What can a return to Common Law do for a nation?

What can a return to Common Law do for a nation?


Listen to Kevin Annett describe what is happening in Canada! Exciting movement forward in taking back our Planet!

The Queen of England no longer rules over Canada! Canadians have declared their independence and taken back their inalienable personal and national sovereign rights! Very educational interview!


St. Germain: Love, Justice and Our New World

St. Germain: Love, Justice and Our New World



St. Germain:

I want to talk to the world about Truth and Justice.

There have been some very cruel attacks on good people around the world, and I feel pained to see the ones I love dearly being defiled in the media and on the internet. Here in Higher Dimensions, we do not keep minute tabs on every tiny faux-pas and every minor slip of the foot walking to a microphone. We love all of you; we support all of you, and we consider it a triumph of major proportions when a human being is able to live a life in which they not only survive, but are also able to accomplish something which uplifts a number of people along the way.

We are now seeing the dismantling of the cabal. The most powerful of its leaders are being forced to come into line by the fact that there are now investigations going on to gather evidence which will incriminate most of the most powerful and wealthy people on the planet. All involved are aware of this development and are beginning to realize that they can no longer get away with horrific crimes against humanity. It has been a long time coming, but the wheels of justice are indeed turning. For the first time in hundreds of years, the White Hats are gaining power over the dark ones. The tables have turned, and we are not going back.

Unfortunately, the media does not cover these developments. Tiny, 9th page announcements are sometimes made about an investigation or an arrest, and then the legal process begins, but without any fanfare, so no one really knows what is being investigated and why. Ironically, this is most true in the U.S., where speech is anything but free.

Meanwhile, the people on the ground who have been promised a better life are feeling impatient. Then, who do they turn on, to criticize, vilify and insult? The very people who have been trying desperately behind the scenes to bring about the changes – the ones who are the Lightworkers: the hardworking political leaders who struggle against all odds to hold off the high-paid arm-twisters-for-greed; the dedicated spiritual channel who has given her life to the goal of helping others ascend; the force for freedom in the economic world who has brought crucial knowledge (and therefore power) to thousands of people; the conscientious financial “advisor” who has given of his time and energy to keep people informed about the coming prosperity opportunities – all have been insulted, accused, and hounded by the less educated, less dedicated, less awakened observers who do not have the hard won knowledge, courage or integrity to do what these Lightworkers have done.

hose of you who have taken part in the character assassination campaigns, or who have allowed them to take root because you kept silent, look into your hearts. What dark pleasure does it bring to see a person dragged through the mud, when they have reached a high level of accomplishment through genuine effort? What do you feel when you hear a detractor itemize and define their personal opinion about the actions or attributes of the person in question? Why must our Lightworkers be punished for the love which inspires them to reach out to those they wish to embrace?

Here is a reliable tool to help you identify the difference between reporting facts, and slander:

Does the accuser use emotional words like “frightening,” “shocking,”
and “disturbing”?

Does the report include unfounded or unproven theories or opinions, as in the following:

“Given that the earth is flat, it was disturbing to discover that Mr. C was overheard suggesting a life-threatening voyage, which would put his innocent family and crew into dire danger. We are shocked to learn of Mr. C’s fall into irrational and dark imaginings, which are undoubtedly a result of his recent association with Mr. B, who is a known member of a secret society of murderers and rapists.

We are deeply disturbed to find that our beloved Mr. C. has “taken a fall” of such proportions, like Lucifer, and is clearly now working for the Cabal. We can only send him love and plead with God to restore him to his senses, for the sake of all the people he has influenced in the past. We tell you this with great pain and concern, for Mr. C. was beloved by us, and we regret that we must warn you against any association with him because of the dark energies he has become involved with, which are of great danger to unsuspecting victims.”

You see how easy it is to create a campaign of lies to discredit one who has stuck their neck out for the Greater Good. Why would anyone want to do this? It is an age-old story of competitiveness, fear of financial losses, fear of losing status, fear of losing friends, jealousy, and sometimes just a case of plain old needing to be right.

Now, how does one identify so-called “conspiracy theories” which are founded in truth?

First, look for the motive behind the exposure. What does the person have to gain?
Whistleblowers, who are so often reviled for their exposure of inside corruption, seldom gain anything personally by their revelations, and are often ruined financially by the people they challenge. It is to the ones with the most to lose that you should give your thanks.

