White House petition on ‘47 GOP traitors’ draws 260,000 signatures

Press TV logoFriday, March 13, 2015

White House petition on ‘47 GOP traitors’ draws 260,000 signatures


A petition to the White House demanding treason charges against 47 Republican senators who attempted to sabotage US President Barack Obama’s efforts to reach a nuclear accord with Iran has garnered more than 260,000 signatures.

The petition, on whitehouse.gov, was filed on Monday and had 263,312 signatures as of early Friday morning, well above the threshold of 100,000, which requires the White House to respond.

In an unprecedented move on Monday, a group of Republican senators ignored protocol and sent a letter to Iran, warning that whatever agreement reached with Obama would be a “mere executive agreement” that could be revoked “with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.”

The letter appears at a time when US negotiators are preparing to return to Switzerland to participate in the nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 countries – the US, Britain, France, China, Russia, and Germany, which have entered a sensitive final stage….

The US federal law prohibits unauthorized American citizens from interfering in relations between the United States and foreign governments. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony….

READ MORE:  http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/03/13/401586/GOP-traitors-come-under-American-fire


Congressional Research logoIran: Interim Nuclear Agreement and Talks on a Comprehensive Accord




U.S. Code § 953 – Private correspondence with foreign governments

“Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.”






18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason

Truth-is-Treason“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”








Pace of societal progress; law of attraction; ego, consciousness; Barack Obama; Hugo Chavez; “sides” in controversial issues; lightworkers; densities; legal, economic matters; NESARA





With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. How we wish that you could view Earth from our vantage point so you could see that her tumultuous travels are over and she is in calm waters. Most likely “calm” is not how you would think about your world, but “When are all the marvels of the Golden Age coming?”  Well may be.

Many civilizations were authorized by God to help Earth reach safe harbor at this point in your linear time, but throughout her ascension process, her residents have been in charge of societal changes. No other civilization may do this on your behalf because Earth is your world and must be the kind of world that you, collectively, want.

Lightworkers, including the souls who don’t think of themselves as such but indeed they are by living in godly ways, managed nobly during the extremely difficult ascension decades. All of you have the greatest admiration and respect of light beings throughout this universe.

And we know how eager you are for the promised glories of the Golden Age to be manifested, so you are distressed because there’s little evidence that they are underway. Actually, a great deal is progressing in numerous areas behind the scenes, and even mainstream media are reporting instances that indicate an encouraging upward trend. Still, huge changes will not come as swiftly as you would like.


You know that everything is energy vibrating at one frequency or another, and because energy is neutral and has no reasoning capacity, it can’t differentiate between what is wanted and what is not. Consequently, as people’s thoughts and feelings shoot out into space, the universe provides individuals with circumstances whose energy matches the energy of whatever they have been focusing on—the law of attraction that’s in constant motion.

But most souls in your world do not know that’s how energy and their innate powers of co-creation work. They’re concentrating on situations that they don’t want to continue, thereby making more of them. Because so many people are sending out the energy of sad, angry and despairing thoughts and feelings about world situations, your society as a whole is affected by the result: the slow pace of change.

Another reason that things may seem to be moving at a snail pace also is due to lack of knowledge. Because most people in your world still are confined within third density’s limited consciousness, they don’t know to ask within, where all truths are known. Without that soul level knowingness, the consciousness processes information from the ego’s perspective; and since the ego supports personal ideas and perceptions, which often are rigidly set, rarely can the ego see a situation from other perspectives or discern between truth and falsehood.


We shall give you an example. We and many other messengers in the light have told you the truth about Barack Obama, a highly evolved soul from a civilization far advanced in spirituality, intelligence and ancient wisdom. The highest universal council asked him to leave his homeland and accept the mission of leading the United States and your world into an era of peace, prosperity and unity.

