The Aquarius Gate : Star Gate to a Magical Reality and the Path of the Lion Heart Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 23 January 2018

The Aquarius Gate : Star Gate to a Magical Reality and the Path of the Lion Heart

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 23 January 2018

“Beloved Friends and Family, you are approaching the time of the Sacred Year when you encounter the Aquarius Star Gate, and this year this is experienced in conjunction with the Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 31st of January. Yet another powerful quantum energy on the Leo/Aquarius axis.

What exactly is the Aquarius Gate, you might ask?

Well, I am sure that you are all familiar with the Lion’s Gate (8/8) which falls in early August in the sign of Leo. The Aquarius Gate is that moment in early February (2/2) when the circular flow of the Time Spiral brings you to a point exactly opposite the Lion’s Gate on the great stellar circle. This is the moment when the second spiral of the Sacred Year opens up into a cycle of manifestation. If you think of the flow of Time/Space as a figure 8, then you will see the first circle from July/August and the second circle from January/February.”




Comet Lovejoy and the Sirius/Pleiades Perturbation Celia Fenn

Comet Lovejoy and the Sirius/Pleiades Perturbation

Celia Fenn on 19 January 2015


“This is the second in our series of Starseed Transmissions for 2015.  At the moment we are feeling very strongly the influence of Comet Lovejoy passing through our part of the Galaxy, in the region of Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades.  This part of the Galaxy has a strong connection with the Earth, with many Star Seeds coming from Sirius and the Pleiades, as well as many Cosmic Teachers who connect with the Earth to share information about the evolution of the Earth in relation to the Solar System and the Galaxy.

Obviously, the name of the Comet is interesting, for the combination of “love” and “joy” suggests that this particular comet has a specific role in its passage through our part of the cosmos.  In our metaphysical understanding of the nature of celestial “events”, comets always represent an opportunity for significant change on the Earth and the arrival of new energies.

But, as I was tuning into the Starseed Transmission channel to see what I could learn about that event, I heard very clearly the word “perturbation”. Several times.  I had no idea what it meant so I looked it up.  It has several levels of meaning.  One is part of a set of mathematical theories in Quantum Physics that was just too mathematical for me, but clearly it had something to do with shifts and changes within a system.

I found some more down to earth definitions that helped to clarify the meaning for me.

The first definition was “anxiety and mental uneasiness”.  The second definition was “a deviation of a system, moving object, or process from its regular or normal state or path, caused by an outside influence.”

It was interesting to me the correlation between mental states of anxiety, and the results of an outside influence creating imbalance and change in a system.

Here is another definition: “Variation in a designated orbit, as of a planet, that results from the influence of one or more external bodies”.  So a Comet could be an external body that causes temporary “perturbation” and effects or influences the orbit of a planet, like the Earth.

Yes, that makes sense!

The ancients knew well that the passage of a comet had big effects on the Earth, and the closer and more visible the Comet, the greater the changes that would come in its wake.”




The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light – Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition – The Eclipses of October 2014, Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light

Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition

The Eclipses of October 2014

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

 Inner Warrior

In the period after the Planetary New Year and the Global Equinox, the energies of Change have continued to be powerful on the Earth. Waves of Light Codes, Solar impulses and Diamond Light have continued to pulsate through the Galaxy, activating deep changes to all life forms and structures. On the Earth, these Light impulses are integrated into the Light Grids and into the Consciousness of those whose Light Bodies are ready to receive them. And once they are received, they serve to initiate very deep changes that continue with the process of breaking down the old third-dimensional patterns and awakening the new multi-dimensional consciousness on Earth.

The incoming energies of the Diamond Children are joining with those of the Crystal Children, providing a powerful impetus to the new Warriors of the Heart and the Warriors of the Light. These young people are entering into the time of their lives when they are remembering who they are and why they are here. They have powerful missions to be the anchor points for the energy of Inner Power, Love, Strength, Honesty and Transparency. They have courage and focus, and they are beginning to make their presence felt on the Earth. You are seeing this in China now, where the majority of people who are going into the streets to protest are in the age group of 17 to 22. These are the Crystal Children, and they are feeling that this is their time to stand up and ask for what they need for their future on the Earth. It is not only in China, in many places on the Earth, it is the young people who are finding their Inner Power and their Inner Warrior of Light and stepping forward.

As this energy intensifies on the Earth, all of those who are resonant with the incoming Light Codes and the Diamond Light, will feel their Inner Warrior of Light being activated and will feel the need to express a powerful Heart Connection with the Earth and with her peoples. This energy will be expressed in different ways; for the young it may be in protest and organization, for others it may be in more quiet and focussed activities of meditation and other group energy activities.

In all cases, what is birthing now, as you move into this month of October with its Lunar and Solar Eclipses, is the emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light, a powerful expression of the Divine Light within, that allows you to shine forth and radiate the Light for all to see. You will no longer be afraid to be who you are, but will joyfully be empowered to express the Love and Compassion that lives within you. This you will do in ways that are unique to you, as you express your unique and beautiful essence as a Soul and Spirit in Human Form.

The Emergence of the Diamond Light Warrior Energy will bring more Light and More Radiance to the Earth, allowing you to begin to see the truth of what is happening on the Planet. You will no longer be blinded with confusion and misled by the stories of those who seek to manipulate emotions and create disaster and war. Rather, you will see the efforts and the courage, the beauty and the inspiration, of those who are already in the process of creating and manifesting the New Earth. Even if your Media refuses to share these stories and tries to direct you towards fear and anger, you will be the Warrior of Light and will refuse these old stories as you seek out those of the New Earth Diamond Communities who are already finding new ways to live and new solutions to the problems created by the old energies and perceptions. This is where you will place your energy, and this is where you will feel most comfortable as a Warrior of Light!

