Rumors of Putin’s Death are Grossly Exaggerated

Futurist Trendcast

Putin winks

To paraphrase Mark Twain, rumors of Putin’s death are grossly exaggerated.

I got a number of panicked emails, tweets and blog comments from friends and followers, asking me where is Mr. Putin. I am flattered by everyone’s trust in my ability to see through walls and know exactly what is happening in the Kremlin. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t have a direct line to Vladimir Vladimirovich… and if I did, I wouldn’t be writing this post.

Here is what I can tell you today:

I can certainly see how Western governments, MSM and russophobes of all kinds would love for their wet dream of Putin being dead to materialize. After all, the Russian President is so incredibly inconvenient for some in the West. Nemtsov’s false flag murder literally next to the Kremlin Wall was targeting all of Russians and Putin personally. If they can’t kill Putin, why not compromise…

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