Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


During this transition time, many of us are impatient, frustrated, even angry that it is taking so long. We often hear the question, “What is becoming of our world?” We hear all the negativity and think, “How much more can I stand?”

 As I’ve stated before, a sore cannot heal until all of the pus has been removed. That’s what is becoming of our world—all the pus is coming out, so our world can be healed.

 Healing will occur much faster if we all join hands … stop buying into the propaganda–”The liberals are doing this” … “The Tea Party is doing that” … Aliens are dangerous and want to take over our planet” … propaganda only serves to separate and create hatred and fear. In other words, we create more pus, instead of assisting in the healing.

 All that is hidden must be revealed. Do your own research and make every effort to see through the propaganda to the truth.

 This lovely video can serve to remind us: Our planet is moving forward into the Golden Age of Light & Love, NOT backward to what use to be!





(These devotionals can be best understood by reading them in order)

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

lampostA Light for my Path

My use of the word fasting seems to cause confusion among some.  True, our society tends to think of fasting as doing without food in order to achieve some predetermined goal, like cleansing the physical body or enhancing a political movement.

During the Season of Lent, most think in terms of giving up something for a temporary period of time, like giving up or fasting from candy, colas, or smoking.

I would like to suggest that as we fast for the New Golden Age, we raise the fasting level above the physical.  Georgiana Tree West, in her Foreword to Charles Fillmore’s book, Keep A True Lent, explains this higher level of fasting.

“When we withdraw our attention, interest, and support from the false and the unworthy, this is true fasting.  When we give that same attention, interest, and support to the enduring good, we are feasting on the things of the Spirit, and this is true prayer.  When we have truly fasted in the Christ way we have increased our ability to respond to God’s good will.”

True fasting, and feasting, entails transforming ourselves … growing in the Christed Consciousness. 


For this 2nd day of Lent, I offer an excellent, beautiful explanation and meditation by Patricia Cota-Robles entitled “Raising Consciousness.”

EXPLANATION:  I AM or the I AM PRESENCE is the name of our Mother/Father God as told to Moses in Exodus 3:13-15.  Because the kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:20-21), the I AM PRESENCE = God within us.  Patricia Cota-Robles refers to the I AM PRESENCE in her meditation.




Matthew Ward’s Report – December 29, 2012


December 21st reactions, actual effects; beliefs create reality; aftermath of darkness, clearing away “debris”; expectations; God in charge of ET arrival; information sources; ascension smoother from now on; soul and science, same energy


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. December 21st, the date long awaited with excitement and musing about what would occur, has come and gone.

Individual experiences that day were as personal and unique as each soul itself is. Nevertheless, the majority of sensations felt by lightworkers can be described as moments of heightened spiritual attunement for some; a sense of peacefulness and well being for others; and disheartenment for those who expected to see momentous changes. Except for the “doomsday” concept followers, the general reaction of the rest of Earth’s population who gave any thought at all to the Mayan calendar was, I knew nothing out of the ordinary would happen.

Our beloved Earth family, something absolutely out of the ordinary did happen! Everyone in your world would rejoice with us if they knew that the powerful energy that was anchored on Earth during the solstice illuminated many millions of souls. They include those who have no knowledge of Earth’s ascension or are in the “fence-straddler” ranks or have been edging toward dark ways. Albeit unknowingly, all of them have intensified in the collective consciousness the desire and determination to right the wrongs in your world.

You cannot see this from our perspective, of course, but you will be seeing the effects of that massive infusion of love-light energy. More than ever before, people around the world are deeply feeling compassion for those who are in shock and grief after mass or random shootings or are fighting and dying for freedom from tyranny or are homeless and hungry.

Always there have been individuals who stepped up to assist others in whatever ways they could. What is new is, the Oneness of All that is known at soul level is rising into the consciousness, where a sense of connection with all who are suffering is gently emerging.

The recent in-pouring of light created a unified soul-level intention to end violence in your world and uplift the lot of the impoverished masses. As thoughts and actions in line with this intention coalesce into the collective belief that this can be done, firm strides will be taken to achieve it.

You know that in the continuum this is fait accompli. But most of Earth’s peoples have been in varying degrees of third density’s conscious awareness, and at that level possibilities are confined to third density senses, capabilities and what has been taught.

Their heartfelt longing for a world of peace and goodness is real, but the limitations of their beliefs created doubts that it ever could become a reality. It is not widely known that the universal law that belief creates reality affects each and every person’s life, so it is understandable that before now the belief ingrained in most of your civilization was that the multitude of abhorrent situations in your world is far too formidable to be remedied. Now, soul level knowingness is moving thoughts from “it is impossible” to “maybe it is possible— let’s try!”

