Love surrounds and envelops you in every moment of your existence, so stop trying to block It out.

Love surrounds and envelops you in every moment of your existence, so stop trying to block It out.

April 4, 2015 by John Smallman


Jesus Audio Blog for Easter Sunday

As you are all very well aware, enormous changes are occurring all across the planet as a direct result of your consistent intents to establish peace and abundance for everyone on Earth.  Yes, you are aware that your intents are effective and bringing into being the changes necessary to end worldwide suffering.  You may occasionally tell yourselves individually “My prayers, my peace meditations, my efforts at sending Love to all on Earth, are futile!”  But deep within you know that this is not so.

As humans you do experience strong and even extreme mood swings.  Do not allow the lows you experience to discourage you.  Focus on the good things that are constantly happening and remind yourselves that it is you who are helping to make them happen.

Your presence on Earth, your efforts to change the world through your loving intentions are essential and most effective.  Release all your doubts and rejoice in the coming to fruition of the divine plan for humanity, right now.  Yes, right now!  As humans it is difficult for you to rise above the seemingly endless chaos and confusion that envelops the planet as you live your daily lives paying bills and working hard to maintain stable and loving relationships with spouses, parents, children, friends, bosses, and work associates.  Frequently there are are conflicts, disagreements, misunderstandings, and dismissive behaviors that cause you pain.  And everyone is experiencing these same issues.

As I keep telling you the only answer is Love.  But it seems to you that to be loving in the face of dismissal, disapproval, judgment, and blame only leads to more of same.  It seems that you will be seen as weak if you do not respond appropriately, that is, angrily.  But you  have also noticed that anger always leads to more anger until the pain is too great to bear, and you retreat inwards hiding your feelings behind a mask of indifference while the pain remains.

But the pain occurs only because an aspect of yourselves agrees with the negative judgments you have experienced.  It is like being kicked where you already have a wound, a self-inflicted wound, and the pain is intense.

However, you are all the divine children of God, created perfect and, therefore, eternally perfect.  Yes, as humans you do do silly, thoughtless, unkind, and hurtful things, it is part of the human experience, an intent on your part to continue holding on to the sense or feeling of being separated from your Source.  It is an ingrained belief that you are not good enough that mostly grew during childhood as your needs were dismissed as unimportant or were totally unseen.  And those essential and basic needs were acknowledgement, acceptance, and of course love.

Humanity has been damaged, and over the eons that damage has been passed on from father to son and from mother to daughter, so most of you have grown up in an environment that was at best sometimes threatening and unfriendly, and at worst extremely abusive.  When you are a growing child you learn initially by example, and that is an extremely effective way to learn.  Lessons learned like that are very difficult to undo.  In fact they seem to be the sensible and normal lessons that everyone learns.

Yes, everyone learns them, but they are neither sensible nor normal, they are insane!  You were created in Love.  Love is your nature, and yet you mostly grew up without It.  There was, for most of you, conditional approval, and you all strove endlessly for it, but even if you received it, it was and is not nearly enough.  It is as though you were attempting to live in a vacuum into which small amounts of air were pumped just as you were about to expire!

You need Love.  It is offered to you constantly by God your ever loving Father, and by all your angels, guides, and mentors in the spiritual realms.  It surrounds and envelops you in every moment of your existence, and without It, an impossibility, you could not survive.  But as humans you do experience an absence of Love, and humans die from that sense of absence!

The only way out of this extremely painful situation is through opening to Love and intending to be loving in every moment.  But you are afraid to open your hearts because, as humans, you have so often been betrayed and destroyed when you trusted someone.

However you are Love.  Love is the life-force that flows through you constantly, you have just learned to ignore or disregard It as you play the game of separation.  That game has become intensely real for you because you have been playing it for eons.  Think of some of the ingrained habits that you perceive in others, in fact addictions that they seem totally unable or unwilling to acknowledge, let alone change.  And you all have them!  But most people are loath to admit that that they are addicted to ways of behaving – “No, it’s just the way I am!” they will say – habits that if they could change or let go of you know would improve their lives enormously.

Your addictions and habits are the illusion!  When you make major life changes, as some of you have either by conscious choice or unconsciously when disaster has struck – major illness, divorce, job loss, accident – you are amazed at the improvements you experience in your life. You do not have to suffer!

Yes, accidents and illnesses occur bringing pain, but to continue suffering after the physical pain has eased or passed is to bury yourselves in a victim mentality where you blame outside occurrences for what is occurring within you.  And as long as you cling to that perception so will your suffering endure.

Remind yourselves daily, hourly, moment to moment if you can, that you are Love, that you are One with God, and therefore with one another.  When you allow yourselves to be aware of this you will find that to harm, bad-mouth, or judge another is impossible.  How could Love attack Itself?

As all in the spiritual realms keep telling you “Love is the answer to every problem, issue, or situation.”

When you accept that Truth and make a point of acting on It your life changes vastly, you find peace in the most unlikely places, and your trust is seldom if ever betrayed.  As more and more of you do this – and more and more of you are doing  this every day – the world changes, and conflicts wind down allowing peace to prevail.

You have had eons of conflicts, wars, and betrayals as you have attempted to remain separated, judging others as wrong, and then by force trying to persuade them of your god-given righteousness.  It has not worked, and it cannot work because it is like your right hand being at war with your left, the only solution is to stop!