We have explained that his mission, which transcends politics worldwide, is a provision of the Golden Age master plan that is aligned with Gaia’s vision of Earth’s residents living in harmony with each other and with Nature. Then Gaia’s planetary body and all of its life forms will be in balance, wherein all is light. We have asked you to send light to President Obama because it will hasten the day when that balance is attained.

Also we have mentioned in previous messages that the tenacity of the dark ones caused about a ten-year delay in your progress as a society. The delay didn’t deter Earth’s ascension one whit—her timing was predestined—but it severely curtailed Obama’s ability to carry out his mission because powerful individuals within the Illuminati still had the power to derail, distort or detour his efforts.

A large part of their effectiveness has come from people whose third density perceptions have been sending forth the energy of “anti-Obama” thoughts and feelings. That energy has been refueling the dark ones and enabling them to keep a strong chokehold on the president’s endeavors to move your world toward Gaia’s vision.


It is natural to question why that would include killing, and many feel that Obama’s approval of using drones shows that he is not of the light. That perspective omits this essential element: The drones’ purpose is to kill as few persons as possible while ending warfare as quickly as possible.

Always military forces in Earth’s civilizations have operated within the third density mentality that says eliminating the enemy is a patriotic responsibility and you keep at it until you’ve won. So for millennia both sides in wars annihilated each other, using the most current weaponry. Now that includes drones, which target individuals who are considered the masterminds of terrorism and cause fewer casualties than drawn-out ground battles would.

Indeed it is lamentable that those weapons claim the lives of women, men and children who are not harming anyone. A brutal fact of war is, many civilians are injured and killed along with combat troops—we won’t go into the immeasurable psychic damage experienced by all souls in war zones. Be uplifted by knowing that as hearts and minds continue to open, no soul will want to kill another by any means for any purpose.


We also cite Hugo Chavez, recently deceased president of Venezuela, whom mainstream media in the United States have portrayed as a bad guy who worked against that country’s best interests. What Chavez worked against was the Illuminati’s dark influence in that country, his own and other Latin American nations, and he was quite successful in driving them out of Venezuela.

Chavez was not wrong in thinking that his cancer did not occur naturally. The media under Illuminati control labeled him a “conspiracy theorist” because they have conditioned you to believe that anything with that designation is pure nonsense. Chavez’ determination to rid his country of their tentacles and to improve the lives of those who are down-trodden did not fit with the dark ones’ agenda. They felt that a public assassination could start a firestorm instead of making it easy for them to regain control of Venezuela’s abundant natural resources, and since they had the means to initiate cancer, that’s what they did. His body just didn’t give out nearly as fast as they expected.

We know the truth about these two men whom third density minds perceive at best as controversial figures with political and ideological “pro” supporters and “con” opponents. But by no means are “sides” limited to national leaders—it is the very same in all divisive issues that are besieging your world! The “right” and “left” of any situation keep generating fuel for each other—heated feelings are intensified and the imbalance of stalemates is prolonged.


Consider: Governments with a stockpile of nuclear weapons tell other governments, It’s OK for us to have these but you can’t because we don’t trust you. The governments that are told You can’t are expected to trust the motives of the governments that do have these weapons?

If the most vociferous spokespersons in “have-weapon” countries would meet with equally intransigent national leaders that want to develop them, they could begin to rationally discuss their “unassailable” perspectives. Only by doing so can the sides move forward from their respective positions and reach the common sense conclusion that total nuclear disarmament is the only way to assure that never will those weapons be used.


Especially in the United States, gun violence is a hot controversy. The side that wants to ban sales of specific guns and ammunition is as stubbornly rooted in their view as are those who parrot their “second amendment right” to have all the guns and bullets they want. The two sides need to discuss their differing opinions so they can proceed from the shared desire to lessen shooting deaths.

Neither of those two issues will be resolved overnight, but there will be a starting point in both that ultimately will result in banning weapons of all kinds. Remember, the world you’re still co-creating in linear time already exists in the continuum exactly the way you want it and, as you shall see, your choice is that weapons have no place in Earth’s Golden Age.