Earth is passing through the celestial window where the last few wisps of third density are so feeble that they’re barely perceptible alongside the brighter, stronger first wisps of fourth density, where darkness cannot enter. While all light beings are jubilant about this glorious accomplishment, which is unprecedented in universal history, it doesn’t mean that suddenly Earth will be transformed into a paradise.

Just as a violent storm leaves death and destruction in its wake, so too does darkness. But a storm lasts only hours and it doesn’t strike worldwide. Darkness has controlled life on Earth for millennia, and the state of your world today is the aftermath of ages-long devastation wrought by darkness. It left in its wake the damage it has caused to the planet and the influence it had on many minds.

We know that some of you think that clearing away the debris left by darkness can come only after our universal family is on site. As much as they want to bring their technology and work alongside you, even the possibility of such assistance is not strongly registered in the collective consciousness. The positive aspect in this case is that souls on the planet are, and others very soon will be, taking the initiative to change what needs to be changed.

Please do not overlook the changes that have been happening for some time. A great deal of deception and corruption has been exposed and in several countries the citizens have risen up to throw off the yoke of oppression. Where elected governments are failing to meet the needs of the citizens, growing grassroots movements are forcing change. People hard hit by tattered economies have developed ingenious ways not only to cope with hardships, but surmount them.

It is true that extraterrestrials living among you have helped in these achievements, but please give yourselves credit for your part. Your godly actions and steadfastness in the light have been indispensable contributions! The power of your prayers, visualizations of a radiant Earth, sharing with those who are needy, and supporting organizations involved in environmental preservation and other worthy efforts is inestimable!

Indeed a great deal more has to be done, and as endeavors continue and the momentum of the light becomes swifter and wider spread, you shall see plans and intentions coming to fruition. Resistance and belligerence will evolve into negotiations, cooperation and unity of spirit as your new year unfolds in consonance with your desire to live in peace and in harmony with Nature.

There will be “fits and starts” along the way, trial and error and missteps, but rather than deter forward movement, those will strengthen the collective resolve to stay the course toward creating the peaceful, healthy, beautiful world you want.

More of your universal family members will be joining you, to be sure, but it is your world and you are in charge. While some lightworkers are or soon will be in leadership positions, most of you are way-showers for the awakening souls and those who haven’t yet reached that point, and simply living the light you are is enough.

The prevailing vibrations, which are at levels that haven’t been on the planet for eons, have correspondingly raised your vibratory rates, and the light of your very essence is beaming with greater forcefulness than ever before. This beneficially affects the thoughts and feelings of people whose lives you touch and flows on out to help transmute into light the remnants of negativity wherever they are.

Your radiance will uplift your kindred spirits who became disheartened because their expectations on December 21st were not met. That is, world situations didn’t vastly improve that day.

Let us speak about expectations. We come back to the universal law that belief creates reality and we add that the law has a provision: The belief must be realistic within its environment.

For instance, someone may believe that even though he sees a speeding train only yards away, he can safely cross the tracks. He can’t, not in an environment like Earth’s, where the collective consciousness doesn’t include the belief that danger can be averted by dematerialization or translocation. So those are neither a reality nor a capability in your world.

It is the same with those unmet expectations on December 21st. The vast majority of your populace only now is starting to believe that making your world a better place may be possible. Profound changes occurring throughout your world on any specific day is not in their belief system, therefore not strongly in the collective conscious, and the collective consciousness is the creative force of a civilization. So expecting major changes worldwide on any given day is not realistic within Earth’s environment.

As for the beliefs of “doomsday” individuals, those were way “out of sync,” and not only with the collective consciousness. The belief that the planet would self-destruct or be destroyed is the exact opposite of Gaia’s vision of a Golden Age for her planetary body and all of its life forms, and God is honoring her desire.

That is why in previous messages we could state with assurance that the day preceding December 21st would be much like that day itself and so would the following day. In jest, we mentioned that there would be no “ribbon-cutting ceremony” when Earth reached the beginning of fourth density, which was known to be around that date, linearly speaking. [September 9, 2011: As Earth ascends through the “last” wafting energy streamers of third density, which comingle with the “first” streamers of fourth, you won’t notice a dynamic difference from one day to the next. There will be no ribbon-cutting ceremony, so to say.]