The Lunar Eclipse of 8 October 2014 : Galactic and Solar Time Gates and the Earth “Reboot”


On the 8th of October, when the Full Moon is in Aries, there will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse. This will be the second Lunar Eclipse of the year, following the first on the 15th of April 2014. This first Lunar Eclipse was in Libra, and so the two eclipses are connected by being in opposition and in activating the energies of Libra and Aries. These two Lunar Eclipses are Galactic and Solar Timegates, and they allow for shifts in the Time/Space fabric of your Earth Reality.

The first recoding of the Timegate allows for the the emergence of the Diamond Warrior. Aries is the house of the Warrior, and also the Child. This energy encodes a Warrior who carries the Diamond Light and expresses and Higher “innocence” that aligns with the Divine Blueprint for Planet Earth. The Crystal Child is also the Diamond Light Warrior, and the Light blazes forth at this time! As you align with this new frequency, you cannot but help feeling surges of inner power as well as a deep sense that all will be well on the Earth. As the Diamond Light is anchored and the Diamond Warriors are activated, so the New Earth blueprint is activated in your Hearts, in your Light Bodies, and in the Light Grids of the Planet.

The second area where this recoding will be felt strongly is in the area of Relationships. All relationships that are not “in balance” have been under pressure in this last year.And, in the Diamond Light energy, this concept of balance emphasizes the aspects of mutual respect, honesty and integrity in an empowered way.

In the Diamond Light it is the “Divine Sovereign” relationship that holds the highest consciousness and the most intense energy. This is where two partners are drawn together on the Soul level in order to express their inner Light and Radiance through relationship and partnership. Both partners are fully balanced and sovereign within themselves and have created a loving primary relationship with their soul and higher self. This bond of love on the inner levels can then be reflected and manifest on the outer levels.

The two partners are capable of merging their soul energies in ecstatic soul union, but are also capable of being individual and whole within their own right. They may work together, or they may choose to have a working life outside of the relationship. However they choose to express the partnership, it will create a field of Light and Radiance that will bring Joy and Healing to others through the very power of its reflection of the Divine Flame of Love and Compassion.

The 10/10 Recalibration


On the 10th of October, the 10/10, you will have the opportunity to pass through a Planetary Time Gate, where the new Codes will be recalibrated and activated within the Light Body of individuals and the Earth.

This will represent an opportunity for a “new beginning” at a higher level of consciousness. What does this mean? It means that at this point many of the “blocks” and “difficulties” of the past 6 months will fall away, and it will be a time when you will be able to move forwards once again.

On the individual level, you may feel as though what had held you back had now been removed, and you feel free to begin creating in a new way and in a new direction. This will be a higher level of consciousness than was possible before, and it will be easier to create in alignment with your hopes and dreams.

On the Planetary level, those who have been trying to “Time Engineer” the collective consciousness towards war and conflict will find that their plans will not succeed. The higher consciousness that is now available will make it very plain that their motivations and statements are not in the best interests of humanity and the future of humanity.

Once again, you will be able to turn your attention towards creating that Heaven on Earth that is your “home” on this Planet, and you will feel that your creations will be supported in a new way.

At the time of the next two Planetary Time Gates, the 11/11(11th November) and the 12/12 (12th December), these recalibrations will be “fine tuned” as you flow onwards into your New Reality.

The New Moon in Scorpio and Solar Eclipse: 23rd October


The New Moon in Scorpio on the 23rd October and the Solar Eclipse will allow these new energies to be felt on the Earth as changes and shifts in the Economic System. At this time, and in the month of October, there may some deep tensions within the financial community and the banking sectors on Earth. These tensions are arising because there are new energies emerging in the fields of finance and business that will begin displacing the old systems. The new Light Codes that will be anchored at the time of the Solar Eclipse will assist in activating these shifts and changes.

On the personal level, it will be a good time to consider your financial life and whether you may not wish to reorganize and “recalibrate” your work and your finances in a way that reflects your desire to live in harmony with the Earth. You may feel the need to seek out and support others who also have this deep desire to live in harmony with the Earth and to create a Peaceful and Harmonious life on Earth in all aspects of life.

It may also be the time to consider a different approach to life, and how you may better express your passion and your joy while also supporting your life in financial terms. In this new Diamond Light, you will be shown with great clarity where you need to put your energy in order to be in alignment with the emerging New Earth and the Diamond Light.

Beloved Ones, use the energy of the Scorpion to move through whatever darkness there may be, and to see clearly what must be done so that you can act as a Diamond Light Warrior and radiate your Light in the World. Let nothing hold you back, let fear not hold you back, as you plant the seeds of creation for this next cycle of Light.

Beloved Family of Light, we wish you a joyous adventure in the Light in the month of October!


If you would like to learn more about the Diamond Light Frequencies and the incoming Diamond Codes, we invite you to read Celia Fenn’s new book with Activations by Archangel Michael.Book Cover - Celia Fenn

to read more and to order please Click Here.


Turning Inwards to Core Power : A Planet and Population in Transition Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn : New Year July/August 2014


 Turning Inwards to Core Power : A Planet and Population in Transition

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn : New Year July/August 2014


 “Once again you have reached the “New Year” of your planet. As you approach the end of July 2014, a turbulent month filled with challenges, you are now ready to cross the threshold and enter into a New Year of Light, Time and Experience. Will you choose to move with the rising light and into a new level of experiences, or will you simply continue to repeat the same experiences again and again in the coming year?