People who have posted videos on the internet showing how an animated drawing was used to create the picture of an airplane hitting the Twin Towers have backed it up with testimony from experts in the fields of metallurgy, architectural design and engineering to refute the overly simplified, and therefore inaccurate, drawings which were used to describe the buildings. It requires trained chemists and physicists to explain the use of chemically-based explosives, not a TV personality or a panel of politicians or propaganda experts.

Next, look at the results. Do the assertions of wrong-doing discredit the person’s character, or are they designed to point out specific actions, illegal activities, or direct quotes which can be corroborated by witnesses and written evidence, or are they heresay or statements by third parties? For instance, Person A said that Person B said….and I, Person C am quoting the “incriminating evidence” of their interaction. Or even, I, Person A had a private conversation with Person C, and here is my interpretation of that conversation, which I use as evidence that Person C is – insane, crooked, guilty, delusional, etc.

None of these tactics should be taken seriously, nor would they be admissible evidence in a fair court of law. We are now on the verge of creating NESARA law throughout the land, and we are encouraging you to begin to think in 5th dimensional terms. It will be your work soon to help to create a fair and just system based on Universal Law. In order to do that, you must learn to be discriminating, to identify real evidence from the “cooked” variety. It will help you in every area of life, from your personal relationships to deciding who your leaders should be, and it will help you to free yourself from the sticky dark ideas and thoughts which can hold you back from raising your vibration to the highest level.

We are now in a period of tremendous change when it comes to seeing clearly, reaching deeply to find new inspiration and a new sense of balance based in deeper understandings of the way God works. He/she is bringing forth the teachings which the Company of Heaven has agreed will be in your best interest, individually and as a group.

You are each being challenged to reach deeply to uncover and resolve soul issues going back for thousands of years, to Atlantis, Lemuria and beyond. It is a time of spiritual cleansing, and this creates something which will feel to you like upheaval. Be open, Beloved Ones, to look beyond the present moment. Look deeply within yourselves to clear away all old feelings of resentment or confusion. It is time for you to anchor into the Universal Truth where you will feel no confusion or doubt, but only Love.

This is the most challenging time of all the incarnations you have experienced, because it is the ending of a long and arduous journey which left many scars, many feelings of sadness and despair, and it is the beginning of a completely new time. How will you make the shift from the past atmosphere of competition and conflict, to acclimate to breathing fresh air, drinking in the energy surrounding you which tastes, smells and feels like never-ending joy and love? How will you learn to subdue the instinct to flinch when someone raises a hand, or to feel dread walking into a room full of strangers?

Will you truly find it in your hearts to feel forgiveness and kindness toward those who have wronged you? Perhaps you will truly begin to see that those incidents where you were abused by others were a blessing in disguise, because it taught you how strong you could be, and how resolute you can be when you make up your mind to move on and keep your head high, your heart filled with God’s love, and your mind at peace.

We are using these messages, Beloved Ones, to encourage you and cheer you on to higher and higher vibrations. This is not possible if you are still stuck in an old paradigm of 3-dimensional thinking in which feelings of lack, fear and hesitation are familiar and commonplace.

Begin with simple steps. Vow to never do or say something to someone you love which will require that they “fight back” in order to restore their dignity or their integrity. By this we do not mean you shouldn’t express an opinion which differs from others, or speak the truth of your heart. No, we suggest that you first empathize with where the other person is in their personal development, and tailor your comments accordingly.

Do not approach someone you love as if you are a lawyer, and you wish to prove them guilty of something. Do you understand? Aggressive accusations are unloving. Accusations of any kind are inappropriate in a world in which compassion is the fundamental law of the land. Temper your questions and your assertions to allow instead for the other person’s deepest feelings and needs to be addressed, whether you think they are justified or not.

This is a complex and thorny dilemma for all of you who have been raised with CSI episodes and the endless presentation of courtroom drama in which the most clever and relentless attorney wins star status because he is able to defy reason, logic and common sense to free his shady client from having to answer for his crimes. The message of television life has been that the most calculating, conniving and clever manipulator of the facts is the celebrity of the day. How are you to compete with this?

The answer is simple, and difficult to accomplish. Transcend it all, Dearest, Beloved, Precious Ones. Leave it all behind – the images, the conversations, the belief patterns, the worries and fears. Leave it all behind and soar, into the endless possibility of Love.

