Inter-dimensional Communication Portals

Inter-dimensional Communication Portals

Inter-Dimensional Communication Portals

Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this Nowness to commune with you about expanding your consciousness so that you can perceive and move into alternate, parallel and higher dimensional realities.

Your consciousness is shifting in between that which you have once perceived as yesterday or tomorrow. In fact, you are beginning to release the confines of time that were bound to your third-dimensional, or even fourth-dimensional, thinking.



“Be Still My Soul” – Eric Liddell’s Favorite Hymn

“Be Still My Soul” – Eric Liddell’s Favorite Hymn

Reblogged from Dr. Kay’s Blog

Chiarots of Fire

The classical musical piece Finlandia and Olympic runner, Eric Liddell – of Chariots of Fire fame – are actually connected in a unique way.  You are probably asking how are they related.  Right?

Well, Finlandia is a popular piece of classical music written in 1899 by the Finnish composer, Jean Sibelius.  It debuted July 2, 1900, in Helsinki, Finland, performed by the city’s Philharmonic Orchestra.

The piece is powerful musically – at times turbulent.  Sibelius did this purposefully to demonstrate the national struggle of the Finnish people throughout their history.  Near the end of the composition, though, a calm comes over the orchestra, and we are introduced to the beautiful melodic Finlandia Hymn.  This poignant hymn is sometimes mistakenly thought to be traditional Finnish folk music.  However, that is not correct.  The hymn was intentionally created by Sibelius to end his magnificent composition about his beloved country.

The beautiful Christian hymn, Be Still My Soul, is sung to the melody of Finlandia’s hymn.  This inspiring hymn of encouragement was the favorite hymn of the great Eric Liddell, the famous “Flying Scotsman” – who was featured in the 1981 movie, Chariots of Fire.   Liddell became an Olympic champion in 1924, running the 400 Meter in record time to win the Gold Medal.  This was indeed an IMPRESSIVE Achievement.


I do not want to downplay his Olympic achievement, but it was child’s play compared to his challenging experiences as a missionary in China.  Though schooled in Scotland, Eric was born in China to Scottish Presbyterian missionaries.  He had always wanted to be a missionary himself, and a year after the 1924 Olympics he returned to China to live out his missionary dream.

When the war between the Chinese Nationalists and Chinese communists began in 1936, living in China became extremely dangerous. That would worsen after China was invaded by Japan and was pulled into the horrific World War II.  Eric sent his wife and children to Canada because of his concern for their safety, but he stayed believing his work for the Lord was not yet completed.

In 1943 the Japanese put Liddell in one of their internment camps in Weishien, China.  There was no water, heat, sewer system – nothing to make life a bit easier.  Many believed that Weishien was Liddell’s GREATEST test – a REAL TEST OF HIS FAITH.

Eric Liddell - prison camp

In his article about Liddell, entitled, The Flying Man, Mark Harris says, “While in the camp, Eric continued his informal ministry to all needy people around him. He helped the sick and aged and freely shared his food with those more in need. He organized and refereed soccer matches for young people. When he found a boy with no shoes in the cold winter, Eric gave him his running shoes – the very ones he used in the Olympics.  Eric showed his character most brightly when he instructed his fellow prisoners not to hate the Japanese, but to forgive them and pray for them.”

Harris continues, “Life in the camp degenerated as food and supplies became more scarce. An opportunity came to Eric when his name appeared at the top of a list for POW exchanges that was negotiated on his behalf by Winston Churchill. He refused to be exchanged, giving up his place to a pregnant woman and choosing to remain and continue to serve the other prisoners.”

Eric’s health began to fail rapidly, and by early February 1945 he knew his days were numbered. Lying in a makeshift hospital bed, Eric requested that his favorite hymn be played.  As he lay in his bed he heard the beautiful vibrations of Be Still My Soul – Finlandia’s hymn — played in his honor.  He thought of the powerful words to the song.  Words that were his focus for living.



Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.

Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future, as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know
His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below.

Be still, my soul: when dearest friends depart,
And all is darkened in the vale of tears,
Then shalt thou better know His love, His heart,
Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears.
Be still, my soul: thy Jesus can repay
From His own fullness all He takes away.

Be still, my soul: the hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord.
When disappointment, grief and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past
All safe and blessèd we shall meet at last.

Liddell would die the following day — on February 21, 1945.  He was 43 years old. An autopsy later revealed that he had a large tumor on the left side of his brain. This man was truly committed to the cause of Christ. He poured his life into the work of reaching the lost in China. He worked for a prize far greater than gold, even Olympic gold.

Be Still My Soul is a hymn of encouragement, providing the powerful message that God is with us through the worst trials possible.  We simply need to still our own turbulent emotions and fix our eyes on our Lord.  We need to become quiet so we can hear the Still Small Voice Within – guiding us and helping us FEEL God’s powerful Presence and Love.

Please listen to the beautiful Hymn, Be Still My Soul, and meditate on the strength, courage, and faithfulness of our God, who is with us ALWAYS – even unto the end of our time on earth.