This is a valid question, for as the Planetary energies rise and increase in intensity, each living being on the Planet is given the opportunity to intiate a new level of personal growth and experience in accordance with the energies of the Planet and the incoming Light Codes that are transmitted from the Great Central Sun and the Galactic Center as Light Impulses from the Great Cosmic Heart and Mind.

This is not an easy time for any of you, as the Planet is moving through a period of Transition from the old pre-2012 system and order and into its New Earth manifestation and form, according to the blueprints and dreams of the Collective Heart and Mind in action. It may not seem so, since the level of confusion, violence and chaos on the Planet is intense. Yet we see this a manifestation of the old energies falling away in order to give rise to something new that will sustain life on Planet Earth in the years to come.

Each one of you, on the personal level, will be led to question your life and your values, and to choose a new path that aligns more closely with what you hold to be truth in your life.

You may also find that while you are asked to “let go”, there may be nothing that arises immediately to take its place. This may be a frightening prospect, being asked to step into a void with nothing but trust that you will be held and guided. But in truth, Beloved Ones, you have been prepared for this moment for many years.

Yes, this is the moment when you are truly stepping forward as Masters of Light, Masters of Time and Space, and claiming your Core Power.”




by Celia Fenn

1-TimeshipEarthimage by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at

Life on Timeship Earth has been remarkably tense and intense the last few weeks. Surpisingly, the Solar activity has been relatively low, so it is safe to say that this intensity is coming from another source. This source is our new relationship with Time and our work as “crew” on Timeship Earth. In the last few weeks Time has become a major source of conflict as the Earth Collective Consciousness decides whether it will be “reverse engineered” back in time through Timeline manipulation, or whether we will move forward and into a Higher Spiral of Conscious Evolution that aligns us with the Divine Plan and the Divine Creative intelligence.

As we have ascended into Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness, it has become important that we also understand the Fourth Dimension of Time and the way in which we manifest and create on the New Earth Grids. Those who are masters of this skill are known as Timeline Engineers. These ones are aware that time is not linear and unidirectional. They know that time is fluid and that it moves in many directions, including forwards and backwards. A person who understands the Quantum nature of Reality, can then manipulate Time and Creation to serve their own purposes if they so desire. A Conscious Creator who serves the Light will work with the flow of Divine Intelligence and the upwards flows of Consciousness and Manifestation. This is an easy process that brings Joy and Lightness, as you simply find the Flow of Divine Light, or Diamond Light, and allow yourself to be a part of that flow.

But, at this point in our current reality, there are many who are seeking to work against the Divine Flow and for their own interests, and they are using their skill to attempt to hold Timeship Earth from moving forward, and in fact are seeking to reverse engineer time backwards so that the Future in fact becomes the Past, and we are held in an orbit where we simply have to keep reliving the past over and over again. This does not require a Time Machine, we are already in a Time Machine. All it requires is control over consciousness and the ability to spin a Timeline or narrative in the mass consciousness.

You may have noticed in the mass media recently, many references to the re-emergence of the “Cold War” between Russia and the USA and Europe, as the media tries to direct our consciousness back to the 1970s and to urge us to pick up natratives and emotions that were part of the past. Then there is also the “re-emergence” of “fascism” as we are directed back to World War 2 and the feelings and emotions of that period, often without any real historical understanding, just simply rhetoric and emotions. This is how reverse engineering is achieved. An “unfinished” Timeline can be reactivated with new emotions and feelings, and the Collective Consciousness can be redirected away from a forward and upward flow of time, and into a backwards and circular flow of time.

This kind of reverse engineering of Time serves the purposes of those who do not want to move forward, and who see no real future for themselves and their way of life in a world that is not dominated by fear, conflict and lack. So they redirect attention backwards in time to places where such fear and conflict and lack were most apparent. So, in affect, the media is guiding us back into the fear and anxiety and conflict of the past, even though it is mostly illusion.

This results in the rise of intense inner anxiety and stress in the Collective, in those who are unaware that they are in fact being manipulated. Those who are unawakened imagine that Time is linear and have no real perception of how Timelines or Time Spirals can be manipulated to create control over mass consciousness and direct events where the “Engineers” want them to be directed.

So, at this time, many people are also dealing with feelings that are rising up that relate to the past and fears that belong to the past. This also has the effect of bringing up emotions and feelings from the personal past history again, as Timeline reverse engineering also has the effect of redirecting your personal life back into the past, so that you will reconnect with past fears and anxieties and traumas relating to fear and lack.

So, you may be feeling as if you are going around in circles, because maybe you have!

Timeline Fractures and the Physical, Emotional and Mental Effects


I have recently been working with Archangel Michael on the information of how Time is an important part of Creation and of being a Conscious Creator. More recently, the Sirian Masters have made themselves known, with the request that I assist people to understand more clearly the relationshp between Time and Creation on the Earth. They urge us to understand that at the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness, Time is an integral part of anything that we create. We can no longer afford to be naive in this respect, but must be aware of how our consciousness and our creativity can be directed by others if we allow ourselves to become part of a reverse engineered narrative that will prevent us from moving forward and will direct us backwards into the past and the recreation of past experiences.

At the moment, we are in a situation where our Timeline is in the process of being fractured and splintered. Many of us are still focused on the ascending spiral of evolution and creation, while others are now beginning to focus backwards towards the manipulated timeline. This means that in terms of time creation, there is confusion and stress and tension as the two narratives, forwards and backwards, pull against each other.

