at your mercy. Behave with dignity and honesty and you will succeed beyond your wildest expectations. This is your time to take control of your planet, are you up to it?

There are, at this time, people strategically placed around your world, who are ready and willing to come to the aid of those who need their help and guidance. Their work is to ignite and spread the light of truth. Go to your sacred places, reclaim them, they belong to you. Use the wonderful energy available at them. The energy you will release will bring the light to those places that have yet to wake-up. Check the ley lines. They will guide you to the most sacred places. Look where they cross and experience the wonderful energy for yourselves. Still, so many of you do not understand how your world works. This information was kept from you. Now, I encourage you to find out for yourselves. Enjoy the freedom it brings to you. You will begin to see life in a whole new light.

The propaganda that abounds at this time is laughable. They just cannot accept that you are awake and can see clearly what they are up to. Some people are being used to create a completely false picture of events. Though some appear to be above board, unfortunately, many have become tainted by the lure of the corrupt. Money and fame are used to entice them. They will find that this is short lived and they will regret becoming involved. You all need to be strong and determined to create a future where love and light will remove all that was dark and corrupt. When the jurisdiction of the Vatican is removed forever, then and only then, will you have a just world for all.

You were told, my dear, that when humanity cries out for help, then your friends from other planets will come to your rescue. You see them in your skies. They are ready to land and assist you. They will help you to create free energy for all. Food and shelter will become freely available as never before. Because you have never experienced it, you think it is not possible. Yours is the only planet with such problems, because you are living on a slave planet. You were made to believe that you were the only beings in the universe. What nonsense! You are embarking on the greatest adventure. We are all behind you, encouraging you to take whatever steps are necessary to achieve your goal.

The Dark Cabal has stepped up the attacks on those who try to expose it. This proves just how frightened they are of you. If you were not succeeding they would not be frightened of you. You would not be a threat to them. You are living in the worst war zone since time began. Your enemies hide behind every facade of democracy. Now, you can see them. You know who they are. They are desperate to escape your planet.

Veronica, my dear, everything will happen in divine time. The right people will be at your side. All obstacles will be removed and you will go ahead as planned before you returned to Earth. Sometimes it takes a little time for people to come to terms with what they agreed to do, before their return to Earth. Those who have a role to play must complete it before they are allowed to return to spirit. There is no choice, as you, yourself have found, my dear. Such agreements cannot be broken, no matter how many obstacles are placed in the way. The Dark Ones have done everything possible to isolate you but we continue to bring people to you. The more good people come together, the more light is created. It will extinguish the dark. When the 99% come together in love and harmony, they cannot be defeated, and the Dark Ones know this only too well. This is what they fear. Yes, this is what I am saying. They fear YOU, the awakened you. The ball is in your court, your decision matters.

It is time for people to learn about the God of love and remove all memory of the God of vengeance that was forced on you to keep you under control. Those of you who are still locked into the fear of the God of vengeance need to research for yourselves the truth. You were made to fear death, when so many of us return to assure you that death is a beautiful experience. It is a real homecoming. If you have harmed another during your life, then you alone approach that person and ask forgiveness. It is as simple as that. You are reunited with those you have loved. I chose to continue my work with Veronica. It is what we agreed when I was at her side on Earth. We have worked together in many lifetimes and we were together before Earth was created. Our love has survived many lifetimes on Earth and will continue when we are together in Spirit. Our work will go on. In the meantime, I assist her to accomplish what she returned to Earth to do.

Be kind to yourself, my love. Take time to rest. Everything will soon fall into place once more, as everyone takes their place in the team again. All is in hand. Trust me, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

[Bold font by Nancy]




Scott Mowry

July 17, 2012

Light vs Dark – The Final Battle Is At Hand

Scott’s article is jam-packed with news!



Geoffrey West – Journalist & Host

A Mind-Blowing Show!



Geoffrey West, Journalist & Host

The Real News


Matthew Ward – June 3, 2012


 Light’s progress: evidence delayed in some areas, obvious in others; Earth on target to enter fourth density; media reporting; reforms and revelations will be rushed; telepathic communication precautions; resolution of differing beliefs; psychiatric patients; some changes early in the Golden Age; information references

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Not only is our love for you boundless, so is our respect and admiration. Your steadfastness in the light has remained strong even though nearly midway into this world-transformational year, nothing that you would consider conclusive evidence has occurred. It is logical to expect that by now the thousands of spacecraft in your skies would be visible to all; crews would have landed in great numbers and been officially welcomed; and turmoil, warring and other violence would have decreased significantly.

