Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

  2012 marks the year everything we term familiar will change.  So far, we have approached the 2012 Elections as if they are simply a repeat of years gone by.  We hear the same themes blasting forth as the broken record spins ad infinitum:  jobs, economy, national security, terrorists, war, peace, oil, coal, military, healthcare.

But guess what … In 2012, none of this matters!

Gaia, the magnificent being on which we have lived is now ascending to 5th dimension.  Those of us residing on her surface have a choice.  Do we want to ascend with Gaia or do we want to continue with life as we know it?

Unlike any previous election year, we are having to make two extremely important decisions that appear to be two separate choices, but are they?

In order to ascend, every human being must know his/her true identity.  So, who are we?  Jesus taught:  “You are gods.”  (John 10:34)  He was quoting a Psalm he wrote during his lifetime as Asaph, a musician of the courts of David and Solomon.[i]  In Psalm 82:6-7, the soul of Jesus, incarnated as Asaph, taught:  “I say, “You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like mortals, and fall like any prince.”   Why will children of the Most High die like mortals?  Because we do not know our true identity and therefore, behave like mortals who die.

Mortals who die can be controlled by fear of death, fear of terrorists, fear of those who don’t like us so much, fear of hunger, fear of deprivation.  Mortals who die can be manipulated by fear, money, and survival needs.  Mortals who die can be enslaved, lied to, and made to believe all sorts of nonsense.  They can be made to behave like sheeple who have not the capacity to think for themselves, who follow the leader without question.

At this very moment, the majority of Americans believe themselves to be mortals who die.  Meanwhile the princes of this world …i.e. the dark cabal, secret government of the United States of America, Inc., Illuminati easily control the sheeple (as Americans are called by the princes of the world) because most do not know Jesus’ teaching:  “You are gods.”

This election year, Americans must make their freewill choice:  Do I want to ascend into the god that a child of the Most High innately is? – OR – do I want to continue on as one of the mortals who die living on a 3rd dimensional planet?  We are already acutely familiar with being a mortal who dies.  What does it mean to be a god, a child of the Most High?

A god is one who recognizes that he/she is a sovereign being.  A sovereign being does not need a religious creed, the Ten Commandments, or a national constitution to tell her/him what to believe and how to behave.  A sovereign being does not base life on a set of intellectually created beliefs; instead, a sovereign being knows Truth because she/he recognizes Jesus’ teaching:  “The Kingdom of God is within you.”  [ii]  A sovereign being knows that all knowledge resides within as the Most High

Jesus taught:  “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.  For whoever asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door is opened.”  [iii]  A sovereign being knows to listen to the heart, to listen to the intuitive or higher mind.  Go within … sit in the glorious sanctuary of the kingdom of God.  The Source of All Knowledge is within … the sovereign being understands this.  It is this comprehension of Truth that enables the sovereign being to stand alone, independent from the mortals who die.

The sovereign being knows that God is Absolute, Unconditional Love and that Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Cosmos.

The sovereign being knows that Love is All That Is because God is All That Is.  There is no place on the 5th dimension for hatred, discrimination, separation, competition, war, deprivation of any kind, pain, or illness.  There will be no need for healthcare … no need for a military or military equipment … no need for money … no need for jobs.  There will be no place for patriotism to a single nation … no crime.  As Gaia and those inhabitants who so choose ascend to the 5th dimension, all negative energy will be remain within a 3rd dimensional location.  Like attracts Like.  There is no dissonance on the 5th dimension.

Here is where the 2012 American elections enter.

December 21, 2012 marks the end of a variety of cycles of evolution.  Humanity is on the threshold of a major evolutionary leap in consciousness that will result in a total revamping of life as we know it.  2012 marks the end of Gaia’s sojourn on the plane of duality … of allowing her inhabitants to learn through a knowledge of good and evil.  Those who choose to ascend with Gaia will realize that we have lived thousands of years within an illusion.  Duality is an illusion; God is only Love, only Good, only Joy.  What we have known as evil has been an illusion that all of our thought power combined created and fed with fear until it became extremely powerful and made it almost impossible to free ourselves.