There is an additional element to the effects of the collective consciousness on a civilization regarding the arrival of our family from other worlds. You have been eagerly awaiting the landing of spacecrafts and meeting members who are living among you.

However, not only isn’t your excitement about that shared by the vast majority of your society, but the actuality of “aliens” coming to help or already living on the planet isn’t in their belief systems. Furthermore, for the most part, their ideas about extraterrestrials are the monstrous beings invading Earth as depicted in films.

As we mentioned in previous messages, the highest universal council formerly was responsible for arrival and introduction timing and now God is in charge. God relieved the council of the heavy responsibility of deciding when Earth’s peoples are psychologically ready to see spacecrafts landing in numbers and to greet unusual looking beings. God will say GO! when the meeting can be with welcoming, not fear, and He is just as eager for that joyous occasion as are all of us who know it is coming.

God’s taking the helm in this is a change from what we reported in earlier messages. Changes happen at the peak of the universe just as they do in your lives! So it is not that we give you misleading information and later have to retract it—we tell you what is known at the time of our messages, and if later a significant change is made, we report that.

Some of you have asked where we get our information. Some is our soul level knowledge that has emerged through self-discovery, or remembering, and it can be most aptly and succinctly described as “universal knowledge.” We have no more knowledge than does any other soul; simply, through evolving spiritually and consciously, we have had more opportunities to remember what is in that storehouse of knowledge than lesser evolved souls have had.

Our information about what’s happening with Earth and on Earth comes from a number of sources, and when the information from several is in the same ballpark, so to say, we confidently share it with you.

One source is God, who told us what we just stated regarding when He will tell the council to notify fleet commanders GO! The council is another source, and so is our good friend Hatonn, who is an intergalactic fleet commander and director of communications between Earth and the rest of the universe. We also are in contact with individuals in Nirvana who monitor activities on Earth and with civilizations that are so far evolved spiritually, intellectually and technologically that even at this station they seem magical.

We have access to the Akashic records, the mass consciousness of the universe and the collective consciousness of Earth, and we know what is in Earth’s energy field of potential. It is in that field where possibilities become probabilities and probabilities become certainties, depending upon the amount of energy your collective thoughts, feelings and actions put into a particular potential happening.

Now then, Earth’s passage from now on will be smoother than during the past several months, when natural changes in planetary alignment were causing strong energy surges in your solar system. While those surges gave Earth the leaps forward she needed to reach the gateway to fourth density, many of you experienced disconcerting physical, emotional or mental anomalies as your bodies kept adjusting to increasingly higher vibrations.

Henceforth, the combination of crystalline cellular structure and the intensifying light along Earth’s ascension course will enable your bodies to stay on a more even keel. And you will be able to handle with equanimity, self-confidence and innate wisdom whatever situations arise.

With few exceptions, your scientists see light in the context of astrophysics and technology, and religions see love as the province of the soul. It will become known that the light of science and the love of the soul are one and the same energy, and it is the most powerful force in the cosmos. Now that this energy is flowing more abundantly in your world than at any time since Gaia and her planetary body were created in God’s perfection, the wounds of her residents and of Earth herself can be healed.

Enter your year 2013 knowing that lighted beings throughout this universe are, as ever before and evermore, your unseen supporters and assistants. What rejoicing there will be when you can feel the same unconditional love for us that we feel for you!



Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

[Bold font by Nancy]




DECEMBER 25, 2012


Dratzo! We return! During this holiday season we are preparing a series of final surprises for the dark which will mark the end of our waiting-period. Then our sacred allies’ many programs for manifesting your new reality can begin. Much has transpired over the past few months that can finally permit us to start the final moves toward new governance and a formal disclosure announcement. Here it is important to note that disclosure will allow us to address you directly for the very first time. Once we can speak directly with you, we intent to deal with various vital subjects right from the outset. Your world has been run for millennia by a group of ultra-wealthy and very powerful men and women whose sole concern was for themselves alone. It is now time for your interests to be fully represented and this we intend to secure! Your present economic and societal predicaments need to be looked after properly by those who are about to take the helms of your new governments and new financial institutions. You also must be informed about what has been happening over the last decade to prevent all this from manifesting as was originally planned.