Love surrounds and envelops you in every moment of your existence, so stop trying to block It out, instead open your hearts to accept the abundance that is offered to you and rejoice in the wonderful rewards It brings you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Saul thru John Smallman: Take advantage of the increased intensity of Love enveloping you all today.

Take advantage of the increased intensity of Love enveloping you all today.

04/05/2015 by John Smallman

“Those who would suggest that there is a place called hell to which the unloved and unloving, the sinners and the betrayers, the murderers and the torturers are dispatched on physical human death, are just suffering from a lack of awareness of the intensity of God’s Love for them and for all those whom they would judge.  All were created by God, in infinite Love, and that state, the state in which they were created never changes.”

  Saul Audio Blog for Easter Sunday

Your disappointment and tiredness is understandable because you, all you Light bearers and way-showers, have been long engaged on a very difficult task.  Before you incarnated you knew that it would be difficult, but until you were incarnate and doing the work it was almost impossible for you to foresee how difficult and stressful it was actually going to be.  Nevertheless, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes!  Before you incarnated you had a vision of what success would entail and what it would look like, and I can absolutely assure you that if you could see what you are achieving from the perspective that you had before you incarnated you would be ecstatic.  God’s plan to awaken humanity, that you are so nobly assisting with, is moving forward most wonderfully.

For eons humanity has been lost, wandering, often seemingly quite aimlessly, and almost constantly at war with itself.  But during the last few decades, the last ten in fact, enormous changes have occurred and more and more of you have started to awaken.  The signs of that awakening are the vast increase in the strength of desire and intent at all levels of society to move away from the state of almost constant war that brings with it so much pain and suffering, and to heal and dissolve the fear and hatred that feeds it.  That intense desire to bring an end to all wars is quite palpable, and it is strengthening daily.

Humanity knows at the level of the collective, as well as in each individual heart, that your attitudes of judgment and condemnation of one another and the behaviors that flow from them must change if the planet is to maintain an environment that will support life forms that rely on oxygen.  Already, as you well know, much damage has been done that seems irreparable, and further damage is added daily by your unnatural and unsustainable mining activities and by the industrial styles of farming that have become so widely prevalent, in fact almost all-pervasive.

The good news is that many of you, who are in positions to make a real difference, have had enough and are successfully demanding, on behalf of humanity, the planet, and all the other life forms that she supports, that these unconscionable activities be brought to a halt.  These demands are being heard and acted upon.  You live in a time of great change, change that is essential for life to continue on Earth, and this change is being seen in all areas of human activity because all of your activities require a large number of creative solutions to start reducing the planetary damage they are causing, and then to start reversing the vast damage that has already occurred.  You will not fail in these endeavors.

You are achieving what you incarnated to do, namely assist humanity in its awakening process.  That process was planned eons ago and is now coming to fruition as more and more humans involve themselves in it – some very consciously, others rather less so.  The point is that humanity has chosen to awaken, and that collective choice cannot be reversed, you will awaken.  It is your will and God’s, and because you are One it will be achieved.

Your ongoing task is to keep adding impetus to the ongoing process.  You are a little like extremely well trained sheep dogs gathering your flocks together and bringing them home.  You gather them by holding your Light on high for all to see, and by constantly holding the intent to be loving towards them in every moment of your human lives.  As divine spiritual beings you are Love in action in every moment.  As humans it is essential that you keep renewing that intent, otherwise it can be overlooked or forgotten.

Today, Easter Sunday, when you celebrate the anniversary of Jesus’ resurrection, is an excellent occasion to renew that intent with great vigor because the Love flow from the divine realms is heightened in honor of this wonderful celebration.  Take advantage of the increased intensity of Love enveloping you all today, focus on feeling It, sensing It, and embracing It, and know that It is ineradicable, unquenchable, and all-empowering . . . It is You!

Love cannot be overpowered or defeated because it is the infinite field in which all that exists, has existed, or will ever exist is held firmly and safely for ever.  There is nothing outside It because there is no outside.  Those who would suggest that there is a place called hell to which the unloved and unloving, the sinners and the betrayers, the murderers and the torturers are dispatched on physical human death, are just suffering from a lack of awareness of the intensity of God’s Love for them and for all those whom they would judge.  All were created by God, in infinite Love, and that state, the state in which they were created never changes.

God and Love are synonymous and unchanging.  You can rely absolutely on God’s Love for you regardless of any crimes you believe you have committed.  God’s Love for His creations is forever unchanging, and everyone who has ever walked on Earth is one of His creations.  There are absolutely no exceptions!  All that anyone need do to know God is to let go of all the images that may have occurred or been presented to them and clear an empty space within themselves into which Love will pour abundantly and endlessly, providing instant and everlasting ecstasy in the joy of His Almighty Presence.

Take time out daily to make that space available and Love will fill it because it is the divine Will that you want for nothing.  And today, as you remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, you will feel the power of the infinite Love that God has for you, and you will know that you are never alone, separate, or abandoned because without you, without even a single one of you, God is Himself incomplete, and that, dear ones, is an impossibility of infinite proportions!

With so very much love, Saul.



SHELDAN NIDLE INTERVIEWED BY ALEXANDRA MEADORS An outstanding, informative interview!


An outstanding, informative interview!