Channeled from Saul by John Smallman

You are each exactly where you are meant to be in every moment.

You can only Love God by loving yourselves! 10/12/2016 by John Smallman

You can only Love God by loving yourselves!

None of those inner anxieties or doubts about yourselves are in any way valid.

None of those inner anxieties or doubts about yourselves are in any way valid.


Be Love by living lovingly regardless of what arises.

Be Love by living lovingly regardless of what arises.


05/15/2016 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Sunday May 15th
Do you sometimes wonder: “What on earth am I on Earth for, what is my purpose, if any?” Well, you are on Earth because you chose to be here to hold the energy field of Love. To strengthen and intensify the Tsunami of Love by your compassionate intent to offer comfort to all in pain, and by your intent to be a powerful healing field for all who are suffering through injury, illness, or emotional distress. Just by being You you are having an enormously positive effect on humanity’s awakening process. Just by your presence you are helping humanity to achieve its collective intent to awaken from the dark nightmare in which it has been immersed for so long. No one but you can do this, and you are highly honored in the spiritual realms where the effects of your presence on Earth at this time are clearly, in fact, brilliantly visible.

Your presence on Earth at this point in the collective awakening process is absolutely essential to its divinely assured success. You truly have no idea of the power that your loving intent carries or how it effects everyone with whom you interact in any way at all, from your warm smile offered to the cashier at the store to the loving kindness with which you assist someone who is feeling lost, hurt, or alone. The Love that you so willingly share and extend is healing the world. Do not underestimate your importance as an influential and loving presence in the midst of the chaos and confusion that is disturbing and unsettling so many of those who, like you, are on Earth to assist in the awakening process.

Many of you grew up attempting to please and satisfy your parents, caregivers, and teachers, because only when you pleased these others did they offer you love and acceptance. You learned to dishonor or disparage yourselves in order not to displease others whose love and acceptance you desperately wanted. You grew up experiencing separation and disempowerment! Of course everyone who chooses to experience the illusion as a human has chosen to experience separation, and because doing that is so painful those experienced feelings have to be very deeply buried if you are to survive your childhood.

Now the awakening process is causing those deeply buried feelings and emotions to break into your awareness so that you can release them and forgive those who caused them. It helps to remind yourselves that people who hurt others intentionally are, themselves, experiencing intense inner pain that they have yet to acknowledge. When you acknowledge and feel the suffering that lies hidden and buried within you, instead of hiding from it or dismissing it, you can comfort your inner child who is still feeling that hurt, and bring healing to her, to yourselves, and to all on the planet, anywhere, who are suffering. Then you can truly forgive those who have hurt you because your compassion flows through you freely and abundantly when you comfort and heal your inner child.

As you well know, your true nature is Love because you are One with God from Whom you have never been separated. But, as humans, you have felt an intense need to hide that nature because it seems that you are enveloped in an environment that does not and cannot recognize it, an environment that constantly offers threats and fear. However, demonstrating Love by living lovingly strengthens you and strengthens those with whom you interact. Love is powerful! There is nothing more powerful, so be Yourselves . . . always. Be Love by living lovingly regardless of what arises. Doing so is your path and your task, although to love is hardly a task, it is a delight.

You are a human on Earth at this moment because you chose to be here now. You are in the process of awakening yourself from the dream in which it seems that you have forgotten who you are, and you are also assisting many, many others to rediscover themselves, to remember that they, like you, are never alone, but are always One with Source. Because you have the courage to drop your egoic masks and be yourselves in the company of anyone at all, others then find that they, too, can indeed be themselves, and so the collective awakening unfolds.

When you go within daily, no matter what your practice, religious persuasion, or philosophy for living on Earth as a human happens to be, you expand and intensify the Tsunami of Love that is flowing gloriously and powerfully all across the world. All are One with Source, and yet there are infinite individual energy fields, not at all separated but intermingling, that present themselves in infinite but very different creative and harmonious ways, for the delight and enjoyment of all.

Part of the confusion and fear that humans experience arises because they see differences as threats and possible dangers that need to be avoided or defended against instead of as opportunities for creative engagement. And those who would maintain the status quo, the established system that enslaves the majority for the benefit of a tiny, self-appointed elite, encourage that fear in order to maintain control over you.

But the Tsunami of Love is dissolving fear as more and more of humanity chooses to engage with It and experience the knowing that It is Reality. Fear, on the other hand, is unreal, it is just an imaginary state with which the illusion, through your egos, presents you to attract your attention and distract you from remembering that you are eternally One with God. It is essential that you go within daily, therefore, to remind yourselves of your true nature, and to open your hearts to the Love that resides there and that waits patiently to embrace you when you allow It to do so.

