November 21, 2012


No Israel-Palestine war; effects of high vibrations on bodies, relief measures; US presidential election; vibratory alignment; Earth regaining balance; civilizations help others by request; ET assistance on and off-planet; prayer; effects of false information; giving thanksWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  You are physically and emotionally feeling the effects of energy surges more so than seeing their remarkable results. We are feeling and seeing the grand forward thrusts the surges have given the planet and most of its residents: Gaia, Earth’s soul, is joyous about her planetary body’s nearness to the threshold of fourth density; hope for better times is being restored within people whose living circumstances are desperate; and newly awakened souls are sparkling all over Earth.

A world full of other marvelous happenings is on the way, but in the days at hand, the in-pouring of high vibrations also is having some unwelcome effects, like the roiling intensity at the negative end of duality’s spectrum.  Perhaps at this moment it is most noticeable in the tense Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. We hasten to assure you, the time for a full blown new war is past, today’s enemies will evolve into peaceful, cooperative relationships, and any country waging war against another will be unthinkable.

On a different front but also due to increasingly high vibrations, many are experiencing conditions such as weakness, disorientation, forgetfulness, fatigue, sudden mood swings and other uncustomary sensations. In healthy bodies that have absorbed light, the anomalies are few and brief as these bodies’ crystalline cells adjust more easily to energy fluctuations than can the carbon-based cells of bodies with less light.

Please do not use any of those symptoms as a barometer for assessing how much light is within you!  Chronic maladies and forms of mental illness still affect bodies in Earth’s atmosphere, and souls who are radiant with light may continue to experience those discomforts until they’re well within fourth density’s strong healing vibrations.

To lessen the severity and duration of the temporary anomalies, get sufficient sleep, avoid stressful encounters, drink a lot of water, have solitary serene time as often as possible and eat wisely. Vegetables and fruits are especially beneficial and less meat, sugar, starchy foods and fats in the diet also will help to lift energy levels, reduce fatigue and stabilize a positive outlook.

We strongly suggest that you not resort to antidepressants or other prescription drugs or the many that are lining store shelves.  Particularly in the prevailing energies, the chemicals in drugs can suppress or destroy bodies’ own healing mechanisms.  If you are on a medically-prescribed regimen, consult with your healthcare giver about safely reducing dosage.

Another effect of Earth’s proximity to fourth density is that linear time is passing more and more swiftly. If you are reaching day’s end feeling frustrated because there was no time to handle all responsibilities, set your priorities and please don’t fret about foregoing what could not be fit in.

The prevailing vibratory levels contributed substantially to quite a different kind of matter, too. The Illuminati, who thought that not only could they cling to their remnants of control, but rebuild their former worldwide power base, now know that their situation is hopeless. They had pinned their hopes and put their money on Mr. Romney winning the US presidency.

That country’s people and the rest of the world see President Obama’s re-election as the voters’ choice.  It was that indeed, but his victory is more than the vote count—it is a manifestation of science, a reflection of the energetic flow of the universe.  The president’s vision of a peaceful world restored to its former health and beauty and his goals to achieve this are aligned with Earth’s vibratory field. The goals of Mr. Romney are to keep the world’s resources and vast fortunes in the same few hands, and this is not in alignment with Earth’s vibratory field.

Like all other sources of negativity, the low vibrations of greed and control are incompatible with the high vibrations of love that are flowing ever more abundantly throughout the world and bringing Earth back into a healthful state of balance. The energy within balance is love-light, and nothing with low vibrations can coexist with this most powerful of all energies in the universe.

The fact that the election outcome was in consonance with the universal flow, as the Golden Age master planners long ago knew it would be, did not diminish one iota the free will choices of the United States citizens. Each voted in accordance with his or her reaction to the energy emanating from the candidates.

Please understand that this is neither criticism nor judgment of the voters or the candidates—it is explaining the election result in the context of laws that govern life in this universe.  The same holds true for the congressional elections in that country and all elections in every other country where the citizenry have a choice of candidates for leadership roles.

The laws are affecting not only national governments and governing bodies from village level on up—wherever negativity still has a foothold, high vibrations are causing shake-ups to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to say.  This can be as close to home as family, neighbors and co-workers and as seemingly remote as multinational corporations, the United Nations, military forces, religions, education, law and justice systems, and information outlets around the globe.

High vibrations are overpowering the low vibrations of everything that has adversely affected life in your world. This had to happen so Earth could regain her balance after almost dying from long ages of imbalance due to humankind’s brutality to each other, animals and the planet itself. The massive infusion of light from far distant sources seventy-some years ago enabled Earth to embark upon a journey back to life-sustaining balance—you know this journey as ascension.

This is an appropriate place to address an email that recently was sent to my mother: “I just found your site but I’ve known about Disclosure for quite a while. What are we supposed to do until our ET family gets here, just continue to wait patiently and hope they really will come? Can they decide not to? If so, would that mean that it is our responsibility to end all wars and other violence, repair the environment and fix everything else that is wrong in the world?  Doing that without any help from advanced civilizations seems like an impossibility.”

There is so much to say about this, it is hard to know where to begin.

Perhaps it is best to start with the universal law that no civilization has the responsibility—much less the right—to go into another world and make changes as they see fit even when it would immensely benefit that world’s inhabitants. Civilizations with a core of darkness have violated this law and destroyed other peoples and their homelands, but this never has happened to Earth and only lighted civilizations are anywhere near your solar system.

So yes, it is the responsibility of a civilization to right its own wrongs, but there is a loop hole there, you could say. Conditions in your world from severely damaged environment to the state of perpetual warring and unconscionably lopsided distribution of resources are products of your civilization’s successive generations’ bellicosity, brutality, greed, corruption, deception, negligence and abuse. Righting all of those wrongs is indeed a formidable undertaking, and to any third density civilization, it surely would seem an impossible task.