Abortion is another issue with widely different views and so are capital punishment and dealing with national economies, unemployment and safe sources of energy.

Because all of those and many other vital world situations are causing serious unrest does not mean that the dark ones still are in charge! Some who defected from the ranks of the Illuminati became lightworkers. Some have died, and those who absorbed enough light during the December solstice to keep their bodies viable either will continue to embrace the light or they will die. However, those who formerly were able to cause widespread havoc have been removed from those positions or their influence is nil.

Civil wars still are raging because both sides wholeheartedly believe their cause is just. In some cases, the necessity of avenging assaults on their ancestors was inculcated in the fighters when they were little children. Equally strong feelings undergird the people who are fighting for freedom from tyrannical rulers, who view the fighters as traitors for destabilizing the country. Other individuals are fighting to keep their concept of religion, however twisted, from being overturned by nonbelievers. Gradually the strident sides in these various situations will be motivated to negotiate and cooperate for mutual benefit.

There are greatly differing opinions of how to govern countries that recently gained independence after a long dynastic reign, but again, there is no darkness in the hearts of the citizens. Simply, self-rule, or democracy, is new and the people are striving to find governing methods that can serve everyone’s best interests.


The most adamant persons on both sides of other issues we’ve mentioned have no dark intentions either. It is not with malice toward those who disagree with them that the people involved are “sticking to their guns,” so to speak. Like all other minds operating at third density consciousness, they are ego-bound by their beliefs and want their side to win at all costs.

Our beloved Earth family, we are not saying that all souls in your world need to have the very same opinion about everything before turmoil ends. What we are saying is that a willingness to listen and comprehend each other’s convictions must precede resolutions to conflicts. And this will come!

Earth keeps rising into the successively higher vibrations that are conducive to lightening—enlightening!—what you call “human nature.” Attitudes on both sides of all issues will change gradually from vehemently contentious to reasonable, setting the stage for the harmonious discourse that will lead to “parts of the problem” becoming “parts of the solution” for the good of all.

This is why you lightworkers are needed every bit as much now as before! The light you generate simply by BEing radiates out into the world and touches all other lives. By steadfastly focusing only on what will enhance life in your world, you expand light in the collective consciousness and hasten the manifestation of Golden Age glories.


Earth’s peoples must let go of the ego’s self-centeredness and often mean-spirited perspective and start living from the heart. LOVE, the most powerful force in the cosmos, is the key to ending the divisiveness, hatred, poverty, ignorance and violence that have kept your world out of balance. Love is the key to peace, abundance, unity of spirit and soul evolvement.

It is logical to wonder: Earth has reached fourth density, so how can it be that most of her residents still are in third? There are two types of density, scientifically speaking. One pertains to mass and the location of a mass— Earth is in the low “edge” of fourth density and will continue ascending until she reaches her destination in fifth.

The other density refers to the evolutionary status of a soul—that is, the level of spiritual and conscious awareness attained, and those two aspects can vary considerably. Some civilizations that are far advanced in consciousness, or intelligence level, haven’t an iota of spiritual awareness.

Earth’s population today ranges from third density through seventh in soul evolvement. Dedicated lightworkers are at fourth spiritually—they are steadily on the spiritual pathway—but some are lagging consciously; they still are working on becoming nonjudgmental, forgiving self and others for perceived wrongs, and getting past guilt, remorse, possessiveness and other feelings that emit low vibrations. The comparatively few souls in fifth and higher densities are those you call Crystal or Indigo or are members of other civilizations living with you.

Now then, we have spoken about the primary factors that are affecting the pace of change in your world, but there are others, too. For instance, all legal matters must run the normal course of your legal and justice systems, and you don’t need us to tell you that those wheels do not turn swiftly.