You are all Love incarnate, but have lost sight of this eternal truth because of the veil or cloak that you collectively chose to place between yourselves and Reality. That veil or cloak is also illusory, and to disperse it all you have to do is choose and then intend to discard the egoic masks you present to yourselves and to the world in order to disguise your sense of inadequacy or even worthlessness.

Your worth is infinite, utterly beyond any value you could place upon it because God has already valued You as beyond price. There is no other possibility because You are Real, One eternally with your Creator. Come out from your hiding places behind the flimsy masks you have made and be seen as the divine and wondrous loving beings that you truly are. That is how you will best help humanity to awaken, because those with whom you interact will recognize themselves in you as you mirror back to them their divine perfection.

With so very much love, Saul.

It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas and beliefs that have led you consistently into conflict.

It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas and beliefs that have led you consistently into conflict.


 05/08/2016 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Sunday May 8th

It is humanity’s collective intent to awaken and, as all are One with Source Whose intent it also is, awakening is inevitable. You are on the path to awakening, you always have been, and you will continue on it until awakening occurs. There is nothing to fear, you cannot miss your moment of awakening because you have made that irreversible decision to return Home. To awaken is to find yourself once again at One with God, eternally in the divine Presence from Which you have never been separated; eternally held in God’s loving Embrace that is ALL. The ALL is ALL-embracing, there is no beyond It, outside It, without It, no exclusion from It. It is God and You engaged in an eternal and ecstatic embrace, eternally inseparable, and eternally desirous of continuing in this state, and so You will.

All the spiritual channels keep reconfirming for you the imminence of humanity’s awakening, and yet many of you keep allowing yourselves to be drawn back into doubt by the negativity of the illusion as you are continually reminded by the media of the wars, suffering, unconscionable poverty, and unconscionable corruption that is occurring worldwide. Yes, there is an enormous amount of suffering across the world, but unless you feel intuitively called to physically assist in alleviating it by working with charities, or by going to areas that you have access to where you can personally help, or in some other appropriately active fashion, then do not dwell on the suffering. Instead intend to send love, compassion, and healing to any areas that particularly concern you, or even to the whole world, and truly know that your powerfully held intentions are extremely effective. Then rejoice in the knowing that all manner of things will be well.

The awakening process is moving forward unstoppably because humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, and is firmly holding the intent to do so. As humans it is almost impossible for you to understand how powerful your loving intentions are. I assure you that they are infinitely so. However, bad or unsettling news can distract you, causing you to focus your attention elsewhere, thus reducing the effectiveness of what should be and needs to be your main intention in life, namely to send love to wherever it is needed in every moment. When you wake in the morning, when you meditate, relax, contemplate, or pray, during the day, and again before you go to sleep at night renew that main intention, and know, truly know, that it is infinitely effective because it is in complete alignment with God’s Will.

On Earth, as humans, you appear to be living in an environment that is demonstratively unloving, an environment in which individual and corporate greed is relentlessly rewarded, while those who are loving and live lovingly, with love in their hearts empowering them in every moment, are ridden over roughshod, ignored, sidelined. However, the love that so many express is infinitely powerful, and it is changing the world. Do not be misled by the stories reported in the corporate media, those are stories whose intent is to mislead you and to arouse your fears so that you will continue to give away your power – which truly is enormous – to the authorities who claim to be acting in their citizen’s best interests.

You are divine beings on Earth at this time to share and extend love to everyone without exception. More and more of you are realizing this daily and are releasing your fears as you engage lovingly with all with whom you interact in even the briefest of encounters or interchanges, and that is what is bringing humanity to awakening. Do not allow your doubts or fears to influence your behavior negatively, instead remind yourselves that you are the infinitely powerful children of God, on Earth in this moment to heal and awaken your sleeping brothers and sisters. Truly that is what you are doing.

Without your input, without your loving intent, humanity cannot awaken. That is why you are presently embodied. You all made the magnificent choice to be catalysts in humanity’s accelerating awakening process, and although you mostly are unable to see what an enormous effect you are having, I can assure you that your intentions are dramatically effective.

The reason that the various uplifting spiritual channels keep on reiterating the need for you to renew your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation is because, due to the impermanent nature of the illusory world in which you are experiencing all of this, you keep getting distracted or diverted from your holy task by the daily demands of earthly living. Our task is to keep bringing your attention back to the knowledge of who you truly are so that Love, your true nature, flows through you continuously and abundantly just as you intended when you chose to incarnate. Together we are doing this.