No doubt that is why God authorizes assistance to civilizations that request it. Gaia asked for help so her planetary body could survive, and the response was what we mentioned above, the infusion of lifesaving light from many civilizations.  But it is not only by Gaia’s request that assistance is being lovingly given.  The desire in your collective consciousness to live in a world at peace and in harmony with Nature is your request for help to accomplish this.

From the first moment of intensive light-beaming, many years ago, civilizations that the majority on Earth don’t know even exist have been helping Earth and you in numerous vital ways. Thus clearly their assistance is not dependent upon “Disclosure,” your governments’ public acknowledgement of extraterrestrial presence.

In accordance with universal laws and as part of the Golden Age master plan—prior to birth, everyone in your world knew the plan’s details and clamored to participate—all of our universal family who have been helping you are way-showers, not over-takers.

Many thousands are living right there with you, working alongside you. They have adapted an appearance that looks no different from you, and their superior intelligence and highly developed skills have given them entry into fields where darkness held sway.

Some work quietly researching and documenting the truth that the darkness has kept hidden from you, and others—you call them whistleblowers—tell the truth to the world.

Others are initiating or influencing reforms in such diverse areas as governing, economic and legal systems, energy, transportation, healthcare, sports, education, mining, logging, agriculture, computer technology, species preservation, the media, scientific research and metallurgy.

A few are in the entertainment field, and even though you regard them as such, their feats that amaze you stir thoughts about what underlies their extraordinary abilities. They exemplify what you, too, can do when you expand spiritual and conscious awareness.

Many brothers and sisters came from other worlds to befriend, enlighten, guide and inspire the individuals who share with them the same ancestry civilizations.

The protection of invisibility by “cloaking” or an impenetrable shield of Christed light is given to people whose lives are at risk at the hands of Illuminati henchmen.

None of the highly publicized “feared” pandemics occurred because family members working in your laboratories neutralized the toxins in vaccines that were designed to cause illness and death.

The damage that has been done to Earth is much too severe for you to manage yourselves. Even when technologies long-controlled by the Illuminati are released, they are not sufficient to speedily handle the extensive restorative aid the planet requires, and technologies in nearby spacecrafts, some of which is mind-powered, do have that capability.

While passengers and crews have been waiting to land and work with you on site, all along they have been helping from the skies. Foremost is preventing more than a dozen attempts by the Illuminati to use nuclear warheads in terrorist acts that would have caused more deaths and destruction than “9/11.”

Radioactive releases from Japan’s damaged nuclear facility would have killed or sickened millions if the crews had not dramatically reduced the lethal levels.

No marine life within miles of the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico would have survived if the crews had not kept clearing away the gushing oil’s toxic components.

They also have been reducing the toxicity in weaponry, industrial waste, stored nuclear waste, chemtrails, and other pollutants in inland and ocean waters.

Crews far and near disintegrate or deflect the course of celestial bodies and manmade debris in space that could cause serious damage if they hit the planet.

By laying an electromagnetic grid above Earth, they reduce the effects of earthquakes insofar as death toll and destruction, yet permit the same amount of negativity release.

They steer severe storms away from land unless the target areas need the cleansing and purifying that water imparts.

And those vast, powerful, far distant civilizations will continue to direct intensive light to Earth until she is securely within fourth density.

Can you imagine the state of your world and all who live there if none of those measures had been undertaken by countless numbers within our universal community?

This brings us to a point we wish to emphasize about “just continue to wait patiently” for Disclosure. Beloved souls, you are not just waiting! Innately you know that the responsibility for cleaning up the mess is yours because it is your homeland, and in one way or another, all of you have contributed to its condition. That’s why many millions of you have been serving for years to bring about benevolent changes that are generating light and uplifting your world.

Let us give you some examples.  Local and international rallies and meditation services for peace.  Participation in a variety of environmental conservation measures.  Monetary support to organizations that are providing life essentials to refugees and others in impoverished circumstances.  Community and individual efforts to assist those who are most needy.  Demands for justice and humane treatment where those are being denied. Efforts to preserve and uplift the lives of domestic and wild animals. Ingenuity, perseverance and cooperation to overcome financial adversity and other hardships.

And please do not overlook the power of your prayers!  Prayer is not reciting familiar words in church or personal messages to God, by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe.  Prayer is the energy sent forth by your every thought, feeling and deed, and you have been sending out “peace, prosperity, health and harmony” energy in great abundance!

We want to mention other factors that also pertain to “waiting patiently.” In previous messages we have explained what has prevented mass landings for the past decade or so, and it is most unfortunate that much confusion and disappointment has arisen due to blatantly false information given to some channels by dark entities that claimed to be well known respected sources.  The dark ones do this specifically to cause negative reactions because they feed on the energy of negativity and to survive, they must keep creating it.

It didn’t help that the very few actual plans for a small number of ETs to make a public appearance had to be postponed—we assure you that the fleet commanders’ decisions were wisely made for your safety and theirs.

Because of that and the many instances of deliberate falsehoods about extraterrestrials’ arrival and intentions as well as claims of imminent planetary disasters, Hatonn has asked us to expound on his statement in a previous message: “If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election.  If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.”

“We” refers to members of the off-planet contingent that has been negotiating with some of your government leaders and others in the vanguard of paving the way for the Golden Age. This visiting group would be introduced prior to the arrival of our family who will bring technologies and remain as long as you want and need them to work with you.

The decision about timing of that momentous day is the province of the highest universal council, and it acts upon God’s mandate.  Only at that ultimate peak of awareness can soul contracts of everyone involved, individual and global karmic completion, and your population’s reactions be known.

There is still another aspect to the “waiting game,”if you will. Animals whose soul contracts provide sufficient longevity have a free ride into fourth density with the planet, but humankind does not—you have to earn your ticket, so to say. Whether your contract choice is to live in Earth’s Golden Age or to enjoy its full panorama from Nirvana, it is prudent to use this time to prepare spiritually. Live from your heart—love is the key!

