A Cabinet Level Department Of Peace

A Cabinet Level Department Of Peace

Dennis Kucinich

“On 7/11/2001—exactly three months before 9/11—Kucinich introduced legislation into Congress that called for a Cabinet level Department of Peace. He re-introduced this legislation—HR 808—into Congress each year the remainder of his tenure. It was never allowed to exit Committee and be put to vote. Another prominent Lightworker, Marianne Williamson, heads The Peace Alliance organization and worked closely with Kucinich to attempting to bring the Department of Peace to fruition.

Marianne Williamson

Nancy Merritt

Today, January 28, 2019, Nancy Merritt, from the Peace Alliance made this request of all of us:

“*CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS*   *We’re asking Congressional members to sign on as original cosponsors when Rep. Barbara Lee introduces HR 1111 – Department of Peacebuilding Act.  The Department of Peacebuilding bill will come up in approximately 1-3 weeks.  *BE READY!*

During this Season for Nonviolence (SNV), please contact members of Congress to urge them to cosponsor the Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2019. SNV is the 64-day period between the memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 30 – April 4). It is a *time to focus on the philosophy of attaining peace through nonviolent actions* as demonstrated by such leaders as Mohandas Gandhi, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, Nelson Mandela and
His Holiness, and Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet.







Nancy, with Twin Flame Uriel

DENNIS 1Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich

 Will Americans ever learn to think independently, regardless of what the tightly controlled mainstream media reports? Although Dennis did not marry Elizabeth until 2005, let’s look at the opportunity Americans sacrificed and hopefully learn from our mistakes.

Today, 2015, Americans are waking up and beginning to demand our governmental leaders truly represent the people and their needs. But will we recognize them when they appear before us? Have we learned to select leaders who care about the people?

In an effort to learn how to discern capable, caring leaders, let us look at the opportunity we allowed to pass us by. The need for political parties is not mentioned in the Constitution of the American Republic, so let’s set aside any consideration of political party affiliation.


I worked on Dennis Kucinich’s presidential campaign in 2004. Although I have not met him in person, I came to know him as one of the finest men on this planet. To work on his campaign was a spiritual experience. To call his national campaign office was a blessing. Why? Because those of us who worked for him were striving to transform this nation into the magnificent country it was created to be. We knew Kucinich has the ability to lead us—the citizens responsible for this nation—in doing just that!

Kucinich insisted that his campaign be characterized by the same integrity, positive attitude, honesty, and high ideals that he demonstrates each day of his busy, creative life. We were working for a statesman of such high quality that we could be proud to share his words with the public … to vote for him knowing that our country would be in superior hands with Kucinich in the White House.

If Kucinich is such an exceptional presidential candidate, why did we not see him proclaimed endlessly in the mass media?

Kucinich is not for sale. He accepts no money from corporations and limits his campaign funds to that provided by law and by the people. Kucinich thinks and acts independently. A man who stands courageously in his own light and power cannot be manipulated. This fact was most vividly demonstrated following 9/11. In response to the congressional need to vote for or against declaring war on Iraq, Kucinich researched the entire scenario in depth. He came to the prophetic conclusion that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, did not have weapons of mass destruction, and had no intention of attacking the United States. This, at a time when most people did not know what to think and did not take the time to do their own research. Kucinich proclaimed his research findings to Congress. He led the group of congresspersons who voted against declaring a pre-emptive war on Iraq. At the time, this was very unpopular behavior. Now, we know Kucinich was right!

Kucinich was acting on knowledge and insights he had already placed into legislative form. On 7/11/2001—exactly three months before 9/11—Kucinich introduced legislation into Congress that called for a Cabinet level Department of Peace. He re-introduced this legislation—HR 808—into Congress each year the remainder of his tenure. It was never allowed to exit Committee and be put to vote. Another prominent Lightworker, Marianne Williamson, heads The Peace Alliance organization and worked closely with Kucinich to attempting to bring the Department of Peace to fruition. You may read the text of H.R. 808 at: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/110/hr808/text and get involved with the Peace Alliance by going to www.thepeacealliance.org

Kucinich has a long history of working for peace at all levels of society from street gangs and child abuse to international warring parties. He was awarded the prestigious Gandhi Peace Award in 2003—one of many such awards.

During the 2004 campaign, the workers heard innumerable times: “I would love to vote for Kucinich, but he is too short. He will never win.” Americans placed more value on physical appearance than upon leadership skills and Kucinich’s outstanding capacity to inspire people into action. His were the audiences that gave him standing ovations because they were inspired, not because they were participating in a pep rally for a particular political party. People yearned to vote for Kucinich, but lacked the courage of the man who inspired them.

Americans buy into the propaganda rampant during elections: “If we don’t vote for the candidate who “appears” to be the frontrunner, our party will lose the election.” There are at least three fallacies involved here:

#1. When approximately 60% of Americans (as was true in 2004) had no plans to vote, who is to say who can win if we work to get that 60% to the polls?

#2. When we give into this propaganda, we allow the mass media, mega corporations, and power mongers to select our President for us. We forfeit our responsibilities and rights as citizens to have a “people selected” President.

#3. The United States Constitution makes no provision for political parties. Americans have allowed themselves to be controlled by competitive political parties—parties for which the founding document of this nation envisioned no need. We must break this mold and vote for those persons who can truly lead this nation to greatness. We must learn to think for ourselves … to choose for ourselves, not allow our minds and actions to be controlled by propaganda. We must learn to recognize propaganda for what it is—an attempt to manipulate our thoughts and actions. Do you know why America has a two party system?[i]

Dennis Kucinich possesses the intuitive wisdom and intellectual knowledge to lead this nation and planet to peace and prosperity. He works in the Light of the Christed Consciousness. Dennis Kucinich walks in the company of Beings of Light who have the welfare of this planet and all of its inhabitants as their only motivation for action.

Dennis Kucinich is a Lightworker par excellence!

2013: Dennis Kucinich retired from Congress in 2013 at age 66. He agreed to be a political analyst and regular contributor for Fox News. My intuitive feeling is that there is far more meaning to his acceptance of this position than presently meets the eye.

2015: Here’s why:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – During his 16 years in Congress, liberal former Cleveland Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich urged against sending U.S troops to war. He’s continued that path in his new gig as a FoxNews commentator.

“How do you change people’s minds if you refuse to talk to them?” Kucinich tells left-leaning supporters. “Fox News is the largest cable network in the United States. Through my contributions I am reaching out to an audience with a different perspective.”



One method of manipulation used very effectively on Americans is the tone of voice used when presenting a fact. The word liberal is very often spit out as if it is venom. Despicable, well-known persons are singled out as an example of liberal individuals. Those who tend to allow others to tell them what to think often buy into this manipulation and turn away from liberals. (The same can be true of the words progressive and conservative, or of any other word, for that matter.)