In the Quantum Reality this appears as two spirals of light energy that are “competing” for the same space. Imagine the turbulence and chaos as these two spirals clash and crash together. It creates turmoil and chaos on all levels. But these spirals also involve the Elemental energies, for we do not create alone on the Earth, the Elementals are also part of the process.

So, we have entered a period of turmoil where even the Elemental energies are being caught up in this chaotic clash of Time-spirals as we decide whether to move forward and upwards or backwards and round and around. It is for this reason that we are seeing so much chaos and imbalance in Nature as well as in our own lives at this time.

The most evident effect on our physical body of Timeline fracture is exhaustion, as you are pulled between the two “directions” of time creation. This drains energy and also creates anxiety and depression. You may experience sleeping difficulties,as your body may feel tense and stressed. You may, of course, feel blocked and as if you are not able to move forward, for in effect that is what is happening. On the personal level, you may be dealing with old fears and anxieties that seem to be coming back again.

And of course, for those who are younger and do not remember the Cold War or World War 2 and its aftermath, there will be confusion because they will not really understand what is happening with the energies “out there”.

So, of course, becoming aware of what Timeline Engineering involves and what it feels like, is the first step in taking back your power and consciously creating according to the Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence.

Spiraling Upwards into the Light : Creating Forwards into the New Earth


The “natural” flow of time is upwards, with light and energy spiraling upwards towards the Divine Light. The Light Codes that contain the impulses and information that will keep us online as Co-Creators with the Divine are constantly being impulsed from the Divine Cosmic Heart and via the Galactic Center to our Sun. These Light Codes are then impulsed to us and allow our Higher Consciousness to align our Body and Light Body with the constant upward Flow of Divine Light and Evolution.

This upward movement can be disrupted by a “downward” movement that takes us in the opposite direction and away from Divine Light and Evolution. And, in this case, we can be held at a certain level that means that we will just spiral around and around at the same level, moving neither forward nor backwards, but being held in a kind of suspension at the same point of time, just recreating it over and over again.

I am sure that this is not what any of us wants for our lives or our Earth. We want to keep flowing with the Divine Creative Intelligence and moving upwards towards the Light of Compassion and Divine Love. To do this we have to ensure that we keep aligned with and resonant with that Divine Flow. We have to keep our Intention and our Creation focused on the New Earth and the Creation of the New Earth.

The New Earth is the expression of Divine Will for the Earth. It is a Creation of Light and Compassion where all Beings live together in Love and Harmony. It is a Creation where Humanity and Nature live together in Harmony and Love. It exists in the Future and is being created in the Present Moment by us as the Light Warrior and Light Worker Teams.

In order to Manifest that Future we have to keep our Intention and our focus on this direction of creation. We also have to watch our thoughts and our emotions and our actions. We have to ensure that we are living in the present moment, and that we are not being reverse engineered into some past energy that can be manipulated into war and conflict.

Archangel Michael talks often about the “New Shamanism” or 21st Century Shamanism. This is where Light Workers become aware of the need for a closer connection with the Earth, with Nature and with the Elements. When you are manifesting and creating in harmony with Nature, you will not be pulled into and onto Timelines that are created and dominated by those who seek only to use and control nature for their own financial gain. The Elementals and the Nature Spirits are standing by and waiting to assist us to create a world of Abundance and Plenty right now. It is up to us to begin to listen and to work with them, wherever we are at this moment in time, and as we create Time in harmony with Divine Will.

When speaking with people and even with Lightworkers, the biggest problem seems to often be despair and apathy. “How can I really make a difference?” Well, we have to really begin initiating our own Time Spirals that manifest a closer relationship with nature and a deeper awareness of how our lives flourish and thrive when we include nature in the equation.

Archangel Michael urges you to meditate on this topic and begin to feel and see how you can make your own life a part of the upward spiral of Divine Light, no matter where you live. Remember that as a Conscious Creator you don’t have to be pulled into and entangled with the timeline that is created by the “Engineers” who want to keep you in the same space. You can move forward into a very different creation and begin to experience the New Earth. Remember that the Indigo and Crystal children, and the New Diamond Crystal Children, are Masters of Time Travel, and they are here to help us to break through the reverse engineering and realign with the Divine Flow of Light.

Here are some images of Transformation to help you see the New Earth unfolding…….





The Diamond Codes : Light Information for the New Reality : Information and Activations with Archangel Michael

This information, released in the E Book format, will assist you to understand how you can work with the Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence to manifest the New Earth Reality in your Life.

“The Diamond Codes 2 : The Art of Conscious Creation”, the second book that focusses on Time and Creating with Time Spirals, will be released in June 2014.

For more information and to purchase your copy, please Click Here!


Celia’s “TIME TRAVEL 101” article may be found at:  

TIME TRAVEL 101…… by Celia Fenn


TIME TRAVEL 101…… by Celia Fenn


by Celia Fenn

GalaxysideviewGalaxy – Side View

 There seems to be one thing that everyone agrees on right now – everything is changing and very fast. The way that we used to perceive ourselves and our place in the world is changing very rapidly. Post the 2012 stargate, we have become a very different species. Our minds are often still in shock as we seek to integrate the huge changes that we can feel all around us. Sometimes it seems as though nothing has really changed, and yet we can feel the difference. I have felt this too in my spiritual work, we have shifted somewhere else and what we knew before just somehow is not “enough” for right now.

