The Way of Love Is to Demonstrate an Appreciation for the Laws of a Sovereign Country

The Way of Love Is to Demonstrate an Appreciation for the Laws of a Sovereign Country

It is sad to see thousands of people being manipulated into migrating illegally to any sovereign nation … sad to see people who truly would like to have a better life ; but are being lied to about the way to do so.  They have walked a long distance, hoping to make their dreams come true.   Many mean no harm; but have been persuaded to go about it by ignoring the Law.

As I have watched the Caravan, I’ve developed an enhanced appreciation for the law.  I went to Honduras for the 1st time in early 1970s.  As a former Social Worker and the a Rehabilitation Counselor, I was use to driving in my work–locally and traveling on the job.  I enjoyed driving.  However, it took only a day or two in Honduras for me to know “I will not drive here!”

Why?  Because there appeared to be no traffic laws.  The sound of car horns saturated the air as drivers warned other drivers to–“get out of my way” … or … “watch out, I’m coming thru!”  This, often on crowded streets.

Now, in my home country, I sit in my lane waiting for the traffic light to turn green and think, “I much prefer to abide by laws.

I went to Honduras for the express purpose of bringing a 10 year old little girl back with me.  She wanted a better life too.

The difference between her experience and the Caravan’s experience was that we prepared for her to come to the states prior to my flying to Honduras.  We fulfilled all the laws regarding her coming to the states … both legal laws and psychological guidelines to help her make a good adjustment to her new home.  By obeying the Laws, we had NO trouble.  She did not come to the states with no preparation as to what to expect.  I sent her photos of her future bed, home, school, church.  The school she would be attending knew to expect her and immediately assigned a speech therapist to tutor her in English.  My family and friends opened their arms to welcome her.  I had arranged for a friend who was also Spanish to assist in translating for us because I did not speak Spanish.  A close friend and her husband agreed to be her god-parents.

In addition, I agreed to be supervised by the Dept. of Public Welfare for the 2 year period we gave her in which to decide whether or not she wanted to return home or stay in the states.  At the end of that period, I took her back to Honduras to see her family and be sure she wanted to become a citizen of the United States.  Since her only complaint to the Adoption Supervisor was that I could not make the delicious tortillas her Grandmother use to make for her, we figured she could adjust to life in the U.S.!

We visited her Honduran family and she returned to the states with me.  As I look back, I realize how integral to our adjustment as a family the laws and rules I had to obey were.   Laws and guidelines have a purpose.  They protect us, help us to adjust to our new life.

Those hoping to enter the U.S. illegally will have none of the support these laws provide; in fact, entering illegally could create trouble for the migrant that could easily end up in serious damage to the person’s physical being, his/her emotional well-being, and at the very least, create trauma due to feelings of being unwanted.  Being here illegally can create fear of being found out that can seriously jeopardize a peaceful adjustment in a new country.

Adjusting to a new life is not always easy.  In my opinion, strict immigration laws, even A WALL, are to be desired.  We could prevent all the suffering and anger we are seeing manifest for thousands of people–migrants and citizens of Mexico and the U.S.  Not a single American flag visible indicates to me there will be problems in adjusting to a new home, new language, new laws, new flag and most of all to a new place of employment that will have definite expectations of the migrant.  Even being happy requires willingness to adjust!  Humans tend to prefer the familiar, even when the familiar hurts!

I vote for strict immigration laws and the WALL because rather than holding a person down, they–when obeyed–can actually be the foundation for enabling a good adjustment to the NEW!