Kucinich is described as liberal, so let’s look at the true meaning of liberal. Dictionary.com gives the following definitions of liberal.

Favorable to progress or reform.

Advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.

Favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

Of or relating to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.

Free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/liberal)

Ask yourself: To which definitions of liberal do I object?



 Dennis Kucinich married Elizabeth in 2005. [Elizabeth] is a British organic food and vegan advocate. She is the producer of two documentaries,[1] (‘Hot Water’ and ‘GMO OMG’) and a socially conscious business owner.[2

 In 2005, after working with rural and urban poor in India and Tanzania, [Elizabeth] moved to the USA to organise the first international conference on monetary reform for the American Monetary Institute. She had previously been the Director of Policy at the Center for Food Safety and the Director of Government Affairs for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)[3] and a congressional liaison for the former President of the United Nations General Assembly.[4]

 [Elizabeth] is a board director of several organisations including Sean Penn’s Haitian relief organisation, J/P HRO,[5] the Rodale Institute [6] and a fledgling vegan food company, Gardenbar.[ii]


“On the 13th anniversary of 9/11, Dennis and I announced that we would embark on a series of appearances to ignite a national conversation to “Redefine National Security from Terror, 9/11 to Peace, 11/11.” The initial tour took us around the country and concluded on Armistice Day, 11/11.

 Our conversations explored National Security in terms of Human Security, including Food Security, Water Security, Economic Security, Health Security, Education Security, Environmental Security and Peace. Let’s keep the conversation going. We would love to plan more events around the country with you. Contact us directly or join the conversation online using #911to1111


Ask yourself:   To which of these liberal projects do I object?

In the words of Elizabeth:

Stand up.

Embrace your power.

Be your greatest you.



Documentary Producer

Food & Agriculture Policy Director

Advocate for Earth and All Her Children

“Having faith in the future starts with building confidence in one’s self, being honest with one’s self, and having the courage to live one’s life, not perfectly, but authentically. Each one of us matters. Our choices matter. Our thoughts, words and deeds matter. Live each day with joy, and embrace the opportunities that will enable you and your community to grow and blossom.”

“To thine own self be true”



Will Americans once more allow propaganda and the mainstream media to choose our governmental officials?










[i]   Why Does America Have A Two Party System? https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/06/16/6793/

[ii]   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Kucinich





Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

On July 11, 2001—exactly two months before 9/11/2001—House Representative for Ohio, Dennis Kucinich, introduced a bill calling for the creation of a U.S. Cabinet level Department of Peace.  He re-introduced this bill each year since then with a growing number of sponsors.  Each year the bill was sent to Committee and has yet to be taken to the House for discussion and voting.

Americans are now finding out that the Iraq War was based on a lie.  See the documentary Hubris:


Tonight (3/19/2013), on the CBS Evening News, more information about how the Iraq War could have been avoided was disclosed.


As Truth continues to tumble forth into the light of day, Americans will learn that we live in a culture of war … that all wars are based on lies, just as Rachel Maddow has begun to point out with Hubris and her an example she gave in her introduction to Hubris.

Last night (March 18, 2013), Rachel aired a report from BBC revealing how war has been used as an opportunistic tool for politicians.


In this report, we learn that President Lyndon Johnson announced near the end of his term that the way to a peace agreement regarding the Vietnam War existed.  Instead, the war was prolonged for five more years.

Those who have sought to change the course of history by working for World Peace have often been silenced by various means, as Representative Kucinich’s repeated introduction of a bill calling for a Department of Peace illustrates.

I worked for Kucinich’s Presidential Campaign in 2004.  I got a first hand view of how the tightly controlled mainstream media ignores some candidates and focuses on others—literally choosing our president for the people.

I spoke at Democratic Party Meetings using Kucinich’s own words and saw audiences that listened intently to his vision for America.  During the speeches made by other Democratic candidates’ campaign workers, members of the audiences whispered and walked around.  When I stood up and used Kucinich’s words, you could hear a pin drop; no one moved … his words touched the heart and stirred a dream of a peaceful future.  They wanted Kucinich, but fell in line with the propaganda rampant in campaigns—“vote for the candidate who has the best chance of winning.”  In other words, allow the mainstream media to determine the presidential candidate.  And a candidate who lived and worked for “the people” was not about to be highlighted by the media.   Many I talked to had never heard of Kucinich.  Besides, many said: Kucinich is too short to be president.  And so, the people fell into line to follow the media’s choice of president.


Into this avalanche of Truth coming forth, House Representative Barbara Lee has introduced a new bill, calling for many of the same objectives as Kucinich’s bill.  Will we the people continue to behave as we have in the past … blindly supporting war rather than appear unpatriotic? … simply accepting what we are told by the media without bothering to check out the facts for ourselves? … making no effort to think for ourselves, to research for ourselves, to follow the money trail by asking, “Who will profit financially from this war?”  Will we ask: What does “protect our interests” mean—who is seeking to profit?

Will we the people support Barbara Lee and her bill—whether we are a democrat or republican?  Do we the people chose to work for Peace in all of its forms—to bring to an end domestic violence, public violence against women, selling children into sex slavery, violence on our streets, ending all wars?  Are we tired of being lied to, sending our family members into war only to have them killed or maimed in the name of financial or political gain for those in power?   

Are we willing to put differences aside and support a bill that should engender wholehearted partisan support—if our leaders are doing what we elected them to do and if we, as citizens, are behaving as members of the One Family of God.   The more we study and work for peace at home, the less likely we will be to support war for any reason whatsoever.  We will know that violence begets violence and only violence!


Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Create Department of Peacebuilding


February 15, 2013 Press Release

Barbara Lee

Washington, D.C.—Today (2/15/13), Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced H.R. 808, the “Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2013” to create a cabinet-level Secretary and Department of Peacebuilding. The term “peacebuilding” refers both to activities that target the root causes of violence as well as the broad measures used to prevent violent conflict and create sustainable peace. 

“This culture of violence that we live in is unacceptable. On our streets and across the globe, the pervasive presence of violence has infected the lives of millions, and it is far past time we address it as a nation. We invest hundreds of billions each year in the Pentagon, in war colleges, military academies, and our national defense universities all to develop war tactics and strategies.  Now we need that kind of investment in peace and nonviolence here at home,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each life cut short by a homicide costs the U.S. economy $1.65 million.  Worldwide, the Institute for Economics and Peace estimates that violence and conflict cost the global economy $9 trillion in 2011.

Congresswoman Lee continued, “The Department of Peacebuilding advances the good work of my friend and former colleague Congressman Kucinich and has the potential to reduce suffering on a national and global scale while saving billions of dollars through violence reduction and increased economic productivity.” 