Only in the United States is one day each year designated Thanksgiving Day.  Should not every day be a time of thanks-giving throughout your world?

Thanks to our universal family who are in your midst or in your skies, and all who are beaming intense light from afar to you and your world.

Thanks to Gaia for crying out for help so her body and all of its resident life forms could survive.

Thanks to God for His unconditional love and for never judging what you do or don’t do.

And thanks to each other for providing the opportunities for experiences that you needed for spiritual and conscious growth.

Always and in all ways, the respect and love of lighted souls throughout this universe are with you, our dear Earth family.



Suzanne Ward



COSMIC VISION NEWS – November 9, 2012



I’ve run out of superlatives to describe Geoffrey’s show!  This one could be termed a syllabus for the next 6 weeks of preparation for Ascension in consciousness and the creation of Earth’s galactic culture.

 Consider it required listening for knowing what the coming weeks are all about!





  This show is packed with information relating to Sandy, the elections, even dating on a higher plane!



Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


2012 marks the year everything we term familiar will change.  So far, we have approached the 2012 Elections as if they are simply a repeat of years gone by.  We hear the same themes blasting forth as the broken record spins ad infinitum:  jobs, economy, national security, terrorists, war, peace, oil, coal, military, healthcare.

But guess what … In 2012, none of this matters!

Gaia, the magnificent being on which we have lived is now ascending to 5th dimension.  Those of us residing on her surface have a choice.  Do we want to ascend with Gaia or do we want to continue with life as we know it?

Unlike any previous election year, we are having to make two extremely important decisions that appear to be two separate choices, but are they?

In order to ascend, every human being must know his/her true identity.  So, who are we?  Jesus taught:  “You are gods.”  (John 10:34)  He was quoting a Psalm he wrote during his lifetime as Asaph, a musician of the courts of David and Solomon.[i]  In Psalm 82:6-7, the soul of Jesus, incarnated as Asaph, taught:  “I say, “You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like mortals, and fall like any prince.”   Why will children of the Most High die like mortals?  Because we do not know our true identity and therefore, behave like mortals who die.

Mortals who die can be controlled by fear of death, fear of terrorists, fear of those who don’t like us so much, fear of hunger, fear of deprivation.  Mortals who die can be manipulated by fear, money, and survival needs.  Mortals who die can be enslaved, lied to, and made to believe all sorts of nonsense.  They can be made to behave like sheeple who have not the capacity to think for themselves, who follow the leader without question.

At this very moment, the majority of Americans believe themselves to be mortals who die.  Meanwhile the princes of this world …i.e. the dark cabal, secret government of the United States of America, Inc., Illuminati easily control the sheeple (as Americans are called by the princes of the world) because most do not know Jesus’ teaching:  “You are gods.”

This election year, Americans must make their freewill choice:  Do I want to ascend into the god that a child of the Most High innately is? – OR – do I want to continue on as one of the mortals who die living on a 3rd dimensional planet?  We are already acutely familiar with being a mortal who dies.  What does it mean to be a god, a child of the Most High?

A god is one who recognizes that he/she is a sovereign being.  A sovereign being does not need a religious creed, the Ten Commandments, or a national constitution to tell her/him what to believe and how to behave.  A sovereign being does not base life on a set of intellectually created beliefs; instead, a sovereign being knows Truth because she/he recognizes Jesus’ teaching:  “The Kingdom of God is within you.”  [ii]  A sovereign being knows that all knowledge resides within as the Most High

Jesus taught:  “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.  For whoever asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door is opened.”  [iii]  A sovereign being knows to listen to the heart, to listen to the intuitive or higher mind.  Go within … sit in the glorious sanctuary of the kingdom of God.  The Source of All Knowledge is within … the sovereign being understands this.  It is this comprehension of Truth that enables the sovereign being to stand alone, independent from the mortals who die.

The sovereign being knows that God is Absolute, Unconditional Love and that Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Cosmos.

The sovereign being knows that Love is All That Is because God is All That Is. There is no place on the 5th dimension for hatred, discrimination, separation, competition, war, deprivation of any kind, pain, or illness.  There will be no need for healthcare … no need for a military or military equipment … no need for money … no need for jobs.  There will be no place for patriotism to a single nation … no crime.  As Gaia and those inhabitants who so choose ascend to the 5th dimension, all negative energy will be remain within a 3rd dimensional location.  Like attracts Like.  There is no dissonance on the 5th dimension.

Here is where the 2012 American elections enter.

December 21, 2012 marks the end of a variety of cycles of evolution.  Humanity is on the threshold of a major evolutionary leap in consciousness that will result in a total revamping of life as we know it.  2012 marks the end of Gaia’s sojourn on the plane of duality … of allowing her inhabitants to learn through a knowledge of good and evil.  Those who choose to ascend with Gaia will realize that we have lived thousands of years within an illusion.  Duality is an illusion; God is only Love, only Good, only Joy.  What we have known as evil has been an illusion that all of our thought power combined created and fed with fear until it became extremely powerful and made it almost impossible to free ourselves.

That’s why our galactic family is now with us—to assist, as Earth humans throw off the chains of living as mortals that die and learn to integrate the characteristics of a god, a child of the Most High.  As Jesus taught:  “And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.” [iv]

The Apostle Paul described the full consciousness that is about to become ours as we make this evolutionary leap.  “Love never fails; but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part.  But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is imperfect shall come to an end.  When I was a child, I spoke as a child.  I understood as a child, I thought like a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.  For now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face.  Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.  And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is

love.” [v]

 A sovereign being recognizes that at this moment in time, we know only in part.  It is for this reason that it is imperative that we go within … that we listen to our heart … that we listen to our Intuitive or Higher Self.