2. We have been awaiting these developments along with you, and we have what you could call “bittersweet” feelings about the delay. We know that millions still are winding up third density karma; divine grace is granting to millions more amended soul contracts to transition early with full karmic completion credit; and still more millions are evolving at an accelerated pace by sharing others’ karmic burdens. Yet it is sad for us, just as for you, that the topmost dark ones still have enough influence to cause widespread suffering.

3. However, please do not think for a moment that Earth may not make it to the celestial window in time to enter fourth density, where darkness cannot exist. Absolutely everything that needs to precede that momentous happening will! However, instead of coming one by one for society’s easier assimilation and adjustment, profound revelations and changes will be rushing far more swiftly and in larger doses than the Golden Age master planners had anticipated.

4. It is immensely heartening that most of you are seeing the positive perspective of situations that the media are reporting with bleak overtones, such as potential economic meltdown in the “Eurozone” and the global boomerang effect, upheaval in several governments creating national instability, and citizens protesting intolerable circumstances in one country after another. You see those and other tumultuous situations for what they are: essential steps toward initiating systems that are based in fairness and honesty and having leaders with moral and spiritual integrity.

5. Because the dissemination of accurate information is crucial, another good indicator of the light’s progress is that mainstream media censorship clearly is on the decline. For instance, even though the Vatican is one of the kingpins under the Illuminati umbrella, it now is public knowledge that investigation into the Vatican’s financial affairs is underway. Ultimately this will lead to uncovering the cesspool of darkness in that tiny sovereign state, including that it is the international headquarters of satanic worship and a vast storehouse of stolen art treasures.

6. More and more often news commentators and well-informed guests are condemning the lack of holding accountable the persons responsible for the world’s dire economic condition. They are specifying how governments are failing to serve the best interests of their citizens, showing statistically why wars are both futile and senseless, and acknowledging that media have not met their responsibility to accurately inform the public. They are enumerating practical ways to recover economic stability and reform governments, the benefits of ending all wars, and how media can and should be educating the public.

7. No longer are the voices of those individuals and others, whom you call whistleblowers, confined only to the Internet — they’re going “mainstream.” While they see themselves as simply speaking out honestly, frankly and pragmatically, the brilliance of their auras identifies them as spiritually evolved souls who came from advanced civilizations to be way-showers.

8. Other indications of the light forces’ progress aren’t getting that kind of “listen-up!” attention. Some news is distorted or incomplete because the reporters simply don’t know more than the information they are given. Accounts of the nuclear reactors in Japan are ominous because it isn’t known that spacecraft crews are using their technology to reduce the toxic effects of radioactive emanations from the Fukushima facility and to prevent more damage there.

9. Reporters don’t know that the crews are alleviating the most harmful effects of chemtrails, whose very existence still is not widely known, and health-harming pollution from a variety of other sources. As for all the talk of potential military action to curtail the spread of nuclear weaponry, it isn’t known that in honoring Earth’s desire that her residents stop killing each other, God has authorized the crews in spacecraft and on the ground to prevent the functioning of all nuclear weaponry. When the effects of what is called global warming are recounted, most often it is with grave concern because who among your scientists would give credence to the assurance that this is Mother Earth returning to her original moderate climate worldwide?

10. Then there are the situations that are well known by the Illuminati who own media conglomerates and still have enough control to keep some facts quiet. As one example, films and statistics show that recent earthquakes and storms have resulted in many fewer deaths and less property damage than previously. What isn’t reported is why: The Illuminati’s technology that enables them to originate earthquakes and intensify storms is being “jammed” by our universal family so that Mother Nature can carefully release negativity until all of that force is gone — and soon it shall be.

11. Earth’s intention is exactly the opposite of the Illuminati’s, which is massive loss of life, devastating damage and the affected area’s economic ruin, all of which produce more negativity for Earth to deal with. With thanks to our universal family’s technology that can level out the effects of quakes and veer mammoth storms away from coastlines, the Illuminati never managed to achieve the vast extent of death and destruction they intended.