As you know, the dark’s many members have controlled the world’s major governments for millennia. Each regime is given a catalog of set responses that they must adhere to in order to control any given situation. Moreover, each leader has a handler whose task is to ensure that ‘given’ government agendas are followed assiduously. In the main this has produced behavior that ensures the power of the dark’s minions; however, what is about to happen will short-circuit this self-perpetuating closed-loop. The new governance will restore your rightful power which you unwittingly gave up at birth. These divine rights will be returned to you and we implore you to exercise them with rigor and joy! The new governance and financial system will end the turmoil of war and the anguish of want. Use these coming assets to further your consciousness training and to make sure that your local and regional governance is carrying out your wishes and being transparent in their dealings with you. It is vital that a strong bond be established between you which is based on openness, not on blind trust or the glamor of authority. These are your first steps in practicing the responsibilities inherent in galactic society.

Galactic society forges a bond between you and all the elements that make up this all-inclusive, wide-ranging society, and so you need to begin to see society as an organic, interactive whole of which you are a vital part. Its essence is unity consciousness, and in the interim before you become fully conscious, you can use your intuition to interact with these forerunner governments in bold and innovative ways. Very quickly you can begin to see what a powerful and creative impact you have on your society. However, we have one caveat for you: be lovingly aware of one another, and use your Love and generosity to guide your actions. Learn how to flow with each other with new understanding. Our mentors will be on hand to advise you when necessary and to guide you in these very new ways, as you are likely to find so much newness somewhat confusing at first. Your mentors can take a look at your intentions and advise you on your most viable options. As you progress, you will find a host of questions popping up which will shape your understanding of your roles in this new, more conscious society.

Our purpose is to prepare you for full consciousness. Once you scale back the cycles of war, destruction, and hate, you can explore the myriad ways to implement cooperation and Love for the good of all. This is something of a ‘tall order’ because your societies are crammed with barrier upon barrier of every sort and description, many of which you take as inevitable, which they are not. You are being asked to launch forth and reverse just about everything you grew up with, in order to create a foundation for your galactic society. This truly is a massive education project and you can begin to comprehend the necessity for having mentors to guide you in the beginning. You will be learning through practice and we hope that the societal ‘rules’ we shall introduce to you will quickly be seen as optimally beneficial. This is a strange but exciting and challenging time for you because so much is expected of you. It is no easy matter to lay aside what you have learned from your parents and peers. Your mentors will be lovingly at your side to help you ‘root’ a society that is to be very different from what you now know.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day to celebrate the blessings that the holidays bring and to rejoice in the fact that a grand gift is to be given to humanity. Many millennia ago on your planet, you were witness to what you were capable of creating before the Anunnaki came and, in a fit of anger, destroyed your golden cities filled with scientific marvels. This was only around 8,000 years ago. Since then you have been in a straitjacket with only the most minimal technologies to light your weary path. The dark rulers were ever fearful of what you were capable of, and of your unbreakable allegiance to the Light and the deeply buried memories of the glories of the Creator. Finally the sacred moment has arrived when the truth of your Beingness can be revealed. The Creator has summoned legions from across this galaxy to come and take a hand in a massive transformation of your lives. A Light of great import has flashed through their ranks and your liberation is ensured!

We wish you to be very clear that this time has been decreed by the Creator as the moment when your liberation from the whims of the dark finally happens! This full-scale turnabout in your affairs is due to the unceasing blessings of Heaven. What you are seeing in the world about you are the signs that shamans and prophets through the ages have predicted for this golden moment. This is when you can regain your liberty and begin to receive the many sacred truths long withheld from you. We Ascended Masters have kept these truths alive in our teachings, and in so doing, prepared humanity for this great shift in consciousness. You are being made aware every day of what you are capable of and the amazing power that you as a collective possesses. Our role is to use the resources given to us to carry out this blessed task and join with Heaven’s liberators to manifest a new day for all who dwell here!

Your precious hearts are open and ready to receive a most gracious gift. Let us use this time to spread a message of freedom, prosperity, and a return to divine Truth. Let all the lies and endless manipulation of the dark cease forthwith and may the great flow of holy Light from the Creator bring us all in joy to the new reality and the new sovereignty given to all. This is the time we have long waited for and it is at last coming to fruition. Very shortly we are to manifest among you and teach many sacred truths given to us by the host of Seraphim that daily pour their sacred Light from AEON. This Light grows stronger with each day and is reflected in the brightness of our Sun. This grand Light is blasting away the power of the dark and giving true sustenance to those who follow the sacred edicts of the Light!

Today we continued our messages. They are intended to provide you with a fundamental comprehension of what is going on around you. The dawn of a new reality has come and with it, the moments when you are to meet your spiritual and space families. This is indeed a most special time to be in embodiment on the Earth plane! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: info@paoweb.com | Website address: www.paoweb.com

[Bold font by Nancy]




Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.