According to numerous messages from our Galactic Family, President Obama has been trained to assist humanity in making this transition to 5th dimensional living and consciousness.  The Divine Plan for Gaia and her inhabitants is that the period of living on the 3rd dimension is to come to an end.  Those who so desire may move on to another 3rd dimensional planet.  Gaia will no longer be home to the plane of duality.

The resistance to allowing humanity to ascend has been fierce on the part of the princes of this world, or the dark cabal.  The mortals who die awakening and ascending to 5th dimensional consciousness entails total defeat for the princes.  A multitude of cover-ups which have ensured that the princes retain their power and satisfy their greed, will topple their reign once exposed.  It is for this reason that the princes of this world  have fought President Obama at every turn—threatening his life and those of his family on numerous occasions.

President Obama has had to play the role of a double agent in order to comply with the Divine Plan that he lead America during this time of transition.  He has had the difficult task of being double agent as he campaigned for re-election and as he took part in the debates.  He has had to stand tall amidst the most ferocious attacks ever made upon a President of the United States, with the exception of President John Kennedy who was killed when he planned to announce the truth about some of the cover-ups protecting the princes and keeping the mortals who die enslaved.

According to our Galactic Family, Ascended Masters, and many within the heavenly host, Obama is fully aware of the major changes about to take place; yet cannot at this stage allow that fact to be known.  Instead, he is having to speak and act as if life on 3rd dimension will continue as it has for thousands of years.

What does the 2012 elections have to do with mortals that die becoming gods, children of the Most High? 

The election scenario provides a final exam for mortals who die.  It is our opportunity to become sovereign beings by stepping aside and behaving as gods, children of the Most High.  It is our opportunity to discern the Divine Plan for Gaia and her inhabitants … to intuit God’s Plan for this major shift to the 5th dimension.

It is our opportunity to sit within the inner sanctuary of the Kingdom of God—our heart—and seek truth.  Ask:  Is our world as it presently appears the best God can do?  OR, would a God of Absolute Love have a Divine Plan for his children—who now know in part—to ascend and to know as we are known?

The 2012 elections offer us—the mortals who die—the opportunity to progress on our pathway to ascension by intuiting our role in the unfolding of the Divine Plan for this time of transition.  These elections are not about competition, ideology, or personal preference.  They are about all of us realizing that we are to play a role in assisting our Galactic Family to create a galactic society on Gaia … they are about Gaia once more taking her place within the galaxy as an ascended planet. 

Can we seek truth and find it via our Intuitive Mind?  Can we set aside all indoctrinations, ideologies, and prejudices and seek the Way of the Divine Plan for Gaia and those mortals who die to ascend into gods, children of the Most High?

Are we willing to say, “Thy Will, not mine, be done on Gaia as it is in Heaven.”  And then, vote in accordance with the guidance of Our Higher Self?  Can we discern a Divine Plan within the 2012 Elections and vote accordingly?

[i]   Edgar Cayce readings 364-7 and 364-8, quoted by Glenn Sanderfur in Lives of the Master:  The Rest of the Jesus Story, pages 117-118.

[ii]   Luke 17:21 translated by George M. Lamsa from the Armaic of the Peshitta.

[iii]   Matthew 7:7-8 tranlated by Lamsa

[iv]   John 8:32 translated by Lamsa.

[v]   I Corinthians 13:8-13 translated by Lamsa.


NOTE BY NANCY:  THE DIVINE PLAN FOR EARTH & ALL OF HUMANITY IN NOW UNFOLDING.   WE HAVE MOVED TO OUR NEXT STAGE IN SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION.  As I state in my article “The 2012 Elections Are A Cosmic Event,” November 6 is your opportunity to choose:  Do I want to be a part of creating a galactic society of Love & Light – OR – do I want to remain on the plane of duality and continue to learn via overcoming challenges?  YOUR VOTE REGISTERS YOUR DECISION!  NOT TO VOTE means you are making no decision, leaving yourself sitting on a stationary fence.–nancy-detweiler-on-election-2012




We will soon meet SaLuSa from Sirius!

Dear Ones what a grand assembly of people took place in Sedona, with the coming of the 2012 Scenario Conference. With no hesitation hundreds took off to meet for 3 days, to listen to speakers well known for their dedication to spreading the Light. They were treated to a feast that brought out the love and Light of all concerned, and created a focus for it that spread out all around. It remains as a beacon that calls out to other souls, and signals the intent of raising the vibrations even higher than they were before. It also increases the chance of the first City of Light emerging very shortly. Those dear souls who were involved are true Lightworkers who answered the call to join arms, and bring Ascension to the notice of more people than before.

We watched the Light growing not just from above, and our representatives with Angels were also present to witness first hand the beauty and joy of your gathering. We also ensured your Conference was not interfered with, because such an explosion of Light attracts the dark Ones who would wish to extinguish it. It is as well all of you who are of the Light take care to protect yourselves, and a simple visualization of placing a cocoon of Light around you will keep you safe. What you learnt was that where there are many of a like mind and intent, there is an instant bonding and a freedom of expression that is uninhibited by social custom or practices. You felt unrestrained and able to accept other souls without question. In your future that kind of acceptance will be the normal way that you will interact with others.

We have mentioned many times, you are much more powerful than you realize. Have faith more than you have ever had before, and know that nothing is impossible. If you have the intent and belief in your own powers, miracles will happen. Be forward in your thinking and try to not look back, and set your sights on all that is whole and of the Light. Ascension is assured but do not sit back as your help is now as important as it ever was. There is still cleansing that is necessary as you are aware, and you can help keep its affects to a minimum by sending out your Light to Mother Earth. She has no desire to cause damage and death, but her Ascension is just as important as your own, if not more so. Think upon her need to be every bit as ready as you are, as Ascension is a time when you join together and ascend as One.

