You Are Cherished, Beloved, Safe and Called to Unite! Archangel Michael – Channeled by Christine Burk The Company of Heaven Bows to You, as We Celebrate The Day of Revelation!

who needs light

You Are Cherished, Beloved, Safe and Called to Unite!

 Archangel Michael – Channeled by Christine Burk

 The Company of Heaven Bows to You, as We Celebrate The Day of Revelation!

 “Good Day bright family!  It is I, your adoring Brother Michael, coming to you today at the request of our Mother Father God and on behalf of your Councils and the Company of Heaven.  We come with exciting news, assured confirmation and an irresistible invitation.  

 With celebration here in the higher realms, we are calling what happened this week The Day of Revelation.  Our Mother and Father would like you to receive a clear description of what has transpired along with understanding of what this exultant turn-of-events will mean in your lives. 

 Many of you felt something happening on Wednesday, 27 May 2015, and a number of you, our shining steadfast Lightworkers, responded immediately.  All of your Higher Selves and Twin Flames participated with great focus and might in triumphant assistance for the event that unfolded.  Whether you were aware or not that something tremendous was happening is unimportant.  What is essential to comprehend is that the momentum – of all of your lives, of all of your choices – was the vital contribution that brought about this awaited shift.

 You see Dear Hearts, while mired in the day to day experiences of your lives, you often lose the perspective of just how much your thoughts and feelings truly matter to the impact you are creating as a whole.  Let us now describe to you what you have achieved, so you may understand what your tireless efforts have accomplished.”

READ MORE:–Beloved–Safe-and-Called-to-Unite–.html?soid=1114135227078&aid=UMggsyhlWyc







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A MESSAGE FROM VENUS – THE MORNING STAR Channeled by Nancy Detweiler


Channeled by Nancy Detweiler

morning-starThe dawning of a new day on Planet Earth is now emerging. May this message be an inspiration for you to actively join the growing number of Earth Humans who are choosing to awaken to a New Day—a Day in which Light is predominant!

A facebook friend found my 2011 channeling from Venus and posted it, reminding me that this message is still very relevant. I re-post it as a means of evaluating your progress toward attaining an ascended, or Christed, Consciousness.



TRIBUTE TO DOVE OF ONENESS without whom we would not know of NESARA!

TRIBUTE TO DOVE OF ONENESS without whom we would not know of NESARA!

Nancy, with Twin Flame Uriel

nesara10As the Light saturates our Mother Earth and our ONE FAMILY, many marvelous events are beginning to unfold. Our Mother/Father God’s Divine Plan for ALL their children is one of LOVE, PEACE, & PROSPERITY.

Whether or not we remember our Soul’s commitment to this present incarnation, we came to Earth to learn not to run from darkness, but to overcome it—both in ourselves and on a planetary level! It is for this reason that today, and henceforth, is monumental in its potential significance.

CAN WE, WILL WE, COME TOGETHER AND FOCUS LIGHT ON OUR PLANET AND THE UNFOLDING OF THE DIVINE PLAN, INCLUDING NESARA—the National Economic Security & Reformation Act—and GESARA—the Global Economic Security & Reformation Act?

In the early 2000s, people from all over the world crafted banners to be displayed in front of the Peace Palace in Hague, Netherlands. The world was ready for peace, prosperity, and familial love!

However, we had yet to overcome the darkness.

The false flag event of 9/11 is just one of the many dark obstacles that have been perpetrated to prevent the transformation of our planet from manifesting.

9/11 achieved its goal … NESARA was not, and has not been announced, just as we continue without an official announcement of our Galactic Family’s presence with us. Doubt that NESARA was real … that it would ever be announced became the dominant mindset. Little do we realize that our own doubt creates a tremendous obstacle to a better life for all of us. Fear, doubt, ridicule of those who continue to hold fast to the Divine Plan unfolding—all manifest as our failure to overcome the darkness.

Through the years, NESARA would have very likely been forgotten had it not been for the 24/7 dedicated efforts of a courageous woman using the code name of Dove of Oneness. I’ll let her tell her own story of the efforts to bring NESARA into official public standing within America:

BUT FIRST, each of us can do our part to manifest the NESARA LAW as the LAW OF THE LAND!

As described in Dr. Kathryn May’s 5/27/15 Radio Show, humanity was successful in overcoming the Dark on 5/27/15, as they were about to initiate their plans to use nuclear weapons to destroy Planet Earth.

Our role is to envision and feel deeply the joys of having NESARA/GESARA officially announced and implemented. Envision joyfully welcoming our Galactic Family as an official recognition of their presence with us paves the way for them to land on Earth. They have already worked with Russia to provide “weapons” that will make war obsolete:–new-russian-weapons.html

Both of these announcements will benefit humankind beyond our wildest dreams!

I encourage all of you to study the above sites and become familiar with the GOOD that is ready and waiting for us as we focus on the Light unfolding in marvelous ways on our Mother Earth!

Focusing on the Light in combination with knowledge of what the Light is holding in store for each of us is the Way to hasten our Good manifesting in our lives. On the other hand, doubt, fear, and disbelief will continue to hold our Good in abeyance.

