Nancy, with Twin Flame Uriel

 I share a portion of my Twin Flame story today as an example of how our intuitive insights can be correct, even when they sound far-fetched, plus I was not sure I wanted the new insight to be correct.

Dr. Kathryn May’s 4/22/15 radio show was mind-bobbling and opened a part of my soul’s knowledge bank that had not heretofore been conscious! Anytime I am emotionally involved in discerning truth, I research backwards—instead of trying to prove what I intuitively feel is correct, I set out to disprove my feeling. That’s what I have spent the last several hours doing. However, the more I researched, the more confirmation of my intuitive feeling I found.

Then, I remembered….

 In the early 1980s, I quit my secure, state job as a rehabilitation counselor to open a private practice in holistic counseling. I wanted the freedom to use my metaphysical knowledge, especially esoteric astrology, as counseling tools in working with the entire person. As anyone who has started their own business knows, it takes a lot of hard work and can be a real financial struggle.

During that time, while meditating, I asked to meet my Twin Flame. Immediately, I felt such intense love that tears rolled down my cheeks. Since he resides on a dimension invisible to me, I asked if there was a symbol that I could use to remind me of his presence. He told me to have a ring created with an emerald to represent him and a sapphire to represent me. The gem stones were to be set in a gold infinity shaped formation.

At the time, I simply smiled. I realized that where he resided this was a simple request. But, on the 3rd dimension ……! Instead, I cherished the memory of that experience and returned to working 24/7, in an attempt to stay financially afloat.

Through the intervening years, I went through what St. John of the Cross called a dark night of the soul. Finally, I ended up moving to Richmond and meeting John. We met on Friday at our church retreat grounds. By the following Monday, we were engaged and married a year later. John returned to spirit in late 1991.

 Decades have passed during which I have researched and written 3 books, and developed a website and a blog, for which I am continually writing. My Twin Flame has worked with me through the years on esoteric astrology and with my research/writing. It was during this time that I asked my Twin Flame his name. Researching with Uriel can be great fun because I end up on websites and have no idea how I got there. I use to try to argue with him, but soon learned to relax and allow myself to be guided. (I also quickly learned he knew more about esoteric astrology than I did!)

Today was no exception. Although it had been years since I thought of the emerald/sapphire ring, I suddenly felt the urge to research the meaning of the gem stones. I ended up on a website that offered the following information:Natural, transparent Emerald is one of four “precious” gemstones (including Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire).” [i]

WOW! So a ring containing an emerald and sapphire is a ring with one gem soul—a Twin Flame Ring!  Although unique in their color, emerald and sapphire are both of the same basic gem make-up! Within our Twin Flame Ring, the emerald would signify Uriel; the sapphire would signify me, with a gem stone set in each side of a gold infinity symbol!

infinity symbol

It is discoveries like this that so lovingly confirm that ALL OF CREATION IS ONE!

Someday, I might have such a ring created!


[i]  http://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal-encyclopedia/emerald)