Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned The Coming Exposure, Containment and Deconstruction of the Illuminati

Veterans Today

Preston James, Ph.D.




Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

AshtarCommander Ashtar of “The Ashtar Command – an etheric group of extraterrestrials, angels and lightbeings and millions of “starships” working as coordinators of the activities of the spacefleet over the western hemisphere. Under the spiritual guidance of Sananda (the Most Radiant One), the ascended master who walked the Earth incarnated as Jesus the Christ, Ashtar, the commander of the galactic fleet and representative for the Universal Council of the Confederation of Planets, is currently engaged in Earth’s ascension-process.” (

Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned

The Coming Exposure, Containment and Deconstruction of the Illuminati

by Preston James

NOTE BY NANCY: Based on Preston James’ words, I am choosing to include only excerpts that seem to me to be relevant to the average American. Dr. James states: “This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Secret Space War matters. Its purpose is to provide information about a certain group of notably evil Alien ET visitors who formed a long-term association with Super-elite criminally-insane Psychopaths who hijacked America in 1913. These super-elite Deviants were given incredible power and authority in exchange for enacting the evil Agenda of this Alien ET group best described as Cosmic Parasites. This group of super-elite Deviants is best referred to as the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) AKA the “Illuminati”.

If you are not aware of the background information and evidence that is available about this ongoing Secret Space War, you are probably wasting your time reading this and it won’t fit into your mind.”


The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) has done their best to keep you from knowing about Secret Space War matters. There has been a long term energetic effort to keep this information from “We the People” as well as anyone including the High Military Command who does not have what they define as an “absolute need to know”.

Recently during the last several years Majestic-12 (AKA MAJIC), the Secret Group that has maintained authority over all Alien ET matters since it was created by President Truman in 1947, has apparently voted to allow public disclosure.

The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) is comprised of a Working Alliance between the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) and the International Zionist crime Syndicate (IZCS). This Ruling Crime Cabal/Coalition is best described as the Illuminati because that is what they call themselves and prefer to be called by Insiders.

This RCC gained power in three major Coup d’ Etats, the first in 1913 with the illegal, Unconstitutional passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the second with the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the third with the deployment of a Gladio-style, False-Flag Inside-job Nuclear Attack on America on 9/11/01. It was during this time that Israel used nuclear blackmail to coerce the US Administration and top USG officials to allow the creation of Homeland Security (DHS).

The creation of Israeli-controlled Homeland security (DHS) provided an illegal, Unconstitutional consolidation of all American Alphabets, Law Enforcement and most Intel into one large, easy to control Israeli occupying Police State Army inside America.

This article will claim that the “Worm has Turned” at a very high level and the RCC is now being contained, dis-empowered and deconstructed piece by piece due to an interesting convergence of various forces and entities including the US High Military Command. Because this article contains information leaked by insiders and as well as numerous speculations, use your own judgment to evaluate what is presented and come to your own conclusions.

Be aware that many good individuals have been seriously harassed, stalked, threatened and even murdered to bring you this kind of information because the Ruling Criminal Cabal (RCC) does not want you to have any of this information about Secret Space Wars or Alien Agenda matters. The reason? This will be explained in the article and is best summarized that full public disclosure will likely result in a major immediate loss of power for the RCC at every level and will create a complete disruption of the Alien Agenda they are working so hard to fulfill which is about as anti-American and anti-human as possible.”

The Worm Has Turned

The most secret Agency of the US Government has apparently decided that Disclosure is now going to be allowed, despite the existing official, but secret USG policy against it….

Disclosure will lead to the implementation of Populism, the implementation of Free Energy, and the end of the petroleum based economy, which would be the RCC’s biggest nightmare….

Free Energy Systems have been discovered and developed and are ready to be rolled out and will completely displace the Petroleum based energy systems which control the World….

The RCC appears to be cornered from all sides with many vectors converging on them in addition to the rapid rate at which their crimes against Americans and the world are being exposed and communicated to the masses….

All the technology is already discovered and ready to go, and would have already been implemented except for the Petroleum Energy Cartels who established a stranglehold on the nations’ governments….

And now there is the notable emergence of the ever increasingly popular BRICS Development bank which has a total of 170 nations who have either signed on or submitted letters of intent. This is a direct threat to the US Petro Dollars use as the World’s reserve Currency and unless some unforeseen events occur, will probably eventually dethrone the US petro Dollar and reduce it to worthless paper….

So the bottom line is this, these Fallen ones cannot actuate and attain their Agenda for Planet Earth and humans unless they acquire and possess certain key human leaders. They must always work through these vectors and if they cannot find folk weak in character that will sell their souls for mammon, well then they are driven backwards into the darkness they came from….

The Master game of the Alien Agenda.

The Alien Agenda “Master Game” is this, the Fallen Ones posses and control their Key Cutouts, known as Kingpins, and then these kingpins who have been able to climb the power/control hierarchy are then able to assert control over all subordinates. And they of course follow the will of their overlord. The method by which they are controlled is the “Carrot and the Stick”. If they do well for their Overlord (aka spirit guide) they get a big carrot (reward), if they fail or act ineffectively they get the Stick (suffer punishment and loss). If they fail too much they get a death sentence.

How to stop the systematic Rollout of the Alien Agenda.

So if we want to stop the incremental rollout of the Draco’s Alien Agenda, the solution is two fold. First expose them for what they are, Cosmic Parasites who have possessed, anointed and empowered some very evil, twisted top Leaders who have become criminal psychopaths and are Demon or DJin infested.

The second solution is to resist their Agenda in mass, by refusing to consume their pornography, mind-numbing TV programming and a 100% commitment to live by the Golden Rule, not their but the real one. Their Golden Rule is ‘Gold Rules”, that is he who has the Gold can buy everyone and anything they want.

The real Golden Rule is “Do unto your Neighbor as you would want Them to do unto You”. The ruling super-elite Deviants cannot live by this rule of “Do unto others” because it is no longer within their nature….

As soon as a critical mass is reached in society, Psi-Power takes over. this is the emergent mass populism or group mind that kicks in at many different levels to create enough social force to stop these Illuminati cold in their tracks.

It was done by the Founding Fathers and can be done again. That is why the Illuminati have worked so hard to centralize and hijack Public education and to federalize everything, including Law Enforcement and the Alphabets by forming Homeland Security….