It was no surprise when in my channel work, the Archangel Michael energy started to focus on two relatively new and interrelated subjects : our relationship with Nature and the Earth and our relationship with Time and Space. Both new, calling for new perceptions and new ways of being. I am working with what I call 21st century Shamanism, which is a way of incorporating new perceptions about Nature and Humanity, but this piece is about our new perception of and relationship with Time. We are just beginning to perceive how our relationship with Time is changing as we change, and I have called this piece “Time Travel 101”, as I believe we are just at the beginning of understanding what is possible as we work with Time.

Timeship Earth and the Nature of Time

The description of Earth as a “planet” (literal meaning “wanderer” in Space), seems somehow dated. Earth is a “Timeship”, a structure designed to move through Space and create Time. We are the Time Travellers. We travel with and on the Earth and we create Time on the Earth both individually and collectively.

Yes….you read that correctly. Time is not something that happens to us. We are not caught up in an inevitable flow of something called time. Our work here is to create Time as Conscious Creators and Co Workers with the Divine Creative Intelligence.

We create time by originating and participating in Timelines or Time Spirals. As we originate or seed ideas/creations, we unleash electromagnetic energies that connect with and interact with the electromagnetic energies of Nature and of others as we form ideas and energy into matter and form. Using the Flower of Life Grid as the Matrix for Life, Light and Energy are attracted into the Blueprint provided by the Intention of the Timeline, and when the focus is held it then forms into Matter and Manifestation. And as this occurs, a Timeline is created and the “illusion” of moving through Time is also created.


You may read Celia’s “Time Travel 102:  Navigating Timelines” at:


Book Cover - Celia Fenn






Beloved Family of Light, we know that many of you are having difficulties in the current energies. “what is going on?”… many of you are asking as you deal with a physical reality that seems to be going a little crazy.

“What am I doing here?”…is another question we are asked, and so we will answer your questions in terms of the New Reality and a new Perception of Time and Space.

Please understand that when you passed through the Great Portal of 2012 you entered into a completely new relationship with Time and Space. Many of you became Rainbow Light Warriors and you began to also work with Time, with Timelines and with Quantum Jumping between Timelines. It is this new aspect of your work on Earth that is creating these deep feelings of confusion and anxiety. This is the first time that you have attempted this form of Time Perception and Creation in the Human Form. It is because you have now activated your Light Body and your Multi-Dimensional Being that you are able to access a new perception of Reality.

Multiple Earth Reality Timelines and Quantum Jumping

So we consider first the nature of “reality” in this new experience of Time and Space. Beloved Family of Light, in your old reality of the third dimension you believed that there was only one “Planet Earth” and one Timeline that moved in a straight line from the past to the present and into the future.

Now, in this new multi-dimensional reality we ask you to consider that there are, in fact, multiple versions of Earth Reality all playing out various possibilities and probabilities in the Ascension process, and that these possibilities are explored on Timelines that Spiral through Space, creating Time.

What if we told you that you are a part of these different versions of Earth reality, and that you are simaltaneously experiencing many of these Timelines? And what if we told you that you have the ability to move between these Timelines when necessary? What if we told you that you are Time Travellers and that with the Ascension process you have been asked and called to take on more responsibilities for the Conscious Creation of these Timelines?

And what if we told you that the Rainbow Warrior Light Team had just made the biggest experimental “Quantum Timeline Jump” ever attempted in the Earth Reality Field.

The Need for Timeline Shifting and Jumping

In the past, when your Higher Self needed to move you to another Timeline, you would need to transition out of the Earth Reality through the process of “death”, and then reincarnate into another body on the alternate Timeline. This is because the frequency of each Timeline is different. In the past, a radical shift from one Timeline to another would have disintegrated the psyche and the body.

Now, as you have moved through the processes of Ascension and Transformation and activated your Light Body and your Pineal Gland “switching mechanisms”, you are able to switch or jump Timelines with a minimum of distress. That is not to say that there is no distress at this time, there is certainly some distress that many of you are feeling, but soon, if you follow the guidelines that we have offered in the “Diamond Codes”, then you will find that you will settle quickly into your new Timeline.

We ask you to understand, Beloved Ones, that your brain is designed as a “Reality Projector”, and it serves to create the idea of “continuity” from all the impulses and experiences that bombard you every moment of every day. This allows you to live within the “illusion” of continuity even if experience and reality is, in fact, discontinuous and illusory. Your scientists are aware of this function of the Human Brain.

So, many of you are not fully aware that you have in fact shifted Timelines and made a Quantum Jump in order to serve the Divine Light and the Transformation process at another level.

You are not in the same place…and yet you are. You are moving forward and creating on a New Spiral…..a New Timeline that will contribute to the Ascension of all versions of Earth into the New Reality of Peace and Balance.

Timeline Shifting and How it Feels

In February of this year the first conscious Timeline Shift was attempted. This was implemented over all Earth Timelines to shift the directional impetus of Earth evolution, from violence and control to Peace and Harmony.

This shift was achieved on the 2/2/2014.

This Major Timeline shift caused confusion and disorientation in many people, with “mental fatigue” and short term memory loss. Difficulties in sleeping, stress and anxiety were also present as the physcial body and the psyche tried to adapt to this radical change in direction.

On the Emotional Level there was also a loss of a sense of purpose as old goals on the old timeline just simply disappeared! Relationships and soul contracts abruptly ended, or new ones began that were more suited to the new possibilities and probablilities of the new direction of the Timeline.

This sense of anxiety and confusion will settle as you begin to appreciate the benefits of the New Timeline and its new pathway to Peace and Harmony.