This proposed department would be charged with developing national strategies and programs for violence reduction both domestically and internationally.  Working across agencies, the Secretary of Peacebuilding would sponsor conflict prevention and dispute resolution initiatives, facilitate peace summits between conflicting parties, encourage community policing, and support efforts by local community and religious groups to reduce gun violence, racial and ethnic violence, and prevent violence against women and LGBT Americans.

Original cosponsors include Representatives Robert Andrews, Yvette Clarke, John Conyers, Jr., Janice Hahn, James McGovern, Chellie Pingree, and Jared Polis.


Hold in your heart these words of Dennis Kucinich in his speech to the 12th Annual Frank K. Kelly Lecture on Humanity’s Future, presented by Dennis Kucinich on February 8, 2013 in Santa Barbara, CA.  Allow them to determine your actions as you consider supporting H.R. 808, the Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2013.


Awarded the Gandhi Peace Award in 2003

We are in a new millennium and the time has come to review age-old challenges with new thinking wherein we can conceive of peace as not simply being the absence of violence, but the active presence of the capacity for a higher evolution of human awareness, of respect, trust and integrity, where we all may tap the infinite capabilities of humanity to transform consciousness and conditions which impel or compel violence at a personal, group, or national level toward developing a new understand of and commitment to compassion and love, in order to create a “shining city on a hill,” the light of which is the light of nations.

Out in the void I can see a soaring sun splitting the darkness. Behold the dawn of a new nation, our beloved America.

The Entire Speech May Be Found Here






Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

NOTE:  I offer these historical articles in order to spotlight the fact that while our nation has been involved in war, there have been a few enlightened leaders in Washington, D.C. who have consistently worked for Peace.  Needless to say, their hands have been tied.


Kucinich Re-introduces Dept. of Peace Bill with 62 Co-sponsors

Representative Kucinich has re-introduced this bill each year; however, it has never been allowed outside Committee.

In 2009, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) re-introduced legislation that would authorize a Cabinet-level Department of Peace.   http://kucinich.house.gov/Issues/Issue/?IssueID=1564

“It is well known that in times of economic difficulty violence increases.  When relationships are strained by economic hardship, domestic violence, violent robbery and abuse of children and animals all increase.  When the world is facing possibly the largest economic downturn since the Great Depression, now is not the time to ignore social issues and interpersonal relationships.  Now is the time to pay special attention to make sure that our relations and health do not suffer along with our pocket books,” stated Kucinich.

The Cabinet-level Department of Peace authorized in the legislation embodies a broad-based approach to peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution at both domestic and international levels.  The Department of Peace would serve to promote non-violence as an organizing principle in our society, and help to create the conditions for a more peaceful world.

“Peace is a foundational principle of this Congress and of this country.  This bill gives it a chance to have an animating power in our civic life by addressing the issues of domestic violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, violence in the schools and racial violence,” added Kucinich.


Kucinich originally introduced this bill on 7/11/2001 … exactly three months before 9/11.  He has re-introducted this bill each year since; however, it has never been brought to the House floor for a vote.

Now in 2012, Americans must take a powerful stand for peace.  The entire fabric of our society has been ripped asunder by violence everywhere we look.  To stand silent and idle is no longer an option.

The Peace Alliance, http://www.thepeacealliance.org/, offers an excellent non-partisan organization in which to work for Peace and a Department of Peace.

It is up to “we the people” to transform our world!




One True Voice for We, the People


Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

I worked on Dennis Kucinich’s presidential campaign in 2004. Although I have not met him in person, I came to know him as one of the finest men on this planet. To work on his campaign was a spiritual experience. To call his national campaign office was a blessing. Why? Because those of us who worked for him were striving to transform this nation into the magnificent country it was created to be. We knew Kucinich has the ability to lead us, the citizens responsible for this nation, in doing just that!

Kucinich insisted that his campaign be characterized by the same integrity, positive attitude, honesty, and high ideals that he demonstrates each day of his busy, creative life. We were working for a statesman of such high quality that we could be proud to share his words with the public … to vote for him knowing that our country will be in superior hands with Kucinich in the White House.

If Kucinich is such an exceptional presidential candidate, why did we not see him proclaimed endlessly in the mass media?

Kucinich is not for sale. He accepts no money from corporations and limits his campaign funds to that provided by law and by the people. Kucinich thinks and acts independently. A man who stands courageously in his own light and power cannot be manipulated. This fact was most vividly demonstrated following 9/11. In response to the congressional need to vote for or against declaring war on Iraq, Kucinich researched the entire scenario in depth. He came to the prophetic conclusion that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, did not have weapons of mass destruction, and had no intention of attacking the United States. This, at a time when most people did not know what to think and did not take the time to do their own research. Kucinich proclaimed his research findings to Congress. He led the group of congresspersons who voted against declaring a pre-emptive war on Iraq. At the time, this was very unpopular behavior. Now, we know Kucinich was right!

Kucinich was acting on knowledge and insights he had already placed into legislative form. On 7/11/2001—exactly three months before 9/11—Kucinich introduced legislation into Congress that called for a Cabinet level Department of Peace. He has re-introduced this legislation—HR 808—into Congress each year since. Another prominent Lightworker, Marianne Williamson, heads The Peace Alliance organization and works closely with Kucinich to bring the Department of Peace to fruition. You may read about the Department of Peace and get involved with the Peace Alliance by going to www.thepeacealliance.org.

Kucinich has a long history of working for peace at all levels of society from street gangs and child abuse to international warring parties. He was awarded the prestigious Gandhi Peace Award in 2003—one of many such awards.

During the 2004 campaign, the workers heard innumerable times: “I would love to vote for Kucinich, but he is too short. He will never win.” Americans placed more value on physical appearance than upon leadership skills and Kucinich’s outstanding capacity to inspire people into action. His were the audiences that gave him standing ovations because they were inspired, not because they were participating in a pep rally for a particular political party. People yearned to vote for Kucinich, but lacked the courage of the man who inspired them. Instead, they voted for the man they thought could win. No one can win unless we, the people, vote for him/her.

Americans buy into the propaganda rampant during elections: “If we don’t vote for the candidate who “appears” to be the frontrunner, our party will lose the election.” There are at least three fallacies involved here:

#1. When approximately 60% of Americans (as was true in 2004) had no plans to vote, who is to say who can win if we work to get that 60% to the polls?

#2. When we give into this propaganda, we allow the mass media, mega corporations, and power mongers to select our President for us. We forfeit our responsibilities and rights as citizens to have a “people selected” President.

#3. The United States Constitution makes no provision for political parties. Americans have allowed themselves to be controlled by competitive political parties—parties for which the founding document of this nation envisioned no need. We must break this mold and vote for those persons who can truly lead this nation to greatness. We must learn to think for ourselves … to choose for ourselves, not allow our minds and actions to be controlled by propaganda. We must learn to recognize propaganda for what it is—an attempt to manipulate our thoughts and actions.