No one acts alone. No one can act alone. Everyone on earth is acting in harmony with many others as divine activists to bring this stage in the divine plan for humanity to its successful conclusion – the awakening of humanity. Although it appears to be something that is to happen in the future, it is in fact a done deal that has already occurred, it is just that the veil hiding Reality from you is also hiding from you the fact of your awakening. What you are all doing is dissolving or dematerializing the veil. As it disintegrates Reality, Love, God will be revealed in all the splendid glory that is All that exists, and of which each and everyone of you is an inseparable aspect, a brilliantly shining facet.

Keep on loving! That is why you chose to incarnate, and you are all masters of loving. When doubts as to your abilities, competence, or effectiveness arise . . . Love those doubts! As you know perfectly well, Love is the answer to every issue with which you are presented or with which you have to deal. And your own personal doubts and anxieties are issues that need only to be loved.

There are very few among you who have not comforted small children when they have hurt themselves, and have then witnessed the amazing effect that comforting can have. Your doubts and worries are like small children within you that need your loving care and attention, they do not need self-condemnation or disparagement which only aggravates them. If there are aspects of yourselves that you feel are unworthy or unacceptable just acknowledge them without trying to change or eradicate them. By just acknowledging them and nothing more you prevent internal conflict from arising, and it is your internal conflicts that cling to that which you would like to release.

All the wise mystics and sages have told you again and again that the way forward on the spiritual path is through surrender. Conflict always leads to further conflict while Love dissolves conflict. You are Love, there is nothing else. What appears to be in opposition to It is illusory. If you bat a ball against a wall it keeps returning, if the wall is removed the ball fails to return. Conflict is like a ball hit against wall, and surrendering to Love removes the wall.

Humanity has, over the eons, built numerous psychological barriers between its families, tribes, nations, cultures, and religions, and they have all led inexorably toward conflict. Now, finally, many loving and wise ones among you are helping to remove those unreal barriers and showing you that they are unnecessary. As the barriers fall people begin to examine and study the differences between themselves and others and discover that there is much to be honored and admired. Truly, all are one, and the differences that have seemingly separated you, one from another, are but wonderful creative opportunities you can use for healing, reconciliation, and harmonious interactions that will bring joy to all.

As you intensify your determination to express and demonstrate love in action in every moment you are waking humanity from its eons long nightmare of fear, pain, and suffering. It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas and beliefs that have led you consistently into conflict. Your true nature is Love, and when you embrace It and engage with It you heal yourselves and you heal the world. Focus on the acceptance of your true nature, let go of any doubts you may have about your worthiness, and know that there is nothing for which God ever condemns any of His beloved children. In that knowing, which you can access by going to your holy inner sanctuaries and opening your hearts to receive what is offered to you constantly in every moment, rejoice. God’s Love for you is infinite, eternal, and unchanging, and that is the perfect reason to rejoice!

With so very much love, Saul.


Everyone has “stuff” buried or denied that is arising.

Everyone has “stuff” buried or denied that is arising.


04/27/2016 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday April 27th

The sense of humanity’s Oneness is arising in millions of people all across the planet, and as it does so it is then being sensed by millions more. The collective intent to awaken is stirring humanity and there is no going back! Your awakening is inevitable and imminent. News of worldwide suffering and deprivation, regardless of the cause or reason for these unhappy situations, is inspiring compassion on a scale never before seen on Earth. The Tsunami of Love continues to grow and intensify because so many are intending to be loving in every moment of their lives. The power of your intent is amazing, and soon you will become aware of that power in each of your individual lives as you continue to open your hearts to the divine field of Love that embraces you constantly.

The Light that you Light bearers, Light holders, and Light workers are displaying by your living examples of Love in action through your compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, and lack of judgment grows brighter daily. Yes, most of you fail at times, falling back into fear and egoic behaviors, but your intent to be loving remains and is quickly reestablished as you see what has occurred and forgive yourselves. Self-forgiveness is essential because it clears the negative emotional energies that judgment and self-judgment arouses.

As those in the spiritual realms keep reminding you – Love is all-encompassing, there is no judgment, only unconditional acceptance. The human condition is demanding, God is not! You are all on paths of learning that you planned before you incarnated, and so you are bound to make errors, that is how you learn. The important point here is to admit your errors, where possible correct them and make amends to anyone you know you have intentionally offended, and then move on. Often it seems that people are choosing to hurt and offend one another, when in fact they are frequently unaware that their behavior is offensive. Political correctness is a fear based concept that is often used to hurt or damage someone else when a person refuses to acknowledge their own issues of lack of self-worth, a very intense and painful state.