If a Critical Mass Turning Point is reached, it will be curtains for the Illuminati’s hold on America and the rollout of the Draco’s Alien Agenda through their Circle of Twelve (Illuminati) Kingpins who will quickly become disposable Cutouts….

And when 10% is reached, which it already has, it is only a matter of time when the Illuminati control breaks down….

Now the critical mass is actually 11% in America and moving towards the 12% mark. At 12% the turning point is reached and the Illuminati system will no longer be supported by We the People”….

The Tall Whites which some refer to as Nordics are claimed by some to be acting as a powerful counter-force to the Evil Dracos which are believed to be life and energy sucking cosmic parasites….

the Dracos cannot proceed without the continuing consent provided by We the People who are for the most part asleep at the wheel, but just starting to wake up in mass, thanks to the Internet….

An end to all secrecy seems imminent and is now well under way and seems to be driven by the influence of the Tall Whites who some believe are generating world populism through the Internet.

Apparently the current situation is this. If reports are accurate, the Tall Whites are now working behind the lines to make sure that all secrecy ends and that the secret crimes of the RCC are fully exposed to the public via the Internet and word of mouth through information diffusion. It does seem quite interesting so many Deep Black Secret Shadow Government Secrets have been exposed lately and so many “thought to be secret” phone conversations and documents. There is every reason to believe this trend will continue and will speed up. I expect a complete end to all secrecy within two years at the rate this is occurring….

The RCC is cornered, desperate and perhaps may deploy more nuclear false-flag terror on America.

Right now it appears that the RCC is cornered, desperate and may deploy additional nuclear false-flag attacks on America in order to attempt to re-establish their failing control system. This would probably a final effort to re-establish complete authority in their system or control which is eroding daily, best described as “going for broke”.

[Our Galactic Family under the command of Ashtar have declared no more nuclear weapons will be allowed. We know of several times when our Galactic Family intervened and disabled our nuclear weapons.]

Has a major turning point occurred within the last month?

Two major events occurred within the last two months which suggest that “the worm has turned”. The first incident was the phone message left on Ambassador Lee Wanta’s Washington DC Embassy phone system by Former Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist and former South Dakota State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad.

Listen Here

This phone call threat to Wanta begs for indictments and prosecution for numerous Federal Crimes including RICO. If fully investigated and completely prosecuted, this matter could easily unravel the whole USG. These two individuals had allegedly previously stated they were the Puppet-Masters.(2)

The second incident was the recent announcement by US Attorney General Eric Holder that he was resigning. Were these two matters connected. Or was this recorded threat to lee Wanta just the final straw that broke the Camel’s back. It was also recently ruled by a Federal judge that the Benghazi documents could no longer be withheld after November 1, 2014. Some believe that if the full documents are released by Holder’s office many top Administration folks (some former ones) will be ruined and some even prosecutable.











New World Order

NOTE BY NANCY: I am posting this film because the information is very important. Although the film presents President Obama as just one more of the Illuminati, I continue to believe he is, instead, acting as a double agent. As a double agent, he cannot let on that he is anything but one of them. However many have intuited that Obama is indeed working for the Light. Throughout the years he has been president, those who are channeling Higher Beings have confirmed that Obama works for the Light. According to Illuminati plans, he was not intended to win the presidency; Romney was. The people actually voted in a president when Obama won. The unfolding of Divine Order had intervened. Our nation and planet are NOT to continue the path depicted in this film. Earth Humans are awakening to all the horrors that have been perpetrated upon them. The Illuminati are defeated.

The New World Order to which Obama refers in this film is the world he envisioned in his 2007 campaign. Things are not as they seem where he is concerned. We will come to know that in the near future.

I post this film as an educational tool for how our planet came to be in the pitiful shape we now observe crumbling before our eyes.

The New World Order is about enslaving humanity. In order to do so, the Illuminati infiltrated all of our societal structures and created myths presented as THE truth by the mainstream media, religions, educational systems, and political and financial systems. Confusion about what is true and what isn’t is the way the Illuminati have heretofore kept humanity under tight control. In 2014, all that is hidden from the people is flooding into the open and being exposed.

Humanity is awakening and claiming their inalienable right to individual sovereignty! No more can we be controlled, owned, or enslaved!














  NOTE BY NANCY: 2013 is already demonstrating humanity’s intense desire for change. We are realizing that we have given away our innate power as created in the image of our Father/Mother God.

 We have allowed ourselves to submit to the will of others … to allow others to dictate what we will think … what we will believe … how we will feel … what we will be. We have accepted the lies we are taught in every area of our lives as the way life is … we have asked: why bother? What can we do about it?

 There are numerous examples in our present world of what we do not want. At the same time, we are unsure as to how to proceed in creating the world we would like to see … a world that works for everyone.

 A major block is that very sincere people are unknowingly supporting the very individuals, beliefs, and methods that enslave them. We have so allowed others to tell us what to think that we have forgotten how to think for ourselves … how to live from our hearts and tap into our innate knowledge of how to BE LOVE … how to create change without coming from a fear based motivation.

 We easily get caught up in attempting to solve a problem through win-lose methods. Competition has become our modus operandi … we have been taught to live with a belief in the fear based lie, survival of the fittest.

In order to bring about loving, peaceful, creative change and build a world that works for everyone, we must wake up to the ways in which humanity has been led to support beliefs that actually create separation … hatred … and competition. Think about it … competition is integrated into the majority of our life experiences. We strive to be on or support the winning team … we strive to make the top grades in our class … we are in competition to be hired for a job … we remain in competition to hold on to that job. The ways in which competition permeates our lives are endless.

What are the results of competition? We live in an atmosphere of fear of losing, which keeps us enslaved to working hard to be a winner. Do we ever ask: “Who determines who wins and loses?” Does the criteria for winning allow me to be truly who I am? Am I peaceful and secure in what I am doing? Or, do I feel threatened by something or someone?

Keeping humanity in a constant state of needing to strive to make a living, to feed our family, to maintain a home … i.e. to be a winner, is one of the subtle ways the Illuminati has enslaved us. If we do not conform, we will end up without a job, hungry, homeless. We are controlled by fear.

Happily, we are beginning to see examples of people choosing to cooperate together to create a world that works for everyone. Instead of fighting against what we do not want, we are beginning to learn that we must understand the problem in order to solve it, then focus our attention on positive solutions. As we take back our innate power to be co-creators with God, we can cooperatively work together to create a better world. Having taken back our own power, we no longer feel the need to fear anyone or anything. Instead of sticking our head in the sand and pretending the problem does not exist – or – becoming entangled in the problem, we see and understand it; then, look through the problem to a positive solution.