However, many will feel unable to re-orient in the new Timeline and may take this opportunity to leave the Earth Spheres for a time.

Timeline Jumping and How it Feels

Now, Beloved Family of Light, this information is given especially to support the Earth Warrior Team who have just Quantum Jumped Timelines as a Team in order to work in the version of Earth that is most chaotic and confused at the present moment.

“Why”, many ask, as they were preparing to ascend into a Paradise Reality of Peace and Tranquility, have you been thrust into this chaotic and stressful place? It may not make sense until you realize that you, as part of the Light Warrior Team, have been sent in to ensure that the Ascension and Transformation of the Earth is achieved on all levels. ALL versions of the Earth Reality need to ascend and shift to the Higher Frequencies in order to synchronize all the “Probable” futures of the Earth to the same zero point of Love, Peace and Harmony.

So, how does it feel? To an experienced Timeline Jumper it can be a huge thrill and exciting as you take the leap, even consciously. You will be aware of certain shifts in your physical body, especially related to the nervous system and the vascular system. But, we will say, that the strength of your physical vehicle will determine how quickly you can adapt to your New Frequency and your New Timeline.

In this case, you have had to drop frequency to initially “match” with the current Timeline, and then you begin the work of “raising” it to the required frequency for the New Reality to be grounded.

For those of you who are still unaware of your work as Time Jumpers and Travellers, you may feel very strange and your physical body may be under a great deal of stress. If you are not physically in top shape, your nervous system may take stress, and you will feel anxious and have heart palpitations. You could also experience panic attacks, lack of sleep and bad dreams, as your deep consciousness tries to connect with the deep consciousness of the Collective on this Timeline.

You may also feel as though you are in the “wrong place”, or that you are with the wrong people, or that you somehow don’t “fit” in this reality any more. Everything may look the same but it “feels” different.

Your Physical and Emotional Bodies may be trying to process the intense stress of Quantum Jumping Timelines in a physical vehicle. This is what we call the PTD effect, Post Timeline-Jump Distress.

Earth Support Teams and PTD

Beloved Family of Light, you have arrived on this Timeline to be the Conscious Creators of the New Reality and to anchor the Creative Power of the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes.

The Power of this process will radiate outwards onto all the Timelines of the Earth Reality, bringing them into Harmony and Balance with each other.

Dearly Beloved Warriors of Light, if you feel lost and disoriented after your jump, know that there is a huge Support Team of Angelic Light Beings on hand to guide you and support you and bring you back into balance.

Rest, if you need to. There is time for your New Work and the the New People you will work with to find you. Your “Teams” are assembling with new projects and new ideas for the next phase of the work.

Remember always to draw on the Diamond Light in your Hearts and to feel and work with Divine Love and Compassion that flows through the Diamond Light. Know that the Earth supports you and opens a path for you in this New Reality. Nature supports you. All is well!

Diamond Codes : Guidelines for the New Reality

Beloved Light Warriors, here we will summarize the information given in the “Diamond Codes”, to assist you to bring your body back into balance.

1. Physical Level : Here it is important to GROUND yourself and anchor yourself into the Earth in this new Timeline. This asks you to connect with the Earth, to connect with nature and your physical reality through good diet and regular physical exercise. Meditate and Pray in nature and connect with Devas and Elemental energies that will assist you on your journey.

2. Emotional Level : Remember to stay in a state of Emotional Balance, to be centered and Calm. Do not allow yourelf to be drawn into emotional dramas as this will place more stress on your nervous system.

3. Mental Level : Remain optimistic and positive, do not allow anger, anxiety and depression to take hold. This will keep you at a low frequency and you will struggle to raise frequency and find your new teams.

  1. Compassion and Love : These are the central frequencies of the Diamond Light, so remember to focus into your Heart as the center of Balance and flow with the energies of Love and Compassion. This will immediately allow you to begin raising frequency and assisting all those around you.

5. Soul/Body Connection : Remember that as an Awakened Being your physical body is a vehicle for your Soul and Spirit. Use your physical body to express your Spirit and Soul in the World. Remember that as a representative of the Cosmic Christ energy you are a “Light to the World”.

6. You are a Spiritual Being ….a Human Angel : Remember to always align with this Truth. try to see the Bigger Picture at all times!


© 2014-15 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.


TURNING THE CORNER:….after the Big Shift of Febraury 2014! Celia Fenn

TURNING THE CORNER:….after the Big Shift of Febraury 2014!

Celia Fenn


“…. The Earth is now on the correct Timeline/Time Spiral for the unfoldment of a Peaceful and Abundant future. It may not seem like it, given the fear and anxiety that has been aroused by the economic situation and the events unfolding in Ukraine. But these events are the motivations that will allow Earth society to break through to another level of interaction and socialization.

It is becoming abundantly clear to everyone that the “Grand Illusion” and manipulation of the current system is about to crash for good. The frequency of the Fifth Dimension no longer allows for manipulation and hypocrisy. It is also becoming clear that the Earth is breaking away from control by Elite Groups and allowing for the expression of the true democratic will of the people. This may take time, but it is on the way! Everywhere on the Earth, democracy is breaking out in some form or another.

According to the Higher Councils of Light, this energy will eventually lead to the formation of another kind of Society based in the Fifth Dimension.”



02 – 02 – 2014 : Activating a New Time/Space Harmonic in a Song of Fire and Ice

02 – 02 – 2014 : Activating a New Time/Space Harmonic in a Song of Fire and Ice

by Celia Fenn


image by Jean Luc Bozzoli at

When we look back on this year, I think we will recognize that something incredible just happened in the last few days. It has been a shift of a great magnitude that has opened up our Time/Space perceptions and introduced a new Harmonic to our Field of Perception.