To be offended is a choice a person has to make. You are all the perfect children of God, so if you feel that someone has offended you you are choosing to see yourself as less than perfect and accepting that other’s judgment of you. Why would you do that? Only you know your motives and intentions, and another’s opinion of you is just that, an opinion, an opinion based on misinformation and a lack of knowledge. Do not take offense, instead recognize that the one who is attempting to offend you is in fact crying out for love and acceptance. Respond gently, without anger, and allow the negative energy of the moment to dissipate.

Because of the intense pain so many experienced in their formative years as humans, it became necessary for them to very quickly deny or bury that pain in order to survive. But “stuff” buried or denied festers and grows like a physical infection, and if not allowed to resurface, be reacknowleged, and then offered comfort will lead to more serious physical or psychological damage.

Everyone has“stuff” buried or denied that is arising, often seemingly uninvited, at this point in humanity’s awakening process to be acknowledged and released. So acknowledge what is asking to arise, make space for it to do so, and let it flow through you, like grief. It cannot be rushed, but attempting to understand or recall its origins stops the flow and traps you in a seemingly endless loop of re-experiencing it.

The pain that arises can be very intense, rather like the pain of a very bad burn, and may cause you to howl, scream, and even writhe in agony. Allowing that flow of emotions is the process of release. So allow. Stopping the flow because it is painful or embarrassing will not work.

It is as though you had within you a container filled with ancient pain and suffering – and that container is your heart! You have to allow it all to drain out through your experiencing of it, and when it has you will indeed feel drained and exhausted. But now there is room for Love to fill and heal that empty space within you. Until it is released, allowed to flow through, you have effectively built and are maintaining a defense system that retains the pain and locks out Love.

When you choose to enter the process of releasing all this gunk – and even if it seems to be arising unbidden, it means that at a deeper level you have chosen to allow this release to occur – it can be extremely helpful to have with you a loving and intimate friend whom you trust implicitly, to hold you close and offer the comfort you did not receive when the pain originally occurred. It will also be cathartic for the friend because this kind of release will also be healing for her and for humanity. Remember, you are never alone, there is no separation, and to share the release you are undergoing is a loving exchange that heals you both, along with humanity.

As you well know, you are on Earth at this time to assist in humanity’s awakening process, and releasing the buried pain and suffering – humanity’s vast lake of trauma – is an essential part of the process. All over the world locked hearts filled with pain are crying out for Love but are unable to accept It. There are few among you who do not know someone who is so closed down in fear, guilt, anger, and pain that they will allow no one to approach them, no one to comfort them, and who present an impenetrable barrier to the world around them.

This barrier is what you are all helping to dissolve as you make your daily intent to be loving in every situation. Only you can do it. The Love that each one of you has burning within you, and that you have chosen to share so generously, is powerful way beyond your ability to conceive of. If you connect with someone who appears offensive, angry, or unapproachable, intend immediately to send them Love and know that healing has started for them in that moment.

You are indeed divine beings of unassailable Love and Compassion who have willingly chosen an Earth life at this time to assist in the awakening process, and that amazingly altruistic choice you made, knowing how difficult and painful your path would be, is most highly honored here in the spiritual realms, as you will discover when you return Home to hero’s welcomes.

With so very much love, Saul.


You are always completely supported by your divine Source.

You are always completely supported by your divine Source.

John-Smallman-new-head-shot04/04/2016 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday April 5th
The breakthrough leading to humanity’s awakening has occurred! The tipping point has been reached and the balance has now moved irreversibly in favor of your awakening. You have been waiting eons for this moment, the moment when the collective realizes that dissension, confrontation, and conflict will never resolve the issues that appear to divide you. You are all one, with differences in race, culture, creed, and skin color that are reason for celebration, not judgment. All sentient life forms, including humanity, are divine beings, children of God, created perfect, created in Love, and whom God honors as He honors Himself.

The animosity that has grown up over the eons between the various human races and creeds must end. It is insane to oppose and fight with your divine brothers and sisters. You only do this because you cannot see that you are all one. The illusion has spread a veil or a cloak of concealment between Reality, where you know you are One, and your seemingly separated human selves, where it appears that you are not. That veil or cloak is now dissolving as the Tsunami of Love bathes all those in conflict in Its irresistibly soothing balm.

Awareness of the futility of maintaining animosities between groups who are different in any way is growing exponentially, partially as a result of the vastly improved methods of communications that modern technology has made available to you all wherever you may be situated on the planet. You are seeing that differences of race, creed, color, or culture, in fact differences of any kind that you perceive are no reason for defining others as enemies as you mix and mingle with one another worldwide and discover that your desires and needs are almost identical. The Tsunami is bringing into your awareness the knowing that Love’s purpose is to unite you, and demonstrating, as races and creeds intermix and intermarry, that it truly works. By cooperating harmoniously together all of humanity’s needs, anywhere in the world, can easily be quickly and abundantly fulfilled.