Humanity assuming its own power: to create … to think independently … to use our individual unique talents … to cooperate with others … to BE LOVE; this is the way to overcome the Illuminati Cabal. We possess the innate power to simply turn away from the fear mongering and to create a world in which Love, Peace, & Abundance for All exists.


 Although, I cannot find the identity of the speakers, the following YouTube is excellent.



Montague Keen – March 3, 2013

Montague Keen       The Montague Keen Foundation

NOTE BY NANCY:   Monty communicates, from spirit, to and through his Earth wife, Veronica, but he is speaking to all of us.  In an earlier message, Monty stated that Ireland needed to declare its freedom … that the world awaited their declaration.  This Declaration comes shortly after the resignation of Pope Benedict and prior to the Vatican Concave.  On the same day the Pope resigned, lightning struck the Vatican.  According to David Wilcock, this was a powerful geo-synchroncity.  Reading Ireland’s Declaration will give you a summary of how the entire planet has been enslaved  The Truth being unveiled by numerous sources repeats the same summary.  Have you ever wondered why the United States Presidents always visit the Pope?


It has been a difficult yet interesting week for you, my dear. We shared your excitement as you read through the DECLARATION officially made by the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE OF THE ANCIENT LAND OF EIRE, who no longer give their consent to LEX ROMANA, the Tyrannical System imposed by Rome. The tears you shed as you read of this brave stand by the people of Ireland were tears for all those who suffered throughout the rule of Rome and not just in Ireland. The world suffered, mankind suffered, because of what was put in place nearly 2000 years ago. My dear, we inspired many to research what was hidden. Now, at last, people are beginning to see the big picture, and they refuse to be part of it. Bombs and guns are not needed, just the courage to stand for truth, to refuse to comply with all that is corrupt. When guided by the heart you cannot go wrong. The congratulations of all in spirit go to those who made this Declaration possible. Now let us see how many other countries will take courage and emulate what the Irish people have done.

The organic, natural essence of a human being is not hate, it is LOVE, and it is the eternal life force. If a human being consumes himself with hate, he will destroy his eternal nature. This choice is of critical importance during these evolutionary times as the illusions and deceptions are being exposed. Hate eventually destroys those who hate; it is destructive, it should have no place in your lives. I have reminded you, many times, that love is your weapon of choice. When you can look on your oppressors with love and pity, they will lose all power over you. It will make them and their evil plans feel exposed, naked, and at your mercy. Behave with dignity and honesty and you will succeed beyond your wildest expectations. This is your time to take control of your planet, are you up to it?

There are, at this time, people strategically placed around your world, who are ready and willing to come to the aid of those who need their help and guidance. Their work is to ignite and spread the light of truth. Go to your sacred places, reclaim them, they belong to you. Use the wonderful energy available at them. The energy you will release will bring the light to those places that have yet to wake-up. Check the ley lines. They will guide you to the most sacred places. Look where they cross and experience the wonderful energy for yourselves. Still, so many of you do not understand how your world works. This information was kept from you. Now, I encourage you to find out for yourselves. Enjoy the freedom it brings to you. You will begin to see life in a whole new light.

The propaganda that abounds at this time is laughable. They just cannot accept that you are awake and can see clearly what they are up to. Some people are being used to create a completely false picture of events. Though some appear to be above board, unfortunately, many have become tainted by the lure of the corrupt. Money and fame are used to entice them. They will find that this is short lived and they will regret becoming involved. You all need to be strong and determined to create a future where love and light will remove all that was dark and corrupt. When the jurisdiction of the Vatican is removed forever, then and only then, will you have a just world for all.

You were told, my dear, that when humanity cries out for help, then your friends from other planets will come to your rescue. You see them in your skies. They are ready to land and assist you. They will help you to create free energy for all. Food and shelter will become freely available as never before. Because you have never experienced it, you think it is not possible. Yours is the only planet with such problems, because you are living on a slave planet. You were made to believe that you were the only beings in the universe. What nonsense! You are embarking on the greatest adventure. We are all behind you, encouraging you to take whatever steps are necessary to achieve your goal.

The Dark Cabal has stepped up the attacks on those who try to expose it. This proves just how frightened they are of you. If you were not succeeding they would not be frightened of you. You would not be a threat to them. You are living in the worst war zone since time began. Your enemies hide behind every facade of democracy. Now, you can see them. You know who they are. They are desperate to escape your planet.

Veronica, my dear, everything will happen in divine time. The right people will be at your side. All obstacles will be removed and you will go ahead as planned before you returned to Earth. Sometimes it takes a little time for people to come to terms with what they agreed to do, before their return to Earth. Those who have a role to play must complete it before they are allowed to return to spirit. There is no choice, as you, yourself have found, my dear. Such agreements cannot be broken, no matter how many obstacles are placed in the way. The Dark Ones have done everything possible to isolate you but we continue to bring people to you. The more good people come together, the more light is created. It will extinguish the dark. When the 99% come together in love and harmony, they cannot be defeated, and the Dark Ones know this only too well. This is what they fear. Yes, this is what I am saying. They fear YOU, the awakened you. The ball is in your court, your decision matters.

It is time for people to learn about the God of love and remove all memory of the God of vengeance that was forced on you to keep you under control. Those of you who are still locked into the fear of the God of vengeance need to research for yourselves the truth. You were made to fear death, when so many of us return to assure you that death is a beautiful experience. It is a real homecoming. If you have harmed another during your life, then you alone approach that person and ask forgiveness. It is as simple as that. You are reunited with those you have loved. I chose to continue my work with Veronica. It is what we agreed when I was at her side on Earth. We have worked together in many lifetimes and we were together before Earth was created. Our love has survived many lifetimes on Earth and will continue when we are together in Spirit. Our work will go on. In the meantime, I assist her to accomplish what she returned to Earth to do.

Be kind to yourself, my love. Take time to rest. Everything will soon fall into place once more, as everyone takes their place in the team again. All is in hand. Trust me, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

[Bold font by Nancy]

MATTHEW – 2/18/13 -the disclosure of ancient records that will show how the Bible long ago was strategically altered.