Be blessed, and be encouraged, dear readers.






Love is your nature and It will be seen and experienced, personally.

Love is your nature and It will be seen and experienced, personally.
Sananda2« You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams.”
“Humanity is to awaken. It is God’s Will, and the will of “Humanity is to awaken. It is God’s Will, and the will of humanity that you do so, and as you can see, if you pay attention and choose to see, the affects of the Tsunami of Love are evident all across the world dissolving barriers and enmities everywhere. So, keep holding your Light on high and bring it on!”

You, every sentient life form, are eternally One with God. There is no separation, even though your everyday experience enclosed within human bodies strongly indicates the opposite. There is only God, as we in the spiritual realms keep on reminding you, as we keep on drawing your attention to this unalterable truth, and He is our divine Source, Who is Love, the energy field in which all that exists is eternally present. What you experience as humans are dreams and nightmares, but due to your choice to awaken you are moving away from nightmares towards pleasant dreams, and it is from these that you will awaken into the bliss that God’s eternal Presence constantly provides.

There is nowhere apart from the Presence of God. You just chose to imagine an utterly different form of existence, an impossible state in which Love was lacking. Therefore you closed your minds to the Love that envelops and embraces you in every moment by drawing an imaginary cloak or veil over your awareness, much as a small child on putting its hands in front of its face believes that all that it could see has now been removed.

Your awakening is a withdrawing of your “collective hands” from in front of your faces to let in the Light that is eternally present. You have already decided, collectively, to do that, and so your awakening is assured. You have to remember that you are free. That means that God will not interfere with or override any choices that you make, even if those choices bring you intense suffering. That may sound as though He does not care about your well-being, but of course your well-being has been assured and taken care of since the moment of your creation.

As you know so well, anything that is not in total alignment with Love is unreal. However, when you chose to experience separation from Love by entering into the illusion, you closed your awareness and experienced what appeared to be abandonment in a strange and frequently hostile environment. It was an environment in which there were a multitude of life forms some of which threatened and attacked you, sometimes causing you great pain as they killed you. It was indeed a terrifying place in which you found yourselves. Sometimes you formed groups for mutual support and protection, and when you felt strong enough you would attack other groups to steal from them – their land, their food, their possessions – or to totally subjugate them. And as your history shows you that is still occurring.

Nevertheless, you have made the collective decision to awaken, and the signs of that momentous decision can be seen all across the world as ever increasing numbers of you realize that the old ways do not work, never have worked, and that the only way forwards is by being the Love and the Peace that you want to see in the world. You cannot make others loving and peaceful however forcefully you attempt to do so – free will not only operates between you and God, but also between each one of you. It is a divine gift that each and every one of you possess, and although you can intimidate and subjugate another by force of arms, you cannot override their free will.

Peace can only occur when all cooperate in loving harmony to achieve the most favorable results for all involved. That realization has now dawned on so many who are now living it that it will come to pass. There is no one on Earth who does not want a loving and peaceful life.

Before now the fear of pain and suffering that others might inflict on you – barbarians or savages, and in the present age, terrorists – led you to build defenses and armaments to protect yourselves. But because your distrust of one another was so great, you then used your weapons for preemptive strikes to destroy or subjugate the others before they did it to you.

Your increasing general awareness that this can never work is leading you forwards towards a moment when you all, one by one as individuals, will formally resolve never again to take up arms against anyone for any reason. At present that idea still seems insane to many because history has also shown you that when groups did that they were inevitably overrun by those who would steal their territory and subjugate them.

However, the Tsunami of Love that envelops and embraces the planet is changing that. Many who have fought in wars, and many who are doing so presently are becoming acutely aware of the absolute insanity of believing that by destroying others peace can be established on Earth! You have never had peace on Earth. But now it is to come about.

Those who live in fear, and there are many of them, will be most vociferously opposed to any laying down of arms, but the vast majority on the planet truly want just that to happen. Consequently most of the fearful ones will be overwhelmed by the Love that is invading their personal energy fields from so many directions and they will release their emotional hold on fear. Those who choose to hold on to their fears may well become even louder in their objections, producing all kinds of unloving and violent arguments to persuade you that to go down the path of Love is insane and will be catastrophic for humanity.

I can assure you that this will not be the case. You are, each and everyone of you, inseparable aspects of the divine energy field of Love in which all exists. Love is your nature and It will be seen and experienced, personally. Those who, despite all the Love invading their individual energy fields, continue their resistance will find themselves in an environment that suits their beliefs and fears until they too are ready to accept the Love that is offered to them ceaselessly in every moment of their lives. No one has been abandoned, and no on will remain forever asleep.

Humanity is to awaken. It is God’s Will, and the will of humanity that you do so, and as you can see, if you pay attention and choose to see, the affects of the Tsunami of Love are evident all across the world dissolving barriers and enmities everywhere. So, keep holding your Light on high and bring it on!

Your loving brother, Jesus.