Some legal situations are economically-based, and switching from the old systems to the new is intentionally coming about slowly to prevent fear and chaos. This far-reaching process includes not only retrieving the Illuminati’s vast stolen fortunes and allocating those monies to the impoverished billions, but also moving to a global economy based on precious metals; instituting banking regulations worldwide; and establishing fairness in trade, tariffs, taxation, wages and salaries.


In this economic vein, NESARA, the acronym for National Economic Security and Reformation Act, is well known in some circles but not necessarily well understood, and no wonder. The US government’s Web site, where NESARA is given the name National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, is total DISinformation, and channeled messages from dark entities that claim to be respected messengers of the light also contain falsehoods.

Misunderstandings include the notion that the Act is the entirety of NESARA. How wrong that is! NESARA is no less than world transformation and spiritual renewal—it is the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age.

Also, there are various interpretations of some terminology in messages from light sources, such as “prosperity packages” or similar references to the economic aspects of NESARA. Misinterpretations include a large amount of money given directly to every person on the planet, huge sums given to some individuals for funding specific projects, and everyone’s debts wiped out in one fell swoop.

Part of NESARA does pertain to eradicating usurious interest rates, reducing some loans and eliminating others—in particular, IMF loans—and removing large bank accounts from the Illuminati’s “hold order.” But the economic thrust of the Act is ending the unconscionable disparity between the “haves” and “have-nots” in your world. That imbalance will be rectified as the Illuminati’s illegally amassed fortunes are used to relieve the plight of impoverished peoples as rapidly as possible and put them on firm footing henceforth.

The provision of NESARA that calls for the resignation of the entire US government no longer applies. The act was written more than a dozen years ago when the president was a top-ranking Illuminati—he is among the defectors who became active lightworkers—and almost everyone in Congress was either a member or under the control of Illuminati outside the government. Rejoice with us that this is not the case today!

Mother, for readers who want to know more about NESARA, perhaps why this transformative worldwide plan began as a United States law, please add the date of the message with comprehensive information. [August 13, 2006, Special NESARA Edition] Thank you.

We repeat our many assurances that whatever adversely affects life in your world will cease incrementally. This includes slave labor and oppression of women; unjust laws, policies, regulations and cruel cultural customs; all forms of pollution, from industrial sources, chemtrails and chemicals in food to pornography and mind control, including monstrous portrayal of aliens in entertainment venues; corporate monopolies; homelessness; false imprisonment. Whatever is harmful to you in mind, body or spirit will meet its end as your society continues to rid your world of everything that is incompatible with life in the Golden Age.

All light beings in this universe hold you in highest honor for your unwavering courage, ingenuity, patience and dedicated lightworking. Never have you been alone in your endeavors—all along you have been assisted by universal family members living among you and those in your skies. Until the crews can join you, they’re using their ships’ technologies to assist in the myriad ways we have recounted in previous messages.

Now we say farewell in unconditional love, which always has been and is forevermore.



Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

[All statements in brackets, plus bold font by Nancy]



SaLuSa  8-February 2013

Peace is not that hard to bring about, and we wish you would put your heart and soul into it; then matters would really take off.


Where are your travels leading you to now, after the excitement of Ascension even if did not bring with it the greatly expected changes. As we have informed you, you have lost absolutely nothing as a result of Ascension passing in a manner that failed to bring you the long awaited changes. They remain ready to be brought upon the scene, when they can be co-ordinated in such a way that they can be of maximum benefit to everyone. You realize that the old systems cannot remain as they do [not] serve the best interests of everyone, and that is the whole point of bringing them [the new ones] in. People will inevitably try to hold on to what they have but if you are one who loses out, do not worry. The whole idea is to lift all those up who are ready, and eventually none will exist in a system that supports lack.

We have worked hard with our allies to bring in equality, and not only that but also abundance. The changes will seem like a fairy tale, but more than that they will address the issues that have kept you back. St.Germain is a great warrior who wields immense power, and he will see that no one can prevent you from being able to claim what is rightly yours. He is gifted with Divine Power and let no one try tricks to delay the Prosperity Funds from being distributed. The dark Ones do not really have any cards to play that can stop progress into the Golden Age, oh yes they can be a nuisance but will be swatted out of the way and placed where they no longer have any power. We have all had enough of their delaying tactics and interference tactics. They have far exceeded their authority, and it will not be tolerated anymore.