I invite you, Dear Friends, to join me in the greatest conflagration of Love the Earth has ever known. We will burn away all the old, tired ideas which came from fear, which is the antithesis of Love, and we will fly away, into a new and shining day in which Love will truly reign supreme.

Join with me, Precious loves of my heart. Join with me in Love and exultation and joy. It is a new day, and we will join together in new ways, the likes of which you have never imagined, even in your fondest dreams.

Paradise awaits us, my friends. Do not be the one to turn your back on possibility because of old fears and beliefs. Open your hearts. Feel the wind on your face. Fly with me, Dear Friends.

Today is a new day, and Love is in the air.

I am your St. Germain, and I send Love from the center of my heart to yours.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May PsyD, with love, on July 1, 2014, 11 pm, New York, www.whoneedslight.org.

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.

[NESARA returns us to Common Law, which is based on Universal Law.  You may learn more about Common Law at:  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/04/27/common-law-is-the-law-of-the-people-a-legal-system-to-be-desired/  ]

Common Law is the Law of the People: A Legal System To Be Desired!

 Common Law is the Law of the People: A Legal System To Be Desired!

Compiled by Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


 It is of vital importance that Americans, in particular, and all peoples on Planet Earth understand what Common Law is. As we make the transition from enslavement to Corporate Interests > to > personal sovereignty–the state of Being granted to us by Creator God, Common Law is the basis by which we are and will continue to do so.

At present – 2014 – two major examples involving the implementation of Common Law stand before us:

1. NESARA (National Economic Security & Reformation Act). NESARA restores Common Law to America.[i] nesara26

A strong contributing factor to worldwide knowledge of NESARA is the more than 40 demonstrations carried out by NTAT (NESARA Take Action Team) members residing in Europe. These demonstrations took place in front of the Peace Palace (also called the World Court) in Hague, Netherlands in 2003-4.

As a result of the worldwide interest in NESARA the demonstrations generated, it is now considered to be a Global Economic Security & Reformation Act.



This tribunal is based on Common Law. Its Mandate: (1) To bring to trial those persons and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state.

The ultimate goal of the ITCCS: The Birth of a New Era: The End of Papal Authority and Corporatism, and the Rise of a new Common Law Covenant– http://itccs.org/2014/04/25/789/

Both NESARA & ITCCS intend freedom from corporate enslavement and to create what will eventually be a 5th Dimensional DIVINE GOVERNMENT FOR THE PEOPLES OF PLANET EARTH. For as long as humanity needs it, COMMON LAW will stand as the Law by which we abide. As we ascend in consciousness, our Mother/Father God’s UNIVERSAL LAW of ONENESS WITH & UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ALL OF CREATION will also become our Planetary Law. (The Ten Commandments are NOT Universal Laws.)

On Easter Sunday 2014, Kevin Annett announced the Maastricht Proclamation, the term used to describe what ITCCS calls the re-covenanting movement for new governance under common law. NESARA has yet to be publically announced.

”In the wake of the Maastricht Proclamation, this re-covenanting movement, the Covenanters, are working actively to establish both common law courts and self-governing communities on the lands that have declared their independence from existing authorities. As the seed of a new world, the Covenanters are working now in twenty one countries alongside the International Common Law Court of Justice and its Tribunal sponsor, the ITCCS.” [ii]

The countries presently affiliated with ITCCS are as follows, with the asterisk indicating that Common Law Courts of Justice are operating or are being established in these nations:

United States*
Czech Republic
South Africa*

And in these sovereign indigenous nations:

Mohawk-Six Nations
Maliseet [iii]

Regarding new governance, it is important to understand why a NEW DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE is required.

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”[iv]



Quoting from: http://www.scribd.com/doc/26566406/The-3-City-States

 “There are three cities (city-states) across this planet that share striking similarities and play a crucial role in the global governmental system we have long been living under. The three city-states (along with the role they serve) are as follows:

 City of London – Finance

 Washington D.C. – Military

 Vatican City – Religion

 The aforementioned city-states listed above are sovereign, corporate entities not connected to the nations they appear to be part of. In other words, the City of London (that is the square mile within Greater London) is not technically part of Greater London or England, just as Vatican City is not part of Rome or Italy. Likewise, Washington D.C. is not part of the United States that it controls. These sovereign, corporate entities have their own laws, their own identities, and their own flags.

3stars flag

The flag of Washington D.C.