If that sounds strange…it’s because it probably is. Many of us have experienced the pure “weirdness” of the last few days, as our old perceptions about life and about Time and Space are being shifted and opened out in amazing ways.

This is happening in what I like to call a “Song of Fire and Ice”, borrowing from the popular Fantasy series of that name. The Fire is the Solar Maximum of Solar Flares that we are now experiencing. The Earth is being bombarded by wave after wave of Solar Light, as well as some Very High Frequency Galactic Super Nova shock waves. These waves of Light are bringing in waves of information, Light Codes for the New Reality, from the Sun and from the Galaxy and from the Cosmic Heart itself.

These waves of Light are a celebration of Rebirth, Renewal and Transformation. With each wave of Light we are given more DNA instructions as to how we can grow and evolve in alignment with the growth and evolution of the Cosmos. The information in our “local” Space/Time neighbourhood is received via the Solar Council and the Galactic Council, and then shared with the Earth and integrated by the Earth Councils, the Earth Keepers, the Elders and the Children.

The result of these current waves has been to break through the “old” structures of Perception and introduce a new perception of the Harmonic Flow of Time and Space. As a result, many people are having weird experiences with time, with space, and with their perception of themselves and their relationships.

For some, things that were important will suddenly cease to be so. Relationships that seemed important will suddenly stop and break. Ideas that seemed important will be discarded. Not only because you are changing, but because you are shifting frequencies. You are not in the same place you were in before. You may not even be in the same timeline or life story that you were before!

At this moment, Humanity is breaking away from the old Newtonian/Darwinian perception of Reality, through the Einstein/Freud perception of Human Reality of the last century to the 21st century perception of Quantum Reality as a Flow of Time and Space that is Fluid and Flexible and that can be changed and recalibrated. When enough beings accept this reality it becomes the new “normal”. And so it is….the old “normal” is breaking down and being replaced with Quantum Flow and Harmonic Wave experience……

Well, what does that mean. It means that nothing is fixed and solid, not even time and space, not even past and future, not even the here and now. It is all a co-creation of light and energy. When you are “in the game” as it were, you can cease to live your life as a simple “walk” down a fixed timeline accompanied by karma and fate, and shift to the concept of multiple timelines and Choice. At any given time you can make a choice that will put you on a new timeline and create a new future or destiny. That is the adventure of Life on Earth.

The ability to focus energy through Intention and Dreaming, and then to direct that energy manifestation down a timeline through Choice is the skill of the 21st Century Quantum Reality. And indeed, it is a skill, but one that can be easily gained. It is simply understanding that you are not “trapped” in any reality, and that Choice will enable you to phase shift Reality and create a new timeline with new experiences.

Firestorms and the basic principles of Galactic Wave Surfing

This incredible wave of dynamic Light that swept through the Galaxy and has ignited our sun has certainly created great turbulence on the Earth. In weather terms, much of the Northern Hemisphere has been under snow and ice. While this is difficult for people, it is also really good for the Light Waves, as the cooler temperature cools the Earth so that it is not overheated from the Light Waves and the big cities, already Planetary “hot spots”, are not “cooked”. The crystalline structure of snow is also good for the reception of Light Codes into the Earth.

So, it might help you to deal with the snow and the cold, knowing that this is helping the Earth to ground these powerfull waves of Light and Spiritual Fire.

You may also have noticed a few other things…how many people have been ill, become psychotic, or left the planet, recently. These powerful waves of light accelerate choice and find vulnerability if you are not grounded. They also accelerate cleansing and activate healing crises, what we call “illness”, and they give people an opportunity to choose to leave if they need to or if they are needed elsewhere.

The Waves of Light also activate deep Soul Purpose Codes, and you will find that after this wave has been through, you will begin to have new feelings about your Soul Purpose in the New Reality that is called New Earth.

You may also, as mentioned before, find yourself in a new “space” and a new timeline, with new people and opportunities showing up as you move forward. This may be unsettling because you will suddenly have to “let go” of things that were important. It can be disturbing and can create deep and intense anxiety, lack of sleep and paranoia if you are not grounded.

The key to “surfing the waves” of Cosmic Light is to be grounded, let those waved move through you, and do not be surprised where you end up. There is never only one destination – there are many possibilities. In your life you may have been taught to have a “goal” and a “dream”. Yes. But be aware that there can be many ways of getting to that goal and many possibilites to manifest that dream. Do not limit yourself, be open to the Flow of Energy and the waves of Light that you are directing and that will take you where you need to be if you allow the flow and allow the possibilities and the synchronicities.

This means, in reality, living your life in a grounded and organized way, being clear and present and focussed in the NOW, but still open to manifestation of Miracles and other Realities. Other Solutions. Other People and Places.

Be calm and confident, knowing that you are in exactly the right place at the righ time. And that you are co-creating this Journey with many others both on this World and Beyond.



The current Light Wave climaxed on the 2nd of February, and you may have noticed how the internet was abuzz with fear of catastrophe and disaster at that time. Many were fearing a repeat of 9/11.

Well, that event at 9/11 certainly shifted the Earth onto a new path, but it was accompanied by trauma and manipulation.

This time, the trauma and darkness was averted by the Family of Light, the many Lightworkers who simply held the Light and agreed to be the conduit for the releasing energies in this wave.

The after effect will be much like 9/11….people will feel anxiety and stress and dislocation, but they will not know why. There is no visible focal point for the emotions and thoughts, and so nothing that can be manipulated!