Love is your nature, Love is infinitely abundant, and It is never in short supply. When you are not experiencing Love – peace, contentment, self-acceptance, and acceptance of what arises – it is because you have chosen to block or deny It. God is Love, in which all of creation is lovingly enfolded, but you are free, because Love never binds or demands, to close down your awareness of It. Why would you do this you may ask yourselves? Well, the illusion, which appears to be totally real to you as a human, and into which you were born, constantly provides experiences of separation, an unreal state, which are terrifying. Experiences that threaten your wellbeing and even your life.

So, over the eons, you have learnt that trust can be betrayed, and that when it is the results are frequently extremely painful. And, within the illusion, you have all at times had your trust betrayed, causing you extreme pain. Therefore you built defenses against one another, the masks you wear in public, in order to hide the gentleness and tenderness of your hearts, where your true nature dwells, and which seem so vulnerable.

But your vulnerability can only be used against you when you shut out Love. That must seem like a paradox, but many have, even in the most extreme circumstances, refused to be unloving and have discovered that their very vulnerability is an immense source of strength and through it have found peace within regardless of the circumstances without.

You are always completely supported by your divine Source in which you have your constant and eternal existence. You only have to take the first step toward being loving in every situation, toward opening your hearts in Love, for the strength you need to be true to your divine nature, even as a human within the illusion, to sweep through you, inspiring and uplifting you so that you know that you are Love, One with your Source, and that you can therefore deal with anything that arises. All you need do is trust in God, truly trust in the certain knowledge that all that befalls you is always in your own best interests.

If you resist what arises, and humans frequently do, if you fight the circumstances that appear to be against your best interests, any suffering you are undergoing will intensify. As humans you have been taught that it is essential to fight for your rights, but doing so is to continue to take part in the games within the illusion that have brought you so much suffering throughout the eons. This is a very difficult concept for you to accept, however, in desperation, because nothing else is working, many are now surrendering in the moment to what occurs and finding peace arising within them. It appears to be an extremely counterintuitive path to take, but it does work.

Just remember that you have only to take that first step and then the power of Heaven will uplift and empower you. Those who who take that first step, and do not then step back, are amazed at the transformation as they find themselves able to carry on against what, to others, appear to be insuperable odds. Truly God is with you in the most intimate and personal fashion in every moment of your eternal existence if you will only open your hearts to receive Him.

And how do you do that? By going daily to your holy inner sanctuary with the firm intent to open your hearts and allow God’s Love to refresh, strengthen, and inspire you.

With so very much love, Saul.


Love always forgives errors. 02/07/2016 by John Smallman

Love always forgives errors.

02/07/2016 by John Smallman


Saul Audio Blog for Sunday February 7th

Humanity is at the tipping point.  That is the point at which the balance between negative and positive, or more realistically between fear and Love, reverses.  For eons humanity has lived in fear which is effectively a screen of egoic self-fascination that blocks the Light of Love.  Love is the infinite energy field of creation in which everything ever created or to be created has its eternal existence, there is nowhere else!  Fear is just a veil that you have hung between you and that infinite Light, placing yourselves in shadow.  To be in the shadow is fearful because the Light is God, Life, and His loving embrace without which nothing can exist even for a moment.  When you are in fear, in the shade, in the dark, you imagine monsters that might attack and kill you, and your imagination is very powerful.  You believe in the darkness, the lack of Light, even though it is unreal, and so you build defenses to protect yourselves, thus adding to the darkness and to your sense of fear.

Separating yourselves from Source meant slipping beneath the imaginary veil and losing sight of Reality.  Since that moment you have been trying to find your way back.  But you felt guilty for separating from Source and feared that you would not be permitted to return.  You then established many authoritarian bodies which concocted numerous rituals to placate and appease God Who you believed you had most seriously offended.

But God is Love and Love cannot be offended.  Love gives of Itself limitlessly, eternally, and unconditionally, that is Its nature, and because you are also Love – remember, That is all there is! – so do you.  However the veil has hidden the Truth, the Light, the Love that is God from you.  And because you yourselves caused the apparent separation from your Source you are filled with guilt and fear.

God knew that would happen when you chose to experience separation from Him, and so instantly He provided the way Home.  The way Home is your unbreakable connection to God through the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is the quiet inner voice, the intuitive sense that makes wise counseling suggestions to you when you are quiet and open to them, suggestions about how to deal with issues that concern you or loved ones, or even how to respond appropriately to someone during a conversation.