Life on your present Earth is coming to an end and of necessity, because the cycle of duality has all but completed its course. Nothing stands still and all is in motion and change to take up a new position according to its vibration. Separation of the souls on Earth is therefore quite a natural occurrence, as the Law of Attraction is always in action. Do not worry about anyone’s path as all are destined to follow one that has already been planned. You will all find yourselves in the right place to continue your evolution. Think not of losing your contact with those you love, as there will always be one with them wherever they are. In the higher dimensions, time and distance are no barrier to travel or communication.

In the U.S. the Presidential elections are coming to a close, and President Obama will return to power to take you all into the Golden Age. So far you have seen little of his real abilities or desire to bring about World Peace. The dark Ones may have used their methods to appoint their choice, but we of the Light are not without our way of making sure our choice succeeds this time around. It is a victory that is assured, and then you will really see things taking shape. Indeed you will be taken quite by surprise by when things really start to take place. There are but few weeks left to carry out whatever is needed for you to enter a new period in your lives. Be prepared for the changes so that you are able to accommodate them without any difficulty. They are not intended to make your life difficult, but improve it beyond your wildest dreams.

The Storm Sandy was a natural occurrence needed by Mother Earth to prepare for her Ascension, and will take place wherever there are deep rooted negative energies. On another level you are aware that this type of cleansing is going to happen, and when as a result people pass on it is not accidental in the way you normally perceive it. We say again that nothing happens by chance but all is pre-ordained. The raising of the collective consciousness has overcome the need for a more drastic cleansing, so you are to be congratulated for bringing it about. What you now understand is a clear example of your power to create your own reality.

As you must realize the next few weeks are so important to you, and should at last show you the way home. We cannot wait to get started in such a way that you are aware of what is happening, and that we can commence to work together. Once those Beings that stand in your way are removed, we will all be much freer to move around as we wish. Then many more changes will be introduced so that you are able to travel more quickly to any destination on your world. All of our promises are to be fulfilled in fairly quick time, as we have been ready to go ahead for a very long time. Our plan is one that encompasses worldwide changes and we have the back-up to commence in many parts of the world at once.

Understand the fact that you have done so well in establishing the Light upon Earth, has lessened the need for the traumatic and catastrophic changes. There have been numerous prophesies going back many years that have been based upon the “probabilities” that are played out by you. The further you go back to say Biblical times, the more cataclysmic the prophesies were. However, some people cling to those old ones maintaining a time line that still exists today, but it does not carry the energy to affect the end times. So you will understand that no one is “wrong” but has become attached to a certain outcome that no longer applies.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank Lightworkers all over the world for their continual commitment to Ascension, and Michael for having the confidence to bring through a message at the Conference. I refer to him as Michael because as with anyone else, the full name carries an energy that is specifically for that person. Joyful blessings to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

[Bold Font by Nancy]



















Drawn from Matthew’s monthly report for November 2, 2012

Matthew’s entire message, channeled by his Mom, Suzy Ward, follows this very important critique of President Obama.

Decisions and actions of the United States government are influential worldwide, therefore that country’s forthcoming election holds global interest.  We have spoken about President Obama’ mission in the context of Earth’s Golden Age master plan, which is in accordance with Gaia’s desire of a peaceful world where all live in harmony with Nature.  Her desire and the plan that embodies it transcend politics in every nation.

Obama, who has experienced many lifetimes in leadership positions, accepted the monumental mission to bring peace to your world, and he came in with the wisdom, vision, dedication, and moral and spiritual integrity to lead the way. Neither he nor his mission has changed. 

However, throughout his term in office, his efforts have been undermined by the Illuminati—those who are in Congress who are supported by those who are not. An example of their combined handiwork that you will recognize is the oft-berated “Obamacare,” which is but a broken skeleton of Obama’s intention. To get any of the reforms he wanted for the people of his country, he had no option but to change some provisions and add or eliminate others so that Congress would enact the Affordable Healthcare Bill.

Soon all individuals whose actions are motivated by greed and control no longer will be around. Then you shall see why the highest universal council selected the soul born as Barack Obama to fill one of the most vital roles in your world today. This would have been evident throughout his presidency had it not been for the tenacity of the dark ones.     



Storm Sandy not manmade; law of attraction is cause of current turmoil; energy streamer attachments; political ideologies; reason Earth is ascending; Obama, Golden Age master plan; society in the Golden Age; changes in relationships, the economy; truth is in soul’s messages to consciousness

November 1, 2012  – addition to October 21 message

The storm named Sandy that flooded the northeast coast of the United States was not manmade.  Mother Earth was cleansing herself by releasing negativity that was especially deeply entrenched in and around New York City and Washington, DC, and transmuting it into light. The Illuminati no longer have access to the technology that for many years they misused to initiate earthquakes and major storms.


Matthew’s October message is going out late because this is the first day I’ve had Internet connection since October 18, when my ISP’s area-wide technical problems started.  All off-site corrective procedures failed, and no technician was available to come to my home before October 25, when I left for the 2012 Scenario conferences in Sedona, AZ. 


October 21, 2012

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  Perhaps especially among lightworkers, who know that Earth’s exit from third density is imminent, there is concern because turmoil isn’t abating, and in some instances, seems to be increasing. We want to set your minds at ease about this by explaining why the world situation is what it is, and it starts with the Beginnings.

Beloveds, what you differentiate as science and spirit are one and the same.  There can be no separation because the origin and makeup of every thingin existence cosmos-wide is energy. This energy is the pure love-light essence of Creator, Supreme Being of the cosmos, Source, All That Is, Totality, I AM.

At the same time that each of you is a unique, independent and inviolate soul self, in the infinite and eternal interconnectedness of All, each resident of Earth is a microcosm of the planet. Earth is a microcosm of your solar system, the system is a microcosm of the Milky Way, and your galaxy is a microcosm of this universe.  Our universe is a microcosm of the cosmos, whose Beginnings were what you call the “Big Bang,” and from that moment onward, no thing exists only unto itself and anything that happens anywhere affects everything, everywhere.