Note the three stars, representing the trinity of these three city-states, also known as the Empire of the City. (There is also high esoteric significance to the number 3.)

Washington DC was established as a city-state in 1871 with the passage of the Act of 1871, [v] which officially established the United States as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to the City of London. Corporations are run by presidents, which is why we call the person perceived to hold the highest seat of power in the land “the president.” The fact is the president is nothing more than a figurehead for the central bankers and transnational corporations (both of which themselves are controlled by High Ecclesiastic Freemasonry) that really control this country and ultimately call the shots. Washington, D.C. operates under a system of Roman Law and outside of the limitations established by the US Constitution. Therefore, it should not be a surprise that the name Capitol Hill derives from Capitoline Hill, which was the seat of government for the Roman Empire. If you look at the wall behind the podium in the House of Representatives, you will notice that on either side of the US flag is the depiction of bundles of sticks tied together with an axe. These are called fasci, hence the root word of fascism. This was the symbol of fascism in the Roman Empire, as it was under the Nazis and still is today. It is not a coincidence that these symbols are featured on the floor of Congress.

fasces in House chamber

U.S. House of Representatives Chamber

 Any American who thinks they are living in a free country does not have a clue.

The fact is that the United States of America Corporation is controlled from the City of London, by the Crown, which is not the British Monarchy as many believe, but rather the private corporation that is the inner ‘City of London’ itself, also commonly known as ‘The City’ or ‘The Square Mile.’ This square mile that makes up the center of Greater London has its own mayor, laws, courts, flag, police force and newspaper. It is the heart of the global financial system. London

Vatican City also has its own mayor (called the Governatorate), laws, flag, postal service, newspaper, radio and television stations, and even its own prison. 9-vatican-city-flag

Vatican City Flag

Another thing these three city-states have in common is their own obelisks. Obelisks are tall, four-sided shafts of stone which taper at the top in a pyramidal fashion. The obelisk is phallic in its appearance and represents the male penis. It is symbolic of the Egyptian sun god, Ra, and is an ancient symbol of male energy and generation (G) in Freemasonry.


Vatican obeliskLocated in St. Peter’s Square, the Vatican obelisk was moved from Egypt to its current location in 1586. The circle at the base on the obelisk represents the female vagina and thus male/female duality. Also notice the lines extending from the circle, forming a Union Jack as seen on the British flag.

British flagBritish Flag


 London sphinx

London obelisk (aka Cleopatra’s Needle): Located on the banks of the River Thames, this obelisk was transported to London and erected in 1878 under the reign of Queen Victoria. The obelisk originally stood in the Egyptian city of On, or Heliopolis (the City of the Sun). The Knights Templars’ land extended to this area of the Thames, where the Templars had their own docks. Either side of the obelisk is surrounded by a sphinx, also symbolism dating back to the ancient world.



 Washington Obelisk (aka Washington Monument): Standing at 555 feet, the Washington Monument is the tallest obelisk in the world and also the tallest standing structure in Washington D.C. The monument’s cornerstone, a 12-ton slab of marble, was donated by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. Like the Vatican obelisk, the Washington monument too is surrounded by a circle denoting the female. The reflecting pool in front of the monument signifies the ancient Masonic/Kabbalistic dictum, as above/so below.

So how are these 3 city states ultimately connected?

READ MORE: http://www.scribd.com/doc/26566406/The-3-City-States

 “….. To put it all in context, it is the Crown that controls the global financial system and runs the governments of all Commonwealth countries, and many non-Commonwealth ‘Western’ nations as well. The Crown traces back to the Vatican, which is headed by the Pope, who is the figurehead for the real powers that be behind the curtain, some of which are known but many of which are completely unknown to the general public.”[vi]

 In Summary: The Vatican rules the planet … the Crown controls the global finances … and Washington’s military fights the corporate wars.

flag military

“A gold fringed flag used widely by courts, schools, service organizations and private individuals is NOT a symbol of our constitutional republic, or national Union of States. It signifies a military jurisdictional presence.” [vii]


Richard J. Maybury



“Americans are no longer taught that there are two kinds of legal systems, political and scientific. Many of America’s ‘Founding Fathers’ in 1776 were lawyers, and they took care to insure that their new country would be founded on the principles of scientific law. But these principles have now been swept from the legal system, and from the schools and colleges. What we are taught today is political law. SCIENTIFIC JURISPRUDENCE = COMMON LAW.”