The Holy Spirit is always with you ready to offer guidance.  However, you often disregard or dismiss the suggestions you receive from Him because they do not align with those that your egos offer, which often appear more attractive in the moment because it seems that they will bring you personal benefits – for instance, the satisfaction derived from making someone wrong or winning an argument – but later you may regret making that choice when you find it has caused damage to a relationship.

The Holy Spirit always counsels you to love, to accept, and to forgive others whatever the situation, because all are One and what you do to others you are doing to yourselves.  If you feel loved, accepted, and forgiven it makes you happy.  God’s Will for you is eternal happiness, and the Holy Spirit is your personal communication with Him.  His counsel always guides you toward peace and happiness, but your egos enjoy conflicts and so direct you towards them.  If you follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance it will bring you peace and contentment, if you follow the ego’s guidance stress, fear, and disappointment arise.

Frequently, you follow the ego’s guidance because you feel less than adequate, of little significance, or fearful, feelings the ego heartily encourages, and you think that “standing up for yourselves” by attacking others or by defending yourselves against them is something your honor demands.

Truly, another’s opinion of you is meaningless.  What matters are your own honest opinions of yourselves in which you admit to your faults and errors as well as to your kindness and generosity.  Then, having looked at yourselves fairly and honestly, completely forgive yourselves for any thoughts, words, or actions that you have taken that you judge to have been unloving.  As a human it is impossible for you not to make mistakes.  It is through the mistakes that you make that you learn and grow spiritually.

Most human cultures frequently make children wrong instead of lovingly showing them that they have made mistakes and then showing them how to correct them.  As a result you grow up in fear of making mistakes, but you nevertheless continue to make them and then attempt to disown them or blame them on others.  (You see small children doing this frequently!) This is very stressful.

Now, as adults, you are in a position to reflect on your lives so far, and in doing so you can see that yes, you were unfairly treated but so was everyone else, especially including your parents and elders and betters!  Realizing that you can see the inevitability of a person’s need to blame and shame others in order to distract him from awareness of his own shameful mistakes by disowning them, or projecting them on to others.

Seeing that everyone is struggling with similar issues of self-worth and self-esteem you can start to forgive, first yourselves, then others.  When you truly forgive an error, as opposed to making a reluctant acceptance of it while still placing blame, you will find yourselves feeling more at peace and less driven to judge or blame either yourselves or others.  Then awareness will arise that you enjoy letting go of judgment and blame, because loving and forgiving brings you satisfaction and self-acceptance that is not disturbed even when you make mistakes, and you find that you can forgive yourselves immediately.

It is amazingly freeing to admit to yourselves that you have made mistakes, because denying or justifying them takes enormous amounts of your energy, leaving you drained, depressed, and experiencing a powerful lack of self-worth.  There is also great fear that your mistakes will be discovered – it probably happened frequently during your childhood – and you will be shamed.  Any attempt to shame someone, even if satisfying in the moment, will return to haunt you either when you yourselves are shamed, or through guilt when you realize, as eventually you will, how unloving it is.

If someone errs and it really matters to you then gently and quietly draw it to his attention and if possible offer to assist him in correcting it.  That is loving behavior that can turn enemies into friends, and it will bring you a well-earned awareness of your own good and loving nature.  Awareness of your own natural goodness provides you with fresh energy and the motivation to continue operating from your divine center where goodness resides.

You each have the power to change the world by changing yourselves, and many are now doing this by making the daily intention to be only loving.  Sometimes they fail, but quickly they realize and renew their intent, as they forgive themselves for any momentary failures.

The main lessons that are presented to you throughout your earthly lives are that mistakes are made and need to be forgiven.  If you choose not to forgive you will become eaten up with resentment and bitterness, then it will appear to you that you are being treated unfairly and so you will tend to lash out at others which will further intensify those feelings.

Love always forgives errors, in fact It overlooks them because they are unreal, just part of the illusion.  Only Love is Real!   And in that divine Truth you should rejoice!  Only Love is Real, you are each Love – presently incarnate on Earth as humans – and Love is infinitely Self-loving.  It is God, the Source, eternally loving Its Creation, that is Itself and every one of you without exception.

With so very much love, Saul.


All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished.

All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished.

01/19/2016 by John Smallman


Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday Janaury 19th

Humanity’s moment of awakening is very close.  So much information has been revealed by alternate sources about corruption in high places that the mainstream media is having to take note and start at least acknowledging the fact that enormous changes are occurring on the international political front as well as reporting on some of the corruption in the international corporate world.