For the past several decades Earth has been on center stage in this universe because of the unprecedented swiftness and extent of changes on the planet, which are attributed to science, and within her peoples, which are attributed to spirit. Yet, all of the ongoing changes on Earth and within you were set in motion seventy-some years ago when you gave energy new directions, so to say.

Energy is neutral, but streams of energy can be directed by their attachments of thought forms. The forms are actual substances, albeit invisible to your vision, and they are created by every thought, feeling and action of every life in existence.  Thus the attachments are either positive or negative in nature, and this universe is teeming with both.

The closer ones are to any energy movement, the more profoundly they are affected. Because your world is awash with duality’s negative components—fear, warring, divisiveness, rage, greed, deception, corruption, poverty and random violence—you are at the epicenter of dynamic quaking and shaking.

Not only are those negative streamer attachments being generated there, they are emanating from there.  Through the physics that governs life in this universe, energy generated anywhere shoots out into space, attracts and attaches itself to the nearest similar energy and, like a boomerang, returns with that reinforcement. Because Earth’s streamers at duality’s negative end are being sent out in abundance, they are attracting and bringing back exactly what they sent out. This immutable law of attraction is why your world still is steeped in turmoil.

And this is why we have urged you to focus on what you want in your lives and your world! The many who are preoccupied with thinking about what they don’t want and their anxiety, discouragement, anger, sorrow and impatience about those situations are creating more of them in their personal lives and the world. Those kinds of thoughts and feelings are fraught with the negativity that prolongs the situations that they want ended!

The only way to stop that merry-go-round is with love, the most powerful force in the cosmos.  Love—the very same energy as light, only expressed differently—is what light beings throughout this universe have been beaming with intensity to Earth for more than seven decades.  The initial infusion of light saved her life and gave her the strength she needed to jar loose from deep third density and start on her ascension course.

With that in-pouring of light, Earth had more to offer to all of her residents, the microcosms of her Being, and her peoples who opened their hearts and minds received it and generated their own light, their very life force, more abundantly. We have rejoiced with and for each of them! Not only have their lives been uplifted in spiritual and conscious enlightenment, but their response created positive energy streamer attachments that further benefited Earth and her other receptive souls.

Because we love every soul in your world, it is sad for us that some still are refusing the light that would replace their fear and anguish with healing and joyousness.  As long as the dark ones were in control of your world, they felt powerful. When their control started eroding some years back, fear set in. By now, the Illuminati are desperate as their last few tattered remnants of influence—the media and segments of military forces and the economy—are disappearing. Tyrannical rulers also are running scared because their counterparts in some other countries have been overthrown by the citizenry.  And many millions are living in fear because of those dark ones’ activities.

Fear is a magnified emotion that sends forth the most potent negativity.  Although that which is generated on Earth has effects universally, as we said, it most profoundly affects all life on the planet. Think how often we have stressed the importance of sending light to the weakest links in our family chain of souls, those who have become captive of darkness.

Creator’s law of free will gives them the right to deny themselves light, but they cannot stop its cosmic forcefulness.  Earth’s ascension course has reached a vibratory level of intensive energy surges and those are blocking the path of energy streamers with tempestuous negativity.  Since those streamers can neither turn around nor go forward into fourth density, they are being forced to spend themselves fast and furiously.

This accounts for the tumultuousness you’re seeing, and we hasten to assure you, the current clashing will not end explosively! The light from our universal family combined with your own is farmore powerful than the negativity swirling around the planet! And, a clear sign that Earth is prudently handling that is, far fewer deaths and much less property damage have resulted recently from earthquakes, her main mode of negativity release, than formerly.

We have stated that the purpose of our messages is to enlighten, encourage and offer spiritual guidance during this unprecedented time in universal history. Also we have said that we are apolitical—like all other spiritually evolved beings, we have progressed far beyond a political aspect in our nature.

So why do we even speak about politics? Knowing how your world became laden with negativity is essential for understanding Earth’s ascension, and an explanation cannot omit her reason: to be free of the massive negativity caused by the effects of political ideologies.

Political decisions affect the lives of the populace—civil rights, laws, education, employment, kinds of information disseminated, cultural practices, economic conditions, taxation, voting, medical care, religious orientation and designation of “enemies.”  The bedrock of most of your world’s governments has long been war, corruption, deception and oppression of one kind or another, and all of that has produced rampant negativity.

Throughout the ages, combative ruling bodies have caused the endless blood-shedding that almost killed your planet. That is why Gaia, Earth’s soul, chose to have her body leave third density, where darkness flourishes, and journey into higher densities where bitterly polarized political ideologies and their tragic results do not exist.

Decisions and actions of the United States government are influential worldwide, therefore that country’s forthcoming election holds global interest.  We have spoken about President Obama’ mission in the context of Earth’s Golden Age master plan, which is in accordance with Gaia’s desire of a peaceful world where all live in harmony with Nature.  Her desire and the plan that embodies it transcend politics in every nation.

Obama, who has experienced many lifetimes in leadership positions, accepted the monumental mission to bring peace to your world, and he came in with the wisdom, vision, dedication, and moral and spiritual integrity to lead the way. Neither he nor his mission has changed.

However, throughout his term in office, his efforts have been undermined by the Illuminati—those who are in Congress who are supported by those who are not. An example of their combined handiwork that you will recognize is the oft-berated “Obamacare,” which is but a broken skeleton of Obama’s intention. To get any of the reforms he wanted for the people of his country, he had no option but to change some provisions and add or eliminate others so that Congress would enact the Affordable Healthcare Bill.