12. You have the advantage of knowing what we and many other messengers in high stations have been transmitting to our respective receivers. By far, you are in the minority. Most of your world’s people still are rooted in third density’s limitations, which makes them especially vulnerable to fear, the ultimate producer of negativity. Whenever there is an opportunity to share your knowledge with persons who are fearful because they don’t know what you do, please enlighten them to the extent they are receptive.

13. Your calm yet excited energy alone will go a long way to easing others’ fears, and it is realistic to anticipate that many will need your help in that respect as well as compassionate understanding. Thus far only the tip of the iceberg is obvious even to you, but during the next few months, happenings will be breathtaking in scope and speed.

14. Along with your awareness of what is ahead in these waning days of third density, there is some confusion about how to prepare to physically ascend with Earth, who will go along with her, how to know if you are absorbing light, what density is, NESARA’s provisions, what will happen at the end of this year, and what life will be like in the Golden Age.

15. In previous messages we have covered these areas quite extensively. It would be a disservice to long-time readers to repeat those explanations and a disservice to persons who are newly awakening to offer only a comment or two. We understand that with time passing so quickly, it is difficult for you to manage all responsibilities, much less search through our messages to locate clarifying information. Therefore, I have asked my mother to do this and to note the dates of messages that include the most explanatory coverage of those areas in question or where misconceptions abound — the dates will be inserted at the end of this message.

16. Since the prevailing vibrations are conducive to the opening of telepathic connections, it is essential that you know how to communicate with only the sources you want to — dark entities are just as eager to connect with you as light beings are! The precautions that apply to receivers of telepathically transmitted messages for distribution apply equally to you.

17. Prior to initiating telepathic communication, ask for protection of the Christed light and demand that only light beings may connect with you. Never try to communicate when you are in ill, fatigued, beset with worries about self or loved ones or financial straits or any other stressful condition or situation. During those times, an effort to speak with a loved one is instead an invitation to base entities because your energy level is too low to reach souls in the light. Humility and gratitude about having achieved telepathic communication carry high vibrations that reach sources in high vibratory levels, whereas the low vibrations of vanity and egotism automatically connect with dark entities. Mother, thank you for searching for prior messages that may include this topic as well as the aforementioned issues.

18. Many are wondering how resolution ever can come out of the many forms of religious and governing ideologies that are the foundations of prevailing belief systems. People whose minds and hearts do not open to the truth about the sinister reason behind the formation of those conflicting convictions no longer will be on the planet to fight for their beliefs to reign supreme. By the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, a closed mind cannot absorb the light that enables physical survival in the higher vibrations of fourth density. Earth’s residents in her Golden Age will choose to live in peace and harmony with each other and with all of Nature.

19. To the reader who is concerned about the destiny of psychiatric patients, who are independent souls with a wide range of conditions that affect each uniquely, all we can offer is what is likely generally and by no means is patient-specific. Those who have no brain damage, whose relatively sound mental abilities have been stultified by prescription drugs, may respond positively to the high vibrations and attain full rational functioning. However, decisive factors in every case are soul contract provisions and the degree of light the body has absorbed; a person whose behavior isn’t harmful to another, but simply doesn’t conform to superficial societal expectations, can indeed absorb light. It is likely that the most gravely mentally ill patients, those labeled psychopaths, will die because their depraved urges and actions are bereft of light. In any event, no one will be institutionalized or imprisoned after the Golden Age gets underway.

20. Because it offers an excellent forum for an explanation of great importance, we address a writer’s suggestion, offered some time ago: on Memorial Day in the United States, the truth be told to the world about who starts wars and why so that “never again will people have to fight and die ‘for freedom.’” We honor the writer’s intense desire for peace in your world, but especially on that emotionally-charged day of commemoration to fallen soldiers, the truth about war could not have been told.

21. Grieving families and friends of troops who have died don’t want to hear that their beloved persons did not die to protect their own nation from oppressors or to help another nation achieve freedom from tyranny. Veterans whose severe wounds have caused physical pain and perhaps loss of limbs don’t want to hear who actually benefited from their service, and neither do those who are living with nightmares about their wartime experience want to hear that truth. Troops still in combat zones or stationed in foreign countries in an occupation capacity don’t want to hear the real reason they are far away from home and families.