The world is an illusory place, nevertheless, human activities within it have been the cause of much pain and suffering over the eons as small but powerful cliques have done their utmost to control and use humanity at large for their various nefarious self-centered agendas, which they have always insisted are for the greater good of humanity.  And for eons humanity has effectively been enslaved by these powerful and corrupt elites.  Now, as their secretive real intentions are being revealed by whistle blowers all across the planet, and are being reported on alternate but honest Internet news sites, their power and influence is collapsing.  The forces of corruption can only work when they are hidden from view.  As they are revealed in all their knavery their power dissolves as those who supported them flee in disarray.

The times of depravation are finished as the nightmares they spawned dissolve in the Light that so many are now shining into the darkest of places.  Every human is, at the deep and eternal center of their being, a being of Light, of Love, regardless of the mask or unreal front they present to the world by means of their human nature, their egoic nature, the personality they display to the illusory world in which they are engaged as players in an unfolding drama of separation.

That drama is just that, a drama, a spectacle of unreal events and relationships, whose sole purpose is to distract from Reality, your Oneness with our divine Creator.  In the drama it seems that a few of you are powerful independent beings attempting destroy each other as you struggle to build an impregnable power base from which to rule that illusory world.  And, as your history shows all too clearly, those power bases always collapse under the burden of betrayal and dishonesty that is intended to support them.

Love is eternal, anything that is not in total harmony and alignment with Love is illusory and cannot last.  Humanity has at last collectively realized this, and as a direct result of this realization you are, collectively, choosing to engage with Love and by so doing changing the world.  Peace to engage with your individual creative abilities and thus bring yourselves truly to life is what the vast majority want.  They are tired of being enslaved by debt with the resultant need to work for someone else in order to earn a living to support their families and pay off those debts.

All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished, and if it was only a very small minority of shamefully wealthy ones would lose out – that is lose out as understood by the present global economic system – but only by an insignificant amount.  They would remain very wealthy and would lack for nothing.  All that they would actually lose would be their status as powerful, influential, and prestigious individuals to whom all others were encouraged to kowtow.  The very aspects of their nature that they value most highly and which have always bred corruption and deceit leading consistently to conflict, war, and suffering for humanity at large.

There are now many bright, intelligent, and influential people in the world who know this, and who are using their skills to bring about worldwide debt forgiveness.  People who realize that the only halcyon way forward for humanity is through harmonious and tenderhearted cooperation.  Presently the possibility of such a major change to global economics is not widely discussed even in the alternate news media, but it will occur as part of humanity’s ongoing awakening process.

The old order, which has for eons striven to contain and restrain humanity by enslaving it in debt, is collapsing.  Its last dying efforts to hold on to power will not be successful.  Its time is past.  Signs of its imminent death are evident in the ongoing virulent international disagreements about resolving the presently overwhelming global problems apparently facing the world – of conflict, economic disparity, and poverty, and of dealing with the masses of refugees fleeing the areas where these inhumane and unacceptable living conditions prevail.

All these problems can and will be resolved because the will to do so has been collectively established.  Humanity is extremely fatigued and is no longer prepared to put up with the degrading and inhuman ways in which a small minority of arrogant bullies has been treating the good, ordinary, and hard-working citizens of Planet Earth.

The New Age has arrived, and uplifting evidence of this is appearing in many places, as Light workers and Light bearers continue to hold the intent to be loving in every moment.  When you hold this intent your individual energy fields expand enormously and the effect is felt worldwide.  You are changing the world simply by changing yourselves as you release grievances and engage with acceptance and forgiveness of one another through the Power of Love that is your eternal nature.

Your eternal nature is changeless because it is perfect, created perfect by God.  Within the illusion you have all played games of power and betrayal, and the remnants of the attitudes you embraced while playing those games are now coming up for recognition and release.  Many of you are finding this painful because you had buried aspects of yourselves that you despised deep within your subconscious, and these shadow aspects do not sit well with your loving intentions.  It can indeed be shocking to find unexpected emotions of bitterness, hatred, and resentment coming to the surface of your awareness.

The illusion is an arena of duality – good versus evil – and so it seems that you all have a good side and a bad side.  In fact, to play the game of separation, you just split yourselves into two and engaged with the self that was most appropriate for the part you were playing.  However, neither of these sides are as they appear – complete and independent – they are each essential parts of the other, and for separation and the illusion to dissolve these two parts have to be reintegrated.

What you are doing, as you keep making and holding the intent to be loving in every moment, is allowing yourselves to see and acknowledge these two sides of your nature without judgment so that they may cease fighting each other and come together in perfect harmony making you One once more.  Do not be alarmed by your feelings and emotions however strange, unsettling, or frightening they may seem.  Just let them flow through your minds as you observe them without acting on them or engaging with them.  They are unreal, although you can and have made them seem very real by identifying with them.  They are not you.  As you just watch them flow you can see this, and you will find great peace in not engaging or identifying with them.  Instead you will once more see who you truly are, an unchangeable divine being at one with Source.