Matthew Ward – February 18, 2013


Power, responsibility for world changes; Pope Benedict’s resignation; Vatican history; North Korea’s nuclear test; cost of war, random violence; employment, productivity transition to peace; status of women and gays; seven decades of progress

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Since the December solstice the vast majority of Earth’s population has been tending to respective responsibilities and pursuing usual interests. The believers in the doomsday theory connected with the end of the Mayan calendar are feeling a tad foolish, yet relieved if the truth be told.

None of them knows what you do, that during the in-surge of light those few weeks ago Earth took her first steps into fourth density. Many of you still are feeling disappointed, even discouraged, because nothing of apparent change took place, and it is especially these dear ones whom we want to uplift and give renewed confidence.

Think of a newborn babe, who comes with specific talents, skills, interests, independent thoughts and goals. That “package of potentials” isn’t at all evident in the infant’s earliest days; however, as this little person grows, the innate abilities start to emerge and with proper nurturing, they bloom with ever greater creativity and polish.

It is the very same process with Earth’s Golden Age, so recently birthed, and its “package of potentials.” The light intensity in your world has made this infant era extraordinarily “fertile,” you could say, making it easier now than ever before for the fruits of your labors to flourish.

This is a time to feel positive, optimistic, enthusiastic and victorious—you mastered the difficult stages of Earth’s ascension! Her leaving third density when she did was preordained, but the many millions among you who are slumbering to one extent or another might not have made it.

But they did, and it is with thanks both to the in-pouring of light during the solstice and to your radiance. Your light was essential then and it is just as essential now as you move forward in your world co-creating process.

All along you have had not only the power, but the responsibility to make your world whatever you want it to be. In the continuum that glorious world is fait accompli, but in linear time your mission goes on. And what comes next is exceedingly fulfilling and gratifying—restoring to Earth and all her residents peace, health and harmony. You mustn’t “fall down on the job” by letting disillusionment dim your light!

Indeed your universal family has helped immensely throughout Earth’s ascension process and they continue to do so in the many ways we have enumerated. Just as Earth’s entry into fourth density during the solstice was preordained, so was all of that extraterrestrial help—both are major provisions of the Golden Age master plan that was established in consonance with Gaia’s vision for Earth.

Because your family’s light is more intense than yours and their technologies are far advanced of your own, their assistance has been and will continue to be in ways that are beyond your current capabilities. However, the pace of society’s progress always has been determined by the planet’s collective residents—it can be no other way because it is your world.

Let us speak for a moment about some recent developments—first, Pope Benedict. A most unusual event indeed, a pope resigning, and the announced reason, “advanced age,” is factual in a way.

The pope seen publicly is a clone. Because it is aging rapidly and its energy is ebbing, it will not be able to function much longer and replacement clones are hard to come by these days. That is why the pontiff himself, who looks healthier and younger than the clone, will remain in seclusion. Depending upon his life span and the timing of the truth about clones coming forth, he may be seen later on looking quite refreshed.

The significance of this resignation is much more far reaching than a failing clone—it cracks open the door to truths that have been hidden for centuries, such as pedophilia in the priesthood has been rampant for over 1500 years.

The Vatican, which has been a major world player under the Illuminati umbrella, is the international headquarters of Satanism, and its untold wealth includes stolen art treasures acquired in collaboration with Nazis during World War II. Any pope who raised an objection to the mammoth deceit, unconscionable behavior and amassing of fortunes was short-lived.

Yet, possibly the most shocking revelation will be the disclosure of ancient records that will show how the Bible long ago was strategically altered—most notably the fabricated story about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection—to give the church control over the Catholic populace.

When all of that becomes public knowledge, the Vatican’s long reign will be over. The crumbling will be extremely sad and difficult for Catholics, but all devout Christians will be profoundly affected by learning that the foundation of their lives was built on lies.

Compassion for all of those souls can help them accept that the truth about Jesus’ life and teachings is far more valuable than what they have been taught. Their beliefs that are based in spirituality rather than in dogma will endure and the rituals based on falsehoods will fade away.

Media around the world also have been abuzz about North Korea’s nuclear test. Launching a missile is one thing, exploding a warhead is quite another, and that test was not nearly as effective as that country would like the world to think. However, like Iran, North Korea is considered “rogue” and a threat that could lead to a nuclear war.

You know that there will be no such war and no attempt to detonate a nuclear warhead in space will be successful, but few others know that. So how to reduce the perceived dire threat those two countries pose is on the world stage, and in the United States it is sharing the spotlight with gun violence.

Beyond the personal tragedies of all who are directly affected, violence deeply touches the global conscience. As conscious and spiritual awareness continues expanding, all will understand that violence breeds only more violence, never harmony or cooperation or respect. Some scattered bellicose chatter will continue for a while, but increasing emphasis on negotiating differences eventually will result in international disarmament.

The incentive to stop warring and random violence goes beyond ending widespread death and grief. The other costs of war—devastation of land and natural resources, destruction of homes, businesses, infrastructure—and of random violence—law enforcement, legal and court proceedings, prisons—is a gargantuan collective expense.

Throughout your world many millions are languishing in prisons because they were captured in war or are incarcerated by unfair laws, corrupt judicial systems, excessively harsh penalties for minor offenses, wrongful conviction or mental disorders. This shameful blot on your history will be cleared in stages as will treating mental illness as long as that condition is an aspect of life.

Funds no longer needed to perpetuate or defend against violence will be directed into areas of critical need like education and health care; energy technologies; innovative business growth; repair and maintenance of roads, rails and bridges; environmental reclamation.

Citizens’ demands for those and other kinds of improvements will force governments to take action. Industries that now fuel war machines will convert their manufacturing processes to other types of production, and employees who need training in fields of their choice will receive it.

In our last message we touched upon equal rights for women and in numerous messages we have said that souls in a third density civilization must attain balanced lifetime experiencing so they can evolve into fourth density. Relegating women to an inferior status was a primary factor in Earth’s spiraling down from fifth density to deep third and staying stuck there.

The karmic merry-go-round kept giving women who were maltreated in one lifetime the opportunity to attain balance in other incarnations by being the oppressors. And so it went millennia after millennia until finally women started inching forward permanently in their fight to obtain an education, to vote, to organize, to speak their minds despite social stigma.