Dennis Kucinich possesses the intuitive wisdom and intellectual knowledge to lead this nation and planet to peace and prosperity. He works in the Light of the Universal Christ Consciousness. Dennis Kucinich walks in the company of Beings of Light who have the welfare of this planet and all of its inhabitants as their only motivation for action.

Dennis Kucinich is a Lightworker par excellence!



Nancy B. Detweiler

       The debt crisis is the best thing that has happened in a very long time!  Why?  Because it woke up the world, especially Americans.  We gazed in astonishment as the myriad foibles of the USA, Inc. unfolded.  The truth spilled out, covering the halls of our government in a murky, gluey maze of ideologies, egos, and obedience to demigods.

The people—those for whom our Declaration of Independence proclaims:  “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”—were nowhere to be seen.  Unalienable or inalienable rights = Rights granted by Creator God—Rights that cannot be taken away.

The Declaration of Independence goes on to state:  “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.  Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes, and accordingly all Experience hath shewn that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed.”


For this very reason, Americans have suffered through the many defacing acts of the USA, Inc. perpetrated upon our constitutional government.  With the 2011 debt crisis, our sleepy acceptance of evils that are sufferable reached its saturation point and jarred us awake and ready to take action.

But, first, we must  put aside devisive ideologies (including religions), political party affiliations, allegiance to demigods, egos, competitiveness, and the mistaken concept of the survival of the fittest that has allowed us to close our eyes to very corrupt business practices.  We must educate ourselves concerning the systemic reasons that have created and perpetuated the chaos in which we live.

Why do we have a debt crisis?  As a citizen of the constitutional republic of the United States of America, I present my views with no claim to being a professional economist, constitutional expert, or historian.  I do, however, accept my responsibility to hold the only permanent office within the United States–that of Citizen of the United States.

As a whole, Americans know next to nothing about our constitution or our history.  This ignorance allows for all sorts of lies and misconceptions to be accepted as truth.

According to the US Constitution:

Article VI of the US Constitution states:  “Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public trust under the United States.”  


According to our history:

In defiance of this Constitutional mandate, Americans have allowed religious based ideologies to determine their selection of Congresspersons and President, regardless of that person’s capacity to govern in a way that ensures the inalienable rights of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” for all citizens.

According to the US Constitution:

Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution states:  “The Congress shall have the power … to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.”


According to our history:


        John E. DiNardo, professor of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, writes in his article “The Federal Reserve Act”:  On the night of November 22, 1910, a small group of surrogates of the most powerful bankers of the World met, under the veil of utmost secrecy, at specific little-used tracks of the railway station in Hoboken, New Jersey….  Over the next few weeks these men would perpetrate, under the orders of their masters (men such as the Rothschild, Rockefeller and Morgan bankers) perhaps the most colossal and devastating fraud ever inflicted upon the American People.

This ultra-secret fraud is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913….  The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 concocted legislation, to be foisted upon the People’s Congress of the United States, that empowered and commissioned this secret cabal of World-dominant bankers to PRINT UNITED STATES CURRENCY, a usurpation of our Constitution’s explicit edict empowering ONLY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to print and coin currency. This world banking empire used their stolen power to print, out of thin air, paper currency which, in no way represents the gold and silver reserves that authentic currency is supposed to represent.”


According to the US Constitution:

Article I, Section 10 of the US Constitution states:  “No state shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”


According to our history:

In violation of the US Constitution, the Federal Reserve prints Federal Reserve Notes, which we call dollars and use as money.  In actuality:  “The Federal Reserve Notes in question in this case are unlawful and void upon the following grounds.

  1. 1.  Said Notes are fiat money, not redeemable in gold or silver coin upon their face, not backed by gold or silver, and the notes are in want of some real or substantial fund being provided for their payment in redemption. There is no mode provided for enforcing the payment of the same. There is no mode provided for the enforcement of the payment of the Notes in anything of value.
  2. 2.  The Notes are obviously not gold or silver coin.
  3. 3.  The sole consideration paid for the One Dollar Federal Reserve Notes is in the neighborhood of nine-tenths of one cent, and therefore, there is no lawful consideration behind said Notes.
  4. 4.  That said Federal Reserve Notes do not conform to Title 12, United States Code, Sections 411 and 418. Title 31 USC, Section 462 (392), insofar as it attempts to make Federal Reserve Notes and circulating Notes of Federal Reserve Banks and National Banking Associations a legal tender for all debts, public and private, it is unconstitutional and void, being contrary to Article I, Section 10, of the Constitution of the United States, which prohibits any State from making anything but gold and silver coin a tender, or impairing the obligation of contracts.”

       2/5/1969 Court Decision by Martin V. Mahoney, Credit River Township, Scott County, Minnesota.

According to the US Constitution:

Amendment XIV, Section 4 of the US Constitution states:  The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.” 

According to our history:

        The raising the debt ceiling debacle included threats to the payment of Social Security and Veterans’ pensions, as well as income payments for active duty military.  These threats were not only unconstitutional—they caused already stressed military families much anxiety over what would happen if they did not get paid on time.  The elderly, many of whom are in nursing homes, feared they would evicted if they could not make their monthly rent payment.


According to our history:

The foreclosure crisis helped to bring about the present recession.  This, too, was a deliberately planned fiasco.  I quote the Bankers Manifesto of 1934: 

       “Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers.  [i.e. – the USA, Inc.]  People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discrete action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished.”

The Bankers’ Manifesto ties in with the U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1934), which states: “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ‘ownership’ is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere ‘user’ and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”

Because Americans know so little about our history, we have allowed ourselves to be the victims of repeated fraud.  The best way to hide a fraud is to place evidence of it in plain view.  A good example:  Look at the deed for your home … you are referred to as the tenant, not the owner—whether or not you have paid off your mortgage.  As the U.S. Senate document quoted above states:  “Individual so-called ownership … amounts to mere user.”  Tenants can be expelled for a variety of reasons.

Because Americans know so little about our history, we are easily led into fights over matters that have no relationship to banking or governing a nation, such as:  abortion, planned parenthood, gay marriage.  As long as we fight each other over what amounts to religious ideologies, those who would perpetrate fraud upon us are free to do so in plain sight—as stated above in The Bankers Manifesto of 1934.


       On the surface, the recent debt crisis was a deliberately manufactured political exercise in cruelty and I, in no way, condone the actions in Washington.  From a spiritual perspective, I recall the Apostle Paul’s teaching in Romans 8:28:  “And we know that those who love God are helped by him in everything for good.” –Lamsa’s translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta

So what is the good?  A vital ingredient for the coming days—the attention of all Americans … the comprehension that our entire governmental and financial system is broken … the recognition that major changes are essential!  We must let the old fall by the wayside and be receptive to the influx of the new.

