Oct 22, 2015 3:57:48 PM

Now that everyone has had a few weeks to assimilate and evaluate through their own personal experience the most powerful influx of Light the World has ever known, I would like to share with you some information from On High that may enhance your understanding of what has actually taken place. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth said that the Portal of Light that was opened during the amazing Eclipse Series in September 2015, and the Collective Cup of Consciousness that was formed by Humanity through the synchronicity of myriad outer-world events that coincided with the Eclipses, an unprecedented Global shift of consciousness was cocreated in the Realms of Cause by the I AM Presences of Humanity en masse.

This shift into a higher consciousness will manifest through every man, woman, and child in ways that are specifically aligned with his or her individual Divine Plan. But for the first time ever, the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth that were associated with this shift of consciousness were INSTANTLY ANCHORED IN THE WORLD OF EFFECTS, which is the physical plane of Earth.

These Divine Templates reverberate with the profound Truth that HUMANITY IS ONE WITH ALL LIFE. They also pulsate with the reality that DIVINE LOVE and REVERENCE FOR ALL LIFE are foundations for every facet of Life abiding on the 5th-Dimensional New Earth, onto which we are all Ascending. The Company of Heaven want to assure us that now that we have transcended the grip of our human egos, the ability to tangibly manifest these Templates in our individual life experiences is going to be easier than ever before.

READ MORE:  http://www.eraofpeace.org/news/