In most countries today women are rightfully recognized as indispensable contributors to society. Homemaking and motherhood no longer is a presumed role—the choice to not marry or to not have children is equally honored. Millions of women are successfully combining family life with university attendance or careers.

Women are distinguishing themselves in fields formerly considered the province of men such as engineering, science, electronics and research, and they are holding political office, owning small businesses or heading corporations.

Many reform movements around the world have been initiated by women. In countries where their civil and God-given rights still are denied, brave individuals are taking bold steps toward ending that cruel unjustness and social media have given global supportiveness to their determined efforts.

The same is true for gay people, who also have long been denied the respect, dignity, opportunities and rights that heterosexuals enjoy. In cultures where that status still is afforded only to men, honoring the rights of gay people will come slowly, just as for women. Eventually everyone will know that homosexuality is an advanced stage of spiritual growth wherein feminine and masculine energies are more balanced than in heterosexual persons.

Achieving peace and full rights for all citizens will lag in the hardcore regions of conflict and oppression—notably the Middle East, some African countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and North Korea. Many of those countries must resolve difficulties due to tribal, religious, caste, gender, cultural and political differences as well as those groups’ economic disparities.

You may think it ironic that the clamor for violence reduction and the rights of women and gay couples is highly publicized in the United States, yet that country’s mainstream media omit what is reported in other “free” countries. For instance, there has been nothing about the arrests of many bankers and other influential individuals in Europe and there’s never been a peep about the obvious presence of spacecraft.

The Rothschild faction of the Illuminati, which governed its empire from London and the Vatican, lost its media foothold along with its other powers in that part of the world. A section of the Illuminati’s Rockefeller faction, headquartered in Washington, DC, and New York City, still has influence on major media in the US as well as on Wall Street; and their lingering foothold in Congress is evident in the intransigence that has stagnated progress.

Yes, we know that for the most part, what we have been speaking about is not new information. So why did we recount those things that you know well? Because you need to think about how far you have progressed since Earth’s ascension started!

Those seven decades back the conviction was that killing the “enemy” was a patriotic duty. Many, many millions eagerly went forth into battle, supported in both spirit and war machinery production by their civilian counterparts. Today the desire of overwhelming numbers around the world is to end bloodshed and live peacefully together.

In the late 1930s, the heavy hand of darkness controlled everything that impacts life on Earth—governments, the economy, commerce and industry, teachings in churches and schools, laws and justice systems, the media, the environment. Very few persons questioned decisions made by any of those authoritative bodies.

Now there is widespread questioning of authorities’ motives and opposition to decisions and actions that are against the common good. Think of the massive amount of corruption, deceit, and depravity that your efforts have “brought to light.” Think of how you have brought the world’s attention to brutality and unjustness that used to be silently endured.

You need to feel encouraged by and grateful for the dramatic advancements and you need to give yourselves credit for your contributions. Recognizing accomplishments is not hubris, it is a source of inspiration and motivation to keep on until the mission is completed. You may not be in the forefront of progressive moments, but please never forget the power of your thoughts and feelings!

To quote from our last message: Just as before—always!—Earth’s residents’ journeys depend upon the choices each makes, and the cumulative choices make up the collective consciousness. So, it is your thoughts, passionate feelings and actions that will set Earth’s pace from now on. Whether that is happily humming through fourth density or soaring like an eagle, Gaia is jubilant—the exceptionally difficult leg of the ascension is over!

It is as imperative now as before to focus on what you want in your world, not on what you don’t want! Please do not lament conditions that are distressing or disparage individuals who don’t share your views. Instead, let your thoughts and feelings be about life in harmony with Nature and an abundance of goodness for everyone.

Steadfastness in the light hastens Earth’s pace toward the healthy, beautiful tranquil world that already exists in the continuum. How we wish that you could see the magnificence of your co-creation just as we do!

The unconditional love and honor of light beings throughout this universe is with you now and evermore.



Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books




Drawn from Matthew’s monthly report for November 2, 2012

Matthew’s entire message, channeled by his Mom, Suzy Ward, follows this very important critique of President Obama.

Decisions and actions of the United States government are influential worldwide, therefore that country’s forthcoming election holds global interest.  We have spoken about President Obama’ mission in the context of Earth’s Golden Age master plan, which is in accordance with Gaia’s desire of a peaceful world where all live in harmony with Nature.  Her desire and the plan that embodies it transcend politics in every nation.

Obama, who has experienced many lifetimes in leadership positions, accepted the monumental mission to bring peace to your world, and he came in with the wisdom, vision, dedication, and moral and spiritual integrity to lead the way. Neither he nor his mission has changed. 

However, throughout his term in office, his efforts have been undermined by the Illuminati—those who are in Congress who are supported by those who are not. An example of their combined handiwork that you will recognize is the oft-berated “Obamacare,” which is but a broken skeleton of Obama’s intention. To get any of the reforms he wanted for the people of his country, he had no option but to change some provisions and add or eliminate others so that Congress would enact the Affordable Healthcare Bill.

Soon all individuals whose actions are motivated by greed and control no longer will be around. Then you shall see why the highest universal council selected the soul born as Barack Obama to fill one of the most vital roles in your world today. This would have been evident throughout his presidency had it not been for the tenacity of the dark ones.     



Storm Sandy not manmade; law of attraction is cause of current turmoil; energy streamer attachments; political ideologies; reason Earth is ascending; Obama, Golden Age master plan; society in the Golden Age; changes in relationships, the economy; truth is in soul’s messages to consciousness

November 1, 2012  – addition to October 21 message

The storm named Sandy that flooded the northeast coast of the United States was not manmade.  Mother Earth was cleansing herself by releasing negativity that was especially deeply entrenched in and around New York City and Washington, DC, and transmuting it into light. The Illuminati no longer have access to the technology that for many years they misused to initiate earthquakes and major storms.


Matthew’s October message is going out late because this is the first day I’ve had Internet connection since October 18, when my ISP’s area-wide technical problems started.  All off-site corrective procedures failed, and no technician was available to come to my home before October 25, when I left for the 2012 Scenario conferences in Sedona, AZ. 


October 21, 2012

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  Perhaps especially among lightworkers, who know that Earth’s exit from third density is imminent, there is concern because turmoil isn’t abating, and in some instances, seems to be increasing. We want to set your minds at ease about this by explaining why the world situation is what it is, and it starts with the Beginnings.