Thank you, Dove of Oneness, for your tireless work in refusing to allow the NESARA LAW to be forgotten! May each of us follow in her footsteps by dedicating our thoughts, prayers, service, and faith to envisioning and bringing to fruition a world in which we, as a Galactic/Planetary Family share in the glories of living on a Lighted Planet!

We have evolved a very long way … now we stand at the crossroads! We have only to make the turn and face the Light in full faith that LIGHT NOW RULES OUR PLANET! Even though darkness may attempt to overcome the Light, remain firm in your focus on the Light!

Thank you, Dove of Oneness, for showing us how to serve the Light regardless of the obstacles placed before us!

Dove returned HOME on May 20, 2010. I am sure she is cheering us onward to full disclosure of the NESARA/GESARA LAW and OUR GALACTIC FAMILY’S PRESENCE WITH US!







Dr. Kathryn MayDr. Kathryn May’s 5/27/2015 Channel Panel Radio Show

Mother and Father God explain what happened today and how the Light all of us shine won over the plans of the dark!

Listening to these shows opens an entire new world to the listeners … we can begin to experience life on the higher planes with all those on whom we call for assistance and comfort!  It is just like talking and laughing with old friends!



TRUTH is much more complete that “my truth.” We often hear, “if what I say resonants with you, then hold on to it; it not, place the concept on a shelf for later consideration. This can be confusing because TRUTH IS WHAT IS; “my truth” is my perception of truth at this moment; “my truth” is what is meaningful to me. An important question to ask ourselves as we evolve into higher consciousness is: “Am I continuing to evolve into higher conscious awareness by holding to “my truth” instead of ever-seeking more TRUTH. TRUTH STANDS ALONE & NEEDS NO VERIFICATION. “My truth” is incomplete and still mixed with illusion.

The process of consciously evolving often places us in a position of derivating from the norm. We hesitate to move forward and accept our “out of the box” discoveries of TRUTH because we fear being rejected by family and friends; being thought of as “crazy;” having to stand alone in our differences.

If we desire to ascend into higher consciousness, we have to choose: Do I want to cling to “my truth”? … OR … Do I desire to know TRUTH and seek with an Open Mind regardless of the consequences?

Earth humans stand at the crossroads. Earth is passing thru the 4th dimension (where duality is still present) on its way to 5th dimension, where illusion is no more. This excerpt from Dr. Lie’s book THIRTY VEILS OF ILLUSION is an example of the life on the 5th dimension to which many are increasingly becoming attuned.


Dr. Suzanne Lie

Excerpt from Thirty Veils of Illusion

Dr. Suzanne Lie - Illusions“As you fully return to your multidimensional consciousness, you will begin to perceive other realities. At first they will come in dreams, then they will come in meditations, and then they will fly through your mind when you take a moment to relax.”


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 3 Cimi, 4 Pax, 11 Ik – May 26,2015

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
3 Cimi, 4 Pax, 11 Ik – May 26,2015


Dratzo! The delivery system is moving more slowly than liked proving to be able to move our monies through it. As usual, each new section involves delays, which center on those who either wish to steal or divert the funds in question. Our security is easily able to note how these funds are advancing, and if anything does happen, we can use our system to quickly recover the funds. Each new trial thus contains possible glitches that can be easily remedied mostly by arresting those responsible for creating yet another temporary delay. So far, we have put together a system, which is allowing us to move funds safely toward their final destination, your account. As you can see, we have been arresting bank personnel and replacing them. Our liaisons, to keep pace, have been keeping an inventory on how each section of our system encounters the stallings of the cabal. These delays are being observed and ways to prevent the abuses are being set in place. We are very close as well to moving our larger trust funds. Once this system is fully secure, the larger deliveries can happen.

Heaven informed us this week that increases to each of your chakras are ready to take place. These changes mostly include the head chakras. You can expect to experience some headaches and, at times, flashes of light, which seem to occur suddenly across your vision. These are to be replaced by pains to your shoulder and rib muscles. The improvements to your adrenals and immune system are to create some quick, sudden jolts. Then these pains are to leave and return at very irregular intervals. Your body guardians require a series of checks to see just how well your new upgrades are functioning. Once these tests are complete, you can expect a similar feeling in your limbs. This is because these upgrades are tied into seeing how these alterations allow the nervous system to adjust, before the new diaphragm is fully installed. These sets of installations can be quite painful. Thus, there is the need for the series of preliminary upgrades.

Gaia, as she waits for our landings to occur, is continuing to prepare for the great catastrophe that is to consume the present surface area. Over the past year, the numbers of volcanic movements, tsunamis, and earthquakes have increased. These are happening to move the surface and generally preparing you for what is to come. Earth has been in this position ever since the fall of Atlantis. She is giving us a warning to increase the speed of those changes needed to redo your global societies and move them easily into Inner Earth. We are aware of this and have informed our earthly allies to permit the prerequisites needed for us to land to be greatly increased. Gaia deeply desires to return herself to her former 5-D self. It makes her uneasy to have this split between an inner 5-D reality and an outer 3-D realm. This is why the so-called death spiral is increasing through her various surface ecosystems. Your abusive societies are only aiding her in this mass effort.