This means that many people will however, not understand why they are feeling so angry, lost, disconneted and anxious. This is where you will be asked to act as Human Angels, assisting them to understand how the changes are affecting them and helping them to cross over into the New Reality. You will be assisting in the Great Awakening that will take place in the wake of this powerful Flood of Light.

People will begin to question their sense of Reality and will needed to be guided into this new perception. And it is happening at great speed. Where our evolution used to take hundreds of years, now we have achieved a huge leap in just 13 years, and this will be accelerated in the future. It is likely that we can achieve another acceleration within five or six years if we are able to work with this energy and guide the manifestion.

This is what we are here for. Our Soul Purpose, as it is being renewed, will take us into the birthing and manifestation of this New Reality of Multi-dimensional and Fluid Time/Space Reality, side by side with the Creation of the New Reality. For the New Reality is not just in one place, it is multi-layered and exists on many planes of being. As we evolve our perception and accept this New Reality, we will begin to see how these levels of reality work together in the process of Co-Creation and manifestation.


The Bridge……Crossing to a New Reality.

by Celia Fenn

Jean luc solar unicornimage by Jean Luc Bozzoli at

20th January 2014 : The Importance of Grounding. It has been an intense and rather chaotic beginning to the year of 2014! The recent Full Moon in Cancer/Capricorn and the run of powerful Solar Flares has meant that everyone has been feeling the power of the energies. Added to this is the coming “online” of the new energies of Nature that Archangel Michael has spoken about, the powerful elemental earth energies that are forging a new relationship between humanity and the environment. It is indeed a time of exciting and intense change.

Most of the questions that I get from people are about how to cope with these powerful energies. The answer is always twofold… awake and aware and know what is going on, and be fully grounded, which I guess is really the same thing!

So, briefly, let’s look at why the energies have been feeling so intense. Firstly…the Sun. We are in a period that is called “Solar Maximum” when the Sun is continually releasing powerful Solar Flares towards the Earth. In Metaphysical terms, this is the release of Solar Light Codes or information that is absorbed into the Earth and into the Body and Light Body of all living beings. If your Light Body is fully activated to the Solar Level, this information is absorbed into your Light Body and transmitted into your Physical Body via the Pituitary Gland and the Meridian system. When these Light Code waves are particularly strong, then it can cause turbulence in your own body system. This is because the Galactic Human System is designed to GROUND these energies or run them into the Earth Grids. The Galactic Human or New Human is a Bridge between the different levels and dimensions.

This only works well when the person is grounded and can allow the energy to flow through them and into the Earth where it is absorbed and used by the Earth. When you are not well grounded, then you get what is known as “Ascension Symptoms”. The intense energy cannot be grounded and it simply circulates within your energy system, activating any and all patterns that you might be holding at that level. Most common is that the energy feeds into the second and third chakras, the levels of the emotional and mental and you begin to create “old patterns”. I hear many people saying “I thought I had cleared this but it came up again!”. Well, yes you had cleared it but it was reactivated by the intense energy, not because it needed to be cleared again and again and again, but because this energy is intensely creative and absolutely needs to create. So if you are not creating anything new then it will simply create the old again and again.

So, it really is up to us to start new creations and begin to ground these new creations. The energy is here to support us, but we need to step into this New Reality and this new relationship with Nature. When you see old patterns coming up, why not simply say no and move on, don’t give them energy, move on to something new and ground the energy in a new creation and not the same old same old. Again.

It simply is that with our history of 20th Century Psychology, we seem to imagine that we need to heal and process for ever. Actually, in the New Reality we need to accept that if we focus into the Present Moment….the NOW….then the past is not an issue. We don’t need to recreate it again and we simpy say no if we see it coming. We do have choices. But we have to be awake and aware of what we are creating in order to make those choices.

In this way we can step into the Full Power of the New Galactic Human Template and enjoy the intense creative power of the Solar Light Codes as they are received on the Earth. But we do have to make sure that the energy is not “stuck” in the emotional and mental patterns of the past and is allowed to flow into new creations and new realities.

So, with all this happy “Sun Dancing” that we have been doing, we have also been doing a Moon Dance with the energies. The Full Moon in Cancer was particularly potent at this time of high Solar activity because it was in Cancer….a water moon. Water Moons activate the Flow of Emotions and Feelings, especially around the Home and Family. So, in the last few days you may have felt an intense energy around these areas. It’s creative energy and feeling energy. You may have felt weepy and ready to cry at anything! You may have felt intense loneliness or anger or any amount of feelings. Yes…celebrate that you are reconnecting with your feelings.

In the old reality we became so immersed in “mental” pop culture on TV and media that we were often unable to disntinguish what we were really feeling and what we were being urged to feel by mind control through media. Now, as we wake up, we start to own our own feelings, and these can be very intense at times. They are meant to be. It is only the numb controlled “feelings” that have no intensity. We are learning to be ok with intensity and not allowing it to become dysfunctional or aggressive. Rather, celebrate the power that flows through these feelings!

In the New Reality we need to be Strong and Grounded. We are Masters of Light and Solar Warriors. We have to make choices all the time and we are creating at every moment! The New Elemental energy of the “Spirit of the Forest” is seeking to work with us, to create and manifest on the Earth level, and to bring into form new creations that will carry the Imprint of Divine Creative Intelligence and the new Light Codes.

It is an exciting, powerful and challenging time on Planet Earth as we head into the New and knowing that we are Creating the New with every choice that we make!