Beloveds, what you differentiate as science and spirit are one and the same.  There can be no separation because the origin and makeup of every thingin existence cosmos-wide is energy. This energy is the pure love-light essence of Creator, Supreme Being of the cosmos, Source, All That Is, Totality, I AM.

At the same time that each of you is a unique, independent and inviolate soul self, in the infinite and eternal interconnectedness of All, each resident of Earth is a microcosm of the planet. Earth is a microcosm of your solar system, the system is a microcosm of the Milky Way, and your galaxy is a microcosm of this universe.  Our universe is a microcosm of the cosmos, whose Beginnings were what you call the “Big Bang,” and from that moment onward, no thing exists only unto itself and anything that happens anywhere affects everything, everywhere.

For the past several decades Earth has been on center stage in this universe because of the unprecedented swiftness and extent of changes on the planet, which are attributed to science, and within her peoples, which are attributed to spirit. Yet, all of the ongoing changes on Earth and within you were set in motion seventy-some years ago when you gave energy new directions, so to say.

Energy is neutral, but streams of energy can be directed by their attachments of thought forms. The forms are actual substances, albeit invisible to your vision, and they are created by every thought, feeling and action of every life in existence.  Thus the attachments are either positive or negative in nature, and this universe is teeming with both.

The closer ones are to any energy movement, the more profoundly they are affected. Because your world is awash with duality’s negative components—fear, warring, divisiveness, rage, greed, deception, corruption, poverty and random violence—you are at the epicenter of dynamic quaking and shaking.

Not only are those negative streamer attachments being generated there, they are emanating from there.  Through the physics that governs life in this universe, energy generated anywhere shoots out into space, attracts and attaches itself to the nearest similar energy and, like a boomerang, returns with that reinforcement. Because Earth’s streamers at duality’s negative end are being sent out in abundance, they are attracting and bringing back exactly what they sent out. This immutable law of attraction is why your world still is steeped in turmoil.

And this is why we have urged you to focus on what you want in your lives and your world! The many who are preoccupied with thinking about what they don’t want and their anxiety, discouragement, anger, sorrow and impatience about those situations are creating more of them in their personal lives and the world. Those kinds of thoughts and feelings are fraught with the negativity that prolongs the situations that they want ended!

The only way to stop that merry-go-round is with love, the most powerful force in the cosmos.  Love—the very same energy as light, only expressed differently—is what light beings throughout this universe have been beaming with intensity to Earth for more than seven decades.  The initial infusion of light saved her life and gave her the strength she needed to jar loose from deep third density and start on her ascension course.

With that in-pouring of light, Earth had more to offer to all of her residents, the microcosms of her Being, and her peoples who opened their hearts and minds received it and generated their own light, their very life force, more abundantly. We have rejoiced with and for each of them! Not only have their lives been uplifted in spiritual and conscious enlightenment, but their response created positive energy streamer attachments that further benefited Earth and her other receptive souls.

Because we love every soul in your world, it is sad for us that some still are refusing the light that would replace their fear and anguish with healing and joyousness.  As long as the dark ones were in control of your world, they felt powerful. When their control started eroding some years back, fear set in. By now, the Illuminati are desperate as their last few tattered remnants of influence—the media and segments of military forces and the economy—are disappearing. Tyrannical rulers also are running scared because their counterparts in some other countries have been overthrown by the citizenry.  And many millions are living in fear because of those dark ones’ activities.

Fear is a magnified emotion that sends forth the most potent negativity.  Although that which is generated on Earth has effects universally, as we said, it most profoundly affects all life on the planet. Think how often we have stressed the importance of sending light to the weakest links in our family chain of souls, those who have become captive of darkness.

Creator’s law of free will gives them the right to deny themselves light, but they cannot stop its cosmic forcefulness.  Earth’s ascension course has reached a vibratory level of intensive energy surges and those are blocking the path of energy streamers with tempestuous negativity.  Since those streamers can neither turn around nor go forward into fourth density, they are being forced to spend themselves fast and furiously.

This accounts for the tumultuousness you’re seeing, and we hasten to assure you, the current clashing will not end explosively! The light from our universal family combined with your own is farmore powerful than the negativity swirling around the planet! And, a clear sign that Earth is prudently handling that is, far fewer deaths and much less property damage have resulted recently from earthquakes, her main mode of negativity release, than formerly.

We have stated that the purpose of our messages is to enlighten, encourage and offer spiritual guidance during this unprecedented time in universal history. Also we have said that we are apolitical—like all other spiritually evolved beings, we have progressed far beyond a political aspect in our nature.

So why do we even speak about politics? Knowing how your world became laden with negativity is essential for understanding Earth’s ascension, and an explanation cannot omit her reason: to be free of the massive negativity caused by the effects of political ideologies.

Political decisions affect the lives of the populace—civil rights, laws, education, employment, kinds of information disseminated, cultural practices, economic conditions, taxation, voting, medical care, religious orientation and designation of “enemies.”  The bedrock of most of your world’s governments has long been war, corruption, deception and oppression of one kind or another, and all of that has produced rampant negativity.

Throughout the ages, combative ruling bodies have caused the endless blood-shedding that almost killed your planet. That is why Gaia, Earth’s soul, chose to have her body leave third density, where darkness flourishes, and journey into higher densities where bitterly polarized political ideologies and their tragic results do not exist.

Decisions and actions of the United States government are influential worldwide, therefore that country’s forthcoming election holds global interest.  We have spoken about President Obama’ mission in the context of Earth’s Golden Age master plan, which is in accordance with Gaia’s desire of a peaceful world where all live in harmony with Nature.  Her desire and the plan that embodies it transcend politics in every nation.

Obama, who has experienced many lifetimes in leadership positions, accepted the monumental mission to bring peace to your world, and he came in with the wisdom, vision, dedication, and moral and spiritual integrity to lead the way. Neither he nor his mission has changed.

However, throughout his term in office, his efforts have been undermined by the Illuminati—those who are in Congress who are supported by those who are not. An example of their combined handiwork that you will recognize is the oft-berated “Obamacare,” which is but a broken skeleton of Obama’s intention. To get any of the reforms he wanted for the people of his country, he had no option but to change some provisions and add or eliminate others so that Congress would enact the Affordable Healthcare Bill.

Soon all individuals whose actions are motivated by greed and control no longer will be around. Then you shall see why the highest universal council selected the soul born as Barack Obama to fill one of the most vital roles in your world today. This would have been evident throughout his presidency had it not been for the tenacity of the dark ones.