The new has been present with us for over a decade, hidden from view by the refusal of the old to let go.  One such example is NESARA—the National Economic Security & Reformation Act.

The panorama of NESARA extends back in time for over one hundred years and involves thousands of home and farm foreclosures. These foreclosures were a result of fraudulent bank practices instituted as early as 1892 with the 1892 Bankers Manifesto.

NESARA grew from a national act (some maintain it was signed into law by President Clinton)—created to correct the grievous wrongs perpetrated on the American people by the banking industry, government, mega corporations, and the media—to a set of principles desired throughout the planet.  As a result of over 40 demonstrations in front of the Peace Palace in the Hague, Netherlands, NESARA became a universal structure within which improvements in every nation will take place.

The photos below were made by the NESARA demonstrators, some of whom traveled from England and Germany to participate in one or more of the 40+ demonstrations in all types of weather.  Visitors to the Peace Palace from throughout the world were given information on NESARA.  Many returned to their home country to form NESARA action groups.

Demonstration for NESARA in front of the Peace Palace

The Hague, Netherlands

Children of the World for NESARA

The Hague, Netherlands

 Demonstration for NESARA – A New Beginning!

The Hague, Netherlands

Additional photos may be seen at:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/nesara.html#photos


1.  Provides forgiveness of credit card, mortgage, and other bank debts as remedy for bank and government frauds.

2.  Abolishes the IRS.  Creates flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for government.

3.  Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank system, which absorbs the Federal Reserve, and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency.

4.  Restores Constitutional Law.

5.  Requires resignation of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President & Vice-President Designates until new election within 120 days.  This allows for a totally new start.

6.  Requires the President designate to declare Peace enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately; and many more improvements.

Additional legislation has been proposed to solve problems that loom over Americans.  Some of this legislation has gone before the Congress year after year … been tabled in committee … and had little to no coverage by the media.  An example is Dennis Kucinich’s proposal for a cabinet level Department of Peace:  http://www.kucinich.house.gov/Issues/Issue/?IssueID=1564#Legislation%20to%20Create%20a%20Department%20of%20Peace

As Americans awaken to the crimes perpetrated upon us, it is not for us to create still more problems with our anger.  2011 is a time to allow the old to pass away and open our hearts and minds to the new.  This will require revamping our philosophy to recognize that “We are One Family of God.”    

       A major transformation is in store for us—a transformation in which life as we have known it will no longer exist.  As we awaken to the fact that we are not alone in the world, our galactic family will openly appear among us in love and peace.  Together we will begin the process of creating a galactic society.  Very likely this process will include something like NESARA and a Department of Peace to get us started.  As we ascend into higher consciousness, the limitations we presently accept as “that’s life” will disappear.  Abundance in every way will be ours!

The recent debt crisis was advantageous in that it awakened Americans as nothing heretofore has.  We can now choose to come together and work cooperatively to create a new world with guidelines that are already in place and that will soon be revealed to all.  Awakened to the need for major change, we can put aside our differences … be eager to learn the new way … and create a society that will truly afford fulfillment of the inalienable rights granted by Creator God to all human beings–“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”


NOTE:  Because a question has arisen, I am including a copy of the Bankers Manifesto of 1892 and 1934.   The correct wording may be the Bankers Manifesto of 1892 and its reaffirmation in Congress in 1934.


“We [the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them.

At the coming Omaha Convention to be held July 4th [1892], our men must attend and direct its movement, or else there will be set on foot such antagonism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This at the present time would be premature. We are not yet ready for such a crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possible manner through combination [conspiracy] and legislation.

The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.

History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism.

The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.

By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, by discrete action, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and successfully accomplished.”

In order to warn Americans, the1892 Bankers’ Manifesto was revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917.


“Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discrete action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished.”

The Bankers’ Manifesto ties in with the U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1934), which states: “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ‘ownership’ is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere ‘user’ and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”


David Wilcock’s article is a MUST READ if you desire to know what is really going on in our world.  Major changes are imminent!




Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

NOTE: I originally wrote this article in 1984.  Today I realize it is the most important article I have ever written.  Why?  Because it reveals how we—in good faith—end up praying for what we do NOT want, instead of praying for what we truly desire.


“Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.” We happily sing these words, yet how many of us stop to ponder the request we are making—”Let it begin with me?” And if we do stop to consider: How may an individual assist in manifesting world peace?

Understanding the universal laws of energy is a major prerequisite. Being a peacemaker involves our most intimate thoughts and feelings, as well as the focal point of our attention while we are actively demonstrating for world peace.

This is the case because we live in a world of energy. With our thoughts and feelings, we are continually qualifying this universal energy (the creative ethers). The tools of creation are our thoughts, feelings, and spoken words. We become what we think, feel, and say. The more we concentrate our attention either on peace or on war—the more energy we send that particular concept. As we focus increasingly on one or the other, we create a thought-form, which becomes a definitive field of electromagnetic energy. “Like attracts like.” Therefore, each time we reflect on peace or on war, we energize the matching thought-form, causing it to increase in size, strength, and definition.

Take the example of anger. Think back to the last time an angry or hateful thought came to mind…… Did this thought not immediately bring forth the feelings of anger? Was not this thought nourished and enlarged by the emotions it elicited, until the energy you expended far exceeded the original memory? We often express this fact verbally: “The more I thought about it, the madder I got.”

Within the creative ethers, anger is anger; love is love; peace is peace. Whether we are angry with our spouse or angry at the world super-powers, the universal energy is qualified as “anger.” Likewise, working for peace involves naming the universal energy “peace,” whether at home, at work, or in our thoughts and actions toward world peace.

Because “like attracts like,” individual thoughts, feelings, and actions have a ripple effect. Like radio waves, individual qualifications of energy speed toward that with which they resonant, thus creating massive thought-forms. Energy fields characterized by thinking of war attract those same thoughts from people all over the planet. Our atmosphere becomes saturated with the energy of violence and war.

Think back to the time you entered a room and met a very angry or depressed person ….. Did you not quickly become disgruntled? Recall an acquaintance who seems always to be in good spirits, meets you with a happy smile, and speaks cheerfully to you…….. Do you not instantaneously feel a surge of joy? Hereby, we—as individuals—may permeate our world with the energy of peace. We can BE peace.

Most often our thoughts, feelings, and actions work for war instead of for peace because we wrongly qualify the universal energy. Anytime we become angry over or hate war, we increase the thought-form of anger and hate—the very factors that instigate violence.

We must make the shift in our thought and emotional energy from hating war to loving peace. As we increasingly focus our thoughts, feelings, and actions toward peace and familial love, we steadily magnify the corresponding thought-forms of an Earth bathed by the iridescent, healing waters of life.