22. Beyond those myriad personal situations, beyond the civilian casualties in war zones, and beyond the financial burdens to the peoples whose nations are at war is the global emotional impact. It can be said that the condition coined post traumatic stress disorder is endemic to Earth. No one is immune to this battle energy that permeates your world, no one can escape the ravages that centuries of bloodshed have inured generation after generation to accept as humankind’s nature and lot in life. Yet, the fear of dying is just as pervasive, and that sets up a paradox that minds have to come to terms with.

23. There is another vital factor — the soul’s composition is love energy. The soul knows that it is not human nature to fight one another to the death because each is part of the Oneness of All. The soul knows that life is eternal, that physical death is only a transition to the next lifetime in spirit, where it prepares for the next embodiment.

24. The psyche’s continual subconscious juggling act with soul knowingness keeps the psyche in fragile condition. That is exactly the intention of the dark forces, whose ultimate goal is to capture souls. They are manipulating their Earth puppets to be tenacious in perpetuating the war mentality and fear of death because the negativity produced can fracture psyches and prevent absorption of the light that connects the consciousness and the soul. The collective juggling has paralyzed the civilization into accepting what is force-fed as “patriotism” and all who fight and die are “heroes.” The collective psyche would suffer a severe trauma if this truth about war came forth in one fell swoop.

25. When veterans join with others in peace rallies, worldwide meditations for peace, and internationally respected leaders negotiate peacefully with enough frequency, forcefulness and publicity, minds are stirred. People who formerly accepted official reasons for going to war start questioning, pondering, and then “see the light” that enables psyches to more easily assimilate shocking information — day by day, this is occurring to persons around the world.

26. However, there isn’t much time left for the masses to reach that level of consciousness about what is behind wars or religious dogmas or any other facet of life that is of dark origin and intent. The light that would let individuals avoid severe psychic trauma is the same light that would enable them to physically ascend with Earth. Many will not be ready to accept that for millennia Earth’s population has been controlled by darkness through fear, deception and various forms of mind control.

27. Please understand that these people are doing what is right for them. Every soul becomes enlightened at its own pace, and divine grace offers each as many opportunities as needed to accept the light within truth and spiritually evolve. Be heartened by knowing that even though paces of evolvement differ, reunions of beloved souls take place in compatible energy planes.

28. Now then, we shall briefly address other areas questioned by readers whose concerns are shared by the many people who have no idea where world events are leading. If not initiated prior to Earth’s entry into fourth density at the end of this year, the following changes will occur in increments soon afterwards:

29. Nuclear power plants will be dismantled, no new facilities will be built, and stored nuclear waste will be rendered harmless. The process called fracking will cease and oil drilling equipment and rigs will be eliminated along with above ground power lines.

30. Cell phones will become safe, and the use of surveillance cameras, communication systems and other monitoring devices will end.

31. Elements in foods that are harmful to bodies will be destroyed. Medical procedures that are more damaging than beneficial to bodies and minds will stop, and so will sonar testing that is harming or killing marine life.

32. Laws and cultural customs that curtail human rights will be stricken and proposed regulations for such purposes will not be enacted.

33. Educational systems will give everyone on the planet access to accurate information via computers and printed material. Fair reallocation of the world’s resources will be done as expeditiously as possible.

34. And the sun’s activity is all to your benefit!

35. With confidence and joyousness, you will master any complexities during these last transitional steps into Earth’s Golden Age. Never are you alone — the love of countless light beings has been with you all along this universally unprecedented journey.



Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books

36. The following references are on Matthew’s Messages page on Preparing to physically ascend with Earth, who will go along/who won’t and why, how light is absorbed and signs that you are absorbing light often are interwoven, so references to all are listed under Ascension. Messages dated July 25, 2005 and earlier, which have important background information, are not in chronological order — this occurred as my webmaster was transferring messages to the new site she is developing. It’s doubtful that I located every topic’s best clarifying coverage, but this combination of references will be helpful.