The cabal realizes that its dominance on your world is rapidly fading. These rapscallions understand that their use of war, chaos and discord are no longer achieving the same results. Thus, they are threatening to create vast catastrophes in the global economy. We have countered this by forging alliances to prevent such childish behavior from thwarting what lies ahead. So far, these actions are holding off the cabal. What is needed is a way to have our allies quicken the pace of what they are doing. A number of new actions for a much faster fund transfer system are ready, and soon, with the help of our allies, we can begin to pull the plug on a “SWIFT” system that is at the heart of these numerous delays. In addition, a vigorous new infrastructure-building bank is getting ready to bypass the present unwieldy banking system. The cabal is seeing that its mighty “Fed dollar” is beginning to collapse. A new freedom-laden, prosperous realm is now nearly ready to manifest. Hosanna! Hosanna!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Our associates are extremely joyous over what is currently happening. We are approaching the very edge of the time when the dark cabal falls and the era of the dark is finally over. The most important element of this is the declaring of the NESARA law in America. This moment is to be one in which Heaven’s blessed decrees are to be manifested. We are joyous that the reality imposed by the dark on surface humanity is to end. The plan is to put away those who for so long terrorized you and produced an era in which your freedom was lost either due to their whims or to the very nature of debt slavery. This is to be replaced with a vast set of knowledge, which we intend to impart through our many coming lessons. You need to flush away the veneer of lies and mistruths, which the dark used to rule over you. These new realities are just the beginning of what you need to know.

The coming times are to be ones of great change. The demise of the dark is to open up opportunities for the Light, to teach and explain how this new reality is to operate. In the past, you were subject to lies and manipulation, which prevented you for millennia from easily discovering the truth about how this realm operated. Now, you are to become more conscious of what is happening, both locally and internationally. This outflowing of truth is to add to what we fully intend to tell you shortly. Each of our lessons is to be designed to teach how you can increase your ability to self-discern and to show how Creation works daily in this realm. Heaven intends to have us explain your history and why you need to abandon these surface lands. You need to become guardians of this sacred place and the other water planets of this solar system.

You are indeed destined to be one of the main guardians of these most noble worlds. As you do so, you are to learn things that are to permit you to see just how sacred this divine task truly is. Many millennia ago, we learned from our Agarthan family what a special task this truly is. Those who now occupy the present worlds of this solar system have told us just how dear our task really is. Thus, we look upon our task to be merciful and gracious to all humanity and to our sacred mother, Gaia. Heaven permitted us to go through a sacred ceremony and to be taken under the wing of our predecessors. In turn, we have learned from our many daily tasks how best to serve you. We bless you and bless Heaven for her help. We are proud of each of you. Know deep in your hearts that this world of silent suffering is ready to be transformed by all!

Today, we have reviewed what is happening and what is now just barely beginning to manifest. This new reality is to end debt slavery and permit you to embrace a new realm filled with many wonders made possible by your positive force for change. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
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When Will We Say, “Enough is enough!”

When Will We Say, “Enough is enough!”

Nancy, with Twin Flame Uriel


This question always haunts me on Memorial Day. When will we say with heartfelt determination, “Enough is enough!”

Little do we realize how we allow the loss others have suffered to silence our heart cries for Peace!

A friend and I participated in a March for Peace in the early 2000s. I was shocked when people began to tearfully plead with us to stop marching for peace. There was actually a group standing together to protest our Peace March.

Why? Because they had experienced loved ones being killed in war and did not want that loved one to have died in vain. I silently wondered how continuing in war and having others be killed would give meaning to their loved ones’ death. I wonder that every Memorial Day.

We explain to ourselves that we are honoring those courageous souls who gave their lives to protect our freedom—so dumbed down are we that few recognize we are far from free.

Are we also honoring those children who grew up never knowing their fathers? … those children having their mother’s comforting arms snatched from them? … those Mothers left to raise children alone on inadequate incomes? … those families left homeless because their homes were destroyed by bombs? … those left without a means of income because their home town was destroyed? … those children left to raise themselves, whose vulnerability very probably ended up with them being kidnapped into sex trafficking? The horrors of war are innumerable!

Why, on Memorial Day, do we not demand, “Enough is enough!” Why do we buy into the equation with which we have been successfully manipulated for generations: “More suffering and death = confirmation my loved one did not die in vain.” Why do we deem it respect for the fallen ones not to speak of Peace as the means to end the needless suffering and death?

Our children grow up seeing those who were killed in war being honored as heroes who fought for their country and many want to be a hero too. When do we wake up and begin to question: “Why do we so willingly accept war as the stated means to a peaceful world? … as the means to maintain the freedoms few Americans realize they have never experienced?

Why do so many accept life as it is and say, “That’s just life.” Have we never considered that change is possible and very desirable?

I remember the puzzled facial expressions when I suggested: “Honor our military by bringing them home.” Why would we willingly send our loved ones to war and take a chance on them being killed?

Why would we not, instead, sit down together and figure out how to create a peaceful world?