“In its early years, common law was a private legal system completely independent of government. This is important. Students are taught that law and government are virtually the same thing, but this is quite wrong. Law and government are two very different institutions and they do not necessarily go together. LAW IS A SERVICE; GOVERNMENT IS FORCE.”

“There are two fundamental laws on which all major religions and philosophies agree: 1) Do what you have agreed to do, and 2) Do not encroach on others or their property. Common Law was the body of definitions and procedures growing out of these two laws.”

“One of the most important characteristics of Common Law was its certainty…. The two fundamental laws remained always in place, a stabilizing force. The community could expect their legal environment to remain reasonably orderly. In fact Common Law was so logical and sensible that the typical American could study and understand it! If was regarded as a source of wisdom.”

“POLITICAL LAW IS BASED ON POLITICAL POWER. It has no requirement for logic or morality. It changes whenever the political wind changes. Fickle and tangled, no one can completely understand it…. You do whatever the powerholders say, or else. Right or wrong.”

“The premise of Common Law was that there is a Higher Law than political law; the judges tried to discover and apply this Law. It was carefully, logically, worked out, case after case, century after century, much like the laws of physics or chemistry.”

“Political law is an enactment process. Legislators–lawmakers–make changes according to whatever political pressures they happen to be feeling at the moment…. In fact, under political law the frequent redefining of right or wrong is considered necessary; during re-election lawmakers boast of the number of new laws they have enacted.” [viii]

“Common Law was not perfect, but it was consciously aimed in a specific direction; that of truth and justice. Political law has no aim at all, other than to obtain and use political power for whatever purposes the powerholders decide.”

“Under Scientific Law [or Common Law], the individual’s fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property were held to be gifts granted by the Creator; they could not be infringed.”


Living under Political Law has resulted in the passage of millions of statutory laws. Living with millions of laws, many of which we may not be aware, results in a tendency to allow our inalienable right to independent thought to atrophy. Instead, when a decision faces us, we immediately ask, “What does the law tell me to do?” Upon NESARA’s official announcement, the millions of statutory or political laws will be deleted. We will return to Scientific or Common Law!

Under Common Law, citizens learn to think independently in terms of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Common Law is a pathway to freedom! The work of ITCCS and the covenanters are preparing the way by establishing common law courts in all those countries desiring them. [ix] Under Common Law, we will move from enslaved chattel > to > sovereign individuals!




A BOOK THAT MAY INTEREST YOU: Origins of the Common Law, by Arthur R. Hogue

FOR THOSE NOT FAMILIAR WITH NESARA, you may read “The History of NESARA” at:  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/history-of-nesara/



 [i]   https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/01/03/there-is-a-law-that-cares-about-you/

[ii]   http://itccs.org/2014/04/25/789/

[iii]   http://itccs.org/countries-affiliated-with-the-international-tribunal/

[iv]   America’s 1776 Declaration of Independence – https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/01/05/the-u-s-declaration-of-independence-nesara/

[v]   Text of The Act of 1871 may be found at: http://www.teamlaw.org/DCOA-1871.pdf

[vi] http://www.scribd.com/doc/26566406/The-3-City-States

[vii]   http://www.thepowermall.com/title4flags/gold_fringe.htm

[ix]   http://itccs.org/the-common-law-and-its-courts-a-community-training-manual/

You may see additional evidence of corporate USA at:   the https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/evidence-of-corporate-takeover-at-all-levels-of-government-in-america-as-well-as-of-the-united-nations/






 Demonstration for NESARA in front of the Peace Palace

Hague, Netherlands


NESARA (National Economic Security & Reformation Act) returns America to our national constitution and Common Law.  NESARA’s structure is now universal and offers a framework for improvements within all nations.


Common Law gives much more responsibility to each individual citizen.  Most Americans have never lived under common law and are accustomed to living with a myriad statutory laws telling them what to do and giving them deadlines for doing so.  If we have a societal problem, our first reaction is to request a law to cover the situation. 

 Basically, common law simply says, “You have committed a crime only if you hurt another human being or piece of property.” 

 Common law recognizes there is a Higher Law by which individuals are to live.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

 You can find valuable, easily understood information concerning Common Law here:


This site gives you much information as well as links for additional legal research.  Living under Common Law requires involved citizens, because it recognizes that the power of government lies in the common people, not in those who represent us by holding a temporary, elected office in the various branches of government.