This energy qualification shift can be extremely subtle. As we work for peace, we must constantly ask: How does this particular activity characterize the universal energy? For example: the more we fight against military build-up, the more energy we focus on weapons and war. Just listen to the words used: fight … against … military. All words of violence energized by our activity. The shift involves participating in constructive efforts for peace. Again, note the words: constructive … peace. Positive words energized by our activity. The more energy we expend in beneficial pursuits for peace, the larger its thought-form will become. But remember, it must be “constructive activity for peace,” not “speaking or demonstrating against war or military build-up.” By our thought projection, we qualify the energy and build one or the other thought-form. We defeat our goal if we organize a group entitled “Movement for Peace,” then proceed to orient the group activity around weapons … war … fighting … or using words on our banners like “against” or “anti-war.” In so doing, we convert our efforts for peace into demonstrations against war. As a result, a subtle, but extremely powerful, electromagnetic shift takes place.

Praying for “an end to all bloodshed” resonates with the energy for war, not the energy for peace. Immediately, a scene of bloodshed appears before our eyes and our emotions energize it. Think of the tremendous amount of emotional energy “against war” this prayer will engender within a large group. Clairvoyant persons can perceive the meeting room filled with chaotic waves of energy. On the other hand, praying for peace and familial love for all of humanity conjures up a tranquil scene of peace and love. Our emotions are soothed; we feel quietude. We can envision the entire planet encircled with hands clasped in love. The energy in the room is calm.

The true worker for peace learns control of his thoughts and feelings. He learns to focus on and build the positive regardless of the overwhelming negatively qualified energy within his environment. The true worker for peace loves peace instead of hating war.

By giving the thought-forms of war no thought, feeling, or activity energy, we diminish its electromagnetic energy field. As a result, it will shrink and eventually disappear from sheer starvation. However, “nature abhors a vacuum.” We must fill that vacuum by working for world peace—individually and collectively—through concentrating our thoughts, feelings, and actions upon building the electromagnetic energy field of peace and familial love. The ways to do so are limited only by our ability to creatively think, feel, and construct in the positive.

May we direct our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions toward generating glorious rainbow-colored thought-forms encircling our planet and saturating it with serenity.

Then, we may all sing knowingly, “Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me!”



An Open Letter: The Opportunity to Found a Global Peaceful Society is Here Now

Steve Beckow


January 10, 2011

The sickening results of a “lock and load” mentality may finally be registering with the death of five people in the recent shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her constituents. Then again, the lessons of this moment could once more be totally lost.

They may be lost because few people are aware today of how deep the problem of violence goes.

We think it only goes as deep as a culture of film and TV violence, or a habit of violent games, or a constitution in which the right to bear arms is enshrined.

But many of the subtexts of a culture of violence have never even risen to the surface of society’s consciousness.  They are almost totally unknown and operate as an unsuspected drag on consciousness.

For instance, the mass of the population does not know at this time that the government itself engineered the worst violence against Americans. It does not know that the government and its agencies brought down the Murrah building in Oklahoma or the Twin Towers or the Pentagon.

It doesn’t know that its own government participated in planning the internment of large numbers of Americans in FEMA camps, that its own government regularly schedules chemtrail flights that cause death by Morgellon’s Disease, and is behind the insertion of chemicals in food and water that cause sickness, or extreme weather, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

It doesn’t know that its own government planned to bring the world’s population down from its present size of nearly 7 billion to 500 million and that deep underground military bunkers exist to house those whom the government intended to survive a nuclear war, which would cull the population of useless eaters.

Having said that, you would think that I would be the first to insist on the citizen’s right to bear arms against such a government, that I would say that this proves that citizens cannot trust their own leaders and must have the means to oppose them.

But in fact the problem goes deeper than any bearing of arms or violent opposition to a treacherous government.

The problem lies with violence itself.

The citizen’s right to bear arms is meaningless without the citizen’s right to fire arms. But any implement of violence is not a peacekeeper. It’s a violencemaker. Peace is not made or kept through violence. Violence only leads to more violence.

The problem goes much deeper than simply having an adequate means of defense. It goes to having an adequate means to live, to live freely, to live fully. The problem lies with looking upon violence as an answer to any problem. Anything associated with violence is what must go.

At any other time in our history, we might think that there was no hope for a general appeal to end violence itself. But not at this time. I realize I am speaking to a small group here – perhaps numbering 6,000 at the most. The rest of society would regard us as hopeless idealists, though they won’t perhaps a year from now.

But that which serves as the glue that binds us is the knowledge that there is no future to violence, that a way of life founded on peace and harmony is not only possible, but that the opportunity to found such a society is here before us now.

We are the first generation of people who are actually aware of a viable, realistic opportunity to end violence forever on this planet. We are the first generation to know that the possibility of ending violence on the planet is not only before us, but can be touched, felt, and savored. We are the first generation whose efforts have the likelihood of producing a world without war, a world at peace.

Everything we discuss in these pages, read by so few, will one day be shouted from the rooftops – the liberation of the planet from violence, the observance of natural law, the sharing of wealth, the ending of war. It is not ours at this time to cower before seemingly-endless threats of violence in the form of the killing of wildlife or the loosing of extreme weather or the assassination of our brothers and sisters. This is not the time for us to be cowed at all.

It is not the time to falter before leaders who show themselves unfit to lead because they base their leadership upon the legitimacy of violence. The ultimate right to oppose and relinquish is not the right to bear arms or not bear arms. The ultimate right to oppose and relinquish is the supposed right to violence. There is no such right in God’s Kingdom.

The ultimate right to acknowledge and support is the sovereign right of individuals to decide for themselves what life they will lead, providing they do not infringe on the rights of others. The ultimate right is the right of individuals to choose what religion they will follow, what lifestyle they will enjoy, what ends they will serve and what means employ. The ultimate right is enshrined in the universal Law of Free Will and the peaceful acceptance that it applies to all, with no room for compulsion.

We stand on the verge of a new way of life. But that new way of life will not birth itself if we carry into the new era our old ways of violence and the use of force. If we want to birth the new era, then every one of us will need to renounce violence. At no time in human history could I have said that and expect a realistic outcome save now. No other time has existed when we could realistically consider such a sweeping and fundamental course of action as we can at this moment.

This is the time to renounce violence, in every form, in defense of every outcome. This is the time to separate ourselves from violence and forced outcomes. This is the moment to refrain, to stop. This is the moment to choose peace.  This is the moment to breathe in a life without compulsion.  This is the moment to trust.

Never before could what we renounce have such an impact as our renunciation of violence could have now. This is an historic moment to choose peace, totally, irrevocably, as a nation, as a culture, as a world.