A little over 30 years ago, I answered the call from Ascended Masters Jesus & St. Germain to help with the churches.  Even as a very young child, I had questioned the orthodox teachings of Christianity.

No one had to tell me.  I innately knew that a God of Love could not at the same time be a God of vengeance, of eternal punishment, of violent solutions to humanity’s state of darkness.  LOVE CAN ONLY BE LOVE!

It’s a long story told elsewhere.[i]

I knew that I was a unique combination of orthodox seminary training and years of metaphysical study.  In 1980, I had entered a private counseling practice that afforded me the freedom to use the outstanding counseling tools of esoteric astrology and past life regressions, in addition to teaching meditation and metaphysics.

The advantage of these counseling services were that they allowed my clientele to get to know Who they truly are—a spirit being having a physical experience in accordance with their own unique, extremely personal Soul Plan.   These services flew in the face of traditional modalities based on standardized testing and counseling based on the concept of one life to live as a being separate from God, who was also subject to the erratic behavior of a capricious God.

Needless to say, I was also utilizing tools condemned by orthodox Christianity, which to this 4th day of the planetary shift to the New Aquarian Age are still ignored—if not outright shunned—with the exception of meditation.

I say all of this to make a point:  those of us who have pioneered with out of the box modalities, research, and teachings that have sought to reveal Truth have worked for decades with our professional credibility of the line.  We have been shunned, condemned, rejected, laughed at, and ridiculed.  Many of our family members and friends have wondered about our sanity, sometimes to the point of it being frightening.  On a higher, more world-wide level, pioneers have been assassinated, suicided, killed in accidents, tortured, imprisoned on made-up charges, families threatened or actually killed, and/or had their careers destroyed—to name a few of the grotesque methods humanity can dream up.

Why on earth would we persist?  Why not simply quit and go sit out the traditional “one life to live” in the status quo box?

Because we who have stuck our necks way out on a limb have seen through the subtle lies all Earth humans have been told for the express purpose of totally enslaving each and every one of us.  We are taught we are free while being strictly controlled in the orthodox box of religion, politics, education, economics/business, human relationships, i.e. mind control and fear.  And one of the most vicious techniques of control … teaching humanity that we are alone in the Universe and even if we were not alone, the extraterrestrials would come to Earth only to conquer or annihilate us … when in Truth, we all originated in the stars.  Our true families are the galactic sisters and brothers we are taught to fear.  We have been deprived of our star families’ technology—technology that could easily and quickly solve every problem on this planet![ii]

Around 2000, Lightworkers—as many pioneers are now called—began work in earnest (at least from my perspective).  Not to discredit all the thousands who have pioneered for at least the past 100 years and laid the metaphysical foundation for us, like Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, Charles Fillmore, Edgar Cayce, Ernest Holmes, Elizabeth & Mark Prophet, Yogananda, and A.D.K. Luk.  We knew the planetary shift to the New Aquarian Age was only 12 years into our future.

Let me back track a moment.  During the 1960s, a cultural revolution began with a movement for world peace and more personal freedom to be who we are as unique human beings.  African Americans wanted equal rights … women desired equal rights … gays/lesbians wanted equal rights and to be open with their sexual identity.  We can learn how enslaved we are by remembering how each of these groups were treated.  Drugs were introduced to the flower children—creating a culture of drug addicts; violent treatment of African Americans continued; and women were converted from baby (one more work hand on the farm) producers into sex objects in the work place.

Pioneering Lightworkers have risked professional credibility, careers, and, in many cases, given up financial security in an effort to awaken Earth humans to the movement toward complete enslavement by the few who hold complete power[iii] and trillions of dollars in  stolen gold and other natural resources.[iv]  Because those in control are well versed in the prophecies of the planetary shift, they stepped up their rush to totally enslave or kill Earth humans through wars, disease, chemically laden food and water, vaccinations, and a variety of other ways.  The battle to continue in power has been brutal and unrelenting.

Slowly, Earth humans began to awaken to the plight being created for them.  But still, many cling to the old and familiar—looking to the authorities to tell them what to do, what to believe, what to think—not recognizing that in doing so they willingly give up their own power.  Unknowingly, the sheeple (the power elite’s term for Earth humans) support the very people who are systematically enslaving them.[v]

As the December 21, 2012 date given for the planetary shift by myriad sources drew ever nearer, many did awaken.  Lightworkers worked night and day, many seven days weekly, to get the word out … to offer assistance in preparation for what was by this time called “Ascension into Higher Consciousness.”