With so very much love, Saul.


You will never be refused or rejected. 12/28/2015 by John Smallman

You will never be refused or rejected.

12/28/2015 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Monday December @8th

Great events are on the verge of occurring on your beautiful planet because of all your prayers and loving intentions so strongly and constantly held.

Many have been feeling that all the promises that have been made about the birthing of a New Age of Love and abundance for all have been but wishful thinking on the part of channelers.  Channelerswho have just imagined them to be messages from their guides in the spiritual realms, when in fact they have been nothing more than their own intense and individual desires longingly and wistfully visualized.

This is not the case, the messages are indeed valid, and the majority of channelers have been persevering in maintaining their intense desire for the arrival of the New Age of Love and abundance, as have so many others all over the world!  Intense desires maintained and intended by humanity are precisely what bring about manifestation in the physical realms, and the intensity and constancy of those intentions, which have been growing and expanding enormously over the last few years, are about to bear fruit.

Keep holding your desires for peace and abundance for all on Earth in the forefront of your conscious intent and in your hearts as you go within daily to your altars of divine holiness, altars that many among you may not be fully aware reside within each and every one of you, altars each one of you maintains and honors as you give thanks to God for providing for all of your needs.  And also remember to renew your intent frequently throughout the day.

Your every need is provided for, always and eternally, because you are your Father’s beloved children, and He would withhold nothing from you.  Love gives everything freely, and constantly.  Many of you know this because you have given freely and lovingly to parents, partners, and children, and you have enjoyed the intense sense of love you experience as a result of that giving.  What you give is always returned to you abundantly because giving and receiving are synonymous, it is impossible to have one without the other.

However, within the illusory world of dreams and nightmares where you are presently asleep, and which seems so intensely real, you can refuse both to give and to receive.  This happens very frequently for a variety of conflicting reasons, and it very is painful to experience.  Love can be withheld as judgment or as punishment, or out of fear of rejection, and it can be spurned by the one to whom it is offered as inappropriate or unwelcome.  And in situations like those love is hidden while grievance or resentment is offered due to fear of rejection or betrayal.  Fear breeds fear as Love breeds Love, but only Love is Real!

When you let go of fear and intend to offer only unconditional Love your whole energy field expands offering a loving welcome to all.  Some find that threatening and retreat from it, but most respond with pleasure as they relax into an energy field that feels familiar and enticing, as of course it is, because it provides strong memories of the Reality that you left behind when you chose to experience separation.  It offers a sense of safety and acceptance, an inner space that dissolves any doubts or anxieties which normally and automatically erect precautionary defenses against possible but unseen threats or dangers.  In that space trust grows and flourishes.

Trust offered, shared, and honored is an essential prerequisite for the establishment of an environment in which peace can arise.  The continuing intent to be unconditionally loving in all relationships and personal interactions, which is held now by so many on the planet, is allowing such an environment to to come into being and then grow, expand, and become interlinked across the whole world.

Humanity wants peace, and the collective intent to create that state is firmly established.  Whereas the mendacious reporting in which the mainstream news media is actively engaged would have you believe the world is falling into a state of catastrophic conflict leading irrevocably towards further wars and the possible destruction of the planet and all life upon it, in fact the loving intentions held by the vast majority of humans is leading powerfully away from that cataclysmic and unreal end-times scenario.

Humanity’s desire for peace on Earth has become extremely powerful, and as a result the planet’s energy field is shedding negativity – fear, hatred, anxiety, and resentment – as Love flows relentlessly into every corner of the world, calming and comforting all in Its path.  All are in Its path, because the path of Love is the only path.  The seemingly myriad other paths that are not in harmonious alignment with It are quite unreal, and by opening your hearts to Love and allowing Reality to embrace you, you begin to become aware that, as you have been told repeatedly, there is only Love.  As you accept that knowing and engage with it you will find everything to which you were attached that is not in alignment with Love will just fall away – fear, anger, hatred, resentment, and other related feelings, opinions, and perceptions.

As all your guides, mentors, teachers, and elders in the spiritual realms keep on reminding you: Love is the answer to every issue with which life presents you.  All that you need to do is accept It – It surrounds and envelops you in every moment of your eternal existence offering acceptance and guidance – and engage with It.  You will never be refused or rejected.  Remember that God, your infinitely loving Father, has already met all your needs abundantly, all that you have to do is open your hearts to accept what is constantly offered to you, and then relax into that divine warmth.

With so very much love, Saul.