Despite their ability to delay major progress of reforms, Earth with her vanguard of lighted souls has continued moving apace toward fourth density. With the countdown now measured in only weeks, before long you shall see current upheavals and conflicts start evolving into a unified desire for a world at peace and the onset of Earth’s Golden Age.

Let us speak about the very earliest stages of life in that Age. In our last message we enumerated the priority projects that will be undertaken. Now we shall describe what you can anticipate insofar as the general nature of society.

As we have stated before, not all the glories of the Golden Age will be on its doorsill. Neither will a completely different or enlightened society arrive there. Both Earth and Nirvana will continue to be excellent schoolhouses for souls to evolve into androgynous beings—those who have ideally balanced feminine and masculine energies—and what needs balancing most of all are emotions because they influence attitudes and choices of action and reaction.

Simply entering Nirvana doesn’t change a person’s nature and simply entering the Golden Age won’t either. We are not speaking about adherence to a soul contract—any who seriously deviated from their contracts, ignored the guidance of conscience and willfully chose dark ways, won’t be around—but rather your personality traits, interests, ideas, standards, aspirations, skills and talents.

For example, a pessimist won’t become an optimist, nor will someone who tends to be lazy suddenly be industrious. Shy individuals won’t become gregarious or vice versa.  Someone who analyzes a situation at length won’t start acting spontaneously and a person accustomed to doing a mediocre job won’t be a perfectionist. Baseball and soccer enthusiasts won’t switch to embracing the arts, nor will artists start training for the Olympics. Farmers won’t change their occupation and neither will teachers, nurses, mechanics, shopkeepers, chefs, architects, carpenters, computer programmers or anyone else whose work is fulfilling.

In short, your characteristics, aptitudes, jobs, hobbies and so forth—everything that comprises the unique individual that each of you is—aren’t going to be different until you so choose. We wish to qualify that a bit: Individuals who enjoy hunting and fishing will rapidly change from those forms of recreation to other equally satisfying pastimes that honor all life in Nature’s realm.

The grand difference that all will welcome is a willingnessto start seeing situations from others’ perspectives, to adopt attitudes that lead to harmonious discussions and resolutions, and to proceed in ways that best serve everyone’s needs. You will be living in the love-light vibrations that engender those approaches and inspire actions accordingly.

The “like attracts like” law of physics also connects persons who are kindred spirits energetically. Relationships—in families, workplaces, community activities or national organizations—that are based on that foundation will endure, those that are not, won’t. With the understanding that the goal of all souls is to grow in spiritual and conscious awareness, there can be amiable agreement when parting ways offers opportunities for that advancement.

Serious health conditions will change gradually rather than chronic illness ending in one fell swoop; however, once in fourth density’s vibrations, you will begin to feel remarkably refreshed in body, mind and spirit. For many years you have been assaulted by a multitude of toxins that have taken a severe toll on the populace. None of those toxic elements is in fourth density, and as you continue moving into its higher, stronger vibrations, bodies will be restored to perfection.

We know how eager you are to hear when our space family members among you and in your skies will be officially welcomed.  Our good friend Hatonn tells us that all is in readiness, they are just waiting for the signal from the universal highest council, which acts upon God’s guidance.

Is the economy really stabilizing or are the Illuminati manipulating that illusion?  The global economy, which is a product of smoke and mirrors, to use your term, is irreparable.  The foundation of the new system has been slid under the old so that when its collapse comes, the new foundation will be well established. That will enable the transition from the old system to the new to come about without the dam breaking, so to say.

Customized changes in currency, banking, lending, taxes, commerce and investing will be instituted at a pace to minimize confusion, but debt forgiveness in the case of IMF loans to countries where the money never reached the impoverished masses is an economic priority and so is providing the essentials those many millions require.  Remedying your bleak employment, homelessness and refugee situations also are priorities.

To you dear souls who send my mother questions of personal nature—such as where and when to relocate, your missions, is your light sufficient to physically go along Earth, can your illness be cured—we don’t have the answers you are seeking. But you do—everything that is important for you to know is within your soul!

In many messages we have urged you to stop relying on external sources to provide answers and instead, go within. Quiet your mind of “3D” chatter and let your soul’s messages come as they do—intuition, instinct, inspiration, aspiration and conscience, the guidance that keeps you on track with what you chose in your soul contract.

However, regarding missions, we shall repeat what we have said about the comparative few who are needed to fill leadership positions.  Most of you chose to be way-showers by radiating your light, and you are fulfilling that role simply by living as the BEing you are, one of God’s beloved children and related to all others in His family—all of Earth’s humankind, animals, the plant kingdom and the invaluable souls in the Devic realms.

It is important to be discerning about information of world events, too, because disinformation still abounds in mainstream media, private publications and the Internet, including channeled messages. Again, go within and pay attention to the sensation that comes. If the information at issue flows easily, very likely it is truth; if you feel any resistance, very likely it is false. The lower consciousness level of a closed mind, however, will cause the person to reject all information that doesn’t support her or his rigid beliefs.

Above all, do not get drawn in by any fearful information—there is nothing to fear! This is a time to feel joyful, excited and victorious! You are but a tiny segment of linear time away from the finish line of the greatest triumph ever seen in this universe, and in the continuum you have passed the finish line, you already have triumphed!

We honor you for your valor and steadfastness in the light.  We honor you for your perseverance and ingenuity in overcoming all roadblocks set in your way by the darkness and for your patience with delays.  We honor you for leading your world into the new era of love, peace and harmony with all of Nature.  Please honor yourselves as we do!



Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: Attendees, speakers and support staff at both 3-day 2012 Scenario conferences felt the phenomenal love energy that prevailed throughout our time together.  The second conference went out live stream and archived to make that same amazing experience available to all for the next 30 days.  The cost is US $65 and here is the link: .

On another joyful note, I became a great grandmother October 8—Carlos Ramon is the first of our family’s new generation.

All book orders sent after October 17 will be shipped November 5.  If you ordered Earth’s Golden Age – Life beyond 2012 eBook for Kindle before September 21, please contact me at




UPDATE – MAY 6, 2013

The new United States Department of State, under Secretary of State John Kerry, reveals NO Embassy, Consulate, or diplomatic mission for Libya … in fact, Libya does not appear in the list for Africa.  Note in the 2012 list that the Libyan Embassy is listed during Hillary Clinton’s term as Secretary of State as being in Tripoli. 