Lightworkers had become aware that on December 21, 2012, all time lines converged into One that propelled our planet from darkness into Light.  It was the date Earth reached the zero point.[vi]  Our planet would ascend to the 5th dimension where only Love and Light abide.

Although the opinions as to how fast or how slow this great transformation would take place have varied considerably, most—if not all—Lightworkers expected to witness noticeable change, within ourselves and in some external manifestation.  With much excitement, we worked toward this magical date.  A multitude of communications from our off-world brothers and sisters—here to assist us in making this shift and to create the New Earth—also expected some form of tangible evidence.  We were primed to celebrate that at last Earth humans would awaken to higher consciousness.  Many of us had stuck our necks way out … taking the risk of losing all credibility.

Why did we do so?  Because our Soul Mission is to do just that.  Our Soul knew the Divine Plan for Earth humans-–that we are to create a world that works for everyone, that leaves out not one single human being on this planet.  Our Mother/Father God created Earth as a paradise.  Earth humans have all but destroyed it and us.  Lightworkers  have known there is a better way—the Unity of One Consciousness.

So when December 21, 2012 arrived, we expected fireworks—at least internally.  Although some, including me, felt an intensity of energy, a knowing that many beings were present with us, many were disappointed.  The Christmas rush went on as if nothing had happened.  The naysayers joked “we are still here,” although not a single ancient prophecy predicted the end of the world.  That was a disinformation fear tactic and it managed to generate a lot of fear.

At first, I felt disappointment.  Then, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that Lightworkers had been slapped in the face.  I was angry and I let spirit know it!  (I suspect they just enfolded me in love and allowed me to vent … 🙂 )

Here, many of us had worked night and day for weeks to help as many as possible to be prepared, to know how to ascend … and the universe, with tongue in cheek, made the shift to a New Age so calmly that we could barely perceive it.  Now, the naysayers could really make fun … “see, we told you so………….”  Now, the people who believed in the Lightworkers’ word would be disappointed, angry at us, reasonably upset because they, too, wanted a world that works for everyone.

After having a good cry and letting spirit have it, I can now begin to ask “What now?”  I highly recommend a good cry and verbal release for all disappointed Lightworkers.  It clears the energy field, so we can once more look to the future and forgive/forget what has been.

A brilliant Lightworker, Dr. Suzanne Lie, brought in a message from her Arcturian family on December 24.  The part that struck me with a new realization was:  Time is based on resistance. Hence, time does not exist in the same manner in realities that are NOT based on the hard boundaries and resistance of the third dimension. Instead, time in higher realities is based on the timeless Flow of the ONE. When there is nothing to resist, such as going to work, wishing to leave work, escaping traffic, fighting with your boss or mate, getting well and/or reaching your location, time will flow much as light flows.”  [vii]

Earth’s ascension to 5th dimension meant the end of linear time and the shift to the timeless Flow of the ONE.

Does this mean that as we adjust to the timeless Flow of the ONE that we will also become more pliable … more open to the new and more fulfilling … more receptive to messages of Truth?  Does this mean all Earth humans will stop resisting the changes that must come as we create a New Earth?

It is for sure, we cannot create a New Earth while clinging to old beliefs, old ways of doing things, old ideologies and organizational affiliations that have not worked for years.

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.”

 What NOW?


[i]   My 1st book, A New Age Christian:  My Spiritual Journey is still available FREE + postage on my website:   http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/order.html.

[v]   Sheeple = a term of disparagement in which people are likened to sheep, a herd animal. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research. They undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights.

[vi]   This fun lecture film gives a comprehensive astronomical explanation of events on 12/21/12:                  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2012/12/24/2012-a-z-a-galaxial-event-of-disneyesque-proportion/.

[vii]   http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo_24.html.

MUSINGS OF AN AWAKENING MINISTER – “Everything is simply different.”


“Everything is simply different”

December 22, 2012


 Man on beach


What a fantastic last few days!

Everything is simply different, and there is no denying it inside myself.

We spent Dec. 21 with awakened friends, and we observed all of the pivotal time-points.  We ate and celebrated.  That was actually the mood.

One of the women read angel cards.  The messages all resonated in each of us.  The feeling of oneness and love pervaded the room.

What is fascinating is that we have all only known each other for weeks, but the “camaraderie” of knowing we are family is unmistakable.

What I have noticed in me is this complete shift in perception.  There simply is no returning to an old way of thinking and being.  I sensed in my heart of hearts on the 21st that THIS indeed was the norm of the day.

