Nancy, with Twin Flame Uriel


Benjamin Fulford’s October 13, 2015 report is mind-boggling with its revelation of much that is happening behind the scenes.

Even if nothing else were happening, the United States Military taking over the Federal Reserve will result in major changes.

In Benjamin’s words:

“The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer

but is now

The Chinese coordinated with this move by announcing their China International Payments System alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system meaning their take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States was proceeding as planned. The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time.” (

In order to implement a new, open, and honest financial system, the old one must first be dismantled. Preparation for dismantling the old financial system and implementing the new system has been underway behind the scenes for years. This is NOT a haphazard operation. Instead, it has been carefully planned for the benefit of all of humanity.

Humanity’s cooperation is needed!

The cabal-controlled media is shouting news of a financial collapse in an attempt to create as much fear and panic as possible. Humanity’s fear is the energy by which the criminal cabal, i.e. Khazarian Mafia, lives and operates. When humanity stands together and says, “NO!” by refusing to cooperate with our own financial enslavement, the cabal will topple from lack of fear energy with which they live and operate.

The take-over of the Federal Reserve by the U.S. Military is major. The Federal Reserve has been privately owned by elite families, such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. (

The Federal Reserve dollar, backed by nothing, is the Dollar System about which the cabal-controlled Western Media is screaming: China wants to take over. The reality is China is: “take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States.”

Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution states: “The Congress shall have Power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof……………..”

So why is the Federal Reserve doing so?

Prior to the Federal Reserve issuing the fiat dollar,[i] Americans could redeem their paper money for silver or gold. The announcement and implementation of the NESARA LAW will return US currency back to “redeemable for gold, silver, or some other precious metal.” For this reason, China’s help in collapsing the US dollar system is an action that paves the way for the US currency to once more be backed by precious metals and be truly valuable to Americans.

gold-backed-dollarA Gold Certificate can be redeemed for physical gold.

silver-certificateA Silver Certificate can be redeemed for physical silver.

DollarThe Federal Reserve Note – Fiat Money System – is backed by “faith” only. This is the US money system China is in the process of “take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States.”


 In the coming days, we are likely to hear news stories that from a higher perspective are actually moving our planet toward FREEDOM FOR ALL HUMANITY, but being portrayed as “this or that enemy—mainly Iran, Russia, or China—are seeking to harm THE CORPORATION OF THE USA in one way or another.

In truth, the USA, INC took over our American Republic/Constitution and precious metals-backed money system.[ii] Americans were required to turn in all gold and silver backed currency during the 1930s. It is the USA, INC. that must be dismantled in order to return to our original American Republic.

In so many ways, the news is presented to create fear among the people. Americans, in particular, can be most helpful to ourselves and loved ones by remaining calm and seeking Truth behind the mainstream news. FOCUS ON LOVE … COOPERATION … PEACE!


CVN LogoGeoffrey West, on his Friday evening Cosmic Vision News, presents the news from a higher consciousness perspective. He is excellent at perceiving the BIGGER PICTURE and relating it to the people!





[i]   “Most modern paper currencies are fiat currencies, have no intrinsic value and are used solely as a means of payment. Historically, governments would mint coins out of a physical commodity such as gold or silver, or would print paper money that could be redeemed for a set amount of physical commodity. Fiat money is inconvertible and cannot be redeemed. Fiat money rose to prominence in the 20th century, specifically after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, when the United States ceased to allow the conversion of the dollar into gold.” (





Dr. Kay Johnson-Gentile

Beautiful Dreamer

Stephen Foster was America’s first great professional songwriter.  He was the ninth child of William and Eliza Foster — arriving on earth July 4, 1826, as our country was celebrating 50 years as a nation.

Stephen was loved by his family, who nonetheless failed to understand both his artistic temperament and his dreaming, indolent ways. The boy attended schools in the Pittsburgh area but was not at all interested in schooling nor in business. He tried a number of occupations, but none of them seemed to suit.

As a child, Stephen spent much of his time playing music and writing down the melodies that were constantly streaming through his mind.  His father discouraged his becoming a musician.  He wanted his son to find a more practical occupation.

Foster’s true love for music was just too great to be denied.  Eventually, the whole family accepted the fact that Stephen WAS a musician.  Once this happened he surprised everyone by throwing himself wholeheartedly into musical composition.

Stephen FosterStephen Foster

In 1849, he wrote the popular “On! Susannah,” which became the anthem of the gold rush and the ‘49ers.  The popular piece sold over 100,000 copies.  This was followed by “Camptown Races” and “Old Folks at Home” (a.k.a. “Way Down Upon the Suwanee River”).  All of his music sold extremely well, but at this time in US history the music industry was in its infancy.  As a result, Foster received a pitiful percentage of the earnings from his music.  He fought poverty his entire life.

Foster left us over 200 songs—a substantial gift.  I believe the heart of this legacy are the 135 ballads or romantic parlor songs he composed.  These wistful melodies speak of home and family and exude a longing for the “special other” who can bring joy and contentment to one’s life.  Songs like, “I Dream of Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair,” “Katie Bell,” “Wilt Thou Be Gone Love?” “Sweetly She Sings, My Alice Fair” — and the extraordinarily magnificent “Beautiful Dreamer” demonstrate the depth of Foster’s perception of love and the beloved.

Beautiful Dreamer, possibly his best-loved work, was written just days before Foster’s death — and published posthumously.  The words follow:

Beautiful Dreamer

Beautiful Dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,
Lull’d by the moonlight have all passed away!

Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life’s busy throng

Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

Beautiful dreamer, out on the sea,
Mermaids are chanting the wild Lorelei;
Over the streamlet vapors are borne,
Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.

Beautiful dreamer, beam on my heart,
E’en as the morn on the streamlet and sea;
Then will all clouds of sorrow depart,

Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

To me these words depict, once again, a longing or yearning for the perfect — the beautiful — the true.  It is like Foster is pleading, “God, please wake within me — and in my world — that Divine potential.  If this happens I know my clouds of sorrow will depart.  

According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, an American New Age minister and religious figure, the dawning Age of Aquarius will bring us the awareness of God as the Holy Spirit and as the Divine Mother. In this age, both men and women are destined to develop their feminine side—the creative, intuitive, nurturing and compassionate side of their soul.

The prophets say that Aquarius has potential to be an age of freedom, peace and enlightenment, a time of technological progress combined with spiritual development.  (Technological progress without spiritual development would be disastrous!)   This Aquarian Age has the possibility to be a time when we break free from a warring past — and let the spirit of cooperation and conflict resolution become THE basis of every relationship—cooperation between God and humanity, and among people everywhere.

The Age of Aquarius is the Age of the Divine Mother.  Now, THIS IS something to celebrate!  So, yes, along with Stephen Foster we say, “May the Beautiful Dreamer part of me – the Divine Mother in me – WAKE UP RIGHT NOW.  I want to become what my God wills me to be – what I AM meant to be.”

Beautiful Dreamer has been recorded by many artists. My personal favorite is the YouTube rendition with the Irish Tenors.  So find a comfortable chair, sit back and relax, breathe slowly and deeply, and meditate on the role of the Divine Feminine — the Role of the Divine Mother in your personal life.

Be blessed, dear friends.