Nancy Detweiler

NOTE:  Much has happened since the original work on NESARA.  Thousands of Lightworkers throughout the world have worked to establish NESARA or “laws like NESARA” in their own countries.  Photos of NESARA workers in Europe may be seen at:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/nesara.html#photos The publicity resulting from demonstrating in front of the Peace Palace, Hague, Netherlands spread over the world with groups forming to work for such laws in their own country.

The resistance to NESARA from the power elite has been fierce.  So instead of one major law—NESARA—being implemented, efforts have been made to accomplish the same thing in separate acts.  (In presenting the following examples, I am not saying that any one person knows of NESARA … they may not because it was never formally announced.)

For example:  Dennis Kucinich proposed a cabinet level Dept. of Peace, first introduced to Congress in July 2001:  http://kucinich.house.gov/Issues/Issue/?IssueID=1564 This bill has been repeatedly introduced to Congress.

Recently Kucinich proposed his Landmark Legislation for Monetary Reform:  http://kucinich.house.gov/News/DocumentPrint.aspx?DocumentID=217846

President Obama’s establishment of a Consumer Protection Agency, and his appointment of Elizabeth Warren to head it, is another example:  http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2010-09-17-elizabeth-warren-appointment_N.htm

We all know of the recent efforts to control the fraudulent behavior of banks in regard to foreclosures and to Wall Street regarding its schemes.


With the US Congress reconvening on January 5, 2011, we need to take a close look at The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  With this in mind, I share my article on The Declaration of Independence, written several years ago.

It is imperative that every American citizen read and honor our Declaration of Independence.  For it points the way to create a thriving nation filled with happy, personally fulfilled citizens!


In 1776, the thirteen colonies in America declared their independence from Great Britain. The reasons enumerated for their bloody revolution can assist us in understanding our present day peaceful revolution, NESARA (National Economic Security & Reformation Act).

Why a revolution? The U.S. Declaration of Independence reveals the answer.

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

Great Britain financially backed much of the exploration that resulted in the English settlements on American soil. For decades, the relationship between Great Britain and these colonies was mutually beneficial. The colonies were dependent upon Great Britain for a system of laws, shipments of supplies, and the few luxuries they enjoyed while building a new nation. As the colonies grew in population, professional expertise, and the ability to govern themselves, they began to resent the interference of a foreign government.

Why this resentment? The U.S. Declaration of Independence explains.

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Legal documents are required to pass a vagueness test, meaning that in order to be valid, they must be written in clearly stated terms. For this reason, it is important to look closely at the words used, for most often these words are loaded with meaning. The above statement is, indeed, pregnant.

“We hold these Truths.” The word “Truths” refers to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God as stated in the first paragraph of the Declaration. It signifies Truth that cannot be disputed or changed—thus, Universal Law. These Truths may be denied temporarily, but they cannot be altered. The original thirteen colonies based their rationale for declaring independence from Great Britain upon universal law, which far exceeds the power of laws devised by human beings.

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident.” Truth that is self-evident is truth beyond question. It is within the natural order of creation.

“… that all Men are created equal.” These Truths state Nature’s God created all human beings equal. In accordance with this unalterable universal law, no human being, nation, or government possesses the right to dominate others or to enact laws that pertain to one segment of the population only. No human characteristic, such as race or creed, justifies enforcing laws that affect some while eliminating others.

“… that they are endowed by their Creator.” To be endowed by their Creator is to be granted a natural capacity or power as a part of the creation process, to have life enriched via the gifts given.

What are these gifts?  “… with certain unalienable Rights.” Unalienable (often seen spelled inalienable) rights are inherent, natural rights that cannot be altered by manmade law. Unalienable rights can neither be given or taken away nor transferred to another person. We may choose not to insist upon our unalienable rights, but that does not dissolve the right itself. Rights are those privileges to which every human being is justly entitled.   Nature’s God enriched every human life with privileges that are inborn.

“… that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The quality of Life privilege granted to all persons by Nature’s God is predestined to be one of Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  A Life characterized by Liberty is one that is free: free to do as one pleases, free from tyranny, free to follow one’s dream. A Life enriched by the Pursuit of Happiness is based upon personal fulfillment and the knowledge of our true identity as one whose innate right is happiness.

“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.” A life characterized by the freedom to do as we please, while pursuing happiness, requires self-discipline and the ability to perceive how our actions will impact the rights of others. Our right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness cannot adversely affect the rights of others to this same liberty and pursuit of happiness. Once our actions result in negative repercussions for one or more persons, we have broken Universal Law, i.e. Common Law. Our nation’s founding documents are based on Common Law, meaning we are free to pursue our rights as long as we do not interfere with the right of others to do the same. Because self-discipline is an advanced spiritual art in which few of us are proficient, human beings established governments to secure our unalienable rights and to ensure justice for all persons.

“… deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Government is not to be an entity unto itself. Instead, it is to ensure the unalienable rights of its citizens—the one and only reason we establish a government. Any power the government may possess is to be the power granted by the governed. No government can justly govern in a manner that deprives or adversely impacts the unalienable rights of the human beings who grant it the power to oversee and secure these privileges.

In the eyes of this nation’s founding fathers, Great Britain had abused the power granted to it. Thus, “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Our founding fathers emphasized that government exists for the people, not the people for the government. If our government persists in violating the unalienable rights of its citizens, we possess the Right, and the responsibility, to alter or abolish that governing body. We have been granted the privilege of creating a new government that will concentrate upon ensuring the safety and happiness of the people.

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future.” Human beings are not predestined to be subservient to those who choose to govern in ways that do not ensure the safety and happiness of its citizens. The inclusion of pursuit of happiness, as one of humanity’s unalienable rights, is an extremely important factor to keep in mind. It is, however, the first to be omitted in the mindset of those persons who govern and who are governed. Great Britain forgot. Our American government has forgotten. We, the people, have forgotten.

Although, the U.S. Declaration of Independence reminds us not to take lightly the abolishing of those forms of government that have become despotic, it also declares it our duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for our future. Most human beings tend to suffer in silence; however, there is a limit to the amount of suffering any government can be allowed to inflict. In order to be responsible citizens, we must remember that government exists to ensure its citizens their unalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Our founding fathers revolted against the despotism of Great Britain, taking pains to state their reasons for doing so.

The King of Great Britain had refused to assent to laws that were wholesome and necessary for the public Good. He had forbidden the governors of the colonies to pass laws that were of immediate and pressing importance until approved by him, then neglected to attend to them. He imposed taxes on the American colonies without their consent, maintained standing armies in times of peace, and rendered the military independent of and superior to the civil power. The King made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He deprived us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury. He transported us beyond the seas to be tried for pretended offenses. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us. He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country. He has excited domestic insurrection amongst us. (For the entire list of abuses, see the document.)