February 1, 2012, paragraphs 13-14

January 4, 2012, paras 13-17

December 5, 2010, paras 12-24; 31,32

September 11, 2010, paras 6-8

October 19, 2009, paras 9-13

September 21, 2009, para 28

October 22, 2008, paras 23-27

August 29, 2008, paras 15-21

August 1, 2007, paras 4-41



November 5, 2011, para 36

September 9, 2011, paras 20-28


Earth’s Golden Age

April 1, 2012, paras 18-27

October 10, 2011, paras 19-28

October 19, 2009, paras 14-19; 22, 23; 27

September 21, 2009, paras 10-13

December 31, 2007 – Essay on 2012, entire message



May 26, 2009, paras 16-19

January 20, 2009, paras 9-13

Special NESARA edition, below the message dated September 11, 2006

December 13, 2004, paras 3-5

May 7, 2004, paras 1-8

December 31, 2003, paras 25-30


Telepathic Communication

December 5, 2010, para 33

May 26, 2009, para 12





Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

        The 26,000 years cycle of the present Precession of the Equinoxes and our sojourn on the plane of duality draws to a close at the end of 2012—a journey that will resurrect us from darkness back into Light.

Around us, we behold a planetary society that is collapsing to make room for the new.  Every segment of our existing world will be transformed.  Nothing will be the same because we will no longer reside on the plane of duality (3rd dimension).

We all chose to advance spiritually by living on a dimension in which we must learn to overcome darkness and become light.  Why?  Living on the plane of duality offered us the opportunity to evolve spiritually more rapidly than we could have if we had chosen to remain on the higher planes of light and love.  For that reason, many of us chose to incarnate on the plane of duality.  The Genesis narrative of Adam and Eve eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the symbolic story of our choice.  Rather than being sinful, this choice simply meant that we wanted to learn by being exposed to good and evil.  That way we could gain from our mistakes, through the unfolding of the Universal Law:  We reap what we sow.  However, in order to focus on the plane of duality, we had to die to conscious memories of the dimensions of Light.  Symbolically, we chose to leave the Garden of Eden and experience the world of duality.  Since then, Earth has been our classroom.

Before leaving the plane of duality, we need to understand how our history has unfolded.  We must examine our lives to determine how well we have learned our 3rd dimensional lessons.  2012 marks exam time to determine whether or not we are ready for graduation.  We grade our own test paper.  No one judges us.  There is no punishment, except the knowing that we failed ourselves—if, in fact, we did.  Exam time is between us and our Soul.  The prerequisite to ascending to higher planes is that no negativity can accompany us there.

During 2012, we will experience the trauma of learning that life on 3rd dimension has not been what it seemed.  We have lived in a matrix of lies and accepted them as the way life is.  We did so because we have descended so deeply into materiality that we presently use only 5% of our DNA and call the rest of our DNA strand junk DNA.  We habitually use only 10% of our brain power.  This means that humanity possesses a very constricted concept of who we actually are.  As a result, those, who have seized power through the thousands of years of our residency on the plane of duality, have withheld much information from us in order to render us complaint to their control.  Humanity has been enslaved in a variety of very subtle ways, most of which we are totally unaware.

For this reason, exam time during 2012 will consist largely of how we respond to the massive unveiling of lies that presently is, and will in the coming months, take place.  Once more, we stand at the Gates of Eden.  Do we qualify to re-enter those Gates and return to higher dimensions where we live in only Light and Love?  In order to do so, we must forgive and release all that is not of Love.  Until we know the complete content of the matrix of lies in which we have lived on the plane of duality, we cannot know how difficult forgiving all persons may be.  This will be our graduate examination.  Are we ready to forgive and release the past—even though the lies may have caused us great pain—so that we can resurrect to knowledge of the Truth?

As we face this exam, we must remember that we used God’s gift of freewill choice to evolve spiritually on the plane of duality.  That choice meant that evil would also be present to provide a contrast to good.  The lessons we chose to learn involved recognizing the good and always choosing it over evil.  Through the thousands of years on this plane, we have all made mistakes and reaped the consequences.  Hopefully, we have learned much.

One of the principal areas in which truth has been withheld is the field of religion.

Since I am familiar only with the Christian religion, I’ll speak to it.  Basically, Christians have been taught the following:

1.  We inherited sin from Adam and Eve, thus we were born sinners in need of salvation.

2.  We have only one life to live, represented by our present physical body.

3.  Upon the death of our physical body, it returns to dust and we go to either heaven or hell.

4.  We are separate from God and the only way we can be united with God is to accept Jesus as our personal Savior.

5.  We are separate from all other beings, all of creation.

6.  Even though the cosmos is boundless, Earth is the only planet on which human life exists.  We are alone in the cosmos.