No consulate in Benghazi is mentioned on either of the websites.


The following excerpt may shed some light on the situation in Benghazi – I found this by entering “Benghazi” on the Tripoli Embassy website SEARCH.

U.S. Embassy Tripoli Warden Message-Benghazi American Citizen Services Consular Visit

March 10, 2010

This warden message announces a routine consular visit to Benghazi on March 12, 2010.

The U.S. Embassy invites American citizens living in eastern Libya to Benghazi’s Tibesti Hotel conference room

The Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy is located in the Ben Ashour neighborhood on Jeraba Street behind the former Libyan-Swiss Clinic. Our phone numbers are 091-379-4560 during business hours or 091-366-2696 (after-hours number for emergencies involving American citizens only).

U.S. Embassy Tripoli Warden Message – American Citizen Town Hall Meeting

February 9, 2011

This Warden Message is to announce a town hall meeting for American citizens. 

The U.S. Embassy invites American citizens living in Libya to a town hall meeting at the American School of Tripoli on Tuesday, February 15 at 5:30 pm.  The school is located in the Seraj neighborhood near the former location of the U.S. Consular Section (go to for a map).  This meeting is open to current U.S. passport-holders only, so please bring your passport for admittance.  If you do not have a U.S. passport with you, you will not be admitted to the meeting.   We look forward to updating you on what your Embassy is doing in Libya and hearing from you.  If you plan to attend the meeting, please reply to before the close of business on Sunday, February 13.

The Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy is located in the Ben Ashour neighborhood on Jeraba Street behind the former Libyan-Swiss Clinic. Our phone numbers are 021-337-3100 during business hours or 091-366-2696 (after-hours number for emergencies involving U.S. citizens only).





MARCH 24, 2010

New consularAssistant Secretary for Consular Affairs gives speech prior to opening ceremony.

Tripoli – On March 24th, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, Janice L. Jacobs, cut the ribbon on the new Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy located on Jeraba Street in the Ben Ashour neighborhood of Tripoli…………….

Assistant Secretary Janice Jacobs visited Libya on Wednesday, March 24th and Thursday, March 25th, 2010.  Assistant Secretary Jacobs is responsible for visa and consular issues throughout the world and is the highest ranking U.S. consular official to visit Libya in more than thirty years.


CBS NEWS is now publishing what I continue to maintain is a false flag attempt to bring down the Obama Administration.


Websites of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions



Africa Regional Services – Paris
Angola: Luanda | Português
Benin: Cotonou
Botswana: Gaborone
Burkina Faso: Ouagadougou | Français
Burundi: Bujumbura
Cameroon: Yaounde | Français
Cameroon: VPP Septentrion
Cape Verde: Praia | Português
Central African Republic: Bangui
Chad: N’Djamena | Français
Democratic Republic of the Congo:
Kinshasa | Français
Republic of the Congo: Brazzaville | Français
Côte d’Ivoire: Abidjan | Français
Republic of Djibouti: Djibouti
Equatorial Guinea: Malabo
Eritrea: Asmara

Ethiopia: Addis Ababa
Gabon: Libreville
Ghana: Accra
Guinea: Conakry | Français
Guinea-Bissau VPP
Kenya: Nairobi
Lesotho: Maseru
Liberia: Monrovia
Madagascar: Antananarivo
Malawi: Lilongwe
Mali: Bamako | Français
Mauritania: Nouakchott | Français |
Mauritius: Port Louis
Mauritius: VPP Seychelles
Mozambique: Maputo | Portuguese
Namibia: Windhoek
Niger: Niamey

Nigeria: Abuja
Rwanda: Kigali
Senegal: Dakar | Français
Sierra Leone: Freetown
Somalia: VPP Somalia
South Africa: Pretoria
South Sudan: Juba
Sudan: Khartoum
Swaziland: Mbabane
Tanzania: Dar es Salaam
Tanzania: VPP Zanzibar
The Gambia: Banjul
Togo: Lome
Uganda: Kampala
Zambia: Lusaka
Zimbabwe: Harare
U.S. Mission to the African Union
U.S. Mission to the UN Environmental Program







According to Freelance Journalist, Jim Stone

The United States Department of State website reveals no listing of a website for an embassy, consulate, or diplomatic mission located in Benghazi, Libya.



Algeria: Algiers | Français | عربي
Bahrain: Manama
Egypt: Cairo
Egypt: APP Alexandria
Iran: Virtual Embassy Tehran | فارسی
Iraq: Baghdad | عربي
Iraq: Basrah
Iraq: Erbil
Iraq: Kirkuk
Israel: Tel Aviv
Jerusalem | عربي
VPP Gaza | عربي
Jordan: Amman | عربي
Kuwait: Kuwait City | الصفحة العربية
Lebanon: Beirut | عربي
Libya: Tripoli | عربي
Morocco: Rabat | Français
Morocco: Casablanca
Oman: Muscat | الصفحة العربية
Qatar: Doha | عربي
Saudi Arabia: Riyadh | الصفحة العربية
Saudi Arabia: Dhahran
Saudi Arabia: Jeddah | الصفحة العربية
Syria: Damascus | الصفحة العربية
Tunisia: Tunis | Français | عربي
United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates: Dubai
Yemen: Sana’a | الصفحة العربية

On Cosmic Vision News, September 14, 2012, Geoffrey West reveals the story of a movie that supposedly resulted in such anger and violence among Muslims is surrounded with suspicion.  Apparently, the original movie was entitled “Desert Warriors” and did not mention Mohammed or contain any anti-Muslim comments.  The alleged troubling movie carries the title “Innocence of Muslims” and contains scenes in which the words spoken do not match the lip movement of the speaker.


Because it illustrates how wars are created by lies, false flag events like 9/11, and how people are manipulated into hatred of each other.

We, the people of planet Earth (Gaia is her name), must wake up to just how badly we are manipulated by the Illuminati and the mainstream media.

THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS created each of us as sovereign beings.  It is imperative that we wake up and wear the mantle of our power to seek and find Truth on our own.

Our galactic family has given us the internet—the means to find Truth and to cease our dependency upon the mainstream media to report it to us. 

SOURCE has also granted every human being the precious gift of seeking Truth through our infallible intuitive powers.

We are magnificent beings and must learn to manifest that magnificence!