Our founding fathers informed the King, the Legislature, and the British people of their grievances. “In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attentions to our British Brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their Legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us…. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity [or close relations].”

The 1776 Declaration of Independence climaxed our founding fathers’ efforts “to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” During the ensuing years, the thirteen colonies created the Constitution of the united States of America (“united” was not capitalized originally). The ratification process was completed on June 21, 1788.  Cognizant of the need for Americans to trust their government, the founding fathers provided the first ten amendments to the Constitution—called the Bill of Rights. They were ratified on December 15, 1791.

A little more than two centuries later, the need to throw off such government and to provide new guards for [our] future security became apparent. In 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that banks, in collusion with the U.S. government, were foreclosing fraudulently on farm mortgages. During the court process, additional frauds on the American people were uncovered. A committee of five Supreme Court Justices was charged with the Herculean task of developing the means to implement the required government and banking reforms. Experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, constitutional governments/law, and many related areas were consulted. Following years of detailed planning, the resulting legislation—the National Economic Security & Reformation Act—was created.

NESARA—America’s peaceful revolution—will greatly enrich the Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness of every American and peoples around the world. Four major principles constitute the foundation for the NESARA:

The principle of fairness to all persons.
The principle of justice for all persons.
The principle of happy, personally satisfying lives for all persons.
The principle of a just world peace.

Once more, Americans must fulfill their duty and responsibility to provide a government that, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, is “of the people, by the people, for the people.” (Gettysburg Address)

Only the people count; only the people possess the unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  NESARA is the inspired structure for a new government and a new Golden Age of world peace, justice, and prosperity for all of Earth’s inhabitants.


During the next two years, it will be extremely important that we learn to discern Light from darkness … what appears to be reality on the surface may not be so.  What has to be done to move this planet forward may, at first, look and feel like chaos when, in fact, it is the destruction that always precedes creation.  I encourage all of us to stand back … to observe … to look to our intuitive insights … to focus on the Light … and to know that Divine Order is unfolding.  Light always overcomes darkness and it will do so within the next two years!  Let’s be sure we are enhancing the Light … not strengthening the darkness with our emotional reactions.


The next two years represent “growing up” years for all of us.  We are evolving toward ascension into higher consciousness.  We are becoming Light Beings!


SaLuSa  5-January-2011

Sirius – Hobble Space Telescope

Like you we wait and hold our breath, knowing that the old system is creaking at the joints and cannot hold together much longer. We can see the domino effect taking place once the first part falls, and there will no shortage of people coming forward to support the Light. Once it commences we can see quite clearly that there will be no shortage of people coming forward to support the Light. You are spread across the globe, and your persistence in pushing for change is about to pay off. Clearly it cannot all happen at once, and some will by the nature of what is involved take many months to complete. The important thing is that you the people see the beginning of real action, and know that it cannot be interfered with. For our part we are involved because you have so often pleaded for help, and we have been given the necessary authority to do so.

We often speak of justice and refer not to Man’s but that which respects Universal Laws. Absolutely no one gets away with a single act that causes any harm to another, and you will be the sternest judge of your own misdemeanours. You will agree to what is needed to overcome any weakness that you may have had, and set up another challenge in this or a subsequent life. Each time you will expect to achieve success, but will try yet again if necessary. You agree to such testing through your Higher Self, and are aware of the need to progress spiritually. Because of duality and your many lives experiencing the dark side, you constantly experience so many different challenges that often you can face the same problems several times in any one lifetime.

You surely know by now that “like attracts like” and when you question why certain things happen in your life, you may trace it back to your own desires. It may also be the “mirror effect” where you attract to yourself exactly what you despise or hate because of the energies you give out. The Law of Attraction does not qualify or filter your energies to determine whether or not they are of the Light or dark. Where your thoughts and actions are directed to is exactly what you get back. Think for a moment if you supported hanging for some crimes, would you not conversely attract violence to yourself? To take the life of another soul in any circumstances is a violation of spiritual laws that clearly state “thou shalt not kill.” You will of course come up with situations where it happens in the defense of yours or another one’s life, and we would say that the Law of Grace can be exercised in some such circumstances.

You come to Earth to experience according to your spiritual needs and the goal is to evolve, and with Ascension within your reach there is an added prize for those who are successful. How else, Dear Ones, would you know whether you were ready to ascend, without facing yourself and your ego? The question is whether you are prepared to change the direction of your life, or are you so enamored with materialism that you cannot let go. Having abundance is not the same, as it fulfils the promise of equality and sharing in a fair way that covers all of your needs. This is quite different from the unabated drive to acquire as much material wealth as possible, often at the expense of others. Spirituality does not however require that you live as a pauper or give up all of your possessions.

However, in any event not one person can take their wealth or possessions with them into the higher dimensions. Firstly, it is unnecessary as everything you need is provided for, and secondly, you can create whatever you desire for your personal pleasure and enjoyment. For example, if on Earth you have a cherished painting, you will only have to visualize it to re-produce it. It will be of light energy and be more alluring and “alive,” just as the original artist tried to interpret and paint what was in his vision. Enjoy what you have and realize that you have much more to gain through rising up into the higher dimensions.

The lower vibrations are continually assailing you, and your protection is your own energies of Light. Keep calm and hold your focus at all times and you will be beyond the reach of the dark Ones. Where you meet them face-to-face you have nothing to fear, providing you maintain your position centered within your Light. Continue spreading your love far and wide and you will do all that can be asked of you. As more of you do so, you create a thoughtform of Light that becomes exceptionally powerful. Your energy feeds into the grids of Light and these help keep the balance upon Earth. You are a steadying influence that can lessen the potential of the changes to create major disturbances.

We of the Galactic Federation are still surrounding your Earth, and nothing that happens escapes our notice. We are particularly aware of the attempts to place weaponry in Space, and it has been planned and attempted for quite some time. We have foiled such attempts and have warned your military and government representatives that it will not be allowed. Even so, we can neutralize any nuclear weapons wherever they are, and it is pointless in attempts being made to deceive us. You are therefore perfectly safe and guaranteed to see out the last two years of this cycle, without any major incident. It really is time that the dark Ones admitted that their plans have been foiled, and allowed you to fully focus on your Ascension.

President Obama is surrounded by the dark Ones but nevertheless able to make some progress, and will continue to lay down the foundation for his final years of office. His best work is still to come and he is well aware of his destiny to lead the people out of the darkness. He is a highly spiritual soul, and will with our help and protection work with us to speedily transform your experiences, into ones of happiness and release from the draconian laws that rule your lives.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see our coming together getting nearer as each day passes. Our presence continues to come to your notice, and we shall keep up our plan to open the awareness of as many people as possible. The attempts to make you fearful of us can no longer hide the truth of our peaceful intentions. We wish you to share the joy and happiness that we bring for you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.