7.  God loved us and sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and save us from our sins.

8.  Jesus did it all.  We have only to accept him as our Savior and we are saved from eternal punishment in a hell of unquenchable fire.

9.  The End – we either walk the golden streets of heaven for eternity – or – we burn in hell for eternity.

The fact that we have accepted the above explanation of life is an indication that we really do not use but about 10% of our brain power.  We call the above list tenets of our faith.  We readily accept the religious authorities’ admonition:  “If you question your faith, you may lose it.”   Even though we may vehemently deny it, we are enslaved by the fear of being forbidden the keys to the kingdom.  Little do we know how tightly our minds are controlled.

Consider how often we refuse to investigate an area of thought because “it is not Christian.”  We have unknowingly given Christian doctrine priority over seeking Truth.  We have been taught that the Bible is The Word of God and that it tells us all we need to know.  Ponder how frequently we condemn a person or topic with the statement:  “The Bible calls it an abomination.”  We have settled for an extremely narrow world view.

The word eternity is a good example.  The medical profession tells us a baby is formed by the union of an egg and sperm.  Religion informs us that this baby is conceived and born in sin to live the only life he/she will have.  If the baby grows up to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, then he/she will eventually die and spend eternity in heaven.  A favorite biblical verse is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish , but have eternal life.”  In the Christian interpretation of this verse, eternal life is based on a decision to believe in Jesus.

The actual meaning of eternity is infinite time, without beginning or end.  Religion ignores the without beginning and dates its beginning for each individual as the time of our one physical birth.  In so doing, humanity is rendered capable of being controlled by fear.  We came from nothing and if we do not adhere to the established beliefs of the church, we will be condemned for eternity—only one life, only one chance.  Sadly, our minds are so controlled that we accept this world view as fact and are shocked when someone suggests otherwise.


         In 324 C.E. (A.D.), Constantine, Emperor of Rome, adopted Christianity as the state religion.  Thereafter, the cause of Rome and the cause of Christ became one.  As a result, Constantine’s commitment to the churches’ cause meant that he must also become involved in their conflicts, which were numerous.  He set up Councils of Bishops to solve the internal religious problems.  The decisions made by the Councils of Bishops became imperial policy with regard to ecclesiastical questions.[i]  Obedience to the king became synonymous with obedience to the church.

Throughout hundreds of years, controversies raged over the doctrines to be accepted by the Church.  Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, proclaimed:  “The real Church has one and the same faith everywhere in the world.”  The title of the article in which Irenaeus makes this statement speaks volumes:  The Refutation & Overthrow of the Knowledge Falsely So Called.[ii]  It was originally published in Irenaeus’ Selections from the Work Against Heresies.  Anyone daring to believe or teach anything other than the approved church doctrine—i.e. heresy—was mercilessly persecuted.  The freedom to seek truth on our own was very effectively eradicated.

The condemning of an acceptance of reincarnation seriously impeded Christians’ ability to understand who we truly are, thereby disempowering us as unique individuals.  This occurred in 553 C.E. (A.D.) during the 5th Ecumenical Council when the writings of Origen (185-254 C.E.) were condemned.  A 4th century Doctor of the Church, Saint Jerome, declared Origen to be the greatest teacher of the Church after the apostles.  Saint Gregory of Nyssa, 4th century, affirmed Origen to be the prince of Christian learning in the 3rd century.[iii]  Regardless, Origen’s work was declared heresy in 553 C.E. with the following threat to all Christendom.

        “If anyone does not anathematize Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, Apollinarius, Nestorius, Eutyches, and Origen, as well as their heretical books, and also all other heretics who have already been condemned and anathematized by the holy, catholic, and apostolic church and by the four holy synods which have already been mentioned, and also all those who have thought or now think in the same way as the aforesaid heretics and who persist in their error even to death:  let him be anathema.” [iv]  Webster’s Dictionary defines anathema as a curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication.