That’s why our galactic family is now with us—to assist, as Earth humans throw off the chains of living as mortals that die and learn to integrate the characteristics of a god, a child of the Most High.  As Jesus taught:  “And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.” [iv]

The Apostle Paul described the full consciousness that is about to become ours as we make this evolutionary leap.  “Love never fails; but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part.  But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is imperfect shall come to an end.  When I was a child, I spoke as a child.  I understood as a child, I thought like a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.  For now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face.  Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.  And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is

love.” [v]

 A sovereign being recognizes that at this moment in time, we know only in part.  It is for this reason that it is imperative that we go within … that we listen to our heart … that we listen to our Intuitive or Higher Self.

According to numerous messages from our Galactic Family, President Obama has been trained to assist humanity in making this transition to 5th dimensional living and consciousness.  The Divine Plan for Gaia and her inhabitants is that the period of living on the 3rd dimension is to come to an end.  Those who so desire may move on to another 3rd dimensional planet.  Gaia will no longer be home to the plane of duality.

The resistance to allowing humanity to ascend has been fierce on the part of the princes of this world, or the dark cabal.  The mortals who die awakening and ascending to 5th dimensional consciousness entails total defeat for the princes.  A multitude of cover-ups which have ensured that the princes retain their power and satisfy their greed, will topple their reign once exposed.  It is for this reason that the princes of this world  have fought President Obama at every turn—threatening his life and those of his family on numerous occasions.

President Obama has had to play the role of a double agent in order to comply with the Divine Plan that he lead America during this time of transition.  He has had the difficult task of being double agent as he campaigned for re-election and as he took part in the debates.  He has had to stand tall amidst the most ferocious attacks ever made upon a President of the United States, with the exception of President John Kennedy who was killed when he planned to announce the truth about some of the cover-ups protecting the princes and keeping the mortals who die enslaved.

According to our Galactic Family, Ascended Masters, and many within the heavenly host, Obama is fully aware of the major changes about to take place; yet cannot at this stage allow that fact to be known.  Instead, he is having to speak and act as if life on 3rd dimension will continue as it has for thousands of years.

What does the 2012 elections have to do with mortals that die becoming gods, children of the Most High? 

The election scenario provides a final exam for mortals who die.  It is our opportunity to become sovereign beings by stepping aside and behaving as gods, children of the Most High.  It is our opportunity to discern the Divine Plan for Gaia and her inhabitants … to intuit God’s Plan for this major shift to the 5th dimension.

It is our opportunity to sit within the inner sanctuary of the Kingdom of God—our heart—and seek truth.  Ask:  Is our world as it presently appears the best God can do?  OR, would a God of Absolute Love have a Divine Plan for his children—who now know in part—to ascend and to know as we are known?

The 2012 elections offer us—the mortals who die—the opportunity to progress on our pathway to ascension by intuiting our role in the unfolding of the Divine Plan for this time of transition.  These elections are not about competition, ideology, or personal preference.  They are about all of us realizing that we are to play a role in assisting our Galactic Family to create a galactic society on Gaia … they are about Gaia once more taking her place within the galaxy as an ascended planet. 

Can we seek truth and find it via our Intuitive Mind?  Can we set aside all indoctrinations, ideologies, and prejudices and seek the Way of the Divine Plan for Gaia and those mortals who die to ascend into gods, children of the Most High?

Are we willing to say, “Thy Will, not mine, be done on Gaia as it is in Heaven.”  And then, vote in accordance with the guidance of Our Higher Self?  Can we discern a Divine Plan within the 2012 Elections and vote accordingly?


[i]   Edgar Cayce readings 364-7 and 364-8, quoted by Glenn Sanderfur in Lives of the Master:  The Rest of the Jesus Story, pages 117-118.

[ii]   Luke 17:21 translated by George M. Lamsa from the Armaic of the Peshitta.

 [iii]   Matthew 7:7-8 tranlated by Lamsa

 [iv]   John 8:32 translated by Lamsa.

[v]   I Corinthians 13:8-13 translated by Lamsa.