Wake up Call: St. Germain, April 16, 2015

NOTE BY NANCY DETWEILER: I am posting this channeling by Nancy Tate because it seems to go along with my suspicions on April 11, when I experienced a series of military helicopters flying over my home and my granddaughter reported seeing 5 helicopters flying together that day. Then my sister, who lives near Fort Bragg Army base saw 3 helicopters lift up together hehind her condo. I felt then that they might be delivering gold to supply the gold backed currency that NESARA will bring about. St. Germain seems to be indicating the same. Others have intimated that an economic shift is close at hand.LOGO - TREE OF GOLDEN LIGHT

Wake up Call: St. Germain, April 16, 2015

 I come to you this day in the energy of the trueness of life on planet earth. I am going to tell you more of what is coming and what will be in the works. First I will share with you something that is taking place as I speak in the annals of history, for it is already history having taken place yesterday in the cellars of the United States of America. I am St. Germain, and I speak of the cellars of the United Nations.

I was called to be with them as they disbursed the gold that has been in storage for centuries in these cellars I speak of. It was the ones from the United Nations who called me and instructed me to go with them into the storage facilities and bear witness to their disbursements.

As I accompanied them they were in a mood of splendor, for they knew this would mean the coming to peace of all of the nations of this world. It is time for it all to become in harmony and in Love for all of life on earth. One of the ways in which to bring this about is through the distribution of the gold in the process that is in the works now of the funds being distributing. As you have been told, the gold is backing up the funds, and it is being distributed to the nations as the funds are coming to the various places.

Now I will tell you another part of this message, for it has to do with how you are all going to respond to the funds as they come to you in the ways that are being formulated. There are those who have already set their places for the management of the funds to help all of mankind to return to the purity that they are destined for. It is a matter of the funds being used for the purpose of bringing about an equal use that reflects the equality of all of mankind.

There is no more use for the idea that one is better, or more than another, for we are all equal. We all will be going through the action of using the funds to create a more valuable way of living on earth, and then we will all go from there to set the example of how we don’t need to be richer than another person in order to have a better life. There is nothing like presenting the example of what is being shared with others and communicated in a way that cannot be mistaken.

I am here with you all in a way that speaks of who you are, for I am no more than you are. I have chosen the role I play, as you all have, and as soon as you are able to see me as I walk along side you, you will realize that this is the awakening time for you. That is what we all are so in delight about; to see ‘DeLight’ come back into your eyes and shine forth from the radiance of your heart. It is such a wondrous time for us to ready ourselves for our reunion. We are going to be celebrating in a way that is only thus far realized. As the steps take place for the funds to flow throughout humanity, it will be personalized in every part of the world, every village, every city, every home. As I speak, there are some who are already involved with what the funds are doing for mankind and Mother Earth.

I shall leave this message now and watch as those of you who read it take the initiative and follow through on what it awakens within you. It is a wondrous time here on planet earth now. As we all come together and share ourselves in every way that we can, it will be obvious that we have come to our final resting place before dancing forth in our next venture. From one moment to the next is when that change will come forth for all of us. Love is all there is, and we all walk forth into the next moment and the next.

Thank you so much dear St. Germain,

Much Love, Nancy Tate


False flag fails: A new paradigm shift?

NOTE BY NANCY: When false flag events begin to fail, Planet Earth is one step closer to World Peace! Here’s why!

Veterans Today

False flag fails: A new paradigm shift?

Dr. Kevin Barrett – April 16, 2015

“…. Every major American war since the Mexican war has been sold to the American people, and officially launched, by way of a fabricated or orchestrated “enemy attack on America” for which America’s own leaders, sometimes in collaboration with friendly foreign leaders, have been responsible. From the nonexistent “Mexican attack” of 1846 to the USS Maine in 1898 to the Lusitania in 1915 and Zimmerman telegram of 1917 to the eight-point-plan that produced Pearl Harbor in 1941 to the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964 to Nurse Nayirah and the fake satellite photos of 1990 to September 11, 2001 and alleged Iraqi WMDs, every American war is sold to the people through one or more spectacular acts of deception.

Assassinations often accomplish the same objectives. The assassination of President Kennedy, for example, prevented the US from making peace with Vietnam, Cuba, and the USSR. The JFK hit was falsely blamed on a communist (actually a low-level CIA-FBI asset pretending to be a communist) in order to create an anti-communist atmosphere in which the Vietnam War and the larger Cold War could flourish.

Some false flags don’t work as planned. One “false flag fail” was Operation Northwoods, a 1962 plan by American military commanders to murder Americans in fake Cuban attacks. (It was called off by a disgusted President Kennedy). Another spectacular failure was the 1967 USS Liberty attack, in which Israel (with a nod and wink from US President Johnson) intended to murder every crew member aboard the unarmed spy ship in order to falsely blame Egypt and bring the US into the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The plan didn’t work because the Liberty crew was able to cobble together damaged communications equipment to send a message that the attackers were Israelis, not Egyptians.”

READ MORE: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/04/16/falseflagfails/