         The vehemence with which the Church regulated Christians’ beliefs is illustrated in a papal bull occurring hundreds of years later.  On May 15, 1252, Pope Innocent IV issued the As exstirpanda bull that “Authorized the use of torture for eliciting confessions from heretics, and authorized the execution of relapsed heretics by burning them alive during the Inquisition.” [v]


         Christology offered a major source of contention.  Who was Jesus?  Was he divine or human or both?

Here, we must remember that all religions have been created on the plane of duality by less than perfect  human beings seeking to understand their world.  All sacred texts were composed by human beings living on the plane of duality.  Although inspiration played a role, all inspiration must first come through the personality of the writer.  The degree of truth to be found in any inspired writing is dependent upon the purity of the soul of the writer, the motivation of the writer, the selflessness of the writer.  The books to be included in a sacred text were determined by human beings living on the plane of duality.

A part of our graduate examination during 2012 is to accept that we chose, many lifetimes prior to our present incarnation, to evolve spiritually through a knowledge of good and evil.  In so doing, we died –we have  lived life operating with 10% of our actual brain power.  We forgot that we have lived thousands of lifetimes on Earth’s plane of duality.  We forgot that we have lived under the Universal Law We reap what we sow and therefore have had to reincarnate repeatedly on the plane of duality in order to balance with positive service to others the negativity we have previously sown.  This is how atonement is made—not through a blood sacrifice of a crucified Savior.

During the eons of our residing on the plane of duality, many Avatars (Great Teachers)[vi] have incarnated throughout the world to assist humanity in finding the Way back to Oneness with Creator God.  Even though the fact has been hidden from Christians, many of these Avatars/Saviors have been described with identical terminology.  We have ancient sculptures, paintings,writings, and archaeological artifacts that offer proof of this fact.  Ancient sacred texts have been translated into English.  Some researchers are trained in ancient languages and can read the originals.  Their findings reveal at least sixteen Saviors whose life narratives share the same events as Jesus would later experience:   Krishna of India, 1200 B.C.; Sakia Budha, 600 B.C.; Thammuz of Syria, 1160 B.C.; Wittoba of the Telingonese – 552 B.C.; Ioa of Nepal – 622 B.C.; Hesus of the Celtic Druids – 834 B.C.; Quexalcote of Mexico – 587 B.C.; Quirinus of Rome – 506 B.C.; Prometheus of  Caucasus – 547 B.C.; Thulis of Egypt – 1700 B.C.; Indra of Tibet – 725 B.C.; Alcestos of Euripides – 600 B.C.; Atys of Phrygia – 1170 B.C.; Crite of Chaldea – 1200 B.C.; Bali of Orissa – 725 B.C.; and Mithra of Persia – 600 B.C.[vii]  (Dates are approximate, according to Kersey Graves.)

Krishna of India Crucified – 1200 B.C.E.

Amulet depicting Orpheus crucified

According to this amulet may have

been created in the 2nd or 3rd century copying an earlier version.

“Lo! Streaming from the fatal tree

His all atoning blood,

Is this the Infinite? –Yes, “tis he,

Prometheus, and a God!


Well might the sun in darkness hide,

And veil his glories in,

When God, the great Prometheus, died

For man the creature’s sin.”[viii]

        Tremendous amounts of ancient artifacts, historical documents, books, and paintings were either destroyed in an effort to maintain one and the same faith or have been stored in the over 50 miles of shelves in the Secret Archives in Vatican City.[ix]  This has made objective research very difficult.


         In order to describe Jesus, the Church Fathers adopted the God-Man narrative and terminology that had existed for thousands of years.  The biographies of each Savior share common elements, such as born of a virgin … a star points the way to the birthplace of the new Savior … angels, shepherds, and Magi visit the infant … in several, gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh are given to the child … the 25th of December marks the birthday of the gods … the babes are saved from destruction shortly after birth … they possess early signs of being advanced beyond the normal … their kingdoms are not of this world … they are called the only begotten Son of God … our Lord and Savior … they performed miracles … were baptizedcrucified  as atonement for our sins descended into hell … resurrected … and ascended  in the presence of others.[x]

“Saviors unnumbered have died for the sins of man and by the hands of man, and through their deaths have interceded in heaven for the souls of their executioners.  The martyrdom of the God-Man and the redemption of the world through His blood has been an essential tenet of many great religions.  Nearly all these stories can be traced to sun worship, for the glorious orb of day is the Savior who dies annually for every creature within his universe, but year after year rises again victorious from the tomb of winter.  Without a doubt the doctrine of the crucifixion is based upon the secret traditions of the Ancient Wisdom; it is a constant reminder that the divine nature of man is perpetually crucified upon the animal organism.[xi]  Metaphysicians know these Saviors to be Earth’s Ascended Masters.  They continue to be present in the 5th dimension and higher.  Ascended Masters maintain a personal relationship with all who so desire.  We call talking with them prayer.


