Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Garden of Eden Persian GardenGarden of Eden Persian Garden[i]

Recently, I am remembering at a deeper level that all of us were created and lovingly placed in an earthly paradise.  This remembrance seems to be a key to adjusting to the New Golden Age of Aquarius.

Mother/Father God created only love … only paradise!  Earth humans, using our innate co-creator talent, created all the suffering we presently witness on our planet.

Yesterday (1/25/14), I had an epiphany!  The temperature has been below freezing for several days with snow and ice on the ground.  This happens in the South, but not very often, so we are not prepared for such events.  I’m wearing the same coat I’ve had for years because I seldom need to wear a coat.

Yesterday, a cold wind was blowing.  I began to feel chilled inside my home.  I checked the thermostat and found it registering 60 degrees with the furnace fan still running—blowing cool air.  I tried to turn off the fan, but it would not stop blowing cool air.

I called my heating and cooling company.  They were swamped with calls for heater repairs.  I was told I would be placed on a list of customers to be visited anytime after 6PM last night.  Apparently, repair persons were to work deep into the night.

I live with the awareness that I am surrounded with spirit beings, including my Twin Flame, Uriel (just his name, not the Archangel).  I remembered reading in a recent channeled message that 2014 would be a time of what we Earth humans call “miracles” and that they would happen quickly.  We are truly entering the New Golden Age!

With this in mind, I prayed to Mother/Father God, and all the spirit beings present with me, to repair my furnace.  I closed all the curtains to retain what heat I still had in the house and went upstairs to my office.

While trying to figure out how to keep the cool air from blowing directly on me when sitting at my computer, the air suddenly turned warm!

My heater was once more working properly!

I asked Uriel if he had fixed it … he said “No, that it had simply been stuck.”

I called my heating company and cancelled by request for repair.

By then, it was dawning on me:  “Is this how it feels to begin living in paradise on Earth?! … our problems simply begin to melt away!

Although my life has been filled with what we would heretofore call “miracles,” this epiphany awoke in me a deeper awareness of what it is like to live in paradise.

There really is nothing to fear … we really are loved beyond our present comprehension … we really are united with All That Is!

I remember Jesus’ teaching:  “Observe the birds of the sky, for they do not sow, neither do they harvest nor gather into barns, and yet your Father in heaven feeds them.  Are you not much more important than they?”  (Matthew 6:26)

My furnace continues to work correctly … I am warm with the knowledge that Mother/Father God intended only paradise for all of us!

May we begin adjusting to living life in paradise!