Soon all individuals whose actions are motivated by greed and control no longer will be around. Then you shall see why the highest universal council selected the soul born as Barack Obama to fill one of the most vital roles in your world today. This would have been evident throughout his presidency had it not been for the tenacity of the dark ones.

Despite their ability to delay major progress of reforms, Earth with her vanguard of lighted souls has continued moving apace toward fourth density. With the countdown now measured in only weeks, before long you shall see current upheavals and conflicts start evolving into a unified desire for a world at peace and the onset of Earth’s Golden Age.

Let us speak about the very earliest stages of life in that Age. In our last message we enumerated the priority projects that will be undertaken. Now we shall describe what you can anticipate insofar as the general nature of society.

As we have stated before, not all the glories of the Golden Age will be on its doorsill. Neither will a completely different or enlightened society arrive there. Both Earth and Nirvana will continue to be excellent schoolhouses for souls to evolve into androgynous beings—those who have ideally balanced feminine and masculine energies—and what needs balancing most of all are emotions because they influence attitudes and choices of action and reaction.

Simply entering Nirvana doesn’t change a person’s nature and simply entering the Golden Age won’t either. We are not speaking about adherence to a soul contract—any who seriously deviated from their contracts, ignored the guidance of conscience and willfully chose dark ways, won’t be around—but rather your personality traits, interests, ideas, standards, aspirations, skills and talents.

For example, a pessimist won’t become an optimist, nor will someone who tends to be lazy suddenly be industrious. Shy individuals won’t become gregarious or vice versa.  Someone who analyzes a situation at length won’t start acting spontaneously and a person accustomed to doing a mediocre job won’t be a perfectionist. Baseball and soccer enthusiasts won’t switch to embracing the arts, nor will artists start training for the Olympics. Farmers won’t change their occupation and neither will teachers, nurses, mechanics, shopkeepers, chefs, architects, carpenters, computer programmers or anyone else whose work is fulfilling.

In short, your characteristics, aptitudes, jobs, hobbies and so forth—everything that comprises the unique individual that each of you is—aren’t going to be different until you so choose. We wish to qualify that a bit: Individuals who enjoy hunting and fishing will rapidly change from those forms of recreation to other equally satisfying pastimes that honor all life in Nature’s realm.

The grand difference that all will welcome is a willingnessto start seeing situations from others’ perspectives, to adopt attitudes that lead to harmonious discussions and resolutions, and to proceed in ways that best serve everyone’s needs. You will be living in the love-light vibrations that engender those approaches and inspire actions accordingly.

The “like attracts like” law of physics also connects persons who are kindred spirits energetically. Relationships—in families, workplaces, community activities or national organizations—that are based on that foundation will endure, those that are not, won’t. With the understanding that the goal of all souls is to grow in spiritual and conscious awareness, there can be amiable agreement when parting ways offers opportunities for that advancement.

Serious health conditions will change gradually rather than chronic illness ending in one fell swoop; however, once in fourth density’s vibrations, you will begin to feel remarkably refreshed in body, mind and spirit. For many years you have been assaulted by a multitude of toxins that have taken a severe toll on the populace. None of those toxic elements is in fourth density, and as you continue moving into its higher, stronger vibrations, bodies will be restored to perfection.

We know how eager you are to hear when our space family members among you and in your skies will be officially welcomed.  Our good friend Hatonn tells us that all is in readiness, they are just waiting for the signal from the universal highest council, which acts upon God’s guidance.

Is the economy really stabilizing or are the Illuminati manipulating that illusion?  The global economy, which is a product of smoke and mirrors, to use your term, is irreparable.  The foundation of the new system has been slid under the old so that when its collapse comes, the new foundation will be well established. That will enable the transition from the old system to the new to come about without the dam breaking, so to say.

Customized changes in currency, banking, lending, taxes, commerce and investing will be instituted at a pace to minimize confusion, but debt forgiveness in the case of IMF loans to countries where the money never reached the impoverished masses is an economic priority and so is providing the essentials those many millions require.  Remedying your bleak employment, homelessness and refugee situations also are priorities.

To you dear souls who send my mother questions of personal nature—such as where and when to relocate, your missions, is your light sufficient to physically go along Earth, can your illness be cured—we don’t have the answers you are seeking. But you do—everything that is important for you to know is within your soul!

In many messages we have urged you to stop relying on external sources to provide answers and instead, go within. Quiet your mind of “3D” chatter and let your soul’s messages come as they do—intuition, instinct, inspiration, aspiration and conscience, the guidance that keeps you on track with what you chose in your soul contract.

However, regarding missions, we shall repeat what we have said about the comparative few who are needed to fill leadership positions.  Most of you chose to be way-showers by radiating your light, and you are fulfilling that role simply by living as the BEing you are, one of God’s beloved children and related to all others in His family—all of Earth’s humankind, animals, the plant kingdom and the invaluable souls in the Devic realms.

It is important to be discerning about information of world events, too, because disinformation still abounds in mainstream media, private publications and the Internet, including channeled messages. Again, go within and pay attention to the sensation that comes. If the information at issue flows easily, very likely it is truth; if you feel any resistance, very likely it is false. The lower consciousness level of a closed mind, however, will cause the person to reject all information that doesn’t support her or his rigid beliefs.

Above all, do not get drawn in by any fearful information—there is nothing to fear! This is a time to feel joyful, excited and victorious! You are but a tiny segment of linear time away from the finish line of the greatest triumph ever seen in this universe, and in the continuum you have passed the finish line, you already have triumphed!

We honor you for your valor and steadfastness in the light.  We honor you for your perseverance and ingenuity in overcoming all roadblocks set in your way by the darkness and for your patience with delays.  We honor you for leading your world into the new era of love, peace and harmony with all of Nature.  Please honor yourselves as we do!



Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: Attendees, speakers and support staff at both 3-day 2012 Scenario conferences felt the phenomenal love energy that prevailed throughout our time together.  The second conference went out live stream and archived to make that same amazing experience available to all for the next 30 days.  The cost is US $65 and here is the link: .

On another joyful note, I became a great grandmother October 8—Carlos Ramon is the first of our family’s new generation.

All book orders sent after October 17 will be shipped November 5.  If you ordered Earth’s Golden Age – Life beyond 2012 eBook for Kindle before September 21, please contact me at




November 1, 2012





 The very powerful information shared in this show is from Spirit.  Lorna and I take no credit.  A few months ago, Lorna—who lives in South Korea—and I—who live in the USA—did not know each other.  As Lorna listened to an interview of me by Stephen Cook on InLight Radio, she instantly knew that she was being called by Spirit to launch her own blog talk radio show.  She invited me to be her first guest and to discuss Ascension from the point of view of Christians wanting to know more.

 Lorna and I did a four part series and the response was so powerful that Lorna did a Call-In show for her listeners.  It has been as if an avalanche—already  poised to begin its journey down the mountain—took off.  The show struck a cord within the hearts and minds of many.

 So when Spirit began urging Lorna and I both to speak to the true significance of America’s 2012 Elections, we knew to proceed with this Special Edition Show.  Both of us have learned through our life experiences that when Spirit urges, we simply move forward—knowing there is a Divine Plan and we are messengers.  I can tell you that Lorna and I both were blown away by the information that we share in this show.

 May this show blow each listener away with the power of Spirit speaking directly to you!  May you share this show with many, especially Americans, immediately. 

 Nothing will stand in the way of the Divine Plan for Gaia unfolding, but how much more exciting it is to play the role each of us have in this unfoldment!–nancy-detweiler-on-election-2012


The article that Lorna mentions during the show may be found at:




Any loving thought or word creates an eternal effect

10/31/2012 by John Smallman

There is no one presently experiencing life on Earth who is not to some extent feeling the changing energies that are enveloping you.  They are growing powerfully each day and increasing in intensity, because they need to, as the moment of awakening draws ever closer.  You are not alone!  You are in receipt of enormous help from the spiritual realms because you have asked for it, and we always deliver.  Keep talking to us because it helps you enormously in your task by reminding you that you are being constantly helped and are never left alone to sort things out on your own.  It would make no sense to try as it would be engaging in illusory and meaningless activities, because as we are all one — always — to do something alone is impossible.  Engage with us through prayer and meditation and we will ensure your awakening.

When you do so you are opening your hearts to receive the abundance of God’s Love for you in a most creative and uplifting way, raising your spirits and sparking your enthusiasm to work with Him through us to bring this stage of the ongoing divine plan to completion.  This is why you are on Earth right now, and you do know this even though your awareness of it is not as clear as you would like it to be.  You are aware of the importance of being loving, accepting, and forgiving in every situation in which you find yourselves, and that must show you that you know that all are one.  If you truly believed in the separation of individuals, one from another, as the illusion would have you believe, then you would be content to soldier on in the old ways, just looking after number one.  Not only are you not doing that, but you are very much aware of how unsatisfactory a way to live that is, which is why you no longer behave in that fashion.

Humanity has already advanced a great distance along the collective path to awakening, and the rate at which you are continuing your progress is accelerating daily.  Pay attention to this fact because it helps you to be optimistic and positive in preparation for the final release of all negative thought-forms that hold you back and attempt to delay your awakening.  Obviously, in Reality, your eternal Home, there are no negative thought-forms.  The divine Presence is an all-encompassing energy field of infinite, positive potential, offering limitless, creative opportunities for your constant enjoyment.  No lingering doubts about the wisdom of your actions will ever again assail you, as you delve ever deeper into the wonders that Heaven displays in an infinite selection of entrancing and beautiful activities for you engage in, using your marvelous creative abilities, because in the celestial realms nothing can occur that is not in complete alignment with the divine Will for the supreme happiness of all.

Love and life are one in the abundant and eternal outpouring of the divine energy field that embraces all of creation.  The fulfillment of all your hopes and desires is its purpose because your Father wants only your infinite joy and satisfaction to complement His own.  At present you can have only the haziest of ideas as to what that could possibly mean, but that hazy idea is the motivating force that has enabled you to follow your paths through numerous lifetimes as humans on planet Earth, as you incarnated again and again to continue the process of learning the divine lesson: All you need is Love.

When you truly embrace, share, and extend love as individuals the effects are eternal and quite magnificent.  Any loving thought, word, intent, or action in which you engage creates an eternal effect that is forever shared unconditionally and indiscriminately with all sentient life.  If it is not completely free from egoic ambition and self-serving agendas, then your loving Father purifies it because He knows you, He understands you, and He divines your true loving intent which your egos often attempt to subvert.  You are truly far more loving than you give yourselves credit for, and you frequently try to hide that truth from yourselves and from others.  Remember, you are perfect divine beings having an illusory experience of a very temporary nature, and nothing within the illusion can in any way change that.

Continue to fully engage in your task of bringing your individual energy fields into alignment with your Father’s, and by doing so assist all the unawakened ones, including those who seem to be in a state that is far deeper than sleep – the ones who are utterly committed to maintaining the old, outdated order through deceit, betrayal of all ideals, fear, and conflict – and whose path to awakening is proving somewhat longer than your own.

Your Father loves all of His creation infinitely, and He knows that His Love is returned by every sentient being He ever created.  He is infinite Love, infinite Patience, infinite Acceptance, infinite Harmony, and infinite Peace.  No part of creation will ever be lost or destroyed; all will be brought lovingly Home to eternal joy.  Knowing this, as you most certainly do, let go of all your fears, doubts, and worries.  Look forward expectantly to your awakening, and remind yourselves frequently that all is divinely taken care of.

With so very much love, Saul.

Channeled by John Smallman

[Bold font by Nancy]