         The Protestant Reformation did not take place until the 16th century.  Therefore, Catholics and Protestants shared the same history for 1600 years.  The whole of Christendom has been psychologically marred by efforts to enforce one and the same faith.  Christian apologists have supplied a steady defense and proof of orthodox Christianity.  Our minds have been easily controlled by the fear of being condemned as a heretic and excommunicated.  A tribal consciousness  will gladly assist in enforcing the one and the same faith.  Called by various names, churches have presbyteries, elders, deacons that serve to weed out any heretical beliefs or teachings.  Ministers and professors are fired: reputations are ruined.  A layperson may be shunned and/or pronounced crazy by fellow congregants.   Minister and congregants are locked in a Catch 22 that very effectively prevents exploration for Truth.  For this reason, in recent decades, large numbers have left the church to search for Truth on their own.

The inability for the churches to explore and seek Truth has resulted in 2012—the year of our resurrection and ascension—arriving with multitudes still dead to the lies religions have propagated.  Will ministers and congregants awaken to the challenge of opening to new insights regarding who we are as divine beings coming to the close of our sojourn on the plane of duality?  Do we dare to open our minds and seek Truth?

Will we stand outside the Gates of the Garden of Eden and affirm our intention to resurrect from the dead and ascend with Mother Earth to the higher dimensions of consciousness?

2012 is the divinely established year for our resurrection and ascension!


        As my Bridging the Gap Ministries, I have prepared a website and blog with writings to assist you in making the transition.


 For those just beginning to explore, I recommend the following articles:

“If Jesus Is A Wayshower, What Did He Show Us?

A series of 10 articles


As demonstrated by the five major events in the life of Jesus

“The Awakened Christian”

“Hell, As A Place For Some To Spend Eternity, Is Not Biblical”

“The Bible – The Story of Our Soul’s Journey Through the Plane

Of Duality – Draws To A Close”

“An Analysis of the Nicene Creed In Comparison With Jesus’ Teaching”


“The History of Astrology in Judaism & Christianity”

Two full length movies will introduce you to 2012:

“2012 – The Online Movie”


David Wilcock, “The Source Field Investigations”


[i]   A History of the Christian Church, Walker, Norris, Lotz, & Handy, pages 125, 131-132.

[ii]  Irenaeus, “The Refutation & Overthrow of the Knowledge Falsely So Called,” Early Church Fathers, trans. & ed.  Cyril C. Richardson, page 362.

[iii]   Reincarnation:  The Phoenix Fire Mystery, eds. Joseph Head & S.L. Cranston, page 144.

[iv]   Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, vol. I, ed. Norman P. Tanner, page 119.

[vi]   Avatar – according to Hindu mythology is an incarnation of a god.  As we ascend and once more re-gain 100% of   our brain power (full consciousness), we will remember that we are “sparks of god,” thus all gods.  For that reason, I refer to Avatars as Great Teachers.

[vii]   The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors:  Christianity Before Christ, Kersey Graves, originally published in 1875, re- published in 2007 by Cosimo, Inc., pages 104-128.

[viii]   The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors:  Christianity Before Christ, Kersey Graves, page 124.

[ix]  According to the Vatican, Secret means the Archives are the Pope’s private library.  Some researchers, who can afford to travel to Rome and remain    there for the duration of their research, are permitted entrance.  The researcher must arrive at the door    knowing exactly which documents he/she desires.   Around 1,000 researchers gain access to the Archives each year

[x]   The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors:  Christianity Before Christ, Kersey Graves, summary.  If interested in more information, offers excellent research.

[xi][xi]   Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy:  Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed Within the Rituals, Allegories, & Mysteries of All Ages, Manly P. Hall, page CLXXXIII.