Everything is now re-evaluated and re-considered in a New Light.  I find this process—and it is indeed a process—so fascinating that every single moment, thought, and experience is an adventure.

My “mind” is asking questions and thinking ideas it simply could not before.

Even this morning, as I prepare to be at the churches, I find myself interested in what is going to be.

I know one thing:  seeing all in Light and Love, as they are, IS the perception that IS reality.

Knowing that all necessary energy is there assisting is comforting.  Also, knowing that Ascension is no different than the 12-Step moniker “Keep it simple” … “One step at a time” … and “Easy Does it” … breaks the entire process into the bottom-line of “Be patient.

It WILL happen.”  There is no reason to stress.  We will all arrive simply because we already HAVE!

It is this powerful acknowledgement that begins the forward motion of the process!




DECEMBER 20, 2012





Scott explains the significance of 2012 and why extraterrestrials are here … the benefits of having them land and openly work with us.  He also talks about the conscious mind and how it trips us up.  We are moving from a thinking culture to a feeling culture with access to all knowledge.

It is important to remember as Scott talks about the benefits extraterrestrial technology will provide that “jobs” and money will very soon become obsolete.  In the New Aquarian Age, we will follow our dream and have all the resources to do so.




A New Age is born today

December 21, 2012 by John Smallman



Today is a day of great significance because you are waking up!  No longer will you feel beholden to the power and authority of corrupt organizations that have for so long held you enslaved to their unjust laws and regulations.  The energy that has been flowing strongly from the divine Love field over the last few years to assist your awakening process has intensified over the course of 2012, receiving enormous boosts on 11/11/12, 12/12/12, and with an even greater one today.  This energy is now flowing freely and constantly, and engaging very positively with your own energy fields, and each one of you adds your own signature to it as you wake up and consciously become a part of it.  You and your world will never be the same again, because the New Age has arrived, so REJOICE!

Some of you may still have issues that need your attention, but with the immense increase in the intensity of the effect that the divine field of Love is having on you all, you will find it really quite easy to disentangle yourselves from any remaining unloving attachments or painful emotional baggage that you have not yet fully released.  With your clear intent to do so, and with the loving assistance of your angels and guides, anything within your individual energy fields that is not in alignment with Love will quickly dissolve.  Relax and know that your true intent is instantly achieved.

Life has become for you an experience to cherish and enjoy to the full as the restrictions with which the illusion had enveloped you fall away and reveal to you the freedom that has always been yours, and discloses the myriad opportunities and possibilities available for you to explore with your rediscovered creative talents and abilities.

To interact and engage with others – family, friends, or complete strangers who are no longer and never really have been strangers – will always be harmonious and uplifting for you, now that the egoic competitive urges of divisive personal ambition that used to drive you have fallen away.  Any competitions or games in which you take part will be for the friendly amusement of all involved, and will lead to much spontaneous laughter.  You will do many things just for the fun of doing them, and there will be no background feelings of guilt suggesting that you should not be doing them or that you should be doing something of far greater importance.  Truly nothing is more important than to have fun, no matter what you are doing!

To do things purely for fun will provide for you a delightful, new way to focus on your activities, while at the same time adding immeasurably to the skill with which you engage in them.  Your days of drudgery and exhaustion are over because you have boundless energy with which to take part in life, and because the chores that caused the drudgery and exhaustion no longer fill your days.

A New Age is born today, and as you become accustomed to the sense of well-being and enthusiasm that it sparks, you will open yourselves more and more fully to the joys of living because there will no longer be an anxious but almost unconscious feeling that something will shortly occur to either dampen or destroy the playful feelings that you are experiencing.  Personal safety will not be an issue because there is nothing that could threaten you in any way at all.

You have arrived in the New Age where all that lies before you will deepen your sense of belonging and of joy.  Home is where the heart is, and now that Home and heart are fully at one, peace and utter contentment are eternally yours. Welcome back to the Home for which you have been yearning, and where you recognize yourselves once more as the divine beings that your Father created in eternal Love — to experience uninterrupted happiness.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Channeled by John Smallman

[Bold font by Nancy]




Bridge to Enlightenment [i]






Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.




The following information is not limited to citizens of the United States. All nations are to be transformed. I speak of the U.S., in particular, because I reside there. In Truth, Lightworkers are Citizens of Planet Earth. We work for the planet by serving at home and aboard. Citizens of nations, other than the U.S., can tailor the ideas presented here to the needs of their particular country.

Addendum written 11/11/12 – I am not sure how defined nations will be within a galactic society.  I know that we will become more planetary oriented as we become fully conscious of living on one planet among many populated planets.  Differences will be appreciated and treasured.