Meantime millions of Lightworkers have been able to recognize the changes within Self, and are continuing to bring even more Light to Earth. They are in the forefront of a massive move to fully establish even more Light upon Earth. This growth cannot be halted and will continue to set up your future. It is like a giant snowball gathering more as it moves around. Believe us Dear Ones, this year will see you set up for great advancements. After cutting your links with duality as you have been used to experiencing it, you will move on into another stage that will bring you all you need to start your own Galactic Society. Remember that even now you are becoming a Galactic Being. Bodily changes are occurring all of the time, as you eject those energies that are part of your baggage and increase your Light.

In time the Masters will return and have a hand in your evolution. They have nurtured you and followed your progress for a long, long time. However those who cannot find the answers within, will probably revert to the old paradigm and having been given freewill will look for progress through their religious beliefs. Each soul has to be allowed to follow its own ordained path, and will eventually understand the truth. We rejoice when that happens as we desire you to see “ALL IS ONE”. Duality has been a hard taskmaster, but lessons learnt are never to be imposed again. We admire your tenacity and determination to put your whole self into what you are doing, and yet there has been much to distract you. You have such a positive attitude, and are prepared to go to great lengths to achieve success. Keep on this path and all will come to in good time.

Every soul has a life plan, and sometimes they go astray but their Guides are on hand to assist them. But for the fact that the end times are upon you, it would not matter if you went astray and you must get back on track as soon as possible. You must be aware of opportunities that lead you back to them, and your Guides will be working hard to point you in the right direction. No one but yourself puts a goal ahead of you, and since you will have agreed to it, it must make good sense to stick by it if you can. If you fail, it will not be for the want of your Guides trying to goad you onto the right path. However, do not worry unduly about it, as there are many paths that can lead to fulfillment.

All around you the dark Ones are imploding and their chain of command is in tatters. Many of the top people are already contained, and gradually their ability to mount attacks on the Light is waning. Arrests continue to take place and their numbers are being drastically reduced. All around you corruption is being uncovered, and the culprits will be led away so that they have no more influence. It is necessary for you to know how much your lives have been affected by those who chose to rule by force. The “Land of the Free” is a myth placed before you to hide the truth, yet originally there were people who had the right vision and understanding, but were overwhelmed by the dark Ones. All through your history you have been mislead, and few Presidents have been able to break the stranglehold on you by the Illuminati. That Dear Ones is all changing, and you do not have long to wait to see some results, as more of our activities will be openly carried out. It will be our way of showing that we are on your side and with you.

Our Federation is still as active as ever, dealing with nuclear devices that the dark Ones have hidden away, and indeed we also monitor where they go and are ready to deactivate them. You live in a crazy world, where little thought is given to the consequences of detonating them. However, we are alert to all possibilities and ready to step in if matters look like getting out of hand. Generally speaking, we have many inspectors who carry out regular checks on nuclear arsenals, so we know which countries are liable to carry out nuclear attacks. We wish you would sit down and find a way to prevent nuclear warfare. The bravado that some countries choose when they threaten each other is liable to result in a nuclear holocaust. We will not allow that to happen, and that is in accordance with Divine instructions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see just how near you are to getting a peaceful solution, which would allow peace to ascend on Earth. You are so near to ending all the hostilities, but it requires a genuine approach by those who might still fear the bigger powers. It is within your grasp, and Leaders must deal with this problem as a matter of urgency. Trust is in fact a rare commodity where arms are concerned. It is true to say that the people have had enough of wars, and the waste of resources. Peace is not that hard to bring about, and we wish you would put your heart and soul into it; then matters would really take off.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey


[Bold font by Nancy]