Creating a 5th dimensional society will require that all Lightworkers be involved as citizens of a nation. Our task is to build a galactic type planetary society that resonates with the 5th dimensional plane of consciousness. We will accomplish this goal with the support and guidance of our galactic family. Participating in the transformation of all Earth nations is a major means by which we perform the loving service to others that qualifies us, as individuals, to achieve our own ascension.

Knowledge of the basic characteristics of a galactic society provides us guidelines for the renovation and lifting up of planet Earth. A few of the basic characteristics are listed below.

1. All persons are members of a loving community called a “podlet.” A podlet is made up of approximately 64 people usually built around a common life purpose.

2. Parents share the responsibility of raising children. “The goal of child rearing is to foster high self-esteem, personal sovereignty, and mutually shared love and joy in all individuals.”

3. Within the galactic community, Spirit is held in awe. Early childhood education recognizes the presence of Spirit within every child.

4. The individual is nurtured and empowered by society; thereby enhancing the overall social order.

5. “Government is perceived as the fulfillment of divine service. Since every member of the society is sovereign, government’s purpose is simply to mirror the divine will of the Spiritual Hierarchy and to assist each clan [containing many podlets] in successfully completing its most sacred goals.”

6. “The highest form of the observance of God’s Will is divine service. Consequently, galactic society is focused on service, freely offered.”

7. “Each lifetime is perceived to contain a divine purpose.”

8. “The sovereignty of the individual … transcends any perceived rights and refers instead to the individual’s liberty to grow in Spirit according to God’s wishes.”

“Galactic society is constantly reinventing itself.”[ii]


The Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters are presently with us. We may communicate with them telepathically at any time. Even if we feel we are not yet telepathic, we can ask for their guidance and assistance. They hear us and respond. We may experience their response as an idea that pops into our minds … a sudden urge to perform a specific action … a book falling off the shelf in front of us. There are myriad ways for them to answer our requests. Just be alert, open, and willing to follow through with the idea presented.

Earth humans have a lot of work to perform—in conjunction with the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters—in order to create a galactic culture on this planet. We chose to incarnate, during this transitional period, in order to assist in this momentous endeavor. We are the privileged ones! We are here to witness events that have never—in this solar system’s history—taken place on Earth. We are present because we were awarded this unheard of opportunity to move forward in our spiritual evolution. Let us give thanks … roll up our sleeves … and get busy!


We cannot create a galactic society by using 3rd dimensional techniques that are based on greed, competition, separation, or categories of various kinds created to pit us against each other rather than bring us together in cooperative efforts. We must lay down our prejudices, cease clinging to our old belief systems, and overcome our propensity to resist change. In other words, we must affirm: “I choose to walk on the pathway to ascension. I release all known obstacles to my successfully treading this path and henceforth intend to work within the energies of unconditional love for all persons.”

We cannot create a galactic society with our present level of education regarding every facet of our lives. Living on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality means we have lived within illusion. Life is not what we think it is. Our planet is not what we think it is. The cosmos in which we live is not what we think it is. Human beings are not what most think they are. In order to create a galactic society, we must be willing to admit our lack of education, our lack of knowledge, and most of all, our lack of wisdom in how to create a culture that allows every individual to blossom into all that we are.

Thus, the prerequisite for creating a galactic society is that we lift our consciousness from 3rd to 5th dimension. As Einstein said, “No problem can be solved at the level at which it exists.” Instead, we must tap into our Higher Mind, intuitive powers, and creative capacity.

We must covenant with one another, the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ascended Masters, and the Angelic Host to be willing, diligent students of the wisdom that has been hidden from Earth humans for eons of time. We must re-write many books; re-organize our governmental systems; crack open our frozen religious doctrines and enable them to be permeated with Universal Truth; re-create our educational systems to include a focus on the mind, body, and spirit of every child; and develop peaceful, loving ways to live together as a planetary family committed to fulfilling God’s divine plan on Earth.

An excellent prayer to use for our planet Earth is The Great Invocation.


The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into the minds of humanity.

Let Light descend to Earth.


From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into the hearts of humanity.

May Christ [Love] return to earth.


From the center where the will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of humanity—

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.


From the center which we call the race of humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


Let Love and Light and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


[ii]   Nidle, Sheldan, YOUR FIRST CONTACT, pages 83-109.

[iii]   Illustration for The Great Invocation lifted from:  http://